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Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 27(8): 3031-3042, ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384488


Abstract The physical, mental and social well being, refers to a new concept of health, far from a conceptualisations of absence of disease Additional challenges emerge as individuals face deep social inequities depending on their ethnicity, rural residence or low educational level, as these translate to poor access to health services and more difficulties to adhere to healthy living behaviors. The objective of this study was to assess the perception that adolescents and young adults in Latinamerica have of the importance of healthy living behaviors (HLB) in the physical, emotional and lifestyle spheres. The approach is considered quantitative and descriptive with a cross sectional design. The sampling consisted of 192 young adults in Brazil, Colombia and Mexico. The results show that participants prioritize higher emotional wellbeing. They state that the health crisis changed the perception, as now the value more the emotional side of health, and understand the status of a combination of the different aspects of wellness. The Latinamerican context poses a challenge in designing strategies with a holistic health perspective, with complexities in the economic and sociocultural domains.

Resumo O completo bem-estar físico, mental e social se refere a um novo conceito de saúde, muito além da ausência de doenças. Se os indivíduos são confrontados com profundas desigualdades sociais, em que fatores como etnia, moradia em zona rural ou baixo nível educacional se traduzem em um acesso menos adequado aos serviços de saúde, podendo ser um desafio adicional para aderir a comportamentos de vida saudável. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a percepção de adolescentes e adultos jovens na América Latina sobre a importância dos comportamentos de vida saudável (CVS) nas esferas física, emocional e de estilo de vida. A abordagem é considerada quantitativa e descritiva, com desenho transversal. A estratégia de amostragem foi por conveniência. A amostra foi composta por 192 adultos jovens em três países da América Latina: Brasil, Colômbia e México. Os resultados mostram que os participantes priorizam um maior bem-estar emocional. Eles afirmam que a crise de saúde mudou a percepção, pois agora valorizam mais a saúde emocional e compreendem a importância da combinação dos diferentes aspectos do bem-estar. O contexto latino-americano desafia o desenho de estratégias com uma perspectiva holística da saúde, com complexidades nos domínios econômico e sociocultural.

Salud bienestar colect ; 5(3): 89-104, dic. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398549


Este ensayo constituye un análisis reflexivo crítico de lo que estamos haciendo y lo que queremos alcanzar, que dé cuenta de que debemos hacer para garantizar el derecho a la salud que se traduzca en vida saludable para el pueblo venezolano. La intencionalidad lleva a encontrar a través de la narrativa crítica reflexiva una respuesta concreta y racional a ¿Cuál es el desafío que profundiza a políticas públicas en un gobierno que apuesta al vivir viviendo? El reto, darle significado y sentido a la respuesta, es decir, entender y comprender cuál es "la base del compromiso" al decir de De Sousa (1)Venezuela, desde 1998 tras el arribo del Comandante Supremo Hugo Chávez como Presidente de Venezuela, anidó esperanzas de un mundo mejor, ante el proceso de casi cuarenta años activado y dirigido por el nefasto hecho político del pacto de Punto Fijo, que para la década de los ochenta repunta y trasciende un modo de vida contraria a la dignidad humana de cara al modelo neoliberal impuesto, que materializó la privatización, con franco desmantelamiento del sector público. Muchos avances se han evidenciado a lo largo de estos casi veinte años en el intento de ir prefigurando el socialismo del siglo XXI. Hoy 2020, sometidos desde el inicio de este proceso de cambio y transformación a una guerra permanente por parte de los que adversan un modelo de país que tiene como centro al ser humano y decreta la justicia social, se plantean desafíos importantes para darle el frente a los efectos de la guerra, que en salud están reñidos con el derecho a la vida. Ocupa ponerse al frente de los retos y trascender para impactar las estructuras, transformándolas. Lo que supone aportar elementos que profundicen la viabilidad y factibilidad delas políticas públicas y se direccionen permanentemente y ante cualquier circunstancia a mantener vida saludable para las y los venezolanos.

This essay constitutes a critical reflective analysis of what we are doing and what we want to achieve, which gives an account of what we must do to guarantee the right to health that translates into a healthy life for the Venezuelan people. The intentionality leads to find through the reflexive critical narrative a concrete and rational answer to What is the challenge that deepens public policies in a government that bets on living by living? The challenge is to give meaning and sense to the answer, that is, to understand and comprehend what is "the basis of commitment" as De Sousa (1)says. Venezuela, since 1998 after the arrival of the Supreme Commander Hugo Chávez as President of Venezuela, nested hopes of a better world, in view of the almost forty year process activated and directed by the nefarious political fact of the Punto Fijo pact, which by the eighties, rebounded and transcended a way of life contrary to human dignity in the face of the imposed neoliberal model, which materialized privatization, with frank dismantling of the public sector. Many advances have been evidenced throughout these almost twenty years in the attempt to prefigure the socialism of the 21st century. Today, 2020, subjected since the beginning of this process of change and transformation to a permanent war by those who oppose a model of a country that has the human being at its center and decrees social justice, important challenges are posed to face the effects of the war, which in health are at odds with the right to life. It is necessary to take up the challenges and transcend them in order to have an impact on the structures, transforming them. This implies contributing elements that deepen the viability and feasibility of public policies and that are permanently directed, under any circumstance, to maintain a healthy life for Venezuelans.

Humans , Public Policy/trends , Healthy Lifestyle , Social Welfare , Venezuela , Public Health , Health Policy
Int. j. morphol ; 39(3): 710-715, jun. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385391


RESUMEN: En las categorías deportivas juveniles, los parámetros morfológicos y biotipológicos son difíciles de determinar ya que es complejo separar los cambios propios de la formación deportiva, de los asociados al crecimiento y la maduración. El objetivo de esta investigación fue establecer características antropométricas y perfiles somatotípicos de adolescentes varones futbolistas chilenos de una escuela deportiva. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 23 jóvenes categoría sub 15 y 30 jóvenes sub 16. Se registraron el peso (kg), estatura (cm), seis pliegues cutáneos, dos diámetros y cinco perímetros. El índice de masa muscular (IMC) se calculó según fórmula de Quetelet. El fraccionamiento de la masa corporal se estimó según la masa grasa (MG), masa muscular (MM), masa residual (MR) y masa ósea (MO). Se describió el somatotipo utilizando el método de Heath & Carter. Los datos fueron analizados en estadístico para tendencia central, porcentajes y significancia según prueba t(p<0,05). Los resultados no muestran diferencias significativas en los patrones antropométricos y biotipológicos entre las dos categorías. Los promedios observados fueron: peso: 60,2 ± 7,6 (kg); Talla: 169,1 ± 5,3 (cm); IMC: 21,2 ± 2,0; % MG: 24,3 ± 2,7; %MM: 45,2 ± 2,9. Somatotipo para jóvenes sub 15 fue de: 2,4 ± 0,7/ 4,5 ± 0,8 / 3,0 ± 1,1 y para sub 16 de: 2,3 ± 1,0/ 4,3 ± 0,8 / 3,0 ± 0,9. Estos resultados son similares a los observados en otras escuelas deportivas de Chile y el mundo. Se concluye que altos porcentajes de masa musculary los componentes meso-ectomórficos, serían características morfológicas en este tipo de deportistas. Se sugiere considerar estos factores, además de considerar los factores sociales y psicológicos, la maduración corporal, centrando el quehacer de los adolescentes más en favorecer un estilo de vida sana y activa que en lo competitivo.

SUMMARY: In youth sports categories, morphological and biotypological parameters are difficult to determine since it is complex to separate the changes inherent to sports training from those associated with growth and maturation. The objective of this research was to establish anthropometric characteristics and somatotypic profiles of adolescent Chilean male soccer players from a sports training school. The sample consisted of 23 young people under 15 and 30 young people under 16. Weight (kg), height (cm), six skin folds, two diameters and five perimeters were recorded. The muscle mass index (BMI) was calculated according to the Quetelet formula. The fractionation of body mass was estimated according to fat mass (FM), muscle mass (MM), residual mass (RM), and bone mass (BM). The somatotype was described using the Heath & Carter method. The data were analyzed statistically for central tendency, percentages and significance according to the t test (p <0.05). The results show anthropometric and biotypological patterns without significant differences between the two categories. The averages observed werefor: weight: 60.2 ± 7.6 (kg); Size: 169.1 ± 5.3 (cm); BMI: 21.2 ± 2.0; % FM: 24.3 ± 2.7; % MM: 45.2 ± 2.9; % RM:12,0 ± 0.7; % BM: 12,9 ± 1,0. Somatotype for youth 15 years was: 2.4 ± 0.7 / 4.5 ± 0.8 / 3.0 ± 1.1 and for 16 years it was: 2.3 ± 1.0 / 4.3 ± 0, 8 / 3.0 ± 0.9. These results are similar to those observed in other sports schools in Chile and the world. It is concluded that high percentages of muscle mass and meso- ectomorphic components would be morphological characteristics in this type of athlete. It is suggested to consider these factors, in addition to considering social and psychological factors, body maturation, focusing the work of adolescents more on promoting a healthy and active lifestyle than on the competitive aspect.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Soccer , Somatotypes , Anthropometry , Body Composition , Body Mass Index , Biotypology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Healthy Lifestyle
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-800526


The unbalanced economic development, the lifestyle changes of the residents, the aging before getting rich and the burden of non-communicable chronic diseases in China have brought great pressure on China′s health system. However, the prevention and control mechanism of chronic diseases in China is far from mature, which restricts the development of the prevention and control of chronic diseases in China. Singapore′s new concept on chronic disease management and the the 3-level theoretical framework are good experience in the world and deserve to be learned by China. This article introduced the Healthy Living Master Plan in health promotion practice in Singapore, and made suggestions on construction of health management system to cope with the disease burden in China.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-167740


Therapeutic interventions deal with healthy living i.e., maintenance of good health, dealing with conditions that requires special care such as child birth and healing i.e., treatment and cure of the sickness. Islam guides mankind to have ultimate faith on Allah Almighty’s approval for healthy living and healing as well as provides guidelines for cleanliness, healthy eating/drinking habits and controlled physical and mental stress. Thus, holistic view of healthy living and healing in Islam is founded both on the faith on the oneness and the almighty authority of Allah as well as physical, social, psychological factors. Revealed scriptures before Qur`an, gave equal emphasis on the same faith and factors. At the same time, different schools of thought of therapeutic interventions deal either with the physical or the metaphysical means of health and healing. This paper will discuss the links and gaps between Islamic principles and practices for health and healing and similar practices in other faith and therapeutic interventions observed in (post)modern community.