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Rev. medica electron ; 44(5): 811-821, sept.-oct. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409769


RESUMEN Introducción: la ciencia moderna -en especial la enfermería- ha creado una actividad reconocida por más de cuatrocientos años, donde participa el cuidador para ofrecer asistencia integral al enfermo. Objetivo: identificar el nivel de preparación de los cuidadores principales de enfermos operados con lesiones malignas de cerebro. Materiales y métodos: estudio de intervención y desarrollo en el Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, de Matanzas, entre marzo de 2016 y marzo de 2017. El universo estuvo constituido por 46 cuidadores de enfermos operados de lesiones malignas de cerebro. Los procesamientos estadísticos se representaron en frecuencias absolutas: porciento, media, desviación típica, varianza, valor mínimo y máximo. Resultados: predominó el grupo de edad de 50 a 59 años (30,43 %), y el sexo femenino ocupó la mayor incidencia (84,78 %). El 95,65 % representó el nivel más bajo de conocimiento antes del entrenamiento, y luego de este, el nivel medio ocupó el 73,91 %. Conclusiones: los cuidadores principales de enfermos operados de lesiones malignas de cerebro manifestaron satisfacción por el conocimiento.

ABSTRACT Introduction: modern science, especially nursery, has created a specialty recognized for more than four hundred years, where the caregiver participates to offer a comprehensive care to patient. Objective: to identify the training level of the main caregivers of patients with brain cancer surgery. Materials and methods: interventional and developmental study carried out in the Teaching Clinical Surgical Hospital Comandante Faustino Perez Hernandez, from Matanzas, between March 2016 and March 2017. The universe was constituted by 46 caregivers of patients with brain cancer surgery. Statistical processes were represented in absolute frequencies: percent, median, typical deviation, variance, minimal and maximal value. Results: 50-59 years-old age group predominated (30.43 %), and female gender showed the higher incidence (84.78 %). 95.65 % had the lowest level of knowledge before the training, and after it, medium level was 73.91 %. Conclusions: the primary caregivers of patients with brain cancer surgery stated their satisfaction for knowledge.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-930771


Objective:To investigate the status of anticipatory grief among the main caregivers of maintenance hemodialysis patients, and to analyze its influencing factors.Methods:From April 2021 to July 2021, the main caregivers of 180 patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis in Xiangdong Hospital Affiliated to Hunan Normal University and Liling Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Hunan Province, were selected by convenience sampling method for the research object. The survey was carried out using the General Information Questionnaire, the Anticipatory Grief Scale and the Zarit Caregiver Burden Interview, multiple linear regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of anticipatory grief in the main caregivers of maintenance hemodialysis patients.Results:The total score of Anticipatory Grief Scale in the main caregivers of maintenance hemodialysis patients was 84.43±12.02, and the total score of Zarit Caregiver Burden Interview was 24.92 ± 7.98, which were positively correlated ( r = 0.557, P<0.01).In the multiple linear regression analysis, the caregiver ′s education level, age, gender, care burden and per capita monthly income and the patient ′s age were the influencing factors of anticipatory grief for the main caregivers of maintenance hemodialysis patients ( t values were -5.54-8.75, all P<0.05), which could explain 54.1% of the total variance. Conclusions:The anticipatory grief of the main caregivers of maintenance hemodialysis patients is at a relatively serious level. Medical care should pay more attention to the caregivers and their sadness in their communication, so as to detect problems in time, so as to take targeted measures to the current situation, which is effective to improve their level of grief and improve the quality of care.

Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 36(2): e899, abr.-jun. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1138963


Introducción: A partir de las necesidades de enfermería es posible realizar el trabajo comunitario con pautas a seguir de manera organizada, teniendo en cuenta que estén vinculadas con la promoción de salud. Objetivo: Diseñar una guía de prácticas para Enfermería en la atención al cuidador de pacientes con demencia. Métodos: Investigación de desarrollo tecnológico, se trabajó con un universo de 80 cuidadores principales y cinco enfermeras del departamento de Salud Mental del municipio de Marianao, La Habana, en el período del 2016-2017, se utilizaron como técnicas la revisión documental, encuestas, la escala de Zarit y consulta a expertos. Resultados: Los cuidadores fueron mayoritariamente los hijos, del sexo femenino, amas de casas, con nivel de escolaridad universitario y todos habían experimentado ansiedad y depresión. Las tres primeras necesidades humanas de enfermería afectadas fueron: la comunicación, el autocuidado, el sueño y el descanso, más de la mitad presentaron sobrecarga intensa. Se identificó que el personal de enfermería requiere conocimientos para la atención al cuidador, lo que justificó la elaboración de la guía. Conclusiones: Se reconoció una sobrecarga intensa y necesidades de enfermería afectadas descritas por Virginia Henderson en los cuidadores principales, lo que permite realizar acciones de promoción de salud y prevención de enfermedades a través de la guía de prácticas para enfermería, que se sometió a validación por expertos(AU)

Introduction: Based on nursing needs, community work can be carried out following organized guidelines, taking into account that they are associated to health promotion. Objective: To design a nursing practice guide for attending the caregivers of dementia patients. Methods: In this technological development research, we worked with a population of 80 main caregivers and five nurses from the Mental Health department of Marianao Municipality, Havana, in the period 2016-2017. Document review and the survey were used as techniques, together with the Zarit scale and consults to experts. Results: The caregivers were mainly the children, belonged to the female sex, were housewives, with university education, and all had experienced anxiety and depression. The first three human nursing needs affected were communication, self-care, sleep, and rest, more than half the group presented intense overburden. The nursing staff was identified to requires knowledge for attending the caregiver, which justified the guide preparation. Conclusions: Intense overburden and affected nursing needs were observed, as described by Virginia Henderson for the main caregivers, which allows health promotion and disease prevention actions to be carried out through the nursing practice guide, which was validated by experts(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Caregivers , Practice Guidelines as Topic/standards , Dementia/epidemiology , Nursing Care
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 34(3): e1052, jul.-set. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, CUMED | ID: biblio-1099054


RESUMEN Introducción: En el transcurso de la vida todos somos cuidadores de algún modo. Sin embargo, aprender a serlo no surge de forma automática. Con el gradual envejecimiento de la población aumenta el número de casos que necesitan cuidados. La enfermedad de Alzheimer produce la pérdida gradual de la capacidad de cuidar de sí mismo y por ende se necesita la ayuda de un cuidador familiar, quien asume las principales tareas de cuidado y contrae una gran carga física y psíquica. Objetivo: Caracterizar el malestar psicológico que experimentan los cuidadores principales de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer en los estadios leve y moderado. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo en 35 cuidadores principales de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer leve y moderada del policlínico "Carlos Manuel Portuondo", municipio Marianao. La información fue recogida con el Inventario Neuropsiquiátrico validado al castellano, se procesó con distribuciones de frecuencia absoluta y porcentaje. Resultados: En la categoría de mínimo, predominaron la agitación o agresión (20,00 por ciento), las alteraciones del sueño (22,85 por ciento) y los trastornos de hábitos alimentarios (25,71 por ciento). En la categoría ligero, prevalecieron la depresión (20,00 por ciento), las alteraciones del sueño (25,71 por ciento) y los trastornos de hábitos alimentarios (22,85 por ciento). En la categoría de moderado, los síntomas más frecuentes fueron las repeticiones (25,71 por ciento), la depresión y la ansiedad, ambos con un 22,85 por ciento, la apatía y la irritabilidad, con un 20,00 por ciento. En la categoría de severo, el SPC más frecuente fue las repeticiones (20,00 por ciento). Conclusiones: En los cuidadores principales de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer en los estadios leve y moderado predominó el malestar mínimo, ligero y moderado, presentaron mayor malestar ante la presencia de agitación o agresión, alteraciones del sueño, trastornos de hábitos alimentarios, depresión, repeticiones, ansiedad, apatía e irritabilidad(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: In the course of our lives, we are all caregivers in some way. However, learning how to be one does not come up automatically. With an increase in population aging, the number of cases of people needing care also increases. Alzheimer's disease produces the gradual loss of the capacity to take care of oneself and therefore there is the need for the help of a family caregiver, who assumes the main caring tasks together with great physical and mental burden. Objective: To characterize the psychological distress experienced by the main caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease in the mild and moderate stages. Methods: Descriptive study with 35 main caregivers of patients with mild and moderate Alzheimer's disease of Carlos Manuel Portuondo Polyclinic of Marianao Municipality. The information was collected with the Neuropsychiatric Inventory validated in Spanish, processed with absolute frequency and percentage distributions. Results: In the category minimum, agitation or aggression (20.00 percent), sleep disturbances (22.85 percent) and eating habits disorders (25.71 percent) predominated. In the category light, depression (20.00 percent), sleep disturbances (25.71 percent) and eating habits disorders (22.85 percent) prevailed. In the category moderate, the most frequent symptoms were repetitions (25.71 percent), depression and anxiety, both with 22.85 percent, apathy and irritability, with 20.00 percent. In the category severe, the most frequent SPC was the repetitions (20.00 percent). Conclusions: In the main caregivers of patients with Alzheimer's disease in the mild and moderate stages, the minimum, slight and moderate discomfort prevailed. They presented greater discomfort in the presence of agitation or aggression, sleep disturbances, eating disorders, depression, repetitions, anxiety, apathy and irritability(AU)

Humans , Caregivers/statistics & numerical data , Dementia/etiology , Alzheimer Disease/epidemiology , Cognitive Dysfunction/psychology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Data Collection/methods
Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 133-138, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-708707


Objective To explore the effects of family empowerment program on comprehensive care ability and care preparedness for main caregivers of patients with initial stroke.Methods A total of 64 main caregivers of patients with initial stroke were enrolled from a tertiary hospital in Hangzhou from January 2017 to July 2017,and assigned into the intervention group and the control group according to different wards,with 33 cases in the intervention group and 31 cases in the control group.Both groups received routine care,and the intervention group also received family empowerment program.The stroke caregivers' comprehensive care ability questionnaire and the Caregiver Preparedness Scale were used to evaluate the effects of the intervention.Results Before the intervention,there were no statistically significant differences in disease-related knowledge,daily and disease-related care skills,self-stress and health management,coping strategies,and total scores of comprehensive care ability,and caregiver preparedness scores between two groups(P>0.05).After the intervention,the total scores and each dimension score of comprehensive care ability,and caregiver preparedness scores of two groups were significantly higher than those before the intervention,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion Family empowerment program can effectively improve comprehensive care ability and care preparedness of main caregivers of patients with initial stroke,making the caregiver playing a positive role in the rehabilitation of stroke patients.