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CCH, Correo cient. Holguín ; 19(4): 605-614, oct.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-771784


Introducción: la anemia por hematíes falciformes y la enfermedad de hemoglobina SC son enfermedades genéticas con herencia autosómica recesiva, que no tienen tratamiento específico. Objetivo: caracterizar las gestantes con diferentes tipos de electroforesis de hemoglobina durante el periodo 2002-2012 en municipio Mayarí, provincia Holguín. Método: se realizó estudio retrospectivo, se determinó el porcentaje de electroforesis de hemoglobina según tipos y captaciones de embarazos según años, frecuencia de parejas estudiadas, porcentaje de parejas de alto riesgo diagnosticadas y estudiadas, resultado de estudios moleculares en fetos y desenlace de embarazos con fetos enfermos. Se calculó tasa de incidencia de hemoglobinopatías SS y SC. Resultados: el 5% de las gestantes presentaron hemoglobinas alteradas. Se estudiaron el 94,7% de las parejas sexuales de estas gestantes. Al 85,7% de las parejas de alto riesgo se le realizó estudio molecular y el 88,9% de las embarazadas con fetos enfermos con hemoglobina SS o SC optaron por la interrupción del embarazo. La tasa de incidencia de hemoglobinopatía SS o SC fue de 8,3 por 10 000 nacidos vivos en el municipio de Mayarí. Conclusiones: la elevada tasa de incidencia de Hb SS o Hb SC en gestantes del municipio de Mayarí durante 2002-2012 avala la importancia de mantener el programa de diagnóstico precoz de la anemia por células falciformes.

Introduction: sickle cell anemia and hemoglobin SC disease are genetic diseases with autosomal recessive inheritance, they have no specific treatment. Objective: to characterize pregnant women with different types of hemoglobin electrophoresis during the period 2002 - 2012 in Mayarí Municipality, Holguin province. Method: a retrospective study was conducted, the percentage of hemoglobin electrophoresis (EF Hb) was determined according to types of pregnancies according to age, frequency of couples studied, percentage of couples diagnosed as high risk resulting from molecular studies and outcome of pregnancies with sick fetuses. Incidence of hemoglobinopathies SS and SC was calculated Results: five per cent of pregnant women had altered hemoglobins. 94.7% of the sexual partners of these pregnant women were studied. Molecular study to 85.7% of high-risk partners was performed and 88.9% of pregnant women with sick fetuses (Hb SS o Hb SC) decided to interrupt the pregnancy. The incidence rate of Hb SS or SC was 8.3 per 10 000 live births in Mayari municipality. Conclusions: the high incidence of Hb SS and Hb SC in the municipality of Mayarí pregnant during 2002-2012 supports the importance of the program for early diagnosis of sickle cell anemia.

Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-5314


816 cases of ectopic pregnancy in the Institute of Protection of Mother and Newborn from Jan 1999 to Dec 2002 were operated. Among them, 49% had a history of artificial abortion. Apart from other related factors such as the age, the frequency of delivery, gynecoobstetrical history, functional signs such as vaginal bleeding, which have suggesting value of ectopic pregnancy, the most indicating signs were abdomen pain and delayed menstrualation. 97% males are located in uterus neck duct. The rate of endoscopic surgery and the rate of conserved salpingo-uterine surgery were low

Pregnancy , Pregnancy, Ectopic , Disease , Diagnosis