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Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(4): e20221412, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420324


Abstract Until now no study has used a defaunation index to quantify the decline of Neotropical freshwater fishes in environments fragmented by dams and reservoirs. So, we applied this index to 143 native fish in five reservoirs in the Lower Paranapanema River, that is situated in one of the Brazilian aquatic environments most impacted by anthropic degradation. Fish species were classified according to their functional groups, which were selected according to the biological characteristics that may reflect in defaunation events. The biggest reservoir in area with more tributaries and forest cover showed lowest defaunation index. The functional groups of fishes more affected by defaunation included species characterized by periphytivores, invertivores and algivores, non-migratory habit, with external fertilization, and parental care. Although reservoirs have different characteristics, this method can be tested in any other hydrographic basin. The results suggested continued conservation efforts to preserve the integrity of tributaries and the native fishes in reservoirs and pointed out the importance of maintaining native vegetation cover and fish restocking programs in the reservoirs with the highest defaunation values. Our finding can be use as the first data source for future studies using this defaunation index.

Resumo Até o momento nenhum estudo utilizou um índice de defaunação para quantificar o declínio de peixes neotropicais de água doce em ambientes fragmentados por barragens e reservatórios. Dessa forma, testamos esse índice em 143 espécies nativas em cinco reservatórios do baixo rio Paranapanema, que está localizado em um dos ambientes aquáticos brasileiros mais impactados pela degradação antrópica. As espécies de peixes foram classificadas de acordo com seus grupos funcionais selecionados de acordo com as características biológicas que podem influenciar nos eventos de defaunação. O maior reservatório em área, com mais tributários e maior cobertura florestal apresentou menor índice de defaunação. Os grupos funcionais mais afetados pela defaunação incluíram espécies caracterizadas por hábito alimentar perifitívoro, invertívoro e algívoro, hábito não migratório, com fertilização externa e cuidado parental. Embora os reservatórios tenham características diferentes, esse método pode ser testado em qualquer outra bacia hidrográfica. Os resultados sugerem esforços contínuos para preservar a integridade dos tributários e dos peixes nativos nos reservatórios e apontam a importância de manter a cobertura vegetal nativa e programas de estocagem nos reservatórios com maiores valores de defaunação. Nossos dados podem ser utilizados como a primeira base de dados para futuros estudos que utilizem o índice de defaunação.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;63(4)Oct.-Dec. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507448


Los manglares son asociaciones de plantas que se adaptan fácilmente a las condiciones salinas y los niveles fluctuantes de inundación. Estos ecosistemas suministran gran cantidad de bienes y servicios tales como el almacenamiento de carbono. Diferencias estructurales, de composición de especies y de características microambientales entre tipos fisiográficos implican diferencias en el almacenamiento de carbono en sus suelos. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar la variación de las especies de mangle a través de los cambios en las variables físico-bióticas de bosques de manglar de la bahía Cispatá, Colombia. Se realizaron mediciones de variables estructurales del bosque (D, H, densidad de individuos) y medición de variables físico-bióticas (nivel de inundación, cobertura de A. aureum, salinidad del agua intersticial. pH del suelo, % N, % limo, % arena, % COs, raíces y densidad aparente en el suelo) en 12 parcelas establecidas aleatoriamente. Con un CCA identificaron tres manglares: cuenca, borde en buen estado de conservación y borde con intervención antropogénica. El primero dominado por A. germinans y los otros por R. mangle. El manglar de cuenca se diferencia de los de borde en términos estructurales y en variables físico-bióticas, presentó los valores más altos de COs, salinidad, densidad aparente y pH. Aunque los dos manglares de borde presentan características físico-bióticas similares, la alteración antropogénica cambia fuertemente la estructura de uno de ellos. Se ha concluido que la distribución de las especies de manglar de la bahía responde a la variación espacial de las características ambientales. Sin embargo, la intervención antropogénica es una variable determinante en la estructura de los manglares lo cual afecta las estimaciones del papel de diferentes tipos de manglar como sumideros de carbono.

Mangroves are plant associations that are easily adapted to saline conditions and fluctuating levels of flooding. This ecosystem provides a wide variety of goods and services as carbon storage. Structural differences, species composition and micro-environmental characteristics between physiographic types involve differences in carbon storage in their soils. This research aimed to identify the variation of mangrove species through changes in the physical-biotic variables of mangrove forest of Cispatá bay, Colombia. We measured structural variables of forest (D, H, density of individuals) as well as physico-biotic variables (flood level, A. aureum coverage, water interstitial salinity, soil pH, % N, % COs, roots and apparent density soil) in 12 plots established randomly. With a CCA it was identified three mangroves: basin, fringe in good condition and fringe with anthropogenic intervention. The first was dominated by A. germinans and the others by R. mangle. The basin mangrove differs from fringe in physical-biotic variables and structurally, it presented the highest values of COs, salinity, apparent density and pH. Although the two fringe mangrove exhibit similar physical-biotic variables, human disturbance may strongly change the structure of one of them. It was concluded that the distribution of mangrove species of bay responds to a spatial variation in environmental characteristics. However, anthropogenic intervention is a determining variable in the structure of mangroves which affects estimations of the role of different types of mangrove forests as carbon sinks.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;57(1/2): 141-157, March-June 2009. graf, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-637707


Ichthyofauna of karstic wetlands under anthropic impact: the "petenes" of Campeche, Mexico. "Petenes" are small springs and associated streams that drain into wetlands near the coast in karstic areas. We studied composition, distribution, and abundance of the ichthyofauna in Los Petenes region (northwest Campeche). Two petenes displaying different degrees and types of anthropic impact were selected, Hampolol and El Remate. Hampolol has a smaller area but a longer derived stream; it is located within a protected area, but has been invaded by tilapia. El Remate is a popular spa, with no tilapia; it has a larger area but a shorter derived stream. At each "petén", several sites in the main spring, the associated stream, and secondary (temporary) springs were sampled in the rainy and dry seasons. Fishing gear was variable (throw net, gill net, small and large seine nets), but effort was uniform. We recorded temperature, dissolved oxygen, salinity, and depth at each site and season; also, we noted the different types and intensities of anthropic impact (channelization, presence of exotic species, recreational use, etc.) at each petén. We compared the petenes in terms of their environmental quality and fish fauna (composition, distribution, abundance, biomass); we also tested for effects of season and site within each petén. The study found 27 species of fishes, included in 18 genera and eight families, 24 species in Hampolol and 20 in El Remate. The geographical range of ‘Cichlasoma’ salvini, Rivulus tenuis, Phallichthys fairweatheri, Xiphophorus hellerii, and X. maculatus is extended. The dominant species in both seasons was Astyanax (probable hybrids A. aeneus × altior at Hampolol, pure A. altior at El Remate), which contributed most of the abundance and biomass, together with Vieja synspila and Poecilia velifera. A significantly greater overall diversity (H’n=3.31) was recorded in Hampolol compared to El Remate (H’n=2.10). Cluster analysis of sites by species presence allowed distinction of two groupings within each petén: permanent waters (i.e., main spring, stream) vs. temporary sites (secondary springs, which dry out in winter). Environmental parameters (except salinity) presented significant differences by site and season; a canonical correspondence analysis indicated that the distribution of fish assemblages was influenced by the environmental parameters in both seasons. In terms of composition, historical factors play a role in the differences between the fish assemblages of the two petenes, especially concerning the presence of Astyanax hybrids and Xiphophorus spp. in the southern petén (Hampolol) and Poecilia velifera in the northern petén (El Remate). Rev. Biol. Trop. 57 (1-2): 141-157. Epub 2009 June 30.

Los petenes son pequeños manantiales y arroyos asociados que drenan a sistemas palustres en áreas cársticas costeras. Se estudió la composición, distribución y abundancia de la ictiofauna en dos petenes del noroeste de Campeche, en el manantial principal, el arroyo asociado, y pequeños ojos de agua secundarios (temporales), en dos épocas del año. Se registraron variables ambientales y tipos de impacto antrópico en cada petén. Se encontraron en total 27 especies de peces, con extensiones de ámbito de ‘Cichlasoma’ salvini, Rivulus tenuis, Phallichthys fairweatheri, Xiphophorus hellerii y X. maculatus. La especie dominante en ambas épocas fue Astyanax (probables híbridos A. aeneus × altior en Hampolol, A. altior en El Remate). Hubo diferencia significativa en diversidad entre ambos petenes. El análisis de conglomerados diferenció dos agrupaciones dentro de cada petén: aguas permanentes y sitios temporales. Las variables ambientales (excepto salinidad) presentaron diferencias significativas por sitio y época; un análisis de correspondencia canónica indicó que la distribución de los conjuntos de peces tuvo influencia de las variables ambientales en ambas temporadas. En términos de composición, los factores históricos juegan un papel en las diferencias ictiológicas entre ambos petenes, sobre todo por lo que concierne a la presencia de híbridos de Astyanax, así como Xiphophorus hellerii en el petén del sur (Hampolol) y de Poecilia velifera en el petén del norte (El Remate).

Animals , Ecosystem , Fishes/classification , Wetlands , Biodiversity , Mexico , Population Density , Seasons