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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(4): 1069-1079, jul.-ago. 2018. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-916415


Descreve-se a viabilidade da técnica cirúrgica de transposição uretral pré-púbica em cadáveres de cães machos, adultos, advindos de um hospital veterinário, a fim de se avaliar a manutenção da luz uretral a partir de um desvio uretral pré-púbico, descrevendo-se detalhadamente a abordagem e as estruturas anatômicas envolvidas. A técnica consistiu inicialmente da orquiectomia, seguida de celiotomia retroumbilical, tração vesical cranial, secção transversa da uretra membranosa a 1cm caudal à próstata, espatulação e reparo da borda livre. A seguir, divulsão e secção do pênis 1,5cm caudal ao osso peniano, espatulação da borda uretral peniana e transposição desta em direção à cavidade abdominal, fazendo-se anastomose por meio de sutura interrompida simples à uretra membranosa. Foi mensurado o comprimento uretral desde o meato externo até o início da uretra prostática em dois momentos: pré e pós-transposição. Ao final, avaliou-se, por meio de uretrografia retrógrada de contraste positivo, o diâmetro e o selamento na anastomose uretral e o fluxo do contraste até a bexiga. A transposição uretral pré-púbica é uma técnica cirúrgica exequível, anatomicamente compatível com a espécie canina e capaz de manter o diâmetro uretral e o fluxo do contraste de forma satisfatória, com manutenção estética externa idêntica a um cão macho orquiectomizado.(AU)

We describe the viability of the surgical technique of pre-pubic urethral transposition in cadavers of adult male dogs, coming from a veterinary hospital to evaluate the maintenance of urethral light from a prepubic urethral deviation, describing in detail the approach and anatomical structures involved. The technique consisted initially of orchiectomy, followed by retroumbilical celiotomy, cranial vesical traction, transverse section of the membranous urethra at 1cm caudal to prostate, spatulation and free edge repair. Next, the penis divulsion and section 1.5cm caudal to the penile bone, spreading the penile urethral border and transposing it towards the abdominal cavity, making an anastomosis of simple interrupted suture to the membranous urethra. The dogs had the urethral length measured from the external meatus to the beginning of the prostatic urethra at two moments: pre-transposition and post-transposition. Postoperative retrograde urethrography was used to evaluate the diameter and sealing of the urethral anastomosis and contrast flow to the bladder. In conclusion, the prepubic urethral transposition is a feasible surgical technique, anatomically compatible with the canine species and able to maintain the urethral diameter and contrast flow satisfactorily, with an external esthetic maintenance identical to an orchiectomized male dog.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Ureteral Obstruction/veterinary , Anastomosis, Surgical/veterinary
Rev. cuba. plantas med ; 19(3): 144-153, jul.-set. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-735376


Introducción: la búsqueda de metabolitos de origen natural, con actividad biológica promisoria, particularmente la actividad insecticida, es un blanco interesante en las investigaciones sobre productos naturales. Objetivos: evaluar la bioactividad de extractos de diferente polaridad de semillas de Crotalaria pallida Aiton sobre el modelo biológico Drosophila melanogaster. Métodos: la bioactividad de los extractos de diferente polaridad de semillas secas de C. pallida se evalúo por ingestión en el modelo biológico; permitiendo purificar y determinar la estructura química del principio activo usando RMN. Resultados: la bioactividad expresada resultó de dos tipos; uno causó la inhibición de los estados larvarios, evidenciada con la disminución del número de pupas de los tratamientos con respecto a los controles no tratados, la relación dosis-respuesta permitió calcular una CI 50 de 156,47 ppm; el otro efecto inhibió el paso pupa-adulto, disminuyendo el número de adultos de los tratamientos frente a los controles, estableciéndose una CI50 de 7,95 ppm. Con el uso de diferentes ensayos de RMN se determinó el alcaloide usaramina como responsable de esta actividad biológica. Conclusiones : la bioactividad de los extractos de polaridad media/baja permitió el aislamiento de un metabolito con actividad insecticida promisoria, manifestada con la inhibición del normal desarrollo del ciclo de vida de D. melanogaster, el extracto no exhibe actividad sobre la oviposición, en el intervalo de concentraciones evaluado; a bajas concentraciones inhibe la eclosión de pupas y a altas concentraciones afecta el desarrollo de las larvas; actividades que se mantienen al probar el metabolito purificado.

Introduction: the search for metabolites of natural origin with promising biological -particularly insecticidal- activity, is an interesting target for research about natural products. Objectives: evaluate the bioactivity of extracts of varying polarity from Crotalaria pallida Aiton seeds using the Drosophila melanogaster biological model. Methods: an evaluation was conducted of the bioactivity of extracts of varying polarity from dry C. pallida seeds by ingestion into the biological model, with the purpose of purifying and determining the chemical structure of the active principle through NMR spectroscopy. Results: two types of bioactivity were expressed. One caused inhibition of larval stages, evidenced in a smaller number of pupae in treatment controls with respect to non-treatment controls. The dose-response relationship allowed estimation of a CI50 of 156.47 ppm. The other effect inhibited progress from pupa to adult, reducing the number of adults in the treatment vs. control groups, with an CI50 of 7.95 ppm. With the use of various NMR assays, it was determined that the alkaloid usaramine was responsible for this biological activity. Conclusions: the bioactivity of extracts of medium / low polarity permitted the isolation of a metabolite with promising insecticidal activity, manifested in the inhibition of the normal development of the life cycle of D. melanogaster. The extract does not show any activity on oviposition in the concentration range studied. At low concentrations it inhibits the eclosion of pupae, whereas at high concentrations it affects larval development. Both activities remained when the purified metabolite was tested.