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Acta méd. peru ; 37(1): 48-53, ene.-mar. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1141973


RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de los análogos de GnRH sobre la predicción de talla final adulta en niñas con pubertad precoz central de diagnóstico tardío. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo. Se incluyeron niñas atendidas entre 2012 y 2018 en la Unidad de Endocrinología Pediátrica del Hospital Cayetano Heredia con diagnóstico de pubertad precoz central idiopática de diagnóstico tardío. Se realizó evaluación antropométrica, evaluación de estadío Tanner y determinación de edad ósea con el método de Greulich y Pyle, estimando la predicción de talla final adulta mediante el método de Bayley Pinneau antes y después del tratamiento con análogos de GnRH. Se realizó t de student para comparar la predicción de talla antes y después del tratamiento. Se consideró significativo un p< 0,05. Resultados: se incluyeron 23 niñas con edad cronológica media de 8,4 ± 0,4 años y una edad ósea de 10,7 ± 0,8 años al ingreso. El 83,9% de las pacientes tuvieron exceso de peso y el 74,0% estadio Tanner 3 al diagnóstico. El tiempo promedio de tratamiento con análogos de GnRH fue de 20,5 ± 8,4 meses. El efecto del tratamiento calculado con la diferencia de predicción de talla final adulta menos predicción de talla inicial fue de 2,5 ± 4,1 cm (p<0,01). Conclusión: las niñas con diagnóstico de pubertad precoz central de diagnóstico tardío muestran un discreto beneficio sobre la predicción de talla final adulta, por lo que la terapia a esta edad debe ser individualizada.

ABSTRACT Objective: to assess the effect of GnRH analogues on predicted adult final height in girls with a late diagnosis of central precocious puberty. Material and Methods : this is a descriptive and retrospective study. Girls seen between 2012 and 2018 in the Pediatric Endocrinology Unit of Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia with a late diagnosis of idiopathic precocious central puberty were included. Anthropometric assessments were performed, Tanner stage assessment and bone age determination using the Greulich and Pyle method were performed, and the final adult height was predicted using the Bailey Pinneau method before and after therapy. A Student-t test was used for comparing the height prediction before and after therapy. A p<0.05 value was considered as significant. Results : twenty-three girls with mean chronological age 8.4 ± 0.4 years were included. Their bone age was 10.7 ± 0.8 on admission. Most of the patients (83.9%) were overweight and 74.3% were Tanner 3 at the time of diagnosis. The average time using GnRH analogues therapy was 20.5 ± 8.4 months. The effect of therapy, which was calculated using the prediction difference for the final adult height minus the initial height prediction was 2.5 ± 4.1 cm (p<0.001). Conclusion : girls with a diagnosis of late diagnosis central precocious puberty show a discrete benefit on the prediction of the final adult height, so therapy at this age should be individualized.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 77(supl.1): 1-6, jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249104


Resumen Introducción: La Sociedad Mexicana de Endocrinología Pediátrica presenta recomendaciones para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la pubertad precoz (PP), condición definida como el desarrollo de caracteres sexuales por incremento en la secreción hipofisiaria de gonadotropinas antes de los 8 años en las niñas y de los 9 años en los niños. Métodos: Se realizaron tres revisiones sistemáticas de ensayos clínicos controlados sobre intervenciones para el tratamiento de la PP, pruebas diagnósticas y estudios observacionales sobre efectos a largo plazo de la PP. La evaluación de la calidad de los estudios y la extracción de datos se realizó por pares. La evidencia se graduó con el sistema de la Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) y del Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (OCEBM) para las recomendaciones sobre la intervención y el diagnóstico, respectivamente. Las recomendaciones generadas se sometieron a un consenso por el método Delphi y fueron validadas por otros 143 endocrinólogos pediatras certificados mediante un cuestionario en línea. Resultados: Mediante consenso se generaron 12 recomendaciones para el diagnóstico de PP, siete sobre diagnóstico de causas secundarias de PP, ocho sobre intervenciones para inhibición de la pubertad, cinco sobre otras intervenciones en PP y 14 para la monitorización del tratamiento y el seguimiento de estos pacientes. Se obtuvo más del 90% de aprobación para cada una de las recomendaciones por el grupo de endocrinólogos certificados que respondieron el cuestionario en línea. Conclusiones: Si bien se logró un alto grado de consenso para las recomendaciones para el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y la monitorización de la PP entre los endocrinólogos pediatras, el nivel de evidencia para la mayoría de estas recomendaciones resultó bajo.

Abstract Background: The Mexican Society of Pediatric Endocrinology presents recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of precocious puberty (PP), a condition defined as the development of sexual characteristics due to an increase in pituitary gonadotropin secretion before 8 or 9 years of age in girls and boys, respectively. Methods: Three systematic reviews were conducted: controlled clinical trials on interventions for PP treatment, diagnostic tests, and observational studies on the long-term effects of PP. The quality evaluation and data extraction from the studies were conducted by two independent reviewers. The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network and the Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine systems were used for grading the quality of evidence for recommendations on intervention and diagnosis, respectively. Recommendations were submitted to a consensus by a Delphi method and were validated by another 143 certified pediatric endocrinologists through an online questionnaire. Results: The group generated 12 recommendations on the diagnosis of PP, seven on the diagnosis of secondary causes of PP, eight on interventions for inhibition of puberty, five on other interventions for PP treatment, and 14 for the monitoring and follow-up of these patients. The online questionnaires submitted to certified pediatric endocrinologists showed more than 90% of approval for each one of the recommendations. Conclusions: Although a high degree of consensus for the recommendations for diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of PP among pediatric endocrinologists was achieved, most of these recommendations showed a low level of evidence.

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Puberty, Precocious/therapy , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Pituitary Gland/metabolism , Puberty, Precocious/diagnosis , Delphi Technique , Systematic Reviews as Topic , Gonadotropins/metabolism , Mexico
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-476501


Objective To study the effect on body mass index ( BMI ) caused by treatment with Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs ( GnRHa) in girls with central precocious puberty ( CPP) or early and fast puberty ( EFP ) . Methods The BMI in 318 girls ( 227 CPP and 91 EFP ) treated with GnRHa alone was analyzed. Among them 89 were followed up to their final adult height. Results Before GnRHa treatment was started, thegirlswithCPPandEFPhadameanBMIstandarddeviationscore(SDS)forchronologicalage(BMISDSCA)of0.39 ±0.84andforboneage(BMISDSBA)of-0.11±0.69. Attheendoftreatment,themeanBMISDSCAwas0.59±1.01 and BMISDSBA was 0. 24 ± 0. 89, both were significantly higher than those at initiation. The increment in BMISDSBA (0.38±0.50)wasgreaterthanthatinBMISDSCA(0.21±0.56). Moreover,theratioofoverweight(BMI>85%)was significantly elevated. BMISDSCA of 89 girls who were visited at their final adult height was 0. 17 ± 1. 15, which was similar with BMISDS at initiation and in normal population. Conclusion The mean BMISDSCA of CPP and EFP was significantly higher than the general population, while BMISDSBA was significantly lower. During GnRHa treatment, BMISDS tended to be elevated. But it was reversible, for the mean BMISDS was back to normal at final adult height.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-478747


Objective To assess the effect of early menarche and treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs ( GnRHa ) in girls with central precocious puberty ( CPP ) or early and fast puberty ( EFP ) on menstrual regularity. Methods Six hundred and ten healthy girls were recruited and their menarche age and menstrual cycle were recorded. 169 CPP or EFP girls treated with GnRHa were followed up, and their menarche age and menstrual cycle were also recorded. Results There were 129 girls with irregular menstruation among 610 healthy girls(21. 1%), with 10 in 44 early menarche girls(22. 7%) and 11 in 44 late menarche girls(25. 0%). Compared with normal menarche girls(17. 2%), no significant difference was found in the incidences of irregular menstruation in early and late menarche girls. The incidences of dysmenorrhea were 41. 1% in normal girls and 50. 0% in early menarche girls, without significant difference. There was a higher incidence of irregular menstruation in 113 CPP girls and 56 EFP girls treated with GnRHa compared with healthy girls (31. 4% vs 21. 1%, P0. 05). Fifty-seven cases treated with GnRHa(33. 7%) suffered from dysmenorrhea, and there was no significant difference as compared with healthy girls and girls with early menarche. Conclusion The incidence of irregular menstruation was similar in early menarche girls and normal girls. CPP and EFP girls with GnRHa treatment had a significantly higher incidence of irregular menstruation than normal girls, but no difference was found as compared with girls with early menarche. Early menarche and GnRHa treatment did not affect the incidence of dysmenorrhea.

Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 23(4)out.-dez. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-704943


Com o aumento do diagnóstico de câncer em mulheres jovens e os avanços no seu tratamento, muitas pacientes que poderão ter sua fertilidade comprometida com a quimioterapia têm manifestado desejo de engravidar futuramente. O congelamento de embriões, após fertilização in vitro, para preservar a fertilidade está bem estabelecido. A criopreservação de oócitos por vitrificação evoluiu bastante nos últimos anos, deixando de ser experimental. Até 2009 nasceram mais de 900 crianças a partir de oócitos criopreservados, sem aumento do risco de anomalias congênitas. O uso de análogos do GnRH para a supressão ovariana durante a quimioterapia na tentativa de prevenir a falência ovariana prematura apresenta resultados incertos. Outras técnicas ainda são consideradas experimentais, como a criopreservação e posterior autotransplante de tecido ovariano. Já foram relatados 24 nascimentos com o seu uso, persistindo, entretanto, dúvidas que motivam o seu estudo. A maturação de folículos ovarianos in vitro é alternativa promissora para preservação da fertilidade nessas pacientes e tem apresentado resultados positivos em roedores, macacos e humanos. Muita cautela deve ser tomada com o uso de técnicas experimentais, especialmente quando oferecidas para pacientes diante de fragilidade emocional. Por isso, é importante transmitir corretamente informações sobre chances de gravidez com tratamentos existentes e as limitações das técnicas experimentais...

With the increased number of cancer diagnoses among young women and the advances in treatment, many patients who may have had their fertility compromised by chemotherapy express desire to become pregnant in the future. Freezing embryos for later IVF so as to preserve fertility is a well established process. Oocyte cryopreservation by vitrification has evolved greatly in recent years and is no longer considered experimental. By 2009 more than 900 children were born from cryopreserved oocytes, without increased risk of congenital anomalies. The preventive use of GnRH analogues for ovarian suppression during chemotherapy to avoid premature ovarian failure has uncertain outcomes. Other techniques such as cryopreservation of ovarian tissue for later autograft are still considered experimental. Although use has already been reported in 24 births, doubts still persist and motivate further study. In vitro maturation of ovarian follicles is a promising alternative for preserving patient fertility and has shown positive results in rodents, monkeys, andhumans. Caution should be used with experimental techniques, especially when offered to emotionally fragile patients. Therefore it is important to thoroughly convey information on the chances of pregnancy with existing treatments and the limitations of experimental techniques...

Humans , Female , Cryopreservation , Fertility Preservation/methods , Oocytes , In Vitro Oocyte Maturation Techniques
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-432261


Objective To assess the efficacy and impact factors of treatment with Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs (GnRHa) in central precocious puberty (CPP) or early and fast puberty (EFP) girls in a retrospective unicenter study.Methods One hundred and two girls (75 CPP and 27 EFP) were treated with GnRHa alone and were followed up to their final adult hight (FAH).Results FAH was (158.0 ± 4.8) cm,being significantly higher than pretreatment predicted adult height [(151.1 ±5.1) cm,P<0.01].There was no significant difference between CPP [(7.3 ± 4.4) cm] and EFP [(5.5 ± 4.5) cm] in net height gain.There was no significant improvement in FAH and pretreatment PAH for the patients who had menarche before treatment or whose growth velocity was less than 4 cm during the first year.Conclusion GnRHa treatment improves FAH efficiently for both CPP and EFP girls.Nevertheless,those who had menarche before treatment or whose growth velocity was less than 4 cm during the first year can hardly improve FAH by GnRHa treatment alone.

Journal of Clinical Pediatrics ; (12): 1121-1124, 2013.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-440040


Objective To evaluate and monitor the efifcacy of GnRH analogs (GnRHa) therapy. Methods Thirty girls with central precocious puberty diagnosied by LHRH stimulation test were treated with GnRHa for 6-24 months. The LHRH stimula-tion test were performed again at 3 months after initiation of therapy and then every 6 months during treatment. The relationship of peark LH and clinical suppressing pubertal (including Turner stage, bone age, grwoth speed) were compared. The monitor effect of peak LH to efifcacy of GnRHa were eveluated. Results Ninety LHRH stimulation tests were performed, only 7 cases were found to have clinical pubertal development. After 6 months treatment, the base LH level of thirty girls (0.48±0.20) IU/L was signiifcantly lower than that before the treatment (0.75±0.35 IU/L) (P=0.000). The correlation coefifcient between base LH and peak LH was 0.62. The best correlation between clinical suppressing pubertal and LHRH stimulation test was achieved when peak LH was less than 2 IU/L (85.7%sensitivity, 100%speciifcity). Conclusions Base LH value can be used in preliminary as-sessment of the efifcacy of GnRHa therapy for girls with central precocious puberty. The peak LH less than 2 IU/L can be as the indicator of treatment efifcacy.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-108373


Although the increasing incidence of central precocious puberty (CPP) in Korea has recently raised public concerns about health and growth problems, there are many areas of uncertainty regarding the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and management of CPP. In this paper, we review the definition of precocity, the assessment of CPP, and the hormonal abnormalities that support the diagnosis. In addition, we review the practical guidelines regarding the clinical use of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs in children with CPP. Indications for treatment, determination of dosage, monitoring during treatment, and discontinuation of therapy are discussed.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone , Incidence , Korea , Piperazines , Puberty, Precocious , Uncertainty
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-385750


Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs (GnRHa) on improvement of predicted adult height (PAH) in girls with idiopathic central precocious puberty (ICPP) initiating treatment at age of eight years or over and analyze its related factors.Methods Forty-nine girls with ICPP aged eight years and over were treated with GnRHa for ( 17.4 ±5.6) months initiating at age of (9.3 ± 0.6) years during 2005 and 2008.They were followed-up every three to six months to evaluate its effects on growth velocity (GV), height standard deviation score for chronological age (HtSDS-CA), height SDS for bone age (HtSDS-BA), PAH, and so on, as well as their related factors.Results PAH increased after GnRHa treatment, from ( 157.7 ± 4.5) cm six months after treatment to ( 159.2 ±4.4) cm 12 months after treatment, and to ( 160.8 ±5.0) cm by the end of treatment from ( 155.5 ±5.1 ) cm at its initiation (P <0.01 ).There was significant difference in PAH by the end of treatment and target height (TH) [( 157.6 ±3.4) cm].HtSDS-BA increased since six months after GnRHa treatment, from ( -0.64 ±0.68) six months to ( -0.52 ±0.70) 12 months after it and ( -0.36 ±0.68)by the its end, all significantly different from ( - 0.94 ± 0.68 ) that at the initiation of treatment ( P <0.01 ).There was no significant difference in HtSDS-CA before and after treatment.GV decreased from the initiation (6.3 ± 1.3) cm/yr to (4.8 ± 1.5) cm/yr by the end of treatment ( P < 0.01 ).No significant association between PAH and age of the initiation of treatment and between PAH and age by the end of treatment were found (P > 0.05 ).But, PAH reversely correlated with bone age, and positively correlated with HtSDS-CA, HtSDS-BA, GV, TH and length of treatment ( P < 0.01 ).Conclusions GnRHa can remarkably improves PAH in girl with ICPP.PAH mainly correlates with HtSDS-BA, TH and GV at the initiation and the end of treatment.