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Salus ; 20(1): 22-26, abr. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-788169


El uso de moscas y otros artrópodos como evidencia para calcular la data de muerte de un cuerpo en estado avanzado de putrefacción, se conoce como entomología forense, una disciplina auxiliar de las ciencias forenses. La presencia de larvas sobre el cuerpo humano sin vida, permite al entomólogo forense apoyar al patólogo, estableciendo los márgenes mínimo de tiempo de muerte transcurridos desde la llegada de los insectos al cuerpo hasta el momento del hallazgo. En este estudio, se presenta un listado de dípteros de importancia médico legal colectadas en las adyacencias de la morgue del Hospital Adolfo Prince Lara, municipio Puerto Cabello. En los meses enero-marzo 2012 se realizaron tres colectas, una por mes. Las moscas se capturaron con el uso de una malla entomológica utilizando como cebo 500 g de hígado de res en estado cromático de descomposición. En cada colecta se tomaron datos de temperatura y humedad relativa (promedio = 30ºC y 48%, respectivamente). Se recolectaron un total de 257 individuos correspondientes a las familias Piophilidae (1,1%), Sarcophagidae (4,1%), Phoridae (10,2%), Muscidae (32,3%) y Calliphoridae (52,3%).Sin embargo, la especie más representativa durante el muestreo en las adyacencias del hospital fue L. cuprina, seguida de C. megacephala.

The use of flies and other arthropods as evidence to estimate the time of death of a body in an advanced state of putrefaction, known as forensic entomology, an auxiliary discipline of forensic science. The presence of larvae on the human body lifeless, allows the forensic entomologist support the pathologist, establishing minimum time frames death since the arrival of the insects to the body until the moment of discovery. In this study, a list of Diptera of forensic importance collected in the vicinity of the hospital Adolfo Prince Lara, Puerto Cabello morgue are presented. In the months January to March 2012 were made three collections, one per month. Using 500 g of beef liver decomposed (in chromatics stage) the flies were taken temperature and relative humidity (mean = 30 and 48%, respectively). A total of 257 individuals corresponding to families Piophilidae (1.1%), Sarcophagidae (4.1%), Phoridae (10.2%), Muscidae (32.3%) and Calliphoridae (52.3%). However, the most representative species during sampling in the vicinity of the was L. cuprina, followed by C. megacephala.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 28(6): 293-298, jun. 2008. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-489055


As moscas Lucilia cuprina, Chrysomya megacephala, Cochliomyia hominivorax e Musca domestica, estão entre as mais importantes pragas da pecuária causando miíases e como portadoras de microrganismos patogênicos. O propósito deste estudo foi testar a eficácia de várias concentrações do óleo de nim sobre pupas das moscas mencionadas em condições de laboratório e de campo. A redução da emergência das moscas das pupas tratadas com 0,6 por cento de óleo de nim foi de 95,6 por cento em condições de laboratório e 94,5 por cento quando aplicado ao solo onde descansam os animais durante a noite. A aplicação do óleo de nim a 0,6 por cento no solo é uma alternativa viável para controle das pupas de L. cuprina, C. megacephala, C. hominivorax e M. domestica.

Flies Lucilia cuprina, Chrysomya megacephala, Cochliomyia hominivorax and Musca domestica, are among the most important arthropod pests of livestock, which produce myiasis and carry pathogenic microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to test of efficacy of various concentrations of neem oil on pupae of the above mentioned flies under laboratory and in field conditions. Reduction of fly emergence from treated pupae with 0.6 per cent of neem oil was 95.6 per cent under laboratory conditions and 94.5 per cent when applied on the soil, where the cattle rest during the night. The application of neem oil at 0.6 per cent on the soil is a viable alternative for controlling pupae of L. cuprina, C. megacephala, C. hominivorax and M. domestica.

Azadirachta , Diptera/classification , Insecticides/administration & dosage , Insecticides/analysis , Pupa , Vector Control of Diseases
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-625836


This study was carried out in Agricultural Park, Teluk Cempedak and Bukit Pelindung at Kuantan, Pahang in October 2007. These three areas were different in ecological characteristic, Agricultural Park is a lowland region in Kuantan rural area, Teluk Cempedak is Kuantan’s most famous beach, and Bukit Pelindung is a reserved rainforest which is 200 meters from the sea level. Fly specimens were collected using four different kinds of baits: dry prawn, salted fish, pork and mango. Each of these baits was placed in a plastic container and exposed for one hour to attract flies. Within 5 minutes, flies started swarming around the baits. The flies were more attracted to the pork and salted fish compared to the other two baits. Fifty one flies, one moth (Lepidoptera) and one wasp (Hymenoptera) were collected. In Agricultural Park, two Lucilia cuprina, one Chrysomya megacephala and one Sarcophaga sp. were collected. For Teluk Cempedak beach, there were two Sarcophagids, 31 Chrysomya megacephala, five Musca domestica, one Lucilia cuprina and one moth were caught. Flies collected from Bukit Pelindung included five C.megacephala, two Sarcophagids, one Musca domestica and one wasp. Most C.megacephala were attracted to the pork and salted fish.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-531279


Objective To study the chronology of development within puparia to determine the postmortem interval(PMI).Methods The necrophagous fly Lucilia cuprina was reared successively in constant temperatures(16℃,20℃,24℃,28℃,32℃).Sample,dissecte,and observe the pupal morphologic changes with the stereomicroscope.Results 7 morphological changes within the puparium can be used as age-markers and the pupal period of Lucilia cuprina can be divided into 9 developmental stages.The time required for each pupal stage was inversely proportional to the temperature.Conclusion Pupal developmental stages can be used as reference to the estimation of PMI.

J Biosci ; 1995 Jun; 20(3): 341-354
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-161029


The ability to withstand thermal stress in a laboratory population of the blowfly Lucilia cuprina (measured as per cent adult survival following varying periods of exposure to elevated temperature up to a maximum of 48°C) was in the order pupa > larva > adult. Pre-exposure to a mild heat shock (37°C) induced tolerance to temperatures which were otherwise lethal. An analysis of heat shock-induced protein synthesis during development at similar elevated temperatures presented patterns corresponding to the above observations on thermotolerance. The induced level of synthesis of major heat shock proteins (viz., 79, 69, 28, 20 and 19 kDa) were greater in larval tissues than in most of the adult tissues except gonads. The response varied between young (2 days) and old (30 days) adults in a tissue-specific manner. In general, heat shock protein 69 kDa was most abundant in all the tissues studied. Control as well as heat shocked Malpighian tubules of adults uniquely showed two major [35S]methionine labelled bands corresponding to approximately 62 and 64 kDa. Immunoblots showed the 62 kDa protein to cross react with an antibody against Helioihis HSP60. Although the synthesis of the 62 kDa polypeptide was prominent only in Malpighian tubules of adult blowflies, nearly equal levels of this HSP60 family polypeptide were present in all tissues (control as well heat shocked) except the larval salivary glands.