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Univ. odontol ; 30(64): 83-87, ene.-jun. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-667736


El síndrome de Smith-Lemli-Opitz es una rara enfermedad hereditaria de transmisión autosómica recesiva. Se caracteriza por presenta hipocolesterolemia como consecuenciade una mutación del gen 7-deshidrocolesterol reductasa (7DHCR), lo que produce retrasomental, retardo en el crecimiento, microcefalia, micrognatismo y otras anomalías neurológicas sistémicas y físicas. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de tres años y nueve mesesafectado por este síndrome, quien acudió a la clínica de odontología pediátrica de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Tijuana, donde se inició historia médica y dental. Debido a su corta edad, la presencia de múltiples lesiones cariosas, conducta incontrolable, retraso mental y compromiso sistémico, se decidió realizar larehabilitación oral del paciente bajo anestesia general, la cual se describe detalladamente...

Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive hereditary disease. It is caused by a mutation in the 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase (DHCR7) gene producing hypocholesterolemia,and consequence mental retardation, delayed growth, microcephaly, micrognathia and other systemic neurological and physical features. A case of a three-year-ninemonth-old patient affected by this syndrome who attended the Pediatric Dental Clinic of the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Dental School at Tijuana is presented. Afterdoing medical and dental records and because of his young age, multiple dental cavities, uncontrollable behavior, mental retardation and medical status, oral rehabilitation under general anesthesia was performed. The anesthesia procedure is detailed...

Child , Pediatric Dentistry , Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome/diagnosis , Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome/rehabilitation , Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome/therapy , Oral Medicine
Rev. cuba. plantas med ; 16(1): 72-81, ene.-mar. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-585103


Introducción: la semilla de calabaza se ha estudiado y utilizado en el tratamiento de enfermedades parasitarias, hipertrofia benigna prostática, cistitis y como hipoglicemiante.Sin embargo, se desconocen investigaciones que refieran el uso de la semilla de calabaza y sobre todo de los fitoesteroles y escualeno como elementos hipocolesterolémicos en humanos. Objetivo: determinar el contenido de fitoesteroles y escualeno de cinco variedades de semilla de calabaza para su posible uso como hipocolesterolémicos en humanos. Métodos: se estudiaron semillas de calabaza de dos especies, Cucurbita maxima y Cucurbita moschata, de Cuba y México de las variedades Fifí, Marucha, INIVIT C- 88 (cubanas), Chata y Tapatía (mexicanas), se determinó el perfil de fitoesteroles (beta-sitosterol, campesterol, estigmasterol y estigmastenol) y escualeno mediante cromatografía gas-líquido. Resultados: el contenido de extracto etéreo y grasa verdadera en las semillas osciló entre 331,5 y 346; 307 y 336 g/kg, respectivamente. La variedad fifí (Cucurbita moschata) presentó el mayor contenido de material insaponificable (35,0 g/kg), mostró diferencias significativas (p< 0,001) con las demás variedades y superior a las semillas oleaginosas convencionales. La concentración de escualeno y beta-sitosterol resultó superior en la variedad marucha (Cucurbita moschata) (40,27 y 202,59mg/100 g), que indicó diferencias significativas (p< 0,001) con las restantes variedades. Las variedades chata y marucha presentaron el mayor contenido de campesterol (50,08y 49,31 mg/100 g, respectivamente), así como la marucha encontró la mayor concentración de stigmasterol y estigmastenol (1,75y 28,63 mg/100 g), además, los contenidos resultaron superiores a los alimentos vegetales frecuentes en las dietas. Conclusiones: los resultados obtenidos en la concentración de los fitoesteroles y escualeno en las variedades analizadas, sugieren el estudio de la semilla de calabaza como posible hipocolesterolémico en humanos

Introduction: the pumpkin seed has been studied and used in the treatment of parasitic diseases, benign prostatic hypertrophy, cystitis and as hypoglycemic substance. However, the research concerning the use of pumpkin seeds and especially the sterols and squalene as hypocholesterolemic elements in humans is unknown. Objective: to determine the phytosterol and squalene content of five varieties of pumpkin seeds for their potential use as hypocholesterolemic compounds in humans. Methods: the pumpkin seeds from two species called Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata from Cuba and Mexico were studied. The varieties were Fifi, Marucha, INIVIT C-88 (Cuban), Tapatía and Chata (Mexican) for which the profile of phytosterols (beta-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol and stigmastenol) and the squalene were determined using gas-liquid chromatography. Results: the content of ethereal extract and real fat in the seeds ranged 331.5 to 346, and 307 to 336 g/kg, respectively. The variety Fifi (C. moschata) had the highest content of unsaponifiable material (35.0 g/kg) and showed significant differences (p< 0.001) compared with other varieties and above that of conventional oilseeds. The squalene, and beta-sitosterol concentration was higher Marucha (Cucurbita moschata) (40.27 and 202.59 mg/100 g), indicating significant differences (p< 0.001) compared with other varieties. Marucha and Chata varieties exhibited the highest campesterol content (50.08 and 49.31 mg/100 g, respectively), and the Marucha evidenced the largest concentration of stigmasterol and stigmastenol (1.75 and 28.63 mg/100 g); additionally, the amounts contained were above those of the common vegetable food in the diet. Conclusions: the results in phytosterol and squalene concentrations achieved in the studied varieties suggested that the pumpkin seeds be studied as a possible hypocholesterolemic substance for humans

Cucurbita , Cholesterol/deficiency , Seeds
Rev. bras. farmacogn ; 19(2a): 388-393, Apr.-June 2009. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-524543


As doenças cardiovasculares (DC) estão, de modo geral, associadas a elevados níveis séricos de lipídeos, atingindo homens e mulheres, sem distinção de idade. Entre as propriedades atribuídas pela medicina popular à Vitex megapotamica (Spreng) Moldenke (V. montevidensis Cham) -Tarumã estão a de reduzir os níveis séricos de colesterol e triglicerídeo. O principal objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o potencial hipocolesterolêmico e hipolipidêmico da V. megapotamica, bem como fazer um estudo toxicológico preliminar. Para tanto, foi realizada indução hiperlipidêmica usando um modelo que preconiza o emprego de propiltiuracil 1,25 mg/300 g de peso e colesterol 200 mg/kg de peso, aplicados via oral em ratos machos pesando 300 ± 10 g. Foi administrado, por via oral, aos animais hiperlipidêmicos previamente induzidos 300 mg/kg de extrato hidroalcoólico das folhas de V. megapotamica ou 300 mL da decocção da casca da planta. Após o final de cada tratamento, o perfil lipídico foi ensaiado, bem como os níveis de glicose, quando relevante. Nossos resultados confirmaram o efeito hipolipidêmico do extrato hidroalcoólico e da decocção pela redução dos níveis séricos de colesterol e triacilglicerol nas concentrações, via e forma utilizadas. Além disso, foi possível verificar que não houve lesão cardíaca, hepática ou renal pelo extrato e decocção utilizados nas avaliações toxicológicas preliminares ensaiadas.

The cardiovascular diseases are, in general, associated with high levels of serum lipids which have high incidence in middle-age men and women. Among other properties characterized by popular medicine, the Vitex megapotamica (Spreng) Moldenke (V. montevidensis Cham) - Tarumã, decreases the serum cholesterol and triacylglycerol levels. The main proposition of the present study was to evaluate the hypocholesterolemic and hipolipidaemic potential of V. megapotamica and to analyze the preliminary toxicity. It was an induction hyperlipidaemic model using propiltiuracil 1.25 mg/kg weight and cholesterol 200 mg/ kg weight per oros in male rats, weigthing 300 ± 10 g. It was administred to the animals 300 mg/ kg of hydroalcoholic leaves extract of V. megapotamica or 300 mL of hull decoction per oros. After the end of each treatment, the lipid profile was essayed as well as glucose, when relevant. Our results confirmed the V. megapotamica extract and decoction hypolipidaemic effect by the decrease of cholesterol and triacylglycerides serum levels in concentration, via and preparation performed. Furthermore, the toxicological preliminary assays showed there was not extract and decoction damage induction in cardiac and hepatic tissues, as well as in kidney physiology by assays performed.