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Rev. APS (Online) ; 27(Único): e272436777, 05/07/2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1567087


O objetivo deste estudo é descrever a capacitação de profissionais de saúde na avaliação dermatoneurológica e do grau de incapacidade física em hanseníase, realizada em um posto de Saúde. Trata-se de uma Pesquisa-ação desenvolvida de maio a agosto de 2019 com médicos, enfermeiros e fisioterapeuta da atenção básica. Foi utilizado para coleta de dados questionário autoaplicado, através da plataforma Google Forms, gravação audiovisual e registro em diário de campo durante as oficinas teóricas e práticas. O processo interpretativo deu-se através da análise de conteúdo. Inicialmente, foi realizado o diagnóstico situacional, no qual os profissionais relataram insegurança e deficiência tanto no conhecimento como na habilidade para o atendimento ao paciente com hanseníase. Além disso, não participaram de capacitações acerca do tema. Foram realizadas oficinas para desenvolver competências necessárias. A avaliação das oficinas mostrou uma melhoria do conhecimento e das práticas de cuidado aos usuários durante o estudo. É importante o incentivo às capacitações periódicas dos profissionais de saúde da atenção básica. Além disso, incluir na prática o monitoramento sistemático dos casos novos, busca ativa de casos suspeitos e dos contatos da pessoa com hanseníase. Para que se interrompa a cadeia de transmissão, faz-se necessária a adoção dessas práticas a fim de controlar os casos de hanseníase.

The aim of this study is to describe the training of health professionals in the dermatoneurological assessment and the degree of physical disability in leprosy performed at a health center. This is an action research developed from may to august 2019 with doctors, nurses and physical therapists in primary care. A self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection, through the google forms platform, audiovisual recording and field diary recording during the theoretical and practical workshops. The interpretive process took place through content analysis. Initially, the situational diagnosis was carried out, where professionals reported insecurity and deficiency in both knowledge and ability to care for patients with leprosy. In addition, they did not participate in training on the subject. Workshops were held to develop necessary skills. The evaluation of the workshops showed an improvement in knowledge and care practices for users during the study. It is important to encourage periodic training of primary care health professionals. Include in practice the systematic monitoring of new cases, active search for suspected cases and contacts of the person with leprosy. In order to interrupt the chain of transmission, it is necessary to adopt these practices in order to control leprosy cases.

Acta bioeth ; 30(1)jun. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556634


This study presents the importance of the Research Ethics Committees (CEP) in the context of the Brazilian North Region, formed by the Amazon rainforest, which is occupied by traditional populations and those constituted by migratory currents. This study aims to analyze the bioethical implications arising from the activities of CEPs in the ethical evaluation of research projects and their essential role in protecting vulnerable populations. The authors seek to highlight the importance of ethics committees in the Amazon and their importance face the modern bioethical values that can contribute to the preservation of one of the most valuable and diverse environments on earth.

Este estudio presenta la importancia de los comités de ética en investigación (CEP) en el contexto de la Región Norte de Brasil, formada por la selva amazónica, ocupada por poblaciones tradicionales y constituida por corrientes migratorias. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las implicaciones bioéticas derivadas de las actividades de los CEP en la evaluación ética de los proyectos de investigación y su papel esencial en la protección de las poblaciones vulnerables. Los autores buscan destacar la importancia de los comités de ética en la Amazonia y su importancia frente a los valores bioéticos modernos que pueden contribuir a la preservación de uno de los ambientes más valiosos y diversos del planeta.

Esse estudo apresenta a importância dos Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa (CEPs) no contexto da Região Norte Brasileira, formada pela floresta amazônica e ocupada por populações tradicionais e aquelas constituídas por correntes migratórias. Esse estudo objetiva analisar as implicações bioéticas que surgem das atividades dos CEPs na avaliação ética de projetos de pesquisa e seu papel fundamental em proteger populações vulneráveis. Os autores procuram enfatizar a importância dos comitês de ética na Amazônia e sua importância face a valores bioéticos modernos, que podem contribuir para a preservação de um dos mais valiosos e diversos ambientes na terra.

Rev.Chil Ortop Traumatol ; 65(1): 47-54, abr.2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554990


INTRODUCCION La artroplastía total de rodilla (ATR), que ha tenido un aumento importante en la población en las últimas décadas, presenta una gran variación en su estudio y técnica entre los distintos países. En la actualidad no hay datos nacionales registrados que evalúen la forma de su implementación. Objetivo Registrar las tendencias respecto de la ATR en distintos aspectos en Chile y compararlas con los registros de otros países. MATERIALES y METODOS Se realizó una encuesta vía email a cirujanos de rodilla en Chile considerando cuatro aspectos: generalidades, estudio preoperatorio, técnica quirúrgica y técnica de cementación. Se excluyeron las encuestas que no rellenadas por completo. Se analizaron los datos generales y separados según años de experiencia (ADE). Se compararon los datos con los obtenidos en estudios internacionales. RESULTADOS Se obtuvieron 87 encuestas completas. La mayoría de los encuestados realizaba entre 25 y 50 ATR en 1 año (44%), y el 16%, más de 75. Sólo un 20% utilizaba la modalidad ambulatoria, y un 43% creía que siempre deben ser hospitalizadas (mayor frecuencia en los cirujanos con más de 10 ADE). Un 18% utilizaba algún sistema robótico, con mayor frecuencia en cirujanos con más de 10 ADE; los sistemas más usados fueron ROSA y CORI. El 90% creía que la ATR debería ser parte del programa de Garantías Explícitas de Salud (GES), sin diferencias según ADE. El 81% usaba sistema estabilizado posterior (posterior-estabilized, PS, en inglés), 96% realizaba un abordaje parapatelar medial, 82% usaba guía extramedular tibial, 41% tendía a recambiar la patela, y un 35% no usaba torniquete (ninguna de las variables mostró diferencias según ADE). Sólo un 31% utilizaba cementación al vacío (mayor frecuencia en el grupo con menos de 10 ADE), 95% colocaba el cemento en componentes y en hueso, 75% colocaba en la quilla, y 56% utilizaba el dedo para colocarlo (sólo 22% con pistola). La secuencia más frecuente de cementación fue tibia-fémur-patela. En la mayoría de los aspectos evaluados, se observaron diferencias importantes con estudios de otros países. CONCLUSION Existe una gran variabilidad en la realización de ATR en Chile, con tendencias distintas a las de otros países. En general, en relación con los distintos ADE, no hay grandes diferencias en la técnica quirúrgica, sí habiendo diferencias en la técnica de cementación y en el uso de sistemas robóticos

INTRODUCTION Total knee replacement (TKR) significantly increased among the population in recent decades, and it shows great variation in its study and technique in different countries. There is no registered Chilean data to assess TKR implementation. Objective To record the trends in TKR in different aspects within Chile and compare them with records from other countries. MATERIALS AND METHODS We conducted an email survey among knee surgeons in Chile considering four aspects: general features, preoperative study, surgical technique, and cementation technique. We excluded surveys not completed in full. The analyses included overall data and data per years of experience (YOEs), and we compared the results with those of international studies. RESULTS We obtained 87 complete surveys. Most respondents performed 25 to 50 TKRs each year (44%), with only 16% performing over 75 TKRs. Only 20% used the ambulatory modality, while 43% believed patients always require hospitalization (especially surgeons with more than 10 YOEs). Robotic systems were used by 18% of the surgeons, especially those with more than 10 YOEs; the most used systems were ROSA and CORI. In total 90% of the respondents believed TKR should be part of the Explicit Health Guarantees (Garantías Explícitas de Salud, GES, in Spanish) program, with no differences in terms of YOEs. A total of 81% used the posterior-stabilized (PS) system, 96% performed a medial parapatellar approach, 82% used an extramedullary tibial guide, 41% tended to replace the patella, and 35% did not use a tourniquet (none of the variables showed differences according to YOEs). Only 31% used vacuum cementation (with a higher frequency in the group with fewer than 10 YOEs), 95% placed cement on components and bone, 75% placed it in the keel, and 56% used finger packing (only 22% with a gun). The most common cementation sequence was tibia femur-patella. In most aspects evaluated, we observed important differences compared with studies from other countries. CONCLUSION There is a high variability in the performance of TKR in Chile, with different trends compared with those of other countries. Overall, there are no major differences in the surgical technique concerning YOEs, although there is variation in the cementation technique and the use of robotic systems

Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee/methods , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee/trends , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Cementation/methods
Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 183-193, abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560630


La implementación del Presupuesto por Resultados (PpR) requiere elementos como información oportuna, sistemas de monitoreo, incentivos y procedimientos normados. En el caso de Perú, su enfoque de PpR ha generado cambios significativos en resultados de salud, especialmente en programas como desnutrición y salud materna y neonatal, al priorizar actividades demostradas como más costo-eficaces a nivel mundial. Objetivo. Determinar la relación entre el presupuesto por resultados (PpR) y la Calidad del gasto del programa de cáncer en un hospital público del Ministerio de Salud, 2021. Materiales y Métodos. Se realizó un estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, tipo básico, diseño no experimental, descriptivo y nivel correlacional. La población fue de 131 trabajadores vinculados al ciclo del presupuesto, de los cuales se seleccionó una muestra de 32 trabajadores responsables directos del PpR. Se utilizó la técnica de encuesta y dos cuestionarios como instrumentos, sometidos a los coeficientes KR-20 y Alpha de Cronbach para evaluar la confiabilidad. Resultados. El coeficiente de Spearman fue de 0.387, indicando una relación positiva y media entre las variables. La significancia fue de 0.029 (< 0.05). Conclusiones. Se encontró una relación significativa entre el PpR y la Calidad del gasto del programa de Cáncer en el hospital del Ministerio de Salud, confirmando que un mejor manejo del PpR está asociado a una mejor calidad de gasto.

The implementation of results-based budgeting (RBB) requires elements such as timely information, monitoring systems, incentives and standardized procedures. In the case of Peru, its PfR approach has generated significant changes in health outcomes, especially in programs such as malnutrition and maternal and neonatal health, by prioritizing activities proven to be more cost-effective worldwide. Objective. To determine the relationship between the budget for results (BfR) and the Quality of cancer program spending in a public hospital of the Ministry of Health, 2021. Materials and Methods. A quantitative approach, basic type, non-experimental, descriptive and correlational study was carried out. The population was 131 workers linked to the budget cycle, from which a sample of 32 workers directly responsible for the PpR was selected. The survey technique and two questionnaires were used as instruments, subjected to Cronbach's KR-20 and Alpha coefficients to assess reliability. Results. Spearman's coefficient was 0.387, indicating a positive and average relationship between the variables. Significance was 0.029 (< 0.05). Conclusions. A significant relationship was found between PpR and Quality of expenditure of the Cancer program in the Ministry of Health hospital, confirming that better management of PpR is associated with better quality of expenditure.

A implementação do orçamento por desempenho (PfR) requer elementos como informações oportunas, sistemas de monitoramento, incentivos e procedimentos padronizados. No caso do Peru, sua abordagem de PfR gerou mudanças significativas nos resultados de saúde, especialmente em programas como desnutrição e saúde materna e neonatal, priorizando atividades comprovadamente mais econômicas em todo o mundo. Objetivo. Determinar a relação entre o orçamento por resultados (BfR) e a qualidade dos gastos com o programa de câncer em um hospital público do Ministério da Saúde, 2021. Materiais e métodos. Foi realizado um estudo de abordagem quantitativa, do tipo básico, não experimental, descritivo e correlacional. A população foi de 131 trabalhadores ligados ao ciclo orçamentário, dos quais foi selecionada uma amostra de 32 trabalhadores diretamente responsáveis pelo BfR. Como instrumentos, foram utilizados a técnica de survey e dois questionários, submetidos aos coeficientes KR-20 e Alfa de Cronbach para avaliar a confiabilidade. Resultados. O coeficiente de Spearman foi de 0,387, indicando uma relação positiva e média entre as variáveis. A significância foi de 0,029 (< 0,05). Conclusões. Foi encontrada uma relação significativa entre o PfR e a qualidade das despesas do programa de câncer no hospital do Ministério da Saúde, confirmando que uma melhor gestão do PfR está associada a uma melhor qualidade das despesas.

Health Expenditures
Article in Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555357


OBJETIVO: Compreender experiência de grupo orientado pela Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa (ACP) com mulheres que vivenciam o ciclo gravídico puerperal, no contexto do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). MÉTODO: Pesquisa qualitativa, de inspiração fenomenológica, e utilização do referencial da ACP como norteador do estudo. As informações foram coletadas por meio de grupo, em quatro encontros presenciais nos meses de maio e junho de 2022, utilizando-se dos instrumentos Versão de Sentido (VS's) e Entrevista Fenomenológica (EF), sendo as informações organizadas em Eixos de Sentido e compreendidas a partir das premissas da ACP em diálogo com estudos vinculados às temáticas emergidas. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Os Eixos elaborados a partir das VS's evidenciaram aspectos e tendências típicas do desenvolvimento de grupo fundamentado pela ACP; descreveram o grupo como espaço de acolhimento e liberdade experiencial, no qual se facilitou a expressão de vivências significativas relacionadas à gestação, parto e puerpério; apresentaram, ainda, o sentido de que a experiência grupal constituiu-se como promotora de trocas e apoio mútuo, de desenvolvimento e aprendizagens significativas. Os Eixos formulados com base na EF revelaram que as mulheres compreenderam a participação no grupo como uma experiência positiva, que propiciou cuidado aos aspectos emocionais, impulsionando autoconhecimento e desenvolvimento; e facilitadora de mudanças construtivas na vivência da maternidade. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo demonstrou a viabilidade de grupo centrado na assistência integral à saúde da mulher no período gravídico puerperal, e as convergências entre os princípios da ACP e os que orientam a prática na assistência do SUS.

OBJECTIVE: Understanding the group guided by the Person-Centered Approach (PCA) with women who experience the pregnancypuerperal cycle, in the Sistema Único de Saúde ­ SUS (Brazilian National Health System) context. METHOD: Qualitative research of phenomenological inspiration using the PCA framework as a guide for the study. Information was collected through groups, in four face-to-face meetings between May and June 2022, using the Sense's Version (SV's) and Phenomenological Interview (PI), with the information organized in Sense Axes and understood from the premises of the PCA in dialogue with studies linked to emerging themes. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The Axes created from the SV's showed aspects and tendencies which are typical of the development of a group based on the PCA; described the group as a welcoming space and experiential freedom, in which the expression of significant experiences related to pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium was facilitated; they also presented, the sense that the group experience was constituted as a promoter of exchanges and mutual support, of development and significant learning. The Axes formulated based on the PI, revealed that the women understood participation in the group as a positive experience, which provided care for emotional aspects, boosting self-knowledge and development; and a facilitator of constructive changes in the experience of motherhood. CONCLUSION: The study demonstrated the viability of a group centered on comprehensive care for women's health in the pregnancy-puerperal period between the PCA principles and those that guide the SUS care practice.

OBJETIVO: Comprender la experiencia de grupo orientado por el Enfoque Centrado en la Persona (ACP) con mujeres que vivenciaron el ciclo de embarazo puerperal, en el contexto del Sistema Único de Saúde ­ SUS (Sistema Único de Salud). MÉTODO: Pesquisa cualitativa de inspiración fenomenológica e utilización del referencial de la ACP como guía de estudio. Las informaciones fueron colectadas por medio de un grupo, en cuatro encuentros presenciales en los meses de mayo y junio del 2022, utilizando-se de los instrumentos Versiones del Sentido (VS's) e Entrevista Fenomenológica (EF), siendo las informaciones organizadas en Ejes del Sentido y comprendidas a partir de las premisas de la ACP en dialogo con estudios vinculados a las temáticas emergidas. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIONES: Los Ejes elaborados a partir de las VS's evidenciaron aspectos y tendencias típicas del desarrollo del grupo fundamentado por la ACP, describieron el grupo como espacio de acogimiento y libertad experimental en lo cual se facilitó expresar las vivencias significativas relacionadas a la gestación, el parto y el puerperio, presentaron todavía, el sentido de que la experiencia grupal e constituyó como promotora de cambios y apoyos mutuos, de desarrollo y aprendizajes significativos. Los Ejes formulados con base en la EF, revelaron que las mujeres comprendieron la participación en el grupo como una experiencia positiva que les proporcionó cuidados a los aspectos emocionales aumentando el autoconocimiento y desarrollo; y facilitadora de cambios constructivos en la vivencia de la maternidad. CONCLUSIÓN: El estudio demostró la viabilidad del grupo enfocado en la asistencia integral a la salud de la mujer en el período del embarazo puerperal, y las convergencias entre los principios de la ACP y los que orientan la practica en la asistencia del SUS.

Humanizing Delivery , Women , Unified Health System
RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1553232


Este artigo apresenta resultados preliminares de uma investigação sobre a aderência de propostas de criação de uma política de comunicação aos princípios de comunicação pública no Sistema Único de Saúde. As proposições foram discutidas no âmbito das Conferências Nacionais de Saúde realizadas entre 2003 e 2019. O estudo abrangeu a avaliação de documentos e entrevistas em profundidade com fontes-chave com atuação no controle social e que participaram das conferências. Buscaram-se também subsídios teóricos que tratam das temáticas da comunicação pública e da comunicação em saúde para embasar a discussão sobre a elaboração de uma política de comunicação voltada para o SUS. Observa-se falta de ancoragem clara das propostas das conferências com relação aos princípios da comunicação pública, bem como a não adesão do governo federal à pauta, mesmo nas gestões afinadas com ideais democráticos, princípios de participação social e atuação no interesse público.

This article presents the preliminary results of an investigation into the adherence of the proposals to create a communication policy for the Unified Health System, according to the principles of public communication. Those proposals were held between 2003 and 2019 within the National Health Conferences scope. The study covered the evaluation of documents and in-depth interviews with key sources working in social control and who had participated in conferences. It also included theoretical subsidies that deal with the themes of public communication and communication and health to support the discussion on the creation of a communication policy aimed at the SUS. The results showed a lack of clear anchorage of the conference proposals in principles of public communication, and the non-adherence of the federal government to the agenda, even during governments aligned with democratic ideals, principles of social participation, and action on the public interest.

Este artículo presenta resultados preliminares de una investigación sobre la adhesión de las propuestas de creación de una política de comunicación del Sistema Único de Salud a los principios de la comunicación pública. Las proposiciones fueron discutidas en las Conferencias Nacionales de Salud, entre 2003 y 2019. El estudio abarcó la evaluación de documentos y entrevistas en profundidad con fuentes que trabajan en el control social y con participación en las conferencias. Se buscaron subsidios teóricos que tratan de los temas de comunicación pública y comunicación y salud para apoyar la discusión sobre la elaboración de una política de comunicación dirigida al SUS. Hay una falta de anclaje de las propuestas de la conferencia en principios de comunicación pública, así como la falta de adhesión del gobierno federal, incluso en gestiones en sintonía con los ideales democráticos, principios de participación y acción social centrado en el interés público.

Social Control, Formal , Unified Health System , Communication , Health Conferences , Public Policy , Computer Security , Health Policy
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-6, jan.-dez. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551175


Objetivo: investigar o aleitamento materno com foco sobre a exclusividade dessa prática no primeiro semestre de vida da criança, em um município do norte de Minas Gerais. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo descritivo, qualitativo realizado com 13 mães com idade entre 24 e 39 anos. Os dados foram coletados entre agosto e setembro de 2023, por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada, e analisados mediante análise temática. Resultados: as mulheres indicaram ter enfrentado dificuldades na prática do aleitamento materno exclusivo, especialmente nos primeiros dias de vida da criança, devido a ingurgitamento, mastite, fissuras mamárias, pressão social e pessoal de leite fraco. Identificou-se como benefícios do aleitamento materno exclusivo a proteção imunológica, o estreitamento de vínculo, a prevenção de doenças e de desnutrição na criança, assim como a aceleração da involução uterina e a prevenção de cânceres na mulher. O apoio da família, do parceiro e da equipe de saúde foi apontado como fatores facilitadores do aleitamento materno, porém indicaram receber poucas orientações dos profissionais sobre amamentação. Conclusão: destaca-se a importância de a equipe de saúde atuar com um olhar zeloso perante esse público, intensificando as orientações sobre aleitamento materno exclusivo a fim de reduzir as dúvidas e dificuldades para elevar as taxas de duração e exclusividade do aleitamento materno.

Objective: to investigate breastfeeding with a focus on the exclusivity of this practice in the first semester of a child's life in a municipality in the north of Minas Gerais. Methods: this is a descriptive, qualitative study carried out with 13 mothers aged between 24 and 39 years old. Data were collected between August and September 2023 from a semi-structured interview and analyzed using Thematic Analysis. Results: women indicated that they faced difficulties in practicing exclusive breastfeeding, especially in the first days of the child's life, due to engorgement, mastitis, breast fissures, and social and personal pressure of weak milk. The benefits of exclusive breastfeeding were identified as immunological protection, strengthening bonds, preventing diseases and malnutrition in children, as well as accelerating uterine involution, and preventing cancer in women. Support from family, partner, and healthcare team was identified as factors that facilitate breastfeeding, but they indicated that they received little guidance from professionals about breastfeeding. Conclusion: the importance of the health team acting with a zealous eye towards the public is highlighted, intensifying guidance on exclusive breastfeeding in order to reduce doubts and difficulties in increasing the duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding.

Female , Adult , Breast Feeding
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 121-140, 20240131.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537717


Em 2020, a atenção à saúde sofreu o impacto da pandemia de covid-19, e a Atenção Primária não foi exceção. Para melhor compreender a reorganização desse setor no município de Salvador, Bahia, esta pesquisa descreve o perfil dos médicos e as práticas de saúde realizadas por eles na Atenção Primária no contexto da pandemia. Trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal descritivo, que se utiliza de um questionário online autoaplicável distribuído aos médicos participantes que atuam nas unidades básicas de saúde que compõem a Atenção Primária do município. Para análise dos dados, foi utilizada estatística descritiva simples. Com um total de 43 questionários respondidos, foram descritos aspectos referentes a: perfil, formação e atuação dos médicos; mudanças estruturais ocorridas e adoção de novas ferramentas de trabalho; manutenção dos cuidados primários de rotina; ações de vigilância em saúde; suporte social a grupos vulneráveis; e atuação clínica em pacientes com covid-19. Com uma maioria de médicas jovens, recém-formadas e em um período curto de atuação nas equipes onde estavam inseridas, observou-se pouco envolvimento em vigilância e suporte a grupos vulneráveis e um abrangente uso de telemedicina e reestruturação do funcionamento das unidades. Contudo, alguns cuidados primários, como acompanhamento de doenças crônicas e puericultura, resultaram em limitações no acesso e, consequentemente, menor atenção ao cuidado longitudinal.

In 2020, health care suffered the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and primary care was no exception. To better understand the reorganization of this segment in the municipality of Salvador, Bahia, this research describes the profile of physicians and health practices performed by them in primary care in the pandemic context. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study using an online self-administered questionnaire distributed to participating physicians who work in the basic health units that are a part of primary care in the municipality. For data analysis, simple descriptive statistics was used. With a total of 43 questionnaires answered, the following aspects were described: profile, training, and performance of physicians; structural changes and adoption of new work tools; maintenance of routine primary care; health surveillance actions; social support to vulnerable groups; and clinical performance with COVID-19 patients. With mostly young females, recently graduated, and with a short period of service in the teams where they were located; little involvement in surveillance and support to vulnerable groups is observed, as well as an extensive use of telemedicine and restructuring of the operation of the units. However, some primary care, such as chronic disease follow-up and childcare, resulted in limitations in access and, consequently, less attention to longitudinal care.

En 2020, la atención sanitaria sufrió el impacto de la pandemia de la covid-19 y la atención primaria no fue la excepción. Para comprender mejor la reorganización de este sector en el municipio de Salvador, en Bahía (Brasil), esta investigación describe el perfil de los médicos y las prácticas de salud realizadas por ellos en la atención primaria en el contexto de la pandemia. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal que utilizó un cuestionario autoadministrado en línea distribuido a los médicos participantes que trabajan en las Unidades Básicas de Salud que componen la atención primaria del municipio. Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizó estadística descriptiva simple. Con un total de 43 preguntas respondidas, se describieron aspectos referentes al perfil, formación y capacitación de los médicos; a los cambios estructurales ocurridos y adopción de nuevas herramientas de trabajo; al mantenimiento de los cuidados primarios de rutina; a las acciones de vigilancia en salud; al apoyo social a grupos vulnerables; y a la capacitación clínica en pacientes con covid-19. La mayoría de las médicas eran jóvenes, recién licenciadas y tenían un corto período de actuación en los equipos con los cuales trabajaban, se observó una escasa implicación en la vigilancia y apoyo a colectivos vulnerables, así como un amplio uso de la telemedicina y la reestructuración del funcionamiento de las unidades. Sin embargo, algunas atenciones primarias, como el seguimiento de enfermedades crónicas y la atención a la infancia, se tradujeron en limitaciones en el acceso y, en consecuencia, en menos atención al cuidado longitudinal.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 172-178, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003422


By combing the application and funding situation of general, young scholar and regional scholar programs from National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) in field of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine in 2023, this paper summarizes the distribution of supporting units, application and funding hotspots, and the problems of application and funding projects in this discipline, in order to provide a reference for applicants and supporting organizations to understand the hotspot dynamics and reporting requirements of the discipline. In 2023, the discipline of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine received a total of 2 793 applications, and there were 1 254 applications for general programs, 1 278 applications for young scholar programs, and 261 applications for regional scholar programs. The amounts of project funding obtained by the three were 145, 164 and 35, respectively, and the funding rates were 11.56%, 12.83% and 13.41% in that order. From the situation of obtaining funding, the age distribution of the project leaders who obtained funding for the general, young scholar and regional scholar programs were mainly distributed in the age of 40-46, 30-34, 38-44 years, respectively. Within the supported programs, the Chinese medicine affiliations accounted for 55.52%. With respect to research subjects, the proportion of one single Chinese herbs, or monomers, or extracts accounted for 29.4%, but the proportion of Chinese herb pairs or prescriptions accounted for 47.1%. Research hotspots included ferroptosis, bile acid metabolism, macrophages, mitochondria, microglia, exosomes, intestinal flora, microecology and so on. The current research mainly focused on the common key problems of the advantageous diseases of Chinese and western integrative medicine, but still need to be improved in the basic theories of Chinese and western medicine and multidisciplinary cross-disciplinary research.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 250-253,257, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022250


Objective Toexplore a path to improving surgical operation statistical indexes during the expansion of multi-campus hospitals.Methods In this study we selected the data from the medical records of two surgical departments(A1 and A2)from two campuses of a hospital in the first half of 2023,following by analyzing patients'general information,fourth-level surgical procedures,non-fourth-level surgical procedures,and disease types to identify the reasons for the discrepancies in the in-dicators between the two departments and make suggestions for improvement.Results The A2 department in the branch hospital performed significantly more laparoscopic procedures than the A1 department in the home hospital(P<0.01).Moreover,the prevalence of the patients diagnosed with chemotherapy and malignant melanoma in the A2 department was significantly higher than in the A1 department(P<0.01),impacting the surgical rate indicator for the branch area.Conclusion A systematic anal-ysis of medical record data can effectively pinpoint the reasons for indicator discrepancies among different campuses within the same surgical departments of a hospital.Implementing outpatient-specific disease management and encouraging admission of com-plex and critically ill patients can effectively enhance the surgical rate as well as the fourth-level surgical rate in a department.It is suggested for the home hospital and its branches to set a respective indicator management target as long as the gap in the factors influencing the surgical rate indicators is unbridgeable between the campuses.

Chinese Medical Equipment Journal ; (6): 84-88, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022959


The disposable sterile urethral catheter was described in terms of the current status of the standards of foreign countries and China and its regulation and registration.The national supervision and sampling inspection and exploratory research of the disposable sterile urethral catheter in 2018,2019 and 2021 were introduced,and the problems found and the causes were analyzed and then the countermeasures were proposed accordingly.References were provided for guiding and standardizing the development of catheter products industry.[Chinese Medical Equipment Journal,2024,45(1):84-88]

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 280-284, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023401


The Clinical Medicine Proficiency Test developed by the National Medical Examination Center of China in 2020 aims to assess whether clinical medical students possess the necessary medical humanities and basic medical theoretical knowledge and skills required for clinical internships. Since 2002, Japan has implemented the pre-clinical clerkship objective structured clinical examination and computer-based testing, which share similarities with China's proficiency test in terms of examination objectives, content, format, and score evaluation. Through comparing the examinations of China and Japan, this article concludes that it is necessary to learn from Japan's experience to expedite the process of promoting the Clinical Medicine Proficiency Test as an industry admission examination in China. We suggest that medical schools should keep tracking the development of the proficiency test and fully leverage its role in urging students to pay more attention to clinical internships. We also urge medical schools to establish a three-level examination system based on post competency criteria in line with the standards of the National Medical Licensing Examination to improve the quality of medical education.

Journal of Medical Informatics ; (12): 64-69, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023476


Purpose/Significance To analyze the overall competitiveness,secondary discipline competitiveness and trend of 8 strong schools of stomatology in China by constructing the competitiveness index.Method/Process The data of National Natural Science Founda-tion of China of 8 strong schools in stomatology field from 2011 to 2019 is retrieved.By using descriptive statistical methods,the disci-pline competitiveness index is constructed to analyze the discipline competitiveness and trend of 8 strong schools in stomatology field.Result/Conclusion The competitiveness ranking of 8 strong schools is basically solidified,but the gap may be narrowing.

Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 6-12, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023977


Objective:To investigate the relationship between plasma fluoride content, daily calcium intake and blood cell parameters in children and adolescents.Methods:This study was based on the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) database of the United States from 2013 to 2016, with 3 684 children and adolescents aged 6 - 19 as the research subjects. Information on plasma fluoride content, daily calcium intake and blood cell parameters from the database were collected. Non-linear relationships between plasma fluoride content, daily calcium intake and blood cell parameters were analyzed using restricted cubic splines. If there was a non-linear relationship, the optimal inflection point was calculated using threshold/saturation effect analysis method. Subsequently, multiple linear regression models were used to analyze the associations among the three, and the modification effect of daily calcium intake (binary classification, stratified by median daily calcium intake) on the association between plasma fluoride content and blood cell parameters was analyzed.Results:There was no non-linear relationship between plasma fluoride content and white blood cell count, hemoglobin content and platelet count ( Pnon-linear > 0.05), but there was a non-linear relationship between plasma fluoride content and erythrocyte count and hematocrit ( Pnon-linear < 0.001). After adjusting for confounding factors, the optimal inflection points of the effects of plasma fluoride content on erythrocyte count and hematocrit were 0.54 and 0.31 μmol/L, respectively. There was no non-linear relationship between daily calcium intake and blood cell parameters ( Pnon-linear > 0.05). After adjusting for confounding factors, for every 1 μmol/L increase in plasma fluoride content, the white blood cell count increased by 0.49 × 10 9/L ( P = 0.009). There was a saturation effect in the association between plasma fluoride content, erythrocyte count and hematocrit: when plasma fluoride content was < 0.54 μmol/L, the erythrocyte count decreased by 0.46 × 10 12/L for every 1 μmol/L increase ( P < 0.001). When plasma fluoride content was < 0.31 μmol/L, the hematocrit decreased by 6.29% for every 1 μmol/L increase ( P = 0.006). The above associations were not statistically significant when plasma fluoride content was higher than the optimal inflection points ( P > 0.05). After stratification according to the median daily calcium intake, in the low-calcium group (daily calcium intake < 0.87 g), for every 1 μmol/L increase in plasma fluoride content, the white blood cell count increased by 0.77 × 10 9/L ( P = 0.001). When plasma fluoride content was < 0.54 μmol/L, the erythrocyte count decreased by 0.41 × 10 12/L for every 1 μmol/L increase ( P = 0.002). When plasma fluoride content was ≥0.54 μmol/L, erythrocyte count decreased by 0.47 × 10 12/L for every 1 μmol/L increase ( P < 0.001). When the plasma fluoride content was < 0.31 μmol/L, the hematocrit decreased by 8.29% for every 1 μmol/L increase ( P = 0.011). The above associations were not statistically significant in the high-calcium group (daily calcium intake ≥0.87 g, P > 0.05). There was an interaction of daily calcium intake and plasma fluoride content on platelet count ( Pinteraction = 0.070), as demonstrated by an increase in platelet count of 12.68 × 10 9/L ( P = 0.013) in the low-calcium group and a decrease in platelet count of 9.05 × 10 9/L ( P = 0.035) in the high-calcium group for every 1 μmol/L increase in plasma fluoride content. Conclusions:The blood cell parameters of children and adolescents are closely related to plasma fluoride content, but not directly related to daily calcium intake. However, the correlation between plasma fluoride content and blood cell parameters varies among different calcium intake populations, and daily calcium intake can modify the association between plasma fluoride content and platelet count.

Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 262-268, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016924


ObjectiveTo improve the response capabilities to disasters and prevent major epidemics, it is of practical use to study the capability evaluation system of the national emergency medical rescue team that combines theoretical training and practical exercises, to enhance the overall quality of the teams. MethodsFirst, a capability assessment system for the national emergency medical rescue team was constructed based on the INSARAG External Classification (IEC) standards of the national emergency medical rescue team. Then, based on the outcome based education (OBE) concept, we conducted innovative research on the curriculum design and exercise programs for team building and member training. Finally, an empirical analysis was conducted on the effectiveness of the evaluation system and training exercises based on the statistical analysis of the comprehensive quality evaluation of the Shanghai national emergency medical rescue team from 2020 to 2023, as well as the empirical analysis of the rescue exercise on the Cruise of spectrum. ResultsBased on the linear regression analysis of each core competency indicators, the five core competencies in the evaluation system, including rescue skills, medical and health knowledge, disaster coping ability, team cooperation ability, and mental resilience training, were positively correlated with the cumulative number of trainings (r=0.71, r=0.76, r=0.81, r=0.84, r=0.96,all P<0.05), indicating that the training was effective and the course design was reasonable. Empirical cases showed that the three-dimensional rescue drill model had remarkable results in the actual combat application and ability improvement of team members. ConclusionThe training courses and drills designed based on the three-level assessment system are effective in improving the comprehensive capabilities of the national emergency medical rescue team.

Chinese Journal of Biologicals ; (12): 316-321, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016959


@#Objective To prepare a national reference standard for the quantification of HEK293 cell DNA content,so as to provide a support for the determination of residual DNA in HEK293 cells in the industry.Methods HEK293 cell DNA prepared using Genomic-tip 500/G and genomic DNA purification reagents was used as source materials,and the purity and content were assessed using ultraviolet spectrophotometry and agarose gel electrophoresis.After dilution to approximately 100 ng/μL,the DNA was aliquoted at 160 μL/tube.Five different laboratories were organized for collaborative calibration by using ultraviolet spectrophotometry, and the stability and applicability were evaluated.Results The HEK293 cell DNA national reference standard exhibited A_(260)/A_(280) ratios between 1.8 and 2.0 and displayed a single band on electrophoresis,meeting the specified criteria.Collaborative calibration across five laboratories yielded 78 valid data points with an average content of 104.8 ng/μL,a relative standard deviation(RSD) of 4.2%.The 95% confidence interval for the mean was 103.8—105.8 ng/μL,and the 95% reference range for single measurements was 96.0—113.6 ng/μL.The average confidence limit rate was 1.0%,and the recommended storage condition was-80 ℃.Applicability studies were conducted using two different models of fluorescence quantitative PCR instruments.The reference standard exhibited good applicability within the range of 0.3—3 000 pg/reaction,with amplification efficiencies of 101% and 95%,and R~2 values of 0.999 2 and 0.999 5 for the standard curves,respectively.Conclusion This batch of HEK293 cell DNA national reference standard meets all required specifications and can be utilized as a national reference standard for fluorescence quantitative PCR detection,with a certified content of 104.8 ng/μL,assigned batch number 270039-202301.

Journal of Peking University(Health Sciences) ; (6): 313-317, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017301


Objective:To analyze and summarize the medical security situation of the snowmobile,sled,and steel frame snowmobile tracks at the National Sliding Centre,and to provide experience for future event hosting and medical security work for mass ice and snow sports.Methods:Retrospective analysis of injuries and treatment of athletes participating in the International Training Week and World Cup for Ski,Sled,and Steel Frame Ski from October to November 2021(hereinafter referred to as"Inter-national Training Week"),as well as the Ski,Sled,and Steel Frame Ski events at the Beijing Winter Olympics in February 2022(hereinafter referred to as the"Beijing Winter Olympics").We referred to and drew on the"Medical Security Standards for Winter Snow Sports"to develop specific classification standards for analyzing injured areas,types of injuries,and accident locations.Results:A total of 743 athletes participated in the International Training Week and the Beijing Winter Olympics.During the com-petition,there were 58 incidents of overturning,prying,and collision,of which 28(28 athletes)were in-jured,accounting for 48.3%of the total accidents and 3.8%of the total number of athletes.Among them,there were 9 males(32.1%)and 19 females(67.9%),with an average age of(26.3±4.7)years.Among the 28 injured athletes,20 cases(71.4%)received on-site treatment for Class Ⅰ injuries,while 8 cases(28.6%)had more severe injuries,including Class Ⅱ injuries(7 cases)and Class Ⅲ injuries(1 case),which were referred to designated hospitals for further treatment.Among the 28 injured athletes,3 cases(10.7%)experienced multiple injuries,including 2 cases of 2 injuries and 1 case of 3 injuries.The most common injuries were in the ankle and toes(10/32,31.3%).Out of 28 injured athletes,one(3.6%)experienced two types of injuries simultaneously,with joint and/or ligament injuries being the most common(11/29,37.9%).The most accident prone point on the track was the ninth curve(18/58,31.0%).Conclusion:Through the analysis and summary of medical security work,it can provide better experience and reference for the future development of snowmobile,sled,and steel frame snowmobile sports in China,making the National Snowy and Ski Center truly a sustainable Olympic heritage.

International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (6): 377-382, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018311


Objective:To analyze the medication and compatibility law of TCM compounds with national patents for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS); To provide reference for the new TCM prescriptions for the treatment of PCOS.Methods:TCM compound patents for PCOS were retrieved from the China National Intellectual Property Administration's Chinese Patent Announcement Website from the establishment of the website to April 20, 2023. SPSS 25.0, IBM SPSS Modeler 18.0, and Cytoscape 3.8.0 were used to carry out frequency statistics, association rule analysis on the data, and a TCM core complex network and systematic clustering analysis were built.Results:126 compound patents were included, involving 392 kinds of Chinese materia medica, with a total frequency of 1 709 times. The medicinal property was mainly warm, the taste was mainly sweet, and the meridian was mainly liver meridian. High frequency drugs included Angelica Sinensis (46 times), Cuscutae Semen (44 times), Cyperi Rhizoma (42 times), Rehmanniae Radix Praeparata (41 times), Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (37 times), etc. Commonly used medicinal pairs included Poria-Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma (support 16.67%, confidence 76.19%), Angelica Sinensis-Paeoniae Radix Alba (support 15.87%, confidence 80.00%), etc. The triple drug combinations were Cyperi Rhizoma-Pinelliae Rhizoma-Poria (support 12.70%, confidence 81.25%). The core prescriptions included "Poria, Pinelliae Rhizoma, Citri Rettculatae Pericarpium, Cyperi Rhizoma, Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Epimedii Folium, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Morindae Officinalis Radix, Gleditsiae Spina, Acori Tatarinowii Rhizoma", etc. Potential prescriptions were "Hordei Fructus Germinatus, Setariae Fructus Germinatus, Sargentodoxae Caulis, Puerariae Lobatae Radix, Leonuri Fructus" and so on.Conclusion:The treatment of PCOS with TCM compounds with national patents mainly focuses on drying dampness and strengthening the spleen, tonifying kidney yang and nourishing kidney yin, promoting blood circulation.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 38-43, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025220


Objective:To study the impact of the national volume-based procurement policy on inpatient medical costs.Methods:Firstly,a descriptive analysis on the completion of the procurement volume of drugs in the hospital was carried out,and furthermore,using the data on the medical costs of inpatients before and after the implementation of the policy,conducted statistics on changes in the structure of patients'medical expenses.Taking the time of the first day of using the volume-based procurement drugs as the breakpoint,a sharp regression discontinuity model was constructed to compare the changes in the different categories of costs.Re-sults:There is still room for improvement in the use of volume-based procurement drugs in the hospital.After the use of those drugs,in addition to the cost of comprehensive services and consumables rose by 1.01 and 3.07 percentage points respectively,the rest of the categories of costs were on a downward trend,the per capita total medical costs and drug costs of inpatients fell by 644.58 yuan and 300.19 yuan respectively.In addition,the average hospital stay of patients decreased significantly after the implementation of the poli-cy.Conclusion:The national volume-based procurement policy has achieved certain results,but there is a need to set more reason-able procurement volume targets and to adjust cost control measures in a comprehensive manner to further optimize the structure of medical costs.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 57-62, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025224


The development of the"integration of physical education,medical care,and elderly care"model is an important part of building a higher quality elderly care service system during the 14th Five Year Plan period.Based on literature review and logical analysis,it analyzes the driving forces and difficulties of the development of the"integration of sports,medicine,and nutrition"model during the 14th Five Year Plan period,and proposes optimization paths.It is believed that the core driving forces for the development of the"integration of physical education,medical care,and elderly care"model are the aging population and increasing demand for health,the continuous improvement of medical and health services,and the gradual increase in national policy support.The development of the"integration of physical education,medical care,and nursing"model faces practical difficulties such as incomplete laws and regulations,shortage of professional talents,low social awareness,imbalanced resource allocation,and unsmooth industrial collaboration.Based on this,combined with the national health development demand during the 14th Five Year Plan period,it is proposed to strengthen the construction of laws and regulations and formulate unified standards and norms;innovate talent training channels and establish a diversified training system;increase publicity and education efforts to raise public awareness and understanding;integrate and optimize resource allocation to improve resource utilization efficiency;build an industrial integration complex to promote industrial synergy and linkage.