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Acta biol. colomb ; 16(3): 89-102, dic. 2011.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-635103


La teoría de evolución de Darwin se ha constituido en uno de los pilares fundamentales de la biología. Algunos supuestos de dicha teoría han sido complementados con las bases genéticas de la herencia dando origen a la teoría moderna o sintética de la evolución. En los últimos años se han logrado grandes avances en el área de secuenciación y análisis de genomas completos que han aportado elementos para debatir varios de los postulados darwinistas de la evolución. La demostración de procesos de duplicación de genes y de genomas completos, la transferencia horizontal de genes y la teoría endosimbiótica cuestionan la idea de cambio evolutivo como un proceso de acumulación de pequeños cambios a través del tiempo geológico. La evidencia de la selección neutral en el contexto genómico pone de manifiesto otros mecanismos de evolución, que no necesariamente van acompañados de un programa adaptacionista ni con la idea de progreso. En este artículo se presentan estos y otros conceptos adicionales tales como la regulación génica y los mecanismos moleculares del desarrollo y del ambiente como puntos de partida para el planteamiento de una teoría evolutiva incluyente y acorde a los conocimientos actuales.

The evolutionist theory proposed by Darwin is one of the fundamental pillars in biology. Darwin’s theory was solidified with the Modern synthesis of evolutionary biology thanks to the rediscovery of Mendel’s work, which laid the genetic basis of heredity. In recent years, great progress has been acquired in the sequencing and analyses of complete genomes, which have provided several elements to discuss some Darwinists tenets of evolution. The evidence of gene duplication and whole-genome duplication, the horizontal gene transfer and the endosymbiosis process question the idea that evolution proceeds through the gradual accumulation of infinitesimally small random changes. The new evidence of neutral selection on the genomics context reveals other mechanisms of evolution not necessarily related with the idea of progress or with an adaptationist program as was originally stated by the Darwin’s theory. In this paper, I present these and other concepts such as gene regulation, molecular mechanisms of development and some environmental aspects (epigenesis and phenotypic plasticity) as starting points to think in the necessity to update the evolutionary theory which in my opinion should be more inclusive, pluralistic and consistent with our current knowledge.

J Biosci ; 2011 Mar; 36(1): 27-35
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-161506


Cleome viscosa L. (Capparidaceae) is well known for its medicinal properties. Lactam nonanoic acid (LNA) [2-amino-9-(4-oxoazetidin-2-yl)-nonanoic acid; C12H22N2O3, mol. wt. 242] has been isolated and purified from the root exudates of Cleome viscosa. The aqueous solution of this pure compound has been tested on bacteria (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus) and fungi (Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger and A. tamarii). At a dosage of 500 ppm and above, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus were totally inhibited while E. coli remained unaffected. On the other hand, growth of A. niger and A. tamarii was stimulated while there was no effect on A. fumigatus. This pure compound showed concentration-dependent inhibitory activity on rice, gram and mustard seeds.

Biol. Res ; 44(3): 283-293, 2011. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-608625


We found a consistent 3-site periodicity of the X²9 values for the heterogeneity of the distribution of the second base in relation to the first base of dinucleotides separated by 0 (contiguous), 1, 2, 3 ... 17 (K) nucleotide sites in Drosophila mtDNA. Triplets of X²9 values were found where the first was over 300 and the second and third ranged between 37 and 114 (previous studies). In this study, the periodicity was significant until separation of 2011K, and a structure of deviations from randomness among dinucleotides was found. The most deviant dinucleotides were G-G, G-C and C-G for the first, second and third element of the triplet, respectively. In these three cases there were more dinucleotides observed than expected. This inter-bases correlation and periodicity may be related to the tertiary structure of circular DNA, like that of prokaryotes and mitochondria, to protect and preserve it. The mtDNA with 19.517 bp was divided into four equal segments of 4.879 bp. The fourth sub-segment presented a very low proportion of G and C, the internucleotide interaction was weaker in this sub-segment and no periodicity was found. The maintenance of this mtDNA structure and organization for millions of generations, in spite of a high recurrent mutation rate, does not support the notion of neutralism or near neutralism. The high level of internucleotide interaction and periodicity indicate that every nucleotide is co-adapted with the residual genome.

Animals , Base Sequence , DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics , Drosophila/genetics , Genetic Drift , Mutation Rate , Amino Acid Sequence
Acta biol. colomb ; 14(supl.1): 187-198, Dec. 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-634962


La explicación de la evolución de los organismos a través de selección natural es el núcleo del sistema conceptual de la biología gracias a su sencillez, a su poder explicativo así como a su coherencia con una cantidad impresionante de datos. No obstante, en algunos casos se ha transformado en un discurso por defecto que no permite penetrar y descubrir procesos mucho más complejos. Esta dificultad ha sido puntualizada por varios autores y el presente documento hace una síntesis de alternativas o delimitaciones al modelo de evolución por selección natural en varios niveles: se exploran las consecuencias del neutralismo genético. Se revisa cómo la complejidad de la relación genotipo y fenotipo puede dificultar la aplicación de un modelo genético simple de evolución por selección natural. Se discute la propuesta de extender la idea de neutralidad a los fenotipos mediante el modelo de equivalencia funcional. Se detallan algunos de los aspectos controversiales en la aplicación del concepto de adaptación y se discute cómo incluir la historia filogenética de los caracteres propuestos como adaptativos puede enriquecer la explicación de los mismos. Se revisan las consecuencias de estos análisis en cuatro áreas: adaptación, definición de especie, reconstrucción filogenética y conservación. Este documento en ningún momento niega el valor del modelo de evolución por selección natural, pero sí puntualiza la importancia de modelos distintos fuertemente afianzados en datos concretos rigurosamente analizados.

The explanation of the evolution of organisms through natural selection is the nucleus of the system of concepts of the biology thanks to is simplicity, its explanatory power and its coherence with an impressive amount of data. However, in some cases this model has become a by default discourse that does not allow to penetrate and discover much more complex processes. This difficulty has been pointed out by several authors and the present paper summarizes several of the alternatives or delimitations at several levels: the consequences of genetic neutralism are explored. The implications of the complex relationship between genotype and phenotype are studied since these may made difficult the use of simple genetic models for the study of evolution by natural selection. The proposal of extending a neutral model for morphological traits through the concept of functional equivalence is discussed. Some of the controversial aspects of the use of the concept of adaptation are analyzed and the insightful effect of including the phylogenetic history in the explanation of the origin of the proposed adaptive characters is discussed. The consequences of these analyses are reviewed in four areas: adaptation, species definition, phylogenetic reconstructions and conservation. At no point this document denies the value of the model of evolution by natural selection but points out the importance of alternative models strongly supported by data rigorously analyzed.