Pediatric liver transplantation has long been developed in the western world.Currently,favorable outcomes after liver transplantation have been achieved in pediatric recipients and the postoperative 5-year survival rate reached 80% in western transplantation centers.In the mainland China,pediatric liver transplantation started quite recently and there is still a big gap compared with western centers.In addition,there is unbalanced development between adult and pediatric recipients due to surgical difficulties and undesirable outcomes following pediatric liver transplantation.The operation methods of pediatric liver transplantation include whole liver transplantation,reduced-size liver transplantation,living donor liver transplantation and split liver transplantation.Perioperative complications of pediatric liver transplantation mainly include portal vein thrombosis,hepatic artery thrombosis,intra-abdominal bleeding,infections,rejection,bile leakage and biliary strictures.While the long-term complications are infections,post-transplantation lymphoproliferative disorders,acute and chronic rejections caused by poor compliance with immunosuppressive therapy.Perioperative complications have been reduced recently thanks to improvement of surgical techniques.With the highly-prolonged survival period,long-term postoperative complications have been playing a significant role in recipients' survival rates.Management of long-term follow-up and compliance has been the next focus of pediatric liver transplantation.