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Indian J Med Microbiol ; 2016 Oct-Dec; 34(4): 533-535
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-181125


The prognosis of infected individuals with candidemia depends on rapid and precise diagnosis which enables optimising treatment. Three fungal DNA extraction protocols have been compared in this study for medically important Candida species. The quality and quantity of the DNA extracted by physical, chemical and automated protocols was compared using NanoDrop ND-2000 spectrophotometer. It was found that the yield and purity (260/230) ratio of extracted DNA was significantly high in the physical treatment‑based protocol as compared to chemical based or automated protocol. Extracted DNA‑based real time‑polymerase chain reaction showed an analytical sensitivity of 103 cfu/mL. The result of this study suggests physical treatment is the most successful extraction technique compared to other two protocols.

Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 54(2): 92-99, 2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-779280


Objetivos. Determinar a través de extracción manual, el volumen de calostro, leche de transición y leche materna madura producidos por las madres de niños prematuros y medir el incremento de peso de estos niños alimentados exclusivamente con leche materna madura utilizando sonda orogástrica.Material y métodos. Estudio longitudinal, realizado en el Servicio de Neonatología del Hospital de la Mujer, ciudadde La Paz. Fueron incluidos doce madres y sus hijos prematuros y se aplicó una encuesta con variables sociodemográficas.Se registró la producción por extracción manual, de calostro, leche de transición y leche materna madura y la ganancia diaria de peso de los niños prematuros alimentados exclusivamente con leche materna madura utilizando sonda orogástrica. Resultados. Las madres producen mediante extracción manual, calostro en un promedio de 71 ml/día (+/- 41,6 DE)de 1 a 4 días, leche de transición 207 ml/día (+/- 81,9 DE) de 5 a 10 días y leche madura 333 ml/día (+/- 105,1 DE)de 11 a 17 días. Las madres de niños de Muy bajo peso al nacer (MBPN), producen un mayor volumen de calostro, leche de transición y madura. El volumen de leche madura producida es mayor en madres de niños Pequeños para la edad gestacional (PEG), en comparación con madres de niños Adecuados para la edad gestacional (AEG). Los niños estudiados fueron alimentados exclusivamente con leche materna, de los cuales 83,3...

Objectives. To determine through the manual extraction, the volumes of colostrum, transition milk and mature maternal milk produced by premature children's mothers, and to measure the increase in these children's weight nourished exclusively with mature maternal milk using orogastric tube. Material and methods. A longitudinal study, carried out in the Service of Neonatology at the “Hospital de la Mujer”, in the city of La Paz. Twelve mothers and their premature sons were enrolled, and an inquiry with socio-demographic variables was applied. The maternal production of milk by manual extraction and a daily increase in the premature children’s weight nourished exclusively with mature maternal milk using orogastric tube was registered. Results. Mothers produce through manual extraction an average of 71 ml/day (+/- 41.6 SD) of colostrum between 1 to 4 days; transition milk of 207 ml/day (+/- 81.9 SD) between 5 to 10 days, and mature milk of 333 ml/day (+/- 105.1 SD) between 11 to 17 days.The mothers of children who are Very low birth weight (VLBW) produce a larger volume of colostrum, transition milk and mature milk. The volume of mature milk produced is larger in mothers of children who are Small for gestational age (SGA) in comparison to mothers of children who are Appropriate for gestational age (AGA).The children included in this study were nourished exclusively from maternal milk, from them 83.3% presented an adequate increase in weight. The average increase in weight from the tenth day to the seventeenth day oscillates between 18 and 40 grams per day.Conclusions.The manual extraction of mother’s milk allows for delayed suckle, giving volumes superior to the requirements of the lactant. These findings are important for nutritional education, and are a favorable alternative for mothers of premature children, or mothers who are studying, working or cannot suckle for any other reason.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant , Breast Feeding , Milk Banks , Enteral Nutrition/methods , Infant, Low Birth Weight/growth & development
Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 54(2): 118-121, 2009. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-779282


La lactancia materna es una práctica naturalfundamental para el sano crecimiento y desarrollo delniño.La producción de leche materna (LM) se iniciadespués del parto y la cantidad producida, dependeráen primera instancia de la succión del niño y lafrecuencia en que es amamantado. La succiónestimula las terminaciones nerviosas del pezón quemandan un mensaje al cerebro para que la prolactinaproduzca leche y para que la oxitocina permita la salidade la leche. Los estímulos paratípicos que proporcionapara el crecimiento del sistema estomatognático con lasucción y la deglución ejercen un movimiento complejode la cara, los labios y la lengua, que constituyen lapreparación para el lenguaje, evitan la deformación dela dentadura y previenen la caries dental...

Humans , Female , Infant , Adult , Breast Feeding , Milk Banks