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Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 27(3): 387-400, jul.-set. 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-687882


A proposta deste artigo foi entender a relação entre a estrutura vigente do futebol profissional, que coloca os atletas em um mercado de trabalho restrito, e as práticas de liberdade como forma de posicionamento dos atletas diante da estrutura que, ao mesmo tempo, valida e controla as suas carreiras. Dessa forma, o texto foi estruturado de modo a discutir o Esporte Moderno e o controle que a Federação Internacional de Futebol (FIFA) exerce sobre futebol profissional, a mercadorização e a circulação dos jogadores brasileiros em busca dos mercados futebolísticos no exterior. Por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, as práticas de liberdade foram discutidas a partir de dois episódios envolvendo os jogadores Neymar e Paulo Henrique Ganso, para entender como as suas reivindicações seguem rumos distintos. Como resultado as práticas de liberdade no futebol consistem na ação dos atletas em não se deixarem reduzir à condição de "peça" ou de "mercadoria"...

The purpose of this article was to understand the connection between the current structure of professional football in which athletes are submitted to work at a restricted field, and athletes' freedom to express their opinions facing such structure, that on one hand is responsible for validate their careers, and on the other hand is also responsible for that. Therefore, the text was structured to discuss the Modern Sport and the control that FIFA has done over professional football, the commodification of football players and the movement of Brazilian players abroad in order to find a job in the foreign market. Using a bibliographical research, athletes practices were analyzed taking into account two episodes involving the football players Neymar and Paulo Henrique Ganso, to understand some differences between their claims. The results show that, the practices of freedom in football consist of players action for reducing the status of "piece" or "good"...

Humans , Male , Athletes , Job Market , Practice Management , Soccer
Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 26(3): 431-445, jul.-set. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-649621


Este estudo buscou retratar os efeitos da liderança sobre o funcionamento do grupo; detectar a importância e necessidade de um grupo coeso no futebol profissional; descrever/analisar a relação entre o pesquisador e clube; e apontar as limitações e obstáculos enfrentados durante a pesquisa de campo. De cunho qualitativo e com referencial teórico da psicologia social, sobretudo Kurt Lewin e Pichon-Rivière, este estudo partiu da análise de um grupo de futebol profissional. Dentre as dificuldades encontradas destacam-se: impossibilidade de acesso às situações/locais sugeridos metodologicamente; negativas de entrevistas; rejeição da aplicabilidade do teste de livre escolha. Identificou-se a vontade/necessidade do clube em manter ao pesquisador estas limitações. O vínculo criado e papéis assumidos prejudicaram ainda mais as análises. A percepção da importância da liderança e da coesão do grupo está presente no futebol profissional tendo a liderança situacional e a democrática maior relevância neste contexto específico.

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of leadership on the functioning of the group; detect the importance and necessity of cohesion in a professional team of footballers; describe/analyze the relationship between the researcher and club; and point the limitations and obstacles found during field research. Following the guidelines of qualitative research and having as a theoretical reference the field of social psychology, with emphasis on studies of Kurt Lewin and Pichon-Rivière, this research came from analysis of a professional football club. The main difficulties encountered were: impossibility of access to places or situations suggested as methodology; the denials for interviews; and rejection of the applicability of a free choice test. The bonds created and the roles taken harmed attempts of further analysis. Perception of the importance of leadership and group cohesion is present in professional football, with situational and democratic leadership being more relevant in that specific context.

Parte de mi disertación de maestría, este artículo tiene como objetivo: retratar los efectos de liderazgo sobre el funcionamiento del grupo; detectar la importancia y la necesidad de un grupo cohesionado en el fútbol profesional; describir/analizar la relación entre el investigador y el club; y señalar las limitaciones y los obstáculos enfrentados durante la investigación de campo. De carácter cualitativo y con referencial teórico de la psicología social, en especial de Kurt Lewin y Pichon-Rivière, este estudio se basó en el análisis de un equipo de fútbol profesional. Entre las dificultades encontradas, se pueden destacar: imposibilidad de acceso a situaciones/locales sugeridos metodológicamente; negaciones a las entrevistas; el rechazo a la aplicabilidad del examen de libre elección. Se identificó la voluntad/necesidad del club en mantener tales limitaciones para el investigador. El vínculo creado y las funciones asumidas han dañado aún más los análisis. La percepción de la importancia acerca del liderazgo y de la cohesión del grupo está presente en el fútbol profesional, teniendo el liderazgo situacional y el democrático más grande relevancia en este contexto particular.

Humans , Male , Adult , Leadership , Psychology, Social , Soccer
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-167952


This study was performed to compare nutritional supplementation habits for Korean professional soccer players with those for the non-athletic male adults. Information about prevalence and kinds of supplements taken, information sources, nutrition knowledge were collected. Data were obtained from 53 football players working for Korean professional football clubs and 44 non-athletic males, who answered a list of questionnaires which had been prepared in advance. The prevalence of supplement use in the soccer player group (96%) was strikingly higher than in the nonathletic male group (34%). Vitamins were taken most frequently, followed by red ginseng, multivitamin, Chinese medicine and amino acids supplements in the soccer player group, with each player taking 2.96 kinds of supplements in average. Multivitamin was the most popular supplement in the non-athletic male group. The major reason for taking supplements was not to feel and recover from fatigue in both groups. It appeared that the non-athletic males started to use supplements mostly by recommendation of friends or colleagues. Meanwhile, soccer players took supplements on their needs, with half of them (50.1%) provided with nutrition information. The most important information source was coaches for soccer players group, and mass media for the non-athletic male group. The average scores of soccer players group on basic nutrition and athletic nutrition were lower than the respective values of the non-athletic males. Among the soccer players, 68% had taken more than 3 kinds of supplements during the last year; nonetheless, more than half could not perceive the effectiveness of the supplements. Our results show that supplementation practices were widespread in soccer players, and suggest that nutrition education for proper use of supplements and overall health care is needed for soccer players.

Adult , Humans , Male , Amino Acids , Asian People , Delivery of Health Care , Education , Fatigue , Football , Friends , Mass Media , Panax , Prevalence , Soccer , Sports , Vitamins