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Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514958


Introducción: Los estudios de coral negro en Centroamérica son escasos. No se ha publicado nada sobre las especies, hábitats, distribución e importancia del coral negro de El Salvador. A pesar de que Antipathes ha sido reportado como uno de los géneros de coral que ha sucumbido a la presión antrópica. Objetivos: Identificar las especies de corales negros en Los Cóbanos, El Salvador, y caracterizar cualitativamente la abundancia y el tamaño de las colonias; e identificar las especies epibiontes más conspicuas en las colonias. Métodos: Se realizó censo visual con buceo para la caracterización cualitativa y fotografías submarinas para el registro de especies epibiontes en seis puntos de Los Cóbanos, entre diciembre de 2021 y febrero de 2022, asimismo para caracterizar tamaño de las colonias y abundancia. Resultados: Se realizo el primer informe de bosques de coral negro en El Salvador, construidos por dos especies: Myriopathes panamensis y Antipathes galapagensis. También, reportamos por primera vez la presencia de M. panamensis, Pacifigorgia senta, Heterogorgia verrucosa, Eugorgia mutabilis, Nemathus californicus y Amphiodia sp. Encontramos afectaciones de origen antrópico, como desechos marinos y daños a las colonias por anclas. Conclusiones: Es necesario establecer esfuerzos para conocer la fauna de la zona mesofótica, principalmente en ecosistemas marinos vulnerables de bosques de coral negro y jardines de gorgonias. Existe un potencial importante, y los datos ayudarán a superar las brechas de información en la región, permitiendo mejores medidas de conservación.

Introduction: Black coral studies in Central America are scarce. Even though Antipathes has been reported as one of the coral genera that has succumbed to anthropic pressure, publications haven't been made on El Salvador black coral species, habitats, distribution, and importance. Objective: To identify the species of black corals in Los Cóbanos, El Salvador, and qualitatively characterize the abundance and size of the colonies; and to identify the most conspicuous epibiont species in the colonies. Methods: Visual census with SCUBA diving for qualitative characterization and underwater photographs were taken for the registration of epibiont species in six points of Los Cóbanos, between December 2021 to February 2022 and six to characterize size of the colonies and abundance. Results: The first report of black coral forests in El Salvador was made, constructed by two species: Myriopathes panamensis and Antipathes galapagensis. We also reported, for first time, the occurrence of M. panamensis, Pacifigorgia senta, Heterogorgia verrucosa, Eugorgia mutabilis, Nemathus californicus and Amphiodia sp. We found disturbances of anthropic origin, such as marine debris and damage to the colonies by anchors. Conclusions: It is necessary to establish efforts towards the knowledge of the fauna of mesophotic zones, mainly in vulnerable marine ecosystems of black coral forests and gorgonian gardens. There is an important potential, and data will help overcome information gaps in the region, allowing for better conservation measures.

Animals , Ecosystem , Coral Reefs , El Salvador
Rev. biol. trop ; 71abr. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449480


Introduction: Coral-reef communities are considered one of the most biodiverse, but also most threatened, marine ecosystems, and the accelerating loss of habitat over the past decades warrants active intervention. Objective: The present study demonstrates the successful implementation of a low-impact restoration technique in three Central Mexican Pacific degraded coral communities, using a protocol based on natural fragmentation (''fragments of opportunity") of the branching coral Pocillopora spp., considered the most abundant and primary carbonate-producing coral species of the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Methods: The restoration program was implemented in two offshore and one inshore coraline areas. The relationships between seawater temperature and coral survival, growth, and attachment rate were assessed over one year, with 183 fragments monitored each month. Results: The mean coral growth rate was 3.3 ± 0.1 mm mo-1, with annual growth rates in length and width of 39.9 ± 14.2 and 36.5 ± 19.5 mm yr-1, respectively. Self-attachment efficiency was 78 % and the survival rate was high (84 %). The growth rate differed significantly among reefs. Conclusions: Upon monitoring directly fragmented corals over a year, growth rates were deemed high enough to merit active restoration in the region. However, our data show that structural and abiotic differences and seasonal variability must be considered overall in successful long-term coral community restoration initiatives in the eastern Pacific region.

Introducción: Las comunidades de arrecifes de coral se consideran uno de los ecosistemas marinos con mayor biodiversidad, pero también los más amenazados, y la pérdida acelerada de hábitat en las últimas décadas justifica la implementación de una intervención activa. Objetivo: El presente estudio demuestra la implementación exitosa de una técnica de restauración de bajo impacto basada en la fragmentación natural (''fragmentos de oportunidad") del coral ramificado Pocillopora spp., la cual es la especie coralina más abundante y principal productora de carbonato del Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Métodos: El programa de restauración se implementó en dos sitios lejos de la costa y un sitio cercano a la costa, con comunidades coralinas degradadas. Las relaciones entre la temperatura del agua de mar y la supervivencia, el crecimiento y la tasa de adhesión de los corales se evaluaron durante un año con 183 fragmentos monitoreados cada mes. Resultados: La tasa media de crecimiento coralino fue de 3.3 ± 0.1 mm mo-1, con tasas de crecimiento anual en largo y ancho de 39.9 ± 14.2 y 36.5 ± 19.5 mm año-1, respectivamente. La eficiencia de la auto-adherencia fue del 78 % y la tasa de supervivencia fue alta (84 %). La tasa de crecimiento difirió significativamente entre los arrecifes. Conclusiones: Al monitorear directamente los corales fragmentados durante un año, las tasas de crecimiento se consideraron lo suficientemente altas como para merecer una restauración activa en la región. Sin embargo, nuestros datos muestran que las diferencias estructurales y abióticas y la variabilidad estacional deben considerarse en general en las iniciativas exitosas de restauración de comunidades de coral a largo plazo en la región del Pacífico oriental.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71abr. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449485


Introduction: Environmental and intrinsic factors such as seawater temperature, salinity, nutrient concentration, upwelling, species, and life history can influence coral outplant survival and growth, and in consequence, the effectiveness of restoration. Thus, it is key to understand how these factors can shape coral outplant performance to ensure the long-term success of a restoration program. Objective: To establish the survival and growth rate of outplanted coral nursery-reared colonies of branching Pocillopora spp. and massive corals Pavona gigantea, Pavona clavus, and Porites lobata in Bahía Culebra, North Pacific of Costa Rica, and to determine whether the site of origin of the coral fragment and the presence of seasonal upwelling affected the growth of Pocillopora outplants. Methods: From September 2020 to September 2021, we monitored the survival, health, and growth of 30 Pocillopora spp. colonies from six donor sites, and 31 fragments of massive species (P. gigantea [n = 18], P. clavus [n = 8], P. lobata [n = 5]) that were outplanted to a degraded reef. We recorded in situ seawater temperature, salinity, and nutrient concentration. Results: By the end of the year, 100 % of the Pocillopora spp. outplants survived. Survival was 71.4 % for P. clavus, 47.5 % for P. gigantea, and 20 % for P. lobata. Coral tissue loss and predation marks were observed at least once in 71 % of massive outplants. Pocillopora spp. colonies increased their initial area in 333.1 %, at a rate of 9.98 ± 1.69 cm yr-1. The site of origin of the outplant influenced growth rate, but not the presence of seasonal upwelling. Massive species fragments grew at a rate of 1.35 ± 0.24 cm yr-1 for P. clavus, 1.48 ± 0.21 cm yr-1 for P. gigantea, and 0.61 cm yr-1 for P. lobata, with no differences among them. Conclusions: Environmental conditions at site level allow for high survival and growth of Pocillopora spp. outplants, previously considered as sensitive to stressors, and point towards acclimation to seasonal upwelling. Although survival of massive species was lower, developing a multi-species approach is key to enhance restoration success.

Introducción: Factores ambientales e intrínsecos como la temperatura del agua, salinidad, concentración de nutrientes, afloramiento, especies e historia de vida pueden influir en la supervivencia y crecimiento de los trasplantes de coral y, en consecuencia, en la eficacia de la restauración. Por ello, entender cómo estos factores pueden moldear el desempeño de los trasplantes es clave para asegurar el éxito de un programa de restauración a largo plazo. Objetivo: Establecer la supervivencia y tasa de crecimiento de los trasplantes de colonias de coral previamente cultivadas en viveros del coral ramificado Pocillopora spp. y las especies de crecimiento masivo Pavona gigantea, Pavona clavus y Porites lobata en Bahía Culebra, Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica, y determinar si el sitio donante de origen del fragmento de coral y la presencia de afloramiento estacional afectó el crecimiento de los trasplantes de Pocillopora. Métodos: De setiembre 2020 a setiembre 2021, se monitoreó la supervivencia, salud y crecimiento de 30 colonias de Pocillopora spp. de seis sitios donantes diferentes y 31 fragmentos de especies masivas (P. gigantea [n = 18], P. clavus [n = 8], P. lobata [n = 5]) que se trasplantaron a un arrecife degradado. Se registró la temperatura del agua, la salinidad y concentración de nutrientes in situ. Resultados: Al final del año, el 100 % de los trasplantes de Pocillopora spp. sobrevivieron. La supervivencia fue de 71.4 % para P. clavus, 47.5 % para P. gigantea y 20 % para P. lobata. Se observaron pérdidas de tejido y marcas de depredación al menos una vez en un 71 % de los trasplantes masivos. Las colonias de Pocillopora spp. aumentaron su área inicial en un 333.1 %, a una tasa de 9.98 ± 1.69 cm año-1. El sitio de origen del trasplante tuvo efecto sobre la tasa de crecimiento, pero no la presencia de afloramiento estacional. Los fragmentos de especies masivas crecieron a tasas de 1.35 ± 0.24 cm año-1 (P. clavus), 1.48 ± cm año-1 (P. gigantea) y 0.61 cm año (P. lobata), sin diferencias entre ellas. Conclusiones: Las condiciones del sitio permiten una alta supervivencia y crecimiento de trasplantes de Pocillopora spp., que previamente habían sido considerados sensibles a factores estresantes, e indican aclimatación a las condiciones locales de afloramiento estacional. Pese a que la supervivencia de las especies masivas fue menor, es esencial desarrollar un enfoque multi-especie para aumentar el éxito de la restauración.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985401


The number of patients with novel coronavirus infections (COVID-19) continues to increase with Omicron now the predominant strain, even amidst the three-dense (close-in, dense, and close-out) avoidance and vaccination strategies. In collaboration with the local government, Tohoku University Hospital has provided a large-scale vaccination center, drive-through outpatient PCR testing clinic, outpatient assessment, support for management of residential care facilities for the mildly ill, support for elderly care facilities, and an antibody cocktail center, to minimize deaths due to COVID-19. In residential care facilities for the mildly ill and others in need of medical support, we established an information sharing and house call system. Furthermore, we developed DX in cooperation with a wide-area IT system and have so far continued to achieve zero fatalities in residential care facilities. In addition, the Japanese Society for Oriental Medicine has conducted clinical research using Kampo medicine for the prevention of disease onset, treatment in the acute stage, and treatment of prolonged symptoms, with results suggesting that Kampo medicine has some effect in reducing disease severity in the acute stage. The COVID-19 response is a long-term effort to update the knowledge and techniques in Western, traditional, and Future Medicine. The response and updating of combined knowledge and skills will continue over the longterm. It is also necessary to continue to disseminate and share information among various professions, and give back information in the field and make steady and continuous efforts among multiple professions.

Kampo Medicine ; : 1-11, 2023.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007175


At the 71st Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Oriental Medicine held in August 2021, we performed a special program focusing on education in Kampo medicine, “Pre-graduation and post-graduation education in Kampo medicine for the next generation.” As a part of this project, we constructed the “Common Kampo test” based on the “Standard lectures on Kampo” as a web-based test using Moodle, and then the test was conducted in the form of a web test with 163 participants. The commentary of the “Common Kampo test” was live-streamed and was viewed by many participants, including students, educators and academics from all over Japan. In this paper, we report on the series covering the construction of the web system, creation of questions, answer results, and commentary on answers. With the recent popularization of tablet devices and smartphones, this web-based test system has the potential to become a scientifically based and optimal learning system not only for students but also for medical professionals such as doctors, pharmacists, and nurses.

Kampo Medicine ; : 85-93, 2023.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007199


Team-based learning (TBL) is an educational method developed to cultivate the ability to solve problems by learning and applying knowledge on one's own, as well as the ability to make decisions, take responsibility, and collaborate by working on issues in small groups. TBL in Kampo medicine was held as a special program : active learning at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Oriental Medicine. A total of 57 students participated in the TBL session. The theme of the session was the common cold with the theory of yin and yang. According to the results of a questionnaire survey, the students answered that they were able to understand the flow of diagnosis in Kampo medicine, which was the goal of the course. As a bridge from classroom lectures to clinical practice, TBL in Kampo medicine was considered to be useful in Kampo medical education.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 23(4): e20231501, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520280


Abstract Beaucarnea inermis is an endemic species from Northeast Mexico, in the states of San Luis Potosí and Tamaulipas. It is appreciated as an ornamental plant, so its populations are subject to the poaching of individuals for illegal trade. Previous studies determined that their populations have been affected due to the disturbance since the incidence of anthropogenic activities affects the viability of the species. Here we determine the current conservation status of B. inermis and identify their main risk factor by performing an extinction risk assessment based on the Annex II "Method for Evaluation of Risk of Extinction of Plants in Mexico". We studied 10 populations of B. inermis from protected and non-protected areas in San Luis Potosí and Tamaulipas. We considered the MER criteria: A) geographical distribution characteristics, B) habitat characteristics, C) intrinsic biological vulnerability, and D) impact of human activity. Using field and analyzed data, the MER assessment gives 1.91 points that confirm B. inermis is correctly classified as an Endangered species. The natural protected areas where the species occurs represent cores for its protection; however, the surface of these areas may not be sufficient without biological corridors that connect them.

Resumen Beaucarnea inermis es una especie endémica del Noroeste de México distribuida en los estados de San Luis Potosí y Tamaulipas. Es apreciada como planta ornamental, por lo que sus poblaciones están sujetas al saqueo de individuos para su comercialización ilegal. En trabajos anteriores se determinó que sus poblaciones han sido afectadas debido al disturbio por la incidencia de actividades antrópicas que afectan su viabilidad. En la presente contribución se determina el nivel de riesgo de B. inermis con base en el Anexo Normativo II "Método de Evaluación de Riesgo de Extinción de Plantas en México". Se estudiaron 10 poblaciones de B. inermis en San Luis Potosí y Tamaulipas, tanto en áreas naturales protegidas como en sitios no protegidos. Los criterios MER considerados fueron: A) características de la distribución geográfica, B) características del hábitat, C) vulnerabilidad biológica intrínseca y D) impacto de la actividad humana. El análisis MER arroja un valor de 1.91 que, confirma a B. inermis dentro de la categoría de Amenazada. Las áreas naturales protegidas donde se distribuye la especie funcionan como núcleos de protección, sin embargo, su superficie puede no ser suficiente sin la presencia de corredores biológicos que las conecten.

Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387706


Abstract Introduction: The scleractinian coral life cycle includes planktonic larvae that settle on the benthos, allowing the primary polyp to clone and build a sexually reproducing adult colony. The larval physiology and ecology of Eastern Tropical Pacific scleractinians needs the exploration of basic aspects such as the internal morphology of planulae. Objective: To describe histological and cytological characteristics of Porites panamensis larvae. Methods: During August-July 2019, at Islas Marias Biosphere Reserve, Central Mexican Pacific, we made 14 collections of coral larvae and identified the species with cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene. We used a scanning electron microscope and other techniques. Results: The ectoderm was composed by heterogeneous, mono-ciliated, columnar epithelial cells. Nematocysts were clustered at the oral pole of the ectoderm, and cells were evident in the aboral pole of the ectoderm gland. The endoderm had secretory cells, lipids and symbionts. Conclusions: The abundance of secretory cells and nematocysts in the aboral pole suggests their importance in substrate exploration and larval settlement. Our results support previous descriptions of larval ultrastructure in other coral species.

Resumen Introducción: El ciclo de vida del coral escleractinio incluye larvas planctónicas que se asientan en el bentos, lo que permite que el pólipo primario se clone y construya una colonia de adultos con reproducción sexual. La fisiología y ecología larvaria de los escleractinios del Pacífico Tropical Oriental necesita la exploración de aspectos básicos como la morfología interna de las plánulas. Objetivo: Describir las características histológicas y citológicas de las larvas de Porites panamensis. Métodos: Durante agosto-julio 2019, en la Reserva de la Biosfera Islas Marías, Pacífico Central Mexicano, realizamos 14 recolectas de larvas de coral e identificamos las especies con el gen citocromo oxidasa subunidad 1. Utilizamos un microscopio electrónico de barrido y otras técnicas. Resultados: El ectodermo está compuesto por células epiteliales columnares heterogéneas, monociliadas. Los nematocistos se agrupan en el polo oral del ectodermo, mientras que en el polo aboral son visibles células glandulares. El endodermo presentó células secretoras, lípidos y simbiontes. Conclusiones: La abundancia de células secretoras y nematocistos en el polo aboral sugiere su importancia en la exploración del sustrato y asentamiento larvario. Nuestros resultados respaldan las descripciones previas de la ultraestructura de las larvas en otras especies de coral.

Plankton/ultrastructure , Mexico
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 29(4)oct. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424293


Mulinia lateralis is a native bivalve from the Western Atlantic Ocean, distributed from the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in Canada to Yucatan in Mexico. Based on morphological and genetic data of specimens collected in shrimp farms, in this work, we confirm the presence of M. lateralis in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Presence and its consequences of this invasive bivalve in the region is discussed.

Mulinia lateralis es un bivalvo nativo de las aguas del Océano Atlántico Occidental, distribuido desde el Golfo de Saint Lawrence en Canadá hasta Yucatán en México. En este trabajo, la presencia de M. lateralis es confirmada en el Golfo de Guayaquil, Ecuador, con base en datos morfológicos y genéticos de ejemplares colectados en camaroneras. Se presenta una discusión sobre la presencia y consecuencias de este bivalvo invasor en la región.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 29(2): e22906, abr.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409957


Resumen Los Pleurobranchida son babosas marinas que agrupan alrededor de 100 especies distribuidas en los mares a nivel mundial, pero con una mayor diversidad en ambientes costeros tropicales y templados. En el Pacífico Oriental se han reportado 2 familias, 4 géneros y más de 10 especies de Pleurobranchida. La especie Berthellina ilisima Marcus & Marcus 1967 común en la Provincia del Pacifico Oriental Tropical se registra formalmente en aguas costeras de Tumbes, Perú. Se describe la anatomía de los sistemas digestivo, circulatorio, reproductor y nervioso de B. ilisima, el cual constituye la primera descripción de la anatomía interna de un Pleurobranchida para Perú.

Abstract The Pleurobranchida are sea slugs that group around 100 species distributed in the seas worldwide, but with a greater diversity in tropical and temperate coastal environments. In the Eastern Pacific, 2 families, 4 genera and more than 10 species of Pleurobranchida have been reported. The species Berthellina ilisima Marcus & Marcus 1967 common in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Province is formally recorded in coastal waters of Tumbes, Peru. The anatomy of the digestive, circulatory, reproductive and nervous systems of B. ilisima is described, which constitutes the first description of the internal anatomy of a Pleurobranchida for Peru.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219327


Objectives: The aim of this work is to carry out a phytochemical study and to evaluate in vitro antibacterial potential of the aqueous extract of Phyllanthus niruri, a plant traditionally used in Kasai Oriental (DR Congo) against various bacteriosis and non-bacterial diseases. Study Design: P. niruri, was selected from a list resulting from an ethnobotanical survey carried out in Kasai Oriental because of the number of citations and recipes involving it, the level of preference of the species as well as the diversity of diseases treated and the plebiscite of its effectiveness by local traditional healers. To contribute to the enhancement of this plant traditionally used against various bacteriosis and to confirm its potential antibacterial power, it was subjected to phytochemical screening and its aqueous extract was tested in vitro on bacterial strains. Place and Duration of the Study: The period of this research went from December 2017 to February 2018. The analyzes were carried out at the physico-chemical and microbiological analysis laboratories of the Congolese Control Office of Mbujimayi (DR Congo) and at the Biology and Chemistry laboratories of the ISP Mbujimayi. Methodology: The chemical groups of the bioactive substances were sought using the classic methods of characterization in solution by precipitation, coloring and foam reactions. The diameters of the zones of inhibition, MICs and CMBs of the aqueous extract of this plant were determined in vitro against 20 bacterial strains subjected to the test. Results: P. niruri contains various bioactive chemical groups. Its aqueous extract showed antibacterial activity in vitro against several of 20 tested bacterial strains. According to the MICs and CMBs, the inhibitory action spectrum covers 12 bacterial strains out of the 20 tested. Conclusion: The results found confirm that P. niruri has antibacterial principles and a therapeutic potential by the presence of several bioactive substances and the inhibitory power of its aqueous extract on some bacterial strains tested.

Rev. inf. cient ; 101(1)feb. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409507


RESUMEN Introducción: El cáncer de esófago es una enfermedad descrita desde hace 2 000 años y en la actualidad ocupa el octavo lugar en incidencia a nivel mundial. Objetivo: Describir las características clínico-histológicas de los pacientes con cáncer esofágico del Hospital Nacional "Guido Valadares" de Timor Oriental. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional-descriptivo y retrospectivo en 106 personas con diagnóstico endoscópico e histológico de cánceres esofágicos atendidos en la Unidad de Endoscopia del servicio de Gastroenterología de dicha institución, desde junio de 2016 hasta mayo de 2021. Se analizaron variables como: grupo etario, sexo y otros factores de riesgo (manifestaciones clínicas, tiempo de comienzo de los síntomas, localización, tipo endoscópico y tipo histológico). Resultados: El cáncer de esófago fue más frecuente en hombres de 60 y más años de edad (65,1 %). El tabaquismo y la ingestión de alcohol fueron los factores de riesgo predominantes con el 64,2 % y 57,5 %, respectivamente. La mayoría de los casos se diagnosticaron entre los 3 y 6 meses del inicio de los síntomas, la disfagia el principal motivo de consulta (98,1 %). Desde el punto de vista endoscópico predominó el tipo polipoide o vegetante localizados en el tercio medio esofágico (45,3 %), constituyendo el carcinoma de células escamosas el tipo histológico más frecuente. Conclusiones: El estudio de las características clínico-histológicas de los pacientes con cáncer esofágico permite un adecuado enfoque diagnóstico de esta enfermedad, así como el desarrollo de acciones de salud preventivas sobre los principales factores de riesgo identificados.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Esophageal cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related illness that has been described for two thousand years and currently set at the eighth place in incidence worldwide. Objective: To describe the clinical-histological features in patients with esophageal cancer at the Guido Valadares National Hospital in Timor-Leste. Method: An observational-descriptive and retrospective study was conducted in 106 patients with esophageal cancer related endoscopic and histological diagnosis. All of them attended in the Endoscopy Unit at the Gastroenterology service, from June 2016 to May 2021. Variables such as age group, sex and other risk factors like (clinical manifestations, the onset of symptom, location, endoscopic type and histological type) were analyzed. Results: Esophageal cancer was more frequent in male aged 60 and older (65.1%). Smoking and alcohol intake were the predominant risk factors (64.2% and 57.5%, respectively). Most of cases were diagnosed between 3 and 6 months after the onset of symptoms, with dysphagia as the main reason for consultation (98.1%). From the endoscopic point of view, polypoid mass or vegetating lesions found in the middle third of the esophagus predominated (45.3%), with squamous cell carcinoma as the most frequent histological type. Conclusions: Study of clinical-histological features in patients with esophageal cancer allows an adequate diagnostic approach to this illness, as well as the development of preventive health actions on the main risk factors identified.

RESUMO Introdução: O câncer de esôfago é uma doença descrita há 2.000 anos e atualmente ocupa o oitavo lugar em incidência mundial. Objetivo: Descrever as características clínico-histológicas dos pacientes com câncer de esôfago no Hospital Nacional "Guido Valadares" em Timor Leste. Método: Foi realizado um estudo observacional-descritivo e retrospectivo em 106 pessoas com diagnóstico endoscópico e histológico de câncer de esôfago atendidas na Unidade de Endoscopia do serviço de Gastroenterologia da referida instituição, no período de junho de 2016 a maio de 2021. Variáveis como: foram analisadas: faixa etária, sexo e outros fatores de risco (manifestações clínicas, tempo de início dos sintomas, localização, tipo endoscópico e tipo histológico). Resultados: O câncer de esôfago foi mais frequente em homens com 60 anos ou mais (65,1%). O tabagismo e o consumo de álcool foram os fatores de risco predominantes com 64,2% e 57,5%, respectivamente. A maioria dos casos foi diagnosticada entre 3 e 6 meses do início dos sintomas, sendo a disfagia o principal motivo de consulta (98,1%). Do ponto de vista endoscópico, predominou o tipo polipóide ou vegetativo localizado no terço médio do esôfago (45,3%), sendo o carcinoma espinocelular o tipo histológico mais frequente. Conclusões: O estudo das características clínico-histológicas de pacientes com câncer de esôfago permite uma adequada abordagem diagnóstica desta doença, bem como o desenvolvimento de ações preventivas de saúde sobre os principais fatores de risco identificados.

Tropical Biomedicine ; : 78-85, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936407


@#The Simulium gombakense species-group, one of the 15 species-groups of the subgenus Gomphostilbia Enderlein, is small, being represented by only 12 species, all of which are distributed in the Oriental Region. It is characterized by the pupal gill composed of an inflated structure and eight or ten slender filaments. Among the 12 species, S. sachini Takaoka & Henry, and S. williei Takaoka & Thapa were originally described from two pupae, and one pupa and two larvae, respectively, from Darjeeling, India. In the present paper, the adult females and males of these species are described for the first time from specimens reared from pupae collected at the type locality. Simulium sachini is distinctive in the female by the claw with a medium-sized basal tooth, and in the male by the somewhat enlarged, spindleshaped hind basitarsus and ventral plate with its ventral margin much depressed medially, while S. williei is characterized by the small number of male upper-eye (large) facets in 12 vertical columns and 13 or 14 horizontal rows and ventral plate much produced posteroventrally. Taxonomic notes are given to separate these two species in the adult stage from their related species.

Kampo Medicine ; : 263-278, 2022.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986300


At the 71st Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Oriental Medicine held in August 2021, we conducted a special program focusing on Kampo medicine education, “Pre-graduation post-graduation Kampo medicine education for the next generation.” The following is a summary report on the practical training in Kampo medicine at each educational facility where the project was conducted. We recorded videos with explanations of topics in advance : “Four examinations,” “Decoction and crude drugs,” and “Acupuncture and moxibustion.” The report on the hands-on training in Kampo medicine was viewed 501 times by medical students, educators, and the society members across the country. This initiative was the first nationwide educational activity of the society.

Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-6, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468440


Malakand region is an endemic area for cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). However, there are limited number of studies of this disease in Pakistan. Therefore, a study was conducted to understand the level of awareness attitude and practice among the residents of Makaland towards CL and the disease vectors. This study adopted a cross-sectional approach with a total of 400 respondents (n=93 rural and n= 307 urban). Overall, the population in Malakand region (61.2%) were well-informed in the role of sand fly in transmitting diseases, but most lack knowledge on the vector's behavior and almost a quarter (24.5%) were unable to provide knowledge on proper control measures. Alarmingly, the practice and attitudes of the general population was not satisfactory as close to half (49.8%) of the population did adopt any control method. This study calls for increase in awareness through health education campaign to reduce the risk of cutaneous leishmaniasis outbreaks in the future.

A região de Malakand é uma área endêmica para leishmaniose cutânea (CL). No entanto, há um número limitado de estudos sobre esta doença no Paquistão. Portanto, foi realizado um estudo para entender o nível de atitude e prática de conscientização entre os residentes de Makaland em relação aos CL e os vetores da doença. Este estudo adotou uma abordagem transversal com um total de 400 entrevistados (n = 93 rural e n = 307 urbano). No geral, a população da região de Malakand (61,2%) estava bem informada sobre o papel da mosca na transmissão de doenças, mas a maioria não possui conhecimento sobre o comportamento do vetor e quase um quarto (24,5%) foi incapaz de fornecer conhecimento sobre medidas de controle adequadas . De maneira alarmante, a prática e as atitudes da população em geral não foram satisfatórias, pois cerca da metade (49,8%) da população adotou algum método de controle. Este estudo apela ao aumento da conscientização por meio de campanhas de educação em saúde para reduzir o risco de surtos de leishmaniose cutânea no futuro.

Humans , Animals , Mosquito Control/standards , Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous/prevention & control , Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous/transmission , Mosquito Vectors/parasitology , Psychodidae/parasitology , Neglected Diseases/prevention & control
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468627


Abstract Malakand region is an endemic area for cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). However, there are limited number of studies of this disease in Pakistan. Therefore, a study was conducted to understand the level of awareness attitude and practice among the residents of Makaland towards CL and the disease vectors. This study adopted a cross-sectional approach with a total of 400 respondents (n=93 rural and n= 307 urban). Overall, the population in Malakand region (61.2%) were well-informed in the role of sand fly in transmitting diseases, but most lack knowledge on the vectors behavior and almost a quarter (24.5%) were unable to provide knowledge on proper control measures. Alarmingly, the practice and attitudes of the general population was not satisfactory as close to half (49.8%) of the population did adopt any control method. This study calls for increase in awareness through health education campaign to reduce the risk of cutaneous leishmaniasis outbreaks in the future.

Resumo A região de Malakand é uma área endêmica para leishmaniose cutânea (CL). No entanto, há um número limitado de estudos sobre esta doença no Paquistão. Portanto, foi realizado um estudo para entender o nível de atitude e prática de conscientização entre os residentes de Makaland em relação aos CL e os vetores da doença. Este estudo adotou uma abordagem transversal com um total de 400 entrevistados (n = 93 rural e n = 307 urbano). No geral, a população da região de Malakand (61,2%) estava bem informada sobre o papel da mosca na transmissão de doenças, mas a maioria não possui conhecimento sobre o comportamento do vetor e quase um quarto (24,5%) foi incapaz de fornecer conhecimento sobre medidas de controle adequadas . De maneira alarmante, a prática e as atitudes da população em geral não foram satisfatórias, pois cerca da metade (49,8%) da população adotou algum método de controle. Este estudo apela ao aumento da conscientização por meio de campanhas de educação em saúde para reduzir o risco de surtos de leishmaniose cutânea no futuro.

Braz. j. biol ; 82: e238665, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153463


Malakand region is an endemic area for cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). However, there are limited number of studies of this disease in Pakistan. Therefore, a study was conducted to understand the level of awareness attitude and practice among the residents of Makaland towards CL and the disease vectors. This study adopted a cross-sectional approach with a total of 400 respondents (n=93 rural and n= 307 urban). Overall, the population in Malakand region (61.2%) were well-informed in the role of sand fly in transmitting diseases, but most lack knowledge on the vector's behavior and almost a quarter (24.5%) were unable to provide knowledge on proper control measures. Alarmingly, the practice and attitudes of the general population was not satisfactory as close to half (49.8%) of the population did adopt any control method. This study calls for increase in awareness through health education campaign to reduce the risk of cutaneous leishmaniasis outbreaks in the future.

A região de Malakand é uma área endêmica para leishmaniose cutânea (CL). No entanto, há um número limitado de estudos sobre esta doença no Paquistão. Portanto, foi realizado um estudo para entender o nível de atitude e prática de conscientização entre os residentes de Makaland em relação aos CL e os vetores da doença. Este estudo adotou uma abordagem transversal com um total de 400 entrevistados (n = 93 rural e n = 307 urbano). No geral, a população da região de Malakand (61,2%) estava bem informada sobre o papel da mosca na transmissão de doenças, mas a maioria não possui conhecimento sobre o comportamento do vetor e quase um quarto (24,5%) foi incapaz de fornecer conhecimento sobre medidas de controle adequadas . De maneira alarmante, a prática e as atitudes da população em geral não foram satisfatórias, pois cerca da metade (49,8%) da população adotou algum método de controle. Este estudo apela ao aumento da conscientização por meio de campanhas de educação em saúde para reduzir o risco de surtos de leishmaniose cutânea no futuro.

Humans , Animals , Psychodidae , Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous/epidemiology , Pakistan/epidemiology , Rural Population , Urban Population , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Cross-Sectional Studies
Medisur ; 19(5): 863-871, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351101


RESUMEN Se presenta paciente de 28 años, bangladeshi, ingresado en el Cuban Hospital de Qatar por dolor abdominal, fiebre moderada e ictericia ligera, elevación de las enzimas hepáticas y pancreáticas, además de presentar patrón humoral de colestasis. La ecografía abdominal y la tomografía de abdomen con contraste endovenoso detectaron vesícula biliar distendida con pared gruesa, litiasis en las vías biliares extra e intrahepáticas con dilatación de las mismas y escasa cantidad de líquido y edema peri pancreático, concluyéndose como pancreatitis aguda secundaria a colecistitis litiásica. Se realizó una colangiopancreatografia retrógrada endoscópica, y se comprobaron estos hallazgos y estenosis del conducto hepático derecho asociado a no permeabilidad del conducto hepático izquierdo. El diagnóstico cambió a colangitis piógena oriental. Por esta vía se extrajeron los cálculos y se colocó stent. El paciente fue tratado complementariamente con antibióticos, piperacilina y tazobactam vía IV, egresado con evolución satisfactoria después de nueve días del ingreso. Actualmente se encuentra en seguimiento por equipo multidisciplinario para definir conducta quirúrgica definitiva.

ABSTRACT A 28-year-old Bangladeshi patient is presented, admitted to the Cuban Hospital in Qatar for:abdominal pain, moderate fever and mild jaundice, elevated liver and pancreatic enzymes, as well as a humoral pattern of cholestasis. Abdominal ultrasound and abdominal tomography with intravenous contrast detected a distended gallbladder with a thick wall, lithiasis in the extra and intrahapatic bile ducts with dilatation of the same and little amount of fluid and peri-pancreatic edema, concluding as acute pancreatitis secondary to lithiasic cholecystitis. An endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography was performed, verifying these findings and stenosis of the right hepatic duct associated with non-patency of the left hepatic duct, the diagnosis changed to oriental pyogenic cholangitis. By this route, the stones were extracted and a stent was placed. The patient was treated with complementary antibiotics, piperazine and IV tazobactam, and was discharged with satisfactory evolution nine days after admission. He is now being followed by a multidisciplinary team to define definitive surgical conduct.

Rev. biol. trop ; 69(3)sept. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387674


Resumen Introducción: La dinámica de las condiciones ambientales influencia la variación del alimento disponible para los organismos estuarinos, afectando el consumo de alimento de los organismos bentónicos como los lenguados, esenciales para establecer y monitorear la calidad ambiental en estos ecosistemas. Objetivo: Determinar los hábitos tróficos de tres especies de la familia Achiridae en la Bahía de Buenaventura, Pacífico colombiano. Métodos: Los peces se recolectaron por medio de pesca de arrastre artesanal. Así mismo, en laboratorio se determinó la dieta de cada una de las especies y se calcularon diferentes índices tróficos, registrando diferencias en los hábitos alimentarios entre estas especies. Resultados: Se recolectó un total de 159 peces del género Achirus, siendo la especie más abundante Achirus klunzingeri (98), luego Achirus mazatlanus (44) y finalmente Achirus scutum (17). La dieta de A. scutum se basó en detritos, la de A. mazatlanus en detritos y peces y la de A. klunzingeri en crustáceos y peces. Los individuos de A. klunzingeri presentaron diferencias en su dieta entre la zona interna y externa del estuario, en la zona interna los peces fueron la presa principal y en la zona externa fueron los crustáceos. Las especies A. klunzingeri y A. mazatlanus presentaron ingesta de microplásticos, principalmente fibras alargadas e incoloras presentes en individuos de todas las tallas. La dinámica de los hábitos tróficos de A. klunzingeri, se relacionaron con algunas variables ambientales, como temperatura, trasparencia y oxígeno disuelto. Por ejemplo, estas tres variables presentaron correlaciones negativas con el ítem peces, y positivas para la categoría crustáceos. Conclusión: Se evidenció que estas especies son generalistas y que las condiciones ambientales no solo influenciaron la dinámica del consumo alimentario, sino que también, determinaron la presencia de los microplásticos.

Abstract Introduction: The dynamic of the environmental conditions influences the availability of the food resources for the estuarine organisms, affecting the food consumption of the benthic organism such as the soles, which are essential for establishing and monitoring the environmental quality of these ecosystems. Objective: To determine the trophic habits of three species of the Achiridae family in Buenaventura Bay, Colombian Pacific. Methods: Fish were captured using artisanal trawling. Then, the diet of each species was determined and different trophic indexes were calculated registering differences in alimentary habits among species. Results: It was collected a total of 159 fishes of the genus Achirus, being the most abundant Achirus klunzingeri (98), then Achirus mazatlanus (44) and finally Achirus scutum (17). The diet of A. scutum was based on detritus, the diet of A. mazatlanus was mainly detritus and fish whereas the diet of A. klunzingeri presented a dynamic pattern based mainly on crustaceans and fish. The individuals of Achirus klunzingeri presented differences in the diet between the internal and external area of the estuary, in the internal zone the fish were the main prey while in the external zone were the crustaceans. The species A. klunzingeri and A. mazatlanus presented ingestion of microplastics, mainly elongated and colorless fibers which were present in individuals of all sizes. The dynamic of the trophic habits of A. klunzingeri was related to the environmental variables such as temperature, transparency and dissolved oxygen. For example, these three variables presented negative correlations with the item fishes, and positive for the crustacean category. Conclusions: Despite the generalist nature of the studied species, the environmental conditions, not only influenced the food consumption dynamic, but also determined the presence of microplastics.

Animals , Estuaries , Crustacea , Fishes
Rev. inf. cient ; 100(3): e3517, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289646


RESUMEN Se presentó el caso de un paciente masculino de 8 años de edad con antecedentes de salud anterior, referido a la consulta externa de Gastroenterología del Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares, de Timor Oriental, por episodios recurrentes de diarreas mucosanguinolentas acompañadas de dolor abdominal en hipogastrio de cuatro meses de evolución. Se realizaron exámenes de laboratorio, ultrasonido abdominal y videocolonoscopia con citología y biopsia de la mucosa del colon. El estudio endoscópico informó una colitis ulcerativa extensa y la histología arrojó el diagnóstico de una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica intestinal del tipo colitis ulcerosa. La colitis ulcerosa es un proceso inflamatorio intestinal de origen desconocido que causa inflamación crónica, difusa y continua, en la mucosa y submucosa. Su incidencia en los niños está aumentando y afecta, incluso, a los lactantes. Se indicó tratamiento dietético y medicamentoso. Actualmente se encuentra asintomático y lleva seguimiento mensual en la consulta de Digestivo.

ABSTRACT The case of an 8-year-old male patient with a previous health history was presented, referred to the Gastroenterology outpatient clinic of the Guido Valadares National Hospital, East Timor, for recurrent episodes of mucosanguineous diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain in the hypogastrium with four months of evolution. Laboratory tests, abdominal ultrasound and video colonoscopy with cytology and biopsy of the colon mucosa were performed. The endoscopic study reported extensive ulcerative colitis and the histology gave the diagnosis of a chronic inflammatory bowel disease of the ulcerative colitis type. Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory intestinal process of unknown origin that causes chronic, diffuse and continuous inflammation in the mucosa and submucosa. Its incidence in children is increasing and affects even infants. Dietary and drug treatment was indicated. He is currently asymptomatic and undergoes monthly follow-up in the Digestive Clinic.

RESUMO Foi apresentado o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, 8 anos, com antecedentes de saúde, encaminhado ao ambulatório de Gastroenterologia do Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares, Timor Leste, por episódios recorrentes de diarreia mucosanguínea acompanhada de dor abdominal em hipogástrio de quatro meses de evolução. Foram realizados exames laboratoriais, ultrassonografia abdominal e videocolonoscopia com citologia e biópsia da mucosa do cólon. O estudo endoscópico relatou colite ulcerativa extensa e a histologia deu o diagnóstico de doença inflamatória intestinal crônica do tipo colite ulcerativa. A colite ulcerosa é um processo inflamatório intestinal de origem desconhecida que causa inflamação crônica, difusa e contínua na mucosa e na submucosa. Sua incidência em crianças está aumentando e afeta até mesmo bebês. Foi indicado tratamento dietético e medicamentoso. Ele atualmente é assintomático e tem acompanhamento mensal na consulta Digestiva.

Humans , Male , Child , Colitis, Ulcerative/diagnosis , Colitis, Ulcerative/therapy