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Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 87(4): 291-298, ago. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407856


Resumen Objetivo: Reportar el caso de una paciente con trombastenia de Glanzmann que recibe manejo con transfusión de plaquetas con factor VII activado y realizar una revisión de la literatura referente al tratamiento y el pronóstico de esta patología durante la gestación. Método: Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 27 años con trombastenia de Glanzmann y embarazo de 33 semanas, con cesárea al término sin complicaciones. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos Medline vía PubMed, Lilacs, SciELO y ScienceDirect; se incluyeron reportes de caso, series de casos y revisiones bibliográficas hasta 2021. Resultados: Se encontraron 21 artículos, con 23 casos reportados. Los embarazos se presentaron entre la tercera y la cuarta décadas de la vida, siendo la mayoría pacientes con anticuerpos frente a antígenos plaquetarios (43,4% de los casos). El principal manejo fue con transfusión plaquetaria. Conclusiones: La trombastenia de Glanzmann durante el embarazo es infrecuente y se asocia a eventos hemorrágicos. La presencia de anticuerpos frente a antígenos plaquetarios condiciona el manejo con mayor riesgo de complicaciones perinatales. No tiene un enfoque terapéutico unificado, siendo el de elección la transfusión de plaquetas y como segunda línea el factor VII activado.

Abstract Objective: To report the case of a patient with Glanzmann's thrombasthenia who receives management with platelet transfusion with activated factor VII and a literature review regarding the treatment and prognosis of this pathology during pregnancy. Method: We present the case of a 27 year old patient with Glanzmann's thrombasthenia and a 33-week pregnancy, with a cesarean section at term without complications. Medline databases were searched via PubMed, Lilacs, SciELO and ScienceDirect; case reports, case series and bibliographic reviews were included until 2021. Results: A total of 21 articles were found, with 23 reported cases; the pregnancies occurred between the third and fourth decades of life, the majority being patients with anti-platelet antigen antibodies in 43.4% of the cases. The main management was with platelet transfusion. Conclusions: Glanzmann's thrombasthenia during pregnancy is rare and is associated with hemorrhagic events. The presence of anti-platelet antigen antibodies conditions management with a higher risk of perinatal complications. It does not have a unified therapeutic approach, with platelet transfusion being the management of choice and activated factor VII as second line.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Pregnancy Complications, Hematologic/therapy , Thrombasthenia/therapy , Prognosis , Thrombasthenia/diagnosis , Factor VIIa/therapeutic use , Platelet Transfusion
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 43(1): 41-44, jan.-abr. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1361662


Background: Glanzmann thrombasthenia (GT) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by platelet function impairment. Considering that the oral cavity is highly vascularized and performing some local hemostatic maneuvers may be difficult, GT patients are at high risk for hemorrhage related to invasive oral procedures. This study aimed to present an alternative method for periodontal surgery in a young GT patient. Case Report: A 15-year-old female GT patient with a recent history of excessive bleeding following dental surgeries was referred to a public dental center, presenting gingival hyperplasia. The procedure was performed using a high-power laser (HPL), and except for local anesthesia with epinephrine, no further hemostatic agent was necessary. Conclusion: According to the case, the HPL seems to be an efficient tool for preventing perioperative bleeding in GT patients submitted to minor oral surgeries(AU)

Introdução: A trombastenia de Glanzmann (TG) é uma doença autossômica recessiva rara caracterizada por comprometimento da função plaquetária. Tendo em vista que a cavidade oral é altamente vascularizada e a realização de algumas manobras hemostáticas locais pode ser difícil, pacientes com TG apresentam alto risco de hemorragia relacionada a procedimentos orais invasivos. Este artigo teve como objetivo apresentar uma técnica alternativa para cirurgia periodontal em um paciente jovem com TG. Relato de Caso: Paciente com TG, sexo feminino, 15 anos, com história recente de sangramento excessivo relacionado a cirurgias odontológicas prévias, foi encaminhada a um centro odontológico público apresentando hiperplasia gengival. O procedimento de remoção foi realizado com laser de alta potência e, com exceção da anestesia local com epinefrina, nenhum outro agente hemostático foi necessário. Conclusão: De acordo com o caso, o laser de alta potência parece ser uma ferramenta eficiente na prevenção de sangramento perioperatório em pacientes com TG submetidos a pequenas cirurgias orais(AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Surgery, Oral , Thrombasthenia , Blood Coagulation Disorders , Laser Therapy , Lasers, Semiconductor , Gingival Hyperplasia
J. bras. nefrol ; 44(1): 116-120, Jan-Mar. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365040


Abstract Thrombocytopenia is frequently observed in hemodialysis patients, and its correct investigation and control remain a challenge. It is estimated that during the hemodialysis session there is a drop of up to 15% in the platelet count, with recovery after the end of treatment. This reduction in platelets is due to platelet adhesion and complement activation, regardless of the membrane material. Several studies with platelet surface markers demonstrate increased platelet activation and aggregation secondary to exposure to cardiopulmonary bypass. This case report describes a patient on hemodialysis who developed severe thrombocytopenia during hospitalization. Investigation and exclusion of the most common causes were carried out: heparin-related thrombocytopenia, adverse drug reaction, hypersplenism, and hematological diseases. Afterwards, the possibility of hemodialysis-related thrombocytopenia was raised, since the fall was accentuated during the sessions with partial recovery after the dialyzer change. Attention to the sterilization method and dialyzer reuse must be considered for correction. In the current case, reusing the dialyzer minimized the drop in platelet counts associated with hemodialysis.

Resumo Plaquetopenia é frequentemente observada em pacientes em hemodiálise, e sua correta investigação e controle permanecem um desafio. Estima-se que, durante a sessão de hemodiálise, ocorra queda de até 15% da contagem de plaquetas, com recuperação após o término do tratamento. Essa queda de plaquetas é decorrente de adesão plaquetária e ativação do complemento, independentemente do material da membrana. Vários estudos com marcadores de superfície plaquetária demonstram aumento da ativação e agregação plaquetária secundários à exposição à circulação extracorpórea. Este relato de caso mostra um paciente dialítico que evoluiu com plaquetopenia severa durante internação. Realizada investigação e exclusão de causas mais comuns: plaquetopenia relacionada à heparina, reação adversa a medicamentos, hiperesplenismo e doenças hematológicas, foi então aventada a possibilidade de plaquetopenia relacionada à hemodiálise após observação de que a queda se acentuava durante as sessões de hemodiálise com recuperação parcial após. Mudança do dialisador, atenção ao método de esterilização e realização do reuso devem ser consideradas para correção. No presente caso, a utilização do reuso minimizou a plaquetopenia associada a hemodiálise.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 39(1): 111-114, ene.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389936


RESUMEN Durante la infección aguda por el SARVS-CoV-2 se produce una desregulación del sistema inmune que puede durar hasta ocho meses después de controlado el cuadro agudo. Esto, sumado a otros factores, posiblemente este asociado con un aumento del riesgo de aparición y concurrencia de enfermedades autoinmunes. La aparición simultanea del síndrome de Guillain-Barré (SGB) y púrpura trombocitopénica (PTI) se ha reportado poco en la literatura, y el SGB raramente se asocia con otra enfermedad autoinmune. Presentamos el caso de un varón que luego de un mes de tener un cuadro agudo de COVID-19 moderado, presentó concurrentemente SGB y PTI con respuesta adecuada al tratamiento.

ABSTRACT During acute SARS-CoV-2 infection, there is persistent deregulation of the immune system that can last up to 8 months after the acute condition is controlled. This, added to other factors, is possibly associated with an increased risk of the appearance and concurrence of autoimmune diseases. The simultaneous occurrence of GBS and ITP has been rarely reported in the literature, and GBS is rarely associated with another autoimmune disease. We present the case of a man who, one month after his recovery from acute moderate COVID-19, presented concurrent GBS and ITP with an adequate response to treatment.

Humans , Male , Purpura, Thrombocytopenic, Idiopathic , Guillain-Barre Syndrome , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Autoimmune Diseases , Thrombocytopenia , Autoimmunity , Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System , Demyelinating Autoimmune Diseases, CNS
Chinese Journal of Laboratory Medicine ; (12): 764-768, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912471


Inherited bleeding and thrombotic disorders (BTD) are a group of heterogeneous diseases related to the coagulation system, platelet function and fibrinolytic system. In addition to the common BTD, it is difficult to diagnose such patients by routine laboratory tests, and special laboratory tests are often required to confirm the diagnosis. Therefore, the diagnosis and treatment of patients may be delayed, or even life-threatening. With the increasing use of high-throughput sequencing (HTS) technology in clinical practice, the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of BTD have made great progress.

Med. interna Méx ; 35(5): 713-720, sep.-oct. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250266


Resumen: El síndrome de Bernard-Soulier ocupa el séptimo lugar entre los trastornos de la coagulación más comunes y es una enfermedad poco frecuente de carácter genético, que se distingue por disfunción o ausencia del complejo plaquetario glicoproteína Ib-IX-V, que es el principal receptor del factor de von Willebrand, importante en la adhesión plaquetaria al subendotelio. Su incidencia puede llegar a ser de más de un caso por millón porque a menudo es mal diagnosticado si el paciente no manifiesta los datos clínicos típicos o si no hay resultados de laboratorio concluyentes. Los pacientes manifiestan macrotrombocitopenia con recuentos de plaquetas variables, además de prolongación del tiempo de coagulación. A la fecha se han descrito más de 100 mutaciones relacionadas con los componentes del complejo plaquetario, la manifestación de la enfermedad puede llegar a ser muy heterogénea incluso en pacientes que tengan una mutación idéntica.

Abstract: The Bernard-Soulier syndrome ranked seventh among the most common coagulation disorders; it is a rare genetic disease, characterized by dysfunction or absence of the glycoprotein Ib-IX-V platelet complex, which is the main receptor of von Willebrand factor, important in platelet adhesion to the subendothelium. Its incidence can be more than 1 per 1 million because it is often misdiagnosed if the patient does not present with the typical clinic or if there are no conclusive laboratory results. The syndrome presents macrothrombocytopenia with variable platelet counts as well as prolongation of the coagulation time. To date, more than 100 mutations related to the components of the platelet complex have been described, the presentation of the disease can become very heterogeneous even in patients who have an identical mutation.

Rev. cuba. hematol. inmunol. hemoter ; 35(2): e993, abr.-jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093266


La trombastenia de Glanzmann (TG), es un trastorno autosómico recesivo en el cual hay una reducción grave o ausencia de la agregación plaquetaria. Se debe a las alteraciones cualitativas o cuantitativas de la integrina α IIb o de integrina β 3, codificados por los genes ITGA2B e ITGB3 y relacionadas con la glicoproteína IIb/IIIa, que intervienen en la activación plaquetaria. La mayor incidencia de TG ha sido reportada en la población judía-iraquí, pero también se ha presentado en Israel, Jordania, Arabia saudita, Italia y, en menor número, en familias gitanas y pakistaníes. A pesar de ser poco frecuente, este trastorno se debe sospechar en casos de trastornos hemorrágicos graves espontáneos o inducidos por traumatismos, que varían desde hemorragias gastrointestinales y mucocutáneas, como epistaxis y hemorragias gingivales recurrentes de difícil manejo, las cuales son potencialmente mortales y en más del 75 por ciento de los casos requieren transfusión sanguínea o plaquetaria. Para realizar la confirmación del diagnóstico, los hallazgos de laboratorio se caracterizan por tiempos de sangrado prolongados, retracción del coágulo disminuida y respuestas anormales de agregación plaquetaria a estímulos fisiológicos. Aunque, actualmente no existe una cura para la enfermedad, el tratamiento adecuado con transfusiones plaquetarias y en caso de refractariedad, el uso del factor VIIa, permiten un buen pronóstico para los pacientes. Aún queda mucho por estudiar en estos casos debido a esto se están realizando nuevos estudios para la posibilidad de otros tratamientos, entre ellos la terapia génica plaquetaria(AU)

Glanzmann's thrombasthenia (GT) is an autosomal recessive disorder in which there is a severe reduction or absence of platelet aggregation. It is due to the qualitative or quantitative alterations of integrin #945; IIb or integrin #946; 3, encoded by the ITGA2B and ITGB3 genes and related to glycoprotein IIb / IIIa, which intervene in platelet activation. The highest incidence of GT has been reported in the Jewish-Iraqi population, but it has also been reported in Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Italy, and in smaller numbers in Gypsy and Pakistani families. Despite being uncommon, this disorder should be suspected in cases of severe spontaneous or trauma-induced bleeding disorders, ranging from gastrointestinal and mucocutaneous hemorrhages such as epistaxis and recurrent, difficult to manage gingival hemorrhages, which are potentially fatal and more than 75 percent of cases require blood or platelet transfusion. To confirm the diagnosis, the laboratory findings are characterized by prolonged bleeding times, decreased clot retraction and abnormal platelet aggregation responses to physiological stimuli. Although there is currently no cure for the disease, adequate treatments with platelet transfusions and in case of refractoriness, the use of factor VIIa, allow a good prognosis for patients. There is still much to study in these cases, because of this, new studies are being conducted for the possibility of other treatments, including platelet gene therapy(AU)

Thrombasthenia/diagnosis , Thrombasthenia/epidemiology
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences ; : 31-35, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750616


@#Introduction: Mild bleeding symptoms are commonly encountered in the general population & amongst individuals with platelet disorders. One of the possible causes is due to reduced number of dense granules synthesis in platelets and defective release of its contents. This study was aimed to evaluate platelets mepacrine-labelled dense granules storage and release using flow cytometry in healthy individuals and those presenting with mild bleeding symptoms. Methods: This study was conducted at the National Blood Centre (NBC) and Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). Thirty- four individuals were recruited as controls (n=24) and patients (n=10). ADP-activated platelets and mepacrine-labelled dense granules was detected using flow cytometry. Results were expressed as mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) of mepacrine in resting and activated platelets; representing dense granules storage and release, respectively. Statistical analysis was considered significant if p ≤0.05. Results: There was a significant difference of mean MFI between resting (1284.3 ± 91.8) and activated platelets (1233.8 ± 107.8) of overall respondents with mean difference of 50.5 (p<0.01). However, there was no significant difference of mean MFI in resting and activated platelets between controls and patients was observed. Conclusion: Results indicated there is no secretion defects in platelet dense granules among patients in comparison with controls. Flow cytometry provides alternative way of dense granule assessment in patients presented with mild bleeding symptoms.

Med. lab ; 2014, 20(11-12): 513-528, 2014. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-834799


Resumen: El síndrome de plaqueta pegajosa es una trombofilia hereditaria, de carácter autosómico dominante, caracterizada por aumento in vitro de la agregación plaquetaria en respuesta a bajas concentraciones de epinefrina y/o adenosindifosfato (ADP) que se expresa como un estado protrombótico, tanto arterial como venoso. De acuerdo con el patrón de la agregometría plaquetariacon diferentes concentraciones de epinefrina y ADP, se presentan tres formas: síndrome de plaqueta pegajosa tipo I, hiperagregación plaquetaria con epinefrina y ADP; síndrome de plaqueta pegajosa tipo II, hiperagregación plaquetaria con epinefrina sola; y, síndrome de plaqueta pegajosa tipo III, hiperagregación plaquetaria con ADP solo. Las manifestaciones clínicas están relacionadas con la predisposición a trombosis arteriales o venosas, que se expresan como isquemia coronaria o cerebral, isquemia de vasos retinianos y trastornos de la microcirculación placentaria que puede asociarse con restricción del crecimiento intrauterino del feto, preeclampsia,eclampsia y pérdidas fetales, entre otras manifestaciones. El diagnóstico del síndrome de plaqueta pegajosa se establece mediante la agregación plaquetaria al demostrar la hiperagregación de las plaquetas inducida por pequeñas dosis de epinefrina y/o ADP. El tratamiento se basa en la administración de antiagregantes plaquetarios, siendo la aspirina a baja dosis la droga ideal y el clopidogrel cuando hay resistencia a la aspirina o esta está contraindicada. El objetivo de este módulo es revisar la literatura médica mundial sobre este nuevo síndrome que debe ser tenido en cuenta en el diagnóstico y manejo de la trombofilia como una nueva opción para el paciente afectado por uno de estos síntomas.

Abstract: Sticky platelet syndrome is an autosomal dominant inherited thrombophilia, characterizedby increased in vitro platelet aggregation in response to low concentrations of epinephrine or adenosine diphosphate (ADP). It is present as a prothrombotic state, both arterial and venous. According to platelet aggregation pattern, with the different ADP and epinephrine concentrations,three types of the syndrome can be identified: sticky platelet syndrome type I, platelet hyperaggregation with both reagents; sticky platelet syndrome type II, platelet hyperaggregation with epinephrine alone; and, sticky platelet syndrome type III, platelet hyperaggregation with ADP alone. The clinical manifestations are associated with predisposition to venous and arterial thrombosis, including cardiac or cerebral ischemia, retinal vein ischemia, and placental microcirculationdisorders, associated with intrauterine growth restriction, preeclampsia, eclampsia, and fetal loss, among others. Sticky platelet syndrome is diagnosed by platelet aggregation test, where is found a platelet hyperaggregation in response to low doses of epinephrine and ADP. Treatment includes the use of platelet antiaggregation agents, being low-dose aspirin therapy the best choice and clopidogrel in the cases of resistance or contradiction for aspirin. The aim of this module is to review the medical literature about this new syndrome, which it should take into account in the diagnosis and management of thrombophilia as a possible option to a patient affected by these symptoms.

Humans , Blood Platelet Disorders , Hematologic Tests , Platelet Aggregation , Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors , Thrombophilia
Med. lab ; 19(11-12): 511-548, 2013. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-834736


Resumen: El PFA-100, por Platelet Function Analyzer (Analizador de Función Plaquetaria) es una nueva herramienta para la investigación de la hemostasia primaria, descrita e introducida al laboratorio clíni-co a partir de 1995, actualmente disponible en el medio. El PFA-100 se fundamenta en un instrumento (PFA-100 o PFA-200), que simula la circulación sanguínea, y dos cartuchos de reactivos que contienen membranas impregnadas de colágeno/epinefrina y colágeno/ADP, que simulan los tejidos. Desde el punto de vista técnico, la prueba es equivalente in vitro al tiempo de sangría tradicional in vivo, por lo que también se la conoce como tiempo de sangría in vitro. El PFA-100 se puede utilizar en diferentes situaciones medicas: (1) como una prueba sustituta del tiempo de sangría, (2) como una prueba tamiz de una disfunción plaquetaria ya sea congénita o adquirida, (3) como una prueba de monitoreo en el manejo de enfermedades congénitas de la función plaquetaria y en particular de la enfermedad de von Willebrand, (4) como una prueba de diagnóstico y control en el caso de la resistencia a la aspirina y la resistencia al clopidogrel, (5) como una prueba de control de calidad en el banco de sangre; y (6) como una prueba médico-legal en el diagnóstico diferencial de las enfermedades hematológicas con manifestaciones hemorrágicas y el maltrato infantil, entre otras muchas indicaciones El tiempo de sangría ha pasado a ser una prueba obsoleta, no recomendada en la práctica clínica por organiza-ciones como el Colegio Americano de Patología (CAP) y la Sociedad Americana de Patología Clínica (ASCP), y como tal debería desaparecer de los portafolios de servicio de los laboratorios clínicos...

Summary: Platelet Function Analyzer (PFA) is a new tool for the investigation of primary hemostasis. It was introduced in the clinical laboratory since 1995 and is currently available as diagnostic tests. The PFA is based on an instrument (PFA-100 and PFA-200), which simulates the blood flow, and two cartridges containing membranes impregnated with collagen/epinephrine and collagen/ADP, which simulate the tissue. From a technical point of view, the test is an In vitro equivalent to In vivo test known as bleeding time. The PFA-100 can be used in different medical situations: (1) as a screening test of platelet dysfunction either congenital or acquired, (2) as a diagnostic test in the case of aspirin and 512Germán Campuzano Maya, MDMedicina & LaboratorioVolumen 19, Números 11-12, 2013.clopidogrel resistance, (3) as a screening test in the case of follow-up of patients with von Willebrand disease undergoing treatment with desmopressin, (4) as quality control test in blood bank, in the case of platelet transfusions; and (5) as a legal-medical test in the differential diagnosis of hematological diseases with mucocutaneous manifestations and child abuse, among many other indications. The bleeding time has become an outdated test, it is not recommended in clinical practice by organizations as the College of American Pathologists and the American Society for Clinical Pathology, and should be removed from clinical laboratories services...

Humans , Bleeding Time , Blood Platelet Disorders , Platelet Function Tests
Chinese Journal of General Surgery ; (12)1997.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-525034


0.05). Conclusions LS,whereas of less traumatic and low morbidity, results in comparable effects as OS for the treatment of ITP.