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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-696591


A 4-year-old boy complained of weakness of the lower limbs for one and a half month.The child had been diagnosed as X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) at 1-year old.In recent one and a half month,he gradually suffered from activity intolerance and fatigue,inability to jump and run,staggering gait and slow speech.All the symptoms above indicated deteriorating motor function.The brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed abnormal signals in white matter and brain atrophy.The cerebrospinal fluid analysis detected the presence of oligoclonal immunoglobulin G band.In short term after intravenous immunoglobulin and methylprednisolone treatment,the boy's lower extremity function and speech speed were slightly improved.However,at 1-year follow-up,the boy's condition became even worse.The child could not sit without support and had difficulty in swallowing.The child could not speak or follow any commands.Neurological examination revealed spastic quadriplegia and pseudobulbar palsy.Progressive neurodegeneration is not a common syndrome in patients with XLA.Brain biopsy is an important approach clinically to find out etiology.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 73(3): 196-201, may.-jun. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-839033


Resumen: Introducción: La enfermedad de Alexander consiste en una forma de leucodistrofia poco frecuente que afecta principalmente a los astrocitos; tiene un patrón de herencia autosómica recesiva y es causada por mutaciones en el gen GFAP, localizado en el cromosoma 17q21. Puede presentarse a cualquier edad y la forma infantil se caracteriza por macrocefalia, crisis convulsivas, retraso motor y cognitivo grave y espasticidad o ataxia progresivas. Caso clínico: Paciente de sexo femenino de 8 meses evaluada por retraso psicomotor y crisis convulsivas motoras focales no provocadas. En la exploración física, con perímetro cefálico normal, respuesta motora incrementada ante estímulos táctiles y al ruido, signos piramidales y ausencia de visceromegalias. Se observó hipodensidad generalizada de la sustancia blanca en la resonancia magnética y punción lumbar con hiperproteinorraquia. Se descartó enfermedad de Krabbe mediante ensayo enzimático y secuenciación del gen GALC. En la reevaluación del caso, las alteraciones en la neuroimagen hicieron sospechar de enfermedad de Alexander, y la secuenciación del gen GFAP reportó una mutación en el exón 4 c.716G > A, lo que ocasionó un cambio de arginina por histidina en la posición 239 de la proteína (p.Arg239His). Conclusiones: Los signos radiológicos en la resonancia fueron determinantes para el diagnóstico, que posteriormente se confirmó con estudio molecular. Es importante considerar que ciertas mutaciones no se asocian con macrocefalia, lo cual puede ocasionar retraso en el diagnóstico.

Abstract: Background: Alexander disease is a rare form of leukodystrophy that involves mainly astrocytes; it is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner and occurs by mutations in the GFAP gene, located on chromosome 17q21. It can occur at any age and its infantile form is characterized by macrocephaly, seizures, severe motor and cognitive delay, and progressive spasticity or ataxia. Case report: An 8-month-old female was evaluated with a history of neurodevelopmental delay and unprovoked focal motor seizures. Physical examination showed normal head circumference, increased motor responses to tactile and noise stimuli, pyramidal signs and no visceromegalies. Widespread hypodense white matter was found on magnetic resonance and lumbar puncture showed hyperproteinorrachia. Krabbe disease was ruled out by enzymatic assay and gene sequencing of GALC. In the reassessment of the case, abnormalities in neuroimaging lead to suspicion of Alexander disease, and GFAP gene sequencing reported a pathogenic mutation in exon 4 c.716G > A, which caused a change of arginine to histidine at position 239 of the protein (p.Arg239His). Conclusions: The radiographic signs observed in the resonance were decisive for the diagnosis, later confirmed by molecular study. It is important to consider that certain mutations are not associated with macrocephaly, which may cause delay in diagnosis.