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Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 37(4): 537-541, oct.-dic. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-615774


La Misión Milagro, iniciativa Cubana apoyada por Venezuela, es una campaña de contenido social y humanitario, cuyo propósito es devolver la visión o curar diversos padecimientos oftalmológicos en los pueblos latinoamericanos. Debido a la deuda con las personas excluidas de la atención de salud y apartadas de la vida social y productiva por padecer problemas solucionables de salud visual, se considera necesario evaluar el desarrollo de la Misión Milagro en el territorio Venezolano. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio sobre el tema basado en el análisis de documentos y artículos publicados. La Misión Milagro en Venezuela, en menos de cinco años, le ha devuelto la vista a 668 844 latinoamericanos, atendidos por especialistas cubanos y venezolanos. La Misión Milagro es un verdadero y eficiente mecanismo integrador latinoamericano de combate a la pobreza y la exclusión social, con un gran impacto social, ya que ha proporcionando una mejor calidad de vida a miles de venezolanos y latinoamericanos.

The Mission Miracle, a Cuban initiative supported by Venezuela, is one of the social and humanitarian campaigns aimed at recovering the vision or curing several eye diseases of the Latin American people. Due to the pending debt with those persons excluded from the health care and separated from the social and productive life because of visual health problems that can be solved, it is deem necessary to evaluate the development of the Mission Miracle in Venezuela. An exploratory study was conducted on this topic based on the analysis of documents and published articles. The Mission Miracle in Venezuela has given the vision back to 668 844 Latin Americans cared by Cuban and Venezuelan specialists. The Mission Miracle is a real and efficient Latin American integrating mechanism of struggle against poverty and social exclusion, with big social impact since it has provided better quality of life to thousands of Venezuelan and other Latin American people.

São Paulo perspect ; 16(1): 105-113, jan.-mar. 2002.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-464082


O artigo focaliza o processo de integração hemisférica com base na óptica da política externa dos EUA, procurando chamar a atenção para as relações entre os aspectos políticos e econômicos contidos na questão. Faz ainda algumas considerações sobre as tendências e perspectivas do atual governo Bush.

This article examines the process of hemispheric integration from the perspective of United States foreign policy, while highlighting the relationships between various political and economic aspects of the issue. Further, it offers some observations regarding trends of the current Bush administration.