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Interdisciplinaria ; 36(1): 171-185, jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056526


Se presentan los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo comprender los efectos psicológicos generados tras la ruptura de los lazos con el grupo primario de apoyo debido al fenómeno de prisionalización, con el propósito de contribuir en la formulación de investigaciones que se interesen por la salud mental del interno en prisión desde una perspectiva de familia. La investigación fue cualitativa de tipo estudio de caso; contó con la participación de 5 internos del Complejo Carcelario y Penitenciario de Medellín - Pedregal (COPED), a quienes se les realizaron entrevistas en profundidad, que posteriormente fueron codificadas y categorizadas. El desarrollo de la investigación permitió diferenciar los efectos psicológicos generados por el estado de prisionalización, de los efectos psicológicos producto de la ruptura con el grupo primario de apoyo. Asimismo, permitió identificar las condiciones internas y externas que favorecen o impiden el sostenimiento de un contacto estable con el grupo familiar, mientras se está en estado de prisionalización. De esta manera, se concluye que la adaptación a la cultura carcelaria propicia un restablecimiento de los efectos psicológicos generados por el estado de prisionalización. Sin embargo, no acontece igual respecto a los efectos generados por la ruptura con el grupo primario de apoyo, máxime cuando las condiciones de internamiento dan lugar a que el penado tome la decisión de exacerbar la distancia con su grupo familiar. En ese sentido, los efectos psicológicos derivados de la ruptura con el grupo primario de apoyo tienden a complejizarse en relación con el tiempo de estancia en prisión.

The results of a research whose objective was to understand the psychological effects of breaking bonds with the primary support group because of prisonization are presented with the purpose of contributing in the formulation of researches related to the mental health of inmates in prison from a family perspective. For this purpose, the research aimed to deepen the most significant issues of a group of inmates (male and female) from the Complejo Penitenciario y Carcelario Medellín - Pedregal (COPED) related to family breakdown, being abandoned by the partner, insufficient or inexistent support networks outside the prison and the consequences or psychological reactions caused by them. It is important to mention that the participants in the research were identified by using chain sampling or network sampling. It is also important to note that being a qualitative research, indepth interviews were conducted and later coded and categorized, based on the categories of analysis, namely family background, prisonization and psychological effects. This process favors the transferability of results, based on the in-depth description of the phenomenon in its context (Martínez-Salgado, 2012). In consequence the research process enabled the identification of signs and symptoms that remained in the subjects of research beyond all adaptation processes, and it is because of this characteristic that such symptomatology may not be explained by the theories regarding the psychological effects as a consequence of internment, that is to say, prisonization itself, as they derive from a process of adaptation and assimilation of the culture in prison. In this regard, this research arguments the relevance of the involvement of the family group in the penitentiary processes, seeking to have a positive impact on the functioning of inmates in prison and also on their resocialization and later on their life in freedom. Therefore, it is necessary to acknowledge that the contact with the closest support group becomes an essential resource that, properly included in the support process for the inmate, leverages the development of prosocial competences, whilst reestablishing the self-image and preserving the family image create in persons deprived of liberty a commitment with resocialization, besides being the bridge that keeps them anchored to the outside world. This approach promotes the reformulation of the current understanding of the effects associated to the prisonization as immanent status of imprisonment; this idea is based on the fact that the particular conditions of inmates (Echeverri,2010) and the conditions of the institutional context of prison (Crespo, 2017), may not be assessed or intervened in isolation, while, as evidenced on the research herein, a person that is deprived of liberty experiences a series of physical and psychical impacts that are beyond the normalizing processes of adaptation, becoming problems that when transcending the prison premises, need to be understood as a public policy matter.

Rev. crim ; 59(1): 77-94, ene.-abr. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-900898


Resumen El objetivo Fue exponer y discutir, a la luz de la revisión teórica y empírica, los resultados aportados por las aplicaciones de la escala de prisionización venezolana, así como las variables asociadas a tal fenómeno. Empleando una metodología cuantitativa, con análisis estadístico bi y multivariado de la información tomada de una encuesta por muestreo, aplicada cara a cara a cuatro muestras de reclusos en tres años diferentes (2006, 2007 y 2009), se llegó a resultados que demuestran una validez y confiabilidad aceptable de la escala, la cual indica que en las muestras en estudio se verificaron altos niveles de prisionización, fenómeno que se veía profundizado en aquellos individuos con hábitos de consumo de sustancias ilícitas, antes y durante el encarcelamiento, y en menor medida mediante experiencias previas con la prisión y el sistema de justicia penal. La conclusión apunta a considerar que en el caso venezolano, la prisionización es un fenómeno que depende más del contexto institucional carcelario que de las variables individuales y sociales de los reclusos, y se plantea que el abordaje de dicho fenómeno debe profundizarse y repensarse en estudios que tomen en cuenta el "nuevo" régimen penitenciario venezolano.

Abstract The objective here was to expose and discuss, in the light of both theoretical and empirical, the results contributed through the application of the Venezuelan prisonization scale, as well as of the variables associated with such a phenomenon. By using a quantitative methodology, with a statistical bi and multivariate analysis of information taken from a sampling survey applied face to face four samples of inmates in three different years (2006, 2007 y 2009), results showing acceptable validity and reliability of the scale were reached, this indicating the verification of high levels of prisonization, a phenomenon that was being deepened in individuals with habits of illicit substance consumption prior to and during incarceration, and to a lesser extent through previous experiences with prison and the criminal justice system. The conclusion points to the consideration that, in the Venezuelan case, imprisonment is an occurrence depending rather from the prison institutional context than from inmates' individual and social variables, therefore the approach to this issue should be deepened and rethought in studies able to take into account the "new" Venezuelan penitentiary system.

Resumo O objetivo foi expor e discutir, à luz da revisão teórica e empírica, os resultados apresentados pelas aplicações da escala da prisionização venezuelana, assim como as variáveis associadas a tal fenômeno. Usando uma metodologia quantitativa, com análise estatística bi- e multi-variadou da informação pegada de uma pesquisa por amostra, aplicada cara a cara a quatro amostras de reclusos em três anos diferentes (2006, 2007 e 2009), obtiveram-se os resultados que demonstram uma validez e confiança aceitável da escala, que indica que nas amostras do estudo verificaram-se altos níveis de prisionização, fenômeno que era aprofundado naqueles indivíduos com hábitos do consumo de substâncias ilícitas, antes e durante o aprisionamento, e em menor medida por meio das experiências precedentes com a prisão e do sistema da justiça penal. A conclusão aponta considerar que no caso venezuelano, a prisionização é um fenômeno que dependa mais do contexto institucional da prisão que das variáveis individuais e sociais dos reclusos, e considera que a abordagem deste fenômeno deve ser aprofundado e repensado nos estudos que levem em conta o "novo" regime penitenciário venezuelano.

Impacts of Polution on Health , Prisons , Prisoners , Mental Health