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Estud. av ; 25(71): 7-22, jan.-abr. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-583888


Apesar de sua importância econômica, política, social, demográfica, cultural, territorial e ambiental, há, nas metrópoles brasileiras, uma significativa falta de governo, evidenciada pelas incipientes iniciativas de cooperação administrativa intermunicipal e federativa. Este artigo aborda as mudanças estruturais - no processo de urbanização/ metropolização - devidas à reestruturação produtiva do capitalismo global, e, na escala nacional, trata da mudança no marco institucional - jurídico/político - que passou de concentrador e centralizador, durante o regime militar, para descentralizador e esvaziado, após a Constituição de 1988. O recuo verificado nas políticas sociais durante os anos 1980 e 1990, notadamente em transporte, habitação e saneamento, além do desmonte dos organismos metropolitanos, conduziu nossas metrópoles a um destino de banalização das tragédias urbanas. Em que pese sua urgência, a questão metropolitana não sensibiliza nenhuma força política ou instituição que lhe atribua lugar de destaque na agenda nacional.

Despite its economic, political, social, demographic, cultural, territorial and environmental importance, there is a significant lack of government in the brazilian metropolises, evidenced by the incipient initiatives of intermunicipal and federative administrative cooperation. This article analyses the structural changes - in the process of urbanization/metropolization - due to the productive restructuring of global capitalism, and, in a national scale, analyses the change in the institutional mark - legal/political - which passed from concentrator and centralizer, during the Military Regimen, to decentralized and emptied, after 1988 Constitution. The downturn verified in social policies during the years 1980 and 1990, notably in transport, housing and sanitation, besides the dismantling of the metropolitan agencies, has led our cities to the trivialization of urban tragedies. Despite its urgency, the metropolitan issue does not sensitize any political force or institution which assigns it a prominent place on the national agenda.

Metropolitan Zones , Public Policy , City Planning/organization & administration , Urban Population
Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; 52(3): 691-733, 2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-536975


This article discusses the formulations of the theoretical school known as the New Political Culture (NPC), seeking to evaluate the limits and possibilities of this approach for interpreting contemporary Brazilian culture. Based on research by the Network of Metropolitan Observatories in partnership with other Brazilian and international institutions, the authors argue that this approach is limited in its ability to analyze current changes in Brazil, where the values and behaviors related to NPC, although gaining strength in recent decades, are far from constituting the main existing cultural grammar.

Dans cet article, on discute les concepts du courant théorique nommé Nouvelle Culture Politique (NCP), cherchant à évaluer les limites et possibilités de cette aproche dans l'interprétation de la culture politique brésilienne contemporaine. À partir d'une recherche effectuée par le Réseau Observatoire des Métropoles, en association avec d'autres institutions nationales et internationales, on considère que cette approche reste limitée lorsqu'il s'agit d'analyser les transformations qui ont lieu au Brésil, où les valeurs et comportements proches de la NCP, bien que se renforçant depuis quelques décennies, sont encore loin de devenir la grammaire culturelle predominante du pays.