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Porto Alegre; s.n; 2018. 131 f p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532419


Nesta dissertação, apresentam-se os fatores que permitem à Naturopatia/ Naturologia ser entendida como uma nova Racionalidade Médica. Para tanto, partiu-se do conceito de Racionalidades Médicas e suas dimensões: Cosmologia, Doutrina Médica, Morfologia e Dinâmica Vital, Diagnose e Terapêutica. Utilizou-se o método de investigação de abordagem qualitativa classificando-se, de acordo com Apolinário (2006), em descritiva, documental; conforme a fonte geradora das informações, sendo objetos da pesquisa programas de disciplinas, matrizes curriculares e informações fornecidas nos sites institucionais de ensino superior em Naturopatia, no mundo, e Naturologia, no Brasil. O objetivo desse trabalho foi demonstrar como se apresentam as dimensões constituintes de uma Racionalidade Médica para a Naturopatia/Naturologia. Conforme os critérios de inclusão e exclusão dezesseis instituições foram analisadas em sete países. Como resultado, a Naturopatia/Naturologia pode ser considerada uma nova Racionalidade Médica, sendo entendida nas seis dimensões: uma cosmologia sincrética, dada à posteriori pautada na esfera própria de cada sujeito; uma Doutrina Médica multidimensional, integral, holística e vitalista. De promoção, prevenção e controle das condições de saúde e adoecimento dos sujeitos; uma Morfologia e Dinâmica Vital associativas, uma composição sintética dos saberes ocidentais e orientais em ciências da saúde; um Sistema Diagnóstico, misto das ferramentas das Racionalidades Chinesa e Ayrvédica, das práticas da Racionalidade Biomédica (conforme legislação de cada país), das Práticas Integrativas e Complementares; um Sistema Terapêutico (não fechado) com diferentes práticas das Racionalidades Médicas, Terapêuticas Tradicionais, Fitoterapia, Florais e Aromas, Terapêuticas relacionadas à Nutrição e as Práticas Integrativas e Complementares. Resumo outro idioma

This dissertation intends to know the factors that allow Naturopathy/Naturology to be understood as a new Medical Rationality. For such, we started from the concept of Medical Rationalities and their dimensions: Cosmology, Medical Doctrine, Morphology and Vital Dynamic, Diagnosis and Therapeutics. The method of qualitative research was used. Classifying, according to Apolinário (2006), in descriptive, documentary, according to the information generating source being object of research, the curriculum, discipline programs, information supplied in the sites of Naturopathy superior level institutions, worldwide, and Naturology, in Brazil. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, sixteen institutions were evaluated in seven countries. As a result, the Naturopathy/Naturology can be considered a new Medical Rationality, being understood in the six dimensions: a syncretic cosmology, given the posteriori ruled in the own sphere of each individual; a multidimensional, integral or holistic, vitalist Medical Doctrine. Of promotion, prevention and control of the health and illness conditions of the individuals; associative Morphology and Vital Dynamic, based on principles and evidences of several knowledge, the sum, therefore, of the western and eastern sciences; a mixed Diagnostic System of the tools of the Chinese and Ayurvedic rationalities, of the practices of the Biomedical rationality (according to the legislation of each country), of the Integrative and Complementary Practices; a Therapeutic System (not closed) with different practices of Medical Rationalities, Traditional Therapeutics, Phytotherapy, Florals and scents, Therapeutics related to Nutrition and to the Integrative and Complementary Practices.

Public Health
Cult. cuid. enferm ; 13(1): 31-39, 2016. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-988378


Introducción: A través de la historia en el tratamiento de las enfermedades, en especial las psíquicas, se han usado métodos y mecanismos naturales. En esa amplia gama de mecanismos figura la acupuntura, el masaje, la homeopatía y la terapia floral.Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de la aplicación de masaje facial en la evolución de los pacientes hospitalizados con terapia electroconvulsiva.Métodos: Se realizó una investigación cuasiexperimental de intervención y comparación en el Hospital Psiquiátrico de Villa Clara, de abril a junio de 2014, el universo de estudio fueron 124 pacientes que recibieron terapia electroconvulsiva, 62 de ellos formaron parte del grupo estudio a los que se les aplicó masaje facial, el resto entraron a formar parte del grupo control los que no recibieron masaje facial, no existió aleatorización para conformar los grupos, se realizo a través de un muestreo no probabilístico intencional u opinatico. La técnica empleada fue el masaje Tuina.Resultados: El grupo de edades más representado fue de 36 -45 años y el sexo que prevaleció fue el masculino. Los efectos colaterales en el grupo estudio, se evidenciaron en solo 9.6% de los pacientes y el consumo de medicamentos por esta causa fue menor en el 90.3%. La evolución en el grupo estudio fue satisfactoria en 56 (90.3%) pacientes, mientras que en el grupo control solo en 28 (45.17%).Conclusiones: La aplicación de masaje facial resultó efectivo en los pacientes hospitalizados con terapia electroconvulsiva porque el grupo estudio presentó una evolución clínica satisfactoria, no hubo variación en la dosis farmacológica, se atenuaron los efectos colaterales y tuvo buena aceptación por los pacientes

Introduction: Across the history in the treatment of the diseases, especially the psychic ones, methods and natural mechanisms have been used. In this wide range of mechanisms there appears the acupuncture, the massage, the homeopathy and the floral therapy.Objective: to evaluate the effects of the application of facial massage in patients hospitalized with electroconvulsive therapy. Methods: A quasiexperimental study of intervention and comparison was carried out at the Psychiatric Hospital of Clear Villa in April - June, 2014. The universe of study was composed of 124 patients who received electroconvulsive therapy. 62 of them were applied facial massage (Study Group I), the other 62 patients (Control Group) didn ́t receive facial massage. There was no randomization to create the groups, it was done through an intentional non-probabilistic sampling or opinion-based. The technique chosen was the Tuina massage.Results: 36-45 years old was the prevailing age, and masculine the prevailing sex. The collateral effects in the study group were evident in only 9.6 of the patients; and the consumption of medicines for this reason was lesser than 90.3 %. The evolution in the study group was satisfactory in 56 (90.3%) patients, whereas in the control group only 28 (45.17%).Conclusions: The application of facial massage turned out to be effective in the patients hospitalized with electroconvulsive therapy because the study group presented a satisfactory clinical evolution. There was no variation in the pharmacological dose, the collateral effects decreased and the massage had good acceptance from the patients

Humans , Sexual Vulnerability
CCH, Correo cient. Holguín ; 17(supl.1): 536-545, 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-701791


Se analizó el estado actual del conocimiento sobre el consumo de agua como medida higiénico-dietética para la enfermedad del reflujo gastroesofágico, desde la perspectiva del conocimiento clásico de la medicina occidental de esta afección y la visión de la medicina natural y bioenergética. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre el tema en Medline, en la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud y en los sitios de especialidades de Infomed de Medicina Natural y Gastroenterología. La información recolectada se estructuró en siete acápites: enfermedad de reflujo gastroesofágico, fisiología gástrica, equilibrio hidromineral, modelos de ingestión de bebidas y comidas, alimentación y obesidad, terapias hidropónicas e implicaciones en gastroenterología. No se encontraron publicaciones cubanas que aborden la temática sobre la modificación del consumo de líquidos como medida higiénico-dietética para esta enfermedad. Se recomendó realizar investigaciones que permitan obtener evidencias del estudio del tema, así como desarrollar un modelo de consumo de agua para pacientes con enfermedad de reflujo gastroesofágico.

A literature review was carried out aimed at updating about water consumption as a hygienic and dietary measure and its relation to the esophageal reflux disease. Taking into account the classical knowledge about this condition, the theoretical aspects of the bioenergetics and traditional natural medicine were included. Bibliography published in the last five year by MEDLINE and Health Library and specialty sites of INFOMED and Natural Medicine and Gastroenterology. The opinions were classified into: gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastric physiology, hydro mineral balance, food and liquid consumption patterns, feeding and obesity, hydroponic therapies and implication in gastroenterology. There were no Cuban publications on the topic. The authors recommended to carry out investigations on this topic and to develop a design of water consumption for those patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 16(3): 218-221, set. 2004.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-393458


Herbal remedies and other alternative treatments, such as acupuncture and homeopathy, are widely used in traditional societies and are becoming immensely popular in developed countries as well. Most are cheap, readily available, easy to use, and are perceived to be "healthier" than pharmaceutical substances. However, users need to be better informed as tothe actual benefits and properties of these forms of therapy and their potential hazards. Improper use puts consumers at risk for potentially serious side effects as a result of allergy, drug interactions, contamination of the products with pesticides, heavy metals, and other substances, or trauma inflicted by inexperienced or poorly trained practitioners. Some traditional remedies can cause undesirable effects, such as excessive bleeding. Thus, it is essential that users have access to information that is reliable, clear, and easily available. In June of this year the World Health Organization released a new set of guidelines to help national health author ities develop and distribute this type of information. The Guidelines on Developing Consumer Information on Proper Use of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, which were developed with the financial and technical support of the Government of Lombardy, Italy, and the Government of Sweden, are part of a collaborative project that seeks to promote the proper use of traditional, complementary, and alternative therapies by consumers. In addition to offering advice for government officials on how to prepare reliable consumer information, the guidelines contain a series of simple questions that can guide users through the process of deciding on the use of such therapies. The guidelines are published in English at the World Health Organization's website:

Herbal Medicine , Medicine, Traditional , Naturopathy , World Health Organization