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J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 44(1): 22-26, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558284


Introduction: Gender inequality occurs in all spheres of society, which is no different in the medical field. Abstract presentations in congress are the vanguard of scientific knowledge, an integral part of topic discussion, and, ideally, culminate in the publication of these works as complete manuscripts. Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the role played by women in the presentation of scientific works at the Brazilian Society of Coloproctology congress and in the works published from these presentations. Methods: The bibliometric evaluation of the presented abstracts in the editions from 2015 to 2018 of the Brazilian Congress of Coloproctology was used, along with the works later published from these presentations. Gender identification data was extracted from the authors of the abstracts through their names and research for conference on the Lattes and Google Scholar platforms. The collected data was on the number of female participants and their order of authorship of abstracts and publications, evaluating possible changes when publication occurs. Results: A total of 1,336 abstracts were analyzed, with 91.6% of female authors. When publication occurs, women's presence dropped to 75.2% and suffered a change of order in the position of authorship to one of lesser relevance in 38.1%. Conclusion: Women's participation occurs in most abstracts. However, this proportion undergoes unfavorable changes when these works are published, either by changing the order of authorship, when women leave main positions and become coauthors, or are removed from the complete manuscript's publication. (AU)

Sex Factors , Meeting Abstract , Bibliometrics , Colorectal Surgery , Congresses as Topic
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 43(3): 179-184, July-sept. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521146


Introduction: The purpose of this retrospective bibliometric study was to assess the discrepancies between coloproctology surgery meeting abstracts and subsequent full-length manuscript publications. Methods: Abstracts presented at the Brazilian Congress of Coloproctology Surgery from 2015 to 2019 were compared with matching manuscript publications. Discrepancies between the abstract and therefore the subsequent manuscript were categorized as major (changes within the purpose, methods, study design, sample size, statistical analysis, results, and conclusions) and minor (changes within the title, authorship, and number of female authors) variations. Results: The conversion rate of abstracts in published manuscripts was 6,9% (121 abstracts). There were inconsistencies between the study title (66,1%), authorship (69,5%), study design (3,3%), sample size (39,2%), statistical analysis (24,8%), results (25,6%), and conclusions (12,4%) of manuscripts compared with their corresponding meeting abstracts. Conclusion: As changes occur before manuscript publication of coloproctology surgery meeting abstracts, caution should be exercised in referencing abstracts or altering surgical practices based on abstracts content. (AU)

Bibliometrics , Colorectal Surgery , Congresses as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Retrospective Studies , Meeting Abstract
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 21(5)oct. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441943


Introducción: La investigación científica tiende a ser presentada mediante reportes escritos, que inicialmente son denominados manuscritos, la revisión de su calidad es importante en el marco del rigor metodológico y científico. Objetivo: Diseñar y validar una rúbrica analítica para evaluar manuscritos científicos. Material y Métodos: Estudio instrumental. Donde se elabora una rúbrica analítica compuesta por 21 aspectos integrados en seis dimensiones y cuatro niveles de desempeño (Excelente, Bien, Regular, Por mejorar). Se utiliza la metodología de jueces expertos (n= 9), fiabilidad mediante el Alfa de Krippendorff (α) y relación prueba criterio externo e información cualitativa para la mejora de los indicadores. Resultados: El juicio de expertos indicó que los 21 aspectos a evaluar pueden ser considerados validos (V de Aiken ≥ 0.70) y fiables (α ≥ 0.70). Además, las sugerencias de los expertos permitieron mejoras cualitativas al instrumento. La aplicación piloto con un grupo de siete evaluadores indicó que la prueba cuenta con poder predictivo, porque se encontró que las puntuaciones de los jueces disminuyen mientras disminuye la calidad del manuscrito seleccionado. Conclusiones: La rúbrica analítica elaborada es un instrumento válido y fiable que puede ser utilizado para la valoración de manuscritos científicos en el ámbito de la educación médica. El proceso metodológico brinda evidencias solidas de su funcionamiento. A pesar de eso, se anima a continuar revisando el instrumento como parte de su proceso de mejora continua.

Introduction: Scientific research tends to be presented through written reports, which are initially called manuscripts. The review of their quality is important in the framework of methodological and scientific rigor. Objective: To design and validate an analytical rubric to evaluate scientific manuscripts. Material and Methods: Instrumental study. An analytical rubric composed of 21 aspects integrated into six dimensions and four performance levels (excellent, good, fair, to be improved) was developed. The methodology of expert judges (n = 9), reliability by means of Krippendorff's alpha (α), external criterion test, and qualitative information for the improvement of the indicators were used. Results: The expert judgment indicated that the 21 aspects to be evaluated can be considered valid (Aiken's V ≥ 0.70) and dependable (α ≥ 0.70). In addition, the experts' suggestions allowed qualitative improvements to the instrument. The pilot application with a group of seven evaluators indicated that the test has predictive power because it was found that the judges' scores decreased as the quality of the selected manuscript decreased. Conclusions: The analytical rubric elaborated is a valid and reliable instrument that can be used for the assessment of scientific manuscripts in the field of medical education. The methodological process provides solid evidence of its performance. Nevertheless, it is encouraged to continue revising the instrument as part of its continuous improvement process.

Humans , Male , Female , Research Report/standards
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 21(1): 43021, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379537


A alienação é uma categoria extremamente complexa, de difícil entendimento, principalmente quando estudada a partir de certas obras de Marx, como os Manuscritos Econômicos-filosóficos de 1844, fragmentado e incompleto. Embora tal noção não tenha sido criada no bojo da teoria marxiana, é nessa vertente que ela adquire um entendimento mais alinhado à realidade social, com raízes no plano econômico. Nos valendo de uma revisão de literatura centrada no tema, esse artigo objetiva uma aproximação ao termo, uma contribuição ao seu entendimento, cujos determinantes que lhe emoldura encontram seu nexo de objetividade sob as configurações estruturais da sociedade burguesa, dominada pelo capital

Alienation is an extremely complex category, difficult to understand, especially when studied from certain works of Marx, such as the Economic-Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, fragmented and incomplete. Although thisnotion was not created in the midst of Marxian theory, it is in this aspect that itacquires an understanding more aligned with social reality, with roots in the economic sphere. Using a literature review centered on the theme, this article aimsto approach the term, a contribution to its understanding, whose determinantsthat frame it find their nexus of objectivity under the structural configurations ofbourgeois society, dominated by capital

Politics , Communism , Economics
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408102


La revisión por pares es un proceso importante al permitir tomar decisiones previas a la publicación de un artículo. Sin embargo, existe escasa información en revistas científicas de Latinoamérica sobre los profesionales que participan en estos procesos. Este trabajo se propuso determinar la distribución geográfica y de género en la revisión por pares realizada en la Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública. Se analizaron las listas de agradecimiento de quienes participaron en la revisión por pares de esta revista desde el año 2010 hasta el 2017. El país de procedencia se identificó a partir de la afiliación institucional, mencionada inicialmente por los revisores, y para la identificación del género se utilizaron los nombres. En caso de existir duda con el género se realizó una búsqueda de imágenes y de perfiles académicos públicos disponibles en Internet. Se encontraron 1 628 menciones de agradecimientos a profesionales que participaron en la revisión por pares; el 60,4 por ciento (n = 983) fueron procedentes del extranjero, principalmente de España, México, Chile, Colombia y Argentina. El 71,1 por ciento (n = 1158) fueron revisores hombres y el 28,9 por ciento (n = 470) revisoras. según la procedencia de las revisoras, el 35,0 por ciento (n = 344) fueron del extranjero y el 19,6 por ciento (n = 126) de Perú; y en los revisores hombres el 65,0 por ciento fueron del extranjero y el 80,6 por ciento de Perú. La revisión por pares en una revista científica biomédica en Perú fue realizada principalmente por profesionales de otros países de habla hispana. Existe una brecha de género que es mayor para la participación de revisoras de Perú(AU)

Peer review is an important process that makes it possible to take decisions before the publication of an article. However, little information is available in Latin American scientific journals about the professionals involved in this process. The purpose of the study was to determine the geographic and gender distribution of peer review in the Peruvian Journal of Experimental Medicine and Public Health. Data about peer reviewers were obtained from the acknowledgements sections of journal issues published from 2010 to 2017. The country of origin was identified from the institutional affiliation reported by peer reviewers, and gender was derived from their proper names. In the event of doubt about a reviewer's gender, a search was conducted for images and public academic profiles available on the Internet. A total 1 628 acknowledgement mentions were found, 60.4percent (n = 983) of which referred to overseas reviewers, mainly from Spain, Mexico, Chile, Colombia and Argentina. 71.1percent (n = 1 158) of the reviewers were male and 28.9percent (n = 470) were female. 35.0percent (n = 344) of the female reviewers were foreign and 19.6percent (n = 126) were from Peru, whereas 65.0percent of the male reviewers were foreign and 80.6percent were from Peru. Peer review in a Peruvian biomedical scientific journal was mainly conducted by professionals from other Spanish-speaking countries. A gender gap was observed which is wider for participation of Peruvian female reviewers(AU)

Humans , Peer Review/methods , Public Health , Scientific and Technical Publications , Manuscripts, Medical as Topic , Latin America
Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 22(2): 83-115, jul.-dez. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1430985


Em homenagem ao centenário da primeira edição do Além do princípio de prazer (1920-2020), propomos neste artigo uma história documental do texto freudiano supracitado. Dois elementos serão priorizados aqui, o contexto editorial mais amplo em meio ao qual a obra foi publicada e os manuscritos que deram origem à versão final do texto. Ao cabo deste estudo, duas hipóteses serão sustentadas, a de que o Além do princípio de prazer foi concebido por Freud como um trabalho clínico com pretensões científicas e a de que ele foi escrito em um diálogo constante com outros psicanalistas e pesquisadores.

In tribute to the centenary of the first edition of Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920-2020), we propose in this article a documental history of the Freudian text. Two elements will be prioritized here, the wider editorial context in which the work was published and the manuscripts that gave rise to the final version of the text. At the end of this study, two hypotheses will be sustained, that Beyond the Pleasure Principle was conceived by Freud as a clinical work with scientific pretensions and that it was written in a permanent dialogue with other psychoanalysts and researchers.

Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion ; (12): 1251-1254, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-877594


From the view of location, through the longitudinal comparison of the meridian name references of "moxibustion on a meridian" from the records in

Acupuncture Points , Acupuncture Therapy , Meridians , Moxibustion , Yin-Yang
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 36(2): 281-287, abr.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020781


RESUMEN Con el objetivo de determinar la tendencia y características de los manuscritos recibidos y rechazados en la Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública (RPMESP) se analizaron los manuscritos que siguieron el proceso editorial del 2011 a 2017 según tipo de manuscrito, características del autor corresponsal y decisiones de rechazo. Se encontró un incremento de manuscritos recibidos de 283 en el 2011 a 495 en el 2017. Los autores corresponsales del extranjero, de provincias del Perú, y del género femenino presentaron un incremento en la contribución total de manuscritos, así como de originales. El promedio global de rechazo fue de 63,1%, siendo 55,8% en el 2011 y 74,7% en el 2017. La no aceptación de los manuscritos originales antes de ser enviados a revisión por pares fue principalmente por deficiencias en el estilo y formato (51,5%). Se evidencia un incremento en la recepción y rechazo de manuscritos, con diferencias según características del autor corresponsal.

ABSTRACT In order to determine the trend and characteristics of the manuscripts received and rejected in the Peruvian Journal of Experimental Medicine and Public Health (RPMESP), the manuscripts that followed the editorial process from 2011 to 2017 were analyzed, according to the type of manuscript, characteristics of the corresponding author, and rejection decisions. An increase in manuscripts received was found, from 283 in 2011 to 495 in 2017. Corresponding authors from abroad, from the provinces of Peru, and females presented an increase in the total contribution of manuscripts, as well as originals. The global average rejection was 63.1%: 55.8% in 2011 and 74.7% in 2017. The non-acceptance of original manuscripts prior to peer review was mainly due to deficiencies in style and format (51.5%). There is an increase in the reception of manuscripts, with differences according to the characteristics of the corresponding author.

Female , Humans , Male , Periodicals as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Publishing/statistics & numerical data , Public Health , Editorial Policies , Peru , Authorship , Decision Making , Biomedical Research
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-775389


Among the medical texts excavated in 2012-2013 from the Han Dynasty tomb at Tianhui township in Sichuan province, we found a collection on the treatment of 60 ailments. Under each ailment, we found one or more formulas, for a total of 106 formulas. The authors of this paper compiled and analyzed these texts based on the original bamboo slips and named this collection with the title Methods for Blending Decoctions to Treat 60 Ailments because the content was focused on blending and making medicinal formulas, and also due to the historical connections with the texts the Record of the Court Scribe, "Biography of Bian Que and Cang Gong". For these reasons, this title was determined, where "blending decoctions" mean "blending and harmonizing medicines optimally in preparation for decocting". The Tianhui texts preserve ancient forms of medicinal formulas, including some once believed to be lost, such as "grain decoctions", "fermented alcohol decoctions", and "fiery decoctions". Based on the historical evidence, we can now ascertain that this text is the "Blending Formulas and Making Decoctions" mentioned in the Record of the Court Scribe written by Cang Gong. Moreover, the medical texts, Canon Formulas in Decoction Form (from the book of Han Dynasty) and the Imperial Pharmacy Formulas to Benefit the People in Song Dynasty are both of this genre of medical literature. The Tianhui text is therefore a representative of this genre of literature in the Western and eastern Han, acting as a key link between early medical formula books and later formula books.

China , Drug Compounding , Methods , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Ethanol , Manuscripts as Topic , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Records
Chinese Journal of Hepatology ; (12): 457-459, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-806719


Objective@#To dynamically analyze the discipline status, influence factors and key issues of Chinese Journal of Hepatology from 2010 to 2016 and explore the development rules of citation indexes.@*Methods@#We collected information published by the China Institute of Scientific and Technological Information [China Science and Technology Journal Citation Report (Core Edition)] and Wanfang Database Periodicals statistical analysis platform from 2010 to 2016. A bibliometric analyses on article volume, citation frequency, citation rate, h-index, ratio of fund-aided papers, periodical influence, key number published period, number of relevant articles, and so on were analyzed for annual’s impact factor.@*Results@#According to the data released by the China Institute of Science and Technology Information, from 2010 to 2011, the impact factor of Chinese Journal of Hepatology was at leading level in the field of internal medicine and ranked sixth in the Journal of Internal Medicine. From 2012 to 2016, the overall comprehensive assessment score and citation frequency score of Chinese Journal of Hepatology were ranked first in the Journal of Gastroenterology. Core impact factors kept the discipline ahead. Indexes such as immediacy index, h- index, cited half-life and all other indicators were increased. Citation rate was >90% and cited issue number had greatly increased.@*Conclusion@#Chinese Journal of Hepatology has a leading position in the Journal of Gastroenterology and credited by inland readers and authors of digestive and infectious fields. It has played a positive role in promoting the development of the discipline.

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 44(1): 17-26, Jan.-Feb. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-842639


ABSTRACT Objective: to assess the conversion rate of Plastic Surgery meeting abstract presentations to full manuscript publications and examine factors associated with this conversion. Methods: we assessed the abstracts presented at the 47th and 48th Brazilian Congresses of Plastic Surgery by cross-referencing with multiple databases. We analyzed the Abstracts' characteristics associated with full manuscript publications. Results: of the 200 abstracts presented, 50 abstracts were subsequently published in full, giving the conference a conversion rate of 25%. The mean time to publish was 15.00±13.75 months. In total, there were 4.93±1.63 authors per abstract and 67.8±163 subjects per abstract; 43.5% of the abstracts were of retrospective studies; 69% comprised the plastic surgery topics head and neck, and chest and trunk, and 88.5% had no statistical analysis. Overall, 80% of the manuscripts were published in plastic surgery journals, 76% had no impact factor and 52% had no citations. Bivariate and multivariate analyses revealed the presence of statistical analysis to be the most significant (p<0.05) predictive factor of conversion of abstracts into full manuscripts. Conclusion: the conversion rate found from this bibliometric research appeared a bit lower than the conversion trend of international plastic surgery meetings, and statistical analysis was a determinant of conversion success.

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar a taxa de conversão de resumos apresentados em congressos de Cirurgia Plástica em publicações de manuscritos completos e examinar fatores associados a essa conversão. Métodos: resumos apresentados nos XLVII e XLVIII Congressos Brasileiros de Cirurgia Plástica foram avaliados por meio de referências cruzadas em diversos bancos de dados. Averiguaram-se as características dos resumos associadas às publicações de manuscritos completos. Resultados: dos 200 resumos apresentados, 50 foram posteriormente publicados na íntegra, determinando uma taxa de publicação de 25%. O tempo médio para publicação foi 15,00±13,75 meses. No total, houve 4,93±1,63 autores/resumo e 67,8±163 pacientes/resumo; 43,5% dos resumos foram estudos retrospectivos; 69% pertenciam aos tópicos crânio, cabeça e pescoço, e tórax e tronco e 88,5% não apresentavam análise estatística. No geral, 80% dos manuscritos foram publicados em revistas de Cirurgia Plástica, 76% não exibiam fator de impacto e 52% não possuíam citações. As análises bivariada e multivariada revelaram que a presença de análise estatística foi o fator preditivo significativo (p<0,05) para a conversão de resumos em manuscritos completos. Conclusão: a taxa de conversão deste estudo bibliométrico foi inferior à tendência de conversão descrita em congressos internacionais de Cirurgia Plástica, e a presença de análise estatística foi um determinante para o sucesso de conversão.

Surgery, Plastic , Congresses as Topic , Abstracting and Indexing , Manuscripts, Medical as Topic , Brazil
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486305


Objective To provide references for the clinical application of Dunhuang prescriptions for treating internal medicine diseases by analyzing medication rules of Dunhuang manuscriptsFu Xing Jue based on data mining method.Methods TCM prescriptions for internal medicine diseases in the Dunhuang manuscriptsFu Xing Jue were input computer. Excel 2003 software was used to establish relevant database. Data mining method was used to analyze the medication rules.Results There were 61 TCM prescriptions in the Dunhuang manuscriptsFu Xing Jue, including66 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine and 336 times of total frequency of usage. The used core single herbs were as follows: Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Paeoniae Radix Alba, Zingiberis Rhizoma,Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens, Scuteliariae Radix, Inulae Flos, Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma, Jujubae Fructus, Lophatheri Herba, Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus, and Cinnamomi Ramulus; medicine types were tonifying-deficiency medicine, heat-clearing medicine, relieving exterior syndrome medicine, interior-warming medicine and antitussive and antiasthmatic medicine, with the cumulative frequency of 80.66%; medicine flavors were bitterness, sweetness and pungentness, with the cumulative frequency of 83.91%; medicine properties were coldness, warmness and peace, with the cumulative frequency of 87.95%; channel tropisms were stomach, lung, spleen, heart, kidney and liver, with the cumulative frequency of 86.15%. Clinical compatibility of medicines for treating internal medicine diseases in Dunhuang medical prescriptions were mainly qi-tonifying medicines (Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma and Jujubae Fructus), blood-replenishing medicine (Paeoniae Radix Alba), and nourishing medicines (Ophiopogonis Radix), supplemented by heat-clearing medicine (Lophatheri Herba andScuteliariae Radix),with relieving exterior syndrome medicines (Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens andCinnamomi Ramulus),interior-warming medicine (Zingiberis Rhizoma), antitussive and antiasthmatic medicine (Inulae Flos), inducing astringency medicine (Schisandrae Chinensis Fructus) as characteristic medication. High-frequency medicines constitute Dunhuang medical prescription of Xiaoyindan Decoction, which can be used to treat epidemic. Conclusion This article concluded the compatibility rules of Dunhuang manuscripts Fu Xing Jue, provide references for clinical medication and research and development of new medicine.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-625263


The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences (MJMS) has conducted a simple analysis of its scholarly publication, based on the auto-generated data compiled from ScholarOne Manuscripts™, an innovative, web-based, submission and peer-review workflow solution for scholarly publishers. The performance of the MJMS from 2014–2015 is reported on in this editorial, with a focus on the pattern of manuscript submission, geographical contributors and the acceptance-rejection rate. The total number of manuscript submissions has increased from 264 in 2014, to 272 in 2015. Malaysians are the main contributors to the MJMS. The total number of manuscript rejections following the review process was 79 (29.9%) in 2014, increasing to 92 (33.8%) the following year, in accordance with the exacting quality control criteria applied by the journal’s editor to the submitted manuscripts.

Med. UIS ; 28(3): 317-325, sep.-dic. 2015. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-776288


INTRODUCCIÓN: Frecuentemente se encuentran errores en protocolos y reportes de investigación, su estudio permite detectar necesidades de educación continua. OBJETIVO: Identificar los errores en los protocolos presentados al Comité Local de Investigación en Salud del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, en Tabasco, México, durante el año 2009. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Diseño transversal descriptivo. Universo: 62 protocolos presentados en el año 2009. Muestra: no probabilística por conveniencia. Criterios de inclusión: protocolos presentados y dictaminados durante el período de estudio, que cuenten con registros de su revisión por pares. Variables: dictámenes, revisores y errores: de presentación, introducción, método y éticos. Fuente de información: archivos de revisiones por pares con base en la "Guía para la evaluación de protocolos de investigación" del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Procedimientos: sistematización de información de revisiones por pares. Análisis: estadística descriptiva. Software: Epi Info® versión 3.3.2 para entorno Windows™. RESULTADOS: Se dictaminaron 50 protocolos de investigación: 32 autorizados (64%), 10 no autorizados (20%) y 8 con dictamen de modificarlo y volverlo a presentar (16%). Errores más frecuentes: sintaxis y ortografía incorrectas, (62%;), carta de consentimiento informado inadecuada, 45%; fundamentación inadecuada del problema, 36%; descripción insuficiente de procedimientos, 36%. CONCLUSIONES: Los errores en las consideraciones éticas y de redacción son los más frecuentes en los protocolos de investigación presentados al Comité Local de Investigación en Salud del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social en Tabasco. Se requiere capacitar en estos aspectos al personal de salud de la institución que realiza o asesora trabajos de investigación

INTRODUCTION: Frequently they found fails in research projects and reports, and your study show continuing education needs. OBJECTIVE: to identify errors in projects presented to Health Research Local Committee of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social from Tabasco, Mexico, during 2009. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Cross-sectional and descriptive design. Universe: 62 projects presented in 2009. Sample: no randomized for convenience. Inclusion criteria: projects presented and ruled in 2009 that and counted with peer review files. Variables: verdicts, reviewers, presentation errors, introduction errors, method errors, ethic methods. Information source: peer review files based on "Research projects evaluation guide" of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Procedures: systematization of peer review information. Analysis: descriptive statistic. Software: Epi Info© version 3.3.2 for Windows™ environment. RESULTS: 50 research projects were ruled: 32 authorized (64%), 10 non-authorized (20%), 8 with modification and sending back to peer-review (16%). As the most frecuent errors, were found: incorrect syntax and spelling 62%, inadequate informed consent letter 45%, lack of appropriate foundation 36%, insufficient description of procedures 36%. Conclusions: The most frequents errors in the research projects presented to the Health Research Local Committee of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social were about the ethical considerations and the redaction. For this reason to qualify in these aspects to health personnel of institution that carry out and advice on research works is required

Peer Review , Research , Guidelines as Topic , Ethics Committees, Research , Manuscripts, Medical as Topic
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-9461


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to analysis the manuscripts rejected for publication in the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration during the last three years six months (2012~2015 Jun). METHODS: Seventy eight rejected manuscripts were analyzed focusing on manuscripts characteristics, such as rejection rates, year of submission, occupation of first author and corresponding author, number of authors, funding, thesis or dissertation, article type, study participants, number of reviews prior to rejection, and 3rd reviewer. Also reviewers' quantitative evaluation scores and subjective comments were analyzed. Reviewers' subjective comments were analyzed using content analysis methodology. RESULTS: The mean rate for manuscript rejection was 28.9% and for quantitative research, qualitative research, and review papers the quantitative evaluation scores were 2.54+/-0.70, 2.39+/-0.69, and 2.39+/-0.69 out of 5 points, respectively. The most frequent subjective comment on rejected manuscripts was 'lack of rationale for research need'. CONCLUSION: In this study the characteristics and the reasons for rejecting manuscripts were identified. These findings can be used in developing effective strategies for researchers, reviewers and editors to improve the quality of research and research reviews of nursing administration research.

Evaluation Studies as Topic , Financial Management , Manuscripts as Topic , Nursing Administration Research , Nursing Research , Nursing , Occupations , Peer Review , Publications , Qualitative Research
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 13(2): 291-301, 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-913707


O texto discute a relevância da retomada dos estudos sobre os Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos de Marx para a formação intelectual no sentido de aprofundar a compreensão dos desdobramentos da centralidade das relações de troca na sociedade capitalista em crise estrutural. A metodologia da investigação teórica empreendida envolveu análise do referido texto e de outros escritos do pensador, além de revisão bibliográfica sobre estudos interpretativos do tema. Os resultados da pesquisa sustentam que a alienação provocada pela propriedade privada, pela divisão do trabalho e pelo intercâmbio mercantil estão consubstanciados nos argumentos centrais sobre o processo social desdobrado na desumanização do capitalismo em excesso que vivenciamos neste tempo de crise estrutural. O aprofundamento intelectual desse viés analítico poderá ampliar a percepção a respeito da natureza da crise, a potencialidade das saídas elencadas na agenda política e o barbarismo da realidade viva do cotidiano de trabalho.

The paper discusses the relevance of the resumption of studies on the Economic and philosophic manuscripts of Marx for intellectual training in order to deepen the understanding of the consequences of the centrality of exchange relations in capitalist society in structural crisis. The methodology of theoretical research undertaken involved analysis of that text and other texts of the thinker, and literature review on the topic interpretive studies. The inquiry results support that the alienation caused by private property, the division of labor and market exchange are embodied in the central arguments of the social process unfolded in the dehumanization of capitalism excess we experience this time of structural crisis. The intellectual depth of this analytical bias may increase the perception of the nature of the crisis, the potentiality of the outputs listed on the policy agenda and the barbarism of the living reality of daily work.

Social Sciences/economics , Capitalism , Communism
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-672718


The divine tree neem (Azadirachta indica) is mainly cultivated in the Indian subcontinent. Neem has been used extensively by humankind to treat various ailments before the availability of written records which recorded the beginning of history. The world health organization estimates that 80%of the population living in the developing countries relies exclusively on traditional medicine for their primary health care. More than half of the world’s population still relies entirely on plants for medicines, and plants supply the active ingredients of most traditional medical products. The review shows the neem has been used by humankind to treat various ailments from prehistory to contemporary.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627956


As a small—although growing—journal based in Malaysia, the Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences (MJMS) has faced several challenges in the past, such as promoting our journal as well as making sure our article bank does not go empty. However, we strive to improve ourselves by taking all means necessary to increase the quantity and, most importantly, quality of our publications, as well as to increase our journal’s visibility and citability. This editorial will focus on MJMS statistics throughout 2011—where MJMS turned 18—as well as future plans for our journal.

Rev. méd. Chile ; 139(1): 7-10, ene. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-595259


Abstracts presented in scientific meetings are indispensable tools to diffuse the latest research in thefield. They provide the authors with an opportunity to receive feedbackfrom a critica! audience so they can prepare a final manuscript to be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal. However, several studies in a wide range of medical specialties and other related sciences showed that no more than 50 percent of abstracts presented in annual meetings oflearned societies are published in a 5-year follow up after the meeting. Therefore, abstracts are considered "preliminary publications" and it is recommended not to include them as bibliographic references unless they have been published recently (less than 3 years) in peer-reviewed journals (regular issues or supplements) or in their official websites. Databases dependent ofthe National Library of Medicine (USA) or SciELO do not Índex individual abstracts from a meeting. Authors and reviewers should be reminded that manuscripts that have shaped current knowledge probably had also been presented as abstracts in scientific meetings, sometime before their final publication.

Humans , Abstracting and Indexing , Congresses as Topic , Databases, Factual , Publishing
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-16224


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to analyze the research papers published in three nursing journals to suggest the direction for Journal of Korean Oncology Nursing (JKON). METHODS: To compare JKON with Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education and Cancer Nursing, all the research papers published in those three journals, 2010 were reviewed using an analysis criteria developed by the researchers, focusing on type of research, characteristics of authors and subjects, research design, data collection and analysis methods, sample size estimation, and ethical considerations regarding data collection. RESULTS: JKON lacked research papers which were supported by research funds, produced by multidisciplinary teams, addressing cancer survivors or patients with metastatic cancers, and written in qualitative methodologies. However, JKON showed higher ratio of research papers than the other two journals which were adapted from thesis or dissertations, describing sample size estimation process precisely, and participating subjects diagnosed with various cancers. CONCLUSION: The study found out that JKON is presenting well the area of oncology nursing in Korea and also has several weak points that need to be improved. The study therefore suggested several recommendations for the JKON to take the professional and global leader roles.

Humans , Data Collection , Education, Nursing , Financial Management , Korea , Manuscripts as Topic , Nursing Research , Research Design , Research Subjects , Sample Size , Survivors