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Interdisciplinaria ; 35(2): 395-408, dic. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019914


El presente artículo hace una reflexión sobre la implementación del enfoque de desarrollo humano en las organizaciones laborales. Se explicarán los elementos socio-históricos que originaron su creación, el papel del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) y los principales pilares del paradigma a partir de una discusión teórica del concepto de capacidades. Propone que el enfoque de desarrollo humano, y en particular el de capacidades humanas, tiene diversas aplicaciones en el contexto organizacional, no limitado al desarrollo de competencias laborales. Se reconoce que las capacidades para la vida en común y para la ciudadanía también pueden fortalecerse en el entorno laboral, siendo las organizaciones espacios de interacción social. Una implementación vigorosa de dichos enfoques requiere superar la mirada economicista de las relaciones laborales, dando lugar a que las organizaciones ofrezcan oportunidades reales, incluyendo la libertad de agencia y la decisión subjetiva, como responsabilidad compartida con el desarrollo de las personas.

This article reflects on the implementation of the human development approach in labor organizations. We will explain the socio-historical elements that led to its creation, the role of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the main pillars of the paradigm, base on a theoretical discussion of the concept of capabilities. We propose that the human development approach, and in particular that of human capacities, has diverse applications in the organizational context, not limited to the development of labor competencies. We recognize that the capacities for life in common can be strengthened in the work environment, since the organizations are also spaces of social interaction. Accepting these premises, employees can be educated for citizenship, while acquiring skills for productive life. A vigorous implementation of these approaches requires overcoming the economicist view of labor relations, giving organizations the chance to offer real opportunities, including agency freedom and subjective decision, as a shared responsibility for the development of people. The paradigm of human development has been widely applied in community work because of its impact on the design of public policies and social programs. In the 1980s, the ideas of the Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq were materialized in the first Human Development Report. Since 1990, to date, UNDP has continued to publish annual reports. Indian philosopher and economist Amartya Sen contributed to the creation of the Human Development Index; along with the American philosopher Martha Nussbaum have developed proposals to develop capabilities. The authors' work proves a high commitment to freedom, human rights and democracy, bringing the welfare economy to political science, economics and ethics. Although the focus has gained attention in government policies and social institutions, its application in labor organizations has not achieved the same diffusion. Recently, the UNDP Human Development Report 2015 has addressed this issue in studying work and its impact on people. Perhaps its lack of application in the labor organizations is that in these the subject is usually conceived as a means of production, not as an end in itself. Hence, development opportunities are usually measured in criteria of productivity and economic growth of the organization, instead of growth and development of people. This approach initially emerges as a critique of the economic model focused on the production of consumer goods, which sought to bring the benefits of increased output to the lower income groups. Far from enumerating the errors and neglects of the models that have sustained injustice, the approach proposes alternatives to pay for this "social debt" that has left great inequality gaps in the vulnerable population. Since its first report, UNDP has emphasized the importance of offering people and Communities options to economic alternatives for empowerment and the expansion of human freedoms. In this sense, the Human Development approach does not deny the important role that the economic conditions of individual, group or collective subjects fulfill, but its message is broader. While it is true that economic factors help meet the essential needs of men, economic growth has no automatic link with human progress (UNDP, 1990). It does not mean neglecting the GDP indicator, but how to translate that growth into the strengthening of human capabilities. We consider it is the development of the subjects that drives the organization, not viceversa. Therefore, the interest that people have in this proposal is special. The central issues for its implementation require defining this paradigm and its main foundations. For this it is necessary to contrast the concept of human capabilities and their possible equivalent in organizations: labor competencies. Finally, we present the implications of free agency and co-responsibility of organizations, since human development obeys a subjective decision.

Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 24(3): 293-300, jul.-set. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-636109


The welfare of farm animals has been important research topic in recent years. The main purpose of this research is to develop appropriate assessment methods, which allow farmers to take measures to improve welfare in order to increase the productivity of animals. In this review, it is shown that there are different approaches to assess the welfare of animals: the biological functioning (health, production), the naturalness of life (normal behavior, natural environment) and affective states (pain, suffering). Thus, the more needs are met, the higher the status of welfare. It is also mentioned the quality assurance schemes on farms, which have different emphasis depending on those who have developed: industry, farmers and researchers. These schemes should include agreed-upon standards and these standards in animal welfare should be evaluated through the resources provided, the husbandry of animals, records of activities with animals and the welfare state from the perspective of the animal. Finally, based on the 5 freedoms or needs identified by the OIE, examples of how to alter the welfare of dairy cows when these freedoms are not met in production systems are shown.

El bienestar de los animales de granja ha sido tema importante de investigación en los últimos años. El propósito principal de estas investigaciones es desarrollar métodos apropiados de evaluación, que permitan a los productores tomar medidas para el mejoramiento del bienestar, con el fin de aumentar la productividad de los animales. En esta revisión, se muestran las diferentes aproximaciones que existen para evaluar el bienestar de los animales: el funcionamiento biológico (salud, producción), la naturalidad de su vida (comportamiento normal, ambiente naturales) y el estado afectivo (dolor, sufrimiento). De esta forma, mientras más de las necesidades se cubran, mayor será el estatus de bienestar. Se mencionan también los esquemas de aseguramiento de calidad en las granjas, los cuales hacen distintos énfasis dependiendo de quienes los han desarrollado: industria, ganaderos o investigadores. Estos esquemas deben incluir estándares previamente acordados y estos estándares en bienestar animal deben ser evaluados a través de los recursos entregados, el manejo zootécnico de los animales, los registros de las actividades con los animales y el estado de bienestar desde la perspectiva del animal. Finalmente en base a las 5 libertades o necesidades definidas por la OIE, se presentan algunos ejemplos de cómo se altera el bienestar de las vacas lecheras cuando estas libertades no se cumplen en los sistemas productivos.