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Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 11(3): 348, dic. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1416665


Introducción: La fístula salival es la comunicaciónde la glándula salival o el conducto parotídeo hacia la piel,debido a una lesión traumática del parénquima o del conducto deexcreción; no suele ser una complicación frecuente en parotiditisaguda. El objetivo de este trabajo es destacar la presentaciónatípica de un caso de parotiditis bacteriana asociado a fistulasalival hacia el conducto auditivo externo y cavidad oral, y aparálisis facial periférica. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de15 años de edad, quien consulta por otalgia y otorrea derechaasociado a aumento de volumen en región parotídea ipsilateralde 5 días de evolución. Al examen físico se evidencia, caraasimétrica con desviación de comisura labial hacia la izquierda ycierre palpebral completo sin esfuerzo, con aumento de volumende parótida derecha con signos de flogosis, otorrea purulentaderecha . solución de continuidad en tercio medio de pisode conducto auditivo externo. Ecosonograma de piel y partesblandas, reveló cambios inflamatorios en glándula parótida concolección de 112 cc., Los hallazgos tomográficos de oído medioy mastoides corroboraron hallazgos del ecosonograma. se realizódrenaje quirúrgico del absceso y se trató con Clindamicina600 mg vía endovenosa cada 6 horas y Penicilina Cristalina200 mg/kg/ peso cada 6 horas y su evolución fue satisfactoria.Conclusión:Los abscesos parotídeos pueden presentarse demanera atípica o en raras ocasiones con drenaje a través delconducto auditivo externo(AU)

Introduction: Salivary fistula is the communicationof the salivary glands or the parotid duct to the skin, due toa traumatic injury to the parenchyma or the excretion duct; Itis not usually a frequent complication in acute parotitis. the eobjective of this work is to highlight the atypical presentation of acase of bacterial parotitis associated with salivary fistula towardsthe external auditory canal and oral cavity, and peripheralfacial paralysis. Clinical case: A 15-year-old male patient, whoconsulted due to otalgia and right otorrhea associated with anincrease in volume in the ipsilateral parotid region of 5 days ofevolution. On physical examination, an asymmetrical face withdeviation of the lip corner to the leth and complete palpebralclosure without effort, with increased volume of the rightparotid gland with signs of phlogosis, right purulent otorrhea and continuity solution in the middle third of the external auditory canal are evident. Ultrasound of the skin and so the tissues revealed inflammatory changes in the parotid glands with a collection of 112 cc. yhe tomographic findings of the middle ear and mastoids corroborated the findings of the echosonogram; Surgical drainage of the abscess was performed and he was treated with clindamycin 600 mg intravenously every 6 hours and crystalline penicillin 200 mg/kg/weight every 6 hours, and his evolution was satisfactory. Conclusion: Parotid abscesses can present atypically or rarely with drainage through the external auditory canal(AU)

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Parotitis , Salivary Gland Fistula , Ear Canal , Parotid Gland , Physical Examination , Clindamycin , Abscess , Ear , Parenchymal Tissue
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(1): 41-49, mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389829


Resumen Introducción: La presencia de otorrea es un indicador de actividad en otitis media crónica (OMC), además de influir en la calidad de vida. La oclusión del molde de un audífono generaría incremento de otorrea, por esto se acostumbra a evitarla en estos casos. La relación otorrea/audífono en OMC no ha sido adecuadamente estudiada. Objetivo: Comprobar si se produce incremento en frecuencia y/o gravedad de episodios de otorrea por el uso de audífono en OMC simple. Caracterización clínica-demográfica de la muestra. Material y Método: Estudio prospectivo antes/después en pacientes con diagnóstico de OMC simple que se implementen con audífono. Entrevista telefónica para caracterizar episodios de otorrea en relación con el audífono. Resultados: Fueron evaluados 35 oídos en 34 pacientes, edad promedio 66,6 años. Sin diferencias significativas en aparición de otorrea y consultas por otorrea antes y después de la implementación. El grupo diagnóstico OMC supurada correspondió al 28,6%, OMC supurada seca el 11,4% y OMC inactiva 60%. Diferencias significativas comparando otorrea posimplementación en subgrupo OMC supurada con resto de subgrupos (p < 0,0001). Análisis multivariado de regresión logística confirmó que sólo OMC supurada se asoció a otorrea posimplementación (p < 0,004). Conclusión: Tradicionalmente se correlaciona uso de audífono en OMC con incremento de otorrea. Nuestro estudio no evidenció diferencias después de la implementación: pacientes con otorrea previa al audífono siguieron presentándola de la misma manera y pacientes con oído seco se mantuvieron así. Otorrea al implementar es el único factor predictor de otorrea por audífono. Debe realizarse más investigación, con evaluación presencial e incorporando variables.

Abstract Introduction: Otorrhea is a chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) activity indicator, affecting quality of life. Hearing aid mold occlusion would increase otorrhea, so it is usual to avoid it. Otorrhea/hearing aid relationship in CSOM has not been properly studied. Aim: To check for an increase in frequency and/or severity of otorrhea episodes in CSOM due to hearing aid use. Clinical-demographic characterization of the sample. Material and Method: Prospective before/after study, in CSOM diagnosed patients using a hearing aid. Telephone interview to characterize otorrhea episodes due to hearing aid use. Results: 35 ears were evaluated in 34 patients, with a mean age of 66.6 years. There were no significant differences before and after hearing aid implementation in otorrhea episodes and medical consultations. 28.6% corresponded to active CSOM diagnosis group, 11.4% partially-active CSOM and 60% inactive CSOM. We found significant differences observed between active CSOM subgroup and the rest by comparing post-hearing aid implementation otorrhea (p < 0.0001). Only active CSOM diagnosis was associated to post-hearing aid implementation otorrhea by multivariate logistic regression analysis (p < 0.004). Conclusion: Traditionally, hearing aid use is correlated with increase in otorrhea in CSOM. In our study there were no differences before and after hearing aid implementation: patients with previous otorrhea continued presenting it in the same way after hearing aid use and patients with dry ear kept it that way. The only predicting factor of otorrhea due to hearing aid use is active otorrhea at implementation. Further investigation should be done, with face-to-face evaluation and incorporating variables.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Otitis Media, Suppurative/epidemiology , Hearing Aids , Otitis Media, Suppurative/complications , Prospective Studies
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-910808


Objective:To investigate the diagnostic efficacy and clinical application value of 99Tc m-diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) SPECT/CT imaging in cerebrospinal fluid leakage (CSFL). Methods:A total of 23 patients (11 males, 12 females; age (44.2±15.1) years) who underwent endoscopic repair surgery for suspected CSFL in Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People′s Hospital between April 2018 and January 2020 were retrospectively reviewed. All patients performed 99Tc m-DTPA SPECT/CT imaging, paranasal sinus high resolution CT (HRCT) and MRI before surgery. The diagnostic efficacies of 3 imaging techniques were calculated according to the result of surgery regarded as the golden standard. χ2 test was used to compare the qualitative and localized diagnostic efficacies of 3 imaging techniques for CSFL. Results:Of 23 patients, 21 were finally confirmed with CSFL and 24 leak locations were identified according to the results of surgery; the other 2 patients had no obvious CSFL and no leak location was found during the operation. The sensitivity and accuracy of 99Tc m-DTPA SPECT/CT, MRI and HRCT for the diagnosis of CSFL were 100%(21/21) and 95.7%(22/23), 85.7%(18/21) and 82.6%(19/23), 76.2%(16/21) and 69.6%(16/23), respectively. The accuracy of 99Tc m-DTPA SPECT/CT, MRI and HRCT for the diagnosis of leak location was 79.2%(19/24), 50.0%(12/24) and 45.8%(11/24), respectively. There was no statistically significant difference of diagnostic efficacies for CSFL among 3 imaging techniques ( χ2 values: 0.451-3.453, all P>0.05). For leak location, the diagnostic efficacy of 99Tc m-DTPA SPECT/CT was significantly better than that of MRI and HRCT ( χ2 values: 4.463, 5.689, both P<0.05). Conclusion:99Tc m-DTPA SPECT/CT imaging shows an excellent diagnosis efficacy not only for CSFL but also for leak location, which is helpful for guiding surgery.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 19(1): 92-101, ene.-feb. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1099148


Introducción : La osteomielitis es la infección de estructuras óseas ya sea por inoculación directa a través de heridas, por vía hematógena a través de focos distantes o por contigüidad con estructuras vecinas como los oídos. Objetivo: Reportar un caso que demuestra la necesidad de seguimiento de las otitis medias con vistas a evitar recurrencias y complicaciones. Presentación del Caso: Paciente femenina, de 62 años de edad, tez blanca y ama de casa de la localidad de Baracoa, provincia Guantánamo, Cuba. Con antecedentes de otitis de un año de evolución que desarrolló osteomielitis crónica cervical y un cuadro neurológico caracterizado por cuadriparesia y dificultad para la acción asociado a la osteomielitis cervical. Se trató con vancomicina y levofloxacino durante 6 semanas y oxigenación hiperbárica con lo cual egresó totalmente rehabilitada. Conclusiones: El manejo inadecuado de la otitis puede desencadenar complicaciones graves y poco frecuentes como la osteomielitis cervical tal y como se presenta en este caso(AU)

Introduction: Osteomyelitis is the infection of the osseous structures associated with the direct inoculation of microorganisms through wounds, hematogenous route from distant focus of infection or the contiguity with neighboring structures like the ears. Objective: The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the need for medical follow-up of otitis media in order to avoid recurrence and complications of this disease. Case presentation: Sixty-two-year-old white woman, housewife, from Baracoa, Guantanamo Province, Cuba. The patient had antecedents of one-year history of otitis media. She developed cervical chronic osteomyelitis and a neurological picture that was characterized by quadriparesis and difficulty to carry out actions, which was associated with cervical osteomyelitis. She was treated with Vancomycin and Levofloxacin during 6 months and hyperbaric oxygenation that helped her to be totally recovered after discharge from hospital. Conclusions: Inadequate treatment of otitis can cause very serious and less frequent complications such as cervical osteomyelitis, as it is presented in this case(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Osteomyelitis/complications , Otitis Media/complications , Osteomyelitis/drug therapy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-847064


Objective: To describe the characteristics of the clinical presentation, diagnosis, surgical methods, and outcomes of patients with otogenic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage secondary to congenital inner ear dysplasia. Methods: A retrospective review was performed of 18 patients with otogenic CSF leakage secondary to inner ear dysplasia who underwent surgery in our group from 2007 to 2017 and had a follow-up of at least 4 months. The average length of follow-up was three years. The characteristics of the clinical presentations of all patients, such as self-reported symptoms, radiographic findings, surgical approaches and methods of repair, position of the leakage during surgery, and postoperative course, including the success rate of surgery, are presented. Results: The patients presented mostly with typical symptoms of meningitis, severe hearing impairment, and CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea. All 18 patients had at least one previous episode of meningitis accompanied by a severe hearing impairment. The preoperative audiograms of 17 patients showed profound sensorineural hearing loss, and one patient had conductive hearing loss. Twelve patients presented with an initial onset of otorrhea, and two had accompanying rhinorrhea. Six patients complained of rhinorrhea, two of whom were misdiagnosed with CSF rhinorrhea and underwent transnasal endoscopy at another hospital. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) images can reveal developments in the inner ear, such as expansion of a vestibular cyst, unclear structure of the semicircular canal or cochlea, or signs of effusion in the middle ear or mastoid, which strongly suggest the possibility of CSF otorrhea. The children in the study suffered more severe dysplasia than adults. All 18 patients had CSF leakage identified during surgery. The most common defect sites were in the stapes footplates (55.6%), and 38.9% of patients had a leak around the oval window. One patient had a return of CSF otorrhea during the postoperative period, which did not re-occur following a second repair. Conclusions: CSF otorrhea due to congenital inner ear dysplasia is more severe in children than in adults. The most common symptoms were meningitis, hearing impairment, and CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea. HRCT has high diagnostic accuracy for this disease. The most common fistula site was around the oval window, including the stapes footplates and the annular ligament.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010449


OBJECTIVE@#To describe the characteristics of the clinical presentation, diagnosis, surgical methods, and outcomes of patients with otogenic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage secondary to congenital inner ear dysplasia.@*METHODS@#A retrospective review was performed of 18 patients with otogenic CSF leakage secondary to inner ear dysplasia who underwent surgery in our group from 2007 to 2017 and had a follow-up of at least 4 months. The average length of follow-up was three years. The characteristics of the clinical presentations of all patients, such as self-reported symptoms, radiographic findings, surgical approaches and methods of repair, position of the leakage during surgery, and postoperative course, including the success rate of surgery, are presented.@*RESULTS@#The patients presented mostly with typical symptoms of meningitis, severe hearing impairment, and CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea. All 18 patients had at least one previous episode of meningitis accompanied by a severe hearing impairment. The preoperative audiograms of 17 patients showed profound sensorineural hearing loss, and one patient had conductive hearing loss. Twelve patients presented with an initial onset of otorrhea, and two had accompanying rhinorrhea. Six patients complained of rhinorrhea, two of whom were misdiagnosed with CSF rhinorrhea and underwent transnasal endoscopy at another hospital. High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) images can reveal developments in the inner ear, such as expansion of a vestibular cyst, unclear structure of the semicircular canal or cochlea, or signs of effusion in the middle ear or mastoid, which strongly suggest the possibility of CSF otorrhea. The children in the study suffered more severe dysplasia than adults. All 18 patients had CSF leakage identified during surgery. The most common defect sites were in the stapes footplates (55.6%), and 38.9% of patients had a leak around the oval window. One patient had a return of CSF otorrhea during the postoperative period, which did not re-occur following a second repair.@*CONCLUSIONS@#CSF otorrhea due to congenital inner ear dysplasia is more severe in children than in adults. The most common symptoms were meningitis, hearing impairment, and CSF otorrhea or rhinorrhea. HRCT has high diagnostic accuracy for this disease. The most common fistula site was around the oval window, including the stapes footplates and the annular ligament.

Adolescent , Adult , Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Cerebrospinal Fluid Otorrhea/therapy , Ear, Inner/abnormalities , Retrospective Studies
Med. infant ; 25(2): 97-102, Junio 2018. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-908815


En otorrinolaringología (ORL) infantil es habitual el hallazgo de pólipos y granulomas de oído en niños que consultan especialmente por otorrea de evolución prolongada. El pólipo y/o granuloma aural es una masa de carácter inflamatorio, que ocupa parte de la luz del conducto auditivo externo, generalmente pediculado, de aspecto congestivo, a veces friable y fácilmente sangrante, cuyo origen generalmente es a nivel de la mucosa del oído medio. Con el objetivo de describir las características clínicas, otológicas, bacteriológicas e histopatológicas de los pólipos y granulomas de oído diagnosticados en un servicio de ORL pediátrico se realizó un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, observacional y longitudinal. Se estudió a la población pediátrica con diagnóstico de pólipo y/o granuloma aural en su primera consulta en el servicio de ORL del Hospital de Pediatría "Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan". Se incluyeron 75 pacientes en el estudio, evaluados consecutivamente desde el 02 de diciembre 2013 y hasta 30 enero del 2015, con una edad media: 93 meses (rango 2­180). Se realizó otomicroscopía y, en los casos de granulomas y pólipos accesibles, se realizó toma de muestra para estudio bacteriológico e histopatológico y evaluaciones audiológicas y radiológicas con tomografía computarizada (TC) en los casos necesarios. Se indicó el tratamiento médico o quirúrgico adecuado a cada patología. El motivo de consulta principal fue la otorrea como único síntoma en el 81,33% de los casos y, en menor porcentaje, asociada a otros síntomas. Tiempo medio de evolución de los síntomas: 13,5 meses (rango 1-96). No se pudo extraer material en el 20% de los pacientes. Se tomaron muestras para estudio de 60/75 granulomas óticos accesibles. El informe anatomo-patológico fue: granuloma o pólipo inflamatorio en el 50%, tejido epidermoide compatible con colesteatoma en el 41,7%, tuberculosis (TBC) en 3,3%, granuloma por cuerpo extraño en 1,7%, histiocitosis de células de Langerhans (HCL) en 3,3% muestras de pólipos. Se realizó estudio bacteriológico en 57/75 casos. Se desarrollaron gérmenes en 52/57 cultivos. El 32,7% (17/52) fueron cultivos polimicrobianos. Dos casos desarrollaron Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Se observó velamiento de caja, ático o mastoides con erosión ósea en el 46,2% (24/52) de los casos evaluados con TC. Diagnóstico final: colesteatoma 39 pacientes, OMA con pólipo de Scheibe o complicada con mastoiditis 16, OMC simple granulomatosa 13, TBC 2, HCL 2, otitis externa y celulitis en conducto auditivo externo 2 y granuloma a cuerpo extraño 1. Conclusiones: es importante obtener el diagnóstico histológico y microbiológico de los pólipos aurales en niños precozmente para excluir neoplasia u otras enfermedades granulomatosas específicas y evitar cirugías que pueden provocar secuelas al no estar indicadas en el tratamiento adecuado de ciertos tumores e infecciones (AU)

In pediatric otolaryngology (ENT) ear polyps and granulomas are a common finding in children who consult especially for prolonged otorrhea. The aural polyp and/or granuloma is an inflammatory mass occupying part of the lumen of the external auditory canal. It is usually pedunculated, congestive, sometimes friable, and may bleed easily. Its origin is usually at the level of the mucosa of the middle ear. With the aim to describe the clinical, otological, bacteriological, and histopathological features of ear polyps and granulomas diagnosed in a Department of pediatric ENT, a longitudinal, prospective, descriptive, observational study was conducted. Pediatric patients diagnosed with an aural polyp and/or granuloma at the first visit at the Department of ENT of Hospital de Pediatría "Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan" were studied. Seventy-five patients were included in the study, evaluated consecutively from December 2, 2013 to January 30, 2015; Mean age was 93 months (range 2 ­ 180). Otomicroscopy was performed and, in cases of accessible granulomas and polyps, a sample was taken for bacteriological and histopathological study. Audiological and radiological evaluations with computed tomography (CT scan) were performed when necessary. Appropriate medical or surgical treatment was indicated accordingly. The main reason for the consultation was otorrhea as the only symptom in 81.33% of cases and, in a lesser percentage, associated with other symptoms. Mean time from symptom onset to diagnosis: 13.5 months (range 1-96). No sample could be harvested in 20% of patients. Samples were taken for study of 60/75 accessible ear granulomas. Pathology report was: Inflammatory granuloma or polyp in 50%, epidermoid tissue compatible with cholesteatoma in 41.7%, tuberculosis (TBC) in 3.3%, granuloma due to a foreign body in 1.7%, and Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LHC) in 3.3% of the samples of polyps. Bacterial cultures, performed in 57/75 cases, were positive in 52/57. Polymicrobial microorganisms were found in 32.7% (17/52). Mycobacterium tuberculosis was found in two cases. Opacification of the antrum, attic, and mastoid cavities with bone erosion was observed in 46.2% (24/52) of the cases evaluated with CT. Final diagnosis: Cholesteatoma in 39 patients, OMA with a Scheibe polyp or complicated with mastoiditis in 16, simple granulomatous OMC in 13, TBC in 2, LHC in 2, external otitis and cellulitis in the external ear canal in 2, and granuloma due to a foreign body in 1. Conclusions: Histological and microbiological diagnosis of aural polyps in children should be obtained early to rule out neoplasia other granulomatous diseases to avoid surgery that may cause sequelae and is not the adequate management of certain tumors and infections (AU)

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Ear, Middle/pathology , Granuloma/diagnosis , Granuloma/microbiology , Granuloma/pathology , Granuloma/surgery , Otitis Media/diagnosis , Polyps/diagnosis , Polyps/microbiology , Polyps/pathology , Polyps/surgery , Longitudinal Studies , Observational Study , Prospective Studies
Med. infant ; 25(2): 123-127, Junio 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-909030


Las enfermedades del oído medio representan la causa más frecuente de otorrea en la infancia. En nuestro medio, la persistencia de la misma determina la consulta especializada al otorrinolaringólogo. Objetivo: Determinar las características clínicas y las causas de otorrea en la infancia en nuestro medio. Pacientes y métodos: Estudio prospectivo, longitudinal y descriptivo durante 5 meses en un servicio de ORL de un hospital pediátrico durante los meses de septiembre 2015 a Febrero 2016. Se evaluaron 74 niños derivados por primera vez al otorrinolaringólogo por presentar otorrea. Se realizó otoaspiración, otomicroscopía y demás prácticas diagnósticas y terapéuticas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 72 niños en el estudio. El 41.7% niñas y el 58,3% varones. La edad media fue 36 meses (rango 3-179 meses). El motivo de consulta predominante fue la otorrea purulenta. El tiempo medio de otorrea fue 13 días (rango 1-180 días). El 61,1% de los pacientes estaba recibiendo tratamiento antimicrobiano empírico. El 78% de los casos presentaron catarro de vías aéreas superiores (CVAS) previo al episodio de otorrea. Se diagnosticó otitis media crónica simple (OMCS) en el 48,6%, otitis media aguda supurada (OMAS) en el 33,3%, otitis externa (OE) en el 9,7%; otitis media crónica colesteatomatosa (OMCC) en el 2,8%; miringitis bullosa (MB) en 2.8% y, en 2 casos (2,8%), histiocitosis de células de Langerhans. Conclusiones: La otomicroscopía y la otoaspiración son elementos fundamentales para el diagnóstico causal de la otorrea en la infancia. Considerar la edad mediana, los signos y síntomas asociados es importante para el diagnóstico presuntivo diferencial. La otitis media aguda supurada y la otitis media crónica simple reagudizada son las causas más comunes de otorrea en la infancia (AU)

Diseases of the middle ear are the most frequent cause of otorrhea in children. In our setting, persistent otorrhea requires consultation with the otolaryngologist. Objective: To determine the clinical features and causes of otorrhea in childhood in our setting. Patients and methods: A 5-month prospective, longitudinal, descriptive study was conducted at the Department of ENT of a pediatric hospital between September 2015 and February 2016. Seventy-four children were evaluated for the first time by an otolaryngologist because of otorrhea. Aspiration, otomicroscopy, and other diagnostic and therapeutic procedures were performed.Results: 72 children were included in the study; 41.7% were girls and 58.3% boys. Mean age was 36 months (range, 3-179 months). The main reason for consultation was purulent otorrhea. Mean duration of otorrhea was 13 days (range, 1-180 days). Of all patients, 61.1% was receiving empiric antimicrobial treatment. Overall, 78% of the cases had had an upper resprtaory tract infection (URTI) prior to the episode of otorrhea. Simple chronic otitis media (SCOM) was diagnosed in 48.6%, acute otitis media (AMO) in 33.3%, external otitis (EO) in 9.7%, chronic cholesteatomatous otitis media (CCOM) in 2.8%, myringitis bullosa (MB) in 2.8%, and Langerhans cell histiocytosis in 2 cases (2.8%). Conclusions: Otomicroscopy and aspiration are fundamental tools in the diagnosis of otorrhea in children. Median age and the associated signs and symptoms are important in the differential diagnosis. Acute suppurative otitis media and acute episodes of simple chronic otitis media are the most common causes of otorrhea in childhood (AU)

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Otitis Media, Suppurative/diagnosis , Otitis Media, Suppurative/drug therapy , Otitis Media, Suppurative/etiology , Cholesteatoma, Middle Ear , Longitudinal Studies , Prospective Studies
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-187657


Background: Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is a commonly encountered infection of the middle ear. It cancause extra cranial and intracranial complications and involves considerable morbidity. Although it is a global disease, its incidence has remained relatively higher in resource-constrained countries. Due to its recurrent nature and the development of resistant pathogenic organisms, control of infection poses a greatest therapeutic challenge. Knowledge of the local microbial flora in CSOM is essential for initiating empirical therapy. The objective of our study was to examine the current bacteriological profile and antibiotic sensitivity pattern to locally available antibiotics in CSOM. Methods: A total of 157 patients clinically diagnosed of CSOM were enrolled in the study and the samples were obtained from each patient using sterile cotton swabs and were processed as per standard microbiological techniques. Antibiotic sensitivity to ten locally available antibiotics was analyzed. Antibiotic susceptibility testing for bacterial isolates was conducted using Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. Results: Out of total 157 swabs bacterial growth was seen in 144 (91.72%) with Pseudomonas aeruginosa (28.5%) and Staphylococcus aureus (22.9%) being the most common bacterial isolates. Among the antibiotics tested amikacin (88.3%), ciprofloxacin (78.9%) and cotrimoxazole (78.2%) were found to be most active against all the isolates, whereas maximum resistance was seen for ampicillin (45.8%). Poor hygiene 79 (50.3%) and pond/river bath 51 (32.5%) were the two most common predisposing factors associated with CSOM. Conclusion: In the era of continuously increasing drug resistance among bacteria, periodic monitoring of the bacterial isolates causing CSOM and their antibiogram with clinical correlation is very important. Local antimicrobial susceptibility data should be utilized for formulating antibiotic policy for every institution. Our results will surely help in the modification of hospital’s current antibiotic policy and also will optimize the therapy to patients.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-713394


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Tympanostomy tube insertion is one of the most common surgical procedures in children. Despite aseptic procedures with prophylactic antibiotic treatment, postoperative otorrhea may be encountered in some patients. The purpose of this study is to identify the relation between the types of immune cells in otitis media with effusion (OME) and tympanostomy tube otorrhea (TTO) in children. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Fifty-six patients underwent tympanostomy tube insertion with OME were analyzed retrospectively. Fluid from OME was harvested by suction via syringe connector after myringotomy. Light microscopic examination of middle ear effusion was performed by a pathologist after hematoxylin and eosin staining. We analyzed the relation between the types of immune cells from middle ear effusion and TTO. RESULTS: Of 56 children, 36 were male and 22 were female. The mean age for tympanostomy tube insertion was 3.56 (±2.63) years, with the average follow-up period of 12.56 (±9.96) months. Neutrophils were detected in 19, eosinophils in 14, lymphocytes in 22, mast cells in 2, plasma cells in 7, and histiocytes in 9. TTO occurred in 15 patients. In patients with early TTO, eosinophils were detected more frequently than in patients without TTO (p=0.006). Plasma cells were detected more frequently in patient with late TTO than without TTO (p=0.011). CONCLUSION: According to the analysis of different types of immune cells, eosinophils in the middle ear effusion related with the occurrence of TTO.

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Ear, Middle , Eosine Yellowish-(YS) , Eosinophils , Follow-Up Studies , Hematoxylin , Histiocytes , Lymphocytes , Mast Cells , Methods , Middle Ear Ventilation , Neutrophils , Otitis Media with Effusion , Otitis Media , Otitis , Plasma Cells , Retrospective Studies , Suction , Syringes
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-179530


We report a case of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) otorrhea with impression material of hearing aid in the middle ear. The patient had chronic otitis media in the right ear with sensorineural hearing loss in both ears. The silicone flowed into the middle ear through a tympanic membrane perforation during the process of making an ear mold. Several days after hearing aid fitting, the patient had severe otalgia, intractable otorrhea, aggravated hearing loss, and dizziness. The pus culture and sensitivity test revealed MRSA. After topical treatment using diluted vinegar irrigation and ototopical vancomycin solution, intractable otorrhea was controlled. The infected silicone impression was removed by canal wall-up mastoidectomy, and hearing was saved. We present here a review of the literature regarding silicone impression in the middle ear after hearing aid mold fitting.

Humans , Acetic Acid , Dizziness , Ear , Ear, Middle , Earache , Fungi , Hearing , Hearing Aids , Hearing Loss , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural , Methicillin Resistance , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Otitis Media , Silicon , Silicones , Suppuration , Tympanic Membrane Perforation , Vancomycin
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-781059


Objective:To analyze the etiology and clinical symptoms and to investigate the therapeutic strategies of cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea. Method:A retrospective analysis of 37 cases of patients with cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea.The clinical symptoms, auxiliary examination, intraoperative findings, surgical methods and postoperative follow-up were analyzed. Result:In 37 cases, 35 patients underwent the plugging surgery once and cured, 1 patient with inner ear malformation underwent another operation and cured, 1 patient didn't have the operation. No cerebrospinal fluid leakage or meningitis recurrence was reported by the followed up from 1 months to 7 years after operation. Conclusion:Surgical repair is an effective method to treat the cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea. It is significant to take appropriate surgical approach to expose and to find the leak, according to the etiological factor and imaging examination.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-166785


Background: Otitis media is very common disease in developing country and if not treated properly can lead to hearing loss and serious neurological complications. Its bacteriology and antibiotic sensitivity varies in different population. Thus knowledge of the microbiological pattern with antibiotic susceptibility is important to deliver efficacious treatment of this disease. So, purpose of the present study was to determine the microbiological profile and antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of isolates from ear discharge in patients of otitis media. Methods: This study was conducted in Department of Microbiology of our institute for duration of one year. A total of 100 patients’ samples visiting ENT OPD were taken who complaining of ear discharge. Identification of organism was done by using standard biochemical reactions and antibiotic susceptibility testing done by using modified Kirby Bauer method as per CLSI guidelines. Results: Majority of the patients were between 21-30 years of age group (28%). The most common organism isolated was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (25.88%), highly sensitive to aminoglycosides and β-lactam + β-lactamase inhibitor (100%) followed by Staphylococcus aureus (21.17%), highly sensitive to aminoglycosides (100%) and fluoroquinolones (72.22%). Conclusions: Knowledge of the pathogenic agents responsible for otitis media and choice of effective antibiotics according to susceptibility pattern will guide the treatment. It also helps in reducing complications of the disease and decreasing emergence of resistance to antibiotics.

Pediátr. Panamá ; 44(2): 42-48, Agosto- Septiembre 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-848743


Introducción: La mastoiditis aguda es un proceso infeccioso-inflamatorio que afecta a las celdas mastoideas. En los últimos años se ha descrito un incremento en su incidencia. La razón principal, para algunos autores, parece ser un aumento de la resistencia bacteriana (Streptococcus pneumoniae) a la penicilina y otros antibióticos. Caso Clínico: Trillizos masculinos de 2 años y 3 meses, con antecedentes de prematuridad de 28 semanas. Hijo #1 ingresa con historia de 15 días de evolución caracterizada por otalgia, otorrea asociado a ebre no cuanti cada. En sus primeros días intrahospitalarios presentó parálisis facial izquierda. Evaluado por el servicio de otorrinolaringología, se realiza CAT de mastoides en el cuál se reporta: otomastoiditis izquierda sin compromiso intracraneano. Hijo #2 e hijo #3 con cuadro similar de otitis media bilateral y otorrea por lo que se toma cultivo de la secreción y se ingresan a sala para manejo con Ceftriaxona a 80mg/kg/día. Cultivos de secreción con aislamiento de Streptococcus pneumoniae (Serotipo 19F) resistente a Penicilina y Ceftriaxona, sensible a Vancomicina y quinolonas. Se inicia terapia antibiótica con Vancomicina. Comentarios: Los trillizos recibieron 3 dosis de la vacuna antineumocócica conjugada 13 Valente (PCV13) la cobertura de esta vacuna antineumocócica incluye el serotipo 19F.

Introduction: Acute mastoiditis is an infectious-inflammatory process involving the mastoid air cells. In recent years an increase in incidence has been reported. The main reason for some authors, seems to be due to an an increase in bacterial resistance (Streptococcus pneumoniae) to penicillin and other antibiotics. Case report: Male triplets of 2 years and 3 months of age, with a history of 28 weeks of prematurity. Son# 1 is admitted with a history of 15 days of evolution characterized by otalgia and otorrhea associated to unquantifiable fever. During his first days in the hospital he presented left side facial paralysis. Evaluated by the otolaryngology service, a mastoid CAT scan is conducted which further reports a left otomastoiditis without intracranial e ects. Son#2 and son# 3 exhibit a similar mid-bilateral otitis and otorrhea by which a discharge simple is taken and both are admitted and are given 80mg / kg of Ceftriaxone per day. Discharge samples isolated from Streptococcus pneumoniae (serotype 19F) are resistant to Penicillin and Ceftriaxone and sensitive to Vancomycin and quinolones. A Vancomycin antibiotic therapy is initiated. Comments: The triplets received 3 doses of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 13 Valente (PCV13). This coverage includes pneumococcal vaccine serotype 19F.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 1601-1604, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-477536


Objective To discuss the diagnostic value of high resolution computed tomography (HRCT)and MRI in the congenital inner ear malformation incomplete partition type Ⅱ deformity(Mondini deformity)combined with spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)otorrhea.Methods The imaging data including the multiplanar reformation(MPR)images of HRCT,curved planar reforma-tion(CPR)images and MR hydrography images in three patients complicated with recurrent meningitis were retrospectively ana-lyzed.The anatomic changes of the inner ear and middle ear on the affected side were observed,the clinical and imaging features of this disease were summarized.Results One patient had bilateral incidence of the incompletely separated inner ear,combined with semicircular canal dysplasia and cochlear pipe dilation.Two patients had unilateral onset,one of them had concurrent facial nerve ca-nal dysplasia.Humble stapes floor and the defect of the bottom of the internal auditory canal were seen in all the three patients.Con-clusion HRCT with post-processing technology,and MRI have great significance in the diagnosis of the congenital inner ear malfor-mation incomplete partition type Ⅱ deformity (Mondini deformity)combined with spontaneous CSF otorrhea.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-40689


Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) otorrhea is defined as CSF otorrhea where there are no identifiable causes including previous trauma, surgery, infection, neoplasm or congenital anomaly. The condition is rare. The origin of CSF leak is commonly a defect in the tegmen of the middle cranial fossa. The pathophysiology of spontaneous CSF otorrhea is unclear. Two theories of the etiology of bony defects of the temporal bone are the congenital bony defect theory and arachnoid granulation theory. The authors experienced a case of a 49-year-old female patient admitted with the complaint of persistent right ear fullness. Computed tomography revealed a large defect of the middle fossa and suspicious CSF otorrhea through the defect of tegmen tympani. Repair was successful with multiple bone chips using the transmastoid approach. The postoperative course was good and there has been no recurrence of the CSF leakage.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Arachnoid , Cerebrospinal Fluid , Cerebrospinal Fluid Otorrhea , Cranial Fossa, Middle , Ear , Recurrence , Temporal Bone
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-136496


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage otorrhea may be congenital or can be caused by trauma, surgery, cholesteatoma, and tumors. Spontaneous CSF leakage through the middle ear without a secondary cause is a relatively rare disease. The pathophysiology of CSF otorrhea has not been clear yet. However, there are two theories of the pathophysiology of spontaneous CSF otorrhea have been studied in the medical field: one based on the congenital defect; the other about the arachnoid granulation which causes bone erosion. Herein, we examine and report a case of CSF otorrhea caused by arachnoid granulation. Literatures pertaining to the disorder will be reviewed and characteristics of the disorder also will be discussed.

Arachnoid , Cerebrospinal Fluid Otorrhea , Cholesteatoma , Ear, Middle , Granulation Tissue , Rare Diseases
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-136497


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage otorrhea may be congenital or can be caused by trauma, surgery, cholesteatoma, and tumors. Spontaneous CSF leakage through the middle ear without a secondary cause is a relatively rare disease. The pathophysiology of CSF otorrhea has not been clear yet. However, there are two theories of the pathophysiology of spontaneous CSF otorrhea have been studied in the medical field: one based on the congenital defect; the other about the arachnoid granulation which causes bone erosion. Herein, we examine and report a case of CSF otorrhea caused by arachnoid granulation. Literatures pertaining to the disorder will be reviewed and characteristics of the disorder also will be discussed.

Arachnoid , Cerebrospinal Fluid Otorrhea , Cholesteatoma , Ear, Middle , Granulation Tissue , Rare Diseases
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-136508


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The most common complication of tympanostomy tube (T-tube) insertion is the development of postoperative otorrhea. Post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea (PTTO) is defined as active drainage through an existing T-tube. Many surgeons routinely use topical antibiotics as prophylaxis against early PTTO. Mupirocin calcium ointment is a topical antimicrobial agent with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against many Gram-positive organisms. This study evaluated the clinical effectiveness of topical mupirocin ointment in reducing early PTTO. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The study included 98 ears (67 patients, mean age 32.9 years) that had a T-tube inserted because of chronic middle ear effusion or atelectatic otitis media. A Paparella type-I polyethylene-tube coated with mupirocin was inserted through the tympanostomy. Patients were instructed not to use otic drops or any other medications. All patients were seen by day 14 postoperatively. RESULTS: Early PTTO occurred in one case (1.5%). No early PTTO was seen with a middle ear effusion. Nineteen children were treated under general anesthesia; none developed early PTTO. CONCLUSIONS: Insertion of a T-tube coated with mupirocin ointment could be effective at preventing early PTTO.

Child , Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Calcium , Drainage , Ear , Middle Ear Ventilation , Mupirocin , Otitis Media , Otitis Media with Effusion
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-136509


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The most common complication of tympanostomy tube (T-tube) insertion is the development of postoperative otorrhea. Post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea (PTTO) is defined as active drainage through an existing T-tube. Many surgeons routinely use topical antibiotics as prophylaxis against early PTTO. Mupirocin calcium ointment is a topical antimicrobial agent with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against many Gram-positive organisms. This study evaluated the clinical effectiveness of topical mupirocin ointment in reducing early PTTO. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The study included 98 ears (67 patients, mean age 32.9 years) that had a T-tube inserted because of chronic middle ear effusion or atelectatic otitis media. A Paparella type-I polyethylene-tube coated with mupirocin was inserted through the tympanostomy. Patients were instructed not to use otic drops or any other medications. All patients were seen by day 14 postoperatively. RESULTS: Early PTTO occurred in one case (1.5%). No early PTTO was seen with a middle ear effusion. Nineteen children were treated under general anesthesia; none developed early PTTO. CONCLUSIONS: Insertion of a T-tube coated with mupirocin ointment could be effective at preventing early PTTO.

Child , Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Calcium , Drainage , Ear , Middle Ear Ventilation , Mupirocin , Otitis Media , Otitis Media with Effusion