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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 38: e38050, Jan.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396146


Harvesting is one of the most important stages of the agricultural production process. However, the lack of monitoring during this operation and the absence of efficient methodologies to quantify losses have contributed to the decline in the quality of the operation. The objective of this study was to monitor mechanized soybean harvest by quantifying losses through two methodologies using statistical process control. The study was conducted in March 2016 in an agricultural area in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto, SP, using a John Deere harvester model 1470 with a tangential-type track system and separation by a straw-blower. The experimental design followed the standards established by statistical process control, and every 8 min of harvest, the total losses by the circular framework and rectangular framework methodologies were simultaneously quantified, totaling 40 points. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and statistical process control. The averages of the circular methodology framework were values above those found in the rectangular methodology framework, presenting greater representativeness of losses. The process was considered unable to maintain losses of soybeans at acceptable levels during mechanical harvest throughout the operation of the two frameworks. The circular framework for collecting samples at different locations resulted in higher reliability of data.

Automation , Glycine max , Crop Production , Statistics
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974651


Objective To explore the advantages of automatic chromosome harvester in lymphocyte micronucleus test. Methods The peripheral blood of 80 radiation workers was collected, then lymphocytes were harvested with an automatic chromosome harvester and manual methods. After Giemsa stained the slides, the micronucleus of the lymphocytes was analyzed under a microscope. Results For lymphocytes from the same batch of specimens, the time of the automatic harvester (185 min) was less than that of the artificial group (350 min). The micronucleus rate (1.04‰ ± 0.63‰), micronucleus cell rate (0.89‰ ± 0.69) and micronucleus positive rate (70.0%) that obtained by the harvester were all higher than manual method (0.60‰ ± 0.68‰, 0.51‰ ± 0.55‰, 48.8%), and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.01). Conclusion The automatic chromosome harvester can shorten the experimental operation time, reduce the workload of laboratory personnel, and protect the physical and mental health of laboratory personnel. At the same time, it can increase the detection rate of lymphocyte micronucleus, which can provide more accurate detection data for the clinic.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829735


@#Introduction: Safety helmets are one of the personal protective equipment (PPE) that to decrease the impact of any falling object to the skull and to avoid head and brain injury by many industries, including palm oil plantation. Nevertheless, the level on the usage of the current safety helmet is very low due to a few factors that lead to the discomfort. Among the common issues for the non-compliance of safety helmets are their discomfort, ventilation, weight and safety. This study aims to determine subjective preference of the new prototypes’ safety helmets device among palm oil plantation harvesters. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted among 124 harvesters in three palm oil plantations located in Sabah, Malaysia. A set of questionnaires used to collect data on their socio-demographic background, perceptions toward existing safety helmets and their subjective preference of new safety helmets prototypes. Apart from that, six harvesters were randomly choosing to attend an interview session for qualitative study. Results: The descriptive analysis indicate that among the emphasized issues regarding non-compliance of existing safety helmet were due to discomfort (66.1%), poor ventilation (97.6%), load of safety helmet (83.3%) and safety issues (68.5%). In terms of new safety helmets prototypes, 72.6% of the harvesters preferred Design C to be worn for work in the plantation. Conclusion: It can be suggested that the existing safety helmet is uncomfortable and was not design ergonomically namely loose size and discomfort. Design C was the most preferred to be worn for work in the palm oil plantation.

Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 42(1): 58-68, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-890669


ABSTRACT Traffic of farm machinery during harvest and logging operations has been identified as the main source of soil structure degradation in forestry activity. Soil susceptibility to compaction and the amount of compaction caused by each forest harvest operation differs according to a number of factors (such as soil strength, soil texture, kind of equipment, traffic intensity, among many others), what requires the adequate assessment of soil compaction under different traffic conditions. The objectives of this study were to determine the susceptibility to compaction of five soil classes with different textures under eucalyptus forests based on their load bearing capacity models; and to determine, from these models and the precompression stresses obtained after harvest operations, the effect of traffic intensity with different equipment in the occurrence of soil compaction. Undisturbed soil samples were collected before and after harvest operations, being then subjected to uniaxial compression tests to determine their precompression stress. The coarse-textured soils were less resistant and endured greater soil compaction. In the clayey LVd2, traffic intensity below four Forwarder passes limited compaction to a third of the samples, whereas in the sandy loam PVd all samples from the 0-3 cm layer were compacted regardless of traffic intensity. The Feller Buncher and the Clambunk presented a high potential to cause soil compaction even with only one or two passes. The use of soil load bearing capacity models and precompression stress determined after harvest and logging operations allowed insight into the soil compaction process in forestry soils.

RESUMO O tráfego de máquinas durante as operações de colheita e baldeio da madeira tem sido identificado como a principal fonte de degradação da estrutura do solo no sistema de produção florestal. A suscetibilidade à compactação e a compactação causada por cada operação de colheita florestal diferem de acordo com inúmeros fatores (como resistência mecânica do solo, textura, tipo de equipamento, intensidade de tráfego, entre muitos outros), o que demanda a adequada avaliação da compactação do solo sob diferentes condições de tráfego. Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar a suscetibilidade à compactação de cinco classes de solo com diferentes texturas sob florestas de eucalipto através de seus modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga; e determinar, com o uso destes modelos e da pressão de pré-consolidação obtida após as operações de colheita florestal o efeito da intensidade de tráfego com diferentes maquinários na ocorrência de compactação do solo. Amostras indeformadas foram coletadas antes e após as operações de colheita florestal, sendo então submetidas a ensaios de compressão uniaxial para determinação das pressões de pré-consolidação. Os solos de textura mais grosseira sofreram maior compactação. No LVd2 argiloso, a intensidade de tráfego de até quatro passadas do Forwarder limitou a ocorrência de compactação a um terço das amostras, enquanto no PVd franco-arenoso todas as amostras na camada de 0-3 cm foram compactadas independente da intensidade de tráfego. O Feller Buncher e o Clambunk apresentaram alto potencial de provocar compactação do solo mesmo com apenas uma ou duas passadas. O uso dos modelos de capacidade de suporte de carga e da pressão de pré-consolidação após as operações de colheita e baldeio permitiram melhor compreensão do processo de compactação em solos florestais.

Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 41(2): 191-200, Mar.-Apr. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-890615


ABSTRACT Planted forests occupy more than 6.5 million ha in Brazil, where harvest and logging operations are performed with increasingly heavier machinery, increasing the risk of soil compaction. Soil compaction can be avoided if soil load bearing capacity is not exceeded, what makes it important to assess both the soil strength and the impact of different operations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the load bearing capacity of some coarse textured soils (two Hapludult and one Haplorthod) in two soil horizons (BA and B), from northeastern Brazil; and to assess the impact of harvest and logging operations performed with harvester and forwarder. Although the Haplorthod presented higher load bearing capacity in both the BA horizon (for the whole moisture range) and the B horizon (for higher water contents), it suffered the greatest soil compaction. Traffic with the harvester resulted in soil compaction in both the BA and the B horizons, but the increase in bulk density was higher on the later, reaching 18.7% in the Haplorthod. The forwarder traffic intensity and the presence of plant residue cover significantly affected the occurrence of soil compaction. In the BA horizon, the increase in soil bulk density for different forwarder traffic intensities was 3 passes ~ 6 passes < 12 passes ~ 16 passes. The increase in bulk density was higher in the Haplorthod, reaching 32% after 16 forwarder passes over bare soil. Significant linear regressions were obtained from the number of forwarder passes and the increase in bulk density.

RESUMO As florestas plantadas ocupam mais de 6,5 milhões de ha no Brasil, nas quais as operações de colheita e baldeio são realizadas com maquinário cada vez mais robusto, o que aumenta o risco de compactação do solo. A compactação do solo pode ser evitada se a sua capacidade de suporte de carga não for excedida, o que torna importante a avaliação tanto da resistência mecânica do solo quanto o impacto de diferentes operações. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade de suporte de carga de solos de textura grosseira (dois Hapludult e um Haplorthod) em dois horizontes (BA e B) do Nordeste do Brasil; além de avaliar o impacto das operações de colheita e baldeio de madeira realizadas com harvester e forwarder. Apesar de o Haplorthod ter apresentado a maior capacidade de suporte de carga no horizonte BA (para toda a faixa de umidade) e no horizonte B (para maiores umidades) ele foi a classe de solo que apresentou maior compactação. O tráfego com o harvester resultou em compactação tanto no horizonte BA quanto no B, mas o aumento da densidade do solo foi maior no último, chegando a 18,7% no Haplorthod. A intensidade de tráfego do forwarder e a presença de resíduos de plantas na superfície do solo afetaram significativamente a ocorrência de compactação do solo. No horizonte BA, o aumento da densidade do solo em decorrência da intensidade de tráfego do forwarder foi de 3 passadas ~ 6 passadas < 12 passadas ~ 16 passadas. O aumento de densidade do solo foi maior no Haplorthod, atingindo 32% após 16 passadas sobre o solo descoberto. Regressões lineares significativas foram obtidas a partir do número de passadas do forwarder e o aumento na densidade do solo.

Ciênc. rural ; 46(2): 273-278, fev. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-767662


RESUMO: A competitividade no mercado agrícola tem tornado intensa a busca pela redução de custo nos processos de produção, como é o caso da colheita do café ( Coffea arabica L.), que tem migrado da colheita manual para a semi mecanizada e mecanizada. Essa transição proporcionou o surgimento de novas tecnologias e diversos modelos de colhedoras, as quais permitem regulagens que influenciam diretamente na eficiência de derriça. Entretanto, entender o comportamento dinâmico dos componentes e sistemas das colhedoras é de extrema importância para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos e recomendações de regulagem para colheita plena ou seletiva. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se analisar a vibração das hastes derriçadoras de uma colhedora de café, em diferentes regulagens, a fim de entender seu comportamento dinâmico em termos de amplitude e frequência de vibração, e inferir sobre a recomendação de regulagens para a colheita mecânica do café. A metodologia utilizada, baseada na análise dos sinais de vibração das hastes derriçadoras, possibilitou a recomendação de regulagens para a colheita mecânica do café, em função das amplitudes de vibração das hastes derriçadoras. O estudo mostrou que as maiores amplitudes de vibração das hastes no sentido vertical ocorreram para as regulagens de 8 e 10Kgf no freio, na vibração de 950 ciclos min-1 do cilindro e com hastes de 570mm de comprimento. Os resultados permitem associar o comportamento de vibração das hastes derriçadoras com os objetivos da colheita, plena ou seletiva, apontando qual a regulagem específica a ser utilizada para cada finalidade.

ABSTRACT: Growers need to reduce costs of the coffee production to meet the demand and stay competitive in the market. Such a need has led to the application of mechanization in the coffee harvest ( Coffea Arabica L.), which is a costly process and requires high cost of manpower, and this last is increasingly scarce. The migration from manual harvest to semi-mechanized or super-mechanized made new technologies and diverse models of coffee harvesting machines emerge. These coffee harvesting machines have settings that directly influence the harvesting efficiency. To understand the dynamic behavior of coffee harvesting machines components and systems is very important to develop new products, setting and operation norms. In this context, this reseach aimed to analyze the vibration of the harvester rods of an automatic coffee harvesting, by considering different adjustments, in order to understand its dynamic behavior in terms of amplitude and frequency of vibration, and to infer about adjustment recommendations for the mechanical harvesting coffee. Results showed that the harvesting studied presented larger amplitudes of vibration of stems vertically when set for 8 and 10Kgf of curb, at vibration of 950 cycles min1 of cylinder and with the stems of 570mm of length; the highest efficiency occurs when the rods vibrate vertically, promoting greater contact between the rods and side branches and fruit of the coffee plant. Also, the achieved results can be very useful as a guide for adjusting coffee harvesting machines, for research anddevelopment of new technologies to the benefit of the grower.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 30(2): 363-371, mar./apr. 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-947059


O milho é a cultura mais utilizada para confecção de silagem. A eficiência do processo deve ser avaliada também pelos custos por kg de massa seca colhida (KgMS). O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o consumo de energia na colheita de híbridos de milho para ensilagem em função da textura do híbrido, quatro maturidades de colheita e três tamanhos de partículas - Tp Foi utilizado um trator da marca Massey Ferguson, modelo MF 610 de 86 cv. Para colheita e corte da forragem, utilizou-se colhedora modelo JF92 Z10. Para obtenção dos dados de consumo de combustível (Cc) e tempo gasto para cada parcela utilizou-se um fluxômetro, instalado próximo ao filtro de combustível do trator. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema de parcelas subdivididas. Foi verificada interação tripla entre os fatores hibrido*estádio de colheita*Tp. A velocidade e deslocamento do trator foram diferentes para as maturidades para o híbrido de textura dura. O Cc horário para o híbrido dentado aumentou em maturidades mais precoces de colheita e em menores Tp. O consumo por kgMS foi menor em maturidades mais tardias, textura dentada e dura respectivamente. A potência teórica foi maior em maturidades mais precoces e o rendimento, foram maiores para o híbrido de textura dura nas mais avançadas. O Cc foi menor em maturidades tardias sendo que o híbrido de textura dura pode ser utilizado para silagem no que tange ao Cc e rendimento em maturidades mais tardias em maiores Tp.

Corn is the crop most used for making silage. The efficiency of the process should also be evaluated by cost per kg of dry matter harvested (kgDM). The objective of this study was to evaluate energy consumption in the harvest of corn hybrids for silage depending on the texture of the hybrid, four and three harvest maturities of particle sizes - Tp was used a tractor Massey Ferguson MF 610 model 86 cv. Cutting and harvesting the forage harvester is used model JF92 Z10. To obtain data on fuel consumption (CC) and time spent for each plot, we used a flow meter, installed near the fuel filter of the tractor. The experimental design was completely randomized in a split plot. The interaction between factors triple stage hybrid * Harvest * Tp. The velocity and displacement of the tractor were different for the maturities for hybrid hard texture. The CC schedule for hybrid dent increased harvest maturity earlier and at lower Tp. Consumption was lower by kgDM later maturity, hard texture and bite respectively. The theoretical power was higher in earlier maturity and yield were higher for hybrid hard texture in the most advanced. The CC was lower in late maturity and the hybrid hard texture can be used for silage in relation to the Cc and income in later maturity in higher Tp.

Silage , Crop Production , Zea mays , Efficiency , Energy Consumption
Ciênc. rural ; 43(5): 823-830, maio 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-673273


A mecanização da colheita da cana-de-açúcar parece ser o caminho para solução dos problemas decorrentes dos impactos ambientais das queimadas e do trabalho extremamente fatigante na colheita manual. Por outro lado, a mecanização total da colheita levaria milhares de trabalhadores ao desemprego. Para minimizar os impactos ambientais e manter parte desses empregos, a Agricef e a Unicamp estão desenvolvendo o projeto da unidade mecânica de auxílio à colheita da cana-de-açúcar (UNIMAC CANA), baseado em um conceito alternativo representado pela mecanização parcial da colheita, que está em fase de prototipagem. Particularmente, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo o dimensionamento da cabine desse dispositivo e o posicionamento de seus comandos e painéis, com base nas características antropométricas do operador brasileiro. Utilizou-se a metodologia projetual orientada pela preocupação com aspectos ergonômicos. As alternativas de projeto geradas através de quadros morfológicos culminaram no dimensionamento da cabine da máquina com sua disposição de comandos, painel e assento, de modo a acomodar o operador de forma segura e confortável. Através de simulação do campo visual do operador, concluiu-se que a cabine, adotando posição móvel em relação à maquina, seria uma opção viável de projeto nos atributos conforto e dirigibilidade.

Sugar cane harvesting mechanization seems to be the solution for the problems related to the environment impact of sugar cane burning and to facilitate manual harvesting, which also is a extremely hard task. By the other way, full harvest mechanization would lead to a massive unemployment. To minimize environment impact and keep some of the harvesting jobs, Unicamp and Agricef are designing and building a harvesting machine that represents an alternative concept due to it partial harvesting mechanization. The main objective of this research is the design of the cab for this machine and the positioning of its controls and panels, based on the anthropometric characteristics of the brazilian operators. It was used a design methodology with ergonomic emphasis. The alternatives concepts generated by the morphologic boards allowed the dimensioning of the cab and the positioning of panel and controls in order to safely hold the operator. Through the simulation of the operator visual field it was concluded that a movable cab in relation to the machine would be a feasible solution in terms of comfort and drivability.

Ciênc. rural ; 42(2): 298-304, fev. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-618090


Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para o controle automático de velocidade entre dois veículos que necessitam trafegar em paralelo durante operações agrícolas. É descrito o desenvolvimento e os testes de campo de um sistema de controle de velocidade para um trator escravo baseado na velocidade de um trator mestre, utilizando um controlador desenvolvido em lógica fuzzy. Para esses testes, os tratores foram instrumentados com GPS, encoder, computador e transmissor de radiofrequência, sendo instalado ainda no trator escravo um motor de passo para o controle da velocidade de deslocamento. Para avaliar o sistema, realizaram-se dois testes: no primeiro, a resposta do trator escravo à variação de velocidade foi avaliada a partir de simulações de variação na velocidade de entrada; no segundo, foram utilizados dois tratores variando a velocidade do trator mestre e observando a resposta do trator escravo. No primeiro teste, o trator escravo acompanhou a simulação da variação da velocidade com um erro quadrático médio (EQM) não significativo e erro médio percentual (EMP) máximo de 1,3 por cento. No segundo teste, o trator escravo acompanhou a variação de velocidade do trator mestre com o (EMP) de deslocamento variando em módulo de 0,2 por cento a 2,9 por cento.

This paper presents a proposal for automatic speed control of vehicles that requires working in synchronism with each other during agricultural operations. It describes the development and field tests of a control system for a slave tractor based on the master tractor speed, using a fuzzy controller. For the tests the master tractor was instrumented with GPS, encoders, computer and radio transmitter. The slave tractor was instrumented in the same way, and included also a stepper motor to act on the tractor throttle. To evaluate the system two tests were conducted. In the first, the master tractor speed was simulated using only the slave tractor. In the second test, two tractors were used varying the master tractor speed and registering the slave tractor response. In the first test the slave tractor followed the speed variation simulated with a mean square error (MSE) non-significant and a maximum mean percentage error (MPE) of 1.3 percent. In the second test the slave tractor followed the master tractor speed variation with a displacement (MPE) ranging in magnitude from 0.2 percent to 2.9 percent.

Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 35(1): 179-185, jan.-fev. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-576098


Objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, realizar uma avaliação ergonômica de uma colhedora de cana-de-açúcar, localizada no município de Barra Bonita, estado de São Paulo, em janeiro de 2007. A avaliação ergonômica foi conduzida em uma colhedora de cana-de-açúcar que apresentou produtividade de 831,84 ton dia-1 na safra de 2006/2007, com base no manual Ergonomic Guidelines for Forest Machines (Skogforsk, 1999), segundo o qual os itens avaliados são distribuídos em cinco classes: A, B, C, D ou 0 (zero ). A melhor classificação ergonômica da colhedora foi atribuída aos itens visibilidade ampla, assento do operador e controle de clima na cabine. os itens cabine, iluminação, controles e operação da máquina, ruído e manual do operador foram classificados como C. o item exaustão de gases e poeiras foi incluído na classe D. O pior item avaliado foi a visibilidade da soqueira, sendo classificado com zero. Assim, a avaliação ergonômica global resultou numa classificação como C, indicando a possibilidade de um trabalho produtivo, desde que pequenas alterações em seu planejamento sejam ajustadas.

The objective of this work was to evaluate a sugarcane harvesting machine, operating in a sugarcane plant located at Barra Bonita, State of São Paulo, in January 2007, which presented the best performance during the 2006/2007 crop season. The ergonomic evaluation was accomplished dased at the recommendations of the "Ergonomic Guidelines for Forest Machines" (Skogforsk, 1999), which grades each item into five classes: A, B, C, D or 0 (zero). The best ergonomic rate was achieved by the following items: wide visibility, operator seat and temperature control in work post. the items work post, illumination, commands and instruments, noise level and operator's manual were ranked as C. gas exhaustion was classified as D. The visibility of the stem base was the worst ranked item, classified as 0 (zero). Therefore, the machine obtained an overall ergonomic classification as C, which indicates the possibility of a productive work if a few structure items are adjusted.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-594285


Objective To investigate the value of self-made minimally invasive cancellous bone harvester.Methods From February 2007 to October 2008,cancellous bones of 35 cases were obtained by the self-made minimally invasive cancellous bone harvester from the area between the point 1 cm posterior to the anterior superior iliac spine and the tubercle of iliac crest.ResultsThe average amount of harvested bone is 2.37 cm3(range 1-4 cm3).The operation time ranged 3-5 min,and the blood loss was 1-2 ml.The incidence rate of complications was 5.7%(2/35).Conclusions The minimally invasive bone harvester is safe and reliable.It can be used for some bone grafting surgeries.