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Acta bioeth ; 30(1)jun. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556636


While the Internet has brought convenience and speed to human life, it has also led to frequent privacy violations. In the context of epidemiological investigations and information disclosure regarding confirmed Covid-19 patients, many individuals have utilized the Internet as a means to disseminate information and engage in cyber manhunts, resulting in breaches of privacy for those involved. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent within the realm of the Internet, where the boundaries of privacy invasion become blurred. Various types of privacy infringements, both active and passive negligence, are evident on social networking platforms. The juxtaposition of the virtual world of the Internet with real-life scenarios presents novel challenges in the realm of privacy violations. The Internet era, coupled with the widespread use and integration of big data, has diminished the absolute right to privacy on the Internet. This paper examines the challenge of safeguarding the identity information of infectious patients through the lens of two theoretical frameworks -Kantianism and Utilitarianism- in an effort to address this ethical dilemma.

Aunque Internet ha aportado comodidad y rapidez a la vida humana, también ha dado lugar a frecuentes violaciones de la intimidad. En el contexto de las investigaciones epidemiológicas y la divulgación de información relativa a pacientes confirmados de covid-19, muchas personas han utilizado Internet como medio para difundir información y participar en cibercacerías, lo que ha dado lugar a violaciones en la intimidad de los implicados. Este fenómeno prevalece en el ámbito de Internet, donde los límites de la invasión de la intimidad se vuelven vagos. En las redes sociales, se manifiestan diversos tipos de violaciones de la intimidad, tanto por negligencia activa como pasiva. La yuxtaposición entre el mundo virtual de Internet con escenarios de la vida real plantea nuevos retos en el ámbito de las violaciones de la intimidad. La era de Internet, junto con el uso generalizado y la integración del bigdata, han mermado el derecho absoluto a la privacidad. Este artículo examina el reto de salvaguardar la información sobre la identidad de los pacientes infecciosos a través de la lente de dos marcos teóricos -el kantianismo y el utilitarismo- en un esfuerzo por abordar este dilema ético.

Enquanto a Internet trouxe conveniência e velocidade à vida humana, ela também levou a frequentes violações da privacidade. No contexto de investigações epidemiológicas e divulgação de informações em relação a pacientes confirmados de Covid-19, muitos indivíduos utilizaram a Internet como um meio para disseminar informação e participar de uma caçada cibernética, resultando em violações da privacidade para aqueles envolvidos. Esse fenômeno é particularmente prevalente no âmbito da Internet, onde os limites de invasão da privacidade se tornaram borrados. Vários tipos de infrações da privacidade, tanto negligências ativa como passiva, são evidentes em plataformas de redes sociais. A justaposição do mundo virtual da Internet com cenários da vida real apresenta novos desafios no âmbito das violações da privacidade. A era da Internet, juntamente com o amplo uso e integração de megadados (big data), diminuiu o direito absoluto à privacidade na Internet. Esse artigo examina o desafio de proteger a informação de identidade de pacientes infectantes através das lentes de dois enquadres teóricos -Kantianismo e Utilitarismo- em um esforço para abordar esse dilema ético.

RECIIS (Online) ; 18(2)abr.-jun. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1562574


Investigar e analisar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre o uso do Facebook com os pais de recém--nascidos. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa, realizada no segundo semestre de 2020, nas bases de dados Lilacs (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Li-brary Online) e Medline (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online). Amostra composta por 11 artigos, divididos em duas categorias. Foi evidenciado o uso do Facebook como forma de recrutamento de participantes e como suporte de apoio e compartilhamento de informações entre os pais dos recém--nascidos. No recrutamento, a utilização do Facebook foi eficaz, podendo ser um método viável de contatar usuários. Como suporte de apoio e compartilhamento de informações, a rede social também foi efetiva, devido à troca de experiência, apoio mútuo entre os usuários, disseminação de informações, facilidade ao usar a plataforma e alto engajamento dos participantes.

To investigate and analyze the evidence available in the literature on the use of Facebook with parents of newborns. This is an integrative review, carried out in the second half of 2020, in the Lilacs databases (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Health Sciences), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and Medline (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online). Sample composed of eleven articles, divided into two categories. The use of Facebook was evidenced as a way of recruiting participants and as support and information sharing between parents of newborns. In recruitment, the use of Facebook was effective and may be a viable method of contacting users. As support and information sharing, the social network was also effective, due to the exchange of experience, mutual support among users, dissemination of information, ease of use of the platform and the high engagement of participants.

Investigar y analizar la evidencia disponible en la literatura sobre el uso de Facebook con padres de recién nacidos, se trata de una revisión integradora, realizada en el segundo semestre de 2020, en las bases de datos Lilacs (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Health Sciences ), SciELO (Biblioteca científica electrónica en línea) y Medline (Sistema de recuperación y análisis de literatura médica en línea). Muestra compuesta por once artículos, divididos en dos categorías. Se evidenció el uso de Facebook como forma de captación de participantes y como apoyo e intercambio de información entre padres de recién nacidos. En la contratación, el uso de Facebook fue efectivo y puede ser un método viable para contactar a los usuarios. Como apoyo e intercambio de información, la red social también resultó eficaz, debido al intercambio de experiencias, el apoyo mutuo entre los usuarios, la difusión de información, la facilidad de uso de la plata-forma y el alto compromiso de los participantes.

Parent-Child Relations , Infant, Newborn , Information Dissemination , Researcher-Subject Relations , Online Social Networking , Parents , Child Health Services , Nurse's Role , Internet Access
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(3): 283-288, May-June 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558328


Abstract Objective: To assess the relationship between internet addiction, quality of life, and sleep problems among adolescents. Method: This research was conducted with a representative sample of 875 adolescents. This cross-sectional study used the Internet Addiction Test, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ version 4.0, Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale, and sleep duration. Sociodemographic factors were also analyzed. Structural equation modeling was used to investigate relationships between variables. Results: After adjusting the model for covariances between the latent variables of daytime sleepiness and correlations between the physical and emotional domains of quality of life, the authors obtained satisfactory fit indices (RMSEA = 0.031, CFI = 0.926, TLI = 0.909, SRMR = 0.058). Internet addiction was positively associated with daytime sleepiness (rho = 0.549, p < 0.001) and negatively associated with quality of life (rho = -0.173, p < 0.001). By contrast, sleep duration was negatively associated with daytime sleepiness (rho = -0.089, p = 0.007), positively associated with quality of life (rho = 0.105, p = 0.014), and dependent on school shift (rho = 0.453, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Adolescents with higher levels of internet addiction had lower perceptions of quality of life and higher daytime sleepiness. Moreover, sleep duration had a positive correlation with quality of life. Given its detrimental effects on quality of life and daytime sleepiness, parents should better supervise internet use in adolescents.

Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 27: 74571, 20240417.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566806


A gordofobia caracteriza-se pela discriminação e patolo-gização do sujeito corpulento, ganhando intensidade pela veicu-lação midiática com discursos pautados nas ciências biomédicas que desconsideram individualidades e subjetividades. Este estudo tem como objetivo realizar um levantamento bibliográfico acerca desses discursos, entre 2002-2021, caracterizado como um estudo qualitativo do tipo Teoria do Estado do Conhecimento, com a bus-ca nas bases de dados do SciELO (2 artigos); BDTD (3 dissertações e 1 tese) e OASISBR (2 artigos). Evidenciou-se que os saberes do modelo biomédico (normalidade e patologia) nas discursividades midiáticas têm enaltecido o corpo magro como "ideal", enquanto o corpo gordo tem sido visto como doente, impondo-se culpabilida-de e estigmatização.

Fatphobia is characterized by discrimination and patho-logization of the corpulent subject, gaining intensity through me-dia coverage with discourses based on biomedical sciences that disregard individualities and subjectivities. This study aimed to car-ry out a bibliographical survey regarding these speeches, between 2002-2021, characterized as a qualitative study of the Theory of the State of Knowledge type, with a search in the SciELO databases (2 articles); Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations - (BDTD) (3 dissertations and 1 thesis) and Brazilian Open Access Publications and Scientific Data Portal - (OASISBR) (2 articles). It was evident that the knowledge of the biomedical model (norma-lity and pathology) in the media discourse has praised the thin body as "ideal", while the fat body has been seen as sick, imposing guilt and stigmatization.

La gordofobia se caracteriza por la discriminación y pa-tologización del sujeto corpulento, cobrando intensidad a través de la divulgación mediática con discursos basados en las ciencias biomédicas que prescinden de individualidades y subjetividades. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar un levantamiento biblio-gráfico sobre estos discursos, entre 2002-2021, caracterizado como un estudio cualitativo del tipo Teoría del Estado del Conocimiento, con búsqueda en las bases de datos SciELO (2 artículos); BDTD (3 disertaciones y 1 tesis) y OASISBR (2 artículos). Se evidenció que el conocimiento del modelo biomédico (normalidad y patología) en el discurso mediático ha elogiado el cuerpo delgado como "ideal", mientras que el cuerpo gordo ha sido visto como enfermo, impo-niendo culpa y estigmatización.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556008


A gordofobia caracteriza-se pela discriminação e patologização do sujeito corpulento, ganhando intensidade pela veiculação midiática com discursos pautados nas ciências biomédicas que desconsideram individualidades e subjetividades. Este estudo tem como objetivo realizar um levantamento bibliográfico acerca desses discursos, entre 2002-2021, caracterizado como um estudo qualitativo do tipo Teoria do Estado do Conhecimento, com a busca nas bases de dados do SciELO (2 artigos); BDTD (3 dissertações e 1 tese) e OASISBR (2 artigos). Evidenciou-se que os saberes do modelo biomédico (normalidade e patologia) nas discursividades midiáticas têm enaltecido o corpo magro como "ideal", enquanto o corpo gordo tem sido visto como doente, impondo-se culpabilidade e estigmatização (AU).

Fatphobia is characterized by discrimination and patho-logization of the corpulent subject, gaining intensity through me-dia coverage with discourses based on biomedical sciences that disregard individualities and subjectivities. This study aimed to car-ry out a bibliographical survey regarding these speeches, between 2002-2021, characterized as a qualitative study of the Theory of the State of Knowledge type, with a search in the SciELO databases (2 articles); Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations - (BDTD) (3 dissertations and 1 thesis) and Brazilian Open Access Publications and Scientific Data Portal - (OASISBR) (2 articles). It was evident that the knowledge of the biomedical model (norma-lity and pathology) in the media discourse has praised the thin body as "ideal", while the fat body has been seen as sick, imposing guilt and stigmatization (AU).

La gordofobia se caracteriza por la discriminación y pa-tologización del sujeto corpulento, cobrando intensidad a través de la divulgación mediática con discursos basados en las ciencias biomédicas que prescinden de individualidades y subjetividades. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar un levantamiento biblio-gráfico sobre estos discursos, entre 2002-2021, caracterizado como un estudio cualitativo del tipo Teoría del Estado del Conocimiento, con búsqueda en las bases de datos SciELO (2 artículos); BDTD (3 disertaciones y 1 tesis) y OASISBR (2 artículos). Se evidenció que el conocimiento del modelo biomédico (normalidad y patología) en el discurso mediático ha elogiado el cuerpo delgado como "ideal", mientras que el cuerpo gordo ha sido visto como enfermo, impo-niendo culpa y estigmatización (AU).

Humans , Social Media
HSJ ; 14: 1-7, Março 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561452


Objective: To evaluate the quality, reliability and content of YouTube videos in Portuguese about dental trauma. Method: An infodemiological study was developed in which the first 60 videos found on YouTube with the terms "dental traumatism", "dental trauma" and "broken tooth" were analyzed. Repeated videos, longer than one hour, in a language other than Portuguese, not intended for the lay public, resolution of questions, songs, interviews, shorts, and other subjects were excluded. The content of the videos was rated using a 23-point scale that classified them into low, moderate, and high content. Reliability was assessed using the modified DISCERN scale and the overall quality was assessed using the Global Quality Score (GQS) scale. The numbers of likes, dislikes, comments and engagement were also accounted. Data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney and Spearman's correlation test (α= 5%). Result: A total of 55 videos were included in the study. Most were posted by healthcare professionals (92.7%) and just over half (63.7%) were of good overall quality. There were moderate, positive, and statistically significant correlations between DISCERN and GQS scores (r=0.454), duration (r=0.575), and trauma content (r=0.510). Overall quality correlated moderately, positively, and significantly with content scores (r=0.604) and video length (r=0.467). Conclusion: A significant proportion of Portuguese videos on YouTube about dental trauma had low content, quality and reliability information.

Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade, a confiabilidade e o conteúdo de vídeos do YouTube na língua portuguesa sobre traumatismo dentário. Método: Um estudo infodemiológico foi desenvolvido a partir de uma busca no YouTube e os 60 primeiros vídeos encontrados com cada um dos termos "traumatismo dentário", "trauma dental" e "dente quebrado" foram analisados. Vídeos repetidos, com mais de uma hora de duração, em outro idioma, não destinados ao público leigo, resolução de questões, músicas, entrevistas, shorts, e vídeos sobre outras temáticas foram excluídos. O conteúdo dos vídeos foi avaliado usando uma escala de 23 pontos que os classificou em baixo, moderado e alto conteúdo. A confiabilidade foi avaliada utilizando a escala DISCERN modificada e a qualidade geral foi avaliada com a escala Global Quality Score (GQS). Também foram contabilizados os números de curtidas, dislikes, comentários e engajamento. Os dados foram analisados pelos testes de Mann-Whitney e correlação de Spearman (α = 5%). Resultado: 55 vídeos foram incluídos no estudo. A maioria foi postada por profissionais de saúde (92,7%) e pouco mais da metade (63,7%) foi de qualidade geral boa. Houve uma correlação moderada, positiva e estatisticamente significativa entre os escores do DISCERN e do GQS (r = 0,454), duração (r = 0,575) e conteúdo de trauma (r = 0,510). A qualidade geral se correlacionou de forma moderada, positiva e significativa com os escores de conteúdo (r = 0,604) e com a duração do vídeo (r = 0,467). Conclusão:Uma proporção de vídeos em Português presentes no YouTube sobre traumatismo dentário possui informações de baixo conteúdo, qualidade e confiabilidade.

RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1553478


As Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação estão presentes na vida humana. Oferecem diversas vantagens, mas podem provocar problemas, entre eles a nomofobia ­ a angústia e o medo de se tornar incomunicável, sem acesso ao smartphone ou à internet. Para avaliar o grau de nomofobia foi criado o Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q). O objetivo deste artigo foi avaliar em que medida o isolamento social, como medida preventiva à covid-19, interferiu nos índices de nomofobia no Brasil. Foi aplicada uma versão adaptada do instrumento NMP-Q, durante a pandemia, a jovens através das mídias digitais. Os resultados indicam que o isolamento social interferiu no aumento da nomofobia, sobretudo em mulheres de 20 a 29 anos e de 50 a 59 anos, universitárias ou com pós-graduação e ganhando de 10 a 20 salários-mínimos. Este artigo se inscreve no conjunto de estudos internacionais que usaram o NMP-Q para avaliar o medo de ficar desconectado.

The Information and Communication Technologies are present in human life. They offer many advantages, but they can also cause problems, among them nomophobia ­ anguish and fear of becoming incommunicado, without access to a smartphone or internet. To assess the degree of nomophobia, the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) was created. The objective of this article was to evaluate to what extent the social isolation proposed as a preventive measure against covid-19 interfered in the indices of nomophobia in Brazil. An adapted version of NMP-Q was applied to young people through digital media during the pandemic. The results indicate social isolation interfered with the increase of nomophobia, especially in women aged 20 to 29 and 50 to 59 years, with university degree or post-graduation and earning 10 to 20 minimum wages. This article is part of a set of international studies that used the NMP-Q to assess the fear of being disconnected.

Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación están cada vez más presentes en la vida humana. Ofrecen numerosas ventajas; pero también pueden causar problemas, entre ellos la nomofobia ­ la angustia y el miedo a quedar incomunicado, sin acceso a smartphone o internet. Para evaluar el grado de nomofobia, se creó el Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q). El objetivo fue evaluar hasta qué punto el aislamiento social interfiere en los índices de nomofobia en Brasil. Durante la pandemia se aplicó una versión adaptada del NMP-Q a jóvenes a través de los medios digitales. Los resultados indican que el aislamiento social interfirió en el aumento de la nomofobia, especialmente en mujeres de 20 a 29 años y 50 a 59 años, con título universitario o postgrado y 10 a 20 salarios mínimos. Este artículo forma parte de un conjunto de estudios internacionales que evaluaron el miedo a la desconexión mediante el NMP-Q.

COVID-19 , Technology Addiction , Social Isolation , Mental Health , Information Dissemination , Vulnerable Populations , Information Technology , Social Media
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020421


Objective:With the help of SWOT(S: internal strengths, W: internal weaknesses, O: external opportunities, T: external threats)analysis, to explore the internal and external conditions of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy applied to improve the negative emotions of patients with coronary heart disease, and to propose development strategies.Methods:SWOT analysis was used to analyze and sort out the internal strengths and internal weaknesses, external opportunities and external threats of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy in improving the negative emotions of patients with coronary heart disease.Results:The internal strengths of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy in improving the negative emotions of patients with coronary heart disease were significant therapeutic effect, strong operability and high cost-effectiveness. The internal weaknesses included excessive dependence on patients′ treatment enthusiasm, and a lack of psychological training among nurses. The external opportunities included demand support, technical support, and theoretical support. The external threats were the lack of large-scale empirical research and the risk of patient personal information leakage.Conclusions:In the clinical application of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy to improve the negative emotions of patients with coronary heart disease, both strengths and weaknesses coexist, and opportunities and threats coexist. Only by taking strengths of opportunities to overcome weaknesses, improve the autonomy and enthusiasm of patients in treatment, and increase the psychological training of medical staff, can internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy be further promoted in the clinical application of improving the negative emotions of patients with coronary heart disease.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020473


Objective:To explore the effectiveness of patient participation and Internet plus in fall prevention management strategies of elderly inpatients and analyze the causes of falls, so as to provide a basis for continuous improvement in fall prevention to investigate their continuous improvement.Methods:A pre- and post-control study was conducted. Totally 8 480 elderly inpatients hospitalized in the Department of Internal Medicine from 1 June 2020 to 31 May 2021 in Chenzhou NO. 1 People′s Hospital were selected by convenient sampling as the control group, and 8 662 elderly inpatients hospitalized in the Department of Internal Medicine from 1 June 2021 to 31 May 2022 were in the experimental group. The routine fall prevention measures were used in the control group, and on this basis, the experimental group formulated and implemented fall prevention management strategies involving patients based on the patient participation framework "informing, participating, empowering, cooperating, and electronic information support" and introduced Internet plus. Then the differences between the two groups in terms of the incidence of falls and the satisfaction rate of nursing care were compared.Results:The experimental group included 8 662 cases (5 110 males and 3 552 females) with (73.96 ± 8.78) years old, while the control group included 8 480 cases (4 918 males and 3 562 females) with (74.11 ± 8.59) years old. The incidence of falls in experimental group (0.092%, 8/8 662) was lower than that in control group (0.224%, 19/8 480), and the difference was statistically significant ( χ 2=4.71, P<0.05); the nursing care satisfaction rate of experimental group (98.880%, 8 565/8 662) was higher than that of control group (96.450%, 8 179/8 480), and the difference also was statistically significant ( χ 2=106.50, P<0.01); the analysis of the fall causes of the patients revealed that the toilet squatting commode was an important hidden risk of falls in elderly patients. Conclusions:Fall prevention management strategies based on patient participation can reduce the incidence of falls in elderly patients and improve the satisfaction rate of nursing care. Patient participation introduced "Internet plus" can prevent patient falls. The root causes of patient falls will continue to change, and care managers should continually track real-time changes in the root causes of falls to identify problems, develop and adjust prevention strategies accordingly, and pay attention to the importance of infrastructure in the safety of older patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020518


Objective:To explore the effect of "Internet plus" exercise prescription intervention on upper limb dysfunction and quality of life of breast cancer patients at home after surgery, so as to provide reference for health management of breast cancer patients after surgery.Methods:Adopting a prospective randomized controlled trial research method. From November 2021 to January 2023, 124 breast cancer patients in the breast and thyroid surgery department of Xiang′an Hospital Affiliated to Xiamen University were selected for the study. According to the random number table method, they were randomly divided into an intervention group (62 cases) and a control group (62 cases). The control group patients were given routine training, and the intervention group patients received routine training in the first four weeks after operation, and "Internet plus" exercise prescription intervention in the fifth week after operation. The upper limb dysfunction, quality of life before and after the intervention and motor compliance after the intervention between the two groups were compared.Results:A total of 117 patients were ultimately included, and they were all female, with 58 patients in the intervention group aged (51.01 ± 9.77) years old and 59 patients in the control group aged (51.47 ± 9.85) years old. There was no statistically significant difference in upper limb dysfunction and quality of life between the two groups of patients before intervention ( P>0.05). After the intervention, the degree of upper limb dysfunction in the intervention group was (63.55 ± 7.02) points, which were lower than that in the control group (67.13 ± 7.25) points, and the difference was statistically significant ( t = 2.71, P<0.01). After the intervention, the total score of quality of life and the scores of physiological status, social/family status, emotional status, functional status and additional attention of breast cancer patients in the intervention group were (115.27 ± 17.35), (22.65 ± 4.53), (22.79 ± 4.36), (20.96 ± 3.95), (19.56 ± 4.22), (29.31 ± 5.24) points, which were higher than those in the control group (104.28 ± 17.04), (20.57 ± 4.48), (20.85 ± 4.23), (18.75 ± 4.04), (17.18 ± 4.06), (26.93 ± 5.21) points, the differences were statistically significant ( t values were 2.44-3.46, all P<0.05). In terms of exercise compliance of breast cancer patients in the intervention group, the aerobic exercise completion rate was 91.38% (53/58), muscle strength training completion rate was 77.59% (45/58), stretching exercise completion rate was 86.21% (50/58), exercise frequency was (3.96 ± 1.13) times/week, exercise duration was (29.51 ± 7.64) min/time, which was superior to 77.97% (46/59), 57.63% (34/59), 69.49% (41/59), (3.38 ± 0.94) times/week, (23.96 ± 7.33) min/time in the control group, the differences were statistically significant ( χ2 = 4.04, 5.31, 4.73, t = 3.02, 4.01, all P<0.05). Conclusions:"Internet plus" exercise prescription intervention has the characteristics of convenience, intuition and strong operability, which is conducive to improving the upper limb dysfunction, quality of life and exercise compliance of breast cancer patients at home after surgery. It is recommended to be popularized and applied clinically.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020576


Head and neck malignant tumor is one of the most heterogeneous diseases.The multi-disciplinary team(MDT)is an essen-tial component for personal precise diagnosis,treatment and integrated care management of oncologic diseases including head and neck malignant tumor.MDT clinical practice is also an important teaching mode for head and neck malignant tumors,but it is limited by time and space in actual teaching.An internet visualization platform was constructed based on the Internet,hospital HIS/PACS/LIS/EMR system,medical visualization screen,oral endoscope,remote consultation platform and other accessible audio and video terminals,and has been applied in MDT clinical teaching of head and neck malignant tumors,allowing medical students to participate in MDT through a networked visualization platform.Medical students will achieve deep learning for the most heterogeneous malignant tumor.MDT sup-ported by the internet visualization platform provides a new pathway for clinical medical education.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 14-19, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022189


Objective To understand the changing trend of Internet outpatient visits in public hospitals,and provide support for the development planning of Internet hospitals.Methods Using the data of Internet outpatient visits in a public hos-pital from January 2021 to June 2023,the ARIMA model and GM(1,1)model were constructed respectively.The mean absolute error(MAE)and root mean square error(RMSE)were used to evaluate the fitting effect,and the Internet outpatient visits from July to December 2023 were predicted based on the dominance model.Results ARIMA(1,2,1)model and GM(1,1)model were used to predict the number of return visits of Internet outpatient service.The average absolute errors were 369.86 and 978.84,and the root-mean-square errors were 479.49 and 1444.83,respectively.The ARIMA(0,1,0)model and GM(1,1)model were used to predict the number of Internet outpatient consultations.The average absolute errors were 297.23 and 369.62,and the root-mean-square errors were 413.61 and 496.30,respectively,indicating that the ARIMA model has a good prediction effect.The forecast results show that the predicted value of Internet outpatient visits in December 2023 is 14,831 cases,and the predicted value of consultation visits is 7461 cases.Conclusion The number of Internet outpatient visits in a public hospital will continue to rise from 2021 to 2023.Therefore,hospitals should fully realize the importance of Internet medical services,take ac-tive measures to continuously optimize the medical service model,and provide patients with high-quality,efficient and convenient Internet medical services.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 275-279, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022256


Objective To investigate the changing trend of the current situation of Internet-based oncology outpatient treatment and provide support for the development and management of Internet hospitals.Methods The ARIMA and GM(1,1)models were constructed based on the Internet-based outpatient data of a cancer hospital from January 2021 to June 2023,and the fitting effect was evaluated by mean absolute error(MAE)and root mean square error(RMSE).Based on the model,the pro-portion of Internet-based outpatient visits and the offline outpatient visits were predicted from July to December 2023.Results ARIMA(1,1,2)and GM(1,1)models were used to predict the proportion of Internet-based outpatient visits.The average abso-lute errors were 2.06%and 2.41%,and the root-mean-square errors were 3.01%and 3.17%,respectively.The ARIMA(0,1,1)and GM(1,1)models were used to predict the proportion of Internet-based outpatient visits to the offline outpatient visits,with the rate of the average absolute errors of 0.58%and 1.08%,respectively,and the rate of the root mean square errors 0.75%and 1.31%,respectively.The figures indicated that the ARIMA model had a better prediction effect.The forecast results showed that the predicted value of Internet outpatient service in December 2023 was 90.35%,and the predicted value of Internet-based outpatient service accounted for 16.46%of the offline outpatient service.Conclusion In 2021-2023,the proportion of Inter-net-based outpatient visits in the cancer hospital showed a steady trend,and the proportion of Internet outpatient visits in the off-line outpatient visits showed a rising trend.Therefore,hospitals need to establish a continuous monitoring mechanism,constantly adjust management strategies and measures to meet the needs of patients and continue to promote the high-quality development of Internet-based medical services.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 431-433, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022298


Internet medical services provide a more convenient communication channel between doctors and patients.Doctors can communicate with patients through online consultation,telephone and other ways to understand the patient's condition and provide treatment suggestions.This kind of communication mode can enable patients to trust doctors more and establish a good doctor-patient relationship.Therefore,this paper analyzes the development of Internet medical services in hospitals,analyzes the development of services from the perspective of pre diagnosis,in-process and post diagnosis services,and puts forward countermeas-ures for the development of Internet medical services from the perspective of patient satisfaction in view of the lack of perfect policy guarantees,the inability to effectively feedback the needs of patients,the lack of mature service models and other issues.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 452-456, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022303


Objective Summarize domestic and international community health management models and characteristics for elderly hypertensive patients,providing references for the development of community health management in China.Methods Employ literature research to retrieve relevant documents on community health management models for elderly hypertensive pa-tients,and analyze the characteristics and applicability of different models through summarization and comparative analysis.Results In China,community health management models for elderly hypertensive patients include family doctor contracting serv-ices,Hospital-Community-Home health management model,traditional Chinese medicine health management model,"Internet+"health management model,PDCA cycle model,PRECEDE-PROCEED model,and comprehensive community management model.Foreign studies can be categorized into self-management model,Health Rise model,Community Health2(CH2)model,and community pharmacy management model.Conclusion Conducting hypertension health management for elderly patients at the community level is effective,serving as a widely applicable strategy for chronic disease prevention and control.Continued ex-ploration of the scientific and effective aspects of different management models,improving the efficiency and effectiveness of com-munity health management,can contribute more evidence for the formulation of scientific and effective strategies for chronic dis-ease prevention and control.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 54-60, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026130


Economic development drives the increase of endogenous demand,and Internet medicine integrates regional medical resources,expanding the fairness of the public's access to medical and health services.However,it is also accompanied an ethical crisis with the development of technology,which requires continuous standardization and practice.Starting from the principle of medical fairness,this paper sorted out the main advantaged characteristics of the development of Internet medicine from the aspects of data fairness,cost equity,opportunity equity,and educational equity.The existing ethical problems of Internet medicine were explored including unfair protection of ethical review mechanisms,unfair data collection of scientific and technological subjects,unfair distribution of benefits and risks,and unfair utilization of Internet medical resources.It also proposed the governance paths of compacting the subject responsibility,perfecting review and supervision,improving the sharing mechanism,bridging the digital divide,strengthening risk prevention,protecting the citizens'rights and interests,strengthening education and guidance,and increasing grassroots investment.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026190


When dealing with public health emergencies,telemedicine can optimize the allocation of medical resources of primary healthcare institutions quickly.Therefore,a blood oxygen saturation monitoring system based on cellular internet of things is designed in the study.Compared with the traditional medical blood oxygen saturation monitors,the system is wearable,low-cost and easy-to-operate,and it is more suitable for the scenario of rapid detection at the primary healthcare institutions or user monitoring at home.The in-ear earphone model makes the detection module innovatively.Both blood oxygen saturation and body temperature can be obtained simultaneously,and the monitoring data are transmitted to the database through narrow band internet of things.The accumulated data provides effective support for personalized diagnosis and treatment.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 130-134,146, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026460


Objective:To construct a multi-dimensional surgical equipment management and control platform based on artificial intelligence and Internet of Things(AIoT)to assist with the refinement and intelligent management medical equipment in hospital operating rooms.Methods:A multi-dimensional surgical equipment control platform based on AIoT was established by integrating the Internet of Things(IoT),big data analysis,indoor positioning technology,artificial intelligence(AI)technology and other technologies to collect real-time process data of surgical equipment such as endoscopy and electrosurgical,and to open up the relationships among information systems relating to surgical equipment,such as hospital information system(HIS),laboratory information system(LIS),radiology information system(RIS)and operation anesthesia management system(OAMS),so as to provide technical support for efficiency analysis,benefit analysis and assets management of surgical equipment.The platform was composed of 3 layers:data extraction layer,data engine layer and AI data analysis layer,including 4 functional modules:automatic data acquisition,deep data fusion,data mining and analysis and data visualization.Results:This platform was launched in Shanghai Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in June 2022,and had realized achieving intelligent daily management such as indoor positioning of operating room equipment,one click inventory.A set of performance analysis method based on IoT and integrated with information systems was established to automatically count the utilization efficiency and cost-effectiveness of key surgical equipment to realize intelligent service,intelligent management,and digital operation.Conclusion:The construction and application of this platform improved the efficiency of medical equipment in operating rooms,reduced the cost and increased the efficiency,assisted in the refinement and intelligent management of hospital surgical equipment,and provided data support for scientific decision-making of hospital managers.

Chinese Hospital Management ; (12): 51-54, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026609


Objective To explore and analyse the factors influencing the acceptability of"Internet medical alliance"among medical staff by UTAUT model,with a view to providing a basis for the sustainable development of"Internet medical alliance".Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among medical staff participating in the"Internet medical alliance"in municipal hospitals,count-level hospitals,township health centers,village clinics and community health service centers.SPSS 20.0 and Amos 17.0 software were used to statistically describe the acceptance of"Internet medical alliance",and a structural equation model with behavioral intention and satisfaction as dependent variables was constructed.Results In the range of independent variables,the 841 follow-up subjects had the highest individual creativity score at(3.88±0.67),followed by social influence at(3.86±0.66)and the lowest perceived risk score at(3.52±0.78).Of the dependent variables,the behavioural intention score was(3.86±0.68)and the satisfaction score was(7.72±1.88).Conclusion Facilitation,individual creativity,self-efficacy,performance expectations,effort expectations,having heard of"Internet medical alliance"education level and perceived risk were key factors in the behavioral intention and satisfaction of medical staff to participate in"Internet medical alliance".