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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023862


Increasing age is the most important factor for cognitive impairment.Alzheimer disease(AD)and sarcopenia are significant causes of frailty and disability in older adults.It is important to have an in-depth understanding of the relationship between sarcopenia and AD.Studies have reported that sarcopenia often disturbs the secretion of muscle factors,which may increase the risk of developing dementia.In turn,the pathological feature of dementia,such as the de-position of amyloid β-protein(Aβ),amyloid precursor protein(APP)and tau protein in peripheral neurons,may be related to a decline in muscle function.In particular,the deposition of Aβ and APP may eventually lead to movement disorders and disability.Therefore,we hypothesize that AD and sarcopenia may mutually promote each other's pathological develop-ment.This results in exacerbation of clinical and pathological damage,in which myokine and amyloid proteins play impor-tant roles.However,the interrelationship based on amyloid protein and myokine production has not been discussed in de-tail in other reviews.In this paper,we reference and discuss the studies on this topic,and review the common risk factors for sarcopenia and AD and the potential and mechanisms for mutual improvement.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 591-599, abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440342


SUMMARY: Obesity is commonly associated with chronic tissue inflammation and skeletal muscle dysfunction. The study aimed to investigate the effects of High-Intensity Interval training (HIIT) on myokines and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress of diet- induced obese (DIO) mice. Three-month-old C57BL/6 male mice were fed a control (C) diet (n=20) or a high-fat (HF) diet (n=20) for 16 weeks. Then, half of the groups underwent HIIT (treadmill running) for an additional four weeks. HIIT increased calf muscles' contribution to BW (+24 %) and reduced weight gain in HF/HIIT than in HF (-120 %). Intramuscular fat accumulation was observed in HF and HF/ HIIT. Peak velocity was higher in HF/HIIT compared to HF (+26 %). Plasma insulin did not change, but glycemia was lower in HF/HIIT than in HF (-30 %). Fndc5 (+418 %) and Irisin (+72 %) were higher in HF/HIIT than in HF. Muscle Fgf21 was higher in HF/HIIT compared to HF (+30 %). In addition, NfKb (-53 %) and Tnfa (-63 %) were lower in HF/HIIT than in HF. However, Il1b (-86 %), Il6 (- 48 %), Il7 (-76 %), and Il15 (-21 %) were lower in HF/HIIT than in HF. Finally, HIIT reduced ER stress in HF/HIIT compared to HF: Atf4, -61 %; Chop, -61 %; Gadd45, -95 %. In conclusion, HIIT leads to weight loss and avoids muscle depletion. HIIT improves blood glucose, Irisin-Fndc5, and peak velocity. In addition, HIIT mitigates muscle inflammation and ER stress.

La obesidad es asociada comúnmente con inflamación tisular crónica y disfunción del músculo esquelético. El estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar los efectos del entrenamiento de intervalos de alta intensidad (HIIT) en las mioquinas y el estrés del retículo endoplásmico (ER) de ratones obesos inducidos por dieta (DIO). Se alimentó a ratones macho C57BL/6 de tres meses de edad con una dieta control (C) (n=20) o una dieta rica en grasas (HF) (n=20) durante 16 semanas. Luego, la mitad de los grupos se sometieron a HIIT (carrera en una trotadora) durante cuatro semanas más. HIIT aumentó la contribución de los músculos de la pantorrilla al BW (+24 %) y redujo el aumento de peso en HF/HIIT en HF (-120 %). Se observó acumulación de grasa intramuscular en HF y HF/HIIT. La velocidad máxima fue mayor en HF/HIIT en comparación con HF (+26 %). La insulina plasmática no cambió, pero la glucemia fue menor en HF/HIIT que en HF (-30 %). Fndc5 (+418 %) e Irisin (+72 %) fueron mayores en HF/HIIT que en HF. El Fgf21 muscular fue mayor en HF/ HIIT en comparación con HF (+30 %). Además, NfKb (-53 %) y Tnfa (-63 %) fueron menores en HF/HIIT que en HF. Sin embar- go, Il1b (-86 %), Il6 (-48 %), Il7 (-76 %) e Il15 (-21 %) fueron más bajos en HF/HIIT que en HF. Finalmente, HIIT redujo el estrés de RE en HF/HIIT en comparación con HF: Atf4, -61 %; Picar, - 61 %; Gadd45, -95 %. En conclusión, HIIT conduce a la pérdida de peso y evita el agotamiento muscular. HIIT mejora la glucosa en sangre, Irisin-Fndc5 y la velocidad máxima. Además, HIIT mitiga la inflamación muscular y el estrés ER.

Animals , Male , Mice , Cytokines/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal/physiology , Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress/physiology , High-Intensity Interval Training , Obesity , Gene Expression , Inflammation , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Molecular Biology
Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 29(1): 77-84, ene.-feb. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376858


Resumen Introducción: La obesidad es uno de los principales problemas de salud pública en el mundo. Se considera detonante de múltiples enfermedades cardiometabólicas, como el infarto agudo de miocardio, la hipertensión arterial, la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y el accidente isquémico cerebral. Es interesante conocer diversos factores fisiopatológicos que no dependen solo de la adiposidad, sino también de la masa muscular. Al entender que el músculo como órgano endocrino corresponde al 40% del peso corporal, las miocinas, como sustancias propias de este órgano liberadas desde la contracción, cobran importancia por su efecto antiinflamatorio y cardioprotector, y suponen un esfuerzo mayor para, a partir de su comprensión, realizar una prescripción adecuada del ejercicio. Objetivo: Estudiar las funciones de las miocinas como sustancias reguladoras de diversos procesos metabólicos, fundamentales en la homeostasis corporal. Método: Se hizo una revisión de tema, resultado de la revisión crítica de la literatura disponible sobre las miocinas, sus funciones y los efectos de la actividad física y el ejercicio en su liberación y acción. Conclusiones: El estudio de las miocinas viene en aumento y cobra relevancia clínica. Los efectos antiinflamatorios y cardioprotectores de las miocinas dependen del tipo de entrenamiento y de las cargas aplicadas al músculo una vez ha sido sometido a diferentes tipos de estímulo (aeróbico/anaeróbico, fuerza). Por tanto, la prescripción correcta del ejercicio es crucial en la modulación de estos mediadores: la optimización de su efecto, el acondicionamiento físico y el mantenimiento del peso adecuado.

Abstract Introduction: Obesity is one of the main public health problems worldwide being considered as a trigger for multiple cardiometabolic diseases such as acute myocardial infarction, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cerebral ischemic accident among others. For this reason, it is of interest to know the various pathophysiological factors which depend not only on adiposity but also on muscle mass. Taking into account that the muscle as an endocrine organ corresponds to 40 % of the body weight, the importance that myokines charge as substances of this organ with an anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective character and which are released from muscle contraction is an additional study to perform an adequate Prescription of the exercise. Objective: To study the functions of myokines as regulatory substances in various metabolic processes, being essential in body homeostasis. Method: It is presented a topic review article, the result of a critical review of the available literature on myokines, their functions and the effects of physical activity and exercise on their release and action. Conclusions: that the study of myokines is increasing and is becoming more important clinical. The anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective effects of myokines depend on the type of training and loads applied to the muscle once subjected to different types of stimulation (aerobic/anaerobic, strength). Therefore, the proper prescription of exercise becomes crucial in the physical conditioning and in the maintenance of the appropriate weight.

Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab ; 56(4): 1-10, dic. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125838


RESUMEN Mujer en cuarta década de la vida, con antecedente de hipotiroidismo, tuberculosis latente y artritis reumatoide, quien no responde a manejo inmunomodulador crónico con distintos esquemas terapéuticos, es valorada por grupo interdisciplinar de endocrinología, medicina interna, medicina del deporte y psicología evidenciando sobrepeso, con alteración de la masa muscular esquelética, masa grasa, grasa visceral y en exámenes complementarios una inadecuada excursión de la glucosa con insulina basal elevada. Se orienta manejo con estrategia nutricional, deportiva y cognitivo conductual logrando resolución de los síntomas y suspensión del tratamiento farmacológico.

ABSTRACT 35 years old woman, with personal history of hypothyroidism, latent tuberculosis and rheumatoid arthritis, who does not respond to chronic immunomodulatory management with different therapeutic schemes, is valued by an interdisciplinary group of endocrinology, internal medicine, sports medicine and psychology, evidencing overweight, with alteration in skeletal muscle mass, fat mass, visceral fat and laboratories with inadequate excursion of glucose with high basal insulin. The management was oriented with nutritional, sports and cognitive behavioral strategy achieving resolution of symptoms and suspension of pharmacological treatment.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-698156


Inflammatory bowel disease(IBD)is a chronic non-specific intestinal inflammatory disease,including ulcerative colitis(UC)and Crohn's disease(CD). Changing lifestyle can improve patients'symptoms to a certain extent and enhance the efficacy of drugs. The anti-inflammatory effect of exercise in IBD has been confirmed,but its specific mechanism is not clear. This article reviewed the advances in study on the anti-inflammatory effect of exercise on IBD.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-512732


Cytokines and peptides produced and released by muscle cells and exert either autocrine,paracrine or endocrine effects are defined as myokines.Myokines are capable of exerting specific endocrine effects on organs such as adipose tissue,liver,pancreas and bone,thereby impacting the structure and function of numerous organs and tissues,as well as playing an important role in the maintenance of biological homeostasis.So far,researches have confirmed hundreds of different myokines,including irisin,myonectin,myostatin and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),which can affect glucose and lipid metabolism,as well as energy equilibrium.The generation、physiology、mechanism of action and potential clinical value of these metabolism-associated myokines will be reviewed in this article.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-616574


Irisin is one of the myokines, that widely expresses in vavious tissues. Irisin may play a role in metabolism of glucide, lipoid, etc., as well as the insulin resistance, that may be focused in the researches of exercise therapy for diabetes.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 33(1): 228-233, ene.-mar. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-782686


Durante las últimas dos décadas, avances en investigación han revelado el potencial del ejercicio como terapia para enfermedades inflamatorias. Uno de los avances más importantes fue el descubrimiento de sistema de comunicación muscular con otros órganos y tejidos mediante la secreción de proteínas conocidas como mioquinas.Algunas de estas mioquinas, por diferentes mecanismos, inducen respuestas anti-inflamatorias con cada sesión de ejercicio, además de mejorías a largo plazo en factores de riesgo cardiovascular, obteniendo un efecto antiinflamatorio indirecto. Por lo tanto, contrario a la creencia que la actividad física podría agravar los mecanismos inflamatorios, hoy en día se considera al ejercicio como potencial tratamiento para enfermedades inflamatorias.

During the past two decades, advances in research have revealed the role of exercise as a therapy for inflammatory diseases. One of the most important of these advances is the discovery that skeletal muscle communicates with other organs and tissues by secreting proteins called myokines. Some myokines, by different mechanisns, induce anti-inflammatory responses with each bout of exercise and mediate long-term exercise-induced improvements in cardiovascular risk factors, having an indirect anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, contrary to fears that physical activity might aggravate inflammatory pathways, exercise is now believed to be a potential treatment for patients with inflammatory diseases.

Humans , Complementary Therapies , Exercise , Inflammation