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Rev. Saúde Pública Paraná (Online) ; 3(1): 31-40, 08/07/2020.
Article in Portuguese | ColecionaSUS, SESA-PR, CONASS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1119333


Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a percepção de um grupo de voluntários frente ao trabalho com pacientes oncológicos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva-exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa. A população do estudo foi constituída por voluntários do Expresso Alegria. Foram selecionados voluntários que vão frequentemente às visitas hospitalares, pelo menos uma vez ao mês e que não estejam em fase de treinamento. A coleta de dados ocorreu após a aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, por meio de um questionário aberto. A investigação foi realizada em três etapas: reunião com o responsável do Expresso Alegria; abordagem individual para formalização do convite e coleta de dados. Foram entrevistados nove participantes. Para interpretação, os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo de Bardin. A partir dos resultados foram elaboradas três categorias empíricas. O estudo apresentou a importância do trabalho voluntário no tratamento dos pacientes oncológicos, levando alegria, conforto e humanização ao ambiente. (AU)

This study aimed to analyze the perception of a group of volunteers regarding the work with cancer patients. It is a descriptive-exploratory research, with a qualitative approach. The study population consisted of volunteers from Expresso Alegria. The volunteers selected were those who frequently go to hospital visits, at least once a month, and who are not undergoing training. Data collection took place after approval by the Research Ethics Committee, through an open questionnaire. The investigation was carried out in three stages: meeting with the head of Expresso Alegria; individual approach to formalize the invitation and collect data. Nine participants were interviewed. For interpretation, data were submitted to Bardin's content analysis. From the results, three empirical categories were elaborated. The study showed the importance of voluntary work in the treatment of cancer patients, as they bring joy, comfort and humanization to the environment. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Cancer Care Facilities , Humanization of Assistance , Hospital Volunteers
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786297


PURPOSE: Hospice volunteers are serving an invisible yet pivotal role in the hospice and palliative care team. This study investigated how effectively a continuing education program could enhance hospice volunteers' competency.METHODS: A total of 20 hours (four hours per week) of training was provided to 30 hospice volunteers who participated in the continuing education for hospice volunteers. Efficiency of the education was analyzed with an exploratory mixed-methods design. For quantitative analysis, the volunteers were asked, before and after the training, about their attitudes towards hospice care, what makes a meaningful life, self-efficacy and satisfaction with their volunteer service. Descriptive statistics, paired t-tests, and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were performed using SPSS Window 20.0. For qualitative research, participants were placed in three groups for a focus group interview, and data were analyzed by content analysis.RESULTS: A quantitative study result shows that this training can significantly affect hospice volunteers' attitudes and improve their self-efficacy. A qualitative study result shows that participants wanted to receive continuous education from the physical/psychosocial/spiritual aspects to better serve end-of-life patients and their family members even though they have to spare significant time for the volunteer service. They wanted to know how to take good care of patients without getting themselves injured and how to provide spiritual care.CONCLUSION: The continuing education program reflecting volunteers' requests is strongly needed to improve their competency. An effective continuing education requires continuous training and support in areas where hospice volunteers are interested in. A good alternative is to combine web-based and hands-on training, thereby allowing hospice volunteers freely take training that suits their interest.

Humans , Education , Education, Continuing , Focus Groups , Hospice Care , Hospices , Hospital Volunteers , Palliative Care , Qualitative Research , Volunteers
Rev. med. (Säo Paulo) ; 91(3): 202-208, jul.-set. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-748467


O objetivo deste artigo é descrever o projeto MadAlegria como uma proposta de humanização em saúde. O MadAlegria é um projeto de extensão universitária da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo criado emagosto de 2010, com caráter multidisciplinar. Inclui alunos dos cursos de Enfermagem, Fisioterapia, Fonoaudiologia, Medicina, Nutrição e Terapia Ocupacional, os quais desenvolvem atividades culturais, científicas e educacionais relacionadas à humanização do relacionamento com opaciente e com a equipe de saúde. A linguagem utilizada para a comunicação é a lúdica; pela atuação como palhaçosde hospital e contadores de história. O projeto tem como finalidade amenizar o ambiente hospitalar e os diferentescenários de saúde, para os pacientes e para a equipe de trabalho, e influenciar na formação dos alunos da área da saúde com intuito de obter profissionais diferenciados, que possam exercer sua profissão de maneira humanizada einterdisciplinar. Durante os dois anos de existência, foram formados 78 palhaços de hospital, sendo que a formação tem um ano de treinamento, e o curso de contação de histórias foi oferecido para 35 pessoas. A população alvo do projeto é adulto e em dois anos foram realizados 2.020 atendimentos como palhaços no hospital. Os relatórios elaborados pelos alunos após os atendimentos demonstram que há uma mudança positiva na qualidade do contato entre o aluno e o paciente e que o aluno tende a dedicar ao paciente um olhar mais compreensivo e afetivo. Os pacientes referem satisfação e raramente rejeitam a presença dopalhaço. É uma oportunidade do aluno da área de saúde se aproximar do paciente sem a obrigação de desempenhar o papel de profissional, mas com a liberdade de ouvir, se sensibilizar com a dor do outro e atuar naquele momento para minimizar a tristeza ou dor ou simplesmente compartilhar aquela experiência de internação hospitalar. O ProgramaMadAlegria colabora para a discussão da importância de estratégias de humanização...

The objective of this article is to describe the project MadAlegria as a multi-disciplinary proposal of humanization in healthcare. MadAlegria is a multidisciplinary extension project of the School of Medicine of Universityof São Paulo initiated in August 2010. The project includes students of Nursing, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Medicine, Nutrition and Occupational Therapy, who developcultural, scientific and educational activities related with the humanization of the relationship with the patient and with the health professionals. The students act as hospital clowns and storytellers as a vehicle for the engagement.The project aims to tendering the hospital environment for patients and for the health professionals and to influencing the education of heath care students, seeking to shape differentiatedprofessionals that can work in an interdisciplinary and humanized way. In two years of existence 78 people were trained as hospital clowns and 35 underwent a storytelling course. In this period the students made 2020 visits as hospital clowns, targeting a population of adult patients. The post visit reports indicate a positive change in the quality of the student-patient contact, as well as a more affectiveand understanding approach by the student. Patients refer satisfaction and rarely reject the clown’s presence. These contacts offer the students the opportunity to get closer to patients with no professional expectations, but with freedom to listen and to empathize with the other’s pain and sorrow and eventually help minimizing it. The MadAlegria program supports the discussion on the importance of humanization strategies during hospital care activities as well as in the education of health professionals...

Humans , Male , Female , Patient Care/psychology , Hospitalization , Humanization of Assistance , Narration , Health Personnel/psychology , Art Therapy , Hospital Volunteers/psychology , Students, Health Occupations