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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 53-73, jan-abr.2025. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570477


Introdução: A parestesia é uma neuropatia que afeta a função sensorial. O Laser de Baixa Potência (LBP), por sua vez, apresenta propriedades analgésicas, bioestimuladoras e reparadoras. Objetivo: Realizar um levantamento na literatura científica sobre os aspectos gerais e benefícios do LBP no manejo terapêutico da parestesia, além de identificar a classificação e métodos de obtenção do diagnóstico desta condição. Materiais e Métodos: Tratou-se de uma revisão narrativa da literatura através da busca nas plataformas PubMed, SciELO, LILACS e Google Schoolar. Após o cruzamento dos descritores com os operadores booleanos e aplicação dos critérios de inclusão/exclusão, 26 estudos foram incluídos. Resultados: A parestesia pode ser classificada em neuropraxia, axonotmese e neurotmese, subdivididas em Grau I ao V. Seu diagnóstico pode ser executado através de testes subjetivos e objetivos. O LBP compreende em um dispositivo tecnológico com efeitos analgésico, anti-inflamatório e fotobiomodulador, que estimula o reparo neural. Os estudos mostram que a dosimetria nos comprimentos de onda vermelho e infravermelho, aplicação intra e extra oral, e com mais de uma sessão semanal exerce efeito modulatório positivo do reparo neural, com retorno progressivo da atividade sensitiva. Além disso, os estudos trazem uma ampla variação no número de pontos de aplicação, bem como no tempo de irradiação e quantidade de sessões, em virtude da extensão e tempo de diagnóstico da parestesia. Considerações finais: Apesar da alta complexidade da parestesia, o LBP exerce efeitos benéficos através do retorno da sensibilidade parcial ou total, além de ser um dispositivo bem tolerado pelo organismo e minimamente invasivo.

Introduction: Paresthesia is a neuropathy that affects sensory function. The Low-Level Laser (LLL), in turn, has analgesic, biostimulating and reparative properties. Purpose: Carry out a survey at the scientific literature on the general aspects and benefits of LLL in the therapeutic management of paresthesia in addition to identifying the classification and methods for obtaining a diagnosis of this condition. Materials and Methods: It was a narrative literature review through search in platforms PubMed, SciELO, LILACS and Google Schoolar. After crossing the descriptors with boolean operators and applying the inclusion/exclusion criteria, 26 articles were included in this study. Results: Paresthesia can be classified into neuropraxia, axonotmesis and neurotmesis, subdivided into Grades I to V. Its diagnostic can be carried out through subjective and objective tests. The LLL consists in a technological device with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and photobiomodulatory effects, which stimulates neural repair. Studies show that LLL in dosimetry at red and infrared wavelengths with intra and extra oral application and with more than one-week use exerts a positive modulatory effect on neural repair, with a progressive return of sensory activity. Furthermore, the studies show a wide variation in the number of application points, as well as the irradiation time and number of sessions, due to the extent and time of diagnosis of paresthesia. Final Considerations: Despite the high complexity of paresthesia, the LLL has beneficial effects through the return of partial or total sensitivity in addition being a device well tolerated by the body and minimally invasive.

Paresthesia/classification , Paresthesia/diagnosis , Low-Level Light Therapy , Laser Therapy
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(65): 135-142, set-dez.2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567891


LASER é um acrônimo que sumariza a amplificação da luz por emissão estimulada de radiação (eletromagnética). O Programa Saúde em Ação equipou diversas Unidades Básicas de Saúde com aparelhos de laser diodo. Cirurgiões Dentistas têm aplicado a laserterapia de baixa potência para acelerar a remissão de várias condições clínicas, sem necessidade de encaminhamento imediato para Atenção Secundária. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar protocolos de laserterapia de baixa potência empregados por Cirurgiões Dentistas da Atenção Primária à Saúde de Campinas-SP, por meio da ilustração com casos clínicos atendidos em consultas de urgência. Aplicações para ulceração traumática e desordem temporomandibular foram realizadas em uma senhora de 60 anos de idade, que aguardava a substituição das próteses totais. Irradiou-se por laser vermelho (660nm) com energia de 1J as margens da ulceração. Após palpação da articulação e dos músculos mastigatórios para mapeamento, os pontos álgicos foram irradiados por laser infravermelho (808nm) com energia de 4J. Um homem de 50 anos de idade queixava-se de paralisia hemifacial havia 10 dias. A tentativa de recuperação do nervo facial ocorreu com irradiação por laser infravermelho com energia de 8J por ponto, em 22 pontos dos ramos do nervo facial. Em ambos os casos, a regressão do quadro clínico desconfortável foi observada. Os Profissionais do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) que são aptos ao uso dos equipamentos para laserterapia de baixa potência podem utilizar este recurso de modo seguro e bem sucedido, observando comprimento de onda do laser e doses protocolares para cada alteração a ser tratada.

LASER is an acronym which means light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (electromagnetic). Many Primary Health Care Units received diode laser devices from the Brazilian Health in Action Program. Dental practitioners have applied low-level laser therapy for accelerating the resolution of several clinical problems, without the need to prompt referral for Secondary Attention. This manuscript aimed at presenting low-level laser therapy protocols, used by Dentists in Primary Health Care Units from Campinas-SP, illustrated with case reports of urgency consultations. Applications for traumatic ulcers and temporomandibular disorder were performed in a 60-year-old woman who was waiting for dental prosthesis replacement. Red laser irradiation (660nm) with 1J energy was delivered at the margins of the ulcer. Upon articular and masticatory muscles palpation for mapping, trigger points were irradiated with infrared laser (808nm), 4J energy. A 50-year-old man complained of hemifacial paresis for 10 days. The recovery attempt of the facial nerve was carried out by infrared laser irradiation with 8J energy per point in 22 points of the facial nerve branches. In both case reports, regression of the uncomfortable clinical problem was noted. Professionals from the Unified Health System (SUS) who are able to use a low-level laser device may safe and successfully operate this equipment, selecting the appropriate laser wavelength and protocol doses for managing each clinical problem.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Primary Health Care , Unified Health System , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders , Oral Health , Low-Level Light Therapy/methods , Facial Paralysis
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(4): 406-412, July-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564760


Abstract Objectives: Age at menarche (MA) is a proxy for biological maturation and a parameter of socioeconomic changes. Worldwide, anticipation of menarche is associated with nutritional transition and excess weight. The objective of this study was to evaluate the MA in Amazonian students and its association with nutritional status, ethnicity, and socioeconomic level. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 1,017 students aged 6 to 17 living in the city of Manaus, Brazil. MA was analyzed by status quo and recall; its association with body mass index (BMI), race, socioeconomic status, and adult height was examined. Results: 559 (51.9%) participants had already experienced menarche. In 91.7%, menarche occurred between 10 and 14 years of age; the mean age at the onset of menarche was 11.9 years. Overweight (11.6 years) and obese (11.4 years) participants reached menarche earlier than those with normal weight (12 years) and lean (12.7 years) participants. The associations between MA and nutritional status showed that overweight and obesity are risk factors for the early occurrence of menarche. MA was not associated with socioeconomic status/parental education or race. However, excess weight was associated with earlier MA in all races and social classes. The adult height was slightly lower in girls with menarche before 12 years old (157.9 vs 159.4 cm). Conclusion: Regardless of socioeconomic level or ethnicity, excess weight was associated with earlier menarche in Amazonian students.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20)ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570112


La lactancia materna exclusiva (LME) ha sido considerada por varios organismos internacionales como la solución para combatir la desnutrición infantil, la cual es considerada como un problema de salud pública. Bajo este contexto, la presente investigación busca encontrar cuáles son los determinantes de la LME en el Ecuador, y mostrar cómo influye el nivel educativo de la madre sobre la duración de la lactancia materna exclusiva. Para cumplir dicho objetivo se emplea un modelo probabilístico obteniendo como resultado que el nivel de instrucción de la madre, la etnia, el quintil de ingresos, el género del recién del bebé y la edad de la madre juegan un papel importante sobre la duración de la lactancia materna en el Ecuador. En el caso del nivel de instrucción se encuentra que las mujeres con una educación superior tienen menos probabilidad de dar LME, por seis meses o más, que las madres sin un nivel de educación.

Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) has been considered by several international organizations as the solution to combat child malnutrition, which is considered a public health problem. In this context, the present research seeks to find the determinants of EBF in Ecuador, and to show how the mother's educational level influences the duration of exclusive breastfeeding. In order to fulfill this objective, a probabilistic model was used, obtaining as a result that the mother's level of education, ethnicity, income quintile, gender of the newborn and the mother's age play an important role in the duration of breastfeeding in Ecuador. In the case of educational level, it is found that women with higher education are less likely to breastfeed for six months or more than mothers with no education.

O aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) tem sido considerado por várias organizações internacionais como a solução para combater a desnutrição infantil, que é considerada um problema de saúde pública. Neste contexto, esta investigação tem como objetivo encontrar os determinantes do AME no Equador, e mostrar como o nível educacional da mãe influencia a duração do aleitamento materno exclusivo. Para cumprir este objetivo, é utilizado um modelo probabilístico, com o resultado de que o nível de educação da mãe, a etnia, o quintil de rendimentos, o sexo do recém-nascido e a idade da mãe desempenham um papel importante na duração do aleitamento materno no Equador. No caso do nível de educação, verifica-se que as mulheres com educação superior têm menos probabilidades de amamentar durante seis meses ou mais do que as mães sem educação.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(20): 617-627, ago. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568549


La lactancia materna exclusiva (LME) ha sido considerada por varios organismos internacionales como la solución para combatir la desnutrición infantil, la cual es considerada como un problema de salud pública. Bajo este contexto, la presente investigación busca encontrar cuáles son los determinantes de la LME en el Ecuador, y mostrar cómo influye el nivel educativo de la madre sobre la duración de la lactancia materna exclusiva. Para cumplir dicho objetivo se emplea un modelo probabilístico obteniendo como resultado que el nivel de instrucción de la madre, la etnia, el quintil de ingresos, el género del recién del bebé y la edad de la madre juegan un papel importante sobre la duración de la lactancia materna en el Ecuador. En el caso del nivel de instrucción se encuentra que las mujeres con una educación superior tienen menos probabilidad de dar LME, por seis meses o más, que las madres sin un nivel de educación

Exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) has been considered by several international organizations as the solution to combat child malnutrition, which is considered a public health problem. In this context, the present research seeks to find the determinants of EBF in Ecuador, and to show how the mother's educational level influences the duration of exclusive breastfeeding. In order to fulfill this objective, a probabilistic model was used, obtaining as a result that the mother's level of education, ethnicity, income quintile, gender of the newborn and the mother's age play an important role in the duration of breastfeeding in Ecuador. In the case of educational level, it is found that women with higher education are less likely to breastfeed for six months or more than mothers with no education.

Archiv. med. fam. gen. (En línea) ; 21(2): 33-39, jul. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567476


La calidad de atención primaria de salud parte desde la perspectiva individual del servicio recibido en cualquiera de los niveles de atención de salud. La presente investigación tuvo como finalidad identificar el tipo de experiencia de los adultos mayores que acuden al primer nivel de atención primaria del Centro de Salud Belén en el periodo junio - diciembre 2022. Con un enfoque cuantitativo en una población de 91 adultos mayores, a quienes se aplicó el Cuestionario Herramientas de Evaluación de Atención Primaria (PCAT ­ usuarios adultos) donde la experiencia ata en la calidad de atención dentro de la calificación general (≥ 6,6; < 6,6), obtuvo predominio en el sexo femenino 52,75% (n=48) con respecto al 47,25% (n=43) del sexo masculino. La confiabilidad del cuestionario empleado se midió utilizando la prueba estadística de alfa de Cronbach con un valor de 0.79, considerado aceptable. Con los resultados obtenidos se evidencian que la calificación global de la calidad de atención fue alta sin embargo, existen deficiencias en los atributos de la atención primaria dentro del centro, además de un predominio en la consulta de la población femenina con todos los grupos etarios acude con mayor frecuencia con respecto a la masculina (AU)

The quality of primary health care starts from the individual perspective of the service received at any of the levels of health care. The purpose of this research was to identify the type of experience of older adults who attend the first level of primary care at the Belén Health Center in the period June - December 2022. With a quantitative approach in a population of 91 older adults, whom The Primary Care Assessment Tools Questionnaire (PCAT ­ adult users) was applied where experience ties in the quality of care within the general rating (≥ 6.6; < 6.6), obtaining a predominance in the female sex 52,75% (n=48) compared to 47.25% (n=43) of the male sex . The reliability of the questionnaire used was measured using the Cronbach's alpha statistical test with a value of 0.79, considered acceptable. The results obtained showed that the overall rating of the quality of care was high, however, there are deficiencies in the attributes of primary care within the Belén Health Center, in addition to a predominance in the consultation of the female population with all the age groups attend more frequently compared to men (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Primary Health Care , Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation , Access to Primary Care , Health Care Surveys
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564642


This case report highlights the delay in the diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and the inappropriate use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) in dentistry. OSCC is a malignant neoplasm that affects the oral cavity and can have severe consequences if not diagnosed and treated appropriately and promptly. The patient presented with a persistent oral lesion that was initially diagnosed as a traumatic injury and treated with LLLT, which led to a delay in the correct diagnosis of OSCC. The case emphasizes the importance of early detection and proper management of oral lesions to prevent the progression of malignant conditions. It also emphasizes the need for professional knowledge regarding the applicability of LLLT in dental practice. Dental professionals should be vigilant in recognizing suspicious oral lesions and promptly refer patients for further evaluation and appropriate treatment to ensure optimal outcomes.

Este informe de un caso destaca el retraso en el diagnóstico del carcinoma espinocelular oral (CEC) y el uso inapropiado de la terapia con láser de baja potencia (LBP) en odontología. El CEC es una neoplasia maligna que afecta la cavidad oral y puede tener graves consecuencias si no se diagnostica y trata de manera adecuada y oportuna. La paciente presentó una lesión oral persistente que inicialmente se diagnosticó como lesión traumática y se trató con LBP, lo que llevó a un retraso en el diagnóstico correcto del CEC. El caso enfatiza la importancia de la detección temprana y el manejo adecuado de las lesiones orales para prevenir la progresión de condiciones malignas. También resalta los riesgos asociados con el uso inapropiado de la LBP en la práctica odontológica. Los profesionales de la odontología deben estar atentos a las lesiones orales sospechosas y remitir a los pacientes de manera oportuna para una evaluación adicional y un tratamiento adecuado, con el fin de garantizar mejores resultados.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 31518, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553540


Introdução: Fotobiomodulação corresponde à exposição de tecidos biológicos a baixos níveis de luz vermelha e infravermelha, esta terapia favorece a reabilitação de diferentes tecidos e que pode ser utilizada para a melhora da prática clínica nas diferentes atuações da fisioterapia, como por exemplo, no tratamento dos acometimentos musculoesqueléticos e inflamatórios. Objetivo: Identificar os benefícios da fotobiomodulação empregados na reabilitação de pacientes nas diferentes patologias traumato-ortopédicas. Metodologia:Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa com busca online nas plataformas de dados: Medline e PubMed. Os descritores foram: fotobiomodulação, taumato-ortopedia e reabilitação. As línguas selecionadas foram: Português, Inglês e Espanhol, entre os anos de 2018 a 2022.Resultados:A descrição dos achados nos ensaios clínicos analisados mostra que a terapia de fotobiomodulação apresenta diferentes usos na prática clínica e que seu uso produz efeito analgésico, anti-inflamatório e regenerativo nos distúrbios musculoesqueléticos. Conclusões:De acordo com a revisão dos artigos, pôde-se perceber que a terapia por fotobiomodulação confirma seus benefícios e eficácia, portando, se fazendo positiva na atuação traumato-ortopédica, gerando resultados significativos quando comparada a outros recursos (AU).

Introduction: Photobiomodulationcorresponds to the exposure of biological tissues to low levels of red and infrared light, this therapy favors the rehabilitation of different tissues and can be used to improve clinical practice in different actions of physiotherapy, such as, for example, in the treatment of musculoskeletal and inflammatory disorders. Objective: To identify the benefits of photobiomodulation used in the rehabilitation of patients with different traumato-orthopedic pathologies. Methodology:This is an integrative review with online search on data platforms: Medline and PubMed. The descriptors were: photobiomodulation, thaumato-orthopedics and rehabilitation. The selected languages were: Portuguese, English and Spanish, from 2018 to 2022. Results: The description of the discovers in the analyzed clinical trials shows that photobiomodulation therapy has different uses in clinical practice and that its use produces analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects in musculoskeletal disorders. Conclusions:According to the review of the articles, it could be seen that photobiomodulation therapy confirms its benefits and effectiveness, therefore, becoming positive in the trauma-orthopedic performance, generating significant results when compared to other resources (AU).

Introducción: La fotobiomodulacióncorresponde a la exposición de tejidos biológicos a bajos niveles de luz roja e infrarroja, esta terapia estimula la rehabilitación de diferentes tejidos y puede ser utilizada para mejorar la práctica clínica en diferentes áreas de fisioterapia, como por ejemplo, en tratamiento de Trastornos musculoesqueléticos e inflamatorios. Objetivo: Identificar los beneficios de la fotobiomodulación utilizada en la rehabilitación de pacientes con diferentes patologías traumato-ortopédicas. Metodología: Esta es una revisión integradora con búsqueda en línea en plataformas de datos: Medline y PubMed. Los descriptores fueron: fotobiomodulación, taumato-ortopedia y rehabilitación. Los idiomas seleccionados fueron: portugués, inglés y español, entre los años 2018 a 2022. Resultados: La descripción de los hallazgos en los ensayos clínicos analizados muestra que la terapia de fotobiomodulación tiene diferentes usos en la práctica clínica y que su uso produce efectos analgésicos, antiinflamatorios y regenerador en trastornos musculoesqueléticos. Conclusiones: De acuerdo con la revisión de los artículos, se pudo apreciar que la terapia de fotobiomodulación confirma sus beneficios y efectividad, por lo tanto, tornándose positiva en el desempeño trauma-ortopédico, generando resultados significativos cuando se compara con otros recursos (AU).

Humans , Pathology , Rehabilitation , Traumatology , Low-Level Light Therapy/instrumentation , Tissue Adhesions
Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 75-83, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567043


Background and Objectives: the present study was conducted in the city of Rivera, situated in northern Uruguay on the border with Brazil. The disease initially progressed slowly in 2020, with subsequent outbreaks followed by a rapid increase in incidence. The objective was to explore the relationship between the spatial distribution of COVID-19 cases in a binational city and variables such as socioeconomic status, population density, and mobility patterns, with the aim of informing public policies. Methods: an exploratory study was conducted between August 2020 and January 2021 using data obtained from the Ministry of Health. The explanatory variables considered included population density, socioeconomic level, and mobility. Three distinct periods from 2020 to 2021 were identified. Spatial autocorrelation was analyzed using Moran's Index and the Gi* statistic (Getis & Ord). Hierarchical cluster analysis was employed to identify homogeneous groups of census segments. Results: a total of 1,846 cases were georeferenced. Through hierarchical cluster analysis, seven homogeneous groups were identified. Mobility was found to explain the incidence of cases among the high socioeconomic level group, while population density accounted for the differences observed in the low socioeconomic group. Conclusion: in this city, priority should be given to populations residing in areas with higher population density and greater mobility. This small-scale territorial analysis provides valuable information for developing localized policies aimed at addressing health crises.(AU)

Justificación y Objetivos: el estudio se realizó en la ciudad de Rivera, situada en el norte del país en la frontera con Brasil. La enfermedad progresó lentamente durante 2020, con brotes posteriores seguidos de un rápido aumento de la incidencia. El objetivo fue explorar la relación entre la distribución espacial de los casos de COVID-19 en una ciudad binacional y variables como nivel socioeconómico, densidad poblacional y patrones de movilidad, con el objetivo de informar políticas públicas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio exploratorio entre agosto 2020 y enero 2021 con datos del Ministerio de Salud, considerando semanas epidemiológicas. Las variables explicativas consideradas fueron densidad poblacional, nivel socioeconómico y movilidad. Se identificaron tres periodos temporales desde agosto 2020 hasta enero 2021. Se analizo la autocorrelación espacial empleando el Índice de Moran y estadística Gi* (Getis & Ord). Mediante el análisis de cluster jerárquico, fue posible identificar grupos homogéneos de segmentos censales. Resultados: se georreferenciaron un total de 1.846 casos. Mediante análisis de cluster jerárquico, se identificaron siete grupos homogéneos. Para el nivel alto socioeconómico, la movilidad es el factor explicativo de una mayor incidencia de casos. Mientras que, para para el grupo de nivel bajo, la densidad de la población fue el factor explicativo de las diferencias en la presentación de la enfermedad. Conclusión: la población a ser priorizada en esta ciudad corresponde a aquellas zonas con mayor densidad poblacional y donde se incrementa la movilidad. El análisis territorial a pequeña escala genera información para la construcción de política local, ante una crisis sanitaria, que la hace más eficaz.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivos: o presente estudo foi realizado na cidade de Rivera, localizada no norte do Uruguai, na fronteira com o Brasil. A doença progrediu lentamente durante 2020, com surtos subsequentes seguidos por um rápido aumento na incidência. O objetivo foi explorar a relação entre a distribuição espacial dos casos de COVID-19 em uma cidade binacional e variáveis como nível socioeconômico, densidade populacional e padrões de mobilidade, com o objetivo de informar políticas públicas. Métodos: estudo exploratório foi realizado entre agosto de 2020 e janeiro de 2021 com dados do Ministério da Saúde. As variáveis explicativas incluíram densidade populacional, nível socioeconômico e mobilidade. Três períodos distintos de 2020 a 2021 foram identificados. Autocorrelação espacial foi analisada com o Índice de Moran e a estatística Gi* (Getis & Ord). Utilizando a análise de cluster hierárquico, foi possível identificar grupos homogêneos de segmentos censitários. Resultados: um total de 1.846 casos foi georreferenciado. Através da análise de cluster hierárquico, sete grupos homogêneos foram identificados. A mobilidade foi encontrada como explicativa para a incidência de casos no grupo de alto nível socioeconômico, enquanto a densidade populacional explicou as diferenças observadas no grupo de baixo nível socioeconômico. Conclusão: nessa cidade, as populações a serem priorizadas são aquelas que residem em áreas com maior densidade populacional e maior mobilidade. Essa análise territorial em pequena escala fornece informações valiosas para o desenvolvimento de políticas locais destinadas a lidar com crises de saúde.(AU)

Social Class , Social Mobility , Population Density , Spatio-Temporal Analysis , Social Factors , COVID-19/epidemiology
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 84(1): 100-110, mar. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565735


La radioterapia de cabeza y cuello posee un rol central en el tratamiento de las neoplasias otorrinolaringológicas, ya sea como tratamiento adyuvante a la cirugía o como terapia definitiva. Dentro de este campo de estudio, un tópico aún poco explorado y motivo de debate, es la indicación de irradiación de los ganglios linfáticos retrofaríngeos, correspondientes a los niveles VIIa y VIIb de cuello. Hemos llevado a cabo una revisión sistemática con el objetivo de dilucidar criterios de irradiación electiva de estos grupos nodales y de emitir recomendaciones en cuanto a su inclusión en la práctica de la radio-oncología.

Radiation therapy has a central role in the management of head and neck malignancies, either as adjuvant treatment after surgery or as definitive therapy. Within this field of study, a still poorly explored and matter-of-debate topic is the indication for irradiation of retropahyngeal lymph nodes, corresponding to neck levels VIIa and VIIb. We have conducted a systematic review with the objective of elucidating elective irradiation criteria for these nodal groups and to issue recommendations about its inclusion in the practice of radiation oncology.

Humans , Otorhinolaryngologic Neoplasms/radiotherapy , Lymph Nodes , Neck
Rev. arch. med. familiar gen. (En línea) ; 21(1): 36-41, mar. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554293


Antecedentes. Ante la pandemia de COVID-19 el sistema de salud reasignó recursos económicos para la atención. Objetivo. Determinar el costo de la atención y el porcentaje del gasto en salud por COVID-19 en una unidad de medicina familiar de primer nivel de atención. Metodología. Estudio de costo y porcentaje de gasto en COVID-19 en una unidad de primer nivel de atención. Se identificaron los servicios generales y finales, para construir el costo fijo se utilizó la técnica de tiempos y movimientos, se identificaron el total de partidas presupuestales ejercidas en la unidad médica para cada uno de los servicios, para desagregar el gasto de los servicios generales a los finales se construyeron ponderadores. El costo variable se realizó con la técnica consenso de expertos y microcosteo. El costo promedio se relacionó con la productividad por servicio y con el total de pacientes atendidos por COVID-19, el resultado se relacionó con el presupuesto ejercido de la unidad. Resultados. El costo anual de la atención de COVID-19 en módulo respiratorio fue 158.597,25 dólares americanos, en medicina familiar fue 192.549,36 dólares americanos, el costo total ejercido en el año 2021 para atención de SARS COV 2 en una unidad de primera atención fue 351.146,61 dólares americanos. Esta cantidad representa el 9,6 % del gasto en salud. Conclusión. El costo en atención de COVID-19 y el porcentaje del gasto en salud en primer nivel de atención es elevado (AU)

Background. In the COVID-19 pandemic, the health system reallocated financial resources for care. Objetive. To determine the cost of care and the percentage of health spending due to COVID-19 in a first level care family medicine unit. Metodology. Study of the cost and percentage of spending on COVID-19 in a first-level care unit. The general and final services were identified, to construct the fixed cost, the technique of times and movements was used, the total budget items exercised in the medical unit for each of the services were identified, to disaggregate the expense of general services to the endings were constructed weights. Variable costing was performed using the expert consensus technique and microcosting. The average cost was related to productivity per service and to the total number of patients treated for COVID-19, the result was related to the budget used by the unit. Results. The annual cost of COVID-19 care in the respiratory module was 158.597,25 US dollars, in family medicine it was 192.549,36 US dollars, the total cost incurred in 2021 for SARS COV 2 care in a unit of first attention was 351.146,61 US dollars. This amount represents 9,6% of health spending. Conclusion. The cost of COVID-19 care and the percentage of health spending at the first level of care is high (AU)

Humans , Primary Health Care/economics , Health Care Costs/statistics & numerical data , Public Expenditures on Health , COVID-19/economics , Family Practice/economics , Mexico
Online braz. j. nurs. (Online) ; 23(supl.1): e20246708, 08 jan 2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1555338


OBJETIVO: Analisar a dosimetria do laser de baixa intensidade no processo de cicatrização de úlcera venosa. MÉTODO: Trata-se de um protocolo de revisão sistemática registrado no International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) sob código de registro CRD420211256286. Serão realizadas buscas por evidências científicas em 11 bases de dados, utilizando os idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. A exportação das publicações seguirá as etapas de identificação e seleção dos estudos, e extração dos dados. As divergências serão resolvidas por consenso dos dois revisores, e caso persistam, um terceiro revisor será consultado para decidir sobre a inclusão do material. A ferramenta Risk of Bias 2 (RoB 2) será utilizada para avaliar o risco de viés dos estudos dos ensaios clínicos randomizados, ao passo que a ferramenta Risk of Bias in Non-randomized Studies of Interventions (ROBINS-I) será utilizada para avaliar o risco de viés dos ensaios clínicos não randomizados. A análise crítica dos materiais selecionados quanto à dosimetria do laser de baixa intensidade para cicatrização de úlcera venosa resultará em uma síntese narrativa, sem metanálise.

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the dosimetry of low-level laser therapy in the healing process of venous ulcers. METHOD: This is a protocol for systematic review registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews under registry code CRD420211256286. Articles will be searched in 11 databases using Portuguese, English, and Spanish languages. The export of publications will follow the steps of study identification, selection, and data extraction. Disagreements will be resolved by consensus among reviewers; if they persist, a third reviewer will be consulted to decide whether to include the material. The Risk of Bias 2 (RoB 2) tool will be used to assess the validity of randomized clinical trials, while the Risk of Bias in Non-randomized Studies of Interventions (ROBINS-I) tool will be used to assess the risk of bias in non-randomized clinical trials. The critical analysis of selected materials on dosimetry of low-level laser therapy for venous ulcer healing will result in a narrative synthesis without meta-analysis.

Varicose Ulcer/radiotherapy , Wound Healing , Dosimetry , Low-Level Light Therapy , Systematic Reviews as Topic
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016770


Background According to the Classification and Catalogue of Occupational Diseases, brucellosis is one of the notifiable occupational infectious diseases, which occurs from time to time in the occupational population. Objective To compare the work-related injury appraisal process and results of 13 cases of brucellosis at both provincial and municipal levels, analyze and summarize the bias in the practical work of labor capacity identification for occupational diseases such as brucellosis by appraisal management departments and experts, and propose suggestions for optimizing appraisal work. Methods A comparative study was conducted on the objective examination results and labor capacity appraisal conclusions based on the occupational contact history, clinical diagnosis, occupational disease diagnosis staging, and labor capacity appraisal of 13 patients with brucellosis. The reasons for the inconsistency between the initial appraisal conclusion by institutions at the municipal level and the final appraisal conclusion by institutions at the provincial level were compared and analyzed. Results All of the 13 patients with brucellosis applied for municipal-level labor capacity identification after being identified as work-related injuries, 11 of which did not receive a disability level, and 2 were rated as level 10 disability. Four of those who did not receive the disability rate applied for provincial-level labor capacity identification. As a result, 2 cases were maintained original appraisal conclusions, while the other 2 changed the conclusions to level 9 disability and level 10 disability respectively. It was the first time in Shijiangzhuang municipal-level primary labor capacity appraisal and Hebei provincial-level labor capacity re-appraisal that the work-related injury caused by occupational brucellosis was rated as level 9 disability or level 10 disability. Hence, the lessons learned from this comparative analysis are that the degree of target organ damage and (or) organ dysfunction are the direct basis for work-related injury appraisal; an objective and scientific labor capacity identification for occupational brucellosis should base on the each case of disability evaluation, identify the relevant target organ damage and the degree of dysfunction, and rate the disability level after a comprehensive appraisal. Conclusion This analysis would be a guidance to the identification of labor capacity for occupational brucellosis in Hebei Province and the whole country. There is a hysteresis issue in the occupational disease provisions in the national standard GB/T 16180—2014 Standard for identify work ability—Gradation of disability caused by work-related injuries and occupatiaonal diseases. In current situation, appraisal experts should not only search for clauses that directly correspond to the occupational diseases and injuries, but also target conditions not covered in the clauses and conduct assessment based on the characteristics of occupational diseases, with scientific, accurate, and flexible application of the clauses in the standard and appendix, so as to make fair, just, and professional appraisal conclusions.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016920


ObjectiveTo investigate the noise level and influencing factors in metro platforms and station halls, thereby providing the scientific basis for the establishment of hygienic standards. MethodsDuring the morning peak(7:00‒9:30)and off-peak (9:30‒17:00) on weekdays, the noise levels were measured with noise meters at 39 monitoring points of 13 station platforms and 31 monitoring points of 6 station halls. The monitoring points arrangement and detection methods referred to the Examination methods for public places—Part 1: physical parameters(GB/T 18204.1‒2013). ResultsThe measured noise level in the station ranged from 69.25 to 86.17 dB(A), accounting for 44.74% below 75 dB(A), 89.47% below 80 dB(A) and 97.37% below 85 dB(A).The noise level of the platform [(76.38±4.19) dB(A)] was higher than that of the station hall [(74.24±4.50) dB(A)](P<0.01). The noise level of the elevated platforms [(80.01±2.25) dB(A)] was higher than that of the underground platforms [(75.73±4.13) dB(A)](P<0.01), and the noise level of the platforms without platform screen doors(PSD) [(80.21±5.08) dB(A)] was higher than that of platforms with PSD[(74.73±3.16) dB(A)] (P<0.01). No statistical significant differences were observed among the different areas of the platforms, monitoring periods, platform depth, exit mode and operation years (P>0.05). ConclusionThe noise level in metro stations in the city does not fully meet the requirements of current relevant standards. It is suggested to take noise reduction measures to reduce the noise of metro stations.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016980


Objective To explore the mediating role of cognitive function in the association between literacy level and depressive symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people in China. Methods  Using the fourth national follow-up data of the China Health and Elderly Care Tracking Survey 2018, 8 124 middle-aged and elderly people aged 45 years and above were included as the study subjects. The PROCESS 4.0 program was used to test the mediating effect of cognitive function between literacy level and depressive symptoms, and the Bootstrap method was used for the mediator variable validation. Results The detection rate of depressive symptoms among middle-aged and elderly people in China was 38.10%. After controlling for gender, place of residence, marital status, smoking, alcohol consumption, and exercise, literacy level was a negative predictor of depressive symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people (β =-0.480, t =-11.248, P<0.001). Cognitive function accounted for 58.75% of the amount of mediating effect between literacy level and depressive symptoms. Conclusion  Literacy level and cognitive function are associated with depressive symptoms in middle-aged and elderly people. Literacy level can influence depressive symptoms directly or indirectly through the mediation of cognitive dysfunction.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016987


Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of varicella epidemic in kindergartens and schools in Jinshan District of Shanghai from 2015 to 2022,and to understand the varicella antibody level in students aged under 30 years old,to provide evidence for developing control and prevention strategies. Methods Data of varicella epidemic situation at schools and kindergartens and varicella cases were analyzed by descriptive methods.Collect serum from healthy individuals under 30 years old to detect IgG antibody levels of varicella zoster virus.Results From 2015 to 2022, a total of 91 cases of chickenpox were reported in kindergartens and schools in Jinshan District, Shanghai, involving 412 cases.The peak incidence occurs from October to December,kindergarten childcare and primary school children were at high risk of varicella .The incidence of fever(χ2=12.93,P<0.001) and moderate to severe rash(χ2=28.79,P<0.001) in patients with varicella vaccination was lower than that in patients without varicella vaccination. A total of 227 people were surveyed,the positive rate of varicella antibody was 62. 56%,the geometric mean titer ( GMT) was 2.22±0.68(165.96mIU/ml).The difference of GMT(F=6.87,P<0.001) and positive rate (χ2=29.14,P<0.001)of antibody in different age groups was statistically significant,the positive rate was lowest in the age group of 1-3 years, and gradually increased with the increase of age. Conclusion Autumn and winter in Jinshan District are the seasons with high incidence of chickenpox in kindergartens and primary schools,two doses of chickenpox inoculation can not only reduce clinical symptoms, but also block the transmission of chickenpox epidemic,it is suggested schools and health facilities make chicken pox monitoring work, get the chickenpox vaccine on time.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017032


Objective To analyze the micronucleus rate of radiation workers and to provide accurate occupational health monitoring basis in radiation workers exposed to low-level ionizing radiation for a long time. Methods The radiation group consisted of 353 radiation workers who had been exposed to ionizing radiation during work, while the control group consisted of 41 radiation workers who had not yet been exposed to ionizing radiation before work. The cytokinesis-block micronucleus method was used to determine the micronucleus rate. Results The average micronucleus rate in the radiation group was significantly higher than that in the control group (t = −2.95, P < 0.05). In the radiation group, the micronucleus rate gradually increased with age, and the difference was statistically significant (F = 8.36, P < 0.05). The micronucleus rates of workers with > 10 and > 30 years of service were significantly higher than those of workers with < 10 years of service (χ2 = −44.79, −60.47, P < 0.05). The micronucleus rate in females was significantly higher than that in males (t = 3.93, P < 0.05). The micronucleus rates in the diagnostic radiology group and the industrial detection group were significantly higher than that in the control group (t = 3.51, 3.65, P < 0.05). Conclusion The micronucleus rate has increased among the radiation workers exposed to low-level ionizing radiation for a long time. It is necessary to further strengthen occupational health monitoring and radiation protection education for radiation workers, especially the medical workers that constitute the largest population of radiation exposure workers.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017040


Objective To investigate the radioactivity levels of gross α and gross β in foods around Zhangzhou nuclear power plant, China before operation. Methods Forty-nine samples from 33 kinds of foods in 5 categories of daily food around Zhangzhou nuclear power plant were collected, pretreated, dried, and ashed. The radioactivity levels of gross α and gross β were measured by the low-background α and β measuring instrument. The atomic absorption technique was employed to measure the level of potassium (K), and the radioactivity level of gross β (subtracting 40K) was calculated with K concentrations in different foods consulted from the nutritional dietary system. Results The radioactivity levels of gross α in vegetables and fruits, grain, poultry and livestock, aquatic products, and tea around Zhangzhou nuclear power plant were < minimum detectable level (MDL)-7.97, < MDL-6.82, < MDL, < MDL-20.76, and 11.90-23.08 Bq/kg, respectively; the radioactivity levels of gross β were 34.56-122.81, 13.05-188.96, 56.00-108.34, 17.86-169.01, and 123.74-171.63 Bq/kg, respectively; the radioactivity levels of gross β (subtracting 40K) were not detected (ND)-14.27, ND-27.86, ND-48.72, ND-45.85, and 6.69-13.79 Bq/kg, respectively. Conclusion The radioactivity of gross α and gross β in foods around Zhangzhou nuclear power plant before operation is basically at the same level as that in other areas of China.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017047


Computed tomography (CT) examination may expose patients to a high radiation dose. The reduction of radiation dose in pediatric CT examinations is becoming increasingly important. The diagnostic reference level (DRL) is a practical tool that can achieve optimization of protection and reduce radiation dose in pediatric CT examinations. This article provides a brief summary of the concept, development methods, current situations by country, and issues related to the DRL in pediatric CT examinations, aiming to provide a references for radiation protection optimization in pediatric CT examinations in China.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017619


OBJECTIVE To explore the neural mechanisms underlying the speech perception in individuals with normal hearing under the influence of selective attention.METHODS There were 32 individuals with normal hearing who were recruited.By manipulating the participants'selective attention,two simultaneous speech streams were differentiated into target and interfering speech.Participants were guided to complete an auditory perception electroencephalogram(EEG)experiment.Fourier spectrum analysis was used to calculate the spectrum responses induced by the two types of speech,and the differences in EEG energy values at the levels of character,word,and phrase were compared.RESULTS This study observed significant differences in the EEG responses between target and ignored speech at the word level(2 Hz),while no significant differences were observed at the character level(4 Hz)and phrase level(1 Hz).CONCLUSION In environments with multiple speech streams,selective attention primarily processes and encodes the interested speech at the word level rapidly and effectively.This study preliminarily reveals how the brain represents auditory language and constructs different language hierarchy units under the modulation of selective attention,providing a theoretical model for hearing aid algorithms in hearing-impaired patients.