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Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 51(1): 83-94, mar. 2017. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-886102


Las recomendaciones de consumo de fibra no se cumplen y hay una necesidad por alimentos con fibra. El salvado de arroz (SA) tiene fibra y propiedades antioxidantes. Aquí se evaluaron estas propiedades en ratas suficientes (+) y deficientes (-) en Vitamina E (VitE) con o sin SA. Las ratas fueron divididas en cuatro grupos. Dos consumieron dietas +VitE y uno tenía SA. Los restantes consumieron dietas -VitE y uno tenía SA. El consumo de alimento, su eficiencia y el crecimiento, fueron similares entre los 4 grupos pero la masa fecal húmeda o seca fue 3 veces superior en los SA+. La hemoglobina en sangre y el hierro hepático fueron similares entre grupos, pero en los grupos (SA-) la VitE hepática fue 10 veces menor en las ratas -VitE que en las +VitE. Sin embargo, en las ratas -VitE/SA+, la VitE hepática fue sólo 2,6 veces menor. Este efecto del SA también se detectó en los eritrocitos, ya que la catalasa y la glutatión reductasa aumentaron en el grupo -VitE/SA-pero no en el grupo -VitE/SA+. El estudio muestra que SA no interfirió con el crecimiento y el metabolismo del hierro, sino que tuvo un efecto laxante y previno parcialmente la deficiencia de VitE.

Dietary fiber requirements are met by only a small fraction of the population. There is need for supplemented foods to fill this gap. Rice bran (RB) is high in fiber and has antioxidant properties. The effects of rice bran fiber on several metabolic indicators and the antioxidant capacity of rice bran in rats was reported. Rats were divided into 4 dietary groups: Vitamin E-sufficient with (+VitE/RB+) or without (+VitE/RB-) rice bran; Vitamin E-deficient with (-VitE/RB+) or without (-VitE/RB-) rice bran. Food intake, growth and feed efficiency were similar in all groups but wet and dry fecal mass of the RB+ groups were 3 times higher than the RB- groups. Blood hemoglobin and liver iron were also similar among all groups. However, the liver VitE concentration of the rats of (-VitE/RB-) group was 10x lower than the (+VitE/RB-) group. In contrast, liver VitE of the rats (-VitE/RB+) was only 2.6x lower. This effect of RB was also seen in erythrocytes since, catalase and glutathione reductase increased in the VitE deficient rats but RB prevented this increase. This study shows that dietary RB did not interfere with growth, feed efficiency and iron metabolism, it provided dietary fiber and laxation and partially prevented VitE deficiency.

As recomendações de ingestão de fibras não são cumpridos e existe uma necessidade de alimentos ricos em fibras. Farelo de arroz (FA) tem fibra e propriedades antioxidantes. Aqui, estas propriedades foram avaliadas em ratos suficientes (+) e pobres (-) em Vitamina E (VitE) com ou sem FA. Os ratos foram divididos em 4 grupos. Dois consumiram dietas +VitE e um tinha FA. Os restantes consumiram dietas -ViteE e um tinha FA. O consumo de alimento, sua eficiência e crescimento foram semelhantes entre os 4 grupos, mas nos grupos (FA-) a VitE hepática foi 10 vezes menor nos ratos -VitE que nos +VitE. Entretanto, nos ratos -VitE/FA+, a VitE hepática foi apenas 2,6 vezes menor. Este efeito do FA também foi detectado nos eritrócitos, visto que catalase e glutationa redutase aumentaram no grupo -VitE/FA-, mas não no grupo -VitE/FA+. O estudo mostra que FA não interferiu no crescimento ou no metabolismo do ferro, porém teve um efeito laxante e impediu parcialmente a deficiência de VitE.

Animals , Mice , Oryza/adverse effects , Vitamin E Deficiency/etiology , Vitamin E/analysis , Antioxidants/analysis , Dietary Fiber , Eating , Rats
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-551487


The skeletal muscle relaxing effects of gentamicin (Gen) and amikacin (Amk) were investigated and compared with tubocu-rarine (Tub) in rat phrenic nerve-muscle preparation, conscious chicken and mouse. The potency of the neuro-muscular blocking action of Gen was two times that of Amk. The blocking effect of Gen was observed as an 'all or none' phenomenon with a bigger S value compared with Tub. The drug concentrations were decreased by pumping drug free perfusate into or-gan baths to simulate an elimination rate constant fixed at 0. 1/min. To plot effects against declined concentrations there was a clockwise hysteresis loop with Tub, but a counter-clockwise hystereksis loop presented by Gen. The mode of the skeletal muscle relaxing effect of Gen and Amk was classified as non-depolarization like Tub.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-524258


AIM: To investigate the vasorelaxant effect and mechanism of EtOAc extract from Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat (CME). METHODS: The effects of CME on the contraction of rat thoracic a orta were examined. RESULTS: CME caused concentration-dependent relaxation of aorta rings precontricted with phenylephrine and K+. The effect in endothelium-intac t aorta was more effective than that in endothelium-deduced aorta. NG-nitro-L- arginine methylester, methylene blue and glibenclamide attenuated the effect of C ME significantly. However, indomethacin, propranolol, tetraethylammonium, BaCl 2, 4-aminopyridine and 5-hydroxydecanoate did not affect CME effect. The effect of SKF-525A combined with L-NAME had no obvious difference with that of L-NAME o n CME-induced relaxation. NOS activity in aorta was increased markedly by CME in vitro. CME did not reduced the contraction elicited by PE in Ca 2+-f ree medium, but reduced the contraction induced by PE in K+-free solution or C a 2+ free following input Ca 2+. CONCLUSION: CME induces both endothelium-dependent and independe nt relaxation. NO and cGMP are likely involved in the endothelium-dependent rela xation, inhibition of voltage-dependent or receptor-operate Ca 2+ channel a nd activation of ATP-sensitive K+ channel contribute in part to the endotheliu m-independent relaxation by CME.