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Acta bioeth ; 30(1)jun. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556635


The Research Ethics Committee (CEP) has become an essential mechanism for social control in Brazilian research involving human subjects, contributing to the development of studies guided by ethical standards and to the protection of research participants. This article analyzes the performance of CEP in Western Amazonian institution, its history, operating conditions, trends, and different aspects between 2018 to 2022. The theoretical framework addresses the history of research involving human subjects, the origins and evolution of bioethics in the international context, bioethics in Brazil, and regulations on the ethical analysis of research. The data were collected through the Brazil Platform and reports from the institution's CEP. The CEP evaluated 865 research protocols, most of which were from Health Sciences. Additionally, it was observed that during 2018 to 2022 the covid-19 pandemic had a negative impact on the number of projects submitted for evaluation to the CEP. The 57% drop in the number of projects registered during 2020/2022 reveals the negative impact of this event on the execution of projects with human participants.

El Comité de Ética en Investigación (CEP) se ha convertido en un mecanismo esencial para el control social en la investigación brasileña con seres humanos, contribuyendo al desarrollo de estudios guiados por normas éticas y a la protección de los participantes en la investigación. Este artículo analiza el desempeño del CEP en la institución amazónica occidental, su historia, condiciones de funcionamiento, tendencias y diferentes aspectos entre 2018 y 2022. El marco teórico aborda la historia de la investigación con seres humanos, los orígenes y la evolución de la bioética en el contexto internacional, la bioética en Brasil y la normativa sobre el análisis ético de la investigación. Los datos se recogieron a través de la Plataforma Brasil y de informes del CEP de la institución. El CEP evaluó 865 protocolos de investigación, la mayoría de los cuales eran de Ciencias de la Salud. Además, se observó que durante 2018 a 2022 la pandemia de covid-19 tuvo un impacto negativo en el número de proyectos presentados para evaluación al CEP. La caída del 57% en el número de proyectos registrados durante 2020/2022 revela el impacto negativo de este evento en la ejecución de proyectos con participantes humanos.

Os Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa (CEPs) tornaram-se um mecanismo essencial para o controle social em pesquisas brasileiras envolvendo sujeitos humanos, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de estudos regido por padrões éticos e para a proteção de participantes de pesquisas. Esse artigo analisa o desempenho de CEP em instituição da Amazonia Ocidental, sua história, condições operativas, tendências e diferentes aspectos entre 2018 e 2022. O enquadre teórico visa a história da pesquisa envolvendo sujeitos humanos, as origens e evolução da bioética no contexto internacional, bioética no Brasil e regulamentos de análise ética de pesquisa. Os dados foram coletados através da Plataforma Brasil e relatórios do CEP da instituição. O CEP avaliou 865 protocolos de pesquisa, a maioria deles de Ciências da Saúde. Adicionalmente, foi observado que de 2018 a 2022 a pandemia da covid-19 teve um impacto negativo no número de projetos submetidos para avaliação do CEP. A queda de 57% no número de projetos registrados em 2020/2022 revela o impacto negativo desse evento na execução de projetos com participantes humanos.

CienciaUAT ; 18(2): 75-90, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569022


Resumen: México ocupa el primer lugar en obesidad infantil en el mundo, por lo que resulta importante identificar variables asociadas al consumo alimentario. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue establecer si la forma en que el consumo de alimentos se modifica en función de las normas sociales alimentarias y la publicidad alimentaria que recibe la población infantil escolar. Se diseñó un estudio multivariado predictivo utilizando sistemas de lógica difusa tipo dos de intervalo (IT2 FLS), y comparando su ajuste con modelos convencionales, como la regresión lineal múltiple (RLM). Se trabajó con las respuestas emitidas por 196 niños en un estudio previo y almacenadas en una base de datos, seleccionando solo las que correspondieron a las variables de interés para el estudio. Las normas sociales a evitar, el número de comidas y la compra de alimentos por la publicidad alimentaria permitieron predecir el consumo alimentario de los niños mediante IT2 FLS. En RLM las horas de comidas tuvo mayor capacidad predictiva que el número de comidas. El IT2 FLS proporcionó un mayor coeficiente de determinación (R2 = 0.649), que el de la RLM (R2 = 0.370). El consumo alimentario, al ser un fenómeno multicausal y complejo, puede ser mejor predicho al utilizar métodos de análisis que manejen de forma más flexible la incertidumbre, como lo hace la IT2 FLS.

Abstract: Mexico ranks first in childhood obesity in the world, so it is important to identify variables associated with food consumption. The objective of this work was to establish whether the way in which food consumption is modified depending on social food norms and food advertising received by school children. A predictive multivariate study was designed using interval type two fuzzy logic systems (IT2 FLS), and comparing its fit with conventional models, such as multiple linear regression (RLM). We worked with the responses issued by 196 children in a previous study and stored in a database, selecting only those that corresponded to the variables of interest for the study. The social norms to avoid, the number of meals and the purchase of food through food advertising made it possible to predict children's food consumption through IT2 FLS. In RLM, mealtimes had a greater predictive capacity than the number of meals. The IT2 FLS provided a higher coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.649) than that of the RLM (R2 = 0.370). Food consumption, being a multicausal and complex phenomenon, can be better predicted by using analysis methods that manage uncertainty more flexibly, as the IT2 FLS does.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 20-25, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025259


It reviewed the policies related to the standardized management of medical service price items,analyzed the current difficulties in the implementation of medical service price regulations:the technical specifications of national medical service price item are heavy and cannot be dynamically adjusted with technological innovation;provincial level item access control is not strict,and the elements of the same price item are not completely unified,affecting the horizontal comparison.The policy suggestions to speed up the improvement of the medical service price item specifications include:medical services that are allowed to be applied and have clear technical specifications are accepted as the scope of new price item declaration;promote the separation of technology and consumption,except for consumables and reagents,which are priced separately according to service items+special consum-ables;priority should be given to responding to the legitimate demand for medical technology improvement innovations through cur-rent price item compatibility;contrast technical specifications and item guidelines,integrating current price items,improving item standardization and compatibility;complete the innovation and economic evaluation of the newly declared item price,check the quality,and reasonably determine the increment.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 513-517, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012565


OBJECTIVE To provide a reference for the definition of the legal attributes of the provincial Chinese herbal pieces processing norms and the improvement of legal expression for the drug standards in Drug Administration Law. METHODS Based on the legal evolution of local drug standards in China, the composition of national drug standards for Chinese herbal pieces and the composition of current provincial Chinese herbal pieces processing norms were analyzed; at the same time, based on the method of legal interpretation, the legal connotation of the provincial Chinese herbal medicine processing norms in Drug Administration Law was investigated. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS In the practice of drug supervision, the provincial Chinese herbal pieces processing norms are essentially local drug standards. The newly revised Drug Administration Law defines the drug standards specifically, but does not stipulate the legal attribute of drug standards for the provincial Chinese herbal pieces processing norms, and there are certain legislative technical defects. It is suggested that when amending the Drug Administration Law, the legal attributes of the drug standards of the provincial Chinese herbal medicine processing norms should be clarified.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(4): e19802023, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557474


Resumo Objetivou-se compreender as experiências de dupla maternidade na atenção à saúde durante o pré-natal, parto e puerpério a partir de um método qualitativo, utilizando entrevistas individuais on-line e grupo focal on-line assíncrono com mulheres cisgêneros, a maioria em relacionamentos homoafetivos. Os resultados revelaram a marginalização das vivências parentais dessas mulheres, destacando a violência institucional presente nos serviços de saúde brasileiros, sendo apresentados em dois eixos temáticos: 1) Cisheteronormatividade e seu impacto nas experiências de dupla maternidade e 2) Violência institucional nos serviços de saúde: da curiosidade à LGBTQIA+fobia. Conclui-se que a cisheteronormatividade prejudica a atenção à saúde para essas experiências, especialmente ao invisibilizar a mãe não gestante, destacando a urgência de capacitar profissionais de saúde, repensar e desafiar as normas cisgênero e heterossexuais e promover políticas inclusivas para garantir cuidados equitativos e combater a violência institucional.

Abstract The objective was to understand experiences of double motherhood during antenatal, childbirth and postpartum healthcare, using a qualitative method involving individual online interviews and asynchronous, online focus groups of cisgender women, mostly in same-sex relationships. The results revealed how these women's experiences of parenting were marginalised, highlighting institutional violence in Brazilian healthcare services, which are presented here in two thematic dimensions: 1) Cisheteronormativity and its impact on experiences of double motherhood; and 2) Institutional violence in healthcare services: from curiosity to LGBTQIA+phobia. It was concluded that cisheteronormativity hinders healthcare for these experiences, especially by rendering the non-gestational mother invisible. This underscores the urgent need to train healthcare personnel, rethink and challenge cisgender and heterosexual norms and promote inclusive policies to ensure equitable care and combat institutional violence.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(2): e18622023, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528349


Resumo Este artigo de opinião consiste em uma entrevista realizada com Leonardo Peçanha, um homem negro trans, ativista no campo dos direitos humanos e dos direitos das pessoas trans e pesquisador do campo da Saúde Coletiva. Na conversa que se segue Leonardo Peçanha, de forma interseccional, reflete sobre o lugar da beleza, modificações corporais e atividade física no processo de transição de gênero de sujeitos homens trans e transmasculinos, como também toca no tema das (im)possibilidades das pessoas trans no campo dos esportes de alto rendimento e nos conta sobre o concurso de beleza Mister Trans Brasil.

Abstract This opinion article consists of an interview with Leonardo Peçanha, a Black trans man, a human rights and trans people rights activist and a researcher in Collective Health. In this interview, he reflects intersectionally on the place of beauty, body changes, and physical activity in the gender transition process of trans and transmasculine men. He discusses the (im)possibilities of trans people in high-performance sports and tells us about the Mister Trans Brazil beauty pageant contest.

Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE00573, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1563628


Resumo Objetivo Analisar o estigma evidenciado nas percepções de médicas e enfermeiras sobre o pré-natal de homens transexuais. Métodos Estudo qualitativo desenvolvido com nove profissionais de saúde (seis enfermeiras e três médicas) atuantes em Unidades de Saúde da Família em um município na Bahia. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade, submetidas à Análise Temática Reflexiva e interpretação baseada na teoria do estigma e do conceito de cisheteronormatividade. Resultados Foram derivados dois temas que explicitaram o estabelecimento de rótulos e estereótipos ao corpo, mente e identidade de gênero do homem trans grávido: (des)preparo profissional e distanciamento das demandas e perspectivas cisheteronormativas para o cuidado pré-natal de homens trans. Elementos do estigma evidenciados: afastamento, rótulos, estereótipo, descrédito e discriminação. Tais elementos (percepções estigmatizantes) se manifestaram dentro da lógica da normalidade e equiparação cisgênero das necessidades de saúde dos homens trans no contexto pré-natal. Conclusão Há estigma na percepção de médicas e enfermeiras sobre o pré-natal de homens trans. A estigmatização pode impactar negativamente a qualidade do pré-natal e da saúde e segurança de homens trans no ciclo gravídico puerperal, antecipando pensamentos, atitudes e práticas que contribuem para a deteriorar a identidade transmasculina na gestação.

Resumen Objetivo Analizar el estigma constatado en las percepciones de médicas y enfermeras sobre el control prenatal de hombres transexuales. Métodos Estudio cualitativo llevado a cabo con nueve profesionales de la salud (seis enfermeras y tres médicas) que trabajan en Unidades de Salud de la familia en un municipio del estado de Bahia. Se realizaron entrevistas en profundidad, que fueron sometidas al análisis temático reflexivo e interpretación con base en la teoría del estigma y del concepto de cisheteronormatividad. Resultados Se derivaron dos temas que explicitaron el establecimiento de rótulos y estereotipos del cuerpo, mente e identidad de género de hombres trans embarazados: (falta de) preparación profesional y distanciamiento de las demandas y perspectivas cisheteronormativas para el cuidado prenatal de hombres trans. Se constataron los siguientes elementos del estigma: distanciamiento, rótulos, estereotipos, descrédito y discriminación. Tales elementos (las percepciones estigmatizantes) se manifestaron dentro de la lógica de la normalidad y equivalencia cisgénero de las necesidades de salud de los hombres trans en el contexto del control prenatal. Conclusión Existe un estigma en la percepción de médicas y enfermeras sobre el control prenatal de hombres trans. La estigmatización puede impactar negativamente en la calidad del control prenatal y de la salud y seguridad de hombres trans durante el embarazo y el puerperio, y puede anticipar pensamientos, actitudes y prácticas que contribuyen al deterioro de la identidad transmasculina en el embarazo.

Abstract Objective To analyze the stigma evidenced in doctors' and nurses' perception regarding prenatal care for transgender men. Methods A qualitative study developed with nine health professionals (six nurses and three doctors) working in Family Health Units in a municipality in Bahia. In-depth interviews were carried out, subjected to reflective thematic analysis and interpretation based on the theory of social stigma and the concept of cisheteronormativity. Results Two topics were derived that explained the establishment of labels and stereotypes on the body, mind and gender identity of pregnant trans men: professional (un)preparedness and distancing from cisheteronormative demands and perspectives for prenatal care for trans men. Elements of stigma observed were distance, labels, stereotype, discredit and discrimination. Such elements (stigmatizing perceptions) manifested themselves within the logic of normality and cisgender equality of trans men's health needs in the prenatal context. Conclusion There is stigma in doctors' and nurses' perception regarding prenatal care for trans men. Stigmatization can negatively impact the quality of prenatal care and trans men's health and safety in the pregnancy and puerperal cycle, anticipating thoughts, attitudes and practices that contribute to the deterioration of transmasculine identity during pregnancy.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1020-1026, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514336


SUMMARY: Malocclusion is usually treated based on clinical decisions complemented with a cephalometric analysis, allowing the comparison of an individual with standard reference norms. Cephalometric standards have mostly been obtained from Caucasian population, but may not be appropriate for other ethnic groups, becoming a clinically relevant problem in multicultural and multiracial societies. The present study aimed to establish cephalometric norms for Chilean-Latino population, using a representative sample of class I individuals in permanent dentition. A sample of 72 cephalometric x-rays of class I growing individuals (47 women and 25 men) between 10 and 20 years of age with class I occlusion and harmonic profile was obtained from the records of the Universidad de los Andes taken between 2012 and 2019, including 1164 individuals. The radiographs were classified according to their cervical vertebral maturation status, and cephalometrically analyzed, obtaining vertical and sagittal parameters in soft and hard tissues, which were compared with Caucasian cephalometric norms. The statistical analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics (T-test, ANOVA and Bonferroni tests). Cephalometric norms were obtained for hard and soft tissues. Upon comparison with Caucasian norms, the subjects included in the sample present a tendency towards a convex profile, significant incisal proclination, dental protrusion, labial biprotrusion and an acute nasolabial angle. There are cephalometric differences between the Caucasian cephalometric norms and those observed Chilean Latino population, displaying differences at a hard and soft tissue level that should be taken into account for clinical decision making in Orthodontics.

La maloclusión generalmente se trata con base en decisiones clínicas complementadas con un análisis cefalométrico, lo que permite la comparación de un individuo con normas de referencia estándar. Los estándares cefalométricos se han obtenido en su mayoría de población caucásica, pero pueden no ser apropiados para otros grupos étnicos, convirtiéndose en un problema clínicamente relevante en sociedades multiculturales y multirraciales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer normas cefalométricas para población chileno-latina, utilizando una muestra representativa de individuos clase I en dentición permanente. Se obtuvo una muestra de 72 radiografías cefalométricas de individuos en crecimiento clase I (47 mujeres y 25 hombres) entre 10 y 20 años de edad con oclusión clase I y perfil armónico de los registros de la Universidad de los Andes tomados entre 2012 y 2019, incluidas 1164 personas. Las radiografías se clasificaron según su estado de maduración vertebral cervical, y se analizaron cefalométricamente, obteniendo parámetros verticales y sagitales en tejidos blandos y duros, que se compararon con normas cefalométricas caucásicas. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial (T-test, ANOVA y pruebas de Bonferroni). Se obtuvieron normas cefalométricas para tejidos duros y blandos. En comparación con las normas caucásicas, los sujetos incluidos en la muestra presentan una tendencia hacia un perfil convexo, proinclinación incisal significativa, protrusión dental, biprotrusión labial y un ángulo nasolabial agudo. Existen diferencias entre las normas cefalométricas caucásicas y las observadas en población latina chilena, mostrando diferencias a nivel de tejidos duros y blandos que se deben considerar para la toma de decisiones clínicas en Ortodoncia.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Cephalometry/standards , Dentition, Permanent , Dental Occlusion , Radiography , Chile , Retrospective Studies
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508252


Introducción: El residente de Medicina General Integral, una vez graduado, ejecutará investigaciones en correspondencia con las necesidades actuales del Sistema Nacional de Salud y a partir de los problemas de salud predominantes en su comunidad. Objetivo: Describir las principales dificultades en los proyectos de investigación de los residentes de la Especialidad de Medicina General Integral. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Sagua la Grande en el período 2020-2021. La población objeto de análisis quedó constituida por un total de 69 proyectos de investigación provenientes de 5 policlínicos docentes de 3 municipios del territorio (Corralillo, Quemado de Güines y Sagua la Grande). Se revisó el proyecto de investigación, se confeccionó un modelo para la recogida de datos extraídos de los mismos y se elaboró una base de datos para su almacenamiento. Resultados: Las principales dificultades estuvieron dadas en no sustentar adecuadamente la investigación, en la redacción del problema científico, específicamente la relación entre el problema y el tipo de investigación, la conceptualización y/o operacionalización de las variables, la selección y elaboración de los métodos, técnicas e instrumentos para la recogida de la información y la acotación de la bibliografía por normas de Vancouver. Conclusiones: Resulta de vital importancia que los residentes de esta especialidad desarrollen habilidades investigativas desde el primer año de formación, lo que contribuirá a un mejor desempeño profesional a partir de la aplicación del método científico en la solución de los problemas de salud que se presenten en su quehacer diario(AU)

Introduction: The family medicine resident, once graduated, will do research in correspondence with the current needs of the national health system and considering the predominant health problems in her/his community. Objective: To describe the main difficulties in the research projects of residents in the General Comprehensive Medicine specialty. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive and observational study was carried out in the medical school of Sagua la Grande Municipality, in the period 2020-2021. The population under analysis consisted of a total of 69 research projects from five teaching polyclinics in three municipalities of the territory (Corralillo, Quemado de Güines and Sagua la Grande). Each research project was reviewed, a model was prepared for collecting the data extracted from them, and a database was elaborated for their storage. Results: The main difficulties were not supporting the research adequately, as well as in writing the scientific problem, specifically the relation between the problem and the type of research; also, the conceptualization or operationalization of variables, the selection and elaboration of methods, the techniques and instruments for the collection of information, and the bibliographical adjustment by the Vancouver norms. Conclusions: It is of vital importance that residents of this specialty develop research skills from the first year of training, which will contribute to better professional performance from the application of the scientific method in the solution of health problems that appear in their daily work(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Research Design/standards , General Practice , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational Study
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995849


Objective:Analyze the ethical issues encountered or potential in the use of ChatGPT and explore its ethical norms and requirements.Methods:Based on the ethical perspective of medical scientific research, this paper analyzed the disputes existing in ChatGPT from the perspectives of morality, fairness, responsibility and supervision, and explored the reasons for the disputes from both subjective and objective aspects.Results:ChatGPT has ethical issues, fairness issues, accountability issues, and regulatory issues.Conclusions:Ethical issues in ChatGPT should be regulated from the perspectives of people-oriented, limiting monopoly, strengthening responsibility and insisting on development, to reduce potential risks and negative effects.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 45-48, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005479


Exposure therapy is a kind of behavior therapy that exposes patients to certain stimulating situations to make them tolerate and adapt. Based on the ethical perspective, this paper introduced the ethical disputes in exposure therapy from three aspects that safety and tolerance, patient rights and humanistic care, as well as professional ethics and moral risks of psychotherapists. This paper also put forward three ethical norms and requirements, including earnestly implementing the principle of informed consent, adhering to the principle of no harm in the whole process, and obeying the principle of confidentiality, in order to improve the professional level of exposure therapy and protect the rights and interests of patients and psychotherapists.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 64-68, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005482


With the continuous increase of the elderly in China, the proportion of elderly with disabilities and dementia remains high. Long-term care, as a care system for elderly with disabilities and dementia, has some problems that misunderstanding of the concept of long-term care, the de-emotionalization of care behaviour, and the impact on family ethics. The care ethics grounds the universal caring experience, and provides an ethical norm with relationship as a pivot and emotion as a connection. Its characteristics of emphasis on contextual, relational and emotional have constructive implications for improving long-term care system. To realize care, it is significant to clarify the concept and improve the system in the ethical context, focus on both sides of the relationship based on demand, let care practice infiltrate into life through turning emotion into action, and build a long-term care system with a temperature to improve the overall quality of life of the elderly.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1085-1089, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005599


Since the 21st century, with the rapid development of biomedicine, research and discussion on human-animal chimerism technology have attracted wide attention. The general research of human-animal chimeras is to introduce human stem cells into animal embryos that remove organ genes, aiming to cultivate human organs in human-animal chimeras to solve the shortage of human organ donors and provide experimental materials for the development of related scientific research. However, due to its technology involves cross-species genetic modification, which destroys the species boundary and the naturalness of ecological niche, it has caused various ethical issues such as threatening species safety and harming human dignity. The development of human-animal chimerism technology is the choice of the times for technological progress, with its inevitability and rationality. It should not be absolutely prohibited, but must abide by the ethical principles such as safety, benefit, respect, and justice, and operate harmoniously under strict and orderly ethical norms.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 39: e39516, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448917


Abstract Based on the social psychology of development, this study investigated whether differences in moral reasoning would imply differences in prejudice, conforming with an egalitarian norm and in the use of moral justifications for the suppression of prejudice. A total of 555 Brazilians participated in this study, the final sample being composed of 500 Brazilians, who answered an online questionnaire with measurements used to assess the variables of interest in the research. Based on descriptive and inferential statistical analyses, the results indicated a relationship between differences in moral judgment and differences in the level of prejudice, in accordance with the egalitarian norm and the use of moral justifications. The results are discussed from the perspective of social psychology and moral development.

Resumo A partir da psicologia social do desenvolvimento, este estudo investigou se diferenças no raciocínio moral implicariam em diferenças no preconceito, na conformidade com uma norma igualitária e no uso de justificativas morais para supressão do preconceito. Participaram deste estudo um total de 555 brasileiros(as), sendo a amostra final composta por 500 brasileiros(as), que responderam um questionário on-line com medidas utilizadas para avaliar as variáveis de interesse da pesquisa. Baseados em análises estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais, os resultados indicaram uma relação entre diferenças no julgamento moral e diferenças no nível de preconceito, de conformidade com a norma igualitária e com o uso de justificativas morais. Os resultados foram discutidos a partir da psicologia social e do desenvolvimento moral.

Edumecentro ; 152023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448165


La Bioética es la disciplina que estudia los problemas éticos que surgen en relación con la salud. Es el educador quien desempeña el papel principal al analizar los aspectos metodológicos en el proceso de articulación docente-asistencial para lograr una enseñanza con valores éticos en los futuros profesionales, apoya al estudiante con un enfoque personalizado, afectivo, comunicativo y reflexivo, enmarcado en el cumplimiento de la misión social y humana que implica ser un profesional de la Medicina. El objetivo de los autores es socializar elementos del pensamiento bioético relacionados con la formación de valores en los estudiantes, destacando el humanismo y la solidaridad, con una coherente sistematización del conocimiento sobre las diferentes corrientes bioéticas en el proceso formativo en el campo de la salud.

Bioethics is the discipline which studies ethical problems that arise in relation to health. Teachers are the ones who play the main role when analyzing methodological aspects in the teaching-care process to achieve teaching with ethical values in future professionals and support students with a personalized, affective, communicative and reflective approach, framed in the fulfillment of the social and human mission that being a medical professional implies. The objective of the authors is to socialize elements of bioethical thought related to the formation of values in students, highlighting humanism and solidarity, with a coherent systematization of knowledge about the different bioethical currents in the health training process.

Teaching , Education, Medical , Ethics, Medical , Faculty , Social Norms
Saúde debate ; 47(spe1): e8040, abr.-jun. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560507


RESUMO A experiência de ser travesti é atravessada por múltiplas regulações no campo do direito e da medicina. Ambos os conhecimentos se articulam e reafirmam uma determinada concepção normativa de gênero que produz a criminalização e a patologização dessa experiência. Especialmente no caso de travestis presas, tal situação alcança patamares alarmantes. Para ilustrar a articulação entre patologiza-ção e criminalização, utilizam-se levantamento bibliográfico e relato de campo construído por uma das autoras deste ensaio. O objetivo foi demonstrar como essa articulação se dá, a partir do caso concreto de uma travesti submetida à medicalização dentro do cárcere, e como esse procedimento ensejou a sua (re) criminalização. Dessa forma, a patologização e a criminalização constroem um marco epistemológico que traça os limites dentro dos quais gênero e sexualidade se tornam visíveis e passam ao largo de uma compreensão do direito à saúde.

ABSTRACT The experience of being a transvestite is traversed by multiple regulations in the fields of law and medicine. Both fields of knowledge articulate and reaffirm a specific normative conception of gender that leads to the criminalization and pathologization of this experience. This situation reaches alarming levels, especially in the case of imprisoned transvestites. To illustrate the articulation between pathologization and criminalization, we use bibliographic research and the field report constructed by one of the authors of this essay. We aimed to show how this articulation occurs from the concrete case of a female transvestite subjected to medicalization within the prison system and how this procedure led to her (re)criminalization. That way, pathologization, and criminalization build an epistemological framework that sets the limits within which gender and sexuality become visible and bypass an understanding of the right to health.

Saúde debate ; 47(spe1): e9071, abr.-jun. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560516


RESUMO A população LGBTQIA+, ao buscar assistência à saúde, é constantemente exposta a vulnerabilidades evidenciadas por práticas preconceituosas decorrentes de atendimentos que reproduzem discriminação. Considerando a importância do debate relativo à diversidade sexual e de gênero, e em contraposição ao atendimento baseado em uma cis-heteronormatividade presumida, discriminatória e desconectada das necessidades das pessoas usuárias, este trabalho partiu de inquietações advindas do campo de atuação da enfermagem. Como a enfermeira percebe o corpo sob seus cuidados? Como se relaciona com esse indivíduo no contexto do processo de enfermagem? A enfermeira está preparada para assistir à população LGBTQIA+? Quais as melhores práticas que podem ser adotadas? Essa profissional tem conhecimento sobre os riscos de uma assistência ineficaz para as pessoas LGBTQIA+? Este estudo qualitativo foi desenvolvido mediante questionário semiestruturado aplicado a 17 enfermeiras atuantes no Hospital Maternidade Theresa Sacchi de Moura/Hospital da Mulher, no município de Barra Mansa, interior do Rio de Janeiro. No processo de pesquisa científica, foi adotada a técnica de análise de discurso a partir das falas compiladas que apontaram despreparo em relação às especificidades da comunidade LGBTQIA+, resultando na reprodução de violências e, consequentemente, tornando-se uma barreira ao acesso dos serviços de saúde.

ABSTRACT When seeking health care, the LGBTQIA+ population is constantly exposed to vulnerabilities evidenced by prejudiced practices resulting from assistance that reproduces discrimination. Considering the importance of the debate on sexual and gender diversity, and in opposition to care based on presumed cisheteronormativity, which is discriminatory and disconnected from the needs of the people who use the service, this work was based on concerns arising from the field of nursing. How does the nurse perceive the body under her care? How do they relate to this individual in the context of the nursing process? Are nurses prepared to assist the LGBTQIA+ population? What best practices can be adopted? Are they aware of the risks of ineffective care for LGBTQIA+ people? This qualitative study was carried out using a semi-structured questionnaire applied to 17 nurses working at the Hospital Maternidade Theresa Sacchi de Moura/Hospital da Mulher, in Barra Mansa, countryside of Rio de Janeiro, in the municipality of Barra Mansa, in the interior of Rio de Janeiro. In the process of scientific research, the technique of discourse analysis was adopted based on the statements compiled, which pointed to a lack of preparation in relation to the specificities of the LGBTQIA+ community, resulting in the reproduction of violence and, consequently, becoming a barrier to access to health services.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e248976, 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422410


O objetivo deste artigo é fazer avançar o debate entre a psicanálise e os estudos queer, em especial a partir da interlocução traçada por Judith Butler com os trabalhos de Freud e Lacan. Retomando o modo como Butler articula Foucault, Derrida e a psicanálise para pensar os problemas de gênero, evidenciamos que a teoria psicanalítica permite à filósofa situar, a partir de sua concepção da melancolia de gênero, os pontos de fracasso da norma em função da vida psíquica do poder. Ainda que a cisheterossexualidade normativa imponha um roteiro de identificações e escolhas de objeto a seus sujeitos, há uma imprevisibilidade na maneira pela qual cada um responderá às injunções normativas da cultura, o que aponta para uma falha das normas em determinar completamente a subjetividade. A melancolia de gênero se torna, assim, uma marca da importância da psicanálise no percurso de Butler. Em seguida, discutimos as interpelações da filósofa ao simbólico lacaniano, bem como as nuances progressivamente introduzidas em sua leitura da diferença sexual. Ao longo do percurso de Butler, a diferença sexual deixa de ser considerada uma teoria da heterossexualidade e passa a ser apresentada como um conceito-borda, uma fronteira vacilante, que tomamos aqui como um convite para produzirmos uma releitura não normativa da diferença sexual na psicanálise a partir da teoria lacaniana da sexuação. Finalmente, localizamos a estranheza do gozo e o caráter irredutível da sexualidade às normas sociais como um importante eixo partilhado entre Butler e a psicanálise.(AU)

The aim of this article is to branch out the debate between psychoanalysis and queer studies, focusing on the interlocution drawn by Judith Butler with the works of Freud and Lacan. Returning to the way Butler articulates Foucault, Derrida and psychoanalysis to think about gender trouble, we show that psychoanalytic theory allows the philosopher to situate, from her conception of gender melancholy, the points of failure of the norm in function of the psychic life of power. After all, even though normative cis-heterosexuality imposes a script of identifications and object-choices on its subjects, there is an unpredictability to the way in which each one will respond to the normative injunctions of culture, so that norms fail to fully determine subjectivity. Gender melancholy thus becomes a mark of the importance of psychoanalysis in Butler's path. Then, we discuss the philosopher's interpellations to the Lacanian symbolic order, as well as the nuances progressively introduced in her reading of sexual difference. Along Butler's path, sexual difference is no longer considered a theory of heterosexuality and is presented as a border-concept, a vacillating frontier, which we take here as an invitation to produce a non-normative rereading of sexual difference in psychoanalysis, resorting to the Lacanian theory of sexuation. Finally, we locate the uncanniness of jouissance and the irreducible character of sexuality to social norms as an important shared axis between Butler and psychoanalysis.(AU)

El objetivo de este artículo es hacer avanzar el debate entre el psicoanálisis y los estudios queer, enfatizando la interlocución trazada por Judith Butler con los trabajos de Freud y Lacan. Volviendo a la forma en que Butler articula a Foucault, Derrida y el psicoanálisis para pensar los problemas de género, mostramos que la teoría psicoanalítica permite a la filósofa ubicar, desde su concepción de la melancolía de género, los puntos de falla de la norma en función de la vida psíquica del poder. Aunque la cis-heterosexualidad normativa imponga identificaciones y elecciones de objeto a sus sujetos, hay una imprevisibilidad en la forma en que cada uno responderá a los mandatos normativos de la cultura, lo que apunta a un fracaso de las normas para determinar completamente la subjetividad. La melancolía de género se convierte, entonces, en una marca de la importancia del psicoanálisis en la trayectoria de Butler. En seguida, discutimos las interpelaciones de la filósofa a lo simbólico lacaniano, así como los matices progresivamente introducidos en su lectura de la diferencia sexual. A lo largo de la trayectoria de Butler, la diferencia sexual deja de ser considerada una teoría de la heterosexualidad y pasa a ser presentada como un concepto-borde, um límite vacilante, que tomamos aquí como una invitación para producirmos una relectura no normativa de la diferencia sexual en psicoanálisis a partir de la teoría lacaniana de la sexuación. Finalmente, ubicamos la rareza del goce y el carácter irreductible de la sexualidad a las normas sociales como un importante eje compartido entre Butler y el psicoanálisis.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Sex Characteristics , Sexuality , Pleasure , Social Norms , Gender Identity , Philosophy , Prejudice , Psychology , Psychosexual Development , Sex , Sex Education , Behavioral Sciences , Orchiectomy , Homosexuality, Female , Feminism , Neuropsychiatry , Sexism , Transgender Persons , Social Segregation , Gender Diversity , Gender Binarism , Freudian Theory , Incest , Libido , Anthropology, Cultural , Oedipus Complex
Acta colomb. psicol ; 25(2): 158-170, July-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393775


Resumen El objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar la dimensionalidad del BDI-II, así como demostrar la invarianza según el sexo y construir datos normativos en población general peruana. Para ello, se contó con la participación de 1665 personas (51.83 % mujeres) procedentes de diferentes regiones del Perú (75.92 % de Cajamarca, 11.05 % de Lima, 6.42 % de La Libertad y 2.62 % de Lambayeque), con un rango de edad de 18 a 54 años (M = 24.99; DE = 8.73), a quienes se les administró el BDI-II. Mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio se probaron catorce modelos basados en estudios previos. Los resultados indicaron que los modelos bifactor y de segundo orden tenían problemas de convergencia, mientras que los bidimensionales y el unifactorial presentaban adecuados índices de ajuste. Se seleccionó el modelo unidimensional debido a su coherencia teórica, pues los creadores del BDI-II señalan que la prueba se debe interpretar de manera global, sumando los 21 ítems, y desaconsejan la interpretación mediante el cálculo de puntajes separados por dimensiones. Incluso, los antecedentes indican que la varianza explicada del segundo factor es muy baja, por lo cual dicha práctica estaría injustificada. Además, los estudios previos han señalado correlaciones interfactoriales muy altas. Finalmente, se demostró invarianza según el sexo, y los datos normativos, calculados mediante percentiles, mostraron que las puntuaciones superiores a 11 serían clínicamente relevantes. En conclusión, el BDI-II muestra buenas propiedades psicométricas en una estructura unidimensional con 21 ítems, la cual es invariante según el sexo y tiene datos normativos adecuados para población general peruana.

Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze the dimensionality of BDI-II, as well as to demonstrate gender invariance and construct normative data in the general Peruvian population. For this purpose, the BDI-II was administered to 1665 participants (51.83% women) from different cities of Peru (75.92% from Cajamarca, 11.05% from Lima, 6.42% from La Libertad and 2.62% from Lambayeque), with an age range of 18 to 54 years (M = 24.99; SD = 8.73). Fourteen models, based on previous studies, were tested by confirmatory factor analysis. The results indicated that the bifactor and second-order models had convergence problems, whereas the two-dimensional and unifactor models had adequate goodness-of-fit indices. The unidimensional model was selected due to its theoretical coherence, since the BDI-II creators point out that the test should be interpreted globally by adding the 21 items, and discourage interpretations by calculating scores separated by dimensions. Furthermore, the antecedents indicate that the variance explained by the second factor is very low. Therefore, this approach would be unjustified. In addition, previous studies have indicated very high interfactor correlations. Finally, gender invariance was demonstrated, and normative data were calculated using percentiles, indicating that scores above 11 would be clinically relevant. In conclusion, the BDI-II has good psychometric properties in a unidimensional structure with 21 items, which is sex invariant and has adequate normative data for the general Peruvian population.

Subj. procesos cogn ; 26(2): 91-109, nov. 28, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1401994


As competências socioemocionais têm despertado a atenção de pesquisadores pela sua relevância teórica e aplicabilidade. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi a construção, busca de evidências de validade eprodução de normas para uma escala de competências socioemocionais. Foram realizados dois estudos com um total de 696 participantes. O primeiro estudo consistiu na elaboração de itens, análise de juízes e análise fatorial exploratória do instrumento. O segundo estudo consistiu na realização da análise fatorial confirmatória e produção de normas para fins de diagnóstico. Os resultados exploratórios apresentaram um instrumento inicial com 28 itens. Esta análise revelou cinco fatores que apresentaram agrupamentos de itens teoricamente consistentes com as definições do modelo hipotético utilizado. A análise fatorial confirmatória apresentou um modelo com bons índices de ajustes e com os mesmos fatorese itens encontrados na análise exploratória. Concluiu-se que a escala apresentou boas propriedades psicométricas(AU)

The socio-emotional competencies have attracted the attention of researchers due to their theoretical relevance and applicability. The main objective of this research was to build, search for evidence of validity and production of norms for a scale of socio-emotional competencies. Foram carried out two studies with atotal of 696 subjects. The first study consisted of the elaboration of items, analysis by judges and exploratory factor analysis of the instrument. The second study consisted of carrying out confirmatory factor analysis and producing norms for diagnostic purposes. The exploratory results presented an initial instrument with 28 items. This analysis revealed five factors that presented clusters of items theoretically consistent with the definitions of the hypothetical model used. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed a model with good fit indices and the same factors and items found in the exploratory analysis. It was concluded that the scale presented good psychometric properties(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Competency-Based Education/statistics & numerical data , Social Skills , Self-Management/psychology , Psychometrics/organization & administration , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Emotional Intelligence , Behavior Rating Scale