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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700463


Objective To investigate the group characteristics of positive mentalities between the only-child medical interns and the non-only-child medical interns in different birth order.Methods By cluster sampling method,Positive Mentalities Scale for university students was applied to test 194 medical interns who enrolled in a Chongqing hospital in 2015 to obtain the score of positive psychological quality of medical students.Descriptive statistics and variance analysis were conducted using SAS 8.2.Results The total scores of the only-child interns' positive mentalities were significantly higher than those of the firstborn interns[(97.26 ± 11.04) vs.(92.30 ± 12.84),P=0.010].The scores of the study-loving factor from high to low were listed as follows:the only-child interns,interns born in other birth order,interns who were the youngest children in the family,and the firstborn interns.Meanwhile,statistical difference was found in those (P<0.05).The team-spirit factor scores of the interns who were the youngest children in the family were significandy lower than those of others (P<0.05).All the scores concerning self-discipline factor were relatively low.All the scores of self-discipline factor,modesty factor and thanks-giving factor had no statistical difference (P>0.05) between the only-child interns and the non-only-child interns.Conclusion The positive mental development of the only-child interns are superior to that of the firstborn interns.The training of positive mentalities of the firstborns and the youngest children in family should be paid attention to and the training of self-discipline should be strengthened among all medical interns.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506527


En este artículo se comparan las nociones de imaginarios, representaciones sociales, mentalidades e ideología. Se propone a los imaginarios sociales como ámbitos de confrontación entre distintos grupos sociales. Finalmente, se propone un ejemplo referido a la sociedad mexicana del cual pueden extraerse reflexiones acerca de las formas de contraposición y articulación de los imaginarios en una sociedad determinada.

In this paper we compare the notions of imaginaries, social representations, mentalities and ideology. Social imaginaries are proposed as areas of confrontation between different social groups. Finally, an example is proposed referring to the Mexican society from which reflections can be extracted about forms of contrast and articulation of the imaginaries in a given society.

Neste artigo, comparamos as nocoes de imaginarios, representacoes sociais, mentalidades e ideología. Imaginarios sociais sao propostos como áreas de confronto entre diferentes grupos sociais. Por fin, propoe-se um exemplo referente a sociedades mexicana a parti del cual se podem extrair reflexoes sobre as formas de contraste e articulacao dos imaginarios em uma dada sociedade.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-641779


Este artículo sintetiza los principales lineamientos del diseño de un plan de investigación, cuyos objetivos son el estudio del impacto psíquico producido por los sufrimientos que padecen personas y familias que viven en condiciones precarias de hábitat y trabajo. Simultáneamente, propone analizar el tipo de políticas públicas, privadas o autogestionadas instrumentadas a modo de solución, las que generan distintas consecuencias en los protagonistas. Se presenta una contextualización del problema, desde el punto de vista histórico y teórico, punto de partida indispensable para comprender los aspectos deficitarios del hábitat urbano; del mismo modo que, en anteriores investigaciones, se contextualizó la precarización del trabajo y sus alternativas de solución. La investigación se ejecuta con método cualitativo y son también cualitativas las principales técnicas administradas. Inicialmente, durante el trabajo de campo se administraron entrevistas semi dirigidas a interlocutores claves. Si bien el procedimiento del análisis no está concluido, se presentan y discuten algunos resultados.

This article summarizes the main outlines of a research plan intended to study psyhologycal impact of suffering in people and families in poor living and working conditions. At the same time, an analysis is performed on the kind of public, private or self-management policies carried out as solutions, and the different outcomes for the protagonists. The problem is contextualized from a historical and theorical view, an essential starting point to understand the weak spots of urban habitat, in the same way as the process of precarization in working conditions and its alternatives and solutions was contextualized. Qualitative method and data collection techniques have been used. Semi-structured interviews to key interlocutors were used during field work. Even though analysis procedures are still unfinished, some of the results are discussed.