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Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 30(3): 611-618, jul.-set. 2016. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-829790


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo consiste em analisar e discutir como o jornal Folha de S. Paulo retratou a imagem de Ronaldo nas matérias publicadas durante a disputa e após a conquista da Copa do Brasil de 2009. Metodologicamente, o presente estudo é caracterizado como uma pesquisa histórica, pautada pelos procedimentos da história do tempo presente e o material de análise foi constituído pelo caderno de esportes da Folha de S. Paulo. Notamos que o jornal elabora o discurso através de um protagonismo implícito no histórico de conquistas e fracassos do atleta, demonstrando Ronaldo como um sujeito consolidado no campo esportivo e associando sua imagem como modelo de representação social.

Abstract This article's purpose is to analyze and discuss how the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo portrayed Ronaldo's image in articles published during the contest and after winning 2009 Brazil's Cup. Methodologically, this study is characterized as a historical research guided by the procedures of the history of the present time. The analysis material was constituted by the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper's sports section. We note that the paper elaborates its discourse through a protagonist role implicit in the athlete's history of achievements and failures, demonstrating Ronaldo as an established subject in the sports field and associating his image to a model for social representation.

Soccer , Mass Media , Athletes/psychology , Brazil , Culture
Rev. adm. pública ; 42(5): 969-991, set.-out. 2008. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-510424


Um dos grandes desafios para pesquisadores de gestão internacional é compreender a diversidade institucional e cultural dos ambientes de negócios nacionais. Para responder a tal desafio, os pesquisadores recorrem a agrupamentos e generalizações. Embora tal recurso metodológico apresente inegáveis méritos, pode prover quadros relativamente pobres sobre a realidade de cada país. Este artigo procura endereçar essa lacuna. Realizamos uma pesquisa exploratória sobre os traços da cultura organizacional brasileira hoje, após 17 anos de abertura econômica e transformações institucionais, as quais geraram profundos impactos na sociedade e nas organizações. Exploramos a literatura existente sobre traços da cultura organizacional brasileira e apresentamos um estudo de campo baseado em entrevistas com profissionais estrangeiros que trabalham no Brasil e com profissionais brasileiros que já trabalharam fora do país. A comparação entre os estudos anteriores e o presente estudo revela um quadro híbrido, transitório e com ressignificações, típico de um período de transição marcado pela convivência entre traços pré-globalização e traços pós-globalização.

A great challenge facing international management researchers is understanding the institutional and cultural diversity of national business environments. In response to this challenge, researchers often resort to pooling and generalizations. Despite the undeniable merits of such a methodological approach, it may provide relatively poor descriptions of each country's reality. The purpose of this article is to address this gap. We carried out an exploratory research of Brazil's organizational culture today, after 17 years of economic openness and institutional changes that have led to deep impacts on society and organizations. We explored the existing literature on traits of Brazil's organizational culture and present a field study based on interviews with foreign professionals working in Brazil and with Brazilian professionals with overseas experience. Comparison of the present study with previous ones shows a hybrid picture typical of a transition period marked by the coexistence of pre-and post-globalization traits.

Organizational Culture , Organizations , Cultural Diversity , Internationality
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-42751


Globally, airlines are dedicated to achieving higher standards of Flight Safety. They have therefore developed and applied programs such as CRM, LOFT, Risk Management and Threat and Error Management. Despite these efforts, Commercial aircraft accidents continue to occur. Accident statistics over the last 40 years show that mechanical or maintenance related accidents comprise only 15% of the total, and have been decreasing. Accidents attributable to flight crew, however, are about 65% of the total, and show little trend towards reduction (Boeing, 2003). So there is much continuing effort to reduce these kinds of accidents. Additionally, many researchers world-wide are developing and applying programs which are focused on Human Factors. This study analyzes both the factors affecting flight crew and the results obtained from research conducted in Korea.

Humans , Aircraft , Korea , Risk Management