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Rev. biol. trop ; 60(4): 1431-1443, Dec. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-662219


In Costa Rica, the region of Río Macho is a highly fragmented landscape with imminent risk of landslides. This area, which provides important environmental services, has been partially recovered to its original forest through intentional reforestation with exotic species or natural regeneration after abandonment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioindicator potential of oligochaete presence as well as some litter and soil characteristics. The ecosystem recovery of the two common restoration modes was measured within three different forest covers. For this, some substrate characteristics were analyzed and compared in a 50 years old secondary forest, a 13 years tacotal, and a 35 years cypress (Cupressus lusitanica) plantation. The three sites studied differed in density, biomass and average mass of oligochaetes, and in some litter (depth, nitrogen, phosphorus and C/N ratio of litter), and soil variables (soil water content (CA), pH, phosphorus, cation exchange capacity, and magnesium). The forest registered the lowest density of earthworms and soil pH, and the highest soil CA and phosphorus. CA was inversely related to the oligochaete density across sites. Besides, there were positive correlations between C/N and C/P ratios from the litter and soil pH, and inverse correlations of litter depth, litter N and P concentrations with soil P. Discriminant Analysis (AD) performed with all soil and litter variables, produced a sharp classification of the three forest cover types. AD suggests that site differences were mostly determined by soil CA and litter nitrogen concentration. Considering all the evaluated parameters, our results suggest in the first place, that oligochaetes are sensitive to changes in some soil and litter characteristics. Secondly, aside from the striking oligochaete differences between the old secondary forest and the other two sites, some soil and litter traits resulted good indicators of the present recovery of the three forest covers. In addition, comparing soil nutrients content (organic carbon, nitrogen, calcium, potassium and sulfur) among the three sites, our findings indicate that the cypress plantation had reached soil nutrient conditions similar to the old secondary forest, presumably by the accumulation of nutrients, as a result of low nutrient recirculation. In conclusion, ecosystem level studies throughout simple evaluation criteria (soils, oligochaetes and ground litter) can be used as rapid indicators of the state of some of the many and complex forest ecosystem compartments.

La región Río Macho, un paisaje altamente fragmentado con riesgos inminentes de derrumbes e importantes servicios ambientales, ha sufrido una recuperación parcial de su vocación forestal por reforestación con especies exóticas y regeneración natural. Hemos comparado algunos rasgos del sustrato mediante la combinación del potencial bioindicador de los oligoquetos, rasgos del mantillo y características fisicoquímicos del suelo en tres sitios (bosque secundario viejo, tacotal y plantación Cupressus lusitanica). El bosque presentó la menor densidad de oligoquetos, el menor pH y el mayor contenido de humedad (CA) y fósforo del suelo. Hubo una correlación positiva entre los cocientes de C/N y C/P del mantillo y el pH del suelo, y negativa entre la profundidad, nitrógeno, fósforo del mantillo y fósforo del suelo. Los resultados sugieren que los oligoquetos son sensibles a cambios de los rasgos antes mencionados, que algunos de estos rasgos pueden ser buenos indicadores de la condición actual de regeneración de las coberturas estudiadas, y las coberturas han alcanzado concentraciones de varios nutrientes similares al bosque secundario viejo. Estos estudios a nivel ecosistémico a través de la evaluación de criterios sencillos pueden ayudarnos a inferir rápidamente el estado de algunos de los muchos y complejos compartimentos de los ecosistemas.

Animals , Ecosystem , Environmental Monitoring , Environmental Restoration and Remediation , Oligochaeta , Soil/chemistry , Trees/physiology , Costa Rica , Oligochaeta/physiology , Tropical Climate
Interciencia ; 34(7): 471-478, jul. 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-630774


En la rehabilitación de un sitio muy degradado donde antes hubo bosque nublado, se exploró el efecto de ensambles experimentales de especies leñosas en algunas propiedades químicas del suelo, así como en el desempeño de las plantas. Brinzales de diez especies leñosas nativas de distintas etapas sucesionales del bosque nublado y la especie exótica Casuarina fueron combinados en cinco ensambles experimentales de distinta composición y riqueza. El impacto de los ensambles fue notable en cinco de las ocho propiedades químicas del suelo analizadas. El ensamble con Casuarina sobresalió de los demás por contener los individuos más altos y los niveles superiores de la mayoría de los nutrientes, notablemente nitrógeno. Más de la mitad de los individuos se establecieron exitosamente durante los dos primeros años del experimento (1999 y 2001). Los ensambles afectaron la supervivencia individual, así como todas las variables de crecimiento analizadas. La formación de una cubierta vegetal ocurrió más rápida y extensamente en los ensambles que solo contenían especies nativas, particularmente encinos, los que resaltaron también con niveles altos de algunos nutrientes. El ensamble más rico en especies mostró atributos intermedios en las variables de suelo y de desarrollo. Se valida la inclusión de Casuarina en suelos degradados para favorecer la acumulación de nutrientes. Los resultados sugieren que la rehabilitación inicial puede favorecerse mediante el establecimiento de ensambles.

On the rehabilitation of a severely degraded site formerly occupied by cloud forest, the impact of five experimental tree species assemblages on some soil chemical properties and plant performance was explored. Seedlings of ten native cloud forest succession tree species and the exotic species Casuarina were combined in five assemblages of different composition and richness. Their effect was noticeable on five out of eight soil properties analyzed. The one that included Casuarina stood out on height, and had the highest levels of most of the nutrients, particularly nitrogen. More than half of the trees sown remained alive after the initial two years of the experiment (1999 and 2001). Assemblages affected individual survival time as well as growth variables. Plant cover was most rapid and extensively formed by the native species assemblages; those that included oaks, showed high levels of some nutrients. The richest assemblage displayed intermediate levels in soil and plant variables. The inclusion of the rapid growth species Casuarina was validated to enhance nutrient accumulation on degraded soils. The results suggest that initial rehabilitation can be achieved by the assemblage establishment.

Na reabilitação de um lugar muito degradado onde antes houve bosque de neblina, se explorou o efeito de montagens experimentais de espécies lenhosas em algumas propriedades químicas do solo, assim como no desempenho das plantas. Mudas de dez espécies lenhosas nativas de distintas etapas sucessionais do bosque nublado e a espécie exótica Casuarina foram combinadas em cinco montagens experimentais de distinta composição e riqueza. O impacto das montagens foi notável em cinco das oito propriedades químicas do solo analisadas. A montagem com Casuarina destacou-se entre as outras por conter os individuos mais altos e os níveis superiores da maioria dos nutrientes, notavelmente nitrogêneo. Mais da metade dos indivíduos se estabeleceram exitosamente durante os dois primeros anos do experimento (1999 e 2001). As montagens afetaram a sobrevivência individual, assim como todas as variáveis de crescimento analisadas. A formação de uma coberta vegetal ocorreu mais rápida e extensamente nas montagens que somente continham espécies nativas, particularmente carvalhos, os que ressaltaram também com níveis altos de alguns nutrientes. A montagem mais rica em espécies mostrou atributos intermédios nas variáveis do solo e de desenvolvimento. Certifica-se a inclusão de Casuarina em solos degradados para favorecer a acumulação de nutrientes. Os resultados sugeren que a reabilitação inicial pode favorecer-se mediante o estabelecimento de montagens.