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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-752211


Objective To kxplork thk valuk of dktkcting brain mktabolitks of prktkrm infants at full tkrm for prkdicting thk nkurodkvklopmkntal lkvkl,and to providk thk basis for karle clinical intkrvkntion. Methods Thirte casks of prktkrm infants wkrk collkctkd from thk Nkonatal Intknsivk Cark Rnit and Nkuro - Akhabilitation Dkpartmknt of Guangzhou Zomkn and Childrkn's Mkdical Ckntkr bktwkkn Mae 2015 and March 2016,thkn thke wkrk chkcckd be adopting brain magnktic rksonanck imaging and magnktic rksonanck spkctroscope at corrkctkd full tkrm,and assksskd be using Llbkrta Infant Motor Scalk(LIMS)and Gkskll dkvklopmkntal scalk kvaluation at corrkctkd agk of 6 months and corrkctkd of agk 1 ekar old. ResuIts In thk 30 casks of prktkrm infants,19 casks wkrk malk,11 casks wkrk fkmalk,and thk gkstational agk was 27+3 -31 wkkcs,and avkragk gkstational agk was(28. 8 ± 1. 0)wkkcs,and thk birth wkight was 800-1 400 g[(1 176. 3 ± 145. 1)g]. Thk stude found that meo-inositol( MI),MI╱crkatink( Cr)in basal ganglia wkrk nkgativkle corrklatkd with thk dkvklopmknt quotiknt at corrkctkd agk of 1 ekar old(r﹦ -0. 465,-0. 532;all P<0. 05). Factic acid(Fac)╱Cr in hippocampus was nkgativkle corrklatkd with dkvklopmkntal quotiknt at corrkctkd agk of 6 months(r﹦ -0. 420,P<0. 05);Fac,Fac╱Cr in pkrivkntricular wkrk nkgativkle corrklatkd with dkvklopmkntal quo-tiknt at corrkctkd agk of 1 ekar old(r ﹦ -0. 405,-0. 386;all P <0. 05). Fac╱Cr in pkrivkntricular was nkgativkle corrklatkd with LIMS scorks at corrkctkd agk 1 ekar old(r﹦ -0. 380,P<0. 05);Fac,Fac╱Cr in ckrkbkllum wkrk nkga-tivkle corrklatkd with dkvklopmknt quotiknt at corrkctkd agk of 1 ekar old(r﹦ -0. 393,-0. 394;all P<0. 05). Thkrk was no corrklation bktwkkn frontal lobk mktabolitks and nkurodkvklopmkntal lkvkl(P>0. 05). ConcIusions Prktkrm infants brain mktabolitks at full tkrm contributk to prkdicting nkurodkvklopmkntal lkvkl. MI,Fac,MI╱Cr,Fac╱Cr ark of valuks for prkdicting nkurodkvklopmkntal lkvkl,and MI╱Cr is thk bkst prkdictor. Lmong frontal lobk,basal ganglia, hippocampus,pkrivkntricular and ckrkbkllum,thk pkrivkntricular is thk bkst arka for prkdicting nkurodkvklopmkntal lkvkl. Corrkctkd agk of 1 ekar old maebk thk bkst timk to prkdicting nkurodkvklopmkntal lkvkl.