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RGO (Porto Alegre) ; 70: e20220042, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1406494


ABSTRACT Shprintzen-Goldberg craniosynostosis syndrome, characterized by craniosynostosis and marfanoid habitus, is a very rare entity described in 75 individuals worldwide. This study aimed to present a case report of a 6-year-old female Brazilian child with Shprintzen-Goldberg's craniosynostosis syndrome. We described the craniofacial and oral characteristics and its clinical management, comparing to the existing literature. The patient presented with intellectual disability, craniosynostosis, ocular proptosis, low-set anomalous ears, and other skeletal and connective tissue defects. Oral features included malocclusion, micrognathia, pseudo-cleft palate, dental caries, and inefficient biofilm control. The treatment started with guidance on cariogenic foods, oral hygiene, and an indication to discontinue bottle feeding. Subsequently, the carious lesions were restored with composite resins, and the patient was referred for orthopedic surgery, orthodontic treatment, speech therapy, and nutritional counseling. The patient was followed for 5 years. This case report emphasizes the importance of knowing the craniofacial and oral characteristics for the diagnosis and clinical management of a female child with a rare Shprintzen-Goldberg's craniosynostosis syndrome. The case also highlights the need for oral health care in individuals with intellectual disabilities.

RESUMO A síndrome Shprintzen-Goldberg é uma entidade muito rara descrita em 75 pessoas, caracterizada por craniossinostose e habitus marfanóide. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar o relato de um caso clínico de uma criança brasileira de 6 anos com síndrome da craniossinostose de Shprintzen-Goldberg, apresentando as características craniofaciais e orais e seu manejo clínico, comparando com a literatura. O paciente apresentava deficiência intelectual, craniossinostose, proptose ocular, orelhas anômalas de implantação baixa e outros defeitos esqueléticos e do tecido conjuntivo. As características orais incluíram má oclusão, micrognatia, pseudo fenda palatina, atividade de cárie e controle ineficiente do biofilme. O tratamento foi iniciado com orientações sobre alimentos cariogênicos, higiene oral e indicação de suspensão do uso de mamadeira. Em seguida, as lesões cariosas foram restauradas com resina composta e o paciente encaminhado para cirurgia ortopédica, tratamento ortodôntico, fonoaudiologia e nutricionista. O paciente foi acompanhado periodicamente por 5 anos. Este relato de caso enfatiza a importância do conhecimento das características craniofaciais e orais para o diagnóstico e manejo clínico de uma criança do sexo feminino com síndrome de craniossinostose de Shprintzen-Goldberg rara, destacando a necessidade de cuidados com a saúde bucal em indivíduos com deficiência intelectual.

Multimed (Granma) ; 25(6): e1996, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356535


RESUMEN El micrognatismo transversal es una anomalía de volumen de los maxilares en sentido transversal. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar los factores hipotéticamente influyentes en la aparición del micrognatismo transversal en escolares. Se realizó un estudio de caso y control y otro cuasi-experimental, para evaluar los resultados del proyecto ramal acerca del tratamiento del micrognatismo transversal relacionado con hábitos bucales deformantes en escolares de la Escuela Primaria "Ciro Redondo" en el período de 2015 a 2018. Se estudiaron variables como: edad, sexo, nivel de conocimiento y hábitos bucales deformantes. Predominaron los niños de 8 años de edad con 37,36 %; el 58,24 % de las niñas presentó micrognatismo transversal; la respiración bucal mostró una clara asociación con la aparición de micrognatismo transversal; en los escolares con empuje lingual, el riesgo fue 6,80 (IC 95 % 3,90-11,80) veces mayor de padecer micrognatismo transversal; después de aplicada la fase de la intervención, se obtuvo un incremento en la categoría Bien con 172 escolares que representó el 75,44 % del total de la población de estudio y el 63,16 % de los padres fueron evaluados de Bien. Se concluye que los hábitos bucales deformantes que constituyeron factores de riesgo fueron la respiración bucal como factor con mayor influencia sobre la aparición del micrognatismo transversal, seguidos del empuje lingual, la succión digital y las edades de 8 y 9 años. Predominó el alto nivel de conocimiento de los escolares y de los padres o responsables luego de la intervención.

ABSTRACT Transverse micrognathism is a volume abnormality of the jaws in the transverse direction. The objective of the work was to determine the hypothetically influencing factors in the appearance of transverse micrognathism in schoolchildren. A case-control study and a quasi-experimental study were carried out to evaluate the results of the branch project on the treatment of transverse micrognathism related to deforming oral habits in schoolchildren from the "Ciro Redondo" Primary School in the period from 2015 to 2018. Variables such as: age, sex, level of knowledge and deforming oral habits were studied. 8-year-old children predominated with 37,36 %; 58,24% of the girls presented transverse micrognathism; mouth breathing showed a clear association with the appearance of transverse micrognathism; in schoolchildren with tongue thrusting, the risk was 6.80 (95% CI 3.90-11.80) times higher for transverse micrognathism; After applying the intervention phase, an increase was obtained in the Good category with 172 schoolchildren representing 75,44% of the total study population and 63,16% of the parents were evaluated as Good. It is concluded that the deforming oral habits that constituted risk factors were mouth breathing as the factor with the greatest influence on the appearance of transverse micrognathism, followed by tongue thrusting, digital suction, and the ages of 8 and 9 years. The high level of knowledge of the schoolchildren and of the parents or guardians after the intervention prevailed.

RESUMO Micrognatismo transversal é uma anormalidade de volume das mandíbulas na direção transversal. O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar os fatores de influência hipotética no aparecimento do micrognatismo transversal em escolares. Um estudo de caso-controle e um estudo quase experimental foram realizados para avaliar os resultados do projeto do ramo sobre o tratamento do micrognatismo transversal relacionado à deformação dos hábitos orais em escolares da Escola Primária "Ciro Redondo" no período de 2015 a 2018. Foram estudadas variáveis ​​como: idade, sexo, nível de conhecimento e hábitos orais deformadores. As crianças de 8 anos predominaram com 37,36%; 58,24% das meninas apresentaram micrognatismo transversal; a respiração bucal mostrou uma associação clara com o aparecimento de micrognatismo transversal; em escolares com impulso de língua, o risco foi 6,80 (IC95% 3,90-11,80) vezes maior para micrognatismo transversal; Após a aplicação da fase de intervenção, obteve-se um aumento na categoria Bom, com 172 escolares representando 75,44% da população total do estudo e 63,16% dos pais foram avaliados como Bom. Conclui-se que os hábitos bucais deformadores que constituíram fatores de risco foram a respiração bucal como o fator de maior influência no aparecimento do micrognatismo transverso, seguido de estiramento da língua, sucção digital e idades de 8 e 9 anos. O alto nível de conhecimento dos escolares e dos pais ou responsáveis ​​após a intervenção prevaleceu.

Multimed (Granma) ; 25(5): e2234, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346599


RESUMO Introdução: o micrognatismo transverso é uma anomalia dentomaxilofacial caracterizada por relações precárias entre as arcadas dentárias, geralmente devido à presença de anormalidades nos dentes, na maxila e nas articulações temporomandibulares, para as quais o ativador elástico aberto de Klammt torna-se uma opção terapêutica. Objetivo: avaliar o tratamento do micrognatismo transverso com o ativador elástico aberto Klammt. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo de intervenção do tipo quase experimental, antes e depois da modalidade sem grupo de controlo, em alunos do 2.º ano da Escola Ciro Redondo do município de Bayamo no período de 2017 a 2018. O universo foi constituído por 31 alunos da 2ª série, todos com diagnóstico de micrognatismo transverso. As variáveis ​​estudadas foram: micrognatismo transverso, alterações clínicas, modificações esqueléticas e tempo de correção. Para a obtenção das informações foram utilizados métodos teóricos, empíricos e estatísticos e para o seo processamento utilizou-se o número (Não), a percentagem (%) e o teste de Wilcoxon. Resultados: a mordida cruzada posterior foi eliminada em 100,0% dos casos e a largura maxilar atingiu valores dentro da norma em 74,19% dos pacientes, a anomalia foi corrigida em 77,42% dos alunos do primeiro ano de tratamento. Conclusões: demonstrou-se que, se o tratamento fosse aplicado a toda a população da área acometida pelo micrognatismo transverso, seriam obtidos resultados favoráveis ​​com uma faixa que poderia oscilar entre 61,09 e 93,75% de eficácia, o que tornou significativa a intervenção.

RESUMEN Introducción: el micrognatismo transversal es una anomalía dentomaxilofacial que se caracteriza por presentar deficientes relaciones entre los arcos dentarios, generalmente debida a la presencia de anomalías de los dientes, maxilar y articulaciones temporomandibulares, para lo cual el activador abierto elástico de Klammt se convierte en una opción terapéutica. Objetivo: evaluar el tratamiento del micrognatismo transversal con el activador abierto elástico de Klammt. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de intervención de tipo cuasi-experimental, modalidad antes y después sin grupo control en alumnos de 2do grado de la Escuela "Ciro Redondo" del municipio Bayamo en el periodo 2017- 2018. El universo estuvo constituido por 31 estudiantes de 2do grado, todos con el diagnóstico de micrognatismo transversal. Las variables estudiadas fueron: micrognatismo transversal, cambios clínicos, modificaciones esqueléticas y tiempo de corrección. Para obtener la información se emplearon métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos y para su procesamiento se utilizaron número (No), porciento (%) y la prueba de Wilcoxon. Resultados: se eliminó la mordida cruzada posterior en el 100,0 % de los casos y la anchura maxilar alcanzó valores dentro de la norma en el 74,19 % de los pacientes, se corrigió la anomalía en el 77,42 % de los estudiantes en el primer año de tratamiento. Conclusiones: se demostró que, si se aplicase el tratamiento a toda la población del área afectada por el micrognatismo transversal, se obtendrían resultados favorables con un rango que pudiera oscilar entre el 61,09 y el 93,75 % de efectividad, lo cual hizo significativa la intervención.

ABSTRACT Introduction: transverse micrognathism is a dentomaxillofacial anomaly characterized by poor relationships between the dental arches, generally due to the presence of abnormalities of the teeth, maxilla and temporomandibular joints, for which the elastic open activator of Klammt becomes a therapeutic option. Objective: to evaluate the treatment of transverse micrognathism with the Klammt elastic open activator. Methods: an intervention study of a quasi-experimental type, before and after modality without a control group, was carried out in 2nd grade students of the "Ciro Redondo" School of the Bayamo municipality in the period 2017-2018. The universe consisted of 31 students 2nd grade, all with the diagnosis of transverse micrognathism. The variables studied were: transverse micrognathism, clinical changes, skeletal modifications and correction time. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were used to obtain the information and for its processing number (No), percent (%) and the Wilcoxon test were used. Results: the posterior crossbite was eliminated in 100.0% of the cases and the maxillary width reached values ​​within the norm in 74.19% of the patients, the anomaly was corrected in 77.42% of the students in the first year of treatment. Conclusions: it was shown that, if the treatment were applied to the entire population of the area affected by transverse micrognathism, favorable results would be obtained with a range that could oscillate between 61.09 and 93.75% of effectiveness, which made significant intervention.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre (Online) ; 62(1): 151-161, jan.-jun. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1451553


Introdução: Defeitos congênitos são alterações estruturais ou funcionais que acontecem durante a vida intrauterina. O cirurgião-dentista deve reconhecer os defeitos craniofaciais para complementar a caracterização fenotípica e manejá-los junto a uma equipe multiprofissional. A presente revisão tem como objetivo auxiliar o cirurgião-dentista para o diagnóstico desses achados e apresentar quadros sindrômicos tipicamente associados a malformações craniofaciais. Revisão de Literatura: Manifestações craniofaciais de defeitos congênitos são condições que devem ser reconhecidas pelos cirurgiões--dentistas, pois frequentemente estão presentes em sua prática diária, podendo ser este profissional o primeiro a identificar tais achados. Os principais quadros sindrômicos tipicamente associados a micrognatia, fendas orais e displasias esqueléticas com manifestação craniofacial são apresentados, assinalando suas características clínicas e genéticas. Discussão: O cirurgião-dentista deve realizar uma anamnese detalhada incluindo a história familiar, bem como reconhecer as dismorfias tanto clínica quanto radiograficamente, observando o paciente de forma sistêmica. Conclusão: Os profissionais da odontologia devem receber treinamento teórico-prático para o diagnóstico, tratamento e vigilância de indivíduos com defeitos congênitos, seja na avaliação individual ou como parte de uma equipe multiprofissional.

Introduction: Birth defects are structural or functional changes that occur during intrauterine life. The dentist must recognize the craniofacial defects, complement the phenotypic characterization and manage them within a multidisciplinary team. The present review aims to assist the dentist to diagnose these findings and present syndromic conditions typically associated with cranio-facial malformations. Literature Review: Craniofacial manifestations of birth defects are conditions that must be recognized by dentists, as they are frequently present in their daily practices, and this professional may be the first to identify such findings. The main syndromic clinical pictures typically associated with micrognathia, oral clefts and skeletal dysplasias with craniofacial man-ifestation are presented, pointing out their clinical and genetic features. Discussion: The dentist must perform a detailed anamnesis including family history, as well as should recognize both clinical and radiographically the dysmorphisms, observing the patient systemically. Conclusion: Dentistry professionals should receive the-oretical-practical training for the diagnosis, treatment and surveillance of individuals with congenital defects, either in individual assessment or as part of a multipro-fessional team.

Congenital Abnormalities/diagnosis , Dental Care , Craniofacial Abnormalities , Bone Diseases, Developmental , Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Micrognathism
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 25(1): e4618, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289091


RESUMEN Introducción: el dismorfismo facial es un tema abordado desde múltiples aristas. Las coexistencias de estos y otras afectaciones del cuerpo humano pueden tener su explicación en los procesos que ocurren durante la formación del embrión. Objetivo: determinar la relación entre el dismorfismo facial y malformaciones congénitas presentes en sistemas de órganos, en fetos humanos. Métodos: se realizó una investigación observacional analítica y transversal a 42 fetos humanos producto de interrupciones de embarazo. Se realizó durante la autopsia medición de estructuras faciales. Se tuvo en cuenta perfil facial, simetría, existencia de hipoplasias faciales y malformaciones congénitas en diferentes sistemas de órganos. Resultados: se observó un 66,7 % de fetos masculinos, la edad materna promedio fue de 29,3 ± 7,5 años. Las dismorfias del perfil facial (73,8 %), la región frontal (57,1 %) y la mandíbula (54,7 %) fueron más frecuentes. Solo las malformaciones cardiovasculares mostraron una correlación positiva, significativa con los signos dismórficos faciales (p=0,006; R=0,414). Conclusiones: el dismorfismo facial de fetos humanos se relacionó con las malformaciones del sistema cardiovascular. Esto resultados pueden ser útiles en el diagnóstico precoz de los defectos congénitos del corazón.

ABSTRACT Introduction: facial dysmorphia is a topic approached from multiple angles. The coexistence of these and other disorders of the human body can be explained by the processes that occur during the development of the embryo. Objective: to determine the relationship between facial dysmorphia and congenital malformations present in the system of organs in human fetuses. Methods: an analytical, cross-sectional, observational research was carried out on 42 human fetuses resulting from pregnancy interruptions. During the autopsy, facial structures were measured. Facial profile, symmetry, existence of facial hypoplasias and congenital malformations in different system of organs were considered. Results: 66,7 % of male fetuses were observed, average maternal age was 29,3 ± 7,5 years. Dysmorphia of the facial profile (73,8 %), the frontal region (57,1 %) and the jaw (54,7 %) were more frequent. Only cardiovascular malformations showed a positive, significant correlation with signs of facial dysmorphia (p=0,006; R=0,414). Conclusions: facial dysmorphia in human fetuses was related to malformations of the cardiovascular system, which could be useful in the early diagnosis of congenital heart defects.

Multimed (Granma) ; 23(2): 231-242, mar.-abr. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091269


RESUMEN Introducción: la salud bucal es parte integrante de la salud general, pues un individuo no puede considerarse completamente sano si existe presencia activa de enfermedad bucal. Objetivo: describir la cultura sanitaria sobre hábitos bucales deformantes relacionados con el micrognatismo transversal superior en escolares y padres de Cuarto Grado de la Escuela "Ciro Redondo" durante el año 2017. Método: se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo transversal sobre hábitos bucales deformantes relacionados con el micrognatismo transversal superior. El universo estuvo constituido por 112 estudiantes de 4to grado de la Escuela "Ciro Redondo" del municipio Bayamo, en el 2017. Todos formaron parte del estudio. Las variables estudiadas fueron: nivel de conocimiento, necesidades de aprendizaje, hábitos bucales deformantes y micrognatismo transversal superior, apoyados en métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos. Resultados: el nivel de conocimiento fue inadecuado: 67,85 % en escolares y 81,25 % en padres, relacionado con las necesidades de aprendizaje sobre los hábitos: empuje lingual, respiración bucal, succión digital y posturas inadecuadas. El 100 % presentó hábitos bucales deformantes, de ellos el 40,18 % con micrognatismo transversal superior, predominando el sexo femenino. Conclusiones: el nivel de conocimiento fue inadecuado, con ligero predominio en el sexo femenino del micrognatismo transversal superior y la inadecuada cultura sanitaria en pacientes con hábitos deformantes.

ABSTRACT Introduction: oral health is an integral part of general health, because an individual cannot be considered completely healthy if there is an active presence of oral disease. Objective: to describe the sanitary culture on deforming oral habits related to the superior transverse micrognathism in schoolchildren and Fourth Grade parents of the "Ciro Redondo" School during the year 2017. Method: a cross-sectional descriptive study on deforming buccal habits related to superior transverse micrognathism was carried out. The universe was constituted by 112 students of 4th grade of the School "Ciro Redondo" of the Bayamo municipality, in 2017. They were all part of the study. The variables studied were: level of knowledge, learning needs, deforming oral habits and superior transverse micrognathism, supported by theoretical, empirical and statistical methods. Results: the level of knowledge was inadequate: 67.85% in schoolchildren and 81.25% in parents, related to the learning needs on habits: tongue thrust, mouth breathing, digital suction and inadequate postures. The 100% presented deforming oral habits, of them 40.18% with superior transverse micrognathism, predominantly female. Conclusions: the level of knowledge was inadequate, with a slight predominance in the female sex of the superior transverse micrognathism and the inadequate sanitary culture in patients with deforming habits.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785807


Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) is characterized by the triad of micrognathia, glossoptosis, and airway obstruction. PRS does not have a single pathogenesis, but rather is associated with multiple syndromes. This report presents the case of a 35-year-old woman with PRS and scoliosis. Among the syndromes related to PRS, cerebro-costo-mandibular syndrome (CCMS), which is characterized by posterior rib gap defects and vertebral anomalies, was suspected in this patient. However, no posterior rib gap defect was detected on radiological examinations. Although over 80 cases of CCMS have been reported to date, few cases of PRS with scoliosis alone have been reported. Therefore, this report demonstrated the clinical, radiological, and cephalometric characteristics of an adult patient with PRS and scoliosis, but without rib anomalies.

Adult , Female , Humans , Airway Obstruction , Glossoptosis , Micrognathism , Pierre Robin Syndrome , Ribs , Scoliosis
Rev. AMRIGS ; 60(4): 345-350, out.-dez. 2016. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-847779


Introdução: Pierre Robin, em 1923, descreveu a sequência das malformações e as correlacionou com os sinais clínicos de insuficiência respiratória, o que trouxe a constatação da necessidade de tratamento, muitas vezes urgente. A conduta terapêutica deve ser individualizada para cada caso e respeitar o quadro apresentado pelo paciente. Objetivo: O presente estudo consiste em uma revisão sobre a Sequência de Pierre Robin e sua abordagem terapêutica, através de distração osteogênica da mandíbula, com a finalidade de demonstrar a efetividade do procedimento. Método: Estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa tipo relato de caso. Resultados e conclusão: A aplicação da técnica possibilitou a correção das anormalidades craniofaciais, o que minimizou os prejuízos causados pela síndrome (AU)

Introduction: In 1923, Pierre Robin described and sequenced the malformations and correlated them with the clinical signs of respiratory failure, which eventually confirmed the need for treatment, often urgent. The therapeutic approach should be individualized for each case and must respect the patient's clinical picture. Aim: The present study consists of a review on the Pierre Robin sequence and its therapeutic approach through osteogenic distraction of the mandible in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the procedure. Method: A descriptive study with a qualitative approach, case report type. Results and conclusion: The application of the technique made possible the correction of craniofacial abnormalities, which minimized the damage caused by the syndrome (AU)

Humans , Male , Infant, Newborn , Pierre Robin Syndrome/therapy , Pierre Robin Syndrome/diagnosis , Pierre Robin Syndrome/etiology
Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 1355-1357, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-460319


Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of autogenous coronoid process reengineering condylar arthroplasty with simultaneous genioplasty for the correction of temporomandibular joint(TMJ)ankylosis accompanying micrognathia.Methods 21 cases of TMJ ankylosis with micrognathia from July 2003 to January 2012 were treated by autogenous coronoid process re-engineering condylar arthroplasty with simultaneous genioplasty.The follow-up period was 24 months to 8 years.TMJ function, mouth opening,occlusion,facial contour and the imaging manifestations were evaluated.Results After observation of follow-up,19 cases were improved obviously in the mandibular movement and mouth opening.Two cases had the recurrence of TMJ ankylosis. The facial appearance in all cases was significantly improved compared with before operation and the occlusal relationship had no large change compared with before operation.The coracoid process and mandibular ramus reached bone union with good reconstruc-tion by the panoramic radiographs.Compared with preoperation;the cephalometric results showed that the facial contour and process had statistical differences between postoperation and preoperation(P <0.05).Conclusion Autogenous coronoid process re-engineering condylar arthroplasty with simultaneous genioplasty can treat TMJ ankylosis accompanying micrognathia.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-461879


BACKGROUND:Pierre Robin Sequence is a congenital malformation which is characterized by micrognathia, glossoptosis and respiratory tract obstruction with or without cleft palate. SOX9, KCNJ2, Ptprs and Ptprf are probably connected with Pierre Robin Sequence. OBJECTIVE:To review the recent progress in the researches on the related genes about Pierre Robin Sequence. METHODS:A computer-based online search of CNKI database and PubMed database was performed to retrieve the relevant articles published from January 1999 to September 2014 with the key words of“micrognathia, Pierre Robin Sequence, mutation, gene locus”in Chinese and English, respectively. Final y, 58 articles were included for review after deleting unrelated and repetitive ones. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:SOX9, KCNJ2, Ptprs and Ptprf are probably connected with Pierre Robin Sequence. Recently, the research on the genes connected with Pierre Robin Sequence focuses on 17q23-24, and smal sample cases are commonly seen. But, further large sample test and case analysis, as wel as related animal models are needed to analyze the role of these genes in the pathogenesis of Pierre Robin sequence, as wel as consequently, we can analyze the etiology and pathogenesis of Pierre Robin sequence.

Rev. medica electron ; 33(1): 45-51, ene.-feb. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-585224


El amamantamiento ha sido la primera forma de alimentación del género humano. Es indiscutible la repercusión de este acto en el desarrollo integral del niño, y el aparato estomatognático no está ajeno a este influjo. Este trabajo se efectuó con el propósito de evaluar la influencia de la lactancia materna en el crecimiento transversal del maxilar y su relación con la presencia de hábitos bucales deformantes. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal, donde se examinó el total de niños (156), de 2 a 5 años de edad, pertenecientes al círculo infantil Días de Infancia, del área de salud Playa, en el período febrero 2007-febrero 2008. Para la recolección de información, se utilizó una encuesta confeccionada al efecto. Los datos fueron procesados en tablas y gráficos. Se emplearon análisis estadísticos para establecer relaciones de dependencia entre las variables estudiadas. El 56,41 por ciento de los niños recibieron lactancia por un período menor de 6 meses. El micrognatismo transversal estuvo presente en igual porcentaje. Solo el 23,08 por ciento no practicaba hábitos bucales deformantes. El 72,73 por ciento de los niños que recibieron lactancia materna por más de 6 meses presentaron un adecuado desarrollo transversal del maxilar, mientras que el 30,30 por ciento no estuvo comprometido con la práctica de hábitos bucales incorrectos.

The breastfeeding has been the first form of feeding of the humankind. It is unquestionable the repercussion of this act in the boy's integral development, and the stomatognathic apparatus is not unaware to this influence. The aim of this work was assessing the influence of maternal breastfeeding in the transversal growth of the maxilla and the presence of oral deforming habits. We made a transversal descriptive study where the total of the children (156) aged 2-5 years of the Day Care Center Días de la Infancia, health area Playa, in the period February 2007-February 2008. To collect the information we used a custom made survey. Data were processed in tables and graphics. We used the statistic analysis to establish relations of dependence among the studied variables. 56,41 percent of the children were breastfed for a period of less than 6 months. The transversal micrognathism was present in an equal percentage. Only 23,08 percent of the children did not have deforming oral habits. 72,73 percent of the children that were breastfed for more than 6 months had an adequate transversal development of the maxilla, while 30,30 percent was not involved in incorrect oral habits.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-675732


Objective To review the prenatal ultrasound features and clinical value of fetal micrognathia.Methods All 13 500 cases were scanned for fetal faces with routine transverse,coronal and sagittal planes during prenatal ultrasonography.Results Thirteen cases with micrognathia were detected by prenatal ultrasonography.Midsagittal and coronal scans of all fetuses with micrognathia demonstrated small mandible and receding chin and the lower lip reside posterior to the upper lip.All prenatal diagnosed fetuses micrognathia were confirmed by autopsy.Conclusions Prenatal ultrasonic diagnosis of fetal micrognathia relied on subjective evaluation of fetal profile on a midline sagittal and a coronal scan of fetal face.Micrognathia may be a clue or marker of chromosomal anomalies and syndrome.Prenatal detecting of micrognathia has important clinical value.