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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031375


Objective To investigating the microbial communities and physicochemical properties of soil and distribution of Oncomelania hupensis snails in marshlands along the Yangtze River basin at different types of land use, and to examine the effects of soil microorganisms and physicochemical properties on snail distribution, so as to provide insights into snail control and schistosomiasis prevention in marshland along the Yangtze River basin. Methods Marshlands with four types of land use were selected along the Yangtze River basin on April 2021, including poplar forest-crops integrated planting, reed areas, agricultural cultivation lands and ditches. The distribution of snails and physicochemical properties of soil were investigated in marshlands with different types of land use, and the V3 to V4 regions of the bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene, fungal internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS1) gene and algal ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcL) gene in soils were subjected to high-throughput sequencing. The occurrence of frames with living snails and density of living snails were compared in marshland with different types of land use. The associations of soil microorganisms and physicochemical properties with the density of living snails were examined using Pearson correlation analysis, and the contributions of soil microorganisms and physicochemical properties to the density of living snails were evaluated using variance partitioning analysis. Results In marshlands with four types of land use, the greatest occurrence of frames with living snails [(4.94 ± 2.14)%] and density of living snails [(0.070 ± 0.026) snails/0.1 m2] were seen in ditches, and the lowest were found in [(1.23 ± 1.23)%] agricultural cultivation lands [(0.016 ± 0.019) snails/0.1 m2]. A total of 2 phyla, 5 classes, 8 orders, 9 families and 11 genera of algae were detected in soils at four types of land use, with Chlorophyta as the dominant phylum and Pseudoneochloris as the dominant genus. A total of 44 phyla, 134 classes, 281 orders, 338 families and 516 genera of bacteria were detected in soils at four types of land use, with Proteobacteria and Acidobacteriota as the dominant phyla and uncultured Acidobacterium, MND1, Mitrospira, Haliangium and Sphingomonas as dominant genera. A total of 11 phyla, 41 classes, 108 orders, 223 families and 408 genera of fungi were detected in soils at four types of land use, with phyla Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Mortierellomycota presenting high relative abundances and genera Cladorrhinum, Mortierella and Humicola presenting high relative abundances. Pearson correlation analysis revealed that the density of living snails correlated negatively with the relative abundance of Proteobacteria (r = −0.965, P < 0.05) and soil electronic conductivity (r = −0.962, P < 0.05) and positively with soil moisture (r = 0.951, P < 0.05). Variance partitioning analysis demonstrated that the physicochemical properties and microorganisms of soil contributed 69% and 10% to the density of living snails, respectively. Conclusion The diversity of microbial communities varies in soils at different types of land use in marshland along the Yangtze River basin, and the physicochemical properties and microorganisms of soils may affect the distribution of O. hupensis snails.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469280


Abstract Land use and land cover change are affecting the global environment and ecosystems of the different biospheres. Monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) of these changes is of utmost importance as they often results in several global environmental consequences such as land degradation, mass erosion, habitat deterioration as well as micro and macro climate of the regions. The advance technologies like remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS) are helpful in determining/ identifying these changes. In the current study area, changes in carbon stocks, notably in forest areas, are resulting in considerable dynamics of carbon stocks as a result of climate change and carbon sequestration. This study was carried out in the Diamer district of the Gilgit Baltistan (GB) Pakistan to investigate the change in cover change/land use change (particularly Forest Land use) as well as carbon sequestration potential of the forests in the district during almost last 25years. The land cover, temporal Landsat data (level 1, LIT) were downloaded from the USGS EROS (2016), for 1979-1989, 1990-2000 and 2001-2012. Change in land uses, particularly forest cover was investigated using GIS techniques. Forest inventory was carried out using random sampling techniques. A standard plot of size 0.1 ha (n=80) was laid out to determine the tree density, volume, biomass and C stocks. Simulation of C stocks was accomplished by application of the CO2FIX model with the data input from inventory. Results showed a decrease in both forest and snow cover in the region from 1979-2012. Similarly decrease was seen in tree volume, tree Biomass, dynamics of C Stocks and decrease was in occur tree density respectively. It is recommended we need further more like project such as BTAP (Billion Tree Afforestation Project) and green Pakistan project to increase the forest cover, to control on land use change, protect forest ecosystem and to protect snow cover.

Resumo O uso e as mudanças na cobertura da terra estão afetando o meio ambiente global e os ecossistemas das diferentes biosferas. O monitoramento, relatório e verificação (MRV) dessas mudanças são de extrema importância, pois muitas vezes resultam em várias consequências ambientais globais, como degradação da terra, erosão em massa, deterioração do hábitat, bem como micro e macroclima das regiões. As tecnologias avançadas, como sensoriamento remoto (RS) e sistema de informações geográficas (SIG), são úteis para determinar / identificar essas mudanças. Na área de estudo atual, as mudanças nos estoques de carbono, principalmente em áreas florestais, estão resultando em uma dinâmica considerável dos estoques de carbono como resultado das mudanças climáticas e do sequestro de carbono. Este estudo foi realizado no distrito de Diamer de Gilgit Baltistan (GB), Paquistão, para investigar a mudança na mudança de cobertura / mudança de uso da terra (particularmente uso de terras florestais), bem como o potencial de sequestro de carbono das florestas no distrito durante quase os últimos 25 anos. A cobertura da terra, os dados temporais do Landsat (nível 1, LIT), foram baixados do USGS EROS (2016), para 1979-1989, 1990-2000 e 2001-2012. Mudanças nos usos da terra, particularmente na cobertura florestal, foram investigadas usando técnicas de SIG. O inventário florestal foi realizado por meio de técnicas de amostragem aleatória. Um lote padrão de 0,1 ha (n = 80) foi estabelecido para determinar a densidade das árvores, volume, biomassa e estoques de C. A simulação dos estoques de C foi realizada pela aplicação do modelo CO2FIX com a entrada de dados do inventário. Os resultados mostraram uma diminuição na cobertura florestal e de neve na região de 1979 a 2012. Da mesma forma, diminuição foi observada no volume da árvore, biomassa das árvores, dinâmica dos estoques de C e diminuição na densidade das árvores, respectivamente. É recomendado que precisemos de mais projetos como o BTAP (Billion Tree Afforestation Project) e o projeto Green Pakistan para aumentar a cobertura florestal, controlar as mudanças no uso da terra, proteger o ecossistema florestal e proteger a cobertura de neve.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(2): e20231553, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568882


Abstract The spatial and temporal patterns and dynamics of biological community structure can be better understood through the lens of metacommunity theory, in which the effect of local (deterministic processes, ecological niche theory) and regional (stochastic processes, neutral theory) processes are evaluated as the main predictors of phytoplankton. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effect of local environmental characteristics, spatial, and landscape predictors on the phytoplankton community in lakes of the Araguaia River floodplain. We evaluated the following questions: (i) What is the specific importance of physical and chemical water characteristics (local environmental predictors), dispersive processes (spatial predictors), and land use and occupancy (landscape predictors) in the phytoplankton metacommunity structure, both for taxonomic and functional groups? (ii) Does the buffer size used in land use and land cover measurement around the sampling units show differences in phytoplankton community prediction? All the predictors could explain the phytoplankton structure but the spatial were the most important. The buffers showed different predictive abilities, with taxonomic classification being related to larger sizes of buffers and functional groups the opposite. The great influence of spatial predictors can be explained by source-sink dynamics, where dispersal is so strong that it can diminish the effects of local predictors and guarantee a large flux of organisms to sink communities. In conclusion, dispersive processes have been shown to strongly influence the spatial structuring of the phytoplankton metacommunity and we highlight the need to consider buffers' size when assessing the landscape's effect on phytoplankton communities.

Resumo Os padrões espaciais e temporais e a dinâmica da estrutura da comunidade biológica podem ser compreendidos por meio das lentes da teoria de metacomunidades, no qual o efeito dos processos locais (processos determinísticos, teoria do nicho ecológico) e regionais (processos estocásticos, teoria neutra) são destacados como os principais preditores do fitoplâncton. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de preditores ambientais locais, espaciais e de paisagem sobre a comunidade fitoplanctônica em lagos da planície de inundação do Rio Araguaia. Avaliamos as seguintes questões: (i) Qual é a importância específica das características físicas e químicas da água (preditores ambientais locais), dos processos dispersivos (preditores espaciais) e do uso e ocupação do solo (preditores de paisagem) na estrutura da metacomunidade fitoplanctônica, tanto para grupos taxonômicos quanto funcionais? (ii) O tamanho do buffer usado na medição do uso e da ocupação do solo ao redor das unidades de amostragem mostra diferenças na previsão da comunidade fitoplanctônica? Todos os preditores explicaram a estrutura do fitoplâncton, mas os espaciais foram os mais importantes. Os buffers mostraram diferentes habilidades preditivas, com a classificação taxonômica sendo relacionada a tamanhos maiores de buffers e grupos funcionais, o oposto. A grande influência dos preditores espaciais pode ser explicada pela dinâmica fonte-sumidouro, em que a dispersão é tão forte que pode diminuir os efeitos dos preditores locais e garantir um grande fluxo de organismos para as comunidades de sumidouros. Em conclusão, foi demonstrado que os processos dispersivos influenciam fortemente a estruturação espacial da metacomunidade de fitoplâncton e destacamos a necessidade de considerar o tamanho dos buffers ao avaliar o efeito da paisagem sobre as comunidades de fitoplâncton.

Investig. desar ; 31(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534751


Los procesos de desarrollo territorial han generado un crecimiento no planificado del periurbano que genera impactos negativos en su estructura y funcionamiento; por lo tanto, el trabajo está orientado a resaltar, desde la fase diagnóstica del ordenamiento territorial, la importancia del periurbano y sus diferentes componentes. El estudio se enmarca en una aproximación conceptual sistémica del territorio y de procesos que se llevan a cabo en Europa y Latinoamérica relacionados con el suelo periurbano, la cual corresponde a una revisión documental de carácter transdisciplinar, cuya estructura hermenéutica permitió hacer énfasis en la fase diagnóstica para reconocer la importancia del periurbano como espacio de transición y control de la expansión urbana. Los resultados pueden servir de base para la formulación de una regulación normativa que permita superar las contradicciones existentes en la interfaz urbano-rural desde una visión sostenible de largo plazo.

The processes of territorial development have generated an unplanned peri-urban growth that generates negative impacts on its structure and functioning; therefore, the work is aimed at highlighting, from the diagnostic phase of territorial planning, the importance of the peri-urban and its different components. The study is framed in a systemic conceptual approach to territory and processes that are carried out in Europe and Latin America related to peri-urban land, which corresponds to a documentary review of a transdisciplinary nature, whose hermeneutic structure allowed to emphasize the diagnostic phase to recognize the importance of the peri-urban as a space of transition and control of urban expansión. The results can serve as a basis for the formulation of a normative regulation that allows to overcome the existing contradictions in the urban-rural interface from a long-term sustainable vision.

Entramado ; 19(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1534411


RE S U M E N Si bien los lineamientos vigentes para el Ordenamiento Social de la Propiedad Rural-OSPR establecen, entre otros criterios, la transversalización del enfoque diferencial y la verificación de presencia de comunidades étnicas, no se reconoce expresamente el derecho a la tierra del campesinado. Partiendo de las perspectivas teóricas del Estructuralismo Agrario y del Enfoque Socio-Territorial, este trabajo busca proponer lineamientos complementarios para adelantar un proceso de Ordenamiento Social de la Propiedad Rural OSPR que reconozca este derecho, en los corregimientos que actualmente están siendo propuestos para la constitución de una Zona de Reserva Campesina (ZRC) en Pradera, Valle del Cauca. Para tal fin, se hace un acercamiento a la dinámica histórica del poblamiento y apropiación de la tierra por parte del campesinado y se geoespacializan dentro del polígono de la ZRC los predios por rango de tamaño, las coberturas y fertilidad del suelo y la zonificación de la Reserva Forestal, con los cuales se evidencia la existencia de una territorialidad campesina, la necesidad de redistribuir la tierra, de sustraer áreas de la reserva forestal y de acelerar la constitución de la Zona de Reserva Campesina (ZRC).

Embora as diretrizes atuais para a Ordenação Social da Propriedade Rural-OSPR estabeleçam, entre outros critérios, a integração da abordagem diferencial e a verificação da presença de comunidades étnicas, o direito à terra do campesinato não é expressamente reconhecido. Baseado nas perspectivas teóricas do Estruturalismo Agrário e da Abordagem Sócio-Territorial, este documento procura propor diretrizes complementares para avançar um processo de OSPR que reconheça este direito nos municípios que estão sendo propostos atualmente para a constituição de uma Zona de Reserva Camponesa (ZRC) em Pradera, Valle del Cauca. Para este fim, é feita uma abordagem da dinâmica histórica do assentamento e apropriação da terra pelo campesinato e a geo-espatização dentro do polígono da ZRC das propriedades por faixa de tamanho, cobertura e fertilidade do solo e o zoneamento da Reserva Florestal, que mostra a existência de uma territorialidade camponesa, a necessidade de redistribuir a terra, de subtrair áreas da reserva florestal e de acelerar a constituição da ZRC.

A B S T R A C T Although the current guidelines for the Social Planning of Rural Property (OSPR, acronym in Spanish) establish, among other criteria, the mainstreaming of a differential perspective and the inclusion of ethnic communities, land-rights for peasants are not expressly recognized. Drawing from the theoretical perspectives of Agrarian Structuralism and the Socio-Territorial Approach, this paper proposes complementary guidelines to support an OSPR process that recognizes this right, in the districts that are currently being projected for the constitution of a Peasant Reserve Zone (ZRC, acronym in Spanish) in Pradera, Valle del Cauca. To this end, we describe the historical dynamics of the settlement and appropriation of the land by the peasantry and, within the ZRC polygon, we geospatiolize the properties by range of size, soil coverage and fertility and the zoning of the Forest Reserve, through which we provide evidence for the existence of a peasant territoriality, the need to redistribute land, to subtract areas of the Forest Reserve and to accelerate the constitution of the ZRC.

Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 23(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536507


el texto busca ampliar las fronteras del concepto de "bioética global", centro de la propuesta teórica de Van Rensselaer Potter sobre la "bioética ecológica" en su obra Global Bioethics, de cara a la "ética de la tierra" desarrollada por el ecólogo y ambientalista Aldo Leopold y el análisis de la "ecosofía" planteado por el filósofo y psicoanalista Félix Guattari en Las tres ecologías. Dicha caracterización se plantea con el fin de establecer presupuestos teóricos en torno a las nociones de bioética ecológica y ecosofía en la perspectiva de la bioética global en un renovado intento de ampliación de sus horizontes disciplinares. Se establecen tres momentos para el análisis: inicialmente se caracteriza la ética de la tierra propuesta por Arnold Leopold en su obra A Sand County Almanach. Posteriormente, se analizan los principales aspectos de la "ética ecológica" en la obra Global Bioethics. Finalmente, se destacan varios aspectos de la ecosofía de Félix Guattari que ponen en perspectiva el acento ecológico de la bioética global de Potter y que podrían considerarse como presupuestos divergentes útiles para enriquecer la bioética global en la actualidad.

the text seeks to expand the boundaries of the concept of "global bioethics," the core of Van Rensselaer Potter's theoretical proposal on "ecological bioethics" in his work Global Bioethics, in the face of the "ethics of the Earth" developed by the ecologist and environmentalist Aldo Leopold and the analysis of "ecosophy" raised by the philosopher and psychoanalyst Félix Guattari in The Three Ecologies. This characterization is proposed to establish theoretical assumptions around the notions of ecological bioethics and ecosophy from the perspective of global bioethics in a renewed attempt to broaden its disciplinary horizons. Three moments are established for the analysis: initially, the land ethics proposed by Arnold Leopold in his work A Sand County Almanach is characterized. Subsequently, the main aspects of "ecological ethics" in Global Bioethics are analyzed. Finally, several aspects of Félix Guattari's ecosophy are highlighted that put into perspective the ecological accent of Potter's global bioethics, which could be considered valid divergent presuppositions to enrich global bioethics today.

o texto busca ampliar as fronteiras do conceito de "bioética global", cerne da proposta teórica de Van Rensselaer Potter sobre a "bioética ecológica" em sua obra Global bioethics, diante da "ética da terra" desenvolvida pelo ecologista e ambientalista Aldo Leopold e da análise da "ecosofia" proposta pelo filósofo e psicanalista Félix Guattari em As três ecologias. O objetivo dessa caracterização é estabelecer pressupostos teóricos em torno das noções de bioética ecológica e ecosofia na perspectiva da bioética global, em uma tentativa renovada de ampliar seus horizontes disciplinares. Três momentos são estabelecidos para a análise: inicialmente, caracteriza-se a ética da terra proposta por Arnold Leopold em sua obra A sand county almanach. Posteriormente, são analisados os principais aspectos da "ética ecológica" na Bioética Global. Por fim, são destacados vários aspectos da ecosofia de Félix Guattari que colocam em perspectiva o acento ecológico da bioética global de Potter e que podem ser considerados como pressupostos divergentes úteis para enriquecer a bioética global atual.

Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469145


Abstract The Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica) is a vertebrate pest of agricultural lands and forest. The study was aimed to report the damage to local crops by the Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica) in the Muzaffarabad District. A survey was conducted to identify the porcupine-affected areas and assess the crop damage to the local farmers in district Muzaffarabad Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) from May 2017 to October 2017. Around 19 villages were surveyed, and a sum of 191 semi-structured questionnaires was distributed among farmers. Crop damage was found highest in village Dhanni where a porcupine destroyed 175 Kg/Kanal of the crops. Regarding the total magnitude of crop loss, village Danna and Koomi kot were the most affected areas. More than half (51.8%) of the respondents in the study area suffered the economic loss within the range of 101-200$, and (29.8%) of the people suffered losses in the range of 201-300$ annually. Among all crops, maize (Zea mays) was found to be the most damaged crop ranging between 1-300 Kg annually. In the study area, porcupine also inflicted a lot of damages to some important vegetables, including spinach (Spinacia oleracea), potato (Solanum tuberosum) and onion (Allium cepa). It was estimated that, on average, 511Kg of vegetables are destroyed by porcupine every year in the agricultural land of Muzaffarabad. It was concluded that the Indian crested porcupine has a devastating effect on agriculture which is an important source of income and food for the local community. Developing an effective pest control strategy with the help of the local government and the Wildlife department could help the farmers to overcome this problem.

Resumo O porco-espinho de crista indiano (Hystrix indica) é uma praga vertebrada de terras agrícolas e florestais. No estudo atual, o dano às plantações locais pelo porco-espinho de crista indiano (Hystrix indica) foi relatado pela primeira vez no distrito de Muzaffarabad. O estudo foi projetado para investigar a perda econômica causada pelo porco-espinho de crista indiano (Hystrix indica) nos distritos de Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu e Caxemira (AJK) de maio de 2017 a outubro de 2017. Um estudo baseado em pesquisa foi conduzido para identificar as áreas afetadas por porcos-espinhos e avaliar os danos às colheitas para os agricultores locais. Cerca de 19 aldeias foram pesquisadas e um total de 191 questionários semiestruturados foi distribuído entre os agricultores. Os danos às colheitas foram encontrados mais intensamente na aldeia Dhanni, onde um porco-espinho destruiu 175 kg / Kanal das colheitas. Em relação à magnitude total da perda de safra, as aldeias Danna e Koomi Kot foram as áreas mais afetadas. Mais da metade (51,8%) dos entrevistados na área de estudo sofreu perdas econômicas na faixa de 101-200 $, e 29,8% das pessoas sofreram perdas na faixa de 201-300 $ anualmente. Entre todas as culturas, o milho (Zea mays) foi considerado a cultura mais danificada, variando entre 1-300 kg anualmente. Na área de estudo, o porco-espinho também causou muitos danos a alguns vegetais importantes, incluindo espinafre (Spinacia oleracea), batata (Solanum tuberosum) e cebola (Allium cepa). Estimou-se que, em média, 511 kg de vegetais são destruídos pelo porco-espinho todos os anos nas terras agrícolas de Muzaffarabad. Concluiu-se que o porco-espinho de crista indiano tem um efeito devastador na agricultura, que é importante fonte de renda e alimento para a comunidade local. O desenvolvimento de uma estratégia eficaz de controle de pragas com a ajuda do governo local e do Departamento de Vida Selvagem pode ajudar os agricultores a superar esse problema.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e249847, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339414


Abstract The Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica) is a vertebrate pest of agricultural lands and forest. The study was aimed to report the damage to local crops by the Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica) in the Muzaffarabad District. A survey was conducted to identify the porcupine-affected areas and assess the crop damage to the local farmers in district Muzaffarabad Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) from May 2017 to October 2017. Around 19 villages were surveyed, and a sum of 191 semi-structured questionnaires was distributed among farmers. Crop damage was found highest in village Dhanni where a porcupine destroyed 175 Kg/Kanal of the crops. Regarding the total magnitude of crop loss, village Danna and Koomi kot were the most affected areas. More than half (51.8%) of the respondents in the study area suffered the economic loss within the range of 101-200$, and (29.8%) of the people suffered losses in the range of 201-300$ annually. Among all crops, maize (Zea mays) was found to be the most damaged crop ranging between 1-300 Kg annually. In the study area, porcupine also inflicted a lot of damages to some important vegetables, including spinach (Spinacia oleracea), potato (Solanum tuberosum) and onion (Allium cepa). It was estimated that, on average, 511Kg of vegetables are destroyed by porcupine every year in the agricultural land of Muzaffarabad. It was concluded that the Indian crested porcupine has a devastating effect on agriculture which is an important source of income and food for the local community. Developing an effective pest control strategy with the help of the local government and the Wildlife department could help the farmers to overcome this problem.

Resumo O porco-espinho de crista indiano (Hystrix indica) é uma praga vertebrada de terras agrícolas e florestais. No estudo atual, o dano às plantações locais pelo porco-espinho de crista indiano (Hystrix indica) foi relatado pela primeira vez no distrito de Muzaffarabad. O estudo foi projetado para investigar a perda econômica causada pelo porco-espinho de crista indiano (Hystrix indica) nos distritos de Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu e Caxemira (AJK) de maio de 2017 a outubro de 2017. Um estudo baseado em pesquisa foi conduzido para identificar as áreas afetadas por porcos-espinhos e avaliar os danos às colheitas para os agricultores locais. Cerca de 19 aldeias foram pesquisadas e um total de 191 questionários semiestruturados foi distribuído entre os agricultores. Os danos às colheitas foram encontrados mais intensamente na aldeia Dhanni, onde um porco-espinho destruiu 175 kg / Kanal das colheitas. Em relação à magnitude total da perda de safra, as aldeias Danna e Koomi Kot foram as áreas mais afetadas. Mais da metade (51,8%) dos entrevistados na área de estudo sofreu perdas econômicas na faixa de 101-200 $, e 29,8% das pessoas sofreram perdas na faixa de 201-300 $ anualmente. Entre todas as culturas, o milho (Zea mays) foi considerado a cultura mais danificada, variando entre 1-300 kg anualmente. Na área de estudo, o porco-espinho também causou muitos danos a alguns vegetais importantes, incluindo espinafre (Spinacia oleracea), batata (Solanum tuberosum) e cebola (Allium cepa). Estimou-se que, em média, 511 kg de vegetais são destruídos pelo porco-espinho todos os anos nas terras agrícolas de Muzaffarabad. Concluiu-se que o porco-espinho de crista indiano tem um efeito devastador na agricultura, que é importante fonte de renda e alimento para a comunidade local. O desenvolvimento de uma estratégia eficaz de controle de pragas com a ajuda do governo local e do Departamento de Vida Selvagem pode ajudar os agricultores a superar esse problema.

Humans , Animals , Porcupines , Pakistan , Crops, Agricultural , Agriculture , Animals, Wild
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-12, 2023. graf, map, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468929


The Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica) is a vertebrate pest of agricultural lands and forest. The study was aimed to report the damage to local crops by the Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica) in the Muzaffarabad District. A survey was conducted to identify the porcupine-affected areas and assess the crop damage to the local farmers in district Muzaffarabad Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) from May 2017 to October 2017. Around 19 villages were surveyed, and a sum of 191 semi-structured questionnaires was distributed among farmers. Crop damage was found highest in village Dhanni where a porcupine destroyed 175 Kg/Kanal of the crops. Regarding the total magnitude of crop loss, village Danna and Koomi kot were the most affected areas. More than half (51.8%) of the respondents in the study area suffered the economic loss within the range of 101-200$, and (29.8%) of the people suffered losses in the range of 201-300$ annually. Among all crops, maize (Zea mays) was found to be the most damaged crop ranging between 1-300 Kg annually. In the study area, porcupine also inflicted a lot of damages to some important vegetables, including spinach (Spinacia oleracea), potato (Solanum tuberosum) and onion (Allium cepa). It was estimated that, on average, 511Kg of vegetables are destroyed by porcupine every year in the agricultural land of Muzaffarabad. It was concluded that the Indian crested porcupine has a devastating effect on agriculture which is an important source of income and food for the local community. Developing an effective pest control strategy with the help of the local government and the Wildlife department could help the farmers to overcome this problem.

O porco-espinho de crista indiano (Hystrix indica) é uma praga vertebrada de terras agrícolas e florestais. No estudo atual, o dano às plantações locais pelo porco-espinho de crista indiano (Hystrix indica) foi relatado pela primeira vez no distrito de Muzaffarabad. O estudo foi projetado para investigar a perda econômica causada pelo porco espinho de crista indiano (Hystrix indica) nos distritos de Muzaffarabad, Azad Jammu e Caxemira (AJK) de maio de 2017 a outubro de 2017. Um estudo baseado em pesquisa foi conduzido para identificar as áreas afetadas por porcos-espinhos e avaliar os danos às colheitas para os agricultores locais. Cerca de 19 aldeias foram pesquisadas e um total de 191 questionários semiestruturados foi distribuído entre os agricultores. Os danos às colheitas foram encontrados mais intensamente na aldeia Dhanni, onde um porco-espinho destruiu 175 kg / Kanal das colheitas. Em relação à magnitude total da perda de safra, as aldeias Danna e Koomi Kot foram as áreas mais afetadas. Mais da metade (51,8%) dos entrevistados na área de estudo sofreu perdas econômicas na faixa de 101-200 $, e 29,8% das pessoas sofreram perdas na faixa de 201-300 $ anualmente. Entre todas as culturas, o milho (Zea mays) foi considerado a cultura mais danificada, variando entre 1-300 kg anualmente. Na área de estudo, o porco-espinho também causou muitos danos a alguns vegetais importantes, incluindo espinafre (Spinacia oleracea), batata (Solanum tuberosum) e cebola (Allium cepa). Estimou-se que, em média, 511 kg de vegetais são destruídos pelo porco-espinho todos os anos nas terras agrícolas de Muzaffarabad. Concluiu-se que o porco-espinho de crista indiano tem um efeito devastador na agricultura, que é importante fonte de renda e alimento para a comunidade local. O desenvolvimento de uma estratégia eficaz de controle de pragas com a ajuda do governo local e do Departamento de Vida Selvagem pode ajudar os agricultores a superar esse problema.

Pest Control/economics , Porcupines , Agricultural Pests
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221326


The Present study aims to discuss the Land use pattern and Land use Efficiency of the Kurnool District. Land Resource are limited, it can be said that non- renewable Resources. The key task is in their rational use, which hangs from their effectiveness. Agricultural land use efficiency is the main factor that has a significant impact on the socio-economic situation both in individual regions and in the country as a whole. Land use data is important in analysis of environmental process and understanding its problems, if the living conditions and standards to be improved or maintained at current level and to avoid the adverse development. The Kurnool district has at typical geographical aspects and climatic variation comparatively from the other districts of Rayalaseema region. The district is rich in regur, ferruginous soils which constitute about 60 and 40 percentages respectively. The crops mainly raised are paddy, jower, Pulses, cotton, Ground nut. The annual average precipitation of the district is 653 mm. Its land use components are Net sown area, forest, current fallows, Land put to the non-agricultural use, Barren & Uncultivable land, other fallow lands, cultivable waste land, Permanent Pasture and other grazing lands, misc. tree crops and groves. The depth to water level ranges from 2.20 to 12.67 m bgl. The Increasing population puts enormous pressure on the land in the district. As a result, the land use pattern of the district keeps on changing. The agricultural lands are being acquired for human settlements and various Developmental activities. The forest land has been increased due enhancement of social forestry. The district is predominantly farmed via Rain fed agriculture. Low rainfall, labour scarcity and lack of irrigation facilities have had its impacts on the land; many areas formerly under cultivation have been transformed in to waste lands and uncultivable lands.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;70(1)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423034


Introducción: Una actividad económica que ha tenido auge en la última década en la altillanura es la forestación de sabanas con alteraciones antrópicas, pero se desconoce su papel en la conservación de las mariposas frugívoras de los bosques de galería dentro de los núcleos forestales. Objetivo: Comparar la diversidad de mariposas frugívoras en plantaciones de eucalipto y bosques de galería, y el papel de las variables ambientales. Métodos: Utilizamos trampas Van Someren-Rydon, dos réplicas de cuatro trampas, en cada uno de los cuatro hábitats muestreados simultáneamente desde diciembre 2020 hasta julio 2021: plantación de eucaliptos de cuatro años; plantación de eucaliptos de seis años; bosque de galería de suelo seco y bosque de galería anegado. También registramos diez variables abióticas, estructurales, alimentarias y de hábitat. Resultados: Recolectamos 227 especímenes de mariposas frugívoras (30 especies, 23 géneros y 5 subfamilias de la familia Nymphalidae). Había más especies en los bosques. Las especies de mariposas variaron más del 50 % entre los hábitats; Satyrinae fue más diversa en las plantaciones. Conclusión: La forestación en esta área proporciona hábitats para algunas especies de mariposas frugívoras de los remanentes de bosques naturales adyacentes. Las forestaciones representan un escenario de alteración intermedia entre las dos unidades de paisaje dominantes en la región.

Introduction: An economic activity that has boomed in the last decade in Colombian highlands is the afforestation of anthropized savannas, but its role in the conservation of fruit-feeding butterflies of gallery forests within forest cores is unknown. Objective: To compare the diversity of fruit-feeding butterflies in eucalyptus plantations and gallery forests, and the role of environmental variables. Methods: We used Van Someren-Rydon traps, two replicates of four traps, on each of four habitats sampled simultaneously from December 2020 to July 2021: four-years-old eucalyptus plantation; six-years-old eucalyptus plantation; dry soil gallery forest and waterlogged gallery forest. We also recorded ten abiotic, structural, food and habitat variables. Results: We collected 227 specimens of fruit-feeding butterflies (30 species, 23 genera, and 5 subfamilies within the family Nymphalidae). There were more species in the forests. The butterfly species varied over 50 % between the habitats; Satyrinae were more diverse in plantations. Conclusion: Afforestation in this area provides habitats for some species of fruit-feeding butterflies from adjacent natural forest remnants. Afforestations represent an intermediate disturbance scenario between the two dominant landscape units in the region.

Animals , Forestry , Eucalyptus , Lepidoptera , Colombia
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537063


Los páramos almacenan grandes reservas de carbono orgánico en el suelo (COS), influenciados por las condiciones climáticas y biogeoquímicas, propias del ecosistema; sin embargo, su progresiva conversión hacia cultivos, ganadería o minería incide directamente en las reservas de COS. Con el fin de determinar el efecto que ejerce el cambio de uso de suelo sobre la variabilidad de las reservas de COS, se realizó un monitoreo de COS entre 2013, 2018 y 2020, en el Parque Natural Regional Cortadera. Se estudiaron parcelas permanentes de muestreo (PPM), ubicadas bajo tres diferentes usos del suelo: conservado, en recuperación e intervenido. Se analizaron muestras de carbono orgánico y densidad aparente, a dos profundidades (0-15 cm y 15-30 cm). Se encontró que la PPM en escenario conservado presentó los contenidos más altos de COS, con valores de 290,37; 199,22 y 257,5 tC ha-1, para cada uno de los años en estudio; seguido por la PPM en recuperación, que evidenció valores de COS 215,3 tC ha-1, en el 2020, en contraste con la PPM intervenida, que presentó contenidos mínimos de 15,50; 34,01 y 88,06 tC ha-1. Se observó que los mayores contenidos de COS se encuentran a la profundidad de 15 a 30 cm. Dichos aspectos, resaltan la importancia de avanzar en acciones enfocadas a la protección de ecosistemas estratégicos, considerando las constantes amenazas relacionadas con la transformación del paisaje y, con ello, la posibilidad de proveer funciones y servicios asociados a la captura de carbono y la regulación climática.

The paramos accumulate high stocks of soil organic carbon (SOC), influenced by the climatic and biogeochemical conditions of the ecosystem. However, their progressive conversion to crops, livestock, or mining has a direct impact on the SOC stocks. To determine the effect of land use change on the variability of SOC stocks, monitoring of SOC content was conducted between the years 2013, 2018, and 2020 in the Parque Natural Regional Cortadera. Permanent sampling plots (PPS) located under three different land uses were studied: conserved, recovering, and intervened. To do so, samples of soil organic carbon and bulk density at two depths were analyzed (0-15 cm and 15-30 cm). The conserved PPS showed the highest SOC contents, with maximum values of 290.37; 199.22, and 257.5 tC ha-1 for each of the years under study; follow by the recovery PPM that presented COS values of 215.3 tC ha-1 in 2020, in contrast to the intervened PSP that showed minimum contents of 15.50; 34.01 and 88.06 tC ha-1. Furthermore, the highest SOC contents were found at 15-30 cm depth. These factors emphasize the importance of carrying out actions focused on protecting strategic ecosystems such as paramos, taking into account the continuous threats related to the transformation of the landscape and, consequently, the possibility of providing ecosystem functions and services related to carbon capture and climate regulation.

rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 25(spe): e2135, jul. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395204


RESUMEN Desde la perspectiva de las ecologías socioculturales, como campo emergente interdisciplinario, se puede enriquecer de manera alternativa y complementaria la educación ambiental, puesto que permite un acercamiento comprensivo a las dinámicas de ocupación humana y las transformaciones en un territorio concreto desde una mirada histórica, política y sociocultural. Esta investigación, se llevó a cabo en el contexto territorial de la cuenca del río Quindío, en el centro-occidente de Colombia, con la participación de 144 estudiantes y 40 docentes, de cuatro Instituciones Educativas públicas. La metodología fue de enfoque cualitativo, donde se empleó como instrumento de recolección y análisis de información, una encuesta tipo cuestionario con preguntas abiertas, para indagar aspectos socioambientales, históricos y paisajísticos del contexto territorial de dicha cuenca. Los resultados develaron que estudiantes y docentes, en general, desconocen los procesos históricos de ocupación humana de la región; con relación a los principales cambios percibidos en el paisaje, los estudiantes señalaron el incremento de las urbanizaciones, la disminución de las zonas verdes y la contaminación, mientras que los docentes manifestaron cambios en los usos del suelo, el crecimiento urbanístico y el desarrollo basado en el turismo. Sin duda, estos hallazgos son importantes, como lectura del territorio, para ser tenidos en cuenta en la praxis de la educación ambiental de las instituciones educativas.

ABSTRACT From the perspective of socio-cultural ecologies as an emerging interdisciplinary field, environmental education can be enriched in an alternative and complementary way since they allow a comprehensive approach to the dynamics of human occupation and transformations in a specific territory from a historical perspective, political and socio-cultural. This research was carried out in the territorial context of the Quindío River basin in central-western Colombia, with the participation of 144 students and 40 teachers from four public educational institutions. The methodology was a qualitative approach, where a questionnaire-type survey with open questions was used as an instrument for collecting and analyzing information to investigate socio-environmental, historical, and landscape aspects of the territorial context of said basin. The results revealed that students and teachers, in general, are unaware of the historical processes of human occupation of the region; Concerning the main changes perceived in the landscape, the students pointed out the increase in urbanizations, the decrease in green areas, and pollution; while teachers expressed changes in land use, urban growth, and development based on tourism. Undoubtedly, these findings are important as a reading of the territory to be considered in the praxis of environmental education in educational institutions.

rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 25(spe): e2134, jul. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395207


RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo fue aplicar indicadores e índices ambientales en una zona costera localizada en el noreste de la provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina). El área de estudio se ubica en el sector de la planicie costera del Río de la Plata, correspondiente al partido de Ensenada. La misma es un área con alto valor para la biodiversidad regional y brinda numerosos servicios ecosistémicos. Además, está expuesta de manera recurrente a inundaciones y anegamientos, los cuales, determinan fuertes condicionantes para el uso del suelo. Se identificaron y seleccionaron indicadores que aportan información sobre características estructurales y funcionales del medio natural, respecto de su fragilidad frente a intervenciones, a partir de los criterios: vulnerabilidad natural, valor patrimonial y condicionamientos naturales frente a intervenciones antrópicas; estos indicadores fueron integrados para obtener un Índice de Fragilidad Natural Territorial (IFNT). Se generaron mapas temáticos de índices parciales y un mapa final correspondiente al IFNT, mediante el uso de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG). Los resultados obtenidos establecen que el 15,1 % de la superficie del partido presenta una fragilidad natural entre muy alta (2,1 %) y alta (13 %) y un 20,2 %, con valores medios, asociados a ambientes de escasa pendiente del centro, W y E-SE del territorio, así como al sector más próximo a la ribera rioplatense, donde se asientan áreas urbanas. Se observó tendencia de crecimiento urbano avanzando sobre sectores identificados con fragilidad entre muy alta y media. Este índice se considera una herramienta útil para la planificación territorial sostenible.

ABSTRACT The objective of this paper was to apply environmental indicators and indexes in a coastal area located in the northeastern province of Buenos Aires (Argentina). The study area is located in the sector of the coastal plain of the Río de la Plata corresponding to the Ensenada district. It is an area of high regional biodiversity value and provides numerous ecosystem services. In addition, it is exposed to frequent flood events and waterlogged soils, which determines strong conditioning factors for land use. In this paper, the application of environmental indicators and indexes developed ad hoc is presented in order to assist in the sustainable land use planning of the territory. Indicators were identified and selected to provide information on structural and functional characteristics of the natural environment regarding its fragility in front of anthropic interventions. These indicators were made following these selection criteria: natural vulnerability, patrimonial value and natural conditioning to anthropic interventions. These indicators were integrated to obtain a Natural Territorial Fragility Index (NTFI). Thematic maps of intermediate indexes were generated, as well as a final map corresponding to the NTFI, integrated in a GIS. The results obtained from the NTFI calculation establish that 15,1 % of the area of the district presents a natural fragility with values very high (2,1 %) and high (13 %) and 20,2 % medium value. In the center, W and E-SE of the territory, as well as in the sector closest to the rioplatense riverbank, the NTFI presents very high to medium values mainly associated with low slope environments. Urban areas are developed in this location. There is an urban growth trend advancing on sectors identified with very high to moderate fragility. This index is considered a useful tool for sustainable territorial planning.

rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 25(spe): e2196, jul. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395213


RESUMEN La zona riparia presenta cambios de vegetación nativa por uso del suelo, asociados a actividades antrópicas, como urbanización, ganadería y agricultura, lo que genera pérdida de diversidad, composición y estructura de la vegetación riparia. En este estudio, se analizó la diversidad florística y estructural de la vegetación riparia a lo largo de un gradiente urbano-natural del río Pitillal - Jalisco, México. Sobre el río Pitillal, se seleccionaron cuatro sitios, siguiendo el gradiente urbano (SU), periurbano (SP), rural (SR) y natural (SN). En cada tramo, se realizaron cuatro parcelas de muestreo, identificando árboles, arbustos, lianas y hierbas. La diversidad florística, se analizó comparando composición, abundancia y riqueza por tipo de planta y origen. La diversidad estructural, se analizó comparando diámetro de tronco, altura total, área de copa, profundidad de copa y perfiles verticales de vegetación. En total, se registraron 508 individuos de 412 familias, 72 géneros y 160 especies y morfoespecies; 75 especies fueron nativas y 10 introducidas. La riqueza específica y abundancia de los árboles fue distinta entre sitios, incrementándose notablemente en el SN. Las especies introducidas disminuyen del SU al SN. El diámetro de tronco, área y profundidad de copa muestran diferencias significativas entre sitios. Los perfiles verticales de la vegetación riparia muestran patrones más heterogéneos en el SN. Los resultados sugieren que la alteración por uso de suelo adyacente al río Pitillal afecta, claramente, la diversidad florística, la composición y la estructural de la vegetación riparia.

ABSTRACT Riparian zone presents changes of native vegetation due to land use associated with anthropic activities, such as urbanization, cattle, and agriculture, which generated the loss of diversity, composition, and structure of the riparian vegetation. In this study, floristic diversity and structural diversity of riparian vegetation was analyzed along an urban-natural gradient of Pitillal River, Jalisco, Mexico. On the Pitillal River, four sites were selected following the urban (SU), peri-urban (SP), rural (SR) and natural (SN) gradient. In each section, four sample plots were sampled, identifying trees, shrubs, lianas, and herbs. Floristic diversity was analyzed by comparing composition, abundance, and specific richness by type of plant and origin. Structural diversity was analyzed by comparing trunk diameter, total height, crown area, crown depth and vertical profiles of vegetation. A total of 508 individuals in 412 families, 72 genera and 160 species and morpho species were registered; 75 species were native and 10 introduced. Richness and abundance of the trees was different between sites, increasing notably in the SN. Introduced species decrease from SU to SN. The diameter of the trunk, area and depth of the crown show significant differences between sites. The vertical profiles of the riparian vegetation showed more heterogeneous patterns in the SN. The results suggest that changes due to land use adjacent to Pitillal River have clearly affected the composition, floristic and structural diversity of riparian vegetation.

Investig. desar ; 30(1): 137-169, ene.-jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1385964


RESUMEN Con el objetivo de entender las dinámicas en las que se piensa e interviene el territorio para llevar a la población al desplazamiento y despojo vía armada o administrativa se efectuaron 87 entrevistas a líderes sociales entre 2019-2021 que permitieron realizar un análisis histórico de procesos asociados a la ocupación de tierras en el departamento del Meta, bajo la relación Monstruo-Monstruosidad asociada a la tecnología desde los métodos mecánicos del Estado y/o los métodos bioinformáticos del mercado". Los resultados exponen un territorio que inicia desde el cuerpo, como un espacio biopolítico y bioeconómico de confrontación. Lo anterior es analizado a través de las metáforas del vaquero-romántico, la devoradora-de-Hombres, la tierra-del-futuro y el vaquero-post-orgánico, exponiendo un pensamiento nómada con un espíritu de resistencia intelectual y de emancipación histórica. Se concluye que el carácter semiológico de la vida cotidiana con la tecnología permite el empoderamiento, la visibilización y la reconfiguración político-económica del territorio.

ABSTRACT In order to understand the dynamics in which the territory is thought of and interfered with, to lead to the displacement and dispossession of the population by armed or administrative means, 87 interviews with social leaders between 2019-2021 were carried out to allow for a historical analysis of processes associated with the occupation of lands in the department of Meta, under the Monster-Monstrosity relationship associated with technology from the mechanical methods of the State and / or the bioinformatics methods of the market. The results expose a territory that begins in the body, as a biopolitical and bioeconomic space of confrontation. The above is analyzed through the metaphors of the romantic cowboy, the man-eater, the land-of-the-future, and the post-organic cowboy, exposing a nomadic thought with a spirit of intellectual resistance and historical emancipation. It is concluded that the semiological character of daily life with technology allows for the empowerment, the visibility, and the political-economic reconfiguration of the territory

Humans , Social Sciences , Rural Economy , Human Migration , Population , Life
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2022 May; 60(5): 360-366
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222494


Unsanitary open dumping and burning of wastes in dumpsites results to constant leaching of waste pollutants into the surrounding environment with attendant harmful consequences on wildlife and public health. Here, we investigated the histological effects of Onitsha municipal waste leachate on the Giant African land snail, Limicolaria aurora (Jay 1839). The histopathological effects of waste leachate on the digestive cells of the snails were examined following standard protocols. Snails were exposed to different concentrations (0, 6.25, 12.5, 25.0 and 50.0%) of the leachate for a total duration of 21 days. Histological results obtained showed that waste leachate caused dose and duration dependent alterations in the digestive glands of L. aurora. Obvious histological variations were observed in snails exposed to 50% concentrations of the leachate compared to other doses. Observed histological changes were mainly degeneration of the digestive tubules, fragmentation and disappearance of the digestive cells, marked increase in excretory cells, necrosis and epithelia sloughing. This study therefore highlights the potential toxicity of waste leachate of causing mild to severe damage in the tissues of organisms. Reinforcing the fact, that waste leachate contains a mix of toxic substances that could pose a severe injury to the biological system of surrounding biota, including humans.

Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 21(3): 365-388, mayo 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396918


Modifications of land use and vegetation cover are proceeding faster than ever before in human history, with a considerable reduction in forest cover in biodiversity hotspots. We investigated the land use and vegetation cover changes, their impact on biodiversity in the Kurram District, Pakistan, for 27 years (1989 to 2015). Temporal satellite imagery was processed using a supervised maximum likelihood classification algorithm in ARCGIS 10.1 to elucidate information regarding land use/land cover changes,with conducted structured interviews to obtain the inhabitants' perspectives on their dependence on ecosystems in Kurram, and how their environment is changing. We found that the land under forest cover and rangeland showed a remarkable decrease over the study period. This decline in rangeland and forest cover was a result of the increased of farmland, barren land. The study area is part of a biodiversity, with important medicinal, rare and unique plant species.

Las modificaciones del uso de la tierra y la cobertura vegetal están avanzando más rápido que nunca en la historia de la humanidad, con una reducción considerable de la cobertura forestal en los puntos críticos de biodiversidad. Investigamos el uso de la tierra y los cambios en la cobertura vegetal, su impacto en la biodiversidad en el distrito de Kurram, Pakistán, durante 27 años (1989 a 2015). Las imágenes satelitales temporales se procesaron utilizando un algoritmo de clasificación de máxima verosimilitud supervisada en ARCGIS 10.1 para dilucidar información sobre los cambios en el uso del suelo/cobertura del suelo, con entrevistas estructuradas realizadas para obtener las perspectivas de los habitantes sobre su dependencia de los ecosistemas en Kurram y cómo está cambiando su entorno. Descubrimos que la tierra cubierta por bosques y pastizales mostró una disminución notable durante el período de estudio. Esta disminución en los pastizales y la cubierta forestal fue el resultado del aumento de las tierras de cultivo, tierras estériles. El área de estudio es parte de una biodiversidad, con importantes especies de plantas medicinales, raras y únicas.

Land Use , Natural Resources Exploitation , Biodiversity , Pakistan , Pasture , Ecosystem , Agriculture , Satellite Imagery
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219314


Many species among shelled gastropods � either land snails or marine snails � exhibit determinate growth and, therefore, are expected to implement some regulating process aiming at limiting the impact on the final (adult) shell-size of the (possibly excessive) intraspecific variability in the rate of shell-development. Indeed, a usually more or less limited range of variation is allowed for adult shell-size, in those species having determinate growth. Mollusks are expected to be no exception in this respect and, up to now, the occurrence of such a regulating process has actually been reported systematically, despite a still too limited number of investigations. Yet, the question remained of the ability of this regulatory process to finely adjust the end of the final development of both body and shell (specifically in term of the final number of whorls), so as to limit the variations in adult shell-size, despite the amplitude of intraspecific variability in shell development rate. I provide here preliminary empirical evidence for such a 揻inely tuned� regulating process � the strength of which is mirrored by the degree of 揋ouldian� negative covariance between whorl growth-rate and the number of whorls at adulthood. As expected, the strength of the regulating process reveals systematically increasing (i) with the amplitude of the intraspecific variability in shell development-rate and (ii) with the narrowness of the range of variation allowed for the adult shell-size (narrowness which depends upon the identity of the particular species under consideration). In addition to the already reported usual occurrence of this regulating process among shelled gastropods, its 揻inely tuned� character provides here still further evidence as regards its major importance in controlling the species-specific adult body mass, and this even for typically soft-bodied animals.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 22(4): e20221412, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420324


Abstract Until now no study has used a defaunation index to quantify the decline of Neotropical freshwater fishes in environments fragmented by dams and reservoirs. So, we applied this index to 143 native fish in five reservoirs in the Lower Paranapanema River, that is situated in one of the Brazilian aquatic environments most impacted by anthropic degradation. Fish species were classified according to their functional groups, which were selected according to the biological characteristics that may reflect in defaunation events. The biggest reservoir in area with more tributaries and forest cover showed lowest defaunation index. The functional groups of fishes more affected by defaunation included species characterized by periphytivores, invertivores and algivores, non-migratory habit, with external fertilization, and parental care. Although reservoirs have different characteristics, this method can be tested in any other hydrographic basin. The results suggested continued conservation efforts to preserve the integrity of tributaries and the native fishes in reservoirs and pointed out the importance of maintaining native vegetation cover and fish restocking programs in the reservoirs with the highest defaunation values. Our finding can be use as the first data source for future studies using this defaunation index.

Resumo Até o momento nenhum estudo utilizou um índice de defaunação para quantificar o declínio de peixes neotropicais de água doce em ambientes fragmentados por barragens e reservatórios. Dessa forma, testamos esse índice em 143 espécies nativas em cinco reservatórios do baixo rio Paranapanema, que está localizado em um dos ambientes aquáticos brasileiros mais impactados pela degradação antrópica. As espécies de peixes foram classificadas de acordo com seus grupos funcionais selecionados de acordo com as características biológicas que podem influenciar nos eventos de defaunação. O maior reservatório em área, com mais tributários e maior cobertura florestal apresentou menor índice de defaunação. Os grupos funcionais mais afetados pela defaunação incluíram espécies caracterizadas por hábito alimentar perifitívoro, invertívoro e algívoro, hábito não migratório, com fertilização externa e cuidado parental. Embora os reservatórios tenham características diferentes, esse método pode ser testado em qualquer outra bacia hidrográfica. Os resultados sugerem esforços contínuos para preservar a integridade dos tributários e dos peixes nativos nos reservatórios e apontam a importância de manter a cobertura vegetal nativa e programas de estocagem nos reservatórios com maiores valores de defaunação. Nossos dados podem ser utilizados como a primeira base de dados para futuros estudos que utilizem o índice de defaunação.