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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004066


【Objective】 To analyze the specificity of HLA class-Ⅰ antibody in the patients received HLA-matched platelet transfusions and estimate the relative immunogenicity of HLA-Ⅰ antigens. 【Methods】 The samples from 96 patients who suffered from platelet transfusion refractorines(PTR) and applied for transfusion with genotype-matched platelet were collected. The specificity of HLA I antibody was detected by Luminex technique, and the antibody expression level was analyzed according to MFI. The mismatch rate of HLA antigen and relative immunogenicity of the population were estimated according to the allele frequency distribution of HLA-A and B loci as well as the yielding frequency of antibody. 【Results】 HLA-Ⅰ antibodies were detected in all 96 patients, with varied species of antibodies. The average positive yielding rates of antibodies corresponding to HLA-A, -B and -C magnetic bead coated antigens (97 in total) were 0.38, 0.47 and 0.28, respectively. Among the HLA-A and -B loci in the Zhejiang population, HLA-A2, A11, A24 and HLA-B60, B46, B58 were the antigens with higher frequency, and their relative immunogenicity was 0.403, 0.283, 0.342, and 0.100, 0.067, 0.178, respectively. 【Conclusion】 The specificity of HLA-Ⅰ antibodies in PTR patients is different, which confirms that the relative immunogenicity differs by HLA-A and -B antigens.

Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400575


Hang the DJ introduce una lógica de la cual parece imposible escapar. Se trata de un sistema que pretende ser omnisapiente en materia de amor. Al sistema le interesan los tiempos cronológicos, no los tiempos lógicos del amor. Le importan los límites y la caducidad, no el carácter de incierto propicio para el acontecer del vínculo amoroso. Engañosamente, el sistema habilita el placer inmediato vía la satisfacción meramente sexual. Pero no permite, en principio, trascender el tiempo destinado para la persistencia de una pareja. La sentencia de un final inexorable reduce aún más el margen de libertad insistiendo en negar la falta que engendra el motor deseante a cambio de ahorrarse la angustia propia de la posibilidad de elegir más allá de lo instituido. Afortunadamente existe un horizonte más optimista en el que se vislumbran otras leyes, logrando así suplementar el universo previo que aparentaba ser inescrutable.

Hang the DJ introduces a logic from which it seems impossible to escape. It is a system that pretends to be omniscient in the matter of love. The system is interested in chronological times, not in the logical times of love. It cares about the limits and the expiration, not in the uncertain character conducive to the occurrence of the love bond. Deceptively, the system enables immediate pleasure via merely sexual satisfaction. But it does not allow to transcend the time destined for the persistence of a couple. The sentence of an inexorable end further reduces the margin of freedom by insisting on denying the lack that engenders the desiring engine in exchange for saving the anguish proper to the possibility of choosing beyond the instituted. Fortunately, there is a more optimistic horizon in which other laws are glimpsed, thus supplementing the previous universe that appeared to be inscrutable

Humans , Male , Female , Online Social Networking , Mass Media , Spouses , Interpersonal Relations
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-194650


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to explore the association between psychosocial work environments and depressive symptoms among Korean registered nurses. METHODS: The study population of 331 registered nurses was derived from the 2014 Korean Working Condition Survey (KWCS). Depressive symptom was assessed using the WHO-5 wellbeing index. RESULTS: The thirty-five percentage of Korean registered nurses reported the risk for depressive symptom. Korean nurses with higher ‘work-family conflict’ were more likely at the risk of depression almost 1.83 (95% CI 1.04~3.20) times than their counterpart. Higher ‘possibilities for development’ were more likely decrease almost 60% of the risk of depressive symptom. CONCLUSION: Work-family conflict and possibility of development were associated with depressive symptom among Korean registered nurses. We suggest future researches identifying strategies for decreasing work-family conflict and its negative effects.

Humans , Depression , Nurses
Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 21(2): 177-183, dez. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-778234


Neste artigo mostramos como é que Michel Henry toma a alucinação como paradigma da fenomenalidade da vida. Nele, a fenomenalidade da alucinação situa-nos na vida afetiva deixada a nu pela fenomenalidade da vida subjetiva. E porque a vida afetiva é vivência da pura vinda a si da vida nas modalidades da audição, da visão, da angústia, do temor, nela, a alucinação, enquanto fenômeno suspenso na sua própria fenomenalidade aparece como fenômeno exemplar da vida, ainda que vivido em sentimento de pura insuportabilidade dessa prova afetiva da vida. Todavia é a partir da experiência da insuportabilidade da prova de si da vida que se encontra, inerente ao sentimento da afeção da vida, a possibilidade de reversão do sofrimento em fruição. Mostramos ainda convergências entre a fenomenalidade da vida afetiva e práticas clínicas, laboratoriais ou outras, e seus desenvolvimentos em interdisciplinaridade no nosso grupo de investigação.

In this article, we show how Michel Henry takes hallucination as a paradigm of the phenomenality of life. According to him, the phenomenality of hallucination refers us to the affective life laid bare by the phenomenality of subjective life. And because the affective life is pure experience brought to existence from life through modes of hearing, vision, anxiety, fear, in it, hallucination, while phenomenon suspended in its own phenomenality, appears as a phenomenon that is exemplary of life, though experienced in a feeling of pure intolerability of this affective experience of life. However, it is from the experience of intolerability of the self-experience of life that one finds, inherent to the feeling of affection of life, the possibility of reverting suffering into fruition. We also show convergences between the phenomenality of the affective life and clinical, laboratorial or other practices, and their developments into interdisciplinarity in our research group.

En este artículo mostramos cómo Michel Henry toma la alucinación como paradigma de la fenomenicidad de la vida. De acuerdo con Henry, la fenomenicidad de la alucinación nos emplaza a la vida afectiva mostrada en su desnudez a través de la fenomenicidad de la vida subjetiva. Y dado que la vida afectiva es vivencia de la pura venida a sí de la vida en las modalidades de la audición, la visión, la angustia o el temor, en la alucinación, en cuanto fenómeno suspenso en su propia fenomenicidad, aparece como fenómeno ejemplar de la vida, aunque vivido en sentimiento de pura intolerancia de esa prueba afectiva de la vida. No obstante, es a partir de la experiencia de intolerancia de la prueba de sí de la vida como se encuentra, inherente al sentimiento de la afección de la vida, la posibilidad de reversión del sufrimiento en fruición. Mostramos por último algunas convergencias entre la fenomenicidad de la vida afectiva y las prácticas clínicas, de laboratorio o de otra naturaleza, y sus desarrollos en nuestro grupo de investigación desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar.

Humans , Affect , Hallucinations/psychology , Philosophy
J. psicanal ; 48(89): 157-169, dez. 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-778167


Assombrado pela extensa lista de desaparecidos que as ditaduras latino-americanas impingiram a pais, mães e companheiros, o autor relê uma das obras fundadoras da civilização ocidental - a Ilíada - e tenta compreender por que os gregos e os troianos lutam furiosamente para reaver o corpo de seus mortos. Desrespeitar um cadáver indigna os próprios deuses. Não poder lhe render as homenagens fúnebres é uma hipótese nem sequer cogitada. O quase impossível trabalho do luto requer o corpo, afirma o autor. Sem ele, não se criam os sonhos nem as narrativas. Nem a melancolia pode se instalar. Cria-se no espírito um buraco negro que, como um parasita, atrai para si o pensamento e os afetos e impede a vida de prosseguir. No plano da cultura e da história ocorrerá a mesma deformação que se abate sobre os destinos individuais.

Horrified by the extensive list of missing people that the Latin American dictatorships imposed to parents, spouses and domestic partners, the author rereads one of the founding works of Western civilization - The Iliad - and tries to understand why the Greeks and the Trojans fight furiously in order to get back the bodies of their dead ones. Disrespecting a corpse outrages the Gods themselves. Not being able to deliver a proper eulogy and funeral is not even a ventured hypothesis. The almost impossible grief work requires the body, the author writes. Without it, dreams and narratives are not created. Neither melancholy can take place. A black whole is created in the spirit; as a parasite, this black whole attracts thought and affections to itself, and it does not let life go on. In the cultural and historical fields, there will be the same deformation that impacts their individual destinies.

Asombrado por la extensa lista de desaparecidos que las dictaduras latinoamericanas endosaron a padres, madres y compañeros, el autor relee una de las obras fundadoras de la civilización occidental - la Ilíada - e intenta comprender por qué griegos y troyanos luchan furiosamente para recuperar el cuerpo de sus muertos. La falta de respeto hacia el cadáver causa indignación a los propios dioses. No rendirle los homenajes fúnebres es una hipótesis fuera de cogitación. El casi imposible trabajo de luto requiere el cuerpo, afirma el autor. Sin él, no se crean sueños ni narrativas. Ni siquiera se puede instalar la melancolía. Se crea un agujero negro en el espíritu que -como un parásito- atrae hacia sí el pensamiento y los afectos impidiendo que la vida prosiga. En los planos de la cultura y de la historia sucederán las mismas deformaciones que se abaten sobre los destinos individuales.

Étonné par la longue liste de disparus que les dictatures latino-américaines ont imposé aux pères, mères et compagnons, l'auteur relit une des œuvres fondatrices de la civilisation occidentale - l'Iliade - et essaye de comprendre pourquoi les grecs et les troyens se battent furieusement pour reprendre le corps de leurs morts. Violer un cadavre dégoûte les propres dieux. Ne pas pouvoir lui rendre les hommages funèbres est une hypothèse pas même pensée. Le presque impossible travail du deuil requiert le corps, déclare l'auteur. Sans lui, on ne crée pas les rêves ni les récits. Ni même la mélancolie ne peut s'installer. On crée dans l'esprit un trou noir qui, comme un parasite, lui attire la pensée et les affects et qui empêche la vie de poursuivre. Sur le plan de la culture et de l'histoire aura lieu la même déformation qui s'abat sur les destins individuels.

Psychoanalysis , Literature , Psychoanalytic Theory
Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 187-192, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-461337


Objective:To assess the possibility of suicide in setting condition among urban and rural residents samples in northern China.Methods:By randomly sampling,1007 persons aged 18 years or older were selected from 10 urban neighborhoods in Beijing and from 10 rural village in Hebei province.The Survey Schedule of Atti-tudes in China in which 24 negative life events were listed,and the possibility of committing suicide was asked to the subjects when they encountered the supposed events.Results:The rates of thinking about committing suicide when encountered the supposed life events were 65.2% of incurable illness,62.0% of burden on other and no future hope,61.2% of drug dependence,57.3% of large debt due to gambling,54.2% of being raped, 51.6% of severe depression,50.7% of being elderly and no family to provide support.Only 14.6% of the ur-ban and rural residents would not consider suicide when encountered any type of supposed problems.Conclusion:There is higher possibility of considering suicide in urban and rural residents when encountered negative life events, so it is important to give support to the residents with one or more life events.

Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 14(2): 95-119, 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-702504


Este trabalho é parte de um esforço maior para se elucidar em termos claros e precisos o que Heidegger pretende quando propõe que as alegações da analítica existencial devem ser compreendidas como indícios formais. Neste exercício, tento explicar a chamada função proibitivo-referencial dos enunciados formalmente indiciadores. Por tal função, presume-se que o indício formal deixa em suspenso a tendência natural em se compreender os enunciados como correspondendo a objetos e refere de modo não objetificante ao existencial do ser-no-mundo. Não é claro o teor desta referência, uma vez que ela se dá mediante enunciados que têm a mesma forma gramatical dos enunciados ordinários. Tento suprir algumas ambiguidades na "semântica" de Ser e tempo (§ 17) com a noção de remissão (Bezug), que pode ter em vistas tanto o ente na efetividade de seus atributos, como nos enunciados ordinários, quanto o ente em suas possibilidades de ser num todo conjuntural presumido entre os falantes, tal como nas exemplificações pragmáticas, artísticas e poéticas, e nas orientações da manualidade. Minha proposta é que a função referencial do indício formal é um caso de remissão modalizada na possibilidade e consiste numa prescrição hermenêutica específica: tomar o enunciado em suspensão da pretensão de atualidade, e atentar às presunções modais implícitas na compreensão de ser em que ele tem lugar e sentido.

This work is part of a broader effort to elucidate in clear and precise terms what Heidegger means when proposing that the claims of the existential analysis should be understood as formal indications. In this exercise I try to explain the so named referential-constraining function of statements uttered with this qualification. By this function, it is assumed that the formal indication puts off the natural tendency to understanding statements as corresponding to objects and refers in a non-objectifying way to the existential of being-in-the-world. It is not clear which sort of reference is that, for it occurs trough statements that have the same grammatical form of ordinary ones. I try to overcome some ambiguities in the "semantics" of "Being and Time" (§ 17) with the notion of regard (Bezug), which can be aimed both at the effectiveness of the entity's attributes, as it happens with the ordinary statements, and at the entity in its possibilities of being in a conjunctural whole that is assumed between speakers, as we can see in pragmatic, artistic and poetic exemplifications, and in the "how to" instructions. My proposal is that the referential function of the formal indication is a case of regard in the modality of possibility and comprises a specific hermeneutic prescription: take the statement passing over actuality, and pay attention to the modal assumptions that are implicit in the understanding of being where it takes place and has its meaning.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 16(3): 605-620, jul.-set. 2009.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-527317


Analisa alguns dos elementos sociohistóricos que configuraram condições de possibilidade para a emergência da neurastenia como categoria nosológica, na segunda metade do século XIX, bem como os aspectos que influenciaram seu declínio em meios médicos e leigos. Propõe breve apresentação dessa categoria médica e discussão mais detalhada sobre alguns debates em que ela encontra sustentação, tais como a ideia do desgaste do suprimento nervoso, os estudos e as preocupações novecentistas sobre a fadiga e a pressuposição da somatogênese da doença. Analisa, por fim, o processo de declínio da categoria ressaltando alguns elementos que alteraram seu estatuto e sua utilidade como diagnóstico.

The article first analyzes some of the social and historical components underlying the conditions of possibility that allowed neurasthenia to emerge as a nosological category in the latter half of the nineteenth century and then explores the elements that influenced its demise in medical and lay circles. It offers a brief introduction to this medical category and a more detailed discussion of some supporting debates, including the idea of nervous exhaustion, twentieth-century studies and concerns on fatigue, and the malady's presumed somatogenesis. The concluding analysis of how the category met its demise highlights elements that altered its status and its diagnostic usefulness.

History, 20th Century , Fatigue/history , Neurasthenia/history , Fatigue/etiology , Neurasthenia/complications
China Pharmacy ; (12)2001.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-519763


OBJECTIVE:To discuss the possibility of null stock in hospital drug storehouse.METHODS:The current situation of the drug storehouse of our hospital and pharmaceutical company of our district,and the existing problems in implementation of null stock were analysed.RESULTS & CONCLUSION:There exist difficulties in carrying out complete null stock in hospital drug storehouse now,however,if computer network is adopted and the drug storage is shared by both hospital and pharmaceutical company,implementation of null stock in hospital drug storehouse will be practical.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-129102


Inverted papilloma of the urinary tract is a unique and rare tumor. Although it is generally considered a benign lesion, the tumor has the possibility of malignant change. The most commonly associated clinical symptoms are hematuria and obstruction of urinary tract. We report a case of ureteral inverted papilloma which was proved histologically with the review of literature.

Hematuria , Papilloma, Inverted , Ureter , Urinary Tract
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-129115


Inverted papilloma of the urinary tract is a unique and rare tumor. Although it is generally considered a benign lesion, the tumor has the possibility of malignant change. The most commonly associated clinical symptoms are hematuria and obstruction of urinary tract. We report a case of ureteral inverted papilloma which was proved histologically with the review of literature.

Hematuria , Papilloma, Inverted , Ureter , Urinary Tract
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-582148


Objective To observe the possibility and efficacy tolerability of topiramate(TPM) in transferring monotherapy for the patients with partial seizures with or without secondary general seizure,as well as to find out the optimum way of the transferring.Methods After TPM add on therapy 64 patients with seizures reduced ≥50%, it reduced about 1/4 of AEDs or one drug each time according to every two weeks until gradually to stop fully and transferring monotherapy.Results 18 patients were successful with TPM monotherapy (28.13%), 35 patients were half success(54.69%), 11 cases for failure (17.19%). The less AEDs combined, the higher possibility of transferring monotherapy would be. The rate of success for cabamazepine seemed higher than valproate.Conclusion It was possible to transfer monotherapy by TPM. The rate of success was 28.13%. It was easier to reduce cabamazepine than valproate. In the transferring monotherapy it was better to reduce one after another, in principle the one of the little dose was reduced first,and then the hepatic enzyme inducing agents was reduced. Even if the transferring was half success,the kinds of concomitant AEDs could be reduced at least, it was in line with the policy of medicine application.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-678931


Objective To explore the possibility of early definitive operation for enteric fistulas. Methods In 37 selected enterocutaneous fistula patients, early definitive operation was performed during laparotomy for treating peritonitis within 10 days of fistula formation. Thorough irrigation of peritoneal cavity, effective sump drainage, fibrin glue sealant to reinforce anastomosis, appropriate nutritional support, and administration of growth hormone were key elements of perioperative management. Results Among 37 patients, 35 of them recovered uneventfully. Fistula recurred in 2 cases postoperatively; one fistula closed after conservative management, and another patient died of advanced gastric cancer 3 months postoperatively. The fistula operative closure rate was 94.5%. No operative death. Conclusion Advances in perioperative management can promote the success rate of early definitive operation for enteric fistulas. It may become a challenge to the present strategy of enteric fistula management.