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Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230207, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1560574


ABSTRACT Objective: to describe nursing technicians' proxemic behaviors during transfusions in hospitalized clients. Method: a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study based on non-participant observation, recorded in an instrument prepared from the Theory of Proxemic Behavior. The participants were 18 nursing technicians from a reference hospital for Hematology and Hemotherapy in the Brazilian Southeast Region, from April to December 2022. Data analysis prioritized thematic content. Results: the following stood out: eye contact; instrumental touch; normal tone of voice; and intimate and personal distances. These indicate welcoming, attention and technical vigilance when carrying out the transfusions. Conclusion: there is a need to raise nursing technicians' awareness regarding proxemic behaviors when welcoming clients. That is: expanding listening, bonding and effective interpersonal coexistence, and favoring the reach of comprehensive health care in Hematology and Hemotherapy.

RESUMEN Objetivo: describir los comportamientos proxémicos de técnicos de Enfermería durante transfusiones en clientes internados. Método: estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio, basado en la observación no participante y registrado en un instrumento elaborado a partir de la Teoría del Comportamiento Proxémico. Los participantes fueron 18 técnicos de Enfermería de un hospital que es referencia en Hematología y Hemoterapia de la Región Sudeste de Brasil, entre abril y diciembre de 2022. En el análisis de los datos se priorizó el contenido temático. Resultados: se destacó lo siguiente: contacto visual; toque instrumental; tono de voz normal; y distancias íntima y personal; los cuales indican buen recibimiento, atención y vigilancia técnica al realizar las transfusiones. Conclusión: es necesario generar conciencia en los técnicos de Enfermería con respecto a los comportamientos proxémicos al recibir a los clientes. Eso implica: prestar más atención al escuchar y ampliar los vínculos y la convivencia interpersonal efectiva, además de favorecer el alcance de las medidas de atención en integrales en Hematología y Hemoterapia.

RESUMO Objetivo: descrever os comportamentos proxêmicos de técnicos de enfermagem durante o ato transfusional em clientes hospitalizados. Método: estudo qualitativo, descritivo e exploratório, pautado em observação não participante, registrado em instrumento elaborado a partir da teoria do comportamento proxêmico. Participaram 18 técnicos de enfermagem de um hospital referência em hematologia e hemoterapia da Região Sudeste do Brasil, de abril a dezembro de 2022. A análise de dados priorizou o conteúdo temático. Resultados: destacaram-se o contato visual; o toque instrumental; o tom de voz normal e as distâncias íntima e pessoal. Estes, indicativos de acolhimento, atenção e vigilância técnica à realização do ato transfusional. Conclusão: há necessidade de despertar a consciência dos técnicos de enfermagem em relação aos comportamentos proxêmicos durante o acolhimento aos clientes. Isto é: ampliar a escuta, o vínculo, a efetiva convivência interpessoal e favorecer o alcance dos cuidados em saúde integral na hematologia e hemoterapia.

REME rev. min. enferm ; 23: e-1261, jan.2019.
Article in English, Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1048185


INTRODUÇÃO: a amamentação é fortemente influenciada por diversos fatores, e a falta de um lugar privado e o constrangimento em locais público desencorajam as mulheres. OBJETIVO: avaliar a percepção da mulher sobre o espaço para amamentar. MÉTODO: pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa desenvolvida com 30 mulheres grávidas e puérperas internadas na maternidade de um hospital universitário do estado do Espírito Santo. A análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin e a Teoria Interativa de Amamentação foram utilizadas para a sistematização dos dados. RESULTADOS: a maioria das mulheres relatou que iria amamentar em lugares públicos, no entanto, todas disseram que cobririam seus peitos com pano ou fralda e que se sentem mais confortáveis para amamentar em casa. As mulheres relataram sentir-se confortáveis quando estão próximas de mulheres, familiares ou amigas conhecidas, enquanto perto de homens, conhecidos ou não, sentem-se desconfortáveis e cobrem seus peitos para amamentar. E próximas de profissionais de saúde a maioria se sente confortável, já que orientam e apoiam a amamentação. CONCLUSÃO: amamentar em espaços públicos ainda causa desconforto, constrangimento e vergonha nas mulheres.(AU)

Introduction: breastfeeding is strongly influenced by many factors, and the lack of a private place and embarrassment in public places discourage women. Objective: to evaluate women's perceptions of space for breastfeeding. Method: a descriptive research with a qualitative approach developed with 30 pregnant and postpartum women admitted to the maternity ward of a university hospital in the Espírito Santo State. The content analysis proposed by Bardin and the Interactive Breastfeeding Theory were used to systematize the data. Results: most women reported that they would breastfeed in public places, but all said they would cover their breasts with cloth or diaper and feel more comfortable breastfeeding at home. Women reported feeling comfortable when they are close to known women, family or friends, while close to men, known or not, feel uncomfortable and cover their breasts for breastfeeding. And close to health professionals most feel comfortable as they guide and support breastfeeding. Conclusion: breastfeeding in public spaces still causes discomfort, embarrassment and shame in women.(AU)

Introducción: la lactancia materna está muy influenciada por varios factores. La falta de un lugar privado y la vergüenza de exponerse en lugares públicos desalientan a las mujeres. Objetivo: evaluar las percepciones de las mujeres sobre los espacios para lactancia materna. Método: investigación descriptiva de enfoque cualitativo desarrollado con 30 mujeres embarazadas y en el posparto ingresadas en la maternidad de un hospital universitario del estado de Espírito Santo. Se utilizaron el análisis de contenido propuesto por Bardin y la Teoría Interactiva de la Lactancia materna para sistematizar los datos. Resultados: la mayoría de las mujeres declararon que amamantarían a sus niños en lugares públicos; todas ellas dijeron que cubrirían los senos con una tela o un pañal y que se sentirían más cómodas para amamantar en casa. Las mujeres manifestaron sentirse cómodas cuando están cerca de mujeres conocidas, familiares o amigos y que se sienten incómodas cuando están cerca de hombres, conocidos o no, y que se cubren los senos. La mayoría se siente cómoda cerca de los profesionales de la salud ya que guían y apoyan la lactancia materna. Conclusión: la lactancia materna en espacios públicos todavía causa molestias, bochorno y vergüenza a las mujeres.(AU)

Humans , Female , Personal Space , Shame , Breast Feeding , Maternal-Child Nursing , Weaning , Maternal and Child Health
Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 10(1): 68-74, jan.-mar. 2018. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-908428


Objectives: produce dialogues from the creation of an individual design on the perception of the own body as a health care element; place the body in the institutional space and collectively discuss their occupation in the professional fields of expertise, and political power. Method: Playful production in class in graduate school, with nurses, doctors, engineers and physiotherapists in the first half of 2016. If made content analysis. Results: The body generates flows, sensitivity, territory and imagination. They emerged from the psychodynamic categories, psychological effects, metamorphosis and desire. They recognize the importance of transit in the three fields, predominantly 93% in the professional space, 53% political and 53% in power. Some opted for two spaces simultaneously and there was no new creation. Conclusion: The strategy of playing to teach the dialogic environment allowed active participation and resized thinking necessary for employment and unemployment transverse spaces at work.

Objetivos: produzir diálogos a partir da criação de um desenho individual sobre a percepção do próprio corpo como elemento do cuidado em saúde; situar o corpo no espaço institucional e discutir coletivamente sua ocupação nos campos de atuação profissional, político e de poder. Método: Produção lúdica em sala de aula em curso de doutorado, com enfermeiros, médico, engenheiro e fisioterapeutas, no primeiro semestre de 2016. Se efetuou análise de conteúdo. Resultados: O corpo gera fluxos, sensibilidade, território e imaginação. Emergiram as categorias: psicodinâmica, psicopatogenia, metamorfose e desejo. Reconhecem a importância de transitar nos três campos, predominando 93% no espaço profissional, 53% no político e 53% no de poder. Alguns optaram por dois espaços simultaneamente e não houve nova criação. Conclusão: A estratégia do brincar para ensinar no ambiente dialógico permitiu participação ativa e redimensionou o pensar necessário à ocupação e desocupação dos espaços transversais no trabalho.

Objetivos: producir diálogos a partir de la creación de un diseño individual sobre la percepción del propio cuerpo como elemento de cuidado en salud; situar el cuerpo en el espacio institucional y discutir colectivamente su ocupación en los campos de actuación profesional, político y de poder. Método: Producción lúdica en aula de clase del curso de doctorado, con enfermeros, fisioterapeutas, médico e ingeniero, primer semestre de 2016. Se efectuó análisis de contenido. Resultados: El cuerpo genera flujos, sensibilidad, territorio e imaginación. Emergieron las categorías psicodinámica, psicopatogenia, metamorfosis y deseo; reconocen la importancia de transitar en los tres campos predominando 93% en el espacio profesional, 53% en el político y 53% en el de poder. Algunos optaron por dos espacios simultáneamente y no hubo nueva creación. Conclusión: La estrategia del juego para enseñar en un ambiente dialógico permitió pensar en la ocupación y desocupación de espacios transversales en el trabajo.

Humans , Human Body , Personal Space , Power, Psychological , Teaching Materials , Brazil
Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 1338-1341, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-669029


Objective To explore the effects of establishing Whisper Consulting Room in sexually transmitted diseases (STD) clinic on knowledge and sexual behavior of STD patients.Methods Whisper Consulting Room was established in sexually transmitted diseases clinic,and 360 STD patients were selected by convenience sampling method.One-on-one,face-to-face health education and cognitive behavior intervention was conducted by seven professionally trained and qualified nurses.Results After intervention,understanding of STD-related knowledge,relapserelated risk factors,preventive measures and serious consequences were significantly improved(P<0.001);condom use during sexual behavior was increased from 8.9% to 51.9% after intervention,and there was significant difference before and after intervention (P<0.001).Conclusion Establishing Whisper Consulting Room in STD clinic and allowing nurses to perform psychological and cognitive behavior intervention,can help patients fully understand the harm of STDs,improve their knowledge of STD prevention and control,effectively promote their safe sexual behavior,improve condom use,and prevent recurrence of STD.

Rev. bras. enferm ; 65(4): 621-629, jul.-ago. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-659771


Estudo qualitativo empregando a análise de conteúdo, objetivando descrever a percepção de privacidade do paciente hospitalizado. Participaram 34 pacientes internados há, pelo mínimo, 3 dias. A análise das informações, fundamentada no referencial teórico da privacidade, evidenciou 3 categorias temáticas: dignidade e respeito, autonomia, espaço pessoal e territorial. Os sujeitos apontaram fatores comportamentais que contribuem ou não para a proteção e manutenção da privacidade no hospital, destacando o respeito como aspecto mais importante, seguido pelo controle pessoal sobre situações que transgridem sua privacidade. Para eles privacidade está interligada com dignidade e respeito, depende da demarcação do espaço pessoal/territorial e da garantia de autonomia, estando esses conceitos e atitudes inter-relacionados e sendo imprescindíveis para o resguardo da privacidade no ambiente hospitalar.

This qualitative study aimed to describe the hospitalized patient's perception on privacy, using the content analysis. Thirty-four patients, who have been at least three days hospitalized, participated in the study. The analysis of the information was based on the theoretical reference framework of privacy, and evidenced three thematic categories: dignity and respect, autonomy, personal and territorial space. The subjects pointed out behavioral factors, which contribute or not for the protection and maintenance of the privacy in the hospital, highlighting respect as the most important aspect, followed by personal control over situations that violate privacy. Patients believe that privacy is linked to dignity and respect, depends on the demarcation of the personal/territorial space and the autonomy's security; and that these concepts and attitudes are connected and essential to protect privacy in the hospital context.

Este estudio cualitativo que tuvo el objetivo de describir la percepción de privacidad del paciente hospitalizado, utilizando el análisis de contenido. Participaran 34 pacientes que estuvieron internos por un mínimo de tres días. El análisis de las informaciones, fundamentada en el referencial teórico de la privacidad, evidenció tres categorías temáticas: dignidad y respeto, autonomía, espacio personal y territorial. Los sujetos señalaran factores comportamentales que contribuyen o no para la protección y manutención de la privacidad en el hospital, destacando el respeto como aspecto más importante, seguido por el control personal sobre situaciones que trasgreden su privacidad. Para ellos privacidad está interconectada con dignidad y respeto, depende de la demarcación del espacio personal/territorial y de la garantía de autonomía, tales conceptos y actitudes están relacionados y son imprescindibles para el resguardo de la privacidad en el ambiente hospitalario.

Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Hospitals , Patient Satisfaction , Privacy
Rev. bras. enferm ; 59(5): 652-655, set.-out. 2006. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-480293


Este estudo visa identificar os sentimentos dos pacientes frente à invasão do seu espaço territorial e pessoal. Utilizou-se a Escala de Medida do Sentimento frente à Invasão do Espaço Territorial e Pessoal junto a 40 pacientes. Os dados mostraram que os pacientes se sentem mais invadidos no seu espaço territorial do que no seu espaço pessoal. O instrumento resultou em alta consistência interna para ambas subescalas, espaço territorial (a =0,88) e espaço pessoal (a =0,85). Ressalta-se o papel do enfermeiro quanto à importância em melhor adequar a distribuição desses espaços, a fim de minimizar esses sentimentos do paciente.

This study aims to identify the patients' feelings in relation to the intrusion of their personal and territorial space. It was used the Scale of Measurement of Feeling's Intrusion of the Personal and Territory Space with forty patients. The data pointed out that the patients feel more invaded in their territory space than in their personal space. The instrument resulted in high internal consistency for both subscales, physical space (a=0.88) and personal space (a=0.85). It is highlighted the role of the nurse concerning the importance of better adapting the distribution of these spaces, aiming to minimize these feelings on the patient.

Este estudio visa identificar los sentimientos de los pacientes frente a la invasión de su espacio territorial y personal. Utilizó la Escala de Medida del Sentimiento frente a la Invasión del Espacio Territorial y Personal con 40 pacientes. Los datos demuestran que los pacientes se sienten más invadidos en su espacio territorial de lo que en su espacio personal. El instrumento resultó en alta consistencia interna para ambas subescalas, espacio territorial (a=0,88) y espacio personal (a=0,85). Se resalta el papel del profesional de enfermería cuanto a la importancia en mejor adecuar la distribución de estos espacios con el objeto de minimizar esos sentimientos del paciente.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Emotions , Patients/psychology , Personal Space , Territoriality , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-371371


To examine personal space perception, a method of identifying joint position was determined by having the subject equally bisect the joint angle, by producing a minimum increment in change of position and by selecting a threshold for two-point discrimination using the metacarpophalangeal joint of digits 2-5.<BR>Eight healthy adults (6 males and 2 females) were used as subjects. The subjects' eyes were covered at all times to prevent any visual feedback.<BR>Each metacarpophalangeal joint of digits 2-5 was extended, flexed and pointed to the bisection position in 6 sec (about 2 sec in each position) . The difference in the bisection position selected using the index finger with the shoulder, elbow and hand in variety of positions was determined. The deviation from the mid-bisection point and the standard deviation were less when the hand was positioned most comfortably and near the face (“natural and near”) than when the hand was positioned in the more uncomfortable position and further from the face (“unnatural and further”) .<BR>In a second test, the index finger was moved from full extension to the full flexion in increments as small as possible at a rate of one change in position per second. Again, the effect of arm position was determined.<BR>In case of“the natural and near”position, each increment in joint position was smaller than in“the unnatural and further”position.<BR>In“the natural and near”position, the two point threshold was smallest of all. It was measured at the thumb side of right palm in the proximo-distal direction.<BR>These results suggest that personal space perception of metacarpophalangeal joint is affected by the position of adjoining limb segments.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-376838


To examine personal space perception, a method of identifying joint position was determined by having the subject equally bisect the joint angle, by producing a minimum increment in change of position and by selecting a threshold for two-point discrimination using the metacarpophalangeal joint of digits 2-5.<BR>Eight healthy adults (6 males and 2 females) were used as subjects. The subjects' eyes were covered at all times to prevent any visual feedback.<BR>Each metacarpophalangeal joint of digits 2-5 was extended, flexed and pointed to the bisection position in 6 sec (about 2 sec in each position) . The difference in the bisection position selected using the index finger with the shoulder, elbow and hand in variety of positions was determined. The deviation from the mid-bisection point and the standard deviation were less when the hand was positioned most comfortably and near the face (“natural and near”) than when the hand was positioned in the more uncomfortable position and further from the face (“unnatural and further”) .<BR>In a second test, the index finger was moved from full extension to the full flexion in increments as small as possible at a rate of one change in position per second. Again, the effect of arm position was determined.<BR>In case of“the natural and near”position, each increment in joint position was smaller than in“the unnatural and further”position.<BR>In“the natural and near”position, the two point threshold was smallest of all. It was measured at the thumb side of right palm in the proximo-distal direction.<BR>These results suggest that personal space perception of metacarpophalangeal joint is affected by the position of adjoining limb segments.