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Medicina (B.Aires) ; 84(2): 206-220, jun. 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564775


Abstract Introduction : Chia and flax seeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is bioconverted into the active derivatives eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and doco sahexaenoic (DHA) having multiple beneficial effects. However, there is limited knowledge about the anti-inflammatory effects of chia and flax integral flours diets rich in ALA. Objective : The study aimed to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of dietary supplementation with integral chia and flax flours in a murine model of LPS-induced systemic inflammation. Methods : Balb/c mice were distributed into three groups: diet A (control), diet B (supplemented with inte gral chia flour), and diet C (supplemented with integral flax flour). Nutritional, hematological, and biochemical determinations were performed. ALA, EPA, and DHA were assessed by GC-MS in the liver, brain, cardiac and skeletal muscles. NF-kB immunoassays were per formed in kidney, liver, and peritoneal macrophages, respectively. The phagocytic capacity was determined in peritoneal macrophages and the expression of the pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines was assessed by RT-qPCR in the kidney, liver, and spleen. Results : Diets B and C exhibited optimal nutritional adequacy and caused increased levels of ALA, EPA, and DHA in critical tissues compared to the control. The phagocytic capacity of murine peritoneal macrophages (p< 0.01) and IL-10 transcription increased, whereas the expression of NF-κB, IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α decreased in animals fed both experimental diets. Conclusions : This work contributes to the current knowledge of the anti-inflammatory effects of chia and flax integral flours rich in ALA and reinforces the health advantages of their consumption.

Resumen Introducción : Las semillas de chía y lino son ricas en ácido alfa-linolénico (ALA), sus derivados activos eico sapentaenoico (EPA) y docosahexaenoico (DHA) ejercen probados efectos beneficiosos. Existe un conocimiento limitado sobre los efectos protectores de ambas semillas bajo la forma de harinas integrales, siendo de particular interés el efecto antiinflamatorio. Objetivo : El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto antiinflamatorio de la suplementación dietaria con harinas integrales de semillas de chía y lino en un modelo murino de inflamación sistémica inducido por LPS. Métodos : Ratones de la cepa Balb/c fueron distribui dos en tres grupos: dieta A (control), dieta B (suplemen tada con harina integral de chía) y dieta C (suplementa da con harina integral de lino). Se efecturaron determi naciones nutricionales, hematológicas y bioquímicas. El contenido de ALA, EPA y DHA en hígado, cerebro, corazón y músculo esquelético se determinó por cromatografía GC-MS. Se realizó la inmunodetección de NF-kB en macrófagos peritoneales, riñón e hígado. Se determinó la capacidad fagocítica de macrófagos peritoneales y se evaluó la expresión de citoquinas pro y antiinflamatorias por RT-qPCR en riñón, hígado y bazo. Resultados : Las dietas B y C mostraron una adecua ción nutricional óptima y generaron niveles elevados de ALA, EPA y DHA en tejidos críticos. La capacidad fagocítica de los macrófagos peritoneales (p< 0.01) y la transcripción de IL-10 aumentó, mientras que la expre sión de NF-κB, IL-1β, IL-6 y TNF-α disminuyó en animales de los grupos B y C. Conclusiones : Este trabajo contribuye al conocimien to actual de los efectos antiinflamatorios de ambas hari nas integrales y refuerza los beneficios de su consumo.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 194-203, mayo 29, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566709


Introduction: Natural products are an option to be used in different conditions in the oral cavity, such as Camellia sinensis, which due to its different properties would be beneficial in the erosion of the dental surface. Objetive: Determinar el efecto del extracto de Camellia sinensis (C. sinensis) adicionado con flúor frente a la acción erosiva de ácidos no bacterianos en la superficie de la dentina humana. Materials and Methods: Quasi-experimental, prospective, longitudinal, and in vitro study, consisting of 50 samples of human dentin, which were classified into 5 study groups: distilled water, hydrochloric acid, 2% C. sinensis extract, sodium fluoride. 2% and 2% C. sinensis extract added with 2% sodium fluoride. The surface roughness of each sample was evaluated with the SRT6200 digital roughness meter, obtaining a total average roughness and the measurements were carried out in two moments. Results: It was observed that the 2% C. sinensis extract, the 2% sodium fluoride, and the C. sinensis extract added with 2% sodium fluoride, showed a variation in surface roughness between before and after, which was not significant (p<0.05) in all cases. It should be noted that the C. sinensis plus sodium fluoride group is the one that obtained the best variation in the mean surface roughness than the other groups studied. Conclusions: The 2% C. sinensis extract, 2% sodium fluoride, and the combination of both compounds demonstrated an inhibitory effect against the erosive action of hydrochloric acid (0.01 M) on the dentin surface, not presenting a statistically significant difference in the results.

Introducción: Los productos naturales son una opción para ser usados en diferentes afecciones en la cavidad bucal, como lo podría ser la Camellia sinensis, que por sus diferentes propiedades sería de beneficio en la erosión de la superficie dental. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto del extracto de Camellia sinensis (C. sinensis) adicionado con flúor frente a la acción erosiva de ácidos no bacterianos en la superficie de la dentina humana. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio cuasi experimental, prospectivo, longitudinal ein vitro, constituido por 50 muestras de dentina de dientes permanentes, que se clasificaron en 5 grupos de estudio: Agua destilada, ácido clorhídrico, extracto de C. sinensis a 2%, fluoruro de sodio al 2% y extracto de C. sinensisa 2% adicionado con fluoruro de sodio al 2%. Se evaluó la rugosidad superficial de cada muestra con el rugosímetro digital SRT6200, obteniéndose una rugosidad media total y se realizaron las mediciones en dos momentos. Resultado: Se observó que el extracto de C. sinensisal 2%, el fluoruro de sodio al 2% y el extracto de C. sinensis adicionado con fluoruro de sodio al 2%, presentaron una variación de la rugosidad superficial entre el antes y el después, no siendo esta significativa (p<0.05) en todos los casos. Cabe resaltar que el grupo C. sinensis más fluoruro de sodio, es el que obtuvo una mejor variación de la media de rugosidad superficial, que los otros grupos estudiados. Conclusión: El extracto de C. sinensisal 2%, el fluoruro de sodio al 2% y la combinación de ambos compuestos demostraron un efecto inhibitorio frente a la acción erosiva del ácido clorhídrico (0,01 M) en la superficie de dentina, no presentando una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en los resultados.

Humans , Tooth Erosion/therapy , Dentin/anatomy & histology , Fluorine/therapeutic use , Acids
Natal; s.n; 23 maio 2024. 47 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566324


Introdução: A cárie dentária ainda se constitui um problema de saúde pública. Áreas adjacentes a restaurações são frequentemente acometidas por cárie. Por mais que as resinas compostas estejam sendo estudadas e melhoradas, ainda não apresentam atividade antimicrobiana. As cascas da romã (Punica Granatum) são um recurso potencial para compostos bioativos como fenólicos, proantocianidinas e flavonoides, além de apresentarem atividade antioxidante e efeito inibitório contra bactérias Gram-negativas e Gram-positivas. Objetivo: modificar a resina composta Opus Bulk Fill Flow (FGM®) com o extrato acetônico da casca da romã em diferentes concentrações e avaliar a rugosidade da superfície e mudança de cor. Metodologia: foi realizada a extração de 5g de casca da romã utilizando 100mL de solvente acetona 70%. Após rotaevaporação, filtragem e liofilização do extrato, este foi macerado, peneirado e pesado em concentrações diferentes a partir da concentração inibitória mínima capaz de inibir o crescimento de Streptococcus mutans ATCC 700610. A resina composta Opus Bulk Fill Flow foi modificada com esse extrato em diferentes concentrações de forma a gerar 5 grupos: Controle 0 µg (n=10), G930 µg (n=10), G1860 µg (n=10), G3730 µg (n=10) e G7460 µg (n=10). Rugosidade (Ra), diferença de cor (ΔE00) e índice de brancura (WID) foram submetidos aos testes de normalidade. Os dados não-paramétricos de Ra foram submetidos ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis com pós-teste de Dunn e os dados paramétricos do ΔE00 e WID foram submetidos ao teste ANOVA 1 Fator com pósteste de Tukey por meio do software GraphPad Prism 8 e Microsoft Excel 2019. Resultados: Verificou-se que a média do índice de brancura (WID) diminuiu conforme o aumento da concentração do extrato na resina modificada (p<0,05), assim como, as resinas modificadas se tornaram, visivelmente a olho nu, um pouco mais amareladas. Após 1 mês, as amostras dos grupos experimentais sofreram a mesma variação de cor (ΔE00) que o grupo controle, uma vez que os valores das médias foram semelhantes. Portanto, todos os grupos apresentaram estabilidade de cor. A rugosidade superficial (Ra) não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significativa (p>0,05). Todos os grupos apresentaram médias com valores similares a 0,06µm. Conclusão: A alteração de cor na resina, com a inserção do extrato, ainda na maior concentração, se manteve na classificação do matiz A. O que não afeta as propriedades organolépticas e pode ser considerada uma cor similar à cor dos dentes naturais. A adição do extrato na resina manteve a rugosidade superficial de todos os grupos dentro do valor ideal, prevenindo a adesão de biofilmes e microrganismos e proporcionando conforto ao toque da língua (AU).

Introduction: Dental caries still constitutes a public health problem. Areas adjacent to restorations are often affected by caries. Even though resin composites are being studied and improved, they still do not have antimicrobial activity. Pomegranate peels (Punica Granatum) are a potential resource for bioactive compounds such as phenolics, proanthocyanidins and flavonoids, in addition to presenting antioxidant activity and inhibitory effects against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Objective: to modify the Opus Bulk Fill Flow (FGM™) resin composite with the acetone extract of pomegranate peel in different concentrations and evaluate the surface roughness, and color change. Methodology: 5g of pomegranate peel was extracted using 100mL of 70% acetone solvent. After rotary evaporation, filtering and lyophilization of the extract, it was macerated, sieved and weighed at different concentrations based on the minimum inhibitory concentration capable of inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans ATCC 700610. The Opus Bulk Fill Flow resin composite was modified with this extract in different concentrations to generate 5 groups: Control 0 µg (n=10), G930 µg (n=10), G1860 µg (n=10), G3730 µg (n=10) e G7460 µg (n=10). Roughness (Ra) and color difference (ΔE00) were subjected to normality tests and non-parametric data were subjected to the Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn's post-test using GraphPad Prism 8 and Microsoft Excel 2019 software. Results: It was found that the average whiteness index (WID) decreased as the concentration of the extract in the modified resin increased (p<0.05), as well as the modified resins became, visibly to the naked eye, a little more yellowish. After 1 month, samples from the experimental groups suffered the same color variation (ΔE00) as the control group, since the average values were similar. Therefore, all groups showed color stability. Surface roughness (Ra) did not show a statistically significant difference (p>0.05). All groups presented average values similar to 0.06µm. Conclusion: The color change in the resin, with the insertion of the extract, even at the highest concentration, remained in the classification of hue A. This does not affect the organoleptic properties and can be considered a color similar to the color of natural teeth. The addition of the extract to the resin composite maintained the surface roughness of all groups within the ideal value, preventing the adhesion of biofilms and microorganisms and providing comfort to the touch of the tongue (AU).

Colorimetry/methods , Composite Resins , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Pomegranate , Surface Properties , In Vitro Techniques , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric
Ter. psicol ; 42(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565920


En la Psicoterapia Gestalt, los asuntos inconclusos son concebidos como un conjunto de experiencias del pasado que interrumpen el presente con el fin de lograr su cierre o culminación. Se buscó desarrollar la Escala de Asuntos Inconclusos y evaluar sus propiedades psicométricas. El instrumento fue administrado a 247 universitarios de Lima, de ambos sexos y de edades entre 18 a 30 años. Como evidencias de validez se reportan las de contenido, estructura interna y relación con otras variables. Los jueces opinaron que el instrumento mide asuntos inconclusos y contribuyeron a precisar los ítems. El análisis factorial confirmatorio halló excelentes valores de ajuste para un modelo unidimensional de siete ítems, el cual se relaciona de manera directa con conductas rumiativas (reproches y reflexión) e inversa con satisfacción con la vida. Asimismo, se encontró un nivel adecuado de confiablidad por consistencia interna. Se discute el valor teórico de los hallazgos, se reconocen las limitaciones y se recomienda el uso del instrumento en investigaciones y en la práctica profesional.

In Gestalt Psychotherapy, unfinished business is conceived as a set of past experiences that interrupt the present in order to achieve closure or completion. We sought to develop the Unfinished Business Scale and to evaluate its psychometric properties. The instrument was administered to 247 university students in Lima, of both sexes and ages between 18 to 30 years old. As evidence of validity, the content, internal structure and relationship with other variables are reported. The judges were of the opinion that the instrument measures unfinished situations and they contributed to specify the items. The confirmatory factor analysis found excellent adjustment values for a one-dimensional model of seven items, which is directly related to ruminative behaviors (reproaches and reflection) and inverse with life satisfaction. Likewise, an acceptable level of reliability was found for internal consistency. The theoretical value of the findings is discussed; limitations are recognized and the use of the test in research and professional practice is recommended.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023775


Objective To study the mechanical properties of titanium mesh and three-dimensional(3D)-printed metal vertebral body substitutes(VBS)to provide guidance for the selection and structural optimization of artificial vertebral implants in clinical practice.Methods The equivalent elastic modulus,equivalent yield strength,and structural failure mode of titanium mesh and 3D-printed porous,truss,and topologically optimized VBS were systematically investigated using compression tests.Results The elastic modulus of the titanium mesh(2 908.73±287.39 MPa)was only lower than that of the topologically optimized VBS.However,their structural strengths and stabilities were inadequate.The yield strength of the titanium mesh(46.61±4.85 MPa)was only higher than that of the porous VBS and it was the first to yield during compression.The porous VBS was insufficient for use as the vertebral implant owing to its poor mechanical strength(18.14±0.17 MPa-25.79±0.40 MPa).The truss VBS had good elastic modulus(2 477.86±55.19 MPa-2 620.08±194.36 MPa)and strength(77.61±0.50 MPa-88.42±1.07 MPa).However,the structural stability of the truss VBS was insufficient,and instability occurred easily during compression.The topologically optimized VBS had the highest elastic modulus(3 746.28±183.80 MPa)and yield strength(177.43±3.82 MPa)among all the tested VBS types,which could provide improved security and stability for artificial vertebral implant in vivo services.Conclusions Topology optimization results in a high strength and high stability VBS design.Moreover,it provides a large design space and great safety margin to provide increased possibilities for lightweight and new material design of future artificial vertebral implants.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024507


Objective To explore the content and the psychometric properties of assessment tools used for evaluating functioning and adaptive behavior in school-age children with intellectual and developmental disabilities within educational settings. Methods The most used assessment tools included Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales(VABS),Supports Intensity Scale for Children(SIS-C),Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire(SDQ)and Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised(RBS-R),for assessing functioning and adaptive behavior children with intellectual and developmental disabili-ties.Employing the framework and methods of the International Classification of Functioning,Disability,and Health(ICF),this research encoded and categorized the assessment dimensions and items of the four tools,and explored their psychometric properties. Results VABS's assessment content was solely focused on activities and participation,including speaking(d330),con-versation(d350),toileting(d530),eating(d550),drinking(d560),basic interpersonal interactions(d710),com-plex interpersonal interactions(d720),changing and maintaining body positions(d410-d429),carrying,moving and handing objects(d430-d449),and walking and moving(d450-d469).SIS-C assessed activities and participa-tion,and environmental factors,including washing oneself(d510),caring for body parts(d520),community life(d910),using transportation(d470),school education(d820),basic learning(d130-d159),looking after one's health(d570),basic interpersonal interactions(d710),and products and technology for education(e130).SDQ fo-cused on body functions,and activities and participation,including emotional functions(b152),global psychoso-cial functions(b122),attention functions(b140),and basic interpersonal interactions(d710).RBS-R focused on body functions,and activities and participation,including involuntary movement reaction functions(b755),invol-untary movement functions(b765),looking after one's health(d570),energy and drive functions(b130),under-taking a single task(d210),carrying out daily routine(d230),attention functions(b140),and handling stress and other psychological demands(d240).VABS was characterized by good specificity and excellent sensitivity.SIS-C demonstrated very good internal consistency,reliability and validity.SDQ was good in internal consistency,with excellent credibility and validity.RBS-R showed good internal consistency,reliability and validity. Conclusion SDQ and RBS-R cover both body functions,and activities and participation,SIS-C covers activity and par-ticipation,and environmental factors,while VABS solely assesses activities and participation.In terms of body functions,the assessment items primarily focus on mental functions(b130-b189)and movement functions(b750-b799).For activities and participation,the tools assess content across eight domains of functioning.Regarding en-vironmental factors,the assessment content mainly includes products and technology for education(e130),as well as design,construction and building products and technology of buildings for public use(e150).VABS,SIS-C,SDQ,and RBS-R are all norm-referenced measures,with moderate to excellent internal consistency,and good to excellent reliability and validity.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028727


AIM To study the extraction process,enzymatic properties and practical application of glucuronic hydrolase in Scutellaria baicalensis stems and leaves(sbsl GUS).METHODS With granularity,water consumption,extraction time and extraction frequency as influencing factors,enzymatic activity as an evaluation index,the extraction process was optimized by orthogonal test on the basis of single factor test.The relationship between substrate(baicalin)concentration and enzymolysis rate,after which Vmax and Km were calculated,the effects of pH value,temperature and metal ion on enzymatic activity were investigated,pH stability and heat stability were evaluated.sbsl GUS was adotped in the enzymolysis of baicalin to prepare baicalein,then the effects of pH value,temperature,reaction time,initial substrate concentration and enzyme addition on transfer rate were investigated.RESULTS The optimal extraction process was determined to be 40 mesh for granularity,10 times for water consumption,15 min for extraction time,and 3 times for extraction frequency.The enzymolysis accorded with the kinetics of enzymatic reaction,Km was 0.006 3 mol/L,Vmax was 70.42 μmol/h,the strongest enzymatic activity was found at the pH value of 6.0,temperature of 45℃and metal ion of 100 mmol/L Cu2+,sbsl GUS demonstrated good stability at the ranges of 4.0-7.0 for pH value and 4-30℃for temperature.The optimal preparation process was determined to be 6.0 for pH value,45℃for temperature,more than 12 h for reaction time,67.2 mmol/L for initial substrate concentration,and 1 mL/0.269 mmol baicalin for enzyme addition,the transfer rate was 97.83%.CONCLUSION sbsl GUS enzymolysis exhibits high efficiency and mild condition,which can provide a simple preparation method for obtaining baicalein,and expand the application path of Scutellaria baicalensis stems and leaves.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030552


@#This paper provides a comprehensive review of the antibacterial properties of three different types of Malaysian honey, namely kelulut, tualang and acacia, in preventing wound infecting bacteria. The antibacterial activity of these honey is mainly attributed to the physicochemical and phytochemical, which have been shown to be effective against a broad range of bacterial pathogens. This review discusses the effectiveness of honey in inhibiting the growth of various wound-infecting bacteria, factors that contributed to the antibacterial properties of the honey, mechanisms of action of honey in inhibiting bacterial growth and their potential for future use in clinical practice. The findings of this review suggest that Malaysian honey has the potential to be used as an alternative and complementary therapy to conventional antibiotics in the prevention and treatment of wound infections.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032011


Objective@#To investigate the physicochemical and biological properties of a new calcium sulfate-based root canal sealer for deciduous teeth containing calcium sulfate hemihydrate, barium sulfate, chlorhexidine acetate, and polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG 400).@*Methods@#This study was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee. The calcium sulfate hemihydrate and barium sulfate powders with different mass percentages were mixed with liquid PEG 400 at a powder-to-liquid ratio of 3∶1, and chlorhexidine acetate was added to a concentration of 0.2 mg/mL according to the volume of PEG 400. The above materials were mechanically ground at 250 r/min for 24 h to obtain a calcium sulfate-based root canal sealer for deciduous teeth. The sealer was classified into different groups according to mass percentages of components. The mass percentages of components were optimized by performing time, fluidity, and radiopacity experiments, and then the pH, mass loss in vitro, and microscopic morphology of the optimal sealer were evaluated. The antimicrobial properties of the sealer were evaluated by a bacterial-material cocultivation method. The cytocompatibility of the sealer was evaluated by a CCK-8 assay and cytomorphological staining, and its biocompatibility was evaluated by a subcutaneous tissue embedding assay.@*Results@#After optimization, mass percentage of calcium sulfate hemihydrate was 80 wt%, and the mass percentage of barium sulfate was 20 wt%. The flowability and radiopacity of the sealer were in accordance with international standards. The pH stabilized between 6-7. On the 7th and 14th days, the pH in the water group was significantly greater than that in the PBS group (P<0.001), although the pH in both groups gradually increased (P>0.05). In vitro degradation experiments, the mass loss of the sealer was approximately 15.17% during the preimmersion period, and rate of mass loss decreased after 3 weeks, reaching only approximately 8.33%. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that the main component of the sealer after hydration was calcium sulfate dehydrate. In bacterial growth assays and cytological tests, the sealer showed significant inhibition of the growth of E. faecalis (P<0.001). After 1 and 4 days of culture, the cell viability in the 1∶10 and 1∶20 sealer extract dilution group was lower than that in the control group (P<0.05). On the 7th day, the 1∶20 sealer extract dilution had no significant effect on cell proliferation (P>0.05). Both the sealer group and the control group (Vitapex and zinc oxide eugenol) caused mild inflammatory reactions in tissue sections.@*Conclusion@#In this study, a new type of root canal sealer for deciduous teeth was designed based on calcium sulfate, which has good physicochemical properties and strong antibacterial properties and meets biocompatibility requirements. This study provides an idea for the development of a new type of root canal sealer for deciduous teeth.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 5-13, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032128


Background@#Even though innumerable quality of life (QOL) questionnaires have been developed in palliative care, there is no gold standard assessment tool for QOL and no single questionnaire that fits all purposes and individuals. An important challenge to QOL assessments in palliative care is the highly diverse patient population with different diagnoses, disease states/prognosis, and languages. In an outpatient palliative care clinic population, FACIT-Pal-14 proved to be a valid and reliable scale in palliative care patients.@*Objectives@#We aimed to (i) determine the psychometric properties of the Tagalog version of the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Palliative Care – 14 (FACIT-Pal-14) and (ii) measure the Quality of Life (QOL) of Filipino cancer patients.@*Methods@#This was a cross-sectional study. License for the use of the Tagalog version 4 of the FACIT-Pal-14 was requested from To know the psychometric properties of the scales, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to assess reliability, and exploratory factor analysis, Pearson correlations, and independent samples T-test were used to determine validity.@*Results@#The Tagalog FACIT-Pal-14 was administered to 500 Filipino cancer patients consulting at the outpatient department of a training and regional medical center. The participants were mostly female (65.5%), aged 64 years and younger (82.6%), and had breast cancer (53.2%), colorectal cancer (19.2%), and lung cancer (9.4%). The mean Tagalog FACIT-Pal-14 score was 47.35 out of 56 (SD=7.14). The Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the Tagalog version of FACIT-Pal-14 was 0.784. Significantly lower mean Tagalog FACIT-Pal-14 scores were found in patients with Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) 70 and lower, and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status (ECOG-PS) 2 and above compared with patients with KPS 80 and higher and ECOG-PS 0-1. (t=3.439, p<.001). While the Tagalog FACIT-Pal-14 scores, KPS, and ECOG scores only revealed a very weak, positive correlation (r=0.095; p <0.05), this ability to distinguish between groups known to differ regarding performance status showed the construct validity of the Tagalog FACIT-Pal-14.@*Conclusions@#In an outpatient oncology clinic population, the FACIT-Pal 14 showed evidence of reliability and construct validity for evaluating palliative care-specific QOL in Filipino cancer patients. Using this measure, Filipino cancer patients have a good QOL. Therefore, it is recommended that the Tagalog FACIT-Pal-14 be used on subsequent patient follow-ups to assess how their QOL would change over time so that the palliative care services provided will be suited to their needs.

Quality of Life
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017307


Objective:To analyze the influence of forming direction on the surface characteristics,elastic modulus,bending strength and fracture toughness of printed parts and the relationship between forming direction and force direction,and to provide scientific basis and guidance for the clinical applica-tion of oral denture base resin materials.Methods:The 3D printing technology was used to print denture base resin samples.The shape and size of the samples referred to the current standard for testing conven-tional denture base materials.The samples used for physical performance testing were cylindrical(with a diameter of 15 mm and a thickness of 1 mm)and printed at different angles along the Z axis(0°,45°,90°).Scanning electron microscope was used to observe the microscopic topography of the different sam-ples.The color stability of different samples was observed by color stabilizer.The surface roughness of the samples was analyzed by using surface roughness tester.The Vickers hardness was measured to ana-lyze the hardness of the samples.The samples used for mechanical performance testing were rectangular(elastic modulus and bending strength:A length of 64 mm,a width of 10 mm,and a height of 3.3 mm;fracture toughness:A length of 39 mm,a width of 8 mm,and a height of 4 mm),divided into two groups:W group and H group.The W group was printed from the bottom up along the Z axis with the length × width as the bottom surface parallel to the X,Y axis plane,while the H group printed from the bottom up along the Z axis with the length × height as the bottom surface parallel to the X,Y axis plane.The forming angles of both groups were equally divided into 0°,45°,and 90°.The elastic modulus,bending strength and fracture toughness of different samples were studied through universal mechanical testing machine.SPSS 22.0 software was used for statistical analysis.Results:The microscopic topogra-phy and roughness of different samples were closely related to the printing direction,with significant differences between the 0°,45°,and 90° specimens.The 0° specimens had the smoothest surface(roughness<1 μm).The surface of the 45 ° specimen was the roughest(roughness>3 μm).The microhardness of the 0° sample was the best[(196.13±0.20)MPa],with a significant difference com-pared with the 90° sample[(186.62±4.81)MPa,P<0.05].The mechanical properties of different samples were also closely related to the printing direction.The elastic modulus,bending strength,and fracture toughness of the 45° samples in the W group were the highest compared with the other groups.The results of elastic modulus showed that in the H group,the 45° specimens had the highest elastic mo-dulus,which was significantly different from the 0° and 90° specimens(P<0.05).The elastic modulus of 0° and 45° specimens in the W group were higher than those in 90° specimens(P<0.05).The bending strength results showed that there was no significant difference between the specimens from dif-ferent angles in the H group.The bending strength of the 90° specimens in the W group was the smallest,and there was a significant difference between 90° and the 0° and 45° specimens(P<0.05);And the bendind strength of the 0° and 45° specimens in the W group was significantly higher than that of the 0° and 45° specimens in the H group(P<0.05).The fracture toughness results showed that the fracture toughness of the H group specimens was lower than 1.9 MPa m1/2,which was specified in the denture base standard.The 45° samples in the W group were the highest,with significant differences compared with the 0° and 90° samples(P<0.05).And the 90° samples of the W group specimens were lower than 1.9 MPa m1/2.And the fracture toughness of the 45° specimen in the W group was significantly higher than that of all the specimens in the H group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The 0° samples had rela-tively better physical properties.The 45° samples had the best mechanical properties.But the fracture toughness of specimens(H group and 90° samples of W group)did not yet meet clinical requirements.That indicated that the characteristics of the 3D printing denture base resin were affected by the printing direction.Only when the performance of the printed samples in all directions met the minimum require-ments of the standard,they could be used in clinical practice.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036252


Yuhuanglian is one of the representative processed products to change the medicinal properties of Coptidis Rhizoma, which was first published in Hanshi Yitong. Its processing method is to mix Evodiae Fructus juice with Coptidis Rhizoma with stir-frying for drying, that is, Coptidis Rhizoma processed with Evodiae Fructus juice can reduce the bitterness and cold properties on the basis of retaining the effect of purging fire and detoxification, so that Yuhuanglian is cold but not stagnant, which can clear dampness-heat in Qifen, and is effective in treating the liver-qi invading stomach, vomiting and swallowing acid. As a representative variety of processing with medicine juice, Yuhuanglian is included in the 2020 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia and local processing standards, and its processing technology research and optimization has been attracting much attention. Modern studies have shown that Yuhuanglian not only contains berberine, jatrorrhizine, palmatine and other components, but also contains evodiamine, rutaecarpine, limonin and other components from Evodiae Fructus, which have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-tumor and other pharmacological activities. This paper collated and summarized the related research reports of Yuhuanglian in the past 20 years from the perspectives of processing history, efficacy and medicinal properties, quality evaluation and clinical application, and found that the processing methods and standards of Yuhuanglian were quite different in different provinces and cities, mainly involving the preparation and dosage of Evodiae Fructus juice and the criteria for the processing end point. In addition, the changes in the major components of Yuhuanglian before and after processing varied greatly among different studies, presumably related to the different processes and quality standards, this paper summarized the processing history, technology, pharmacodynamics, quality evaluation and clinical application of Yuhuanglian, in order to provide reference for improving its quality evaluation system.

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 421-432, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011246


A biosynthetic gene cluster for the bioactive fungal sesterterpenoids variecolin ( 1) and variecolactone ( 2) was identified in Aspergillus aculeatus ATCC 16872. Heterologous production of 1 and 2 was achieved in Aspergillus oryzae by expressing the sesterterpene synthase VrcA and the cytochrome P450 VrcB. Intriguingly, the replacement of VrcB with homologous P450s from other fungal terpenoid pathways yielded three new variecolin analogues ( 5- 7). Analysis of the compounds' anticancer activity in vitro and in vivo revealed that although 5 and 1 had comparable activities, 5 was associated with significantly reduced toxic side effects in cancer-bearing mice, indicating its potentially broader therapeutic window. Our study describes the first tests of variecolin and its analogues in animals and demonstrates the utility of synthetic biology for creating molecules with improved biological activities.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013094


@#As the main means of mastication, teeth can withstand countless functional contacts. The mechanical properties of teeth are closely related to their tissue structure. Enamel and dentin have a high hardness and modulus of elasticity, and their graded structure allows them to withstand bite forces without being susceptible to fracture. When tooth tissue is defective, full crown restoration is often needed to restore the normal shape and function of the tooth. Metal materials, ceramic materials, and polyetheretherketone (PEEK) materials are commonly used for crown restoration. Metal materials have certain disadvantages in terms of aesthetics and are relatively rarely used in clinical practice. Ceramic materials with different compositions exhibit differences in performance and aesthetics, but their elastic modulus and hardness are much higher than those of dental tissue, resulting in mismatching mechanical properties. In contrast, the elastic modulus of PEEK is lower than that of tooth tissue and similar to that of bone tissue, but its properties can be improved by fiber reinforcement. Notably, when the mechanical properties of a restoration material and tooth tissue are not fully matched, the interface between them often forms a potential weak link, which ultimately affects the stability and long-term effect of the restoration. This article introduces the mechanical properties and corresponding structural characteristics of enamel and dentin. On this basis, the advantages and limitations of existing restoration materials are analyzed, and the possibility of biomimetic design of full crowns is further explored.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016471


ObjectiveTo investigate the correlation among the botanical characteristics, biological characteristics, chemical composition, and medicinal properties and efficacy of traditional Chinese medicines (TCM) from latex-containing plants, so as to strengthen the theory of "identifying symptoms for qualities" and provide a reference for the development and utilization of the latex-containing plant resources. MethodStatistics on the meridians for properties and tastes, efficacy, medicinal parts, family and genus, and chemical components of TCM from latex-containing plants were carried out. A total of 53 TCM from latex-containing plants included in the 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia were screened by mining the Chinese Botanical Journal, Chinese Materia Medica, Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicines, and related literature. In addition, their meridians for properties and tastes, medicinal parts, chemical components, and TCM classifications were summarized and statistically analyzed by using Excel 2013 and ChiPlot 2023.3.31 software. ResultIt was found that latex-containing plants were mainly distributed in one kingdom, one phylum, two classes, and 20 families, and most of the TCM from latex-containing plants belonged to Dicotyledonaceae under Angiosperms. In terms of properties and tastes, plain>cold>warm>cool>hot and bitter>pungent>sweet>sour>salty. In terms of meridians, liver>lung>kidney>spleen=large intestine=stomach>heart>bladder=gallbladder=small intestines. In terms of medicinal parts, roots (root, rhizomes, tuberous root, and root bark)>resin>seed>whole herb (whole herb and above-ground part)>stem (stem and branch)>fruit>leaf>flower=skin. In terms of research on chemical components, they were mostly glycosides. In terms of TCM classification, they were mostly medicines for activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. ConclusionThe TCM from latex-containing plants is mainly plain, with a uniform warm and cold distribution. The tastes are mainly bitter and pungent, and the major meridians are the liver and lung. The roots and resins are mainly used as medicines. The components mostly contain glycosides, alkaloids, and volatile oils, and most of them are medicines for activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, as well as for removing heat and toxins. There is a certain degree of correlation among the growth habits, medicinal parts, chemical components, and the properties, tastes, and efficacy of the TCM from latex-containing plants. It may provide a reference for resource development and utilization of TCM from latex-containing plants.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003449


@#Periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) have the potential for multidirectional differentiation and are the preferred seed cells for periodontal tissue regeneration. In recent years, a large number of studies have confirmed that PDLSCs also possess broad immunomodulatory properties. Therefore, in-depth exploration of their specific molecular mechanisms is of great significance for the treatment of periodontitis. The aim of this paper is to summarize the research progress on the regulation of PDLSCs on various immune cells and the effect of the inflammatory environment on the immune characteristics of PDLSCs to provide an important theoretical basis for the allotransplantation of PDLSCs and improve the therapeutic effect of periodontal tissue regeneration. Studies have shown that PDLSCs possess a certain degree of immunosuppressive effect on both innate and acquired immune cells, and inflammatory stimulation may lead to the impairment of the immunoregulatory properties of PDLSCs. However, current studies are mainly limited to in vitro cell tests and lack in-depth studies on the immunomodulatory effects of PDLSCs in vivo. In vivo studies based on cell lineage tracing and conditional gene knockout technology may become the main directions for future research.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006567


ObjectiveTo explore the interaction among root fungi of Stellaria dichotoma var. lanceolata, soil factors, and main components of medicinal materials in lithosol habitats. MethodHigh-throughput sequencing technology was employed to determine the fungal community of the root system of S. dichotoma var. lanceolata at different levels (bulk soil, rhizosphere soil, rhizoplane soil, and root interior) and the soil properties of the root system (bulk and rhizosphere), and the relationship among the fungal community, soil properties, and the main components of medicinal materials was analyzed. ResultThe total phosphorus, available phosphorus, alkaline nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon, and soil water content in the rhizosphere soil of S. dichotoma var. lanceolata were slightly higher than those in the rhizosphere, but the difference was not significant. Ascomycota is the dominant phylum of root fungi in S. dichotoma var. lanceolata. In the progressive level of bulk-rhizosphere-rhizoplane-root interior system, although the fungal diversity gradually decreased, the abundance of Hypocreales, a new phylum (unclassified_ k_ Fungi), Helotiales, and Natipusilales gradually increased, among which Hypocreales is the most important fungal group in the root system of S. dichotoma var. lanceolata. The structural equation model (SEM) shows that the physicochemical factors of the root-soil play an important regulatory role in the fungal community and the main components of medicinal herbs, with soil total nitrogen, alkaline nitrogen, soil water content, and pH being the main regulatory factors. Soil nitrogen content is the key to promoting the main components of the medicinal herbs, and Penicillium fungi are the key fungal group to regulate the main components of the medicinal herbs. ConclusionIt highlights that the physicochemical properties of the soil of S. dichotoma var. lanceolata play a crucial role in the fungal community and the components of medicinal materials. Hypocreales fungi in the root of S. dichotoma var. lanceolata were an important group, and Penicillium fungi had a certain role in mediating the components of medicinal materials.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 37: 3, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558764


Abstract Background Entrapment is the feeling of wanting to leave an unbearable situation but believing that there are no options to do so. An Arabic entrapment Scale will assist healthcare professionals in the region in the prevention of suicide as the tool is tailored to the specific sociocultural context, which would enhance entrapment detection. Objective In the current study, we aim to evaluate the psychometric properties of a translated Arabic version of the Entrapment Scale Short Form (E-SF). Methods Three hundred eighty-nine Lebanese citizens were enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Results The mean age of participants was 23.03 years (SD = 2.93), 69.4% being women. To examine the factor structure of the entrapment scale, we used an exploratory-to-confirmatory factor analysis (EFA-to-CFA) strategy. EFA and CFA results indicated that the fit of the unidimensional model of the Arabic Entrapment Scale (A-ES) was generally acceptable. Composite reliability of scores was adequate in the total sample (ω = .87). All indices suggested that configural, metric, and scalar invariance was supported across genders. Entrapment was positively and significantly correlated with suicidal ideation, alcohol use disorder, psychological distress, and orthorexia nervosa, suggesting convergent and divergent validity. Conclusion The A-ES was found to be a valid and reliable tool to assess the degree of entrapment in Lebanese young adults. The A-ES will assist healthcare professionals in the region in the prevention of suicide as the tool is tailored to the specific sociocultural context, which would enhance entrapment detection.

Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 87(6): e2022, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520244


ABSTRACT Purpose: As digital devices are increasingly used at work, valid and reliable tools are needed to assess their effect on visual health. This study aimed to translate, cross-culturally adapt, and validate the Computer Vision Syndrome Questionnaire (CVS-Q©) into Portuguese. Methods: A 5-phase process was followed: direct translation, synthesis of translation, back-translation, consolidation by an expert committee, and pretest. To run the pretest, a cross-sectional pilot study was conducted with 26 participants who completed the prefinal Portuguese version of the CVS-Q© and were asked about difficulties, comprehensibility, and suggestions to improve the questionnaire. To evaluate the reliability and validity of the Portuguese version of the CVS-Q©, a cross-sectional validation study was performed in a different sample (280 workers). Results: In the pretest, 96.2% had no difficulty in completing it, and 84.0% valued it as clear and understandable. CVS-Q© in Portuguese (Questionário da Síndrome Visual do Computador, CVS-Q PT©) was then obtained. Validation revealed the scale's good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=0.793), good temporal stability (intraclass correlation coefficient=0.847; 95% CI 0.764-0.902, kappa=0.839), adequate sensitivity and specificity (78.5% and 70.7%, respectively), good discriminant capacity (area under the curve=0.832; 95% CI 0.784-0.879), and adequate convergent validity with the ocular surface disease index (Spearman correlation coefficient=0.728, p<0.001). The factor analysis provided a single factor accounting for 37.7% of the explained common variance. A worker who scored ≥7 points would have computer vision syndrome. Conclusions: CVS-Q PT© can be considered an intuitive and easy-to-understand tool with good psychometric properties to measure computer vision syndrome in Portuguese workers exposed to digital devices. This questionnaire will assist in making decisions on preventive measures, interventions, and treatment and comparing exposed populations in different Portuguese-speaking countries.

RESUMO Objetivos: À medida que a utilização de equipamentos digitais no emprego aumenta, a avaliação do seu efeito na saúde visual necessita de ferramentas válidas e robustas. Este estudo teve como objetivo traduzir, adaptar culturalmente e validar para português o Questionário da Síndrome Visual do Computador (CVS-Q©). Métodos: O procedimento foi realizado em 5 fases: tradução direta, síntese da tradução, tradução inversa, consolidação por um painel de especialistas, e pré-teste. Para fazer o pré-teste foi realizado um estudo piloto transversal aplicado a uma amostra de 26 participantes que completaram a versão pré-final da versão portuguesa do CVS-Q©, questionando por dificuldades, compreensão e sugestões de melhoria do questionário. Para avaliar a confiança e validade da versão portuguesa do CVS-Q© foi realizado um estudo transversal de validação em uma amostra diferente (280 funcionários). Resultados: No préteste, 96.2% dos participantes não apresentaram dificuldades no preenchimento do questionário, enquanto 84.0% indicaram que era claro e compreensível. Obteve-se, então, o CVS-Q© em português (Questionário da Síndrome Visual do Computador, CVS-Q PT©). A sua validação revelou uma boa consistência interna da sua escala (Cronbach's alpha=0.793), boa estabilidade tem poral (coeficiente de correlação interclasse=0.847; 95% CI 0.764-0.902, kappa=0.839), sensibilidades e especificidades adequadas (78.5% e 70.7%, respetivamente), boa capacidade de discriminação (área abaixo da curva=0.832; 95% CI 0.784-0.879), e uma adequada validade da convergência com o índice de doença da superfície ocular (ocular surface disease index - OSDI; coeficiente de correlação de Spearman=0.728, p<0.001). A análise fatorial revelou um único fator responsável por explicar a variância comum em 37.7%. Um funcionário com uma pontuação ≥7 pontos sofria de síndrome visual do computador. Conclusão: O CVS-Q PT© pode ser considerada uma ferramenta intuitiva, de fácil interpretação e com boas pro priedades psicométricas para avaliar a síndrome visual do computador em funcionários portugueses expostos a ecrãs digitais. Este questionário facilitará as decisões sobre medidas preventivas, intervenções e tratamento, e a comparação entre as populações expostas em diferentes países de língua portuguesa.

Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol. (Online) ; 27: e230189, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550770


Resumo Objetivos Identificar os instrumentos de avaliação de equilíbrio, quedas e risco de quedas utilizados na DPOC, avaliar suas propriedades de medida, qualidade da evidência e utilidade clínica. Método A revisão foi produzida seguindo as orientações PRISMA e COSMIN, registrada no PROSPERO: CRD42021235118. As pesquisas foram realizadas de novembro de 2021 a setembro de 2022 nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, CINAHL, Embase, Web of Science e PEDro. Estudos observacionais transversais e coorte foram incluídos, sem restrição de idioma ou ano de publicação, desde que descreveram instrumentos clínicos de avaliação do equilíbrio, quedas e risco de quedas reportando no mínimo, uma das propriedades de medida: validade, confiabilidade e responsividade. Dois revisores independentemente aplicaram os critérios de elegibilidade, risco de viés pela COSMIN, qualidade da evidência pela abordagem GRADE e a avaliação da utilidade clínica pela Escala de Tyson e Connell. Resultados 9.102 estudos foram selecionados e 21 incluídos na revisão, nove estudos demonstraram propriedades de medida adequadas e suficientes e 12 instrumentos foram identificados, dos quais seis, foram avaliados quanto a qualidade de evidência. Conclusão Revisões sistemáticas de propriedades de medida requerem revisores especializados e habilidade em análise qualitativa. Com grau de recomendação "A", a Berg Balance Scale (BBS) e o teste Timed Up and Go (TUG) foram os instrumentos mais indicados na DPOC. Ao acrescentar a avaliação da utilidade clínica ao resultado, o TUG demonstra superioridade ao BBS, demostrando ser uma ótima ferramenta para triar indivíduos que necessitem de uma avaliação minuciosa do equilíbrio, quedas e risco de quedas.

Abstract Objectives to identify balance assessment instruments, issues and risks of issues used in COPD, evaluate their measurement properties, quality of evidence and clinical utility. Method A review was produced following the PRISMA and COSMIN guidelines, registered in PROSPERO: CRD42021235118. Searches were carried out from November 2021 to September 2022 in the PubMed, LILACS, CINAHL, Embase, Web of Science and PEDro databases. Cross-sectional and cohort observational studies were included, without restrictions on language or year of publication, as long as they described clinical instruments for assessing balance, falls and risk of falls reporting at least one of the measurement properties: validity, reliability and responsiveness. Two reviewers will independently apply the eligibility criteria, travel risk by COSMIN, quality of evidence by the GRADE approach and assessment of clinical utility by the Tyson and Connell Scale. Results 9,102 studies were selected and 21 included in the review, nine studies demonstrated adequate and sufficient measurement properties and 12 instruments were identified, of which six were evaluated for the quality of evidence. Conclusion Systematic reviews of measurement properties require specialized reviewers and skills in qualitative analysis. With a recommendation GRADE of "A", the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) and the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test were the most recommended instruments for COPD. By requiring the evaluation of the clinical utility of the result, the TUG demonstrates superiority to the BBS, proving to be a great tool for judging individuals who need a thorough assessment of balance, falls and risk of falls.

Humans , Female , Aged , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive , Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies