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Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(2): 82-88, abr.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569514


RESUMEN Introducción: La pérdida auditiva afecta a millones globalmente, especialmente a jóvenes que usan auriculares frecuentemente. Objetivo: Establecer la relación entre el uso de auriculares y la audición en estudiantes de medicina en Lima, Perú. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico y transversal en la Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Participaron 98 estudiantes de medicina (18-32 años) que usaban auriculares regularmente. Se excluyeron aquellos con patologías auditivas previas. La recolección de datos incluyó encuestas sobre el uso de auriculares y audiometrías realizadas en una cabina silente. Los resultados se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial, utilizando el coeficiente de correlación de Rho de Spearman para evaluar la relación entre las variables. Resultados: El 59,2% de los estudiantes eran mujeres. El 39,2% presentó hipoacusia leve a tonos agudos, mientras que el 36,2% tenía audición normal. El 71,4% reportó disminución de la capacidad auditiva y el 56,1% experimentó otalgia. El uso de auriculares mostró una correlación positiva y significativa con la audición (Rho = 0,298, p = 0,003). El tiempo de exposición también fue significativo (Rho = 0,260, p = 0,010), pero la intensidad del sonido no lo fue (Rho = 0,193, p = 0,057). Conclusión: Existe una relación positiva entre el uso de auriculares y la pérdida auditiva en estudiantes de medicina. Se recomienda implementar programas de concienciación sobre el uso seguro de auriculares y realizar evaluaciones auditivas periódicas para prevenir el deterioro auditivo.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Hearing loss affects millions globally, especially young people who frequently use headphones. Objective: To establish the relationship between headphone use and hearing among medical students in Lima, Peru. Methods: An observational, analytical, and cross-sectional study was conducted at the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Participants included 98 medical students (18-32 years) who regularly used headphones. Those with previous hearing pathologies were excluded. Data collection included surveys on headphone use and audiometries performed in a silent booth. Results were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, employing the Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient to assess the relationship between variables. Results: 59.2% of the students were women. 39.2% had mild hearing loss at high tones, while 36.2% had normal hearing. 71.4% reported decreased hearing capacity, and 56.1% experienced ear pain. Headphone use showed a positive and significant correlation with hearing (Rho = 0.298, p = 0.003). Exposure time was also significant (Rho = 0.260, p = 0.010), but sound intensity was not (Rho = 0.193, p = 0.057). Conclusion: There is a positive relationship between headphone use and hearing loss in medical students. It is recommended to implement awareness programs on safe headphone use and conduct regular hearing evaluations to prevent auditory deterioration.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1523329


O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o nível de satisfação dos usuários de Aparelho de Amplificação Sonora Individual (AASI) atendidos pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Método: Estudo de caráter analítico, quantitativo, transversal e de natureza exploratória. No período entre julho a setembro de 2022 foram coletados no prontuário e durante a entrevista, os dados sociodemográficos e clínicos de 50 participantes, selecionados por conveniência nas sessões de acompanhamento e entrega do AASI no Setor de Saúde Auditiva do Centro Estadual de Reabilitação e Readaptação Dr. Henrique Santillo (CRER). Para avaliar a satisfação dos usuários, utilizou o questionário Satisfaction With Amplification in Daily Life (SADL) com subescalas de avaliação como: efeitos positivos, fatores negativos, imagem pessoal, serviços e custos. Resultados: A amostra deste estudo apresentou 50 participantes, com idade média de 62 anos e prevalência de 66% do sexo feminino. Esse dado levanta a hipótese da população feminina ter um papel ativo na busca da assistência de saúde. Em relação aos sintomas auditivos, grande parte dos pacientes queixaram de hipoacusia (86%) e zumbido (76%) como sinais que os motivaram a procura por um atendimento especializado. O tipo de perda auditiva prevalente foi a neurossensorial (77%) de grau moderado (50%), característica audiológica com maior percentual em ambas as orelhas. Por meio dos dados obtidos a partir da aplicação do questionário SADL, pode-se observar que a subescala de Serviços e Custos (5,85) e Efeitos positivos (5,84) evidenciou uma média superior comparado com as outras subescalas, indicando maior satisfação de tais condições proporcionadas pelo AASI. Conclusão: A maioria dos indivíduos usuários de AASI demonstraram estar satisfeitos com uso do dispositivo. O tempo curto entre o diagnóstico audiológico e a concessão da prótese auditiva, tipo e grau de perda auditiva em conjunto com o acompanhamento periódico para monitorar o processo de adaptação, foram fundamentais para fornecer boa audibilidade, compreensão de fala adequada e sobretudo melhora na qualidade de vida

The present study aimed to evaluate the level of satisfaction of hearing aid users by the Unified Health System. Methods: Study analytical, quantitative, cross-sectional and exploratory. In the period between July and September 2022, the sociodemographic and clinical data of 50 participants were collected from the medical records and during the interview, selected for convenience in the follow-up sessions and delivery of the hearing aids at the Hearing Health Sector of the State Center of Rehabilitation and Readaptation Dr. Henrique Santillo (CRER). To assess user satisfaction, the Satisfaction With Amplification in Daily Life (SADL) questionnaire was used, with evaluation subscales such as: positive effects, negative factors, personal image, services and costs. Results: The sample of this study had 50 participants, with a prevalence of 66% female and mean age of 62 years. This data raises the hypothesis that the female population has a more active role in the search for health care. Regarding auditory symptoms, most patients complained of hypoacusis (86%) and tinnitus (76%) as signs that motivated them to seek specialized care. The prevalent type of hearing loss was sensorioneural (77%) of moderate degree (50%), an audiological characteristic with the highest percentage in both ears. Through the data obtained from the application of the SADL questionnaire, it can be observed that the subscale Service and Costs (5.85) and Positive Effects (5.84) showed a higher mean compared to the other subscales, indicating greater satisfaction with such conditions provided by the hearing aids. Conclusion: Due to the analyzed data, it is concluded that hearing aid users are satisfied with this device. The short time among the audiological diagnosis and the granting of hearing aids, type and degree of hearing loss, together with periodic follow-up to monitor the adaptation process, were essential to provide good audibility, adequate speech understanding and, above all, improvement in the quality of life

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Patient Satisfaction , Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss , Unified Health System , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies
Audiol., Commun. res ; 28: e2704, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439466


RESUMO Objetivo identificar os motivos que levam o indivíduo a seguir ou não a recomendação da necessidade do uso do aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI) e a utilização desse dispositivo ao longo dos anos. Estratégia de pesquisa orientações do Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) foram seguidas. As bases de dados pesquisadas foram: Pubmed, Pubmed Central, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science e Cochrane, utilizando os seguintes descritores: "Hearing Aids", "Patient Compliance" e o indicador booleano AND. Critérios de seleção artigos originais primários com desenhos prospectivos, retrospectivos, observacionais ou experimentais; que levantassem, relatassem, verificassem ou analisassem os motivos de adesão ou não ao uso de AASI, independentemente de ser usuário experiente ou não; realizados com a população jovem, adulta e idosa; com indivíduos com qualquer grau, tipo e configuração de perda auditiva; com adaptações unilaterais ou bilaterais e em português, inglês e espanhol. Resultados incluídos 27 estudos na análise. Verificaram-se duas situações distintas no processo de reabilitação auditiva: aceitação à indicação do uso do AASI e a continuidade do uso do dispositivo de maneira efetiva. Os aspectos que auxiliaram positivamente, negativamente ou não interferiram nessas duas fases foram compilados e apresentados. Conclusão os fatores de maior relevância para a não aquisição do AASI são: percepção de baixo custo-benefício, falta de entendimento da real necessidade e dificuldade de aceitação do uso, enquanto que os que mais impactam na continuidade do uso são: qualidade sonora do AASI, dificuldades de manuseio e percepção de pouco benefício.

ABSTRACT Purpose To identify the reasons that lead the individual to follow or not the recommendation to use the hearing aid and its use over the years. Research strategy Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) recommendations were followed. The databases searched were: Pubmed, Pubmed Central, Scopus, Embase, Web of science and Cochrane, using the following descriptors: "Hearing Aids", "Patient Compliance" and the Boolean indicator AND. Selection criteria primary original articles with prospective, retrospective, observational or experimental designs; that raise, report, verify or analyze the reasons for adherence or not to the use of hearing aids, regardless of being an experienced user or not; carried out with the young, adult and elderly population; with individuals with any degree, type and configuration of hearing loss; with unilateral or bilateral adaptations and in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Results 27 studies were included in the analysis. There were two distinct situations in the auditory rehabilitation process: acceptance of the indication of the use of HA and the continuity of the effective use. Thus, the aspects that positively, negatively or do not interfere in these two phases were compiled and presented. Conclusion the most relevant factors in the non-adherence to HA were: perception of low cost-benefit, lack of understanding of the real need and difficulty in accepting its use; while the ones that most impacted the continuity of use were: HA sound quality, handling difficulties and perception of little benefit.

Humans , Patient Compliance , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss/rehabilitation
Audiol., Commun. res ; 28: e2804, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527918


RESUMO Objetivo Verificar os benefícios da protetização auditiva na qualidade de vida do adulto com deficiência auditiva. Estratégia de pesquisa Revisão de escopo, guiada pelas recomendações PRISMA. Critérios de seleção A busca foi realizada com o auxílio dos unitermos "auxiliares de audição", "aparelho auditivo", "implante coclear", "fonoaudiologia", "deficiência auditiva", "perda auditiva", "qualidade de vida", e seus respectivos em inglês e espanhol, nos bancos virtuais de dados: LILACS, SciELO, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science e OpenGrey. Os dados foram analisados qualitativamente. Resultados Foram identificados 1.312 registros e selecionados 6 artigos, com população protetizada auditivamente, dos 18 aos 92 anos, de ambos os gêneros, usuários de implante coclear e aparelho de amplificação sonora individual. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: Questionário de avaliação das expectativas do adulto/idoso novo usuário de próteses auditivas, International Outcome Inventory For Hearing Aids, Questionário Nijmegen de Implantes Cocleares, Questionário de Satisfação do Cliente, Caregiver Strain Questionnaire, Formulário de Questionário Relativo ao Índice, World Health Organization Quality of Life-bref, Glasgow Health Status Inventory, Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit, Cochlear Implant Quality of Life, Caregiver Burden Scale, Escala Quantificada de Denver e Escala Visual Analógica. Os resultados indicaram melhor qualidade de vida nos domínios testados, tanto na visão dos adultos surdos quanto na de seus parceiros. Conclusão Apesar da heterogeneidade dos protocolos de qualidade de vida utilizados nos estudos selecionados, foi possível verificar que a protetização auditiva melhora a qualidade de vida do adulto com deficiência auditiva.

ABSTRACT Purpose To verify the benefits of hearing aids in the quality of life of adults with hearing loss. Research strategy Scoping review guided by PRISMA recommendations. Selection criteria with the help of the keywords "hearing aids", "hearing aid", "cochlear implant", "speech therapy", "hearing impairment", "hearing loss", "quality of life", and their respective in English and Spanish in the virtual databases: LILACS, SciELO, PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science and Open Grey. Qualitatively analyzed. Results 1,312 records were identified and six articles were selected, with a hearing aided population from 18 to 92 years old, from both genders, cochlear implant and individual sound amplification device users. Questionnaires were used (assessment of expectations of adults/elderly users of hearing aids, International Outcome Inventory For Hearing Aids, Nijmegen Cochlear Implant, Satisfaction, Caregiver Strain Questionnaire, Relative to the Index, World Health Organization Quality of Life-bref, Glasgow Health Status Inventory, Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit, Cochlear Implant Quality of Life and scales (Care Giving Burden Scale), Denver Quantified and visual analog). The results indicated a better quality of life in the domains tested, both in the view of deaf adults and their partners. Conclusion Despite the heterogeneity of the quality of life protocols used in the selected studies, it was possible to verify that hearing aids increase the quality of life of adults with hearing loss.

Humans , Quality of Life , Cochlear Implants , Sickness Impact Profile , Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss/rehabilitation
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 26(3): 314-320, July-Sept. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405152


Abstract Introduction Bone anchored hearing solutions are a well-known option for patients with a conductive, mixed conductive-sensorineural hearing loss and those with single-sided deafness. Objective The aim of the present study was to evaluate the Ponto bone-anchored hearing system in terms of behavioral performance and self-reported outcomes, by comparing unaided and aided performance (softband and abutment), as well as aided performance with the sound processor on softband (preoperatively) versus abutment (postoperatively). Methods Fourteen adult bone-anchored candidates, with either a bilateral (n = 12) or unilateral (n = 2) conductive or mixed hearing loss, participated in the present study. Sound-field hearing thresholds were evaluated unaided and aided (softband and abutment). A speech-in-noise test was also performed unaided and aided for two spatial configurations (S0N90; implanted side; S0N90; nonimplanted side). The Glasgow Health Status Inventory and the Speech, Spatial and Quality of sound questionnaires were administered pre- and postsurgery to compare quality of life and perceived unaided and aided performance. Skin reaction (Holgers scores) was evaluated at 15 days, 6 weeks, and 10 weeks after surgery. Results Significant improvements postoperatively relative to unaided were obtained for sound-field thresholds at all tested frequencies. Additionally, sound-field thresholds were significantly improved with the sound processor on abutment relative to the softband at frequencies > 1 kHz. Improved performance postoperatively relative to unaided was also obtained in the speech-in-noise test and in self-reported outcomes. Conclusions Improvements in behavioral performance and self-reported outcomes were obtained with the sound processor mounted on abutment.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);88(3): 289-295, May-June 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384173


Abstract Introduction Modern medicine offers a wide spectrum of different hearing devices, and bone conduction implants can be found among them. Objective The presentation of the outcomes of the implantation of a new active bone conduction hearing implant - the Osia®, and its comparison with the well-known passive transcutaneous system - the Baha® Attract. Methods Eight adult patients with bilateral mixed hearing loss were randomly divided into two groups. Group 1 was implanted with the Osia®, and group 2 was implanted with the Baha® Attract. The details of the surgery were analyzed, along with the functional and audiological results. Results In all the cases, the surgery was successful, and the healing uneventful. In both groups, it was observed that pure tone audiometry and speech audiometry in free field improved significantly after the implantation (mean gain in pure tone audiometry for the Osia group 42.8 dB SPL and for the Baha group 38.8 dB SPL). In the Osia group, the results after the surgery were much better than with the Baha® 5 Power processor on the Softband. The patients implanted with the Osia® evaluated the quality of their hearing as being superior to those implanted with the Baha® Attract. There was an evident improvement in the abbreviated profile of hearing aid benefit questionnaire and in the speech, spatial and qualities of hearing scale for both systems. In the abbreviated profile of hearing aid benefit, changes were more evident in the Osia group (in global score 49% vs. 37.2%). Conclusion Implantation of the Osia® is an effective treatment option for the patients with bilateral mixed hearing loss. The surgery is safe but more complex and time-consuming than the Baha® Attract implantation. The preliminary audiological results as well as the overall quality of life indicate that the Osia® is a better solution than the Baha® Attract. However, future studies should be carried out to make further observations in a larger group of patients, and with longer follow-up.

Resumo Introdução A medicina moderna oferece um amplo espectro de diferentes aparelhos auditivos, e implantes de condução óssea estão entre eles. Objetivo Apresentação dos resultados do uso de um novo implante auditivo de condução óssea ativa - o Osia® e sua comparação com o conhecido sistema transcutâneo passivo - o sistema Baha® Attract. Método Oito pacientes adultos com perda auditiva mista bilateral foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. O grupo 1 foi implantado com o Osia® e o grupo 2 foi implantado com o sistema Baha® Attract. Os detalhes da cirurgia foram analisados, juntamente com os resultados funcionais e audiológicos. Resultados Em todos os casos, a cirurgia foi bem-sucedida e a cicatrização ocorreu sem intercorrências. Nos dois grupos, observou-se que a audiometria de tons puros e a audiometria de fala em campo livre melhoraram significativamente após o implante (ganho médio na audiometria para tons puros para o grupo Osia® de 42,8 dB NPS e para o grupo Baha®, 38,8 dB NPS). No grupo Osia®, os resultados após a cirurgia foram muito melhores do que com o processador Baha® 5 Power no sistema SoftBand. Os pacientes implantados com o Osia® avaliaram melhor a qualidade de sua audição do que os implantados com o sistema Baha® Attract. Houve uma melhoria evidente no questionário abbreviated profile of hearing aid benefit e na escala speech, spatial and qualities of hearing, para ambos os sistemas. No questionario abbreviated profile of hearing aid benefit, as mudanças foram mais evidentes no grupo Osia® (escore global 49% vs. 37,2%). Conclusão O sistema Osia® é uma opção de tratamento eficaz para pacientes com perda auditiva mista bilateral. A cirurgia é segura, mas mais complexa e demorada que a implantação do sistema Baha® Attract. Os resultados audiológicos preliminares, bem como aqueles avaliando a qualidade de vida, indicam que o Osia® é uma alternativa melhor que o Baha® Attract. Entretanto, mais observações são necessárias em grupos maiores de pacientes e com tempo de seguimento mais longo.

Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(1): 41-49, mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389829


Resumen Introducción: La presencia de otorrea es un indicador de actividad en otitis media crónica (OMC), además de influir en la calidad de vida. La oclusión del molde de un audífono generaría incremento de otorrea, por esto se acostumbra a evitarla en estos casos. La relación otorrea/audífono en OMC no ha sido adecuadamente estudiada. Objetivo: Comprobar si se produce incremento en frecuencia y/o gravedad de episodios de otorrea por el uso de audífono en OMC simple. Caracterización clínica-demográfica de la muestra. Material y Método: Estudio prospectivo antes/después en pacientes con diagnóstico de OMC simple que se implementen con audífono. Entrevista telefónica para caracterizar episodios de otorrea en relación con el audífono. Resultados: Fueron evaluados 35 oídos en 34 pacientes, edad promedio 66,6 años. Sin diferencias significativas en aparición de otorrea y consultas por otorrea antes y después de la implementación. El grupo diagnóstico OMC supurada correspondió al 28,6%, OMC supurada seca el 11,4% y OMC inactiva 60%. Diferencias significativas comparando otorrea posimplementación en subgrupo OMC supurada con resto de subgrupos (p < 0,0001). Análisis multivariado de regresión logística confirmó que sólo OMC supurada se asoció a otorrea posimplementación (p < 0,004). Conclusión: Tradicionalmente se correlaciona uso de audífono en OMC con incremento de otorrea. Nuestro estudio no evidenció diferencias después de la implementación: pacientes con otorrea previa al audífono siguieron presentándola de la misma manera y pacientes con oído seco se mantuvieron así. Otorrea al implementar es el único factor predictor de otorrea por audífono. Debe realizarse más investigación, con evaluación presencial e incorporando variables.

Abstract Introduction: Otorrhea is a chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) activity indicator, affecting quality of life. Hearing aid mold occlusion would increase otorrhea, so it is usual to avoid it. Otorrhea/hearing aid relationship in CSOM has not been properly studied. Aim: To check for an increase in frequency and/or severity of otorrhea episodes in CSOM due to hearing aid use. Clinical-demographic characterization of the sample. Material and Method: Prospective before/after study, in CSOM diagnosed patients using a hearing aid. Telephone interview to characterize otorrhea episodes due to hearing aid use. Results: 35 ears were evaluated in 34 patients, with a mean age of 66.6 years. There were no significant differences before and after hearing aid implementation in otorrhea episodes and medical consultations. 28.6% corresponded to active CSOM diagnosis group, 11.4% partially-active CSOM and 60% inactive CSOM. We found significant differences observed between active CSOM subgroup and the rest by comparing post-hearing aid implementation otorrhea (p < 0.0001). Only active CSOM diagnosis was associated to post-hearing aid implementation otorrhea by multivariate logistic regression analysis (p < 0.004). Conclusion: Traditionally, hearing aid use is correlated with increase in otorrhea in CSOM. In our study there were no differences before and after hearing aid implementation: patients with previous otorrhea continued presenting it in the same way after hearing aid use and patients with dry ear kept it that way. The only predicting factor of otorrhea due to hearing aid use is active otorrhea at implementation. Further investigation should be done, with face-to-face evaluation and incorporating variables.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Otitis Media, Suppurative/epidemiology , Hearing Aids , Otitis Media, Suppurative/complications , Prospective Studies
CoDAS ; 34(1): e20200310, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345831


ABSTRACT Purpose The initial-fit provided by the hearing aid manufacturer's software is generally a display of measurement done in the ear simulators. The need for verification of hearing aid output and gain in the real ear using probe-microphone measurement to match the prescriptive target is highlighted. The objective of the study was to evaluate the difference in real-ear aided response (REAR), real-ear insertion gain (REIG), aided thresholds, articulation index (AI) and word recognition score (WRS) in quiet, with hearing aid programmed to NAL-NL1 first-fit and NAL-NL1 optimized-fit using the probe-microphone technique. Methods In a repeated measure experimental design, 11 participants with a mean age of 41.09 (SD=±9.95) years having moderate and moderately-severe sensorineural hearing loss were tested monaurally in two aided conditions, with a 16-channel hearing aid programmed for manufacturer's NAL-NL1 first-fit and optimized-fit to NAL-NL1 using probe-microphone verification. The REAR, REIG, aided threshold, articulation index and word recognition scores in quiet were obtained for both aided conditions. Results The REAR, REIG, aided threshold, AI and WRS in quiet were significantly better with the NAL-NL1 optimized-fit compared to manufacturer's NAL-NL1 first-fit. Conclusion The optimized-fit yields better audibility and improved word recognition in quiet. This supports best practice guidelines of many professional organizations regarding the use of probe-microphone measurement as the "Gold standard" for verification of hearing aid fitting, thereby providing better satisfaction and quality of life to hearing aid users.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 19(1): 25-32, jun 17, 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358656


Introdução: a hipoacusia permanente é um problema comum. Sua abordagem inclui reabilitação através de prótese auditiva. O Sistema Único de Saúde oferece reabilitação auditiva à população brasileira. Objetivo: descrever o perfil do usuário de prótese auditiva do Setor Auditivo do Centro de Prevenção e Reabilitação da Pessoa com Deficiência, da Bahia. Metodologia: estudo observacional de corte transversal, com consulta a 115 prontuários de adultos com indicação de prótese auditiva. Utilizou-se instrumento de coleta de dados com as seguintes variáveis: características demográficas, presença de queixas à anamnese (hipoacusia, zumbido e vertigem), achados à otoscopia, e tipos de: perda auditiva, adaptação, aparelho auditivo, molde, e de material utilizado na confecção do molde. Obteve-se de estatística descritiva: frequência, média, mediana e porcentagem. Resultados: predominaram o sexo feminino (63/54,7%) e idosos (74/64,3%). A queixa otológica mais comum foi a hipoacusia (114/99,1%), seguida de zumbido (67/58,2%) e tontura (41/35,7%). Otoscopia normal em (223/97,0%) das orelhas. Encontraram-se perdas auditivas sensorioneural (160/69,7%), mista (62/27,0%) e condutiva (07/3,0%). A adaptação binaural e o aparelho retroauricular foram os mais utilizados (111/96,5%) e (220/95,7%), respectivamente, secundado por intra-auricular (04/1,7%) e intracanal (0,2/0,9%). Os moldes foram tipo concha (159/69,1%), aberto (34/14,8%), e canal (33/14,4%), e o material mais usado para confecção do molde foi o silicone (181/78,8%), quando comparado ao acrílico (45/19,2%). Conclusão: maior prevalência de idosos e mulheres; expressiva presença de queixas otológicas associadas à perda auditiva; maior demanda para adaptação binaural por aparelho tipo retroauricular com molde concha de silicone.

Introduction: permanent hearing loss is a common problem. Its approach includes exercise therapy through hearing aids. The Unified Health System offers auditory rehabilitation to the Brazilian population. Objective: describe the auditory rehabilitation profile of the Auditory Sector of Center for Prevention and Rehabilitation of the Disabled of Bahia. Methodology: this is a cross-sectional observational study. We consulted 115 medical records of adults with hearing aids indication. We used a data collection instrument with the following variables: demographic characteristics, presence of complaints to anamnesis (hypoacusis, tinnitus and vertigo), otoscopy findings (except for irrelevant findings), and types of hearing loss, adaptation, hearing aids, mold, and material used to make the mold. Descriptive statistics were obtained: frequency, average, median and percentage. Results: there was a female (63/54,7%) and elderly (74/64,3%) predominance. Hypoacusis was the most common otiologic complaint (114/99.1%), followed by tinnitus (67/58,2%) and dizziness (41/35,7%). Otoscopy was normal in (223/97,0%) of the ears. The types of hearing loss found were sensorineural (160/69,7%), mixed (62/27,0%) and conductive (07/3,0%). Bilateral rehabilitation and Behind-The-Ear/BTE type apparatus were the most used (111/96,5%) and (220/95.7%), respectively, followed by In-The-Ear/ITE (04/1,7%) and In-The-Canal/ ITC (02/0,9%). The molds were of the shell type (159/69,1%), open (34/14,8%), and canal (33/14,4%), and the most used material to make it was silicone (181/78,8%) when compared to acrylic (45/19,2%). Conclusion: there was a high prevalence of elderly and female; expressive presence of otologic complaints associated with hearing loss; and a greater demand for bilateral rehabilitation by Behind-The-Ear type apparatus with shell type mold made with silicone.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Rehabilitation , Unified Health System , Hearing , Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss , Demography , Observational Study
Kampo Medicine ; : 326-332, 2020.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-924508


The use of hearing aids may not be sufficiently helpful for elderly people with advanced bilateral hearing loss when conversing with others. The patient in this case was an 82-­year­-old man whose main complaint was difficulty in verbal communication with his family despite using hearing aids. He was diagnosed with ad­vanced bilateral sensorineural hearing loss using Western medicine techniques. He was first prescribed the Kampo formulation, ryokeijutsukanto, followed by goshajinkigan. Later, he took a combination of both of these Kampo formulations, and his hearing ability improved. Pure tone audiometry and speech audiometry demonstrated hearing loss ;however, speech audiometry better reflected his improvement in hearing speech sounds after he began taking the Kampo formulations. Thus, in this case, the patient's hearing and communica­tion abilities improved with Kampo formulations combined with the use of hearing aids. In the future, speech audiometry (maximum discrimination score) can be applied to evaluate the efficacy of Kampo treatment for hearing loss.

Revista Areté ; 20(2): 25-34, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1354750


El presente artículo presenta un acercamiento real a las experiencias socio-comunicativas en los adultos mayores usuarios de audífonos, de la ciudad de Yopal. Gran parte del estudio se basa en la descripción de cuáles son las experiencias socio-comunicativas del adulto mayor que usa audífonos, incluyendo revisión teórica de varios autores que sustentan el beneficio de la ayuda auditiva en esta etapa de la vida. Teniendo en cuenta que la gran mayoría de los estudios relacionados con el uso de audífonos y su beneficio en el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los usuarios, no incluyen las experiencias socio-comunicativas de las personas adultas mayores, luego del proceso de adaptación, se pretendió indagar más profundamente sobre estas. Se aplicaron encuestas a un grupo de 20 adultos mayores entre 60 y 93 años, tanto hombres y mujeres, de la ciudad de Yopal ( Casanare- Colombia), quienes utilizan audífonos hace más de un año. Con los resultados obtenidos, se logró recolectar información, mediante un estudio cuantitativo, que permitió identificar, categorizar y analizar cada una de las experiencias de los adultos mayores, bajo los parámetros de actividades y participación, utilización de dispositivos y técnicas de comunicación, actividades recreativas y de ocio, actividades culturales (iglesia, grupos de apoyo), según lo planteado en la Clasificación Internacional del funcionamiento, la discapacidad y la salud (CIF).

This article presents a real approach to socio- communicative experiences in elderly hearing-aid users in the city of Yopal. Much of the study was based in the description of these experiences in the elderly that use hearing aids, including a theoretical review of several authors who support the benefits of these aids in this stage of life. Considering that, most research about hearing aids and their benefits in improving the users' quality of life does not include real socio-communicative experiences of the elderly after the adaptation process, this study pretended to investigate further into them. To achieve this, surveys were conducted to a group of 20 participants, both men and women, between 60 and 93 years old from Yopal ( Casanare- Colombia), who had been using hearing aid for a year. With the obtained results, this paper achieved to collect data through a quantitative study that allowed to identify, categorize, and analyze the experiences of the elderly, based on the activities' benchmarks and participation; devices' uses, communication techniques, leisure and cultural activities (churches and support groups), under the guidelines of ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health).

Adaptation to Disasters , Hearing , Hearing Aids , Quality of Life , Research , Self-Help Groups , Health , Communication , Life , Equipment and Supplies , Quality Improvement , Leisure Activities
Rev. CEFAC ; 22(5): e1120, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1136508


ABSTRACT Purpose: to verify whether the complementary remote speech-language-hearing follow-up is an effective tool in the monitoring of cochlear implant users in the immediate postoperative period. Methods: a total of 26 relatives participated in the study, divided into two groups: with and without remote speech-language-hearing follow-up. By the time the device was activated, they were given instructions on four subjects: the device, family, school, and speech-language-hearing therapy. After one week, the group with remote speech-language-hearing follow-up started receiving such care via mobile phone. In the in-person follow-up visit, a questionnaire was administered (containing questions on the guidance given), as well as an interview with the parents/guardians that received the remote follow-up. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed with Fisher's exact test, with 5% significance. The qualitative data were analyzed based on Bardin's theme content analysis technique. Results: there was a significant difference in the quantitative results between the groups regarding "device" and "school". In the qualitative data, it was verified that the remote speech-language-hearing follow-up furnished greater assurance to the relatives of the cochlear implant users, helping them in the therapeutic process and at school. Conclusion: the complementary remote speech-language-hearing follow-up proved to be an effective tool in the subjects researched, especially regarding the handling of the device and guidance to school.

RESUMO Objetivo: verificar se a orientação fonoaudiológica remota complementar é uma ferramenta eficaz no acompanhamento de usuários de implante coclear no pós-operatório imediato. Métodos: participaram 26 familiares, divididos em dois grupos: com orientação fonoaudiológica remota e sem orientação fonoaudiológica remota. No momento da ativação foram realizadas orientações sobre quatro temas: dispositivo, família, escola e terapia fonoaudiológica. Após uma semana, iniciaram as orientações para o grupo com orientação fonoaudiológica remota, por meio do uso do celular. No retorno presencial foi aplicado um questionário contendo perguntas sobre as orientações e realizada uma entrevista com os responsáveis que receberam a orientação remota. Os dados relativos ao questionário foram analisados por meio do Teste exato de Fisher, com significância de 5%. Os dados qualitativos foram analisados a partir da Análise de Conteúdo Temática de Bardin. Resultados: nos resultados quantitativos houve diferença significante entre os grupos, nos temas: dispositivo e escola. Nos dados qualitativos foi verificado que a orientação fonoaudiológica remota trouxe maior segurança aos familiares dos usuários de implante coclear, ajudando no processo terapêutico e escolar. Conclusão: a orientação fonoaudiológica remota complementar se mostrou uma ferramenta eficaz nos temas pesquisados, principalmente com relação ao manuseio do dispositivo e orientação à escola.

CoDAS ; 32(1): e20180202, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039628


ABSTRACT Purpose To assess the hearing abilities of temporal ordering, temporal resolution and sound localization before and after the fitting of a hearing aid (HA) in individuals with unilateral hearing loss (UHL). Methods There were evaluated 22 subjects, aged 18 to 60 years, diagnosed with sensorineural or mixed UHL, from mild to severe degrees. The study was divided into two stages: the pre and post-adaptation of HA. In both phases, subjects performed an interview, application of Questionnaire for Disabilities Associated with Impaired Auditory Localization, auditory processing screening protocol (APSP) and Random Gap Detection Test (RGDT). Results This study found no statistically significant difference in sound localization and memory evaluations for verbal sounds in sequence, in RGDT and Questionnaire for Disabilities Associated with Impaired Auditory Localization. Conclusion With the effective use of hearing aids, individuals with UHL showed improvement in the auditory abilities of sound localization, ordering and temporal resolution.

RESUMO Objetivo Verificar as habilidades auditivas de ordenação temporal, resolução temporal e localização sonora, antes e após a adaptação do aparelho de amplificação sonora individual (AASI) em indivíduos com perda auditiva unilateral (PAUn). Método Foram avaliados 22 indivíduos, com idades de 18 a 60 anos, com diagnóstico de PAUn sensorioneural ou mista, de graus leve a severo. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas: a pré- e a pós-adaptação do AASI. Em ambas as etapas, os indivíduos realizaram anamnese, bem como a aplicação do Questionário de Habilidade Auditiva da Localização da Fonte Sonora (QHALFS), avaliação simplificada do processamento auditivo (ASPA) e Random Gap Detection Test (RGDT). Resultados O presente estudo encontrou diferenças estatisticamente significantes nas avaliações de localização sonora e memória para sons verbais em sequência, no RGDT e no QHALFS. Conclusão Com o uso efetivo do AASI, indivíduos com PAUn apresentaram melhora nas habilidades auditivas de localização sonora, ordenação e resolução temporal.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Sound Localization , Hearing Loss, Unilateral/rehabilitation , Hearing Aids , Speech Perception , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Hearing Loss, Unilateral/diagnosis , Hearing Tests , Middle Aged
CoDAS ; 32(2): e20180259, 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055905


RESUMO Objetivo Verificar o efeito da cognição no benefício obtido com o uso de próteses auditivas e na qualidade de vida de idosos com perda auditiva. Método Foram avaliados 17 idosos com perda auditiva neurossensorial de grau moderado bilateral. Os idosos foram distribuídos em dois grupos segundo os resultados da triagem cognitiva 10-CS: G1- sete idosos sem alteração e G2- dez idosos com resultado sugestivo de alteração cognitiva. Protocolo de estudo: questionário de avaliação de restrição de participação - HHIE, escala de depressão geriátrica - EDG, questionário de qualidade de vida - SF36 e avaliação do esforço de escuta por meio da escala visual analógica. A seguir, os idosos receberam as próteses auditivas. Após três meses de uso efetivo da amplificação, o protocolo foi reaplicado com a inclusão do Questionário Internacional - QI-AASI. Resultados Caracterizou-se a amostra quanto à idade, escolaridade, Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil - ABEP, grau da perda, reconhecimento de fala e índice de Inteligibilidade de fala (SII) da orelha com melhor audibilidade. O estudo estatístico revelou diferença somente com relação à idade. O estudo comparativo antes e após intervenção revelou melhora significante nos escores do 10-CS no grupo G2, na restrição de participação, esforço de escuta e alguns domínios do questionário de qualidade de vida. Não houve diferença no QI-AASI entre grupos segundo Fator 1, Fator 2 e Escore Total. Conclusão Houve melhora da qualidade de vida após três meses de uso de amplificação. Não houve efeito da cognição no benefício obtido com o uso de próteses auditivas.

ABSTRACT Purpose To verify the effects of cognition on the benefit obtained with the use of hearing aids and on the quality of life of elderly people with hearing loss. Methods 17 elderly people with moderate sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) bilateral were evaluated. The elderly people were divided into two groups according to the results of 10-point cognitive screening 10-CS: G1- seven elderly people without change and G2-10 elderly people with a suggestive result of cognitive alteration. Study protocol: self-evaluation questionnaire - (Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (HHIE)), geriatric depression scale (GDS), quality of life questionnaire - (Short-Form 36 (SF36)) and evaluation of the listening effort through the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). After the evaluation, the elderly people received hearing aids. After three months of effective amplification, the protocol was reapplied with the inclusion of the International Questionnaire for the Evaluation of Hearing Aids - (IOI-HA). Results The sample was characterized according to age, schooling, Critério de Classificação Econômico Brasil Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Pesquisa (ABEP), degree of loss, Índice Percentual de Reconhecimento da Fala (IPRF) and Speech Intelligibility Index (SII) of the ear with better audibility. The statistical study revealed that there was significant difference only in relation to age. The comparative study before and after the intervention revealed a significant improvement in the 10-CS scores in the group G2, in the participation restriction - HHIE, in the listening effort and in some areas of the SF36. There was no difference in QI-AASI between groups second the factor 1, factor 2 and Total Score. Conclusion There was improvement of the quality of life after three months of amplification use. There was no effect of cognition on the benefit obtained with the use of hearing aids.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Quality of Life , Cognition , Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/rehabilitation , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Middle Aged
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 23(4): 433-439, Out.-Dez. 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1024413


Introduction: Studies have reported that although speech perception in noise was unaltered with and without digital noise reduction (DNR), the annoyance toward noise measured by acceptable noise level (ANL) was significantly improved by DNR with the range between 2.5 and 4.5 dB. It is unclear whether a similar improvement would be observed in those individuals who have an ANL ≥ 14 dB (predictive of poor hearing aid user) often rejects their aid because of annoyance toward noise. Objectives: (a) To determine the effect of activation of DNR on the improvement in the aided ANL from low- and high-ANL groups; and (b) to predict the change in ANL when DNR was activated. Method: Ten bilateral mild to severe sloping sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) participants in each of the low- and high-ANL groups were involved. These participants were bilaterally fitted with receiver in canal (RIC) hearing aids (Oticon, Smorum, Egedal, Denmark) with a DNR processor. Both SNR-50% (Signal to noise ratio (in dB) required to achieve 50 % speech recognition) and ANL were assessed in DNR-on and DNR-off listening conditions. Results: Digital noise reduction has no effect on SNR-50 in each group. The annoyance level was significantly reduced in the DNR-on than DNR-off condition in the low-ANL group. In the high-ANL group, a strong negative correlation was observed between the ANL in DNR off and a change in ANL after DNR was employed in the hearing aid (benefit). The benefit of DNR on annoyance can be effectively predicted by baseline-aided ANL by linear regression. Conclusion: Digital noise reduction reduced the annoyance level in the high-ANL group, and the amount of improvement was related to the baseline-aided ANL value (AU)

Middle Aged , Aged , Auditory Threshold/physiology , Speech Perception/physiology , Noise Effects , Hearing Aids , Single-Blind Method , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural/physiopathology
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);84(3): 324-331, May-June 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951843


Abstract Introduction: The bone-anchored hearing aid is an effective form of auditory rehabilitation. Due to the nature of the implant, the most common complications are skin related. A number of alternative surgical implantation techniques have been used to reduce the frequency and severity of skin complications, including the U-shaped graft and the linear incision. Objective: To assess skin complications and their association with surgical technique, quality of life, and audiological benefit in patients with bone-anchored hearing aids. Methods: This was a retrospective study conducted in a tertiary referral center in Bogotá, Colombia. Patients who had been fitted with a bone-anchored hearing aid implant (unilaterally or bilaterally) for at least 6 months were included in the study. The Holgers classification was used to classify skin complications (Grade 0 = none; Grade 1 = erythema; Grade 2 = erythema and discharge; Grade 3 = granulation tissue; and Grade 4 = inflammation/infection resulting in the removal of the abutment). The Glasgow Benefit Inventory questionnaire was used to determine quality of life, and the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit questionnaire was used to determine the subjective audiological benefit. Results: A total of 37 patients were included in the study (30 with unilateral implants and 7 with bilateral implant). Of the 44 implants evaluated, 31 (70.3%) were associated with skin complications (7 [15.9%] Grade 1; 4 [9.1%] Grade 2; 15 [34.1%] Grade 3, 5 [11.4%] Grade 4). The U-shaped graft was statistically associated with major complications (Grades 3 and 4) compared with the linear incision technique (p = 0.045). No statistically significant differences were found between Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit scores and severity of complications. Similarly, no differences were found between Glasgow Benefit Inventory physical health questions and skin complications. Conclusion: Despite the high frequency, skin complications did not seem to affect quality of life or subjective audiological benefits of patients with bone-anchored hearing aids.

Resumo Introdução: A prótese auditiva óssea (BAHA, do inglês Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid) é uma forma eficaz de reabilitação auditiva. Devido à natureza do implante, as complicações mais comuns são relacionadas à pele. Várias técnicas opcionais de implantação cirúrgica têm sido usadas para reduzir a frequência e a gravidade das complicações cutâneas, inclusive o enxerto em forma de U e a incisão linear. Objetivo: Avaliar as complicações cutâneas e sua associação com a técnica cirúrgica, qualidade de vida e benefício audiológico em pacientes com BAHAs. Método: Estudo retrospectivo feito em um centro terciário de referência em Bogotá, Colômbia. Os pacientes que receberam um implante de BAHA (unilateral ou bilateralmente) durante pelo menos seis meses foram incluídos no estudo. A classificação de Holgers foi usada para classificar as complicações cutâneas (Grau 0 = nenhuma, Grau 1 = eritema, Grau 2 = eritema e secreção, Grau 3 = tecido de granulação e Grau 4 = inflamação/infecção, resultou na remoção da estrutura de apoio). O questionário Glasgow Benefit Inventory (GBI) foi usado para determinar a qualidade de vida e o questionário Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) foi usado para determinar o benefício audiológico subjetivo. Resultados: Foram incluídos 37 pacientes (30 com implantes unilaterais e sete com implantes bilaterais). Dos 44 implantes avaliados, 31 (70,3%) foram associados às complicações cutâneas (sete [15,9%] Grau 1; quatro [9,1%] Grau 2; 15 [34,1%] Grau 3 e cinco [11,4%] Grau 4). O enxerto em forma de U foi estatisticamente associado a complicações maiores (Graus 3 e 4) em comparação com a técnica de incisão linear (p = 0,045). Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os escores APHAB e gravidade das complicações. Do mesmo modo, não foram encontradas diferenças entre as questões de saúde física pelo questionário GBI e complicações cutâneas. Conclusão: Apesar da alta frequência, as complicações cutâneas não parecem afetar a qualidade de vida ou os benefícios audiológicos subjetivos de pacientes com BAHAs.

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Quality of Life , Skin Diseases/etiology , Prosthesis Implantation/adverse effects , Suture Anchors , Hearing Aids/adverse effects , Hearing Loss/rehabilitation , Time Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Surveys and Questionnaires , Retrospective Studies , Prosthesis Implantation/methods
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);84(1): 15-19, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-889352


Abstract Introduction Cochlear implants have become the method of choice for the treatment of severe-to-profound hearing loss in both children and adults. Its benefits are well documented in the pediatric and adult population. Also deaf children with additional needs, including autism, have been covered by this treatment. Objective The aim of this study was to assess the benefits from cochlear implantation in deafened children with autism as the only additional disability. Methods This study analyzes data of six children. The follow-up time was at least 43 months. The following data were analyzed: medical history, reaction to music and sound, Ling's six sounds test, onomatopoeic word test, reaction to spoken child's name, response to requests, questionnaire given to parents, sound processor fitting sessions and data. Results After cochlear implantation each child presented other communication skills. In some children, the symptoms of speech understanding were observed. No increased hyperactivity associated with daily use cochlear implant was observed. The study showed that in autistic children the perception is very important for a child's sense of security and makes contact with parents easier. Conclusion Our study showed that oral communication is not likely to be a realistic goal in children with cochlear implants and autism. The implantation results showed benefits that varied among those children. The traditional methods of evaluating the results of cochlear implantation in children with autism are usually insufficient to fully assess the functional benefits. These benefits should be assessed in a more comprehensive manner taking into account the limitations of communication resulting from the essence of autism. It is important that we share knowledge about these complex children with cochlear implants.

Resumo Introdução Os implantes Cocleares tornaram-se o metodo de escolha para o tratamento da perda auditiva severa a profunda em crianças e adultos. Seus beneficios estao bem documentados nas populaçoes pediatrica e adulta. Tambem as crianças surdas com necessidades adicionais, incluindo autismo, tem sido incluidas nesse tratamento. Objetivo O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os beneficios do implante coclear em crianças surdas com autismo como unica deficiencia adicional. Método Esse estudo analisa os dados de seis crianças. O tempo de seguimento foi de pelo menos 43 meses. Foram analisados os seguintes dados: historico medico, a reaçao a musica e ao som, teste dos seis sons de Ling, teste de palavra onomatopaica, reaçao ao nome falado da criança, resposta a pedidos, questionario aplicado aos pais, sessoes de ajustes e dados do processador de som. Resultados Apos o implante coclear, cada criança apresentou outras habilidades de comunicaçao. Em algumas crianças, foram observados sinais de compreensao da fala. Nao foi observado aumento de hiperatividade associada com o uso diario de implante coclear. O estudo mostrou que em crianças autistas a percepçao e muito importante para a sensaçao de segurança da criança e torna o contato com os pais mais facil. Conclusão Nosso estudo mostrou que a comunicaçao oral nao e uma meta realistica provavel em crianças com implantes cocleares e autismo. Os resultados do implante mostraram beneficios variaveis entre as crianças. Os metodos tradicionais de avaliaçao dos resultados do implante coclear em crianças com autismo sao geralmente insuficientes para avaliar plenamente os beneficios funcionais. Esses beneficios devem ser avaliados de forma mais abrangente, tendo em conta as limitaçoes de comunicaçao resultantes da essencia do autismo. E importante que compartilhemos conhecimentos sobre essas complexas crianças com implantes cocleares.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-698127


Objective To investigate the speech recognition in noise in patients with unilateral conductive or mixed hearing impaired using Sophonotron Alpha 2 softband.Methods A total of 12 patients (12 ears) with unilateral conductive or mixed hearing loss participated in the survey and fitted with Sophonotron Alpha 2.The aided hearing threshold test and speech recognition test in noise were evaluated in both unaided and aided conditions.Results The average aided hearing threshold using Sophonotron Alpha 2 softband was 35.0±10.8 dB HL,showing significant improvement compared to that of unaided(P<0.05).The average signal-to noise ratio loss was 5.9± 6.1 dB using Sophonotron Alpha 2 softband in noise,showing a more significant benefit than that of the unaided (13.6±10.9 dB).Conclusion The Sophonotron Alpha 2 softband can significantly improve speech recognition in noise for the patients with unilateral conductive or mixed hearing loss.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-718725


OBJECTIVES: Two main digital signal processing technologies inside the modern hearing aid to provide the best conditions for hearing aid users are directionality (DIR) and digital noise reduction (DNR) algorithms. There are various possible settings for these algorithms. The present study evaluates the effects of various DIR and DNR conditions (both separately and in combination) on listening comfort among hearing aid users. METHODS: In 18 participants who received hearing aid fitting services from the Rehabilitation School of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences regularly, we applied acceptable noise level (ANL) as our subjective measure of listening comfort. We evaluated both of these under six different hearing aid conditions: omnidirectional-baseline, omnidirectional-broadband DNR, omnidirectional-multichannel DNR, directional, directional-broadband DNR, and directional-multichannel DNR. RESULTS: The ANL results ranged from −3 dB to 14 dB in all conditions. The results show, among all conditions, both the omnidirectional-baseline condition and the omnidirectional-broadband DNR condition are the worst conditions for listening in noise. The DIR always reduces the amount of noise that patients received during testing. The DNR algorithm does not improve listening in noise significantly when compared with the DIR algorithms. Although both DNR and DIR algorithms yielded a lower ANL, the DIR algorithm was more effective than the DNR. CONCLUSION: The DIR and DNR technologies provide listening comfort in the presence of noise. Thus, user benefit depends on how the digital signal processing settings inside the hearing aid are adjusted.

Humans , Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss , Hearing , Noise , Rehabilitation , Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716896


OBJECTIVES: Directional microphone technology can enhance the speech intelligibility and listening comfort of listeners with hearing impairment. The main aim of this study is to investigate and compare the benefit derived by listeners with severe hearing loss from directional microphone technology with that derived by listeners with moderate hearing loss. METHODS: The acceptable noise levels (ANLs) of two groups of listeners with moderate or severe hearing impairment (17 subjects in each group) were measured under unaided, omnidirectional-baseline-aided, and directional-aided conditions. RESULTS: Although the absolute ANL of the listeners in the severe hearing loss group was significantly higher than that of the listeners in the moderate hearing loss group, their derived benefit was equivalent to that derived by the listeners in the moderate hearing loss group. ANL and hearing loss degree were significantly related. Specifically, the ANL increased with the severity of hearing loss. CONCLUSION: Directional microphone technology can provide the benefits of listening comfort to listeners with severe hearing loss.

Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss , Hearing , Noise , Speech Intelligibility