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Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1114626


Abstract Locus of self-worth shifts from internal in cultures of dignity to external in cultures of honor. It remains yet unknown whether it can be modified, for example, under an influence of important life events, as migration to a culture of a distinct logic. Our study aimed to analyse relationships between the locus of self-worth and the acculturation strategies on life satisfaction. We collected data from 60 heterosexual Polish couples living in Poland, 120 Polish migrant couples in Norway, and 60 Norwegian couples living in Norway. Groups differed from each other in life satisfaction and in locus of self-worth, with Norwegians valuating the self the most internally and Poles in Poland the most externally. Our results on locus of self-worth show that Polish culture fits in the classification of culture of honor, while Norwegians represent culture of dignity. Moreover, a series of hierarchical linear regressions demonstrated that both locus of self-worth and acculturation strategy are significant predictors of participants' life satisfaction, with a moderating role of migrants' attachment to Polish culture and adaptation to Norwegian society.

Resumen En las culturas de dignidad, que ocurren principalmente en los estados del norte de los Estados Unidos, Canadá y el noroeste de Europa, la autoestima es inalienable y se valora internamente. Esto significa que la autoestima se basa en los logros, las decisiones y los valores del individuo (Aslani et al., 2016). En las culturas de dignidad, nadie puede privar a los individuos de su valor, ya que su ubicación está en lo más profundo de la persona. Por el contrario, en culturas de honor, el valor de una persona se basa en cualidades internas y externas. El honor puede ser quitado, si una persona rompe las reglas de conducta social. El locus de la autoestima cambia de lo interno en las culturas de dignidad, a lo externo en las culturas de honor. Aún no es claro si se puede modificar, por ejemplo, bajo la influencia de eventos importantes de la vida, como la migración a una cultura de una lógica distinta. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las relaciones entre el locus de autoestima y las estrategias de aculturación sobre la satisfacción con la vida. Se levantaron datos de 60 parejas heterosexuales polacas que viven en Polonia, 120 parejas polacas de inmigrantes en Noruega y 60 parejas noruegas que viven en Noruega. Los grupos diferían entre sí en la satisfacción con la vida y en el locus de la autoestima, los noruegos valoraban el yo más internamente y los polacos en Polonia más externamente. Los resultados en el locus de la autoestima muestran que la cultura polaca encaja en la clasificación de la cultura del honor, mientras que los noruegos representan la cultura de la dignidad. Además, una serie de regresiones lineales jerárquicas mostraron que tanto el locus de la autoestima como la estrategia de aculturación son predictores significativos de la satisfacción con la vida, con un papel moderador del apego de los migrantes a la cultura polaca y la adaptación a la sociedad noruega.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 17(4)jul.-ago. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508605


El Dr. Félix Alberto A. Companioni Landín, Doctor en Ciencias, es un indiscutible ejemplo para todos los docentes y profesionales de la Estomatología cubana. El objetivo de esta semblanza es divulgar los principales aspectos de su trayectoria profesional, docente y científica. Para su confección se utilizaron como fuentes más importantes: el curriculum vitae del profesor y una entrevista realizada a él. Después de graduarse de enfermero, ingresó a la Carrera de Estomatología, y se convirtió en profesor de Anatomía Humana y un ferviente investigador; obtuvo el título de Doctor en Ciencias Específicas en 1975 y el de Doctor en Ciencias con su investigación y libro Contribución a la Historia de la Estomatología Cubana. Es autor además de varios libros de textos para la carrera de Estomatología y artículos científicos con los resultados de sus investigaciones. Le fue otorgado el Premio al Mérito Científico por la obra de toda la vida en la XLII edición del Concurso Premio Anual de la Salud en 2017. Companioni Landín es una personalidad dentro de la Estomatología cubana, ejemplo de profesor e investigador, con una destacada actividad científica no solo en su especialidad, la Anatomía Humana, sino también en la Historia de la Estomatología, que lo han hecho acreedor de ser el primer estomatólogo que en el período revolucionario ocupe un lugar como Académico de Honor en la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba.

Félix Alberto Companioni Landín, PhD, is a Doctor of Philosophy and an unquestionable example for all teachers and professionals of Cuban Dentistry. The main objective of this life history is to spread information about his professional career as a professor, teacher, and researcher. The most important sources of information used to write this article were his curriculum vitae and an interview made to him. After graduating as a nurse, he began the studies of Dentistry, and he later became a professor of Human Anatomy and an enthusiastic researcher. He graduated as Doctor in Specific Sciences in 1975, and Doctor of Philosophy with the presentation of his book and research named Contribución a la Historia de la Estomatología Cubana. He is also author of several textbooks and scientific articles, which were written especially for the studies of Dentistry. He received the Scientific Merit Award for all his life´s work in the 42nd edition of the Annual Health Prize of Public Health. Companioni Landín is a personality in the field of Cuban Dentistry, and an example of professor and researcher, with a notorious scientific activity not only in his specialty (Human Anatomy), but also in the History of Dentistry. He earned the merit of being the first dentist who, during the revolutionary period, hold a place as Honorary Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Cuba.

Acta investigación psicol. (en línea) ; 7(1): 2568-2576, abr. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-949452


Abstract: Researchers are making increasing use of the distinction between cultural logics emphasizing dignity, face, and honor. Students from eight nations including two from Latin America rated items tapping the extent to which they believed that most persons in their nation endorsed these types of mindset. Their ratings did not accord with prior beliefs as to which cultures exemplify dignity, face, and honor. However, the predictions that analytic cognition would be more prevalent in dignity cultures and contrasting types of holistic cognition would be more prevalent in face and honor cultures were supported. The belief that the logic of dignity was prevalent within one's nation was significantly associated with higher life satisfaction.

Resumen: Las investigaciones se están centrando cada vez con mayor énfasis en el uso de la distinción entre lógicas culturales, haciendo más hincapié en la dignidad, el mantenimiento del status quo estructural de una sociedad (face) y el honor. Estudiantes de 8 países, incluyendo 2 de América Latina, clasificaron elementos sobre cuán importante para la aceptación social es la dignidad o el honor para la mayoría de las personas en su nación. Las calificaciones obtenidas no concuerdan con creencias previas en cuanto a cuáles culturas promueven más la dignidad y/o el honor como guías de su comportamiento. Sin embargo, las predicciones de que los patrones de cognición analítica serían más frecuentes en culturas que se centran en la dignidad, y que los patrones de cognición holística serían más frecuentes en culturas que se centran en la honra fueron apoyadas. Adicionalmente, la creencia de que la lógica de la dignidad era frecuente dentro de cada nación se asoció significativamente con una mayor satisfacción de vida.

Psicol. saber soc ; 4(1): 72-88, jan.-jun.2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-788804


Este trabalho objetivou investigar a relação entre concepções de masculinidade, a preocupação com a honra e os valores humanos entre homens e mulheres. Para tanto, doisestudos foram realizados. No Estudo 1, participaram 275 pessoas da população geral, entre 17 e 49 anos (M=22,00; DP=5,03), sendo o grupo composto em sua maioria por mulheres (56,8%),católicas (44,8%) e moradoras da Grande Vitória – ES (60,2%). No Estudo 2, participaram 220 respondentes, em sua maioria mulheres (53,4%), entre 17 e 65 anos (M = 27; DP=8,35). Do total, 35% afirmaram ser católicos, moradores do sudeste do Brasil (55%). Os participantes responderam a Escala de Concepções da Masculinidade, Escala de Preocupação com a Honra HS- 16, o Questionário de Valores Básicos e questões sociodemográficas. Os dados foram analisados por meio da realização de análises de correlação de Pearson (Estudo 1) e regressões múltiplas(Estudo 2) e os resultados sugeriram a manutenção de uma visão hegemônica da masculinidade, reforçando concepções tradicionais de gênero em nossa sociedade...

This research aimed at investigating the relationship among conceptions ofmasculinity, honor concerns and human values for men and women. To test these associations, two studies were conducted. In Study 1, participants were 275 people from general population with ages ranging from 17 to 49 years (M = 22.00, SD = 5.03), consisting mostly of women (56.8%), Catholic (44 8%) and residents of Grande Vitória - ES (60.2%). In Study 2, participants were 220 people, mostly women (53.5%), between 17 and 65 years of age (M = 27; SD = 8.35).From the total group, 35% were Catholics and residents in the Southeast of Brazil (55%). Participants answered the Conceptions of Masculinity Scale, the Honor Scale HS-16, the Basic Values Questionnaire, and sociodemographic questions. Data were analyzed by performing Pearson correlation analysis (Study 1) and multiple regressions (Study 2) and the findings suggestthe maintenance of a hegemonic view of masculinity, reinforcing traditional gender roles in our society...

Humans , Gender Identity , Masculinity , Personhood , Psychology, Social , Social Values
Junguiana ; 31(1): 65-70, jan.-jun. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-686420


O texto propõe uma releitura simbólica do momento mítico permeado pela escolha dos pretendentes à mão de Helena, as condições da escolha, a criação simbólica do Código de Honra, os tempos primevos da instauração da dinâmica de alteridade, representados pelas figuras de Helena e do rei Príamo. O texto ocupa-se também de qualificar a dinâmica de alteridade como uma condição relacional que se estrutura como decorrência das transformações dos parceiros, com o que os tratos e distratos precisam ser revistos a todo momento. É uma dinâmica que se compõe com a polaridade sentimentos/afetos e a polaridade das razões lógicas. Propõe e conclui como uma dinâmica que exclui a violência e como decorrência exclui a guerra, a par de se constituir numa dinâmica relacional que inclui também o respeito ao outro ainda não competente para entender os ditames da própria dinâmica de alteridade. A par disso, relaciona a presença da deusa Afrodite na vida de personagens femininas com as características de autonomia e emancipação.

The text proposes a symbolic retelling of the mythical moment permeated by the choice of suitors to marry Helen, the conditions of the choice, the symbolic creation of the Code of Honor, the earliest days of the establishment of the Otherness dynamics, represented by the figure of Helena and the king Priam. The text also qualifies the dynamics of otherness as a relational condition that is structured by the transformations of the partners, with constant need to review agreements and disagreements. The dynamic is equipped with the polarity feelings/emotions and the polarity of logical reasons. The text proposes and gets to the conclusion of a dynamic that excludes violence as thus the war to constitute a relational dynamics that includes respect for others not yet competent to understand the dictates of the ow dynamics of otherness, Aware of this, it relates the presence of the goddess Aphrodite in the lives of female characters with the characteristicsof autonomy and emancipation.

Mythology , Power, Psychological , Punishment , Violence , Women
Rev. mal-estar subj ; 7(2): 269-284, sept. 2007.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-485099


O texto tem como eixo condutor a noção de realidade social, que,na psicanálise, é dita transindividual. Jacques Alain-Miller é um dos críticos daquilo que atualmente se discute no âmbito da correntefilosófica norte-americana conhecida como filosofia analítica, na quala noção de realidade social, considerada novidade, é estruturada navertente simbólica. Miller mostra que esse terreno já era conhecidodesde a atualidade freudiana. Abordar fenômenos como violência e segregação supõe não desconsiderar a realidade social e suas particularidades. E assim se desenvolve o texto, que também recorreàs ricas contribuições da filosofia política, com Hannah Arendt. É por meio dessa interlocução entre psicanálise e filosofia política quea violência e a segregação são consideradas sintomas, tendo comoreferência conceitos de sintoma que permaneceram, em Freud e Lacan, na atualidade em que a vergonha e a honra perderam espaço. A vergonha é diferenciada da culpabilidade e considerada um afeto primário da relação com o Outro, algo bem íntimo dosujeito. A culpabilidade é demarcada como o efeito, no sujeito,de um Outro que julga, já que é guardião de valores que o sujeitotransgride. Em nosso mundo, como diria Arendt, que até demarcouum conceito de mundo, há falta de vergonha. Torna-se difícil morrerde vergonha, pois o Outro, necessário para que esse afeto se instale,'não existe'. 'O Outro que não existe' é um modo milleriano de referir-se à atualidade que comporta um Outro não-todo, também conhecida como atualidade líquida, como hipermodernidade e pósmodernidade.Os praticantes da psicanálise defrontam-se com os sujeitos dessa época e são inventivos, não se deixando tombarao peso do saudosismo ou do humanitarismo. A parte final dotexto traz, então, algumas considerações sobre os impasses dessaprática e o desejo do analista que a sustenta.

This study has as conductive axis the notion of social reality, which, inpsychoanalysis, is named trans-individuality. Jacques Alain-Miller isone of the critics of what nowadays is discussed on the environmentof the North-American group called analytical philosophy, in whichthe notion of social reality, considered a novelty, is structured onsymbolic terms. Miller shows that this field was already known since Freud's time. To approach phenomenons such as violence and segregation it is necessary not to disregard the social reality and its particularities. Therefore, this research is developed taking thesefacts in consideration, and it also turns to the rich contributions of the political philosophy, by which the violence and segregation are considered symptoms, having as reference concepts of symptom that are still present, in Freud and Lacan, until today, and in whichthe shame and honor have lost space. Shame is differentiated from culpability and considered a primary affection of the relation with the Other, something quite intimate to the individual. Culpability is delimited as the effect, on the individual, of an Other the judges,since he or she is guardian of values that the individual trespasses. In our world, as Arendt would say, which even delimited a concept of 'world', there is a lack of shame. It is difficult to be ashamed because the Other, needed in order for this affection to happen,'does not exist'. 'The Other which does not exist' is a Millerian way of referring to the modern times, which conceals a non-whole Other, and it is also known as hypermodernity and post-modernity.The believers of psychoanalysis are faced with the individuals from this time and are creative, not crumbling to the weight of nostalgy or humanitarism. The final part of the present text brings someconsiderations about the obstacles of this practice and the wishes of the analyst that supports it.

Humans , History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Social Alienation/psychology , Guilt , Philosophy , Psychoanalysis , Violence/psychology
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12)2006.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623155


Concluded from the research,the main stream of current medical university students'concept of honor and disgrace is positive,including correct political conviction and good outlook on life.However,at the same time there also exist some negative aspects,such as wrong ideas on world outlook,value concept,moral concept and legal outlook.The negligence of school education and the negative influence of social environment are the main reasons.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12)2003.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-621588


Honor versus dishonor view is a basic view about people how to treat the glory and the shame.Educating the medical college students with honor versus dishonor view has the important meaning.We can help the medical college students set up the right socialist honor versus dishonor view by improving educaters'good quality,building the good campus culture atmosphere and displaying fully the medical college students'subjective initiative to make them progress unremittingly.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6)1995.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-533793


New teaching approaches and modes should be developed in the education of socialist value of honor and disgrace,in order to unify socialist value of honor and disgrace with the personal development of medical professionals,realize the social function of medical professionals during the cultural transmission,stress the construction of hospital culture which is oriented by socialist value of honor and disgrace,strengthen the timely characteristics of teaching content and mode in moral education,thus morality and the socialist value of honor and disgrace could be developed in the whole society.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6)1995.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-532637


Objective: To strengthen the education of ethics,honor and humiliation,and humanities for the working staff in community healthcare service,so as to better serve the community residents.Method: To strengthen the education of ethics,honor and humiliation,and humanities for the working staff in community healthcare service,and check the outcome.Conclusion: It is necessary to recognize the humanistic function of community healthcare service,strengthen practice and the ability of healthcare service to improve residents' trust and satisfaction of community healthcare service.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6)1995.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-530417


By analyzing the basic line of medical ethics,this paper points out the collapse of basic line of medical ethics is due to the lack of people-oriented spirit in medical activities.Hospitals and medical staff should build up people-oriented spirit and conscience,strengthen the sense of honor and humiliation,thus to prevent the recollapse of the basic line of medical ethics and build up a harmonious physician-patient relationship.This project is significant in conducting the educational program of social glory and humiliation sense.