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Liberabit ; 26(1): e313, 30/06/2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287113


Resumen Objetivo: Este estudio explora el razonamiento moral de un grupo de jugadores de fútbol del pueblo indígena shipibo-konibo sobre el uso de diversas trampas en competencias de dicho deporte. Método : Mediante entrevistas cualitativas, usando cartulinas escritas que presentan situaciones de conflicto comunes a la práctica del fútbol, se identifican primero los recursos secretos propios de su contexto cultural, utilizados para obtener ventajas sobre los rivales. Resultados : Luego de ello, se exploran las creencias y modos de razonar moralmente de estos jugadores sobre el uso de dichos secretos, así como sobre situaciones comunes de trasgresión presentes en la práctica del futbol. Conclusión : Los resultados muestran la compleja articulación entre creencias y cosmovisiones culturales específicas y procesos universales de razonamiento moral, comunes a los miembros de diferentes culturas.

Abstract Objetive : this study explores the moral reasoning of a group of soccer players from the Shipibo-Konibo indigenous people concerning the use of various fouls and misconduct in such sport's competitions. Method : through qualitative interviews, using written cards that show conflict situations in soccer games, the cultural secrets used to gain advantage over rivals are first identified. Results : afterwards, the beliefs and ways of moral reasoning of these players on the use of such secrets, as well as common fouls in soccer games, are examined. Conclusion : the results show the complex relationship that the specific cultural beliefs and worldviews have with the universal processes of moral reasoning common to people from different cultures.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 21(2): 197-212, jul.-dic. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-675288


Relations between exposure to violence and moral reasoning were explored. Ninety-six participants aged 6-16 years evaluated the acceptability of stealing and causing physical harm in a situation of vengeance. Self-reports of exposure to violence were collected from each participant. Findings indicated that previous exposure to violence is related to moral reasoning in contexts of vengeance. Participants who reported having witnessed more violence, especially against family members, evaluated causing physical harm more positively, provided justifications entailing retaliation more frequently, and offered fewer reasons related to the conventional and personal realms, in a context of vengeance. Moreover, witnessing particular violent events was found to be positively correlated with judgments justified with reasons involving retaliation. These results suggest that participants think of vengeance as a way to restore justice (a moral issue) through expiatory sanction.

Se exploraron las relaciones entre la exposición a la violencia y razonamiento moral en 96 participantes de 6 a 16 años de edad, quienes evaluaron la aceptabilidad de robar y causar daño físico en una situación de venganza. Autorreportes de exposición a la violencia fueron recolectados para cada participante. Los resultados indicaron que la exposición previa a la violencia está relacionada con el razonamiento moral en contextos de venganza. Los participantes que reportaron haber sido testigos de más violencia, especialmente contra miembros de su familia, evaluaron causar daño físico más positivamente, proveyeron justificaciones que abarcaban retaliación más frecuentemente y ofrecieron menos razones relacionadas con los ámbitos convencional y personal, en contextos de venganza. Además, se encontró que ser testigo de eventos particulares de violencia está correlacionado positivamente con justificaciones de juicios que abarcan razones de retaliación. Estos resultados sugieren que los participantes piensan sobre la venganza como una forma de restaurar justicia (un asunto moral) a través de sanciones expiatorias.

Exploram-se as relações entre a exposição à violência e o racionamento moral em 96 participantes de 6 a 16 anos de idade, os que avaliaram a aceitabilidade de roubar e causar dano físico em uma situação de vingança. Autorrelatórios de exposição à violência foram coletados para cada participante. Os resultados indicaram que a exposição prévia à violência está relacionada com o racionamento moral em contextos de vingança. Os participantes que relataram ter sido testemunhas de mais violência, especialmente contra membros de sua família, avaliaram causar dano físico mais positivamente, deram justificativas que abrangiam retaliação mais frequentemente e ofereceram menos razões relacionadas com os âmbitos convencional e pessoal, em contextos de vingança. Além disso, constatou-se que ser testemunha de eventos particulares de violência está correlacionado positivamente com justificativas de juízos que abrangem razões de retaliação. Esses resultados sugerem que os participantes pensam sobre a vingança como uma forma de restaurar justiça (um assunto moral) por meio de sanções expiatórias.

Univ. psychol ; 11(1): 255-267, ene.-abr. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-659551


Es ampliamente conocido que la exposición a violencia tiene consecuencias en la salud mental de los individuos. Sin embargo, un gran número de personas que crecen en medio de contextos violentos no muestran problemas psicológicos. La evidencia que presentamos en el presente artículo, sugiere que las experiencias de violencia no pasan desapercibidas y que, por el contrario, impactan el desarrollo social de los individuos y más específicamente el razonamiento moral. Las implicaciones de abordar el problema desde una perspectiva diferente a modelos de trauma, permiten explorar nuevos aspectos relacionados con la perpetuación de ciclos de violencia.

It is widely known that exposure to violence affects the mental health of individuals and groups . However, a large number of individuals who grow up in contexts of violence do not exhibit symptoms of mental disorder. Evidence presented in the article suggests that individual's experiences of violence do not go unnoticed, and on the contrary, have an impact on their social development and more specifically on their moral reasoning. The implications of the psychosocial perspectives for the study of the psychological consequences of violence, beyond trauma models, allow us to explore key aspects related to the perpetuation of cycles of violence.

Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 16(1): 199-214, abr. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-603504


Este artigo visa a defender a significação de algumas hipóteses neurobiológicas - acerca das relações dos raciocínios morais com as emoções - que se propõem depreender um caminho privilegiado para a compreensão objetiva e em bases causais do comportamento humano e do percurso neural que envolve o processo de decision-making. Ao mesmo tempo, proponho defender que, se processos emocionais e processos cognitivos têm percursos neurais próprios e particulares, também é verdade que, no âmbito dos raciocínios morais e da regulação do comportamento, há uma cooperação e integração funcional significativa, a qual inviabiliza a tradicional dicotomia ou subordinação entre processos cognitivos e processos emocionais na constituição do comportamento ético. Com base em consulta bibliográfica e busca pelo sistema Medline, pretendo demonstrar certa equiparação entre a neurociência do comportamento e certos postulados de Aristóteles, que já defende que nem todos os atos humanos são efetivamente livres.

This article aims to advocate the significance of some neurobiological hypotheses - concerning the relations between moral reasoning and emotions - which propose to devise a special way to an objective and causal understanding of human behavior, as well as of the neural pathway that involves the decision-making process. At the same time, it argues that if emotional and cognitive processes have their own neural pathways, is also true that, in the context of moral reasoning and behavior regulation, there is significant functional cooperation and integration, which undermine the traditional dichotomy or subordination between cognitive and emotional processes in the constitution of ethical behavior. Based on the literature review and the Medline system search, the paper intends to demonstrate some equivalence between Behavioral Neuroscience and some of Aristotle’s postulates, which argue that not all human actions are effectively free.

Este artículo visa defender la significación de algunas hipótesis neurobiológicas - acerca de las relaciones de los raciocinios morales con las emociones - que se proponen desprender un camino privilegiado para la comprensión objetiva y en bases causales del comportamiento humano y del recorrido neural que envuelve el proceso de decision-making. A la vez, propongo defender que, si procesos emocionales y procesos cognitivos tienen recorridos neurales propios y particulares, también es verdad que, en el ámbito de los raciocinios morales y de la regulación del comportamiento, hay una cooperación e integración funcional significativa, la cual inviabiliza la tradicional dicotomía o subordinación entre procesos cognitivos y procesos emocionales en la constitución del comportamiento ético. A partir de consulta bibliográfica y búsqueda por el sistema Medline, pretendo demostrar cierta equiparación entre la Neurociencia del Comportamiento y correctos postulados de Aristóteles, que ya defiende que ni todos los actos humanos son efectivamente libres.

Neurobiology , Emotions , Behavior , Neurosciences , Decision Making
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-107055


PURPOSE: This study was performed to investigate the differences in career choice motives and moral reasoning ability between students in baccalaureate and graduate-entry medical programs. METHODS: Forty-five students from a baccalaureate program and thirty-eight students from a graduate-entry program participated in this study. The students were required to fill out both the Career Choice Motivation Inventory and Defining Issues Test(DIT). The Career Choice Motivation Inventory is a 20-item questionnaire, which investigates five dimensions: effect of others, job security, interest in science, service and working with people, and working condition. Independent t-test was performed to compare the two groups. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to investigate the relationship among variables. RESULTS: There were significant differences in career choice motivations between the two groups. Students in the graduate-entry program were more likely to be motivated by scientific interest and opportunities to care for people. Status and job security were stronger factors in the baccalaureate students. For the students in this program, there were positive associations among their motives- interest in medical science, serving people, and working condition. There was no significant difference in moral reasoning ability between the two groups. CONCLUSION: Students in the graduate-entry medical program seem to have more professional and altruistic motivations for entering medicine. Although there is nostatistical significance, graduate students have numerically higher moral reasoning abilities compared to their counterparts. These results validate that a graduate-entry program provides an important alternative for student selection.

Humans , Career Choice , Motivation , School Admission Criteria , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-41387


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to investigate the trends and traits of moral sensitivity and reasoning over six years of medical school. METHODS: The participants in this study consisted of 217 first to sixth-year medical students of Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine in Korea. Essay type questionnaire was used for evaluating moral sensitivity and the Korean-Defining Issues Test (KDIT) was used for evaluating moral reasoning. RESULTS: It was found that the medical students' sensitivity of 'public welfare', 'prospective result' and 'role-taking as a doctor' was significantly higher than that of the pre-medical students'. Moral sensitivity increased in the 3rd and the 4th years but decreased in the 5th and the 6th years. Moral reasoning decreased in the 3rd and the 4th years but increased in the 5th and the 6th years. No correlation was observed between moral sensitivity and reasoning(r=0.033). Developmental trends of moral sensitivity and reasoning showed a significant difference in terms of year of medical school. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that medical school curriculum tends to impct students' moral sensitivity. This school has implemented the problem-based learning curriculum into the 3rd and the 4th years. It is necessary to consider the developmental state of the student's morality when developing an effective medical ethics program.

Humans , Curriculum , Ethics, Medical , Korea , Morals , Problem-Based Learning , Schools, Medical , Students, Medical , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-186360


Gachon Medical School has developed and implemented a medical ethics course entitled, "Life and Society II". The course uses dilemma discussion based on medical case studies to allow students to develop their moral reasoning ability in both clinical and hospital settings. The course was developed by the faculty of medicine during the 1998-1999 academic years. The program was designed in a four-stage process: 1) learning objectives were identified, 2) contemporary controversies and relevant ethical issues were chosen based on relevance to modern medical practice, 3) a syllabus was drafted based on the aforementioned ethical issues and teaching methods appropriate for each issue were integrated into the syllabus, and 4) tutorial manuals were produced. The course was taught to 41 second-year premedical students and evaluated by student surveys. The learning goals were identified through both a literature survey of contemporary issues in medical ethics and an in-house survey of important content to teach in a medical ethics course. The curriculum was designed based on the identification of specific learning objectives per ethical issue, selection of appropriate materials and content, organization of dilemma scenarios and formulation of questions for discussion. The course was taught using a variety of teaching formats: dilemma discussions, seminars, tutorials, lectures, assigned readings and student presentations. Positive results were obtained from the student surveys: it was discovered that most students thought that the course's learning objectives were achieved. Furthermore, of all the teaching methods employed, most of our students felt that discussing dilemmas was the most effective method for developing moral reasoning ability.

Humans , Curriculum , Education , Ethics , Ethics, Medical , Learning , Lecture , Reading , Schools, Medical , Students, Premedical , Teaching