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Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 52(1)mar. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535713


It is discussed the relevance of quantitative approaches, specifically mathematical modelling in epidemiology, in the public health decision-making process. This topic is discussed here based on the experience of various experts in mathematical epidemiology and public health. First, the definition of mathematical modelling is presented, especially in the context of epidemiology. Second, the different uses and socio-political implications, including empirical examples of recent experiences that have taken place at the international level are addressed. Finally, some general considerations regarding the challenges encountered in the use and application of mathematical modelling in epidemiology in the decision-making process at the local and national levels.

Se trata sobre la importancia de los abordajes cuantitativos, específicamente la formulación de modelos matemáticos en epidemiología, dentro del proceso de toma de decisiones en salud pública. Esta importante temática se analiza basándose en la experiencia de algunos expertos en epidemiología matemática y salud pública. En primer lugar, se presenta la definición de modelación matemática, particularmente dentro del contexto de la epidemiología. En segundo lugar, se abordan los diferentes usos y las implicaciones socio-políticas, incluyendo ejemplos de experiencias recientes que han ocurrido a nivel internacional. Finalmente, se hace referencia a ciertas consideraciones generales respecto a los retos que representa el uso y la aplicación de modelos matemáticos en epidemiología para el proceso de toma de decisiones a nivel local y nacional.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020930


Objective To explore the healing pattern of condylar neck fractures by using mathematical models to simulate the dynamic changes of osteogenesis and chondrogenesis in the process of rat condylar neck fracture healing.Methods A math-ematical model was constructed to simulate the healing process of rat condylar neck fractures.The values of various parameters(mb,mc,cb and cc)generated by the model at different time points within 28 days were statistically analyzed.Subsequently,den-sity maps and growth curves of bone,cartilage,osteoblasts,and chondrocytes were fitted and the osteogenesis mode was de-duced.Results The bone area ratio simulated by the mathematical model was similar to that measured in rat fracture experi-ments(P>0.05).The simulated density maps showed that osteogenesis was concentrated around the periosteum from day 3 to day 7 after fracture,and then concentrated in the cartilage region and gradually replaced cartilage from day 7 to day 21.The bone growth curve and cartilage growth curve were positively correlated from day 5 to day 8 and from day 21 to day 28.However,the curves were negatively correlated from day 8 to day 14 after fracture.The growth curves of osteoblasts and chondrocytes both showed an increasing trend before decreasing,with chondrocyte density peaking at day 6 and osteoblast density peaking at day 13.Conclusion The mathematical model can effectively simulate the healing process of rat condylar neck fractures and display the dynamic changes of osteogenesis and chondrogenesis during the whole process.This provides a new idea for studying healing methods of condylar neck fractures.

Digital Chinese Medicine ; (4): 29-39, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031004


Objective @#In the theories of pulse disgnosis in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it is emphasized that pulse manifestations at the radial artery within the wrist (called Cunkou) signify the physiological and pathological conditions of different internal organs in the human body. However, different opinions exist among researchers about the objectiveness of the pulse diagnosis technique. Some researchers mentioned that no significant differences were observed in pulse manifestations at various Cunkou areas, hence there might be some difficulty in evaluating the status of different organs through checking pulse manifestations at Cunkou. This research aims to analyze the pulse response at Cunkou from the aspect of the characteristics of tactile sensing, thus to give a preliminary explanation to the above question.@*Methods@#This research utilized the Weber-Fechner law to model the tactile sensing as a dynamic low-pass signal filter with varying bandwidths under different compression levels during pulse diagnosis. The model was applied to analyzing the clinical data collected previously by our group. The arterial pressures measured invasively with equipment from 14 patients with aorta coarctation were processed to simulate different pulse manifestations at Cun, Guan, and Chi positions of Cunkou when different compression levels were applied.@*Result@#Due to the characteristics of tactile sensing, significant variations were observed in pulse manifestations at different pulse-depths under the application of changing compression levels; while no such changes in pulse manifestations were observed from the employment of transducer only, without tactile sensing involved. The results explained why different understandings on pulse manifestations were formed between direct pulse-taking technique in TCM and modern sphygmography using transducers. The features of pulse manifestations at Cunkou, using direct pulse-taking technique but at different depths, superficial, middle, and deep positions, respectively, predicted by the developed tactile sensing model were in line with those described in TCM pulse theories.@*Conclusion@#Based on the developed tactile sensing model, this study preliminarily explains the phenomenon that pulse manifestation at Cunkou changes in response to the compression force applied during TCM pulse-taking. Integrating the tactile sensing model with the study of TCM pulse diagnosis opens a new chapter for visualizing and quantitatively interpreting pulse manifestations. This not only expands the scope of pulse diagnosis study effectively, but also provide a scientific basis for further technical upgrading and optimization of existing pulse diagnosis equipment.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 178-182, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025370


Objective:To establish a predictive model for the progression of acute kidney injury (AKI) to stage 3 AKI (renal failure) in the intensive care unit (ICU), so as to assist physicians to make early and timely decisions on whether to intervene in advance.Methods:A retrospective analysis was conducted. Thirty-eight patients with AKI admitted to the intensive care medicine of the Third People's Hospital of Henan Province from January 2018 to May 2023 were enrolled. Patient data including acute physiology and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ (APACHEⅡ) upon admission, serum creatinine (SCr), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), daily urine output during hospitalization, and the timing of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) intervention were recorded. Based on clinically collected pathological data, standardized creatinine value ratio mean polynomial fitting models were established as the first criterion for judging the progression to stage 3 AKI after data cleansing, screening, and normalization. Additionally, standardized creatinine value ratio index fitting models were established as the second criterion for predicting progression to stage 3 AKI.Results:A total of 38 AKI patients were included, including 25 males and 13 females. The average age was (58.45±12.94) years old. The APACHEⅡ score was 24.13±4.17 at admission. The intervention node was (4.42±0.95) days. Using a dual regression model approach, statistical modeling was performed with a relatively small sample size of statistical data samples, yielding a scatter index non-linear regression model for standardized creatinine value ratio data relative to day " n", with y = 1.246?2 x1.164?9 and an R2 of 0.860?1, indicating reasonable statistical fitting. Additionally, a quadratic non-linear regression model was obtained for the mean standardized creatinine value ratio relative to day " n", with y = -0.260?6 x2+3.010?7 x-1.612 and an R2 of 0.998?9, indicating an excellent statistical fit. For example, using a baseline SCr value of 66 μmol/L for a healthy individual, the dual regression model predicted that the patient would progress to stage 3 AKI within 3-5 days. This prediction was consistent when applied to other early intervention renal injury patients. Conclusion:The established model effectively predicts the time interval of the progression of AKI to stage 3 AKI (renal failure), which assist intensive care physicians to intervene AKI as early as possible to prevent disease progression.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 121-128, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038739


Occupational health risk assessment is a legal requirement. In legal terms, "occupational health risk assessment" is a means which focuses on occupational disease monitoring and special investigations, analyzing relevant information collected, and ultimately identifying high-risk industries and regions, and proposing reasonable, feasible, and scientific risk management and control recommendations to reduce occupational health risks in key industries and regions. The collection and selection of information are the foundation and core of occupational health risk assessment work. Causation determination is an important basis for information classification in occupational health risk assessment. The establishment and application of mathematical models are the prospects and directions for high-quality development of occupational health risk assessment work. However, the current research does not pay adequate attention on mathematical models for occupational health risk assessment methods, resulting in no substantial progression or improvement in occupational health risk assessment work. The key to future occupational health risk assessment work is to accurately grasp the definition of occupational health risk assessment in a legal term, to streamline and improve the indicator system of occupational health risk assessment, to actively explore and apply mathematical models for occupational health risk assessment, and to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of occupational health risk assessment work.

Rev. argent. salud publica ; 15: 84-84, jun. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449441


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN Los modelos matemáticos de la transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas permiten estudiar distintos mecanismos que afectan su comportamiento temporal. Este trabajo analizó el efecto sobre la dinámica de la influenza y el virus sincitial respiratorio (VSR) de la disminución de la transmisibilidad debida a las medidas de cuidado adoptadas para reducir la circulación de COVID-19. MÉTODOS Se empleó un modelo determinista tipo SIRS (susceptible-infectado-recuperado-susceptible) con modulación estacional para representar la influenza y el VSR, en ambos casos con inmunidad de corta duración y ciclo anual. Los cambios en la transmisibilidad de la enfermedad se modelaron reduciéndola durante dos años y planteando distintos escenarios. RESULTADOS En el modelo planteado, la reducción en la transmisibilidad genera cambios que se sostienen en los años siguientes: eventos epidémicos muy pronunciados con alargamiento del intervalo interbrote. Este efecto resulta dominante respecto del comportamiento estacional. El escenario de una reducción inicial de la transmisibilidad del 40% resulta compatible con el comportamiento de influenza y VSR reportados actualmente para Argentina. DISCUSIÓN El modelo general propuesto, en condiciones de disminución transitoria en la transmisibilidad, exhibe una epidemiología compatible con la observada recientemente en Argentina para ambas enfermedades e ilustra el modelado como herramienta útil en la comprensión de efectos no intuitivos.

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Mathematical models of infectious diseases transmission allow to study different mechanisms which affect their temporal behavior. This work analyzed the impact of the decrease in transmissibility, as a result of measures of personal care adopted to reduce circulation of COVID-19, on the dynamics of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). METHODS A deterministic SIRS (susceptible-infected-recovered-susceptible) model with seasonal modulation was used to represent two diseases with short-term immunity and annual cycle: influenza and RSV. Changes in disease transmissibility were modeled by reducing it for two years and analyzing different scenarios. RESULTS In the proposed model, transmissibility reduction brings changes which sustain in the following years: very pronounced epidemic events with lengthening of the inter-outbreak interval. This effect prevails over the seasonal behavior. The scenario of 40% initial reduction in transmissibility is compatible with the behavior of influenza and RSV currently reported in Argentina. DISCUSSION The general model proposed here, under conditions of temporary reduced transmissibility, shows an epidemiology compatible with recently reported data of influenza and RSV in Argentina. This result illustrates modeling as a useful tool to understand non-intuitive effects.

Psicopedagogia ; 40(121): 46-65, jan.-abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1449001


O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a efetividade de intervenções para redução da ansiedade matemática (AM) em crianças e/ou adolescentes, sistematizando sugestões para o atendimento psicopedagógico. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática sobre AM, norteada pelo Protocolo PRISMA. A busca, conduzida nas bases de dados ERIC, LILACS, PePSIC, SciELO, Periódicos CAPES e Web of Science, abrangeu janeiro de 2010 a janeiro de 2021, artigos empíricos revisados por pares, em português, espanhol e inglês e as combinações dos descritores: mathematics anxiety OR math anxiety OR seus equivalentes em espanhol e português. Foram identificados 1.264 trabalhos e incluídos 24 por atenderem aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Esses estudos foram avaliados com relação à efetividade da intervenção, de acordo com os parâmetros: eficácia, eficiência, manutenção do efeito e generalização e as descobertas apresentadas por meio de síntese descritiva. Os resultados sugerem que intervenções que enfatizam aspectos pedagógicos e psicoterápicos são mais efetivas na redução da AM em crianças e adolescentes, enquanto as que utilizam apenas uma dessas estratégias apresentam menor efetividade. Quanto aos procedimentos de intervenção, destacam-se estratégias/programas educacionais que envolvem treinamento de habilidades matemáticas; jogos recreativos ativos; aprendizagem interativa na resolução de problemas; tutoria entre pares; e técnicas terapêuticas de redução de ansiedade, que abrangem a intervenção matemática integrada à aprendizagem autorregulada. Implicações para guiar a prática do psicopedagogo são discutidas à luz das evidências científicas e recomendações são apontadas para a sua atuação em caso de AM.

The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of interventions to reduce mathematical anxiety (MA) in children and/or adolescents, systematizing suggestions for psycho-pedagogical care. A systematic review of MA was conducted, based on the PRISMA Protocol. The search, conducted in the ERIC, LILACS, PePSIC, SciELO, CAPES journals and Web of Science databases, covered January 2010 to January 2021, peer-reviewed empirical articles in Portuguese, Spanish and English and the combinations of descriptors: mathematics anxiety OR math anxiety, and their equivalents in Spanish and Portuguese. A total of 1,264 studies were identified and 24 were included because they met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. These studies were evaluated in relation to the effectiveness of the intervention, according to the parameters: efficacy, efficiency, effect maintenance and generalization and the findings presented through descriptive synthesis. The results suggest that interventions that emphasize pedagogical and psychotherapeutic aspects are more effective in reducing MA in children and adolescents, while those that use only one of these strategies have lower effectiveness. Regarding intervention procedures, educational strategies/programs involving mathematical skills training stand out; active recreational games; interactive learning in problem solving; peer-to-peer tutoring; and therapeutic anxiety reduction techniques, which cover mathematical intervention integrated into self-regulated learning. Implications to guide the practice of psycho-pedagogue are discussed in the light of scientific evidence and recommendations are pointed out for their action in case of MA.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559914


Introducción: Durante el hallazgo arqueológico o forense de un esqueleto incompleto, con vértebras sin características identificativas, no es posible determinar el nivel regional de la columna vertebral porque existen pocas determinantes que distingan los niveles a los que pertenece una vértebra. Objetivo: Proponer una fórmula matemática para la identificación de las vértebras lumbares que no son particulares. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo en la osteoteca de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Matanzas. Se analizaron todas las vértebras lumbares entre lii y liv de la colección para un total de 87 huesos. Se midieron y calcularon los índices para el cuerpo y el agujero, y se utilizó un cociente matemático para asociar ambas partes. Resultados: El diámetro transversal predominó sobre el anteroposterior en el cuerpo y en el agujero. La media del cociente entre ambos fue de 0,60 cm y permitió dividir las vértebras en 2 grupos: superior e inferior; morfológicamente, deben coincidir con las vértebras lumbares lii y liv. Conclusiones: La relación morfométrica del cociente del cuerpo-agujero puede diferenciar las vértebras lumbares que no son particulares.

Introduction: During the archaeological or forensic discovery of an incomplete skeleton, with vertebrae without identifying characteristics, it is not possible to determine the regional level of the spine because there are few determinants that distinguish the levels to which a vertebra belongs. Objective: To propose a mathematical formula for the identification of lumbar vertebrae that are not particular. Methods: A descriptive observational study was conducted in the osteotheque of the University of Medical Sciences of Matanzas. All lumbar vertebrae between LII and LIV in the collection were analyzed for a total of 87 bones. The indices for the body and hole were measured and calculated, and a mathematical quotient was used to associate both parts. Results: The transverse diameter predominated over the antero-posterior in the body and in the hole. The mean ratio between the two was 0.60 cm and allowed the vertebrae to be divided into 2 groups: upper and lower; morphologically, they must coincide with the lumbar vertebrae LII and LIV. Conclusions: The morphometric relationship of the body-hole ratio can differentiate lumbar vertebrae that are not particular.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972255


@#Facial symmetry evaluation has always been a hot topic of concern for doctors who engage in the study of facial beauty disciplines such as orthodontics, dentistry, and plastic surgery. Although scholars at home and abroad have carried out much research on the evaluation of facial symmetry with a variety of emerging technologies and methods, there is still a lack of unified standards for the evaluation of facial asymmetry due to the complexity of the content and methods and individual subjectivity. Facial asymmetry involves changes in the length, width and height of the face. It is a complex dental and maxillofacial malformation whose early identification and accurate evaluation are particularly important. Clinically, in addition to the necessary dental and maxillofacial examinations, it is also necessary to evaluate facial asymmetry with the help of corresponding auxiliary methods. This paper gives a summary of the commonly used three-dimensional evaluation methods. The evaluation methods of facial asymmetry can be divided into 5 categories: qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, dynamic analysis, mathematical analysis, and artificial intelligence analysis. After the analysis and summarization of the characteristics, advantages and limitations of each method in clinical applications, it is found that although these methods vary in accuracy, evaluation scope, diagnosis nature and calculation method, etc., the three-dimensional evaluation methods are more objective, more accurate and more convenient and will become the mainstream evaluation method for facial asymmetry with further development of three-dimensional measurement technologies.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019806


This paper proposes a mathematical model based on probability graphs and an algorithm of iterative reasoning,which is an automatic interactive question-and-answer mathematical model based on the classic TCM syndrome differentiation system and the theory of prescription and syndrome correspondence.It is used for TCM online interactive consultation and automatic syndrome differentiation analysis to improve the effectiveness of remote TCM clinical consultation and help TCM artificial intelligence assist syndrome differentiation.This model can express the clinician's experience in syndrome differentiation,and reflect his ability to accumulate and apply knowledge of ancient Chinese books,which is conducive to the inheritance and development of TCM physicians'personal experience.The model is scalable and configurable,and can continuously accumulate experience in dialectics and knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine.The use of iterative reasoning algorithm can realize the automatic analysis and reasoning of more optimized syndrome analysis results through brief interactive question and answer,providing more efficient and convenient practical assistance for clinical diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine,which is conducive to accelerating the inheritance and promotion of traditional Chinese medicine,and is conducive to the expansion of Chinese medicine.The mass basis and market supply of medical diagnosis and treatment services have far-reaching social benefits.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023287


Objective:Based on the concept of outcomes-based education (OBE), aiming to improve students' medical mathematical modeling ability, the teaching design and practice of mathematical modeling module for the course Medical Advanced Mathematics are carried out and the direction of improvement is defined. Methods:Taking infectious disease model as an example, teaching practice was carried out, and then questionnaires from 44 students were collected for feedback opinions. Statistical description, Mann-Whitney U test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe method, as well as chi-square test and z-test were used to analyze data. Results:The results showed that 90.91% of the students were interested in the subject of the course, and 65.91% of the students thought that this mode significantly improved the learning effect. In this course, there was no significant difference in the learning initiative of students on the two levels of being or not being interested in the course topic, but it had a significant impact on their mastery of knowledge points and their willingness to continue to carry out flipped classroom.Conclusion:The teaching mode is generally effective, but it needs to be further improved in three aspects: emphasizing modeling and downplaying computation, enhancing students' participation and strengthening the classroom learning effect.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025534


Objective:To study the characteristics of mathematical cognitive function in children with sleep-disordered breathing(SDB) by event-related potential (ERP).Methods:From October 2020 to October 2022, totally 22 cases of SDB children and 22 cases of normal children aged 8-11 were selected.All subjects performed mathematic tasks including calculating and deciding.The EEG changes and behavioral data of children with SDB and normal children were recorded.The latency and amplitude of N1, P2, N2, P3 in leads Fz were measured and compared by Matlab. SPSS 23.0 software was used for statistical analysis, and t test or Mann Whitney U test were used for two independent sample data. Results:(1)Behavior test: the interaction effect between group and type, the group main effect, and the type main effect in accuracy between SDB group and normal group were not significant ( F=0.470, 3.590, 0.003, all P>0.05). The group main effect and interaction effect between group and type in reaction time between SDB group and normal group were not significant ( F=0.465, 1.991, both P>0.05), while the type main effect was significant ( F=18.010, P<0.05). (2)ERP test: the N2, P3 latencies for addition in children with SDB were longer than those in normal group(N2: (371.38±34.23)ms vs (348.12±26.34)ms; P3: (610.72±64.78)ms vs (529.05±30.25)ms)( t=2.526, 5.358, both P<0.05). There was no significant difference between SDB group and normal group in ERP latency and amplitude for subtraction(both P>0.05). The N2, P3 latencies for multiplication in children with SDB were longer than those in normal group(N2: (439.20±24.28)ms vs (351.14±25.26)ms; P3: (531.71±35.42)ms vs (415.23±19.01)ms)( t=11.792, 13.590, both P<0.05). The P3 amplitudes in children with SDB was higher than that in normal group(P3: (3.16±4.78)μV vs (0.38±3.27)μV)( t=2.248, P<0.05). The P3 latency for correct judgment in children with SDB was longer than that in normal group(P3: (420.38±34.79)ms vs (398.54±33.71)ms)( t=2.115, P<0.05). The P3 latency for wrong judgment in children with SDB was longer than that in normal group(P3: (475.25±51.11)ms vs (414.88±27.53)ms)( t=4.878, P<0.05). Conclusion:The latency of N2 and P3 in ERP of SDB children is prolonged, and P3 latency is more sensitive than N2, indicating that SDB children have impairment of mathematical cognitive function.The latency changes of N2 and P3 occurs earlier than the behavioral changes (reaction time and accuracy), which can be used as one of the electrophysiological indicators for early assessment of mathematical cognitive impairment in SDB children.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988716


The gradual relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions in China has increased the risk of imported dengue fever cases and may further prompt the outbreak. Systematic assessment of disease burden is crucial to improving prevention and control strategies, and resource allocation of dengue fever in China. After reviewing the definition, classification of disease burden, epidemiological evaluation methods such as potential years of life lost (PYLL) and disability adjusted of life years (DALY), as well as economic evaluation methods such as step-by-step model method and human capital method, this article systematically summarizes the application of mixed models and catalytic models in quantifying the disease burden of latent dengue infected individuals, as well as the current research status and limitations of dengue disease burden in China, proposing suggestions for future assessment research on disease burden of dengue.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991380


Objective:To solve the problems of medical advanced mathematics learning for medical school students, such as high difficulty, tight school hours, poor learning interest and low acceptance of students, and to actively carry out online and offline hybrid teaching mode.Methods:A total of 243 students majoring in clinical medicine, biomedical engineering and information management and information system from 6 classes in Batch 2022 were selected as the study subjects (experimental group). A hybrid online/offline teaching mode combining self-made online learning resources and MOOC teaching resources of China University was specifically adopted. Teaching objectives were set and teaching resources were uploaded according to the teaching content before the class. Super Star Learning Platform was employed to issue pre-class learning tasks to help students study before class. During the lesson, teachers taught face-to-face, and released classroom questions and quizzes on the learning platform to test the learning effect in class. It was convenient for teachers to grasp students' learning situation and took timely teaching adjustments to help students successfully complete their learning in class. After the class, we released the videos of class lectures and post-class exercises on Super Star Learning Platform to help students consolidate their learning from class. We also set up a QQ group for the course in each class to facilitate communication with students after class and to answer questions. SPSS 20.0 was used to conduct t-test. Results:The online and offline hybrid teaching effectively increased students' participation in class and greatly mobilized students' enthusiasm for learning, and the average teacher-student interaction in class increased from 6 to 10 times per session; the class attendance rate increased from 93.93% (232/247) to 97.94% (238/243); the homework submission rate increased from 92.71% (229/247) to 96.71% (235/243). After the course was finished, the final comprehensive scores of students increased from (81.27±4.56) to (89.52±3.42), with statistically significant differences ( t=8.25, P<0.001). Conclusion:The adoption of online and offline hybrid teaching not only has a benign effect on students' academic performance, but also stimulates students' enthusiasm to learn advanced mathematics to a greater extent, and subsequently expects students' ability to be further improved in applying mathematics to solve practical problems.

Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 29: e0022, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529746


RESUMO Este estudo teve como objetivos identificar estudantes com talento matemático no Ensino Fundamental e no Ensino Médio, no que se refere ao sistema numérico maia e babilônico para o Ensino Fundamental e ao pensamento computacional, com o uso do Scratch, para o Ensino Médio; projetar e implementar um programa de enriquecimento extraescolar com alunos do Ensino Fundamental e do Ensino Médio; estudar a evolução das ideias matemáticas, trabalhadas no programa de enriquecimento extracurricular. O aporte teórico foi baseado no Modelo de Enriquecimento para toda a Escola (School Wide Enrichment Model - SEM). Esse modelo teve origem no Modelo Triádico de Enriquecimento de Renzulli. Os resultados apresentados referem-se às atividades de enriquecimento extracurricular, com numeração babilônica e o sistema numérico maia, e as atividades em ambiente Scratch. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que ambos os grupos de idade foram capazes de abordar as atividades propostas e desenvolveram experiências de aprendizado que lhes deram habilidades para resolver problemas matemáticos, tanto no ambiente a lápis e papel quanto na linguagem de programação Scratch. O grupo de alunos do Ensino Fundamental representou números no sistema maia e babilônico e realizou operações aritméticas; dessa forma, este trabalho os ajudou a compreender o sistema posicional; e os estudantes do Ensino Médio aprenderam a fazer animações de dois personagens (sprites) e aprenderam a programar.

ABSTRACT The study aimed to identify students with mathematical talent in Elementary and High School, with regard to the Mayan and Babylonian numerical system for Elementary School and computational thinking, with the use of Scratch for High School; to design and implement an out-of-school enrichment program with Elementary and High School students; to study the evolution of mathematical ideas, worked on in the extracurricular enrichment program. Theoretical support was based on the School Wide Enrichment Model (SEM). This model is originated from Renzulli's Triadic Enrichment Model. The results presented refer to extracurricular enrichment activities, with Babylonian numerals and the Mayan numerical system, and activities in the Scratch environment. The results of the study showed that both age groups were able to approach the proposed activities and developed learning experiences that gave them skills to solve mathematical problems, both in the pencil and paper environment and in the Scratch programming language. The group of Elementary School students represented numbers in the Mayan and Babylonian system and performed arithmetic operations; in this way, this work helped them to understand the positional system; and the High School students learned to make animations of two characters (sprites) and learned how to program.

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 44(5): 1733-1744, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1519130


The purpose of this study was to propose a bicompartmental nonlinear model and to identify the best-performing model between the proposed model and the bicompartmental logistic (BL) mode regarding the quality of fit to the curve of cumulative gas production (CGP) using corn silage, sunflower, and their mixtures. Gas production was measured 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 19, 24, 30, 36, 48, 72, and 96 h after beginning the in vitro fermentation process. The generated data were used to generate the parameters of each model tested using the stats package of the R computational tool version 4.0.4. The mathematical models were subjected to the following selection criteria: the adjusted coefficient of determination (Raj.), residual mean square (RMS), mean absolute deviation (MAD), and Akaike information criterion (AIC). It was demonstrated that the proposed model had better performance with a high Raj., and lower values of RMS, AIC, and MAD than the bicompartmental logistic model for the prediction of the parameters of cumulative gas production (CGP), per to present a superior fit in the set of criteria according to the methodology and conditions in which the present study was developed.(AU)

No presente trabalho, com silagem de milho, girassol e suas misturas, objetivou-se propor um modelo não linear bicompartimental e identificar entre o modelo proposto e Logístico Bicompartimental (LB), aquele que apresenta maior qualidade de ajuste à curva de cinética de produção cumulativa de gases (PCG). A leitura da produção de gás foi realizada nos tempos 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 19, 24, 30, 36, 48, 72 e 96 horas, após o início do processo de fermentação in vitro. Os dados gerados foram utilizados para geração dos parâmetros de cada modelo testado com auxílio do pacote stats da ferramenta computacional R versão 4.0.4. Os modelos matemáticos foram submetidos aos seguintes critérios de seleção o coeficiente de determinação ajustado (Raj.), quadrado médio do resíduo (QMR), desvio médio absoluto (DMA) e o critério de informação de Akaike (AIC). Foi demonstrado que o modelo proposto teve melhor desempenho com altos Raj., e menores valores de QMR, AIC e DMA, por apresentar um ajustamento superior no conjunto dos critérios em comparação com o modelo logístico bicompartimental para a predição dos parâmetros de produção cumulativa de gases (PCG) de acordo com a metodologia e condições em que foi desenvolvido o presente estudo.(AU)

Silage/analysis , Flatulence/veterinary , Rumination, Digestive/physiology , In Vitro Techniques , Zea mays/chemistry , Helianthus/chemistry
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 40: e0239, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441274


Resumen Se analiza la brecha por sexo en matemáticas (razonamiento cuantitativo) en universitarios de Colombia, con base en los resultados de las pruebas estatales de salida de la educación superior Saber Pro, 2018; incluyendo el factor regional. A partir de una modelación cuantílica y una descomposición Juhn-Murphy-Pierce; se identifica la existencia y persistencia de una brecha por sexo en el área evaluada, y diferencias entre las regiones Andina y Caribe. Se destaca: favorabilidad hacia los hombres; importancia de las características educativas e institucionales; importancia de las matemáticas de secundaria (explican cerca del 25% del diferencial); ampliación de la brecha en los cuartiles más altos; v) heterogeneidad regional de la brecha, ampliada por la interacción sexo-región.

Resumo A diferença de gênero em matemática (raciocínio quantitativo) entre estudantes universitários na Colômbia é analisada, com base nos resultados dos exames de saída do ensino superior estadual Saber Pro 2018, incluindo o fator regional. Com base na modelização de quantis e numa decomposição Juhn-Murphy-Pierce, identificamos a existência e persistência de uma diferença de gênero na área avaliada, bem como diferenças entre as regiões andinas e das Caraíbas. Destacam-se: favorabilidade em relação aos homens; importância das características educacionais e institucionais; importância da matemática secundária (explicando cerca de 25% do diferencial); alargamento da lacuna nos quartis mais altos; e heterogeneidade regional da lacuna, amplificada pela interação gênero-região.

Abstract The paper analyzes the gender gap in mathematics (quantitative reasoning) among Colombian university students, based on the results of the State higher education exit tests Saber Pro, 2018; including the regional factor. Based on a quantile modeling and a Juhn-Murphy-Pierce decomposition, the study identifies the existence and persistence of a gender gap in the evaluated area and differences between the Andean and Caribbean regions. The most remarkable points include: favouring men; importance of educational and institutional characteristics; importance of secondary mathematics (accounting for about 25% of the differential); widening of the gap in the highest quartiles; and regional heterogeneity of the gap, widened by gender-region interaction.

Humans , Students , Universities , Colombia , Women , Education , Gender Studies , Men
Psicol. esc. educ ; 27: e243543, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1507172


Ansiedade matemática (AM) é um conjunto de crenças, sintomas físicos e emocionais que algumas pessoas experimentam ao lidar com problemas matemáticos. O estudo objetivou investigar o efeito da AM no desempenho aritmético de crianças com alta inteligência. Participaram do estudo 52 crianças com desempenho inferior no subteste aritmética do TDE e classificação "acima da média" ou "intelectualmente superior" nas Matrizes de Raven. Os resultados demonstraram correlação forte entre inteligência e TDE aritmética (r = 0,82; p < 0,000); e correlações moderadas entre TDE aritmética e QAM-A (r = 0,32; p = 0,02) e QAM-B (r = 0,35; p = 0,01). A análise de regressão linear múltipla demonstrou uma predição de 8% da subescala QAM-A e de 11 % da QAM-B como preditores do desempenho aritmético. A ansiedade matemática interfere no desempenho em aritmética, mesmo em crianças com a inteligência fluída acima do esperado, sugerindo um importante efeito dos mecanismos emocionais.

Ansiedad matemática (AM) es un conjunto de creencias, síntomas físicos y emocionales que algunas personas experimentan al lidiar con problemas matemáticos. El estudio tuvo por objetivo investigar el efecto de la AM en el rendimiento aritmético de niños con alta inteligencia. Participaron del estudio 52 niños con rendimiento inferior en la subprueba aritmética del TDE y clasificación "superior de la media" o "intelectualmente superior" en las Matrices de Raven. Los resultados apuntan fuerte correlación entre inteligencia y TDE aritmética (r = 0,82; p < 0,000); y correlaciones moderadas entre TDE aritmética y QAM-A (r = 0,32; p = 0,02) y QAM-B (r = 0,35; p = 0,01). El análisis de regresión linear múltiple demostró una predicción del 8% de la subescala QAM-A y del 11 % de la QAM-B como predictores del rendimiento aritmético. La ansiedad matemática interfiere en el rendimiento en aritmética, incluso en niños con la inteligencia fluida superior al esperado, sugiriendo un importante efecto de los mecanismos emocionales.

Mathematical anxiety (MA) is a set of beliefs, physical and emotional symptoms that some people experience when dealing with mathematical problems. The study aimed to investigate the effect of MA on the arithmetic performance of children with high intelligence. Fifty-two children with lower performance on the STP arithmetic subtest and classification "above average" or "intellectually superior" in the Raven Matrices participated in the study. The results showed a strong correlation between intelligence and arithmetic EDT (r = 0.82; p < 0.000); and moderate correlations between arithmetic DET and MAQ (r = 0.32; p = 0.02) and MAQ-B (r = 0.35; p = 0.01). Multiple linear regression analysis showed an 8% prediction of the MAQ-A subscale and 11% of the MAQ-B as predictors of arithmetic performance. Mathematical anxiety interferes with arithmetic performance, even in children with higher than expected fluid intelligence, suggesting an important effect of emotional mechanisms.

Anxiety , Intelligence , Mathematics
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 99(4): 385-390, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506625


Abstract Objectives To identify the impact of birth weight on the development of metalinguistic skills and performance in reading, writing, and arithmetic in students aged 6 to 10 years, enrolled from the 1st to the 4th grade of Elementary School in public schools of the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Methods The concurrent cohort included 315 students. Birth weight was the exposure variable, and the outcomes were performance in receptive and expressive language, oral metalinguistic skills, and performance in writing, arithmetic, and reading. The tools employed were the Test of Language Competence (TLC) and the School Performance Test (SPT). Students were grouped into quartiles by birth weight for data analysis (P1: < 2170 g, P2: from 2171 g to 2450 g, P3: from 2451 g to 3150 g, and P4: > 3150 g). Results The authors observed a tendency for the lower performance of the two groups with lower birth weights in listening comprehension and oral expression. The lower-weight group tended to perform poorly compared to the other groups vis-à-vis reading. In the global result of the SPT, worse performance was observed in the students in the first quartile compared to the others (p= 0.019). The multivariate analysis revealed no association between birth weight and results in the tests applied after adjusting for maternal schooling. Conclusions Birth weight can interfere with oral and written language development. However, the determination of these processes occurs in the face of complex interaction that includes sociodemographic factors, especially family support and maternal schooling.