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Psicol. rev ; 32(1): 56-81, 17/10/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1518191


Considerando a violência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes como um problema social e de saúde pública que atinge milhares de famílias de todas as partes do mundo, o objetivo desta revisão de literatura é compreender o impacto emocional da violência doméstica na vida de adolescentes. Foram sele-cionados artigos científicos delimitados pelos descritores "domestic violence", "adolescent" e "emotional impact", nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, nas bases de dados Scielo, PsycINFO (APA) e Pubmed. Incluímos artigos empíricos avaliados por pares publicados nos últimos dez anos (2010- 2020). A partir da análise crítica dos 14 estudos selecionados identificamos que o impacto emocional da violência doméstica é resultado de uma complexa inte-ração entre fatores culturais, sociais, familiares e emocionais. De modo geral, o jovem vitimado apresenta sintomas depressivos, ansiedade e autoestima diminuída, a qual se revela por crenças negativas sobre si e sobre o mundo. Compreendemos a sintomatologia dos jovens como uma estratégia de sobre-vivência psíquica em ambientes familiares invasivos e negligentes quanto às suas necessidades físicas e emocionais. Concluímos pela necessidade de inter-venções preventivas e interventivas que objetivem tanto o bem estar de crianças e adolescentes quanto a oferta de um cuidado parental suficientemente bom. (AU)

Considering domestic violence against children and adolescents as a social and public health problem affecting thousands of families all over the world, the objective of this literature review is to understand the emotional impact of domestic violence on the lives of adolescents. Scientific articles delimited by the descriptors "domestic violence", "adolescent" and "emotional impact" were selected, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, in the Scielo, PsycINFO (APA) and Pubmed databases. We include peer- reviewed empirical articles published in the last ten years (2010-2020). Based on a critical analysis of 14 selected studies, we identified that the emotional impact of domestic violence is the result of a complex interaction between cultural, social, family and emotional factors. In general, the victimized youth presents depressive symptoms, anxiety and reduced self-esteem, which is revealed in negative beliefs about themselves and about the world. We understand the symptoms of young people as a psychic survival strategy in invasive family environments that neglect their physical and emotional needs. We conclude that there is a need for preventive and interventive actions aiming both at the well-being of children and adolescents and at offering a sufficiently good parental care.(AU)

Considerando la violencia intrafamiliar contra la niñez y adolescencia como un problema social y de salud pública afectando a miles de familias del mundo, el objetivo de esta revisión de literatura es comprender su impacto emocional en la vida de los adolescentes. Se seleccionaron artículos científicos delimitados por los descriptores "violencia doméstica", "adolescente" y "impacto emocional", en portugués, inglés y español, en las bases de datos Scielo, PsycINFO (APA) y Pubmed. Incluimos artículos empíricos revisados por pares publicados en los últimos diez años (2010-2020). A partir de un análisis crítico de 14 estudios seleccionados, identificamos que el impacto emocional de la violencia doméstica es el resultado de una interacción compleja entre factores culturales, sociales, familiares y emocionales. En general, el joven victimizado presenta síntomas depresivos, ansiedad y disminución de la autoestima, lo que se manifiesta en creencias negativas sobre sí mismos y el mundo. Entendemos los síntomas de los jóvenes como una estrategia de supervivencia psíquica en entornos familiares invasivos que descuidan sus necesidades físicas y emocionales. Concluimos que existe necesidad de intervenciones preventivas y intervencio-nistas apuntando tanto al bienestar de los niños y adolescentes como a ofrecer un cuidado parental suficientemente bueno. (AU)

Humans , Adolescent , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Domestic Violence/psychology , Psychosocial Impact , Psychology, Adolescent , Family Relations/psychology
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536337


Introducción: La violencia intrafamiliar ocurre en el interior de la familia y, por lo general, la ejercen uno o varios miembros contra otros; casi siempre las víctimas son mujeres, ancianos y niños. Objetivo: Caracterizar el estado actual de la violencia intrafamiliar en familias con niños en edad prescolar. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en el Consultorio Médico de Familia No. 1, poblado de Cuatro Caminos perteneciente al Policlínico Docente Mártires del 10 de abril, Corralillo, Villa Clara, de enero del 2020 a junio del 2021. La población estuvo constituida por 66 familias y la muestra por 64, según muestreo no probabilístico por criterio. Para la recogida de la información se utilizaron cuestionario y observación a las familias en estudio. Resultados: Presencia de violencia intrafamiliar (32,8 por ciento), familias extensas (70,3 por ciento), hacinamiento (14,1 por ciento), malas relaciones entre los adultos (66,6 %), maltrato en la niñez (66,6 por ciento) manifestaciones psicológicas: padres ausentes físicamente (57,1 por ciento), violencia psicológica (100 por ciento), violencia física (66,6 por ciento) y violencia sexual (42,9 por ciento). Conclusiones: Las malas relaciones entre los adultos, el maltrato en la niñez y los padres ausentes físicamente son asociados a la violencia intrafamiliar. La violencia psicológica estuvo presente en la totalidad de las familias. Las mayores cifras de tipos de violencia fueron en la familia extensa(AU)

Introduction: Intrafamily violence occurs within the family and is generally exercised by one or several members against others; almost always, the victims are women, the elderly or children. Objective: To characterize the current state of domestic violence in families with preschool children. Methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out in the family medical office 1, in the neighborhood of Cuatro Caminos, belonging to the Policlínico Docente Mártires del 10 de Abril, in Corralillo Municipality, Villa Clara Province, from January 2020 to June 2021. The population consisted of 66 families and the sample was made up of 64, according to nonprobabilistic sampling by criteria. For the collection of information, a questionnaire and the observation method were used with the families under study. Results: There was presence of intrafamily violence (32.8percent) extended families (70.3percent), overcrowding (14.1percent), poor relationships between adults (66.6percent) and child abuse (66.6percent). The psychological manifestations were related to physically absent parents (57.1percent), psychological violence (100%), physical violence (66.6percent) and sexual violence (42.9percent). Conclusions: Poor relationships between adults, childhood abuse and physically absent parents are associated with intrafamily violence. Psychological violence was present in all families. The highest numbers of types of violence occurred in the extended family(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Sex Offenses , Violence/prevention & control , Family , Domestic Violence , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Serv. soc. soc ; 146(1): 224-243, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424625


Resumo: A intervenção de assistentes sociais em situações de abuso sexual intrafamiliar carece de sistematização, contemplando as mediações históricas fundamentais que perfazem as particularidades dessa atuação. A presente análise faz aproximações à interlocução do Direito e do Serviço Social, na especificidade das exigências das Varas da Família e dos desafios postos à perícia social em Serviço Social na complexidade da violência sexual, sexualidade e família. Os achados da análise empreendida apontam que é pela apreensão da sociabilidade familiar que podem emergir aspectos da violência e suas manifestações.

Abstract: The intervention made by social workers in situations of intrafamilial sexual abuse lacks a systematization that takes into account the fundamental historic mediations that characterize the particularities of such circunstances. This analysis establishes links between the Law and Social Work, in the specificities required by Family Matter Courts and the challenges presented to Forensics in Social Work within the complexity of sexual violence, sexuality and family. Findings from the analysis show that aspects of violence and its manifestations can surface when we apprehend family sociability,

Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 53(1): 39085, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415133


O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as repercussões na infância, na adolescência e na vida adulta da violência emocional intrafamiliar vivenciada no período infanto-juvenil em artigos publicados entre 2009 e 2019, por meio de uma revisão sistemática de literatura. Para a organização dos dados, utilizou-se o software Zotero; para a sistematização e análises, o software SPSS (versão 2.3). Na infância e na adolescência, as principais repercussões foram sintomas internalizantes (ex.: ansiedade, depressão, problemas psicossomáticos, insegurança), problemas cognitivo-comportamentais e impactos no rendimento escolar. Na idade adulta, as principais repercussões foram sintomas externalizantes (ex.: agressividade, reprodução da violência) e sintomas internalizantes. Conclui-se que a violência emocional vivenciada na infância e na adolescência é transcultural, transgeracional e um fator de risco para o desenvolvimento, podendo ocasionar prejuízos cognitivo-comportamentais e interferir nos relacionamentos interpessoais ao longo do ciclo de vida. Tornar visível este tipo de violência contribui para enfrentamento e minimização dos efeitos negativos da violência.

This study aimed to identify the repercussions in childhood, adolescence and adulthood of intrafamily emotional violence experienced in children and adolescents in articles published between 2009 and 2019 through a systematic literature review. To organize the data, the Zotero software was used; for systematization and analysis assistance, the SPSS software (version 2.3). In childhood and adolescence, the main repercussions were internalizing symptoms (for instance: anxiety, depression), cognitive-behavioural problems and impacts on school performance. In adulthood, the main repercussions were externalizing symptoms (for instance: aggressiveness, reproduction of violence) and internalizing symptoms. It follows that the emotional violence experienced in childhood is cross-cultural, transgenerational, and a risk factor for development, as it can cause cognitive-behavioural losses and interfere in interpersonal relationships throughout the life cycle. Making this type of violence visible helps to face and minimize the negative effects of violence.

El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática de la literatura fue identificar las repercusiones en la infancia, adolescencia y vida adulta de la violencia emocional intrafamiliar experimentada en niños y adolescentes en artículos publicados entre 2009 y 2019. Para organizar los datos, se utilizó el software Zotero; para la sistematización y análisis, el software SPSS (versión 2.3). En la infancia y la adolescencia, las principales repercusiones fueron los síntomas internos (ansiedad, depresión), problemas cognitivo-conductuales e impactos en el rendimiento escolar. En la edad adulta, las principales repercusiones fueron síntomas externos (agresividad, reproducción de violencia) y síntomas internos. La violencia emocional experimentada en la infancia es transcultural, transgeneracional y un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo, ya que puede causar impedimentos cognitivo-conductuales e interferir en las relaciones interpersonales a lo largo del ciclo de vida. Hacer visible este tipo de violencia ayuda a enfrentar y minimizar los efectos negativos de la violencia.

Domestic Violence , Depression , Psychological Distress , Interpersonal Relations , Child , Adolescent
Rev. salud pública ; 23(5): e204, Sep.-Oct. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395068


RESUMEN Objetivo Identificar el modo en que se configuró la violencia intrafamiliar como problema sanitario para la psiquiatría colombiana entre 1964 y 1996. Materiales y Métodos Investigación con enfoque histórico que exploró acervos documentales de la Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría en el período estudiado. Se identificaron 33 artículos relevantes que fueron analizados buscando el modo en que la violencia intrafamiliar se fue constituyendo un problema de interés para el abordaje en salud mental en Colombia. Resultados La visión de los académicos de la época permite comprender la relación constante y circular entre las categorías violencia social y familia, estableciendo una primacía para abordar la violencia intrafamiliar que refleja el interés por la salud mental y las dinámicas que se desarrollan en la familia en reflejo del contexto. Discusión Se obtiene una perspectiva de la familia y la sociedad colombiana en la segunda mitad del siglo XX en relación con la configuración problemática progresiva de la violencia intrafamiliar como asunto a tratar desde la psiquiatría.

ABSTRACT Objective Identify the way in which domestic violence was configured as a health problem for Colombian psychiatry between 1964 and 1996. Materials and Methods Research with a historical approach exploring documentary collections of the Colombian Journal of Psychiatry in the period studied, identifying 33 relevant articles that were analyzed looking for the way in which intrafamily violence became a problem of interest for the clinical approach to mental health in Colombia. Results The vision of the academics of the time allows to understand the constant and circular relationship between these two categories: social violence and family, establishing a primacy in the approach to domestic violence that reflects the concern for mental health and the dynamics that develop in the family. Discussion A perspective of the Colombian family and society in the second half of the 20th century was obtained in relation to the progressive problematic configuration of intrafamily violence as a matter to be treated from psychiatry.

Vínculo ; 18(1): 32-41, jan.-abr. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1280710


O objetivo deste estudo é compreender a experiência emocional de 14 adolescentes abrigados frente a possibilidade de desabrigamento considerando a usual permanência prolongada do adolescente na situação de acolhimento institucional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa psicanalítica em que adotamos uma Narrativa Interativa (NI) em duas entrevistas coletivas seguidas de uma reflexão sobre o tema investigado, além de uma entrevista individual seguida de um momento de reflexão com uma adolescente que não teve a oportunidade de participar do grupo. A análise do material narrativo resultou em campos de sentido afetivo-emocional. Destacamos o campo emblemático "É muito peso para uma pessoa só", que descortina os sucessivos desabrigamentos e o consequente desamparo vividos pelos jovens como resultados da sobreposição de vulnerabilidades que cercam a vida dos participantes.

The aim of this study is to understand the emotional experience of 14 sheltered adolescents in the face of the possibility of helplessness considering the usual prolonged stay of the adolescent in the institutional shelter situation. This is a qualitative psychoanalytic research in which we adopted an Interactive Narrative (NI) in two group interviews and one individual interview followed by a reflection on the theme investigated, in addition to an individual interview, followed by a moment of reflection with a teenager who did not have the opportunity to participate in the group. The analysis of narrative material resulted in fields of affective-emotional meaning. We highlight the emblematic field "It's too much weight for one person", which reveals the successive homelessness episodes and the consequent helplessness experienced by the young people as a result of the overlapping vulnerabilities that surround the participants' lives.

El objetivo de este estudio es comprender la experiencia emocional de 14 adolescentes protegidos ante la posibilidad de quedarse sin hogar considerando la prolongada estadía habitual del adolescente en la situación del refugio institucional. Esta es una investigación psicoanalítica cualitativa en la que adoptamos una Narrativa Interactiva (NI) en dos entrevistas grupales y una entrevista individual seguida de una reflexión sobre el tema investigado, además de una entrevista individual seguida de un momento de reflexión con una adolescente que no tuvo la oportunidad de participar en el grupo. El análisis del material narrativo resultó en campos de significado afectivo-emocional. Destacamos el campo emblemático "Es demasiado peso para una persona sola", que revela la sucesiva falta de vivienda y la consecuente impotencia experimentada por los jóvenes como resultado de las vulnerabilidades superpuestas que rodean las vidas de los participantes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Charities , Child, Abandoned , Domestic Violence , Personal Narrative , Exposure to Violence , Foster Home Care
Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 37(1): e1349, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280317


Introducción: La violencia de género representa en la actualidad un grave problema para la humanidad y afecta a todos los países y a millones de personas, sobre todo a mujeres y niñas. Objetivo: Caracterizar a las mujeres que sufren violencia intrafamiliar. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal en el Consultorio Médico de Familia No. 12 del Policlínico Docente Ramón López Peña, del municipio Santiago de Cuba, en el período noviembre 2018 a junio 2019. El universo de estudio estuvo conformado por 378 mujeres de 15 años y más, y la muestra por 43 féminas que sufrían algún tipo de violencia. Se les aplicó un cuestionario. Las variables estudiadas fueron: edad, escolaridad, nivel ocupacional, estado conyugal, tipo de abuso y familiar perpetrador de la violencia. Para el procesamiento de la información se utilizaron distribuciones de frecuencia absolutas y porcentaje. Los datos se procesaron en el paquete estadístico SPSS versión 11.0. Los resultados obtenidos se muestran en tablas y gráficos, para facilitar su comprensión y análisis. Resultados: Se evidenció que 43,6 por ciento perteneció al grupo de edad de 20 a 35 años; 53,4 por ciento era ama de casa, predominó la unión consensual (55,9 por ciento), el nivel superior medio (48,8 por ciento), la violencia física (41,9 por ciento), perpetrada por el esposo o pareja (44,2 por ciento) y 53,5 por ciento no tuvo percepción del acto. Conclusiones: Fue frecuente la presencia de violencia contra las mujeres, acto que involucraba al resto de la familia. Las féminas no tenían percepción de que eran maltratadas, y eran en su mayoría amas de casa sometidas a la voluntad de su pareja(AU)

Introduction: Gender-related violence currently represents a serious problem for humanity and affects all countries and millions of people, especially women and girls. Objective: To characterize women who suffer domestic violence and from a family medical office in Santiago de Cuba. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the family medical office # 12 of Ramón López Peña Teaching Polyclinic of Santiago de Cuba Municipality, in the period from November 2018 to June 2019. The study universe consisted of 378 women aged 15 years and more. The sample was made up of 43 women who suffered some type of violence. A questionnaire was applied to them. The variables studied were age, schooling, occupational level, marital status, type of abuse and relative perpetrator of violence. For processing the information, absolute frequency and percentage distributions were used. The data were processed using the statistical package SPSS (version 11.0). The results obtained are shown in tables and graphs, to facilitate their understanding and analysis. Results: It was evidenced that 43.6 percent belonged to the age group 20-35 years. 53.4 percent; were housewives. There was a predominance of consensual union (55.9 percent), senior-high schooling (48.8 percent), and physical violence (41.9 percent), perpetrated by the husband or partner (44, 2 percent), while 53.5 percent had no perception of the act. Conclusions: The presence of violence against women was frequent, an act that involved the rest of the family. The women had no perception that they were mistreated. They were mostly housewives subjected to the will of their partner(AU)

Humans , Female , Domestic Violence/prevention & control , Violence Against Women , Gender-Based Violence/trends , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Saúde Redes ; 7(Supl. 1)2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1348310


Objetivo: Investigar e analisar a produção científica nacional acerca dos fatores associados ao aumento da violência intrafamiliar durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura. A busca na literatura foi realizada nas seguintes bases de dados: SciELO, LILACS e PubMed. Resultados: Nesta revisão foram selecionados 6 estudos. Da leitura e análise das publicações, os aspectos mais referidos e relacionados com a violência intrafamiliar durante a pandemia de COVID-19 foram: desigualdade de gênero; convivência intensificada e casa como local inseguro; menor acesso a rede de apoio e mudanças no funcionamento dos serviços de atendimento e dificuldades financeiras, fome e desemprego. Conclusão: Pode-se, a partir desse estudo, compreender que essa temática não ocorre como consequência direta da pandemia e do isolamento social, mas é intensificada por elas. A implementação de medidas que colaborem para redução da violência em todos os níveis é um grande desafio, sendo indispensável e urgente em todos os níveis: saúde, educação, assistência social e justiça.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 25(12): 4791-4802, Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1142721


Resumo Realizou-se uma revisão da literatura sobre a temática violência e saúde publicada na revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva/RC&SC, no período de 1996 a 2019. A busca também incluiu dois periódicos nacionais (Cadernos de Saúde Pública/CSP e Revista de Saúde Pública/RSP) e dois internacionais ("American Journal of Public Health/AJPH" e "Pan American Journal of Public Health/PAJPH"), totalizando 1.179 artigos localizados. A análise agregou o acervo de cada periódico em onze temas, segundo afinidade conceitual. Para os artigos da C&SC foram analisadas variáveis como: ano da publicação, área do conhecimento, região da instituição, abrangência do estudo, método empregado e população alvo. A análise identificou que a revista deu visibilidade à temática, destacando-se dos demais periódicos a partir de 2009. Causas externas, grupo de crianças e adolescentes, estudos quantitativos, com abrangência municipal e nacional e instituições localizadas na região Sudeste preponderaram. Há lacunas de temas relevantes como automutilação, populações vulneráveis, entre outros, sobre os quais se deveriam incentivar estudos e publicações.

Abstract The authors conducted a literature review on the theme of violence and health published in the Brazilian public health journal "Ciência & Saúde Coletiva" (C&SC) from 1996 to 2019. The search also included two other Brazilian journals, "Cadernos de Saúde Pública" (CSP) and "Revista de Saúde Pública" (RSP) and two international journals, the "American Journal of Public Health" (AJPH) and the "Pan American Journal of Public Health" (PAJPH), totaling 1,179 articles. The analysis aggregated each journal's material in eleven themes, based on conceptual affinity. For the articles from C&SC, the authors analyzed variables such as year of publication, area of knowledge, institution's region, study scope, methodology, and target population. The analysis found that C&SC gave visibility to violence and health, standing out from the other journals since 2009. External causes, children and adolescents, quantitative studies, municipal and national scope, and institutions located in the Southeast region of Brazil predominated. There are gaps in topics such as self-mutilation and vulnerable populations, among other areas where more studies and publications should be encouraged.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Violence , Public Health , Brazil
Rev. crim ; 62(3): 65-77, sep.-dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144421


Resumen Esta investigación se ocupa del análisis del inciso 3 del artículo I de la Ley 1959 de 2019 que modifica el artículo 229 de la Ley 599 de 2000 frente al principio constitucional de derecho penal de acto en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, siendo este un principio que se proyecta a partir de la Teoría del Garantismo como una garantía de la dignidad humana y el derecho fundamental de la libertad de las personas. Para lograr el objetivo se realizó una investigación eminentemente jurídica, enmarcada en un tipo de estudio correlacional, a través de los métodos del análisis y la síntesis. Se analiza en primer lugar el contenido normativo del principio de derecho penal de acto para determinar el lugar que ocupa dentro del engranaje de las garantías penales en Colombia, después, se identifican los elementos del tipo penal de la violencia intrafamiliar en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, luego, se estudian las razones legislativas esgrimidas para establecer la reincidencia en el delito de violencia intrafamiliar. Se concluye que el legislador extralimitó sus funciones y configuró una norma inválida en términos garantistas, lo que implica un desbordamiento de los límites del ius puniendi del Estado.

Abstract This study analyzes subsection 3 of article 1 of Law 1959/2019, which amended article 229 of Law 599/2000, regarding the constitutional criminal principle of action in the Colombian legal system. Said principle is based on the Theory of Guarantees, as a guarantee for human dignity and people's fundamental right to freedom. To this end, a solely juridical study was carried out, in the framework of a study of correlations, using the methods of analysis and synthesis. Firstly, the legal content of the criminal law principle of action is reviewed, in order to determine its place in the framework of criminal guarantees in Colombia. Then, the criminal elements of intra-family violence in the Colombian legal system are identified, to subsequently study the arguments made by the legislators to establish recidivism in the crime of intra-family violence. We conclude by arguing that the legislators overreached their functions and designed a law that is invalid in terms of providing guarantees, which implies going beyond the Government's ius puniendi limits.

Resumo Esta investigação trata da análise do parágrafo 3° do artigo 1 ° da Lei 1959 de 2019 que altera o artigo 229 da Lei 599 de 2000, em relação ao princípio constitucional do direito penal do fato no ordenamento jurídico colombiano, sendo este um princípio projetado a partir da Teoria do Garantismo como garantia da dignidade humana e do direito fundamental da liberdade das pessoas. Para atingir o objetivo, foi realizada uma investigação eminentemente jurídica, enquadrada num tipo de estudo correlacional, através dos métodos de análise e síntese. Em primeiro lugar, analisa-se o conteúdo normativo do princípio do direito penal do fato para determinar o lugar que ocupa dentro do mecanismo de garantias penais na Colômbia. A seguir, são identificados os elementos do tipo penal da violência doméstica no ordenamento jurídico colombiano. Depois, são estudadas as razões legislativas apresentadas para estabelecer a reincidência no crime de violência doméstica. Conclui-se que o legislador extrapolou suas funções e configurou uma norma inválida nos termos de garantistas, o que implica em extravasamento dos limites do ius puniendi do Estado.

Humans , Domestic Violence , Constitution and Bylaws , Criminal Law , Recidivism
Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública ; 38(2): e331289, May-Aug. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115178


Resumen Los malos tratos hacia las personas mayores están influenciados por patrones culturales, el contexto histórico, el entorno sociocultural y los juicios de valor que la sociedad construye en torno a la vejez. El maltrato a esta población no ha tenido la misma resonancia en la sociedad que el ejercido a niños y mujeres; sin embargo, en los últimos años ha comenzado a ser visible como un problema de interés público. La presente revisión tiene como objetivo presentar los principales conceptos y características del maltrato al adulto mayor y describir la magnitud de este fenómeno social en el mundo y en Colombia desde 1975 hasta 2018.

Abstract Abuse towards older people is influenced by cultural patterns, the historical context, the socio-cultural environment and the value judgments that society builds around old age. The mistreatment of this population has not had the same resonance in society as the abuse of children and women; however, in recent years it has started to be seen as a problem of public interest. This review aims to present the main concepts and characteristics of elder abuse and describe the magnitude of this social phenomenon worldwide and in Colombia from 1975 until 2018.

Resumo Os maus-tratos aos idosos estão influenciados por padrões culturais, o contexto histórico, o ambiente sociocultural e os juízos de valor que a sociedade constrói ao redor da velhice. Os maus-tratos dirigidos a esta população não têm tido a mesma repercussão na sociedade que o exercido às crianças e mulheres; porém, nos últimos anos se tornou mais visível como um problema de interesse público. A presente revisão tem como objetivo apresentar os principais conceitos e características dos maus-tratos ao idoso e descrever a extensão desse fenômeno social na Colômbia e no mundo desde 1975 até 2018.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 16(1): 113-130, ene.-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375279


Resumen En el marco de la investigación titulada "Resiliencia en víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar y de género Fase 1", realizada por el programa de Psicología de la Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino (Bogotá, Colombia), se realizó una revisión de literatura, que describió el estado del arte de las investigaciones y estudios reflexivos publicados entre los años de 2015 y 2019 con respecto a la resiliencia familiar frente a la violencia intrafamiliar y de género (vifg). Se obtuvieron resultados preliminares de 3160 documentos, que fueron depurados a 74 artículos, que respondieron a criterios de inclusión como: Artículos Originales, de Reflexión, Revisión de literatura, Estudios Cualitativos, Cuantitativos o Mixtos publicados entre 2015 y 2019. La búsqueda se realizó en las bases de datos: PubMed, Ebsco Host, Science Direct, Scopus, Psyinfo, sage, Sprinter, y Taylor & Francis. Se encontró una tendencia de estudios aplicados, cualitativos, descriptivos con población participante femenina, infantil y adolescente con reporte de violencia intrafamiliar, realizados en Estados Unidos, Reino Unido y Canadá. Sin embargo, se pudo observar que la literatura hace referencia indirecta a la resiliencia familiar, pues en mayor medida se refiere al afrontamiento, recuperación y factores protectores, como fenómenos de interés relacionados con la vifg. Se concluye que aún son pocos los estudios en los que se incluya explícitamente el fenómeno del género en la vif, que describen la emergencia de la resiliencia familiar y alternativas de intervención para su desarrollo.

Abstract In the frame of the first phase of the research titled "Resilience in Victims of Domestic and Gender Based Violence", carried out by the Psychology academic program at the Santo Tomas University (Bogota, Colombia), a literature review was carried out which described the State of the Art of studies published between 2015 and 2019 regarding Family Resilience against Domestic and Gender-based Violence. There were preliminary results gathered from 3160 documents, which were later reduced to 74 articles according to the following criteria: original articles, rational thinking, literature review, and qualitative data, quantitative data, or mixed methods research published between 2015 and 2019. The research was carried out using the following Databases: PubMed, Ebsco Host, Science Direct, Scopus, PsyINFO, sage, Sprinter, and Taylor & Francis. A particular trend has been identified as a result of the research, with a large set of studies using mostly applied, qualitative and descriptive data of female, child and teenager participants who have reported cases of domestic violence, conducted in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. However, it was observed that the literature makes indirect reference to family resilience, since for the most part it refers to coping mechanisms, recovery, and protective factors as phenomena of interest related to Domestic and Gender-based Violence. It is concluded that there are still very few studies which, while describing the emergence of family resilience and intervention alternatives for its development, explicitly include a gender approach or gender-related elements in cases of domestic violence.

Psychol. av. discip ; 14(1): 61-73, Jan.-June 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250608


Resumen La exposición a la violencia y las experiencias de abuso infantil son factores de riesgo para su reproducción en la siguiente generación. Muchos estudios han analizado la transmisión intergeneracional de la violencia, aunque en menor medida se ha investigado este fenómeno en Nicaragua. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la relación entre el historial de maltrato en madres nicaragüenses en situación de pobreza y la violencia en la siguiente generación. En el estudio de corte transversal participaron 124 mujeres que han sufrido diversas formas de polivictimización a lo largo de su vida. Los resultados indican que la presencia de violencia en los y las menores se relaciona con el historial de victimización de la madre, circunstancia que predice la violencia ejercida y padecida en la siguiente generación. Visibilizar el maltrato en la infancia constituye un objetivo prioritario, ya que crecer en contextos en los que se normaliza la violencia deriva en su reproducción.

Abstract Exposure to violence in childhood and experiences of child abuse are risk factors for a consequent repetition of them in the next generation. Many studies have analyzed the intergenerational transmission of violence, although this phenomenon has been investigated to a lesser extent in Nicaragua. The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the history of abuse in Nicaraguan mothers in poverty and the violence in the next generation. The cross-sectional study involved 124 women who have undergone various forms of poly-victimization throughout their lives. The results indicate that the presence of violence in children is related to the mother's victimization history, circumstance that predicts the violence suffered in the next generation. Highlighting and identifying child abuse constitutes a priority objective, since growing up in contexts where violence is normalized leads to its reproduction.

Child Abuse, Sexual , Child Abuse , Domestic Violence , Crime Victims , Violence Against Women , Exposure to Violence , Poverty , Reproduction , Violence , Risk Factors , Minors , Mothers , Nicaragua
Acta colomb. psicol ; 23(1): 181-192, Jan.-June 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098009


Abstract Mental health problems in the general population tend to be related to social determinants which also influence health inequity. However, these determinants are usually taken into account only for clinical populations and often go unnoticed at the community level. The purpose of the present study was to identify the psycho-socio-cultural factors that influence the presence of psychopathological symptoms in the open population. In this study, 229 women and men, Mexican adults, participated. Two self-report instruments were used: the SCL 90-R to evaluate psychopathological symptoms, and the Questionnaire of Factors Associated with Health. The results show differences between men and women, both in the symptoms and in the factors evaluated, where women are more disadvantaged. Predictive models indicate that in women the factors predicting the symptomatology are: conflicting thoughts, domestic violence, lack of confidence in their abilities and gender discrimination; while in men they were: family violence, poverty and lower well-being. It is concluded that psychosocial and ecosystemic models enable to understand that psycho-socio-cultural factors influence the presence of incipient symptoms in the community population, following different paths for women and men, showing that the context has a differential impact on mental health.

Resumen Los problemas de salud mental en la población general tienden a estar relacionados con determinantes sociales que también influyen en la inequidad sanitaria. Sin embargo, estos determinantes suelen tenerse en cuenta solo en la población clínica y pasan inadvertidos en el ámbito comunitario. Teniendo esto en cuenta, el propósito del presente estudio fue identificar los factores psicosocioculturales que influyen en la presencia de los síntomas psicopatológicos en población abierta. Para esto, participaron 229 mujeres y hombres, adultos, mexicanos, a quienes se les aplicaron dos instrumentos de autorreporte para evaluar sus síntomas psicopatológicos, el SCL 90-R y el Cuestionario de Factores Asociados a la Salud. Los resultados muestran diferencias entre hombres y mujeres tanto en los síntomas como en los factores evaluados, en donde las mujeres resultaron ser las más desfavorecidas. Los modelos predictivos señalan que en las mujeres los factores que predicen la sintomatología son los pensamientos conflictivos, la violencia intrafamiliar, la falta de confianza en sus capacidades y la discriminación de género; mientras que en los hombres fueron la violencia intrafamiliar, la pobreza y un menor bienestar. Se concluye que los modelos psicosociales y ecosistémicos permiten comprender que los factores psicosocioculturales influyen sobre los síntomas incipientes de población comunitaria, con vías diferentes tanto para las mujeres como para los hombres. Con esto se demuestra que el contexto imprime un impacto diferencial en la salud mental.

Estud. Interdiscip. Psicol ; 11(1): 135-161, jan-abr.2020. Tab, Ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1337496


A violência intrafamiliar é aquela praticada por familiares, constituindo-se em grave violação dos direitos da criança e do adolescente. O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar se Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS) reconhecem sinais de violência intrafamiliar, se fazem notificação, se conhecem fatores de risco e proteção e se na sua formação receberam informações sobre essas temáticas. Participaram do estudo 119 ACS que responderam três questionários. Constatou-se que os conhecimentos sobre sinais de violência, em especial, de violência sexual e psicológica, sobre notificação, sobre fatores de risco e proteção e sobre práticas parentais e habilidades sociais infantis deveriam fazer parte de cursos de capacitação dos ACS, bem como de toda a Equipe de Saúde, pelo fato de atuarem cotidianamente com as famílias no território. Conclui-se que os ACS não tiveram acesso aos conhecimentos produzidos pela psicologia do desenvolvimento infantil que poderiam orientar sua ação protetiva e preventiva junto às famílias (AU).

Domestic violence is normally practiced by relatives, constituted in serious violation of the rights of the child and the adolescent. The objective of this study was to investigate whether Community Health Agents (CHA) recognize signs of intra-family violence, if they make the notification, if they know risk and protection factors and if in their training they received information about these issues. A total of 119 ACS respond to three questionnaires. We found that knowledge about signs of violence, especially sexual and psychological violence, about notification, about risk and protection factors, and about parental practices and children's social skills should be part of CHA training courses, as well as the Health Team, because they work with families on a daily basis. It is concluded that the ACS did not have access to the knowledge produced by the child development psychology that could guide their protective and preventive action with the families (AU).

La violencia intrafamiliar es aquella practicada por familiares, constituido en grave violación de los derechos del niño y del adolescente. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar si los Agentes Comunitarios de Salud (ACS) reconocen señales de violencia intrafamiliar, se hacen notificación, si conocen factores de riesgo y protección y si en su formación recibieron informaciones sobre esas temáticas. En este estudio 119 ACS respondieran a tres cuestionarios. Se constató que los conocimientos sobre señales de violencia, en especial, de violencia sexual y psicológica, notificación, factores de riesgo y protección, prácticas parentales y habilidades sociales infantiles deberían formar parte de cursos de capacitación de los ACS, así como de todo el equipo de salud, por el hecho de actuaren cotidianamente con las familias. Se concluye que los ACS no tuvieron acceso a los conocimientos da psicología del desarrollo que podrían orientar su acción proyectiva y preventiva junto a las familias (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Domestic Violence/psychology , Community Health Workers/psychology , Knowledge , Training Courses , Risk Factors , Delivery of Health Care , Psychology, Developmental
Interdisciplinaria ; 36(2): 97-110, dic. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056543


Resumen El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar en Colombia las políticas públicas (leyes) relacionadas con la intervención de la violencia intrafamiliar (VIF) a partir de las concepciones de función y sentido de la violencia en la familia. Se hace una revisión crítica de las leyes (políticas públicas) sobre la VIF más importantes en el ámbito nacional colombiano, con el fin de identificar las características más comunes que impiden o dificultan un mejor abordaje del fenómeno violento y se esbozan alternativas que podrían superarlas. Se concluye que la forma en que se ha concebido la violencia intrafamiliar y la intervención que se ha derivado de ella ha dificultado comprender la función y el sentido que tiene la violencia dentro de los vínculos familiares y ha impedido intervenciones más eficientes en el interior de las familias.

Abstract The goal of this paper is to analyze the Colombian public policies (laws) related to the intervention on the interdomestic violence (IDV), starting for the conceptions of function and the meaning of domestic violence. The first section contains a critical review on legislation (public policies) about the IDV, more importantly in the national ambit of Colombia: law 294 of 1996 of the IDV law (reformed for the law 575 of 2000), and law 1257 of 2008, from which several laws have developed, regarding sensitization, prevention and sanction of different ways of violence and discrimination against women. Also, the penal code and the penal procedure were also reformed, and law 294 of 1996 and other dispositions were dictated. This public policies are reviewed critically, with the final purpose of identifying the common features that prevent or make the approach of the violent phenomenon more difficult. In this sense, the weaknesses of the public policies that exist in Colombia for the intervention on the IDV are found to be: 1.- state actions (public policies) imply the traditional conception that violence equals aggression; 2.- it is necessary and possible to eradicate the violence from the family ties. 3.- derived from the above, a sanction and penal emphasis are made as the best way to eradicate IDV; 4.- it is considered that the principal victim f this phenomenon it is the women, whence, in the public politics it is predominant the conception of a single gender, both in its conception and in its intervention; 5.- the conciliation processes are used as the best mechanism for supervision of the IDV, and finally, 6.- in public politics it is first the informative perspective, characterized for show a traditional conception of violence through psychosocial interventions, trainings and educational material; it concludes, in this section, that the understanding, explanation and intervention of the violent phenomenon has been dominated for a traditional conception of violence that, matching it with aggression or pretending its eradication, sustains the public politics strategies in the intervention of IDV of Colombia. In the second part f this paper work, and with the finality of showing the implication of the way that is conceived the violence present in the characteristics of the public politics here addressed is conceived the family as a composite system for elements of symbolic character that are articulated each from certain structure principles; said principles are: incompleteness of the system, lack of identity of the elements, covariance of the elements and dynamism of the system. The above, offers the basis for pointing the possible consequences of the law, that, as a public policies promote a particular way of contextualize and intervene IDV and allow to analyze the implications of the public policies from a renewed way of understanding the function and the sense of the violent phenomenon inside the family. This implications allow to consider: the consequences about public policies and its impact on IDV the compare violence and aggression, the impossibility of eradicate the IDV, it is consider that the penal sanction is insufficient in the IDV intervention, the consequences of the primacy of the perspective of a single gender in public policies on IDV, it is reflected that the conciliation processes do not allow to understand the complex role played by the IDV, and finally, it is considered necessary to overcome the merely informative perspective on the IDV; At the same time, alternatives are outlined that could overcome these weaknesses. It is concluded that the way in which IDV has been conceived and the intervention that has derived from it, has made it difficult to understand the function and meaning of violence within family ties and has prevented more efficient interventions within the family.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 15(2): 271-284, jul.-dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375265


Resumen El objetivo principal de la investigación fue conocer los factores que se derivan de la violencia intrafamiliar y la incidencia en la productividad laboral en empresas del sector textil confección. Inicialmente, se realizó una revisión de la literatura, para luego desarrollar el proyecto investigativo bajo el paradigma interpretativo, haciendo énfasis, en identificar cómo el fenómeno de la violencia intrafamiliar impacta el desempeño laboral de las trabajadoras de este tipo de empresas. La metodología fue cualitativa, con un diseño transversal, y se utilizó la técnica de recolección de información por medio de un grupo focal y una entrevista semiestructurada con preguntas orientadoras. En los resultados se pudo constatar que la violencia intrafamiliar es un factor que incide en el bajo nivel de desempeño y productividad de las trabajadoras; donde el desempeño laboral se ve afectado por esta situación impactando la baja calidad en el trabajo. Así mismo, se estableció que las organizaciones no cuentan con una ruta de atención que ofrezca apoyo a las mujeres víctimas de la violencia intrafamiliar.

Abstract The main objective of the research was to know the factors that are derived from intrafamily violence and the incidence of labor productivity in companies in the textile clothing industry. Initially, a review of the literature was made, to then develop the research project under the interpretive paradigm, emphasizing, in identifying how the phenomenon of intrafamily violence impacts the work performance of workers of this type of companies. The methodology was a qualitative approach, a cross-sectional design, and the technique of gathering information was used through a focus group and a semi-structured interview with guiding questions. In the results obtained, it was found that intrafamily violence is a factor that affects the low level of performance and productivity in workers; where the work performance is affected by this situation having impact on the low quality at work. Likewise, it was established that organizations do not have a care route that offers support to women victims of domestic violence.

Gac. méd. espirit ; 21(3): 79-93, sept.-dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090446


RESUMEN Fundamento: La violencia intrafamiliar afecta a niveles crecientes la salud física, sicológica, emocional y social de quienes la padecen. Objetivo: Elaborar una propuesta de intervención sicoeducativa para modificar comportamientos de violencia intrafamiliar. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación cualitativa, la población estuvo conformada por 40 familias disfuncionales con presencia de violencia intrafamiliar. De ellas se seleccionó una muestra de 14 familias. Para la obtención de los datos se utilizaron las técnicas: entrevista familiar, entrevista a informantes claves, test de percepción de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL), observación participante, dibujo de la familia y entrevista a profundidad a los miembros adultos. Para la evaluación de la estrategia se seleccionaron 14 profesionales y se emplearon los métodos: criterios de expertos a través de un cuestionario y la técnica Delphi. Resultados: Los resultados permitieron elaborar la estrategia sicoeducativa a partir de la prevalencia en las familias de violencia sicológica, la existencia de inadecuados estilos de comunicación y educativos, mayor incidencia de violencia en niños, adolescentes y adultos mayores con el fin de modificar comportamientos de violencia intrafamiliar. El 100 % de los profesionales evidenció un consenso generalizado en la valoración de la propuesta y con ello la aplicabilidad de la intervención. Conclusiones: Se elaboró la propuesta de intervención sicoeducativa, en la que se evaluaron de pertinentes las acciones de la intervención.

ABSTRACT Background: Domestic violence affects the physical, psychological, emotional and social health of those who suffer from it at increasing levels. Objective: To develop a proposal of psychoeducational intervention to modify domestic-violence behaviors. Methodology: A qualitative investigation was carried out; the population was made by 40 dysfunctional families with the presence of domestic violence. A sample of 14 families was selected. The techniques used to obtain the data were: family interview, interview to key informants, family functioning perception test (FF-SIL), participant observation, family drawing and in-depth interview to adult members. For the evaluation of the strategy, 14 professionals were selected and the methods used were: expert criteria through a questionnaire and the Delphi technique. Results: The results allowed the elaboration of the psychoeducational strategy based on the prevalence of psychological violence in families, the existence of inadequate communication and educational styles, a greater incidence of violence in children, adolescents and the elderly in order to modify domestic violence behaviors. 100 % of the professionals showed a general consensus in the evaluation of the proposal and with it the applicability of the intervention. Conclusions: The proposal of psychoeducational intervention was elaborated, in which the intervention actions were evaluated as pertinent.

Domestic Violence/psychology , Family Health/education
Pensando fam ; 23(1): 213-224, jan.-jun. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040686


O presente estudo objetiva buscar um melhor entendimento da relação entre o feminismo e a terapia familiar e como os terapeutas podem trabalhar esta relação em terapia. Para elucidar a temática do feminismo na terapia de família, será feito um breve relato e a discussão de quatro casos. Estes ilustram diferentes situações de violência contra a mulher normalizadas pela cultura patriarcal. Argumenta-se em prol da necessidade da terapia familiar sistêmica incorporar conceitos feministas e assumir um olhar feminista possibilitando a desconstrução de padrões tradicionais da família patriarcal que reproduzem e normalizam a violência física, sexual e ou psicológica sofrida pela mulher dentro da família, com graves consequências para os filhos.

This study aims do achieve a better understanding of the relationship between feminism and family therapy as well as how therapists can better include this work in therapy, A brief analysis about feminism and four short cases will be presented. The cases illustrate different situations of violence that affect women and are normalized by the patriarchal culture. We argue in favor of systemic family therapy incorporating a feminist view that will help deconstruct traditional family patriarchal patterns that reproduce and normalize physical, sexual and psychological violence against women inside families, with serious consequences to their children.

Gac. méd. espirit ; 21(1)Ene-Abr 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-998615


La violencia intrafamiliar afecta a niveles crecientes la salud física, psicoemocional y social de quienes la sufren.Sistematizar el comportamiento de este fenómeno en la actualidad.El trabajo tuvo como base la búsqueda bibliográfica y los resultados de investigaciones con familias cubanas. Se enfoca en las generalidades sobre la violencia intrafamiliar, la violencia intrafamiliar como problema de salud, la violencia intrafamiliar en los diferentes contextos socioculturales y se proponen orientaciones generales para su prevención, útiles para la labor asistencial, investigativa y docente de los profesionales de la salud(AU)

Humans , Domestic Violence/prevention & control , Domestic Violence/psychology