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Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 58-64, maio-ago. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553299


A assistência odontológica é imprescindível para a prevenção de doenças infecciosas e para a manutenção da integridade da cavidade oral de pacientes internatos em unidades de terapia intensiva. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o conhecimento e as práticas de higiene oral dos acadêmicos do curso de Enfermagem de uma instituição de ensino superior, que realizam estágio em hospital, no controle de higiene bucal de pacientes internados em ambiente hospitalar. Participaram do estudo 40 alunos, que responderam 14 perguntas com o intuito de avaliar o conhecimento e as práticas no controle de higiene bucal, realizadas por eles, em pacientes internados em ambiente hospitalar. Os resultados demonstraram que os acadêmicos entrevistados tinham idade média de 25,8 anos, sendo 95% do sexo feminino e apenas 5% do sexo masculino. Destes, 42,5% afirmaram não haver presença de um Cirurgião-Dentista em ambiente hospitalar e 82,5% responderam que o responsável pela saúde bucal dos pacientes é do técnico de enfermagem. Quanto aos cuidados em pacientes internados em UTI, 52,5% dos entrevistados relataram que estes pacientes recebem higienização bucal, porém 30% alegaram que esta pratica não era realizada e 17,5% não sabiam responder. Além disso, 47,5% dos entrevistados afirmam ter insegurança ao realizar os procedimentos de higiene bucal dos pacientes. Pode-se concluir que os acadêmicos entrevistados possuem bom conhecimento acerca da importância dos cuidados com a saúde bucal dos pacientes internados em ambiente hospitalar. No entanto, ainda existem muitas dúvidas relacionadas ao manejo clínico de procedimentos de promoção de saúde bucal, que poderiam ser solucionados com a presença de um profissional de Odontologia inserido em uma equipe multidisciplinar(AU)

Oral care is essential for the prevention of infectious diseases and for maintaining the integrity of the oral cavity of patients hospitalized in intensive care units. The objective of this study is to evaluate the knowledge and oral hygiene practices of Nursing students at a higher education institution, who carry out internships in a hospital, in controlling the oral hygiene of patients admitted to a hospital environment. 40 students participated in the study, who answered 14 questions with the aim of evaluating the knowledge and practices in controlling oral hygiene, carried out by them, on patients hospitalized in a hospital environment. The results demonstrated that the academics interviewed had an average age of 25.8 years, with 95% being female and only 5% being male. Of these, 42.5% stated that there was no presence of a Dental Surgeon in a hospital environment and 82.5% responded that the nursing technician is responsible for the patients' oral health. Regarding care for patients admitted to the ICU, 52.5% of those interviewed reported that these patients receive oral hygiene, however 30% claimed that this practice was not performed and 17.5% did not know how to answer. Furthermore, 47.5% of those interviewed say they are insecure when carrying out oral hygiene procedures for patients. It can be concluded that the academics interviewed have good knowledge about the importance of oral health care for patients hospitalized in a hospital environment. However, there are still many doubts related to the clinical management of oral health promotion procedures, which could be resolved with the presence of a dentistry professional within a multidisciplinary team(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Surveys and Questionnaires , Inpatients
Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 38(298): e1149, jan.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1531645


Diante do ritmo acelerado da vida contemporânea, observa-se um aumento na tendência dos indivíduos em optar por realizar suas refeições fora de casa. A carne, reconhecida como um componente essencial na alimentação dos brasileiros, está suscetível à contaminação pois apresenta ambiente favorável à proliferação de microrganismos patogênicos. Fazendo-se necessária uma análise de contaminação pós-produção afim de evitar Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos. No presente estudo objetivouse avaliar as boas práticas de fabricação e contaminação de preparações de carne bovina assada, de restaurantes particulares e institucionalizados no município de Americana-SP. Amostras de carne prontas para o consumo foram obtidas de seis estabelecimentos comerciais e seis institucionais. Durante a coleta, foram verificadas as temperaturas e realizadas análises de conformidades com a RDC n° 275, de 2002. As amostras foram examinadas para detectar a presença ou ausência de E. coli e coliformes termotolerantes a 45° C. Para a análise foi realizada a técnica de tubos múltiplos para quantificar a totalidade dos coliformes. Observou-se que, conforme estipulado pela Resolução n°43 de 2015, nenhuma das amostras oriundas de restaurantes comerciais, e a maioria das provenientes de restaurantes institucionais, atingiram as temperaturas requeridas. No que concerne à identificação de E. coli através de testes microbiológicos, foi constatado que seis amostras de restaurantes comerciais e quatro de restaurantes institucionais testaram positivo para a presença deste microrganismo. Conclui-se que as amostras de restaurantes comerciais apresentaram níveis de contaminação superiores em comparação com as amostras de restaurantes institucionais.

Given the fast-paced rhythm of contemporary life, there is an increase in individuals choosing to have their meals outside the home. Meat, recognized as an essential component in the Brazilian diet, is susceptible to contamination as it provides a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. It is necessary to conduct post-production contamination analysis to prevent Foodborne Diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the good manufacturing practices and contamination of roasted beef preparations from private and institutional restaurants in the city of Americana-SP. Samples of ready-to-eat meat were obtained from six commercial establishments and six institutional ones. During collection, temperatures were checked, and conformity analyses were conducted according to RDC No. 275, 2002. The samples were examined for the presence or absence of E. coli and thermotolerant coliforms at 45°C using the multiple tube technique to quantify the total coliforms. It was observed that, as stipulated by Resolution No. 43, 2015, none of the samples from commercial restaurants and the majority from institutional restaurants reached the required temperatures. Regarding the identification of E. coli through microbiological tests, it was found that six samples from commercial restaurants and four from institutional ones tested positive for the presence of this microorganism. It is concluded that samples from commercial restaurants showed higher contamination levels compared to institutional restaurant samples.

Food Hygiene , Foodborne Diseases , Meat , Brazil
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564643


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of motivational interviewing on improving oral hygiene behavior in patients with fixed orthodontics appliances. A parallel-group randomized clinical trial was conducted with 45 patients of the Orthodontic Clinic of Unibe's Postgraduate Unit. A computer-generated list of numbers created with SPSS V21.0 was used to randomly allocate participants into the experimental or the control group. Monthly oral hygiene instructions and an oral hygiene kit from GUM® with special orthodontic hygiene tools were given to the participants. Furthermore, the experimental group underwent motivational interviewing sessions facilitated by a periodontist who received training from two expert psychologists. These psychologists also provided supervision to the interviewer, ensuring the accurate implementation of the intervention. Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (SOHI), Gingival Index (GI), Periodontal Probing Depth (PPD) and Bleeding on Probing (BoP) were recorded at baseline, three and six months after the beginning of the study. The participant and the evaluator (another periodontist who recorded the data) were masked. Repeated-measures mixed- model analysis of variance and chi-squared test were conducted. Mean SOHI, GI, PPD and BoP scores did not differ significantly across the three time points (baseline, three and six months). Nevertheless, a significant interaction on SOHI scores (F (2, 58) = 3.463, p = .038, h2 = .052) was found between the sessions and the treatment conditions (experimental vs control group) at the third and sixth month. Motivational interviewing plus oral hygiene instructions appears to maintain a better control of dental biofilm and calculus in comparison with conventional oral hygiene instructions alone.

El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la efectividad de las entrevistas motivacionales para mejorar el comportamiento de higiene oral en pacientes con aparatos ortodóncicos fijos. Se llevó a cabo un ensayo clínico aleatorizado de grupos paralelos con 45 pacientes de la Clínica de Ortodoncia de la Unidad de Posgrado de Unibe. Se utilizó una lista de números generada por computadora con SPSS V21.0 para asignar aleatoriamente a los participantes al grupo experimental o de control. Se les proporcionó a los participantes instrucciones mensuales de higiene oral y un kit de higiene oral de GUM® con utensilios de higiene especiales para ortodoncia. Además, el grupo experimental recibió sesiones de entrevista motivacional facilitadas por un periodoncista capacitado por dos psicólogas expertas. Estas psicólogas también supervisaron al entrevistador, asegurando la implementación precisa de la intervención. Se registró el Índice Simplificado de Higiene Oral (IHO-S), el Índice Gingival (IG), la Profundidad de Sondaje Periodontal (PS) y el Sangrado al Sondaje (SS) al inicio, a los tres y seis meses después del inicio del estudio. Tanto el participante como el evaluador (otro periodoncista que registró los datos) estaban enmascarados. Se realizaron análisis de varianza de medidas repetidas con modelo mixto y pruebas de chi-cuadrado. Las puntuaciones medias del IHO-S, IG, PS y SS no difirieron significativamente en los tres momentos (inicio, tres y seis meses). Sin embargo, se encontró una interacción significativa en las puntuaciones del IHO-S (F (2, 58) = 3.463, p = .038, h2 = .052) entre las sesiones y las condiciones de tratamiento (grupo experimental vs grupo de control) en el tercer y sexto mes. Las entrevistas motivacionales junto con las instrucciones de higiene oral parecen mantener un mejor control de la biopelícula dental y el cálculo en comparación con las instrucciones convencionales de higiene oral por sí solas.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 90-100, mayo 29, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563305


Introduction: Pediatric liquid medications (PLM) are frequently administered to children, yet their usage may contribute to the onset of dental caries. Despite its prevalence, there is a notable scarcity of scientific research regarding caregivers' knowledge of this potential cariogenic risk. Objective: This study aims to assess the knowledge of the main caregivers of children aged 5 to 12 years concerning the cariogenic potential associated with the use of PLM. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional analytical obser-vational study involving 152 primary caregivers of children aged 5 to 12 was conducted. Data were collected on caregivers' perceptions of the cariogenic risk associated with PLMs and their consumption habits. The study also assessed oral hygiene routines and evaluated the level of information provided by healthcare professionals. Results: Research findings indicated a significant lack of awa-reness among primary caregivers regarding the cariogenic risks of PLMs, with 78.95% being unaware of these risks and 47.37% unaware of the sugars present in such medications. Additionally, a high rate of PLM consumption was observed, with 63% of caregivers using them in the last year. The study underscored a notable absence of guidance from healthcare professionals, as 91.45% of the caregivers stated that they had not received instructions on tooth brushing after the administration of the PLM. Conclusions: The study highlights a significant lack of awa-reness among primary caregivers regarding the cariogenic risks associated with the ingestion of pediatric liquid medications. This deficit in information and preventive measures presents a substantial obstacle to children's oral health. To address this issue, it is crucial for healthcare professionals to offer comprehensive guidance and promote preventive measures.

Introducción: La administración de medicamentos líquidos pediátricos (MLP) es una práctica común en la población infantil y puede estar vinculada al desarrollo de lesiones de caries dental. Sin embargo, la evidencia científica que aborda el conocimiento de los cuidadores acerca de este riesgo cariogénico es escasa. Objetivo: Este estudio busca determinar el conocimiento de los cuidadores principales de niños de 5 a 12 años sobre el potencial cariogénico asociado al consumo de MLP. Materiales y Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional analítico transversal que incluyó a 152 cuidadores principales de niños en el rango de edad de 5 a 12 años. Se recopiló información sobre la percepción de los cuidadores acerca del riesgo cariogénico de los MLP, así como sobre sus patrones de consumo. Además, se registraron las prácticas de higiene oral y se evaluó el nivel de información proporcionado por los profesionales de la salud. Resultado: Los hallazgos de la investigación revelaron que un 78,95% de los cuidadores principales desconocen el riesgo cariogénico asociado al consumo de medicamentos líquidos pediátricos (MLP), y un 47,37% de ellos no eran conscientes de la presencia de azúcares en dichos medicamentos. Además, se observó un elevado índice de consumo de MLP, con un 63% de los cuidadores que los utilizaron en el último año. Se destacó la falta de orientaciones por parte de los profesionales de la salud, ya que, un 91,45% de los tutores afirmaron no haber recibido instrucciones sobre el cepillado dental posterior a la administración de los MLP. Conclusión: Este estudio evidencia un relevante porcentaje de desconocimiento entre los cuidadores principales acerca del riesgo cariogénico asociado a la ingesta de medicamentos líquidos pediátricos. La falta de información y medidas preventivas constituye un desafío significativo para la salud oral de los niños. Es imperativo que los profesionales de la salud proporcionen información detallada y fomenten prácticas de prevención.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Dental Caries/etiology , Sugars/adverse effects , Chile/epidemiology , Caregivers
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(1): 9-15, jan.-abr. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553247


A evolução dos tratamentos em implantodontia possibilitou uma mudança nos tratamentos reabilitadores para pacientes edêntulos, tornando possível a colocação de próteses fixas, que proporcionam maior qualidade de vida para estes pacientes. Para que estas próteses tenham bom desempenho e longevidade satisfatórios é essencial que se mantenha um padrão adequado de higienização bucal e manutenção profissional. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão de literatura a respeito dos principais recursos disponíveis para higienização e manutenção das próteses totais fixas sobre implante (protocolo de Branemark), tanto nos cuidados domiciliares dos pacientes quanto no atendimento profissional do cirurgião dentista. Foi realizada uma busca eletrônica, não sistemática, nas bases de dados Lilacs, Pubmed/Medline, Scielo e ScienceDirect, cruzando-se os seguintes descritores: "Higiene Oral"; "Implantes Dentários"; "Implantação Dentária"; "Manutenção"; "Prótese Dentária Fixada por Implante" e "Prótese Dentária". Foram consultados artigos de revisão de literatura, revisão sistemática, meta-análise, estudos clínicos randomizados, além de livros pertinentes ao assunto, publicados no período de 1995 a 2022.Verificou-se na literatura disponível que os principais instrumentos indicados para uso domiciliar são escova dental, fio dental, escova interdental, irrigador oral, dentifrício e enxaguatório. No atendimento profissional em consultório odontológico deve ser dispendida atenção especial às instruções passadas ao paciente e também fazer o possível para motivar e encorajar o seu engajamento na rotina de higienização, além do acompanhamento periodontal, possíveis substituições de parafusos e instalação de placa oclusal estabilizadora, quando necessário. Manter uma higiene oral adequada é essencial para o sucesso das próteses fixas sobre implantes e o cirurgião dentista desempenha um papel crucial não apenas ao realizar o acompanhamento periódico do paciente, mas também ao sugerir os instrumentos mais apropriados, instruir sobre a higiene oral adequada e motivar o paciente a manter a saúde bucal satisfatória(AU)

The evolution of treatments in implantology has enable a change in rehabilitation treatments for edentulous patients, making it possible to place fixed prostheses that provide a better quality of life for these patients. In order to ensure good performance and satisfactory longevity, it is essential to maintain an appropriate standard of oral hygiene and professional maintenance. Thus, the objective of this work was to conduct a literature review on the main resources available for cleaning and maintenance of complete fixed prostheses on implants (Branemark protocol), both in the patients' home care and in the professional care provided by the dentist. A nonsystematic electronic search was carried out in the Lilacs, Pubmed/Medline, Scielo, and ScienceDirect databases, crossing the following descriptors: "Oral Hygiene"; "Dental Implants"; "Dental Implantation"; "Maintenance"; "Dental Prosthesis, ImplantSupported"; and "Prosthodontics". Literature review articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, randomized clinical studies, and relevant books on the subject published from 1995 to 2022 were consulted. The literature available indicates that the main instruments recommended for home care are toothbrush, dental floss, interdental brush, oral irrigator, toothpaste, and mouthwash. In the professional dental office, special attention should be given to the instructions given to the patient, as well as to motivate and encourage their engagement in the hygiene routine, in addition to periodontal monitoring, possible screw replacements, and installation of an occlusal splint when necessary. Maintaining adequate oral hygiene is essential for the success of fixed prostheses on implants, and the dentist plays a crucial role, not only in providing periodic patient follow-up, but also in suggesting the most appropriate instruments, instructing on adequate oral hygiene, and motivating the patient to maintain satisfactory oral health(AU)

Dental Care , Preventive Dentistry , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/methods , Dentifrices , Dentists , Mouthwashes
Rev. chil. nutr ; 51(2)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559705


Las enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos causan una alta carga de morbilidad, con una mayor ocurrencia en ambientes domiciliarios. El objetivo del estudio es asociar hábitos relacionados con buenas prácticas de higiene con variables sociodemográficas en una muestra representativa de la población chilena. Estudio de análisis secundario, realizado a partir de la Encuesta nacional de Salud (ENS) 2016-2017, donde se analizaron las preguntas de buenas prácticas de higiene. La muestra contempla 6.233 participantes, de los cuales el 62,8% corresponde a sexo femenino. Se identificó que las mujeres tienen mejores hábitos de higiene en la manipulación de alimentos respecto a los hombres. Por otro lado, los adultos entre 45-64 años y mayores a 65 años, presentan mejores hábitos relacionados con inocuidad alimentaria, en relación con otros grupos etarios. En conclusión, las variables sociodemográficas como sexo, edad, nivel educativo son determinantes en las buenas prácticas de higiene. Se debe educar a la población en la manipulación de alimentos, para garantizar la inocuidad alimentaria.

Foodborne diseases cause a high burden of morbidity, with a greater occurrence in home environments. The objective of the study is to associate habits related to good hygiene practices with sociodemographic variables in a representative sample of the Chilean population. Secondary analysis study, conducted from the National Health Survey (NHS) 2016-2017, where the questions of good hygiene practices were analyzed. The sample contemplates 6,233 participants, of which 62.8% corresponds to female sex. It was identified that women have better hygiene habits in food handling compared to men. On the other hand, adults aged 45-64 years and over 65 years had better habits related to food safety than other age groups. In conclusion, sociodemographic variables such as sex, age and educational level are determining factors in good hygiene practices. The population should be educated in food handling to ensure food safety.

Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(2): 205-211, abr. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559672


INTRODUCCIÓN: La higiene de manos (HM) es la principal medida para disminuir las IAAS, las que en las Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) presentan una alta prevalencia. En Chile no existe información sobre el impacto de la estrategia multimodal de la OMS para la HM en adultos. El objetivo fue evaluar el impacto de la implementación de la estrategia en una UPC. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio longitudinal con evaluación pre y post-intervención, entre los años 2018 y 2021, en la UCI del Hospital del Trabajador (HT), Santiago, Chile. La implementación se evaluó con pautas de cumplimiento de HM, consumo de jabón y productos en base alcohólica (PBA). El impacto se midió con las tasas de neumonía asociada a ventilación mecánica (NAVM), infecciones del torrente sanguíneo asociadas a CVC (ITS- CVC) y del tracto urinario por CUP (ITU-CUP), y la incidencia anual de dermatitis. RESULTADOS: El cumplimiento de pautas aumentó de 91 a 96% (p < 0,05). El consumo total de productos para la HM aumentó de 0,17 a 0,31 L/día/cama y de PBA en 10%. Las tasas de IAAS pre y post-intervención fueron para NAVM de 10,3 y 8,4; ITS-CVC de 0,8 y 1,5 e ITU-CUP de 4,2 y 5,3 por 1.000 días de exposición. La incidencia anual de dermatitis disminuyó en 30% (p < 0,05). CONCLUSIONES: La implementación de la estrategia multimodal se asoció a una disminución de las tasas de NAVM y de dermatitis en la UCI del HT.

INTRODUCTION: Hand hygiene is the main measure to decrease infections related to healthcare and the Intensive Care Unit has a high prevalence. In Chile there aren't reports about the impact of the World Health Organization multimodal hand hygiene improvement strategy. AIM: To assess the implementation impact of this strategy at the ICU. METHODOLOGY: Longitudinal study with pre- and postintervention evaluation during the years 2018-2021 at ICU. The implementation was assessed against hand hygiene compliance guidelines, soap consumption and alcohol-based products. The impact was evaluated with the rates of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), catheter related bloodstream infection (CRBSI) and catheter associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) and the annual dermatitis incidence. RESULTS: The guidelines compliance increased from 91% to 96% (p < 0.05). The total product consumption increased from 0.17 to 0.31 Liters/day/bed. The use of alcohol-based products increased by 10%. HAI rates pre- and post-intervention were for VAP 10.3 and 8.4, CRBSI 0.8 and 1.5 and CAUTI 4.2 and 5.3. The annual dermatitis incidence decreased by 30.8% (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The strategy implementation benefited the decrease of VAP and the dermatitis prevention in ICU.

Humans , Hand Disinfection/methods , Cross Infection/prevention & control , Intensive Care Units/standards , Urinary Tract Infections/prevention & control , Urinary Tract Infections/epidemiology , World Health Organization , Cross Infection/epidemiology , Longitudinal Studies , Dermatitis/prevention & control , Dermatitis/epidemiology , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated/prevention & control , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated/epidemiology , Catheter-Related Infections/prevention & control , Catheter-Related Infections/epidemiology
Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(2): 199-204, abr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559685


INTRODUCCIÓN: La higiene de manos es la medida más eficaz para prevenir las infecciones asociadas al cuidado de la salud. Las actitudes hacia esta práctica tan sencilla, influyen en el grado de adherencia. OBJETIVO: Desarrollar y validar un instrumento para evaluar las actitudes hacia la higiene de manos en estudiantes de Licenciatura en Enfermería. MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio observacional y de corte transversal. Una vez construido el instrumento se realizó la validez de contenido mediante el juicio de expertos. Para la validez de constructo se realizó análisis factorial exploratorio. Posteriormente se calculó la confiabilidad, que incluyó la consistencia interna y la estabilidad del cuestionario. RESULTADOS: Participaron 313 estudiantes de Licenciatura en Enfermería de ocho universidades de Argentina. Se calculó el Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO = 0,720) y se obtuvo una prueba de esfericidad de Bartlett significativa (x2 = 831,2; = 0,000). El análisis factorial exploratorio determinó la existencia de un único factor. El modelo explicó el 54% de la varianza. Se utilizó la implementación mejorada de la estimación Bayesiana EAP integrada en el programa FACTOR, que fue de 0,85 y se realizó test-retest utilizando análisis de correlación que arrojó un r = 0,64 (p ≤ 0,001). CONCLUSIONES: El cuestionario sobre actitudes hacia la higiene de manos (CAHM) presenta una adecuada validez y confiablidad, por lo que puede ser utilizado para indagar sobre este factor predisponente de adherencia hacia la higiene de manos.

BACKGROUND: Hand hygiene is the most effective measure to prevent health care-associated infections. Attitudes towards this simple practice influence the level of adherence. AIM: To develop and validate an instrument for the evaluation of attitudes towards hand hygiene in nursing students. METHOD: An observational and cross-sectional study was carried out. Once the instrument was constructed, content validity was carried out through expert judgment. For construct validity, exploratory factor analysis was performed. Subsequently, the analysis of construct validity and reliability was calculated, which included the internal consistency and stability of the questionnaire. RESULTS: 313 Nursing undergraduate students from 8 universities in Argentina participated. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO = 0.720) was calculated, and a significant Bartlett sphericity test was obtained (x2 = 831.2; = 0.000). The exploratory factor analysis determined the existence of a single factor. The model explained 54% of the variance. The improved implementation of the Bayesian EAP estimation integrated in the FACTOR program was used, which was 0.85; and test-retest was also performed using correlation analysis that yielded r = 0.64 (p ≤ 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The Questionnaire on attitudes towards hand hygiene (CAHM) has adequate validity and reliability, so it can be used to investigate this predisposing factor of adherence to hand hygiene.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Students, Nursing/psychology , Attitude of Health Personnel , Cross Infection/prevention & control , Surveys and Questionnaires , Hand Hygiene , Psychometrics , Attitude to Health , Hand Disinfection , Cross-Sectional Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 38-45, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567607


Background and Objectives: to identify the perceptions of nursing professionals who worked during the covid-19 pandemic regarding Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) and Hand Hygiene (HH), categorizing them by profession and region in Brazil. Method: An observational study was conducted from November 2020 to December 2021, involving 493 nursing professionals from all regions of Brazil. The Google Forms® platform, disseminated through social media was used. A questionnaire titled "Basic Questionnaire on Healthcare Professionals' Perception of Healthcare-Associated Infections and Hand Hygiene" was administered. The results were analyzed descriptively, presenting absolute and relative frequencies, divided by groups of nursing professionals (nurses, technicians, and assistants) and by regions of Brazil. Results: The results showed that 43.9% of nurses reported a significant impact of HAIs on the clinical progression of patients, whereas only 26.7% of nursing technicians and assistants shared this perception. Regarding HH, 50.8% of nurses considered a substantial effort necessary to perform it adequately, while 68.9% of nursing technicians and assistants agreed with this statement. Conclusion: most nursing professionals had a high perception of HAIs and HH, considering their profession and geographic region. These findings can contribute to the development of future strategies aimed at improving HH practices in nursing care, particularly during outbreaks of infectious diseases such as covid-19.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivos: identificar as percepções dos profissionais de enfermagem que atuaram durante a pandemia de covid-19 em relação às Infecções Relacionadas à Assistência à Saúde (IRAS) e à Higienização das Mãos (HM), classificando-os por profissão e regiões brasileiras. Método: estudo observacional foi conduzido de novembro/2020 a dezembro/2021, com a participação de 493 profissionais de enfermagem de todas as regiões do Brasil. Utilizou-se o formulário do Google Forms®, divulgado em redes sociais. Foi aplicado um questionário intitulado "Questionário básico sobre a percepção de profissionais de saúde sobre infecções relacionadas à assistência à saúde e à higienização das mãos". Os resultados foram analisados de forma descritiva, apresentando frequências absolutas e relativas, divididos por grupos de profissionais de enfermagem (enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares) e por regiões do Brasil. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que 43,9% dos enfermeiros relataram um impacto muito alto das IRAS na evolução clínica dos pacientes, enquanto apenas 26,7% dos auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem compartilharam essa percepção. Em relação à HM, 50,8% dos enfermeiros consideraram que é necessário um grande esforço para realizá-la adequadamente, enquanto 68,9% dos auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem concordaram com essa afirmação. Conclusão: a maioria dos profissionais de enfermagem apresentou uma alta percepção sobre HM e IRAS, levando em consideração a profissão e a região geográfica. Esses resultados podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de estratégias futuras com o objetivo de aprimorar as práticas de HM na assistência de enfermagem, principalmente durante surtos de doenças infecciosas, como a covid-19.(AU)

Justificación y Objetivos: identificar las percepciones de los profesionales de enfermería que trabajaron durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en relación con las Infecciones Relacionadas con la Atención de la Salud (IRAS) y la Higiene de las Manos (HM), clasificándolos por profesión y región. Métodos: se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional desde noviembre/2020 hasta diciembre/2021, con la participación de 493 profesionales de enfermería de las 5 regiones de Brasil. El formulario de Google® fue difundido en redes sociales. Se aplicó un cuestionario: "Cuestionario básico sobre la percepción de los profesionales de la salud sobre infecciones relacionadas con la atención de la salud y la higiene de las manos". Los resultados se analizaron de manera descriptiva, presentando frecuencias absolutas y relativas, divididos por enfermeros, técnicos y auxiliares y por regiones. Resultados: 43,9% de los enfermeros informaron impacto muy alto de IRAS en la evolución de los pacientes, mientras que solo 26,7% de los auxiliares y técnicos compartieron esta percepción. En cuanto a la HM, 50,8% de los enfermeros consideraron que se requiere gran esfuerzo para llevarla a cabo adecuadamente, mientras que 68,9% de los auxiliares y técnicos de enfermería estuvieron de acuerdo con esta afirmación. Conclusión: la mayoría de los profesionales de enfermería tuvo una percepción alta sobre las IRAS y la HM, teniendo en cuenta la profesión y la región. Esto puede contribuir al desarrollo de estrategias para mejorar las prácticas de HM en la enfermería, especialmente durante enfermedades infecciosas como el covid-19.(AU)

Humans , Hand Disinfection , Infection Control , Education, Continuing , COVID-19/nursing , Nursing, Team
Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 46-57, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567609


Background and Objectives: hand hygiene (HH) is a crucial safety practice, but lack of knowledge can hinder compliance. The objective was to measure and assess the knowledge of nursing professionals who provided care during the COVID-19 pandemic regarding HH and to verify the association between HH knowledge and professional category and regions in Brazil. Methods: an observational study was conducted from November 2020 to December 2021 involving 493 nursing professionals from all regions of Brazil. Data collection was carried out using Google Forms® and social media platforms. The Hand Hygiene Knowledge Test for Healthcare Professionals was used, and results were analyzed descriptively. Pearson's chi-square test (x2) and Fisher's exact test were employed to assess associations. Results: among the participants, the majority (74.7%) had limited or subpar knowledge of HH. Nurses had a higher level of knowledge compared to nursing assistants and licensed practical nurses. Associations were found between professional category and correct answers regarding microorganism destruction time and the type of HH to be used. Conclusion: Brazilian nursing professionals had limited knowledge of HH, with nurses displaying a higher level of knowledge compared to nursing assistants and licensed practical nurse. Continuous education and guidance are necessary to improve HH practices among the nursing staff.(AU)

Justificativas e Objetivos: a higiene das mãos (HM) é uma prática crucial para a segurança, mas a falta de conhecimento pode prejudicar a adesão. Este estudo avaliou o conhecimento dos profissionais de enfermagem que prestaram cuidados durante a pandemia de Covid-19 em relação à HM e explorou a associação entre o conhecimento de HM, categoria profissional e regiões no Brasil. Métodos: um estudo observacional foi conduzido de novembro de 2020 a dezembro de 2021 envolvendo 493 profissionais de enfermagem de todas as regiões do Brasil. A coleta de dados foi realizada usando o Google Forms® e plataformas de mídia social. Foi utilizado o Teste de Conhecimento de Higiene das Mãos para Profissionais de Saúde, e os resultados foram analisados descritivamente. O teste qui-quadrado de Pearson (x2) e o teste exato de Fisher foram empregados para avaliar as associações. Resultados: entre os participantes, a maioria (74,7%) tinha conhecimento limitado ou insuficiente sobre HM. Os enfermeiros apresentaram um nível mais elevado de conhecimento em comparação com os auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem. Foram encontradas associações entre a categoria profissional e respostas corretas sobre o tempo de destruição de microrganismos e o tipo de HM a ser utilizado. Conclusão: os profissionais de enfermagem brasileiros possuíam conhecimento limitado sobre HM, sendo que os enfermeiros apresentaram um nível mais elevado de conhecimento em comparação com os auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem. Educação contínua e orientação são necessárias para melhorar as práticas de HM entre a equipe de enfermagem.(AU)

Justificación e Objetivos: la higiene de manos (HM) es una práctica de seguridad crucial, pero la falta de conocimiento puede dificultar el cumplimiento. Este estudio evaluó el conocimiento de los profesionales de enfermería que brindaron atención durante la pandemia de Covid-19 en relación con la HM y exploró la asociación entre el conocimiento de HM, la categoría profesional y las regiones en Brasil. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional desde noviembre de 2020 hasta diciembre de 2021 que incluyó a 493 profesionales de enfermería de todas las regiones de Brasil. La recopilación de datos se realizó utilizando Google Forms® y plataformas de redes sociales. Se utilizó el Test de Conocimiento de Higiene de Manos para Profesionales de la Salud, y los resultados se analizaron de manera descriptiva. Se emplearon la prueba chi-cuadrado de Pearson (x2) y la prueba exacta de Fisher para evaluar las asociaciones. Resultados: entre los participantes, la mayoría (74,7%) tenía conocimiento limitado o deficiente de HM. Las enfermeras tenían un nivel de conocimiento más alto en comparación con los auxiliares y técnicos de enfermería. Se encontraron asociaciones entre la categoría profesional y las respuestas correctas sobre el tiempo de destrucción de microorganismos y el tipo de HM que debía utilizarse. Conclusión: los profesionales de enfermería brasileños tenían un conocimiento limitado de HM, siendo que las enfermeras mostraban un nivel de conocimiento más alto en comparación con los auxiliares y técnicos de enfermería. Se requiere educación continua y orientación para mejorar las prácticas de HM entre el equipo de enfermería(AU)

Humans , Brazil , Infection Control , Education, Continuing , Hand Hygiene , COVID-19 , Nurse Practitioners , Nursing, Team
Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 27(1): e20959, ene.-mar.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556351


El objetivo del artículo es reportar el desempeño clínico en el control y disminución de la placa bacteriana en pacientes adolescentes mediante un gel y barniz con partículas S-PRG. Se realizaron tratamientos con materiales bioactivos con tecnología GIOMER en 2 pacientes. En el primer caso se realizó una profilaxis con Pro Care Gel (S-PRG) en un paciente de 15 años con problemas neuromotores para eliminar la placa y posteriormente, se aplicó un barniz con partículas de S-PRG para prevenir la formación de biofilm. En el segundo caso, un adolescente de 15 años normoreactivo con inflamación gingival recibió el tratamiento profilaxis con PRG Pro Care Gel.Se observó una disminución de placa bacteriana tras la profilaxis con el gel Pro Care y la aplicación del barniz en el primer caso. Además, existió una baja incidencia de biofilm incluso después de 11 meses de la aplicación del barniz. En el segundo caso, a las 2 horas de aplicación, se observó una disminución total de la placa. Clínicamente se observó el bueno desempeño clínico de los materiales con partículas de S-PRG, como lo demuestra la literatura científica en cuanto a la reducción de la formación de placa bacteriana en las estructuras dentarias, la desinflamación gingival, proporciona bienestar a los pacientes y restaura la salud bucal de forma menos invasiva.

The objective of the article is to report the clinical performance in the control and reduction of bacterial plaque in adolescent patients using a gel and varnish with S-PRG particles. Treatments with bioactive materials with GIOMER technology were performed in two patients. In the first case, prophylaxis was performed with Pro Care Gel (S-PRG) in a 15-year-old patient with neuromotor problems to eliminate plaque and subsequently, a varnish with S-PRG particles was applied to prevent biofilm formation. In the second case, a normal 15-year-old adolescent with gingival inflammation received prophylaxis treatment with PRG Pro Care Gel. A decrease in bacterial plaque was observed after prophylaxis with the Pro Care gel and the application of the varnish in the first case. Furthermore, there was a low incidence of biofilm even after 11 months of varnish application. In the second case, after 2 hours of application, a total decrease in plaque was observed. The good clinical performance of materials with S-PRG particles was clinically perceived, as demonstrated by the scientific literature in terms of reducing the formation of bacterial plaque in dental structures, gingival disinflammation, providing well-being to patients and restoring oral health in a less invasive way.

J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 26(1): 22-28, 20240329.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563080


Dentistry plays a significant role in the supportive care of hospitalized children in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs) as these patients arrive in this environment with altered immune systems and compromised oral health. This paper aims to present an integrative literature review on the role of dentists in the hospital setting, particularly in the PICU, and discuss the challenges encountered in this environment. A free search was conducted on the electronic platforms PubMed, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Sciences (Lilacs), and Virtual Health Library (BVS) from January to February 2023, with no defined publication period and including all types of studies. Health Science descriptors (DeCS/MeSH) were used in English and Portuguese, applying Boolean operators. According to the data collected, among the conditions requiring admission to the PICU, respiratory disorders, heart and kidney failure, neurological disorders, severe metabolic diseases, infections, injuries, traumas, near-drowning incidents, and post-operative care after complex surgeries stand out. Dental care in this environment reduce hospitalization time, costs, and improve the quality of life of pediatric patients. However, the integration of these professionals into the PICU is still limited. Dentists in the hospital setting optimize multidisciplinary work through protocol-based measures derived from studies conducted in adult patients in intensive care units. Due to the lack of robust evidence related to oral care practices in pediatric intensive care settings, further research is mandatory. (AU)

A Odontologia tem um papel importante na assistência de crianças hospitalizadas nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátricas (UTIP), pois esses pacientes chegam neste ambiente com o sistema imunológico alterado e a saúde bucal comprometida. Apresentar uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre o papel do cirurgião-dentista no hospital, em especial, na UTIP, além de discutir os desafios encontrados nesse ambiente. Uma busca foi conduzida nas plataformas eletrônicas PubMed, Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciElo), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Sciences (Lilacs) e Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde (BVS), entre janeiro a fevereiro/2023, sem período definido de publicação e sob a inclusão de todos os tipos de estudos. Os descritores em Ciências da saúde (DeCS/MeSH) foram utilizados em inglês e português, sob aplicação dos operadoress booleanos. Segundo dados coletados, dentre as condições que necessitam de internação na UTIP, destaca-se as alterações respiratórias, insuficiência cardíaca e renal, alterações do sistema nervoso, doenças metabólicas graves, infecções, ferimentos, traumatismos, quase afogamentos e pós-operatório de cirurgias complexas. O cirurgião-dentista neste ambiente reduz o tempo de internação, os custos e aumenta a qualidade de vida dos pacientes pediátricos. Todavia, ainda é escassa a inserção deste profissional em UTIP. O cirurgião-dentista em ambiente hospitalar otimiza o trabalho multidisciplinar através de medidas baseadas em protocolos obtidos a partir de estudos em pacientes adultos em unidades de terapia intensivas. Devido a falta de evidências robustas relacionadas à prática de cuidados bucais no ambiente de cuidados intensivos pediátricos, a realização de pesquisas futuras torna-se mandatória. (AU)

Rev. SOBECC (Online) ; 29: E2429950, Fev. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567582


Objective: To analyze hand hygiene (HH) adherence indicators among healthcare professionals in a medical day care (MDC) and present strategies used to encourage this practice. Method: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted in an MDC located in Salvador, Bahia. Data collection consisted of document analysis and internal audit data on HH practice from 2016 to 2023. Results: HH adherence rates ranged from 39.4 to 81.4%, with an average of 63.9%. Among the evaluated healthcare professionals, nurses showed the highest HH adherence (74.3%), followed by nursing technicians (71.1%) and physicians (50%). Multimodal strategies to encourage HH in this service included HH training, with systematic evaluation con-ducted by nursing coordinators. Conclusion: The HH adherence rates presented are higher than those reported in the literature but below the standar-dized goal of 70% in the MDC studied, confirming that the implementation of this apparently simple practice is a complex, multi-causal issue that requi-res coordination between management policies as well as scientific knowledge in building a culture in favor of this practice in healthcare organizations. (AU)

Objetivo: Analizar los indicadores de adherencia a la higiene de las manos (HM) entre profesionales de la salud de un hospital de día (HD) y pre-sentar las estrategias utilizadas para incentivar esa práctica. Método: Investigación transversal y descriptiva, realizada en un HD ubicado en Salvador, Bahía. La recolección de datos consistió en el análisis documental y de los datos de las auditorías internas de la práctica de HM entre 2016 y 2023. Resultados:Se identificaron porcentajes de adherencia a la HM que oscilaron entre el 39,4% y el 81,4%, con un promedio de 63,9%. De los profesionales de la salud evaluados, los enfermeros presentaron la mayor adherencia a la HM (74,3%), seguidos de los técnicos de enfermería (71,1%) y los médicos (50%). Las estrategias multimodales para estimular la HM adoptadas en este servicio incluyeron la capacitación en HM, con evaluación sistemática realizada por los coordinadores de enfermería. Conclusión: Los porcentajes de adherencia a la HM presentados aquí son superiores a los reportados en la literatura, pero están por debajo del objetivo del 70% estandarizado en el HD estudiado, lo que confirma que la implementación de esta práctica, aparentemente simple, es un tema complejo, multicausal y que requiere articulación entre las políticas de gestión, así como conocimiento científico en la construcción de una cultura a favor de esta práctica en las organizaciones de salud. (AU)

Objetivo: Analisar indicadores de adesão à higienização das mãos (HM) dos profissionais de saúde de um hospital dia (HD) e apresentar estra-tégias utilizadas para incentivo dessa prática. Método: Pesquisa transversal e descritiva realizada em um HD localizado em Salvador, Bahia. A coleta de dados constou de análise documental e dos dados das auditorias internas da prática de HM entre 2016 e 2023. Resultados: Identificaram-se percentuais de adesão à HM de 39,4 a 81,4% e média de 63,9%. Dos profissionais de saúde avaliados, os enfermeiros apresentaram a maior adesão à HM (74,3%), seguidos dos técnicos de Enfermagem (71,1%) e dos médicos (50%). As estratégias multimodais para incentivo à HM adotadas nesse serviço incluíram habilitação em HM, com avaliação sistematizada realizada pelas coordenações de Enfermagem. Conclusão: Os percentuais de adesão à HM apresenta-dos são maiores do que os reportados na literatura, mas abaixo da meta de 70% padronizada no HD estudado, ratificando que a implementação dessa prática, aparentemente simples, é tema complexo, multicausal e que requer articulação entre as políticas de gestão, bem como conhecimento científico na construção de uma cultura em prol dessa prática nas organizações de saúde. (AU)

Humans , Patient Safety , Hand Hygiene/statistics & numerical data , Cross Infection , Day Care, Medical
Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(1): 168-173, feb. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559667


Revisando el segundo volumen de actas del Primer Congreso Latinoamericano de Medicina, reunido en Santiago los nueve primeros días del siglo XX, encontramos una conferencia de Eloísa Díaz, primera mujer chilena y latinoamericana en graduarse de médico, pese a la discriminación sufrida, que la obligó incluso a asistir a clases acompañada por su madre. Se analiza tanto esta conferencia sobre la organización del servicio médico escolar, como la introducción a su tesis de grado, y de paso las presentaciones de otros médicos participantes, haciendo hincapié en la patología infecciosa discutida y en su lenguaje verboso y florido.

Analyzing the second volume of proceedings of the First Latin American Congress of Medicine held in Santiago on the first nine days of the twentieth century, we found a lecture by Eloísa Díaz, the first Chilean and Latin American woman to graduate as a doctor, despite the discrimination she suffered, which even forced her to attend classes accompanied by her mother. This conference on the school medical service is analyzed, as well as the introduction to her degree thesis, and incidentally the presentations of other participating doctors, emphasizing the infectious pathology discussed and its verbose and flowery language.

History, 20th Century , Physicians, Women/history , History of Medicine , Chile
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 81(1): 44-52, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557188


Abstract Background: Hand hygiene (HH) is an important strategy for preventing health-care-associated infections (HAIs). Few programs focus on HH for family members and primary caregivers but fewer for patients. This study aimed to estimate the frequency with which hospitalized pediatric patients have hand contact with hospital surfaces. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive observational study consisting of three phases: the first was the creation of an observation and data collection tool, the second was the training of the monitors, and the third was the observational study of hand contact and HH opportunities in hospitalized pediatric patients. Results: Over 3600 minutes of observation, 2032 HH opportunities were detected, averaging 33.8/h (SD 4.7) as determined by hand contact with hospital surfaces of hospitalized pediatric patients. In our study, infants and preschool children had the highest frequency of hand contact. Conclusion: The high frequency of hand contact of hospital surfaces by children suggests that hourly hand disinfection of patients and caregivers, objects and surfaces around the patients may be prevention measures that could be incorporated to reduce HAIs in pediatric hospitals.

Resumen Introducción: La higiene de manos es una estrategia importante para la prevención de infecciones asociadas a la atención sanitaria. Existen pocos programas centrados en la higiene de manos para los familiares y cuidadores primarios, y aún menos para el paciente. El objetivo de este estudio fue cuantificar la frecuencia con la que los pacientes pediátricos hospitalizados tienen contacto manual con superficies hospitalarias. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal que constó de tres fases: la primera fue la creación de una herramienta de observación y registro de datos; la segunda fue la capacitación de los monitores y la tercera fue el estudio observacional del contacto manual y de las oportunidades de higiene de manos en pacientes pediátricos hospitalizados. Resultados: Durante los 3600 minutos de observación, se detectaron 2032 oportunidades, con una media de 33.8 (DE 4.7) por hora de oportunidades de higiene de manos establecidas por contacto manual con superficies de pacientes pediátricos hospitalizados. Los lactantes y los niños en edad preescolar presentaron la mayor frecuencia de contacto manual. Conclusiones: La alta frecuencia de contacto manual por parte del niño indica que medidas como la desinfección de las manos cada hora del paciente y del cuidador, así como de los objetos y superficies alrededor del paciente, podrían ser medidas útiles que deberían incluirse para prevenir las infecciones asociadas a la atención de la salud en los hospitales pediátricos.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(63): 55-65, jan-abr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566801


A pesquisa propõe conhecer a saúde bucal, analisando o perfil epidemiológico, identificando a prevalência e necessidade de tratamento dos pacientes pediátricos internados na enfermaria do Hospital e Pronto Socorro da Criança Zona Sul em Manaus (PSC), no Amazonas. Este estudo transversal e observacional descritivo foi realizado com pacientes internados atendidos no PSC no período de setembro de 2022 a fevereiro de 2023. A coleta de dados foi realizada presencialmente nos dias semanais através análise dos prontuários, utilização de uma ficha odontológica e avaliação clínica. Observou-se a presença de pacientes do gênero masculino, superior ao gênero feminino e com faixa etária maior entre 2 a 9 anos de idade. Obteve-se resultados positivos acerca da condição bucal dos pacientes, sendo 44,26% considerada no critério Boa. A doença mais prevalente entre os pacientes internados nas enfermarias, corresponde à Síndrome Nefrótica com 25,35%. Conclui-se que a condição bucal mais prevalente entre os pacientes que se encontram internados na enfermaria é a condição bucal Boa. Isto justifica-se devido a presença de um projeto de extensão completado no hospital, que evidencia que a presença do cirurgião dentista na equipe multidisciplinar nas enfermarias dos hospitais é indispensável, pois ele é o profissional capacitado a manter e restabelecer a saúde bucal.

The research aims to investigate oral health by analyzing the epidemiological profile, identifying the prevalence and treatment needs of pediatric patients admitted to the ward of the South Zone Children's Hospital and First Aid Station in the city of Manaus, in the state of Amazonas. This cross-sectional and descriptive observational study was conducted with admitted patients treated at the South Zone Children's Hospital and First Aid Station between September 2022 and February 2023. The data collection was conducted in person on weekly days through the analysis of medical records, the use of a dental form, and clinical evaluation. It was observed that male patients were more numerous than female patients, and that the age range of 2 to 9 years old had a higher representation. Positive results were obtained regarding the oral condition of the patients, with 44.26% considered to be in the Good category. The most prevalent disease among the patients admitted to the wards is Nephrotic Syndrome, accounting for 25.35%. It is concluded that the most prevalent oral condition among patients admitted to the ward is the Good oral condition. This is justified by the presence of an extension project conducted in the hospital, which shows that the presence of the dental surgeon in the multidisciplinary team in the hospital wards is essential, as they are the professionals capable of maintaining and restoring oral health.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Oral Hygiene , Oral Health , Dental Care
Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 280-285, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016927


ObjectiveTo investigate the current status and influencing factors of hand hygiene practices among primary healthcare workers, and to provide a reference for improving hand hygiene behavior in primary healthcare institutions. MethodsA self-designed questionnaire was used to conduct a survey among medical staff of seven community health service centers in Jiading District, Shanghai, using a cluster random sampling method. The data collected were subjected to descriptive statistics, reliability and validity tests, correlation analysis, and structural equation model fitting. ResultsA statistical difference in hand hygiene compliance was found among medical staff with varying occupational types and educational levels (P<0.05), and medical staff in clinical departments exhibited higher levels of hand hygiene compliance (P<0.05). In the health belief model, among the core variables, healthcare workers’ perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and self-efficacy had a direct impact on hand hygiene behavior, with direct effect values of 0.341, -0.152, and 0.234, respectively. Meanwhile, cues to action and perceived severity of COVID-19 infection indirectly affected hand hygiene behavior, with an indirect effect value of 0.066 and 0.062, respectively. ConclusionHealthcare workers generally exhibit a high degree of hand hygiene compliance, but there are variations in hand hygiene scores among healthcare workers with different characteristics. Enhancing healthcare worders’ perception of benefits, action cues, and self-efficacy while reducing perceived barriers can effectively improve their hand hygiene behavior.

Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine ; (12): 83-88, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006461


Background At present, China's Public places health management regulations list 7 categories and 28 sub-categories of public places, but infant and young child swimming places are not in the list yet. Objective To understand the microbial pollution status in commercial infant and young child swimming places in Shijiazhuang City, compare with the microbial pollution in other five types of public places, and find the potential safety hazards in infant and young child swimming places. Methods A total of 3438 microbial samples were collected from the environment of infant and young child swimming places and 5 types of public places (hotels, barber stores, waiting rooms, shopping malls and supermarkets, and conventional swimming places) in Shijiazhuang City from 2021 to 2022. Sampling and monitoring were carried out according to the requirements of Examination methods for public places—Part 6: Technical specifications of health monitoring (GB/T 18204.6-2013). Chi-square test was used to compare hygiene qualification by microbial indicators, and Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to compare overall distributions of total bacterial counts on the surface of public articles. Results From 2021 to 2022, the highest qualified rate of microbial indicators on the surface of public articles was Staphylococcus aureus (100%) for all tested public places in Shijiazhuang City, followed by coliforms (99.44%), and that of total bacterial count was relative low (92.83%). The qualified rate of total bacterial count on the surface of public articles in the swimming places for infants and young children was 87.76%, and the qualified rates in hotels, barber stores, waiting rooms, shopping malls and supermarkets were all above 92%, and the difference among the 5 types of places was statistically significant (P<0.001). The highest value of total bacterial count on the surface of public articles in the swimming places for infants and young children was 80000 CFU·(25 cm2)−1 [100 CFU·(25 cm2)−1=4 CFU·cm−2]; that in 4 types of public places such as hotels (except mouthwash cups), barber stores, waiting rooms, and shopping malls or supermarkets was 2500 CFU·(25 cm2)−1. The difference of total bacteria count on the surface of public articles was statistically significant in comparing infant and young child swimming places with hotels (except mouthwash cups) or barber stores (H=5.432, H=2.997, both Ps<0.05); but the difference was not significant in comparing with waiting rooms and shopping malls or supermarkets (P>0.05). The qualified rates of total bacteria count and coliforms in pool water of infant and young child swimming places were 45.99% and 74.69% respectively, and the two indicators in pool water of conventional swimming places were 94.57% and 98.91% respectively; both showed significant differences between the two types of public places (χ2=162.532, χ2=71.910, both Ps<0.001). Conclusion Compared to conventional swimming places, hotels, barber stores, waiting rooms, and shopping malls or supermarkets, the infant and young child swimming places are not optimistic in hygiene condition; therefore, there is an urgent need to formulate national health standards for infants and young child swimming places, and include them in standard management to further improve their hygiene condition.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551000


Los implantes dentales se han convertido en un componente rutinario de la práctica dental diaria. A la vez, pueden producir molestias, destrucción desenfrenada de la salud bucal o reemplazo quirúrgico y costoso de un implante fallido. La detección temprana de la pérdida ósea marginal es vital para la planificación del tratamiento y el pronóstico de los implantes. Estos están diseñados para adaptarse mejor a los diversos tipos de hueso y fallan debido a muchas razones. Entender los desafíos y las expectativas del paciente a través de la honestidad, es una parte importante del tratamiento, cuyo éxito no solo dependerá de los integrantes del equipo implantológico o de técnica, sino también del cuidado del paciente al realizar su higiene diaria. Por esa razón, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos MEDLINE y PubMed sobre molestias periimplantar, consultándose 30 referencias de los últimos cinco años.

Dental implants have become a routine component of daily dental practice. At the same time, they can cause discomfort, rampant destruction of oral health, or expensive surgical replacement of a failed implant. Early detection of marginal bone loss is vital for treatment planning and implant prognosis. These are designed to best fit various bone types and fail due to many reasons. Understanding the patient's challenges and expectations through honesty is an important part of the treatment, whose success will not only depend on the members of the implantology or technical team, but also on the patient's care when performing their daily hygiene. For this reason, a bibliographic search was carried out in the MEDLINE and PubMed databases on peri-implant discomfort, consulting 30 bibliographical references from the last 5 years.

Rev. eletrônica enferm ; 26: 75717, 2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1551131


Introdução: mapear os estudos que mensuraram o potencial Hidrogeniônico (pH) da região vulvar no ciclo vital da mulher. Métodos: revisão de escopo conforme recomendações do Manual for Evidence Synthesis do Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), nas bases SCOPUS, Web of Science, Academic Search Premier, PubMed, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine e Google Acadêmico em janeiro de 2022. Foram incluídos estudos publicados em português, espanhol, francês e inglês, sem limite temporal. Resultados: dos 954 documentos recuperados, 13 foram selecionados. Apurou- se que os estudos utilizaram diferentes procedimentos para as medições quanto aos equipamentos, ambiente e preparo das participantes. A média de idade apresentada pela população feminina estudada variou entre 31 e 43 anos. Os locais de medição vulvar foram os grandes e pequenos lábios, dobra interlabial e períneo. O menor valor do pH aferido foi 4,6 e o maior 6,3. Conclusões: constatou-se baixa produção de estudos acerca do pH vulvar e ênfase das pesquisas na população de mulheres adultas. A diversidade de procedimentos e locais de aferição encontrados não permite afirmações seguras sobre uma faixa de valor de pH da superfície da pele vulvar.

Introduction: to map the studies that measured the Potential of Hydrogen (pH) of the vulvar region in women's life cycle. Methods: scoping review according to recommendations from the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Manual for Evidence Synthesis in the SCOPUS, Web of Science, Academic Search Premier, PubMed, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine and Google Scholar databases in January 2022. Studies published in Portuguese, Spanish, French, and English, without time limit, were included. Results: of the 954 documents retrieved, 13 were selected. Different measurement procedures in relation to equipment, environment and preparation of participants were used in the studies. The average age of the female population ranged between 31 and 43 years. The vulvar measurement sites were the labia majora and minora, interlabial sulci and perineum. The lowest pH value measured was 4.6 and the highest was 6.3. Conclusions: there was a low production of studies on vulvar pH and an emphasis of studies on the population of adult women. The diversity of procedures and measurement sites found does not allow for safe statements about a range of pH values on the surface of the vulvar skin.

Introducción: mapear los estudios que midieron el Potencial de Hidrógeno (pH) de la región vulvar en el ciclo vital de las mujeres. Métodos: revisión del alcance según las recomendaciones del Manual for Evidence Synthesis del Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI), en las bases de datos SCOPUS, Web of Science, Academic Search Premier, PubMed, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine y Google Scholar en enero de 2022. Se incluyeron estudios publicados. en portugués, español, francés e inglés, sin límite de tiempo. Resultados: de los 954 documentos recuperados, se seleccionaron 13. En los estudios se utilizaron diferentes procedimientos de medición en relación con el equipo, el entorno y la preparación de los participantes. La edad media de la población femenina osciló entre 31 y 43 años. Los sitios de medición vulvar fueron los labios mayores y menores, el pliegue interlabial y el perineo. El valor de pH más bajo medido fue 4,6 y el más alto fue 6,3. Conclusiones: hubo una baja producción de estudios sobre pH vulvar y un énfasis de estudios en población de mujeres adultas. La diversidad de procedimientos y sitios de medición encontrados no permite realizar afirmaciones seguras sobre un rango de valores de pH en la superficie de la piel vulvar.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Vulva , Women's Health , Skin Care , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration