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Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 53(5): 802-820, set.-dez. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041662


Abstract This study contributes to the research on partnership models by comparing different policy areas, testing the existing typologies and developing new forms of analysis for the Brazilian context. The literature on partnerships regarding the nonprofit sector is focused on the great diversity of these organizations and the types of relationship they establish with the government to provide services. Most empirical studies on this issue seek to establish categories for the partnerships analyzed, usually comparing countries or policy areas on a macro level. This study observes how partnership models help to understand the differences among policy areas, observing cases in the areas of AIDS, social assistance, and culture in Brazil. The research introduced field level variables and organizational variables to establish clearer differences among the models, and to identify where they overlap. Differences among the models helped to test relational variables and use the partnership models to analyze the public policy areas on the interaction design with nonprofits. As for political implications, this study provides recommendations to advance in a governmental agenda on partnerships that can combine general guidelines with particularities related to each policy area. Finally, the study indicates that partnerships should be considered public policy instruments.

Resumen Este estudio contribuye a la investigación sobre modelos de alianzas al comparar diferentes áreas de políticas, probar las tipologías existentes y desarrollar nuevas formas de análisis para el contexto brasileño. La literatura sobre alianzas en relación con al sector de entidades sin fines de lucro se centra en la gran diversidad de estas instituciones y en los tipos de relación que establecen con el gobierno para brindar servicios. La mayoría de los estudios empíricos sobre este tema buscan establecer categorías para las alianzas analizadas, generalmente comparando países o áreas de políticas a nivel macro. Este estudio observa cómo los modelos de alianza ayudan a comprender las diferencias entre áreas de políticas públicas, observando casos en las áreas de SIDA, asistencia social y cultura en Brasil. La investigación introdujo variables de nivel de campo y variables organizativas para establecer diferencias más explícitas entre los modelos e identificar dónde se superponen. Las diferencias entre los modelos ayudaron a probar las variables relacionales y a usar los modelos de alianza para analizar las áreas de políticas públicas. En cuanto a las implicaciones políticas de este estudio, proporciona recomendaciones para avanzar en una agenda gubernamental sobre alianzas que pueden combinar directrices generales con particularidades relacionadas con cada área de política. Finalmente, el estudio indica que las alianzas deben considerarse como instrumentos de política pública.

Resumo Este estudo contribui para a pesquisa sobre modelos de parceria, comparando diferentes áreas de política, testando as tipologias existentes e desenvolvendo novas formas de análise para o contexto brasileiro. A literatura sobre parcerias em relação ao setor sem fins lucrativos está focada na grande diversidade dessas organizações e nos tipos de relacionamento que estabelecem com o governo para a prestação de serviços. A maioria dos estudos empíricos sobre essa questão busca estabelecer categorias para as parcerias analisadas, geralmente comparando países ou áreas de políticas em um nível macro. Este estudo observa como os modelos de parceria ajudam a entender as diferenças entre áreas de políticas públicas, observando casos nas áreas de AIDS, assistência social e cultura no Brasil. A pesquisa introduziu variáveis de nível de campo e variáveis organizacionais para estabelecer diferenças mais explícitas entre os modelos e para identificar onde elas se sobrepõem. As diferenças entre os modelos ajudaram a testar as variáveis relacionais e usar os modelos de parceria para analisar as áreas de política pública no desenho de sua interação com as organizações. Quanto às implicações políticas deste estudo, ele fornece recomendações para avançar em uma agenda governamental sobre parcerias que podem combinar diretrizes gerais com particularidades relacionadas a cada área. Por fim, o estudo indica que as parcerias devem ser consideradas como instrumentos de política pública.

Organizations, Nonprofit , Public Policy , Brazil , Public-Private Sector Partnerships , Health Policy
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-824916


Objective To explore the current situation,problems and countermeasures of project performance evaluation of Non profit Central Research Institute Fund.Methods Identifying issues and proposing suggestions by process analysis of projects performance evaluation in one medical research institute (Institute Y for short).Results Preliminarily,Medical research institutes have already built the performance evaluation system of research project.However,applications of evaluation are limited,lacking of connections with project management milestones.Conclusions The problems and countermeasures obtained from Institute Y could provide reference for the performance evaluation of medical research projects in China.

Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 37(4): 1-8, oct.-dic. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093354


La mejora en el suministro de información contable conlleva, sin duda, una mayor eficiencia en las organizaciones, permitiéndoles alcanzar más fácilmente sus objetivos. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el sistema actual de registro contable de las asociaciones españolas dedicadas al fomento de la salud en adultos mayores. Para esto se han analizado todas las normas de relevancia relacionadas con la gestión contable de tales asociaciones, y se han comparado las disposiciones del actual Plan General de Contabilidad de 2007 con las del antiguo de 1990, para comprobar si la adaptación sectorial de 1998 ha quedado obsoleta o si existen algunas discrepancias entre las dos disposiciones mencionadas anteriormente. También, obviamente, se ha estudiado la normativa contable internacional aplicable (NIC/NIIF). El estudio permite comprobar que el actual Plan General de Contabilidad de 2007 supone cambios de gran relevancia respecto a la información contable de las asociaciones de fomento de la salud en adultos mayores, por lo cual la antigua adaptación sectorial de 1998 queda obsoleta y debería ser actualizada.

The improvement in the supply of accounting information undoubtedly leads to greater efficiency in organizations, allowing them to more easily achieve their objectives. The objective of this article is to analyze the current accounting record system of Spanish associations dedicated to the promotion of health in the elderly. For this, all the relevant standards related to the accounting management of such associations have been analyzed, and the provisions of the current 2007 General Accounting Plan have been compared with those of the old 1990 Plan, to check whether the sectoral adaptation of 1998 is obsolete or if there are some discrepancies between the two provisions mentioned above. Obviously, the applicable international accounting regulations (NIC/IFRS) have also been studied. The study makes it possible to verify that the current General Accounting Plan for 2007 involves changes of great relevance with respect to the accounting information of associations for the promotion of health in old age, for which the old sectoral adaptation of 1998 is obsolete and should be updated.

Saúde Soc ; 26(4): 920-931, Oct.-Dec. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-962553


Resumo O artigo descreve o histórico, a metodologia e a evolução do Fórum das Instituições Filantrópicas de Longa Permanência para Idosos (ILPI) da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, e contextualiza sua trajetória diante dos avanços normativos que regulamentam essas instituições atualmente. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, por meio da leitura e análise das atas das reuniões no período entre 1999 e 2015. Observou-se que a articulação em rede, proporcionada pelas reuniões ao longo dos 16 anos de atividade, pode auxiliar a organização, o planejamento e a manutenção das ILPI, contribuindo para melhorar a qualidade da prestação dos serviços conforme a legislação vigente, promovendo aproximação e engajamento de parceiros na busca pela profissionalização dos cuidados institucionais de longa duração e pela excelência na assistência ao idoso, e no aprimoramento e capacitação dos profissionais, processos e protocolos institucionais.

Abstract This study describes the history, methodology and evolution of the Forum of NonProfit Long-Term Care Facilities for Older Adults (LTCF - Fórum das Instituições Filantrópicas de Longa Permanência para Idosos) of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Brazil, and contextualizes its path towards the normative advances that regulate these institutions nowadays. By reading and analyzing the reports of the meetings that occurred between the years 1999 and 2015 a descriptive, qualitative and retrospective study was performed. We observed that the network articulation provided by the meetings during the 16 years of activity can help with the organization, planning and maintenance of LTCFs, improving the quality of the services in accordance to the current legislation, promoting the approximation and engagement of partners in the search for professionalism of long-term institutional care and excellence in care for older adults, and on the improvement and qualification of professionals, processes and institutional protocols.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Voluntary Health Agencies , Discussion Forums , Health of Institutionalized Elderly , Homes for the Aged , Caregivers , Qualitative Research , Professional Training
Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 34(1): 41-52, jan.-mar. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-840510


Resumo Nesta pesquisa, buscou-se discutir os modos como psicólogos que atuam no Sistema Único de Assistência Social vivenciam e percebem o processo de terceirização dá área. Para isso, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com psicólogos que trabalham em diferentes equipamentos socioassistenciais, bem como uma pesquisa de campo em um serviço de acolhimento. Entre outras coisas, os interlocutores destacaram o fato de o processo de terceirização do Sistema Único de Assistência Social favorecer o estabelecimento de vínculos empregatícios frágeis, baixos salários, falta de capacitação e alta rotatividade de profissionais. Concluiu-se que, apesar de defender a "desprecarização" dos vínculos trabalhistas e o fim da terceirização, as leis brasileiras dão brechas para vínculos que adoecem.

Abstract This study aimed to discuss how psychologists working in the Sistema Único de Assistência Social (Unified System for Social Assistance) experience and perceive the outsourcing process of this public social assistance policy. Therefore, semi-structured interviews were conducted with psychologists who work in different social service settings, and a field research was carried out in a social assistance center. Among other things, the interviewees highlighted the fact that the outsourcing process of the Unified System for Social Assistance does not promote sustained employment, but rather low-wage jobs, lack of training, and high turnover. As a conclusion, it can be said that although Brazilian laws are aimed at effectively promoting employment stability and the end of outsourcing of social care services, there are gaps that allow unstable employment and insecure contracts, which affect the health of the Unified System for Social Assistance workers.

Humans , Psychology, Social , Public Administration , Social Work , Work
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-612655


Encouraging and providing guidance to social forces to invest in health care industry is one of the key elements determined to deepen the health care reform.From four aspects of the unclear conception and undefinable functions of non-public hospitals, ambiguity of property rights of non-profit non-public hospitals, gradual reduction of traditional management measures, and deficiency of effective supervision on daily operations, this paper summarizes the major policy issues in non-public hospitals.To solve these problems, this paper conducts a systemic analysis of the historical experiences of the United States, Germany, Japan, and Taiwan.On this basis, this paper suggests that the government should clearly determine the connotation and extension of non-public hospitals, improve non-profit non-public hospital policy system, play a guiding role in planning and health insurance guidance, and strengthen the supervision of business operations.

Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 33(2): 367-374, abr.-jun. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-779865


Este trabalho revisa a produção científica brasileira sobre comportamento organizacional no terceiro setor. Utilizou-se um levantamento pré existente de pesquisas empíricas sobre micro comportamento organizacional, publicadas em 15 periódicos nacionais de Psicologia e Administração, no período de 1996 a 2012. Do total de 629 artigos sobre o tema, apenas 31 apresentaram estudos realizados no terceiro setor. O achado sugere que esse segmento econômico encontra--se ainda sub-representado. "Interações sociais" é o tema que tem sido mais estudado nesse setor, seguido por "afeto". No entanto, alguns assuntos relevantes para a pesquisa em comportamento organizacional foram pouco pesquisados nacionalmente no terceiro setor, como "motivação" e "significado do trabalho". É preciso compreender esse setor como promotor de contextos organizacionais peculiares que devem ser considerados para o desenvolvimento de teorias gerais sobre o fazer humano no trabalho.

This paper presents a review of the Brazilian scientific production on organizational behaviour in the nonprofit sector. A pre-categorized data set from empirical studies on micro organizational behaviour, which were published between 1996 and 2012 in 15 Brazilian Psychology and Business journals, was used. Out of 629 articles on micro organizational behaviour, only 31 addressed nonprofit organizations. This finding suggests that this economic sector is still underrepresented. "Social interactions" is the most commonly studied topic in this sector, followed by "affect". However, some topics relevant to research on nonprofit organizational behaviour have been insufficiently investigated in Brazil. These topics include "motivation" and "meaning of work". It is important to acknowledge that the nonprofit sector includes unique organizational settings that should be taken into account for the development of the general theories about human behaviour in the workplace.

Humans , Organizational Culture , Public Administration , Review Literature as Topic
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-503067


Social forces participating in non-profit medical institutions will help to insist on the commonweal of public medical and health care and realize the goal of access to basic medical and health services for everyone .At present , social forces participating in non-profit medical institutions have made some prominent improvements under a series of policy support .However , due to the absolute dominance of public hospitals , social forces participating in non-profit medical institutions are still potting a lot of restrictions on access threshold of basic medical services , devel-opment space and policy implementation .In order to promote the healthy development of social forces participating in non-profit medical institutions , we should first recognize its significance and guarantee its development potential , tal-ents construction and development space through implementing preferential policies , improving supervision mecha-nisms, exploring multi-sited license, optimizing allocation of resources and so on .

Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 14(4): 239-244, 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-827449


Estudo transversal, descritivo e observacional, que teve como objetivo identificar o perfil das Ligas Acadêmicas de Medicina atuantes na Universidade do Estado do Pará, de maneira a analisar a relevância e as contribuições dessas instituições no contexto universitário. A amostra foi composta por 17 ligas acadêmicas. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas com os representantes destas entidades (presidente, vice-presidente ou coordenador-geral), mediante o auxílio de questionários semiestruturados, no período de abril a maio de 2014. As atividades realizadas por estas Ligas Acadêmicas de Medicina incluíam estágios extracurriculares (70,5%), projetos de extensão (70,5%) e projetos de pesquisa (82,3%). O número de membros variava de 7 a 50. Todas as associações apresentavam participação de docentes. Em relação a critérios de seleção, 16 Ligas Acadêmicas de Medicina (94,2%) afirmaram possuir algum tipo de processo seletivo. Quanto à filiação, 17,6% eram filiadas à Associação Brasileira de Ligas Acadêmicas de Medicina e 58,8% a uma associação nacional referente a sua especialidade. As ligas acadêmicas tinham em média 21 membros discentes e 2 docentes. Os membros, em sua maioria, dedicavam-se a especialidades clínicas com foco em pesquisas científicas, contando com seu próprio financiamento.

Cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study that aims to identify the profile of the Academic Leagues of Medicine which act in the University of the State of Pará, in order to understand the importance and contributions of these organizations in college context. The sample was composed for 17 academic associations. Data collection was conducted through interviews with representatives of these entities (president, vice presidente or general coordinator) using semi-structured questionnaires, from April to May 2014. The activities performed by these associations include extracurricular training (70.5%), extension projects (70.5%) and research projects (82.3%). The number of members ranged from 7 to 50. All associations had the participation of professors. Regarding selection criteria, 16 academic associations (94.2%) reported having some type of selection process. Concerning affiliation, 17.6% of leagues were affiliated to Associação Brasileira de Ligas Acadêmicas de Medicina and 58.8% to a national association for their specialties. The academic leagues had an average of 21 student members and 2 teachers. The members were mainly dedicated to clinical specialties, focusing on scientific research, and their funding came from their own members.

Humans , Education, Medical , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Organizations, Nonprofit/organization & administration , Peer Group
Saúde debate ; 39(spe): 145-159, out.-dez. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-774596


Objetivou-se caracterizar, no âmbito nacional, os modelos de governança das Organizações Socais e das Fundações Estatais de Direito Privado, pressupondo-se que as regras interferem no funcionamento das instituições e na atuação dos atores, com base no referencial analítico do neoinstitucionalismo histórico. Foram caracterizadas especificamente à relação entre o público e o privado e aos mecanismos de controle social, a partir dos marcos legais existentes. A análise evidencia diferenças importantes entre os modelos, especialmente quanto ao alinhamento aos princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde. De diferentes formas, os dois modelos são permeáveis ao setor privado e pouco abertos à participação social.

This article aimed to characterize, at national level, the governance models of Social Organizations and State Foundations of Private Law, assuming that the rules interfere with the functioning of institutions and the performance of the actors, based on the analytical framework of historical neo-institutionalism, specifically regarding the relation between the public and the private and the mechanisms of social control, from the existing legal frameworks. The analysis shows important differences between models, especially regarding the alignment to the principles of the Unified Health System. However, in different ways, both models are penetrable to the private sector and less open to social participation.

Santiago de Chille; Chile. Ministerio de Salud; oct. 2015. 7 p.
Non-conventional in Spanish | LILACS, BRISA, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1512048


ANTECEDENTES Y OBJETIVO La Municipalidad de Recoleta ha decidido implementar una farmacia local, que funcione de manera paralela a los centros de Atención Primaria, de manera de otorgar una oferta más económica de medicamentos a los vecinos de la comuna. La iniciativa permitiría el acceso a medicamentos importados, sin pagar por intermediarios, lo que reduciría sustancialmente el precio de adquisición para la población. En este contexto el Departamento de Políticas Farmacéuticas y Profesiones Médicas solicitan esta síntesis de evidencia con el objetivo de comparar los resultados de las farmacias privadas con y sin fines de lucro. METODOLOGÍA Se formuló una estrategia de búsqueda para ser utilizada en las bases de datos Epistemonikos, Health Systems Evidence, Health Evidence, Cochrane, PubMed, EVIPNet Global, LILACS, Google Scholar, PsycInfo y CINAHL, con el objetivo de identificar revisiones sistemáticas del tema. Al no encontrarse, se procedió a buscar estudios primarios que abordaran la pregunta estudiada, donde se seleccionaron 5. Se excluyeron estudios que incorporaban prescripción de medicamentos por parte de los farmacéuticos, venta de alcohol y cigarros, y estudios de casos aislados. Consultando al solicitante, se decidió excluir estudios que incorporaban farmacias mayoristas, además de no considerar comparaciones contra farmacias públicas RESULTADOS Se utilizan 3 estudios primarios, de los cuales se obtuvieron los siguientes resultados: -No fue posible agrupar resultados, la evidencia encontrada muestra que las farmacias sin fines de lucro contarían con una menor mediana de precios, en comparación con establecimientos con fines de lucro. -No fue posible agrupar resultados, la evidencia encontrada muestra que en farmacias sin fines de lucro se gastaría una menor proporción de sueldos diarios para adquirir tratamientos, que en farmacias con fines de lucro. -La evidencia encontrada muestra que las farmacias sin fines de lucro tendrían un menor stock disponible, en comparación a las farmacias con fines de lucro (La certeza de la evidencia es Muy Baja). -En general, la calidad de la evidencia es incierta, puesto que este resumen no realiza una evaluación de ésta.

Economics, Pharmaceutical , Costs and Cost Analysis , Chile
Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 270-272, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-480670


Due to the deep-rooted structural problems of political and sanitary structures ,most methods and meas-ures of cure for public hospital are low efficient or none effective .Analysed the hospital background such as institu-tion,marketing and culture ,we should hold the tendency that hospital reforming didn't fit in with our country's situa-tion,it is important that the reforming become more systemcial and harmonized .Therefore ,we have to strengthen the governmental responsibility of public sanitation ,introduce a competitive mechanism ,promote the reform of property right, Drawing lessons and experiences from state-owned enterprise reform , we should explore a kind of standard modern management system which is suitable to non-profit hospitals in China .

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-467828


on the basis of systematic examination to the policy system of private medical institutions, this paper summarize the current situation and main problems of the policy system, including basic concepts, related issues a-bout the non-state owned enterprise management, important policies about the non-profit medical institutions, the ab-sence of some main policies. To solve these problems, this paper puts forward specific suggestions, such as to speed up the legislation, to make standards of non-profit medical institutions judging and qualification of exempt from tax in details, to construct the reasonable return system for the investors, to extend the tax holidays for the profit-making medical institutions, to make sure private medical institutions have equitable access to qualification in pilot hospital of healthcare insurance, to improve the transformation mechanism between Non-profit and profit-making institutions, to formulate specific measures.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-482401


There are still some flaws in the private non-profit hospital supervision system since those hospitals recently began to grow in China. The paper aims to analyze the access and changing processes from the non-profit to profit hospitals and the non-profit character supervision of the private non-profit hospitals based on the literature and survey data in Hubei, Guangdong and Jiangsu Provinces. It also puts forward some suggestions on the private non-profit hospitals development including how to optimize the access process, increase taxes or liquidation in the chan-ging process, and establish the coordination supervision mechanism for the non-profit Character in China.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-455899


By means of comparative analysis and literature review,the paper identified differences of private non-profit hospitals at home and abroad in terms of their historical background,fund-raising,tax-free qualification,and governance structure.On such basis,an analysis was made on the development paths of such hospitals in China,for theoretical references and decision support for their development.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 73-75, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-443571


Objective: From the two prospective of hospital quantity and hospital market shares, to analyze the influences of profitmaking hospital’s competition on medical expenses and medical quality. Methods: The sample of provincial panel data from 2003 to 2011 is used, the fixed effect model is applied. Conclusion: For the competitive effect, the expanding of relative scale of profit-making hospitals increased outpatient expenses and reduced hospitalization expenses; for the quality effectiveness, the expand of relative scale of profit -hospitals improved the quality of outpatient service; the simple increase of the quantity of profit -making hospitals had no significant influences on medical expenses and quality of medical care.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 72-75, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-444739


The financial objective of the health non-operating state-owned assets(NSA) value-running is defined as non-profit, an empirical test is designed; the non-profit objective function and for-profit objective function is established and the impact of fix asset and staff cost on financial objective in multiple regression functions are compared.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-446528


This paper summarizes the positive significance of non-profit private hospitals development , and an-alyzes the institutional obstacles on the development of non-profit private hospitals in terms of autonomous manage-ment, fair competition, investment and profit , tax relief, management and supervision .Finally, the paper provides some proposals to improve the development of non-profit private hospitals:revising the medical institution regulation , establishing and improving the non-profit private hospital assets finance management system , implementing the opera-tion system, establishing a scientific and standardized supervision mechanism , etc.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-448248


Although private hospitals are generally encountering development difficulties, some private non-profit medical institutions thrived in the medical market. These hospitals have rich experiences in terms of manage-ment system, operation mechanism, and competition methods. In this paper, we summarize the experiences of those well-functioning private non-profit hospitals and analyze the essential conditions for developing private non-profit med-ical institutions. These conditions include meeting local health market needs, ensuring that the hospital management system and operation mechanism result in high-quality health services, ensuring hospital development meets local health plans ( in order to obtain policy support) , ensuring the goal of the hospital is public welfare and that the hospital has strong financial support, obtaining certain social and political capital, and ensuring high-quality managers and staff.

Pensar prát. (Impr.) ; 16(4): 1112-1129, out.-dez. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-982720


Atualmente existe uma vasta legislação nacional e internacional defensora dos direitos humanos, contudo persistem desigualdades entre homens e mulheres. Apesar da maior participação das mulheres no desporto, verifica­-se a sua sub-­representa­ção em cargos de liderança e decisão. Daí o nosso propósito em analisar a representatividade das mulheres nestes cargos nas federações olímpicas portuguesas. Metodologicamente, as mulheres com cargos elevados na direção daquelas federa­ções constituem a amostra do estudo, às quais foram realizadas entrevistas semi-diretivas. As principais conclusões indicam desigualdades de oportunidades no acesso aos referenciados cargos devido a: questões culturais, estereótipos do gênero, cultura organizacional e gestão do tempo.

In a democracy such as one as we live in, where there is a vast national and international legislation which aims to defend human rights, we continue to witness gender inequality between men and women. Currently, although women participationin sport, they are still under ­represented, mainly in the leadership and decision positions. Therefore we wanted to examine women representation in leadership and decision positions on the Portuguese Olympic Federations. Women with high positionsin the direction of these federations constitute the sample of the study. The information has been collected through semi­-directive interviews. The main results indicate inequality of opportunity in access to positions of reference due to cultura issues, stereotypes of gender, organizational culture and time management.

Actualmente hay una amplia legislación defensora de derechos humanos, nacional e internacional, sin embargo, persisten desigualdades de género. A pesar de la creciente participación de las mujeres en el deporte, es escasa su representación en posiciones de liderazgo y toma de decisiones. De ahí nuestro propósito de analizar la representatividad de las mujeres en estas posiciones en las federaciones olímpicas portuguesas. Metodológicamente, las mujeres con altos cargos en la dirección de esas asociaciones constituyen la muestra del estudio. La información ha sido colectada a través de entrevistas semi­directivas. Los principales resultados indican la desigualdad de oportunidades en el acceso a posiciones de referencia debido a: cuestiones culturales, los estereotipos de género, cultura organizacional y gestión del tiempo.

Female , Humans , Adult , Feminism , Leadership , Organizations , Physical Education and Training , Sports , Women