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Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 35: eAPE03547, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1402901


Resumo Objetivo Desenvolver e analisar as evidências de validade de conteúdo de uma tecnologia educacional do tipo história em quadrinhos (HQ) para pacientes submetidos à Cirurgia de Revascularização do Miocárdio (CRM). Métodos Estudo de validação realizado em três etapas. A primeira consistiu na avaliação das necessidades de informações dos pacientes submetidos à CRM; a segunda foi o desenvolvimento de um roteiro para a tecnologia educacional do tipo HQ; e a terceira, a análise das evidências de validade de conteúdo desse roteiro, realizada por seis especialistas, sendo considerado válido quando obtido um Índice de Validade de Conteúdo superior a 80%, sendo, posteriormente, elaborada a HQ por um ilustrador. Resultados Na primeira etapa, 10 pacientes relataram terem necessidades de informações sobre alimentação, consumo de bebidas alcoólicas, controle da ansiedade e do estresse, controle da dor, cuidados com a ferida operatória, tabagismo, atividade física, relação sexual, retorno ao trabalho, liberação para viagens e direção de automóveis. Com base nesses dados, elaborou-se, a partir de revisão de literatura, a história fictícia de um paciente submetido à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio, com as respectivas orientações realizadas pela enfermeira. Esse roteiro da HQ foi avaliado pelos especialistas alcançando adequada concordância após a segunda rodada. Após validação, a HQ foi elaborada pelo ilustrador e analisada pelos especialistas. Conclusão A tecnologia educacional do tipo HQ atingiu adequadas evidências de validade de conteúdo pelos especialistas, podendo ser utilizada como uma das estratégias na orientação da alta hospitalar.

Resumen Objetivo Desarrollar y analizar las evidencias de validez de contenido de una tecnología educativa del tipo historieta para pacientes sometidos a cirugía de revascularización del miocardio (CRM). Métodos Estudio de validación realizado en tres etapas. La primera consistió en la evaluación de las necesidades de información de los pacientes sometidos a CRM; la segunda fue el desarrollo de un guion para la tecnología educativa del tipo historieta, y la tercera fue el análisis de las evidencias de validez de contenido de ese guion, realizada por seis especialistas, donde fue considerado válido un Índice de Validez de Contenido superior al 80 %, y luego un ilustrador elaboró la historieta. Resultados En la primera etapa, 10 pacientes mencionaron la necesidad de obtener información sobre alimentación, consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, control de la ansiedad y del estrés, control del dolor, cuidados de la herida quirúrgica, tabaquismo, actividad física, relación sexual, vuelta al trabajo, autorización para viajar y para conducir vehículos. Con base en estos datos y a partir de la revisión de literatura, se elaboró la historia ficticia de un paciente sometido a una cirugía de revascularización del miocardio, con las respectivas orientaciones realizadas por una enfermera. El guion de la historieta fue evaluado por los especialistas y obtuvo una concordancia adecuada luego de la segunda ronda. Después de la validación, el ilustrador elaboró la historieta y los especialistas la analizaron. Conclusión La tecnología educativa de tipo historieta alcanzó evidencias de validez de contenido adecuadas por los especialistas y puede ser utilizada como una de las estrategias para la orientación en el alta hospitalaria.

Abstract Objective To develop and analyze the evidence of content validity of a comic book-type educational technology for patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery (CABG). Methods Validation study conducted in three steps. The first consisted of assessing the information needs of patients undergoing CABG; the second was the development of a comic book-type educational technology script; and the third, was the analysis of the evidence of content validity of this script performed by six experts. It was considered valid when a Content Validity Index above 80% was obtained. Subsequently, the comic book was designed by an illustrator. Results In the first step, ten patients reported needing information about food, alcohol consumption, anxiety and stress control, pain control, surgical wound care, smoking, physical activity, sexual intercourse, returning to work and clearance to travel and drive. Based on these data, a fictitious history of a patient undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery was developed from a literature review, with the respective instructions given by the nurse. This comic book script was evaluated by the experts, reaching adequate agreement after the second round. After validation, the comic book was designed by the illustrator and analyzed by the experts. Conclusion The educational technology of the comic book-type reached adequate evidence of content validity by the experts, and can be used as one of the strategies in guidance of hospital discharge.

Humans , Pamphlets , Patient Discharge , Health Education , Educational Technology , Educational Technology/methods , Myocardial Revascularization , Patient Education as Topic , Interviews as Topic , Graphic Novels as Topic
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 18(2): 337-347, Apr.-June 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013092


Abstract Objectives: to describe the stages of developing and validating two educational brochures to promote breastfeeding and the infant's complementary food. Methods: an observational descriptive study was performed with eight health professionals and 60 caregiver of children under two years old divided into two groups of 30 (one for each brochure) in a Pediatric Outpatient Clinic at a Maternal and Child Reference Hospital. The research was developed in four stages: bibliographical survey, development of the brochures, validation by specialists and target audience and adequacy of the materials. The validation method used was the Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (Content Validity Index) calculation. Results: two nutritional orientation brochures for infants were developed. Experts validated the breastfeeding brochure on its relevance and the brochure on complementary food regarding its relevance and goal. The other items were validated after suggested modifications. In relation to the target audience, the concordance index found in brochures 1 and 2 was higher than 75%. The Índice de Validade de Conteúdo Global (Global Content Validity Index) of the materials was greater than 0.78. Conclusions: regarding its appearance and content after the adjustments, the brochures were considered valid by the experts and the representatives of the target audience.

Resumo Objetivos: descrever as etapas de construção e validação de dois folhetos educativos para promoção do aleitamento materno e alimentação complementar do lactente. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo observacional descritivo com oito profissionais de saúde e 60 cuidadores de crianças menores de dois anos divididos em dois grupos de 30 (um para cada folheto) em um Ambulatório de Pediatria de um Hospital de Referência Materno-Infantil. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em quatro etapas: levantamento bibliográfico, construção dos folhetos, validação pelos especialistas e público-alvo e adequação dos materiais. O método de validação utilizado foi o cálculo do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo. Resultados: foram elaborados dois folhetos de orientação nutricional para lactentes. O Índice de Validade de Conteúdo obtido pelos especialistas validou o folheto sobre aleitamento materno quanto à relevância e o folheto sobre alimentação complementar quanto à relevância e objetivo. Os outros itens receberam validação, após modificações sugeridas. Em relação ao público-alvo, o índice de concordância encontrado do folheto 1 e 2 foi superior a 75%. O Índice de Validade de Conteúdo Global dos materiais foi superior a 0,78. Conclusões: os folhetos foram considerados validados quanto à aparência e conteúdo pelos especialistas e representantes do público-alvo, após a adequação dos materiais.

Humans , Infant , Pamphlets , Breast Feeding , Food and Nutrition Education , Health Education , Health Promotion , Observational Study , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-689483


Background: Among Singaporeans with diabetes, 1 in 3have not been diagnosed. A large proportion ofSingaporean adults are not current for theirrecommended diabetic screening.Objective: To determine whether handing out diabetesscreening leaflets to patients at the point of registrationin a general practice (GP) clinic would influence theiruptake of diabetes screening.Design: A randomized controlled trial with a follow-upperiod of 3 months. Outcome measured was whetherpatients did the diabetes screening test (fasting plasmaglucose).Intervention: A leaflet on diabetes screening was givento patients when they registered in the GP clinic. Thecontrol group did not receive a leaflet.Setting: A GP clinic in Toa Payoh, a suburb in centralSingapore.Participants: 97 patients 40 years old and above whowere not known diabetics.Results: There was no significant difference in theuptake of diabetes screenings between the interventionand the control group (p=0.740).Conclusion: Handing out leaflets at registration in theGP clinic does not change uptake of diabetes screening.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-788125


PURPOSE: This study investigated the effects that the use of a booklet for intensive care unit nurses had on radiation safety management education (knowledge about and behaviors in radiation safety management, and awareness of anxiety caused by radiation hazards).METHODS: A randomized control group pretest-posttest design was used. A booklet about radiation safety management developed by the authors was used as educational material. Participants (N=42) were intensive care unit nurses of P hospital in B city. Training was provided to the experimental group (N=21). Knowledge about and behaviors in radiation safety management and awareness of anxiety caused by radiation hazards were measured by questionnaires before and after the intervention. Data was analyzed by an χ2-test, non-paired t-test, and paired t-test.RESULTS: There was a significant difference between groups in knowledge of (t=-14.932, p < .001) and behaviors in (t=-8.297, p < .001) radiation safety management and awareness of anxiety caused by radiation hazards (t=9.378, p < .001).CONCLUSION: The levels of knowledge about and behaviors in radiation safety management and awareness of anxiety generated by radiation hazards of intensive care unit nurses increased after receiving one session of radiation safety management education using the booklet. Therefore, providing radiation safety management training is suggested as an effective strategy for improving radiation safety management.

Anxiety , Critical Care , Education , Intensive Care Units , Pamphlets , Safety Management
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 1(1): 40-49, 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-859295


Introdução: A Literatura de Cordel configura-se, desde sua chegada de Portugal na era colonial, até os dias atuais no Brasil, em uma ferramenta comunicativa e interativa que tenta perpetuar a cultura folclórica. Objetivo: Analisar a efetividade do cordel como estratégia pedagógica na aprendizagem em saúde bucal. Metodologia: Utilizou-se um questionário autoaplicável para sondagem dos conhecimentos prévios de escolares de 8 a 13 anos socialmente desfavorecidos, matriculados numa instituição pública de ensino de Natal-RN sobre saúde bucal e uma entrevista aberta com duas perguntas geradoras. A partir dos conhecimentos emergentes, foram confeccionados cinco cordéis. Fez-se um recital durante cinco dias e após este, foi reaplicado o mesmo questionário para aferir se os conhecimentos prévios foram acrescidos ou modificados após a intervenção. Resultados: A diferença entre os acertos do antes e após a intervenção foi avaliada pelo Teste de Wilcoxon para um nível de confiança de 95%. A mediana do nível de acertos foi significativa passando de 5,00 (antes) para 8,50 (após) para um valor de p<0,001. Conclusão: O cordel mostrou-se efetivo enquanto estratégia pedagógica criativa e dinâmica, na divulgação de conhecimentos, motivação, educação e promoção da saúde bucal (AU).

Introduction: The "CORDEL (Folk Literature)" configures itself, since its arrived from Portugal in the colonial era, to the present day in Brazil in a communicative and interactive tool that tries to perpetuate the folk culture. Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of the string as a pedagogical strategy in oral health learning. Methods: We used a self-administered questionnaire survey of school of previous knowledge about 9 to 14 years socially disadvantaged, enrolled in a public institution of Natal-RN ducation on oral health and an open interview with two generating questions. From the emerging knowledge were made five twine. There was a recital for five days after it was re-applied the same questionnaire to assess whether the prior knowledge were added or modified after the intervention. Results: The difference between the correct answers before and after the intervention was evaluated by Wilcoxon test for a 95% confidence level. The median level was significant hit going from 5.00 (before) to 8.50 (after) to a value of p <0.001. Conclusion: The "Cordel" was effective as a creative and dynamic teaching strategy, dissemination of knowledge, motivation, education and promotion of oral the colonial age, in an interactive and communicative tool that tries to perpetuate the folk culture (AU).

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Education, Dental , Folklore , Health Promotion/statistics & numerical data , Literature , Oral Health , Brazil , Education, Primary and Secondary , Statistics, Nonparametric , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data
Hansen. int ; 39(2): 3-18, 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-831064


O objetivo deste estudo foi elaborar, com a colaboração dos pacientes, um folder que auxiliasse a prescrição de exercícios terapêuticos, a pessoas com incapacidades físicas causadas pela hanseníase. A pesquisa foi descritiva, qualitativa e observacional. A amostra total correspondeu a 148 pacientes com indicação de fisioterapia que participaram do estudo em três etapas.Na primeira etapa, foram avaliados 118 sujeitos para definir o perfil clínico epidemiológico, identificar incapacidades físicas e verificar a indicação de exercícios terapêuticos. Destes, 21 foram acompanhados durante as sessões de fisioterapia, sendo, colhidos dados referentes ao desempenho durante a realização dos exercícios prescritos. Ao final, foram elaborados dois modelos iniciais de folders com exercícios para mãos e pés. Na segunda etapa, 23 sujeitos, dos quais 18 provenientes da 1ª etapa e 5 incluídos, testaram a viabilidade dos folders. Após esta fase, os modelos iniciais de folders foram modificados quanto ao texto,ilustrações e diagramação. Na terceira etapa, 42 sujeitos,destes 17 faziam parte da amostra da 1ª etapa e 25 incluídos, testaram os modelos de folders resultantes na 2ª etapa. Ao término, elaboraram-se dois modelos finais de folders: um com exercícios para face/mãos/pés e o outro somente com exercícios para mãos. Na confecção dos folders finais, foram utilizadas linguagem verbal e não verbal -desenhos- para demonstrar a execução dos exercícios, associadas ao sistema numérico arábico para facilitar a compreensão da prescrição. Os folders permitiram a escolha de programas de exercícios diferentes de acordo com o nível de comprometimento neural; independente da idade e instrução dos pacientes.

The objective of this study was to develop, with the cooperation of patients, a folder that helped in theprescription of therapeutic exercises for people with physical disabilities caused by leprosy. The studywas descriptive, observational and qualitative. The sample was composed of 148 patients with indicationof physical therapy who participated in the study in three steps. In the first step, 118 subjects were assessed to define the clinical and epidemiological profile, to identify physical disabilities and check the indication of therapeutic exercises. Of these, 21 were accompanied during the sessions. Performance data was collected while performing the prescribed exercises, and then two initial folder models were prepared containing exercises for hands and feet. In the second stage, 23 subjects (18 from the first stage and 5 included) tested the viability of the folders. After this phase, the initial folder templates were modified with regards to the text, illustrations and layout. In the third step, 42 (17 subjects from the first stage and 25 included) subjects tested the revised folder templates from the second stage. At the end, two final models of folders were elaborated: one with exercises for face/hands/feet and the other only with exercises for hands. Verbal and non-verbal language (drawings)were used to demonstrate the execution of exercises, associated with the Arabic numeral system to facilitate the understanding of the prescriptions. The folders allowed choosing programs of exercises according to the neurological involvement, regardless of age and educational status of the patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Pamphlets , Leprosy/complications , Disabled Persons , Exercise Therapy , Patient Participation
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-128138


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the suitability and readability of printed educational materials for patients with hypertension in Korea. METHODS: A total of 33 written educational materials related to hypertension were collected from public health centers, hospitals, and internet web site. Among them, we analyzed 19 materials which fit the inclusion criteria: leaflets (n=9), booklets (n=3), and guide book (n=7). Two trained nurses evaluate the materials using suitability assessment tool (SAM; Doak, Doak, & Root, 1996a) and graded lexical items for teaching Korean (Kim, 2003). RESULTS: Overall, 14 (73.7%) of 19 materials scored adequate, and 5 (26.3%) scored inadequate. On the average, the education materials contained 36.1% to 50.5% of 1st grade reading level words and 12.9% to 21.6% of 4th grade level and over. CONCLUSION: The reading level of the materials was higher than a 6th grade reading level. It is proposed that the written educational materials should be developed by health professionals according to suitability and quality by taking the target group's literacy capacity into consideration.

Humans , Cultural Diversity , Hypertension/prevention & control , Needs Assessment , Pamphlets , Patient Education as Topic/methods , Reading , Teaching Materials/standards