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Brasília méd ; 49(4): 298-301, abr. 13. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-672184


A associação entre cirurgia citorredutora com aquimioterapia intraperitoneal hipertérmica combinaa máxima citorredução do peritônio lesado ede diversas partes de órgãos lesados com a administraçãode um quimioterápico a alta temperatura.Isso permite elevada concentração da droga nolocal e potencializa seu resultado com um mínimode efeitos sistêmicos. Relata-se o caso de pacientefeminina, 39 anos, submetida a procedimentode peritoniectomia com quimioterapia hipertérmicapara câncer de ovário recidivado. Três anosantes, submeteu-se a tratamento para câncer deovário com cirurgia e quimioterapia baseado emplatina. Foi realizada uma combinação da cirurgiacitorredutora com a quimioterapia intraperitonealhipertérmica. No sétimo dia pós-operatório, apaciente teve distensão abdominal, ruídos hidroaéreosaumentados, sem eliminação de fezes ouflatos. A radiografia de abdome mostrou dilataçãoacentuada do cólon (10 cm) e o diagnósticofoi síndrome de Ogilvie. Foi introduzida sonda porvia retal, levando à eliminação de grande volumegasoso com melhora do quadro de distensão abdominal.A sonda foi mantida por quatro dias, quandoa paciente começou a eliminar flatos e aceitardieta, recebendo alta hospitalar no décimo sextodia pós-operatório.

The combination of cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermicintraperitoneal chemotherapy for the treatmentof cancer associates maximum cytoreduction ofthe injured peritoneum and other parts of lesioned organswith the administration of chemotherapy agentsat a high temperature. This results in increased levelsof the drug at the site of lesion and enhances the cytotoxiceffect of the drug with minimal systemic effects.We report the case of a 39-year-old female patient whounderwent peritonectomy with hyperthermic chemotherapyto treat a recurrent ovarian cancer. Three years earlier, the patient had undergone surgery andplatinum-based chemotherapy. A combination of cytoreductivesurgery and hyperthermic intraperitonealchemotherapy was chosen. On the seventh postoperativeday, the patient evolved with a distended abdomen,increased bowel sounds and absence of bowelmovement or flatulence. An abdominal radiographywas performed and revealed a massive colonic dilatation(10 cm). The patient was diagnosed with Olgivie?ssyndrome. A tube was inserted into her rectum and alarge volume of gas was expelled, which immediatelyreduced her abdominal distention. The tube was leftinside her colon for four days, and the patient beganto expel flatus and have a good food intake. She wasdischarged on the 16th postoperative day. Despite beinga major surgery, according to our research, this case isthe first record of Ogilvie?s syndrome developing as aconsequence of cytoreductive surgery combined withhyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy.

Brasília méd ; 49(4): 294-297, abr. 13. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-672183


Embora a síndrome de Ogilvie ou pseudo-obstrução intestinaltenha sido poucas vezes relatada, não se trata decondição muito rara. Relata-se o estudo de caso de umamulher de 85 anos com hipocalemia em que os principaisaspectos são enfatizados, com o objetivo de aumentar oíndice de suspeita sobre essa entidade. O diagnóstico diferencialentre as síndromes de Ogilvie e de Chilaiditi érealçado, em virtude dos aspectos comuns a essas duascondições. A paciente recebeu suporte clínico geral e reposiçãohidroeletrolítica com bom resultado, após quatrodias de tratamento conservador. O diagnóstico precoce e a pronta correção de fatores predisponentes contribuírampara o sucesso do manuseio clínico da síndrome deOgilvie que afetou essa frágil paciente.

Although Ogilvie?s syndrome, or intestinal pseudoobstruction,has been scarcely reported, it is not arare condition. With the objective of raising awarenessabout this entity, the case study of an 85-yearoldwoman with hypokalaemia is reported and themain findings are emphasised. The differential diagnosisbetween Ogilvie?s and Chilaiditi syndromeis highlighted because of the features shared bythese conditions. The patient received general clinicalsupport and her hydro-electrolyte balance wasmaintained, with a good outcome after four days ofconservative treatment. Early diagnosis and promptcorrection of predisposing factors contributed tothe successful clinical management of the Ogilvie?ssyndrome affecting this fragile elderly patient.

Medicina (Guayaquil) ; 10(3): 230-235, jul. 2005.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-652425


El Síndrome de Ogilvie o pseudo-obstrucción colónica aguda, es una entidad clínica rara, caracterizada por dilatación del intestino grueso, de instalación rápida y progresiva, sin evidencia de obstrucción mecánica, que generalmente acompaña a otras condiciones clínicas o quirúrgicas. Su fisiopatología aún se desconoce. El diagnóstico se establece por el cuadro clínico y los hallazgos en la radiografía simple y contrastada del abdomen. Dentro de las formas de tratamiento se han incluido: clínico, endoscópico, bloqueo epidural, quirúrgico y terapia farmacológica.Se reporta el caso de una paciente de 34 años edad, transferida de un hospital cantonal al hospital Gineco-obstétrico “Enrique C. Sotomayor”, quien 5 días posteriores a intervención cesárea presentó distensión abdominal progresiva, fascie séptica, inestabilidad hemodinámica. A la Rx simple se observa asas intestinales distendidas acompañadas de gran nivel hidroaéreo bilateral; en la laparotomía exploradora se encuentra gran neumoperitóneo no cuantificable, además de una perforación a nivel de la cara anterior del ciego, de 1.5cms de diámetro; se practica colectomía derecha con ileotransverso anastomosis, término lateral en dos planos. La paciente evoluciona sin novedad.

The Ogilvie’s Syndrome, or acute colonic pseudo-obstruction, is a strange clinical entity characterized by dilation of the colon, of quick and progressive installation, without evidence of mechanical obstruction, which generally accompanies other clinical or surgical conditions. It’s physiopathology is still unknown. Diagnosis is made clinically and by the discoveries in the simple and contrasted x-ray of the abdomen. In regards to the treatment options, it has been included: clinical, endoscopic, epidural blockage and surgical therapy.The case of a 34 year-old patient is reported, who was transferred from a cantonal hospital to the “Enrique Sotomayor” maternal hospital, who 5 days after C-section presented progressive abdominal distension, fever, pale-septic aspect, hemodynamic inestability. In the simple X-ray intestinal distension is observed accompanied by great bilateral hydro-air levels; in the exploratory laparotomy, main and unmeasurable pneumoperitoneo was found, besides a perforation of the anterior view of the colon, 1,5cms diameter, right colectomy was performed, along with ileal-transverse anastomosis, end-lateral in two planes. The patient evolves without novelty.

Adult , Female , Cesarean Section , Colonic Pseudo-Obstruction , Abdominal Pain , Megacolon , Postpartum Period