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Health sci. dis ; 25(2 suppl 1): 18-22, 2024. tables, figures
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1526760


Introduction. Les urgences chirurgicales néonatales (UCN) se manifestent de la naissance au 28e jour de vieet nécéssitent un traitement chirurgical dans un délai court. L'objectif de ce travail est d'identifier les facteurs associés à la mortalité des UCN dans quatre hôpitaux de la ville de Douala.Méthodologie. Nous avons mené une étude transversale analytique avec collecte de données rétrospective sur une période de 10 ans, allant du 1er Janvier 2013 au 31 Décembre 2022 dans 4 hôpitaux de la ville de Douala à savoir: l'Hôpital Général, l'Hôpital Laquintinie, l'Hôpital Gynéco-obstétrique et pédiatrique de Yassa, et l'Hôpital Protestant de Ndogbati. Résultats.Laprévalence hospitalièredes urgences chirurgicales néonatalesétait de6,1%. La tranche d'âge la plus représentée était celle de 2 à 7 jours avec un sex-ratio de 1,7. La mortalité était de 48%avec une majorité de décès en post-opératoire (64,4%).Les déterminants de mortalité sur le plan sociodémographique étaient : l'âge à l'admission inférieur à 8 jours (OR= 1,95 ; P<0,001), le sexe masculin (OR=1,51 ; P=0,002); la moyenne prématurité (OR=0,91 ; P<0,001), le poids de naissance < 2500g (OR= 5,15 ; P=0,009), et le délai d'admission > 2 jours (OR=0,73 ; P<0,001). Sur le plan évolutif, les facteurs de mauvais pronostic étaient : les malformations anorectales (OR=2,23; P< 0,001), l'atrésie de l'œsophage (OR=3,63 ; P=0,001), la présence de complications post opératoires (OR= 3,45 ; P<0,001) et le sepsis (OR= 7,87; P=0,037).ConclusionLa mortalité post opératoire est très élevée. Les facteurs associés sont le long délai diagnostic, la prématurité, les pathologies malformatives digestives et le seps

Introduction.Neonatal surgical emergencies (NSE) occur from birth to the 28th day of life and require surgical treatment within a short timeframe. The objective of this study is to identify factors associated with mortality in NSE in four hospitals in the city of Douala. Methodology.We conducted a cross-sectional analytical study with retrospective data collection over a period of 10 years, from January 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2022, in 4 hospitals in the city of Douala, namely: General Hospital, Laquintinie Hospital, Gynecological-Obstetric and Pediatric Hospital of Yassa, and Protestant Hospital of Ndogbati. Results.The hospital prevalence of neonatal surgical emergencies was 6.1%. The most represented age group was 2 to 7 days with a sex ratio of 1.7. The mortality rate was 48%, with a majority of deaths occurring in the post-operative period (64.4%). Sociodemographic determinants of mortality were: age at admission less than 8 days (OR=1.95; P<0.001), male sex (OR=1.51; P=0.002); moderate prematurity (OR=0.91; P<0.001), birth weight < 2500g (OR=5.15; P=0.009), and admission delay > 2 days (OR=0.73; P<0.001). In terms of progression, factors associated with poor prognosis were: anorectal malformations (OR=2.23; P<0.001), esophageal atresia (OR=3.63; P=0.001), presence of post-operative complications (OR=3.45; P<0.001), and sepsis (OR=7.87; P=0.037). Conclusion Post-operative mortality is very high. Associated factors include delayed diagnosis, prematurity, digestive malformative pathologies, and sepsis.

Surgical Procedures, Operative
Health sci. dis ; 24(2 Suppl 1): 1-5, 2023. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1416703


Introduction. L'accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) est une pathologie fréquente. Le but de l'étude était de décrire les aspects pronostiques des AVC en réanimation. Patients et Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude longitudinale descriptive et analytique, qui s'est déroulée de janvier à avril 2019. Nous avons recruté dans les services de réanimation de trois hôpitaux universitaires de Yaoundé. Etait inclus, tout patient hospitalisé en réanimation pour prise en charge d'un AVC, ayant réalisé un scanner cérébral. Le consentement était obtenu auprès du patient ou d'un parent. Les variables étaient les données sociodémographiques, les données cliniques et pronostiques.Les données étaient analysées à partir du logiciel Epi info 3.5.4 et Microsoft Office Excel 2013. Les proportions étaient comparées par le test de Chi carré ou le test exact de Fisher. Les médianes étaient comparées par le test de MannWhitney. La survie était représentée par une courbe de Kaplan Meier. Résultats. Au total, 34 patients étaient inclus. L'âge moyen était de 59,9±9,7 ans. Le sex-ratio était de 0,7. Le délai moyen d'admission était de 4,5±4,84 jours. L'hypertension artérielle était le facteur de risque dominant (42,5%). Une altération de la conscience était fréquente (73,5%). L'hémiplégie constituait le principal signe neurologique focal. L'AVC hémorragique était retrouvé chez 58,8% des patients. Deux patients étaient intubés (5,88%). Dix-huit décès étaient enregistrés (52,9%). La durée moyenne du séjour était de 21,8±19,4 jours. Les facteurs pronostiques étaient le score de Glasgow <8 (P=0,01), le score de NIHSS≥15 (P=0,001), l'hyperthermie (P=0,04), la présence de trouble de la déglutition à l'entrée (P=0,01) et l'effet de masse au scanner cérébral (P=0,01). Conclusion. Les AVC restent une affection fréquente dans notre pays. La mortalité est élevée.Elle est liée à la gravité clinique et la survenue des complications

Background. Stroke is a frequent pathology. The aim of the study was to describe the clinical, and prognostic aspects of stroke in the intensive care unit (ICU). Patients and Methods. This was a longitudinal descriptive and analytical study, which took place from January to April 2019. We recruited from the intensive care units of three university hospitals in Yaoundé. Any patient hospitalised in the ICU for stroke management who had undergone a brain scan was included. Consent was obtained from the patient or a relative. The variables were socio-demographic data, clinical data, therapeutic data and outcome. Data were analysed using Epi info 3.5.4 and Microsoft Office Excel 2013. Proportions were compared using the Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test. Medians were compared by the Mann-Whitney test. Survival was represented by a Kaplan Meier curve. Results. A total of 34 patients were included. The mean age was 59.9±9.7 years. The sex ratio was 0.7. The mean time to admission was 4.5 days ±4.84. Hypertension was the dominant risk factor (42.5%). Altered consciousness was common (73.5%). Hemiplegia was the main focal neurological sign. Hemorrhagic stroke was found in 58.8% of the patients. All patients received general measures. Two patients were intubated (5.88%). Eighteen deaths were recorded (52.9%). The average length of stay was 21.8±19.4 days. Prognostic factors were Glasgow score <8 (P=0.01), NIHSS score≥15 (P=0.001), hyperthermia (P=0.04), presence of swallowing disorder at admission (P=0.01) and mass effect on brain scan (P=0.01). Conclusion. Stroke remains a frequent condition in our country. Mortality is high. It is related to the clinical severity and the occurrence of complications.

Humans , Male , Female , Disease Management , Stroke , Critical Care , Emergency Medical Services , Inpatients
Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 38(1): 12-15, 2023. tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1427383


Objectifs : Identifier les facteurs de mauvais pronostic des pneumopathies acquises sous ventilation mécanique(PAVM) afin d'améliorer leur prise en charge.Patients et methode : Etude prospective, descriptive et analytique portant sur les patients admis en réanimation du CHU d'Angré du 1er novembre 2019 au 31 juillet 2021 et ayant présenté une PAVM.Resultats : Nous avons colligé 43 patients sur 625 admissions soit 6,88%. L'âge moyen était de 49,06 ans. Le sex ratio était de 0,38. Le principal motif d'admission était le coma avec 88,37%. L'HTA et le diabète étaient les principaux antécédents .Les PAVM précoces représentaient 53,49%. Le Klebsiella pneumoniae était le principal germe. Les patients intubés à l'admission représentaient 79,07%. La durée moyenne de ventilation était de 26,95 jours et la durée moyenne d'hospitalisation était de 30,8140 jours. Une antibiothérapie probabiliste a été réalisée chez 75,76% des patients. La mortalité était de 76,74%. Les facteurs de mortalité étaient une durée de ventilation mécanique supérieure à 15 jours et l'âge supérieur à 50 ans.Conclusion :La mortalité secondaire au PAVM demeure élevée. L'identification des deux facteurs pronostiques devrait améliorer la prise en charge ultérieure de tous nouveaux cas

Objectives: To identify the factors of poor prognosis of ventilator-associated lung disease (VAP) in order to improve their management. Patients and method: Prospective, descriptive and analytical study of patients admitted to intensive care at the Angré University Hospital from November 1, 2019 to July 31, 2021 and having presented VAP.Results: We collected 43 patients out of 625 admissions, i.e. 6.88%. The average age was 49.06 years. The sex ratio was 0.38. The main reason for admission was coma with 88.37%. Hypertension and diabetes were the main antecedents. Early VAP accounted for 53.49%. Klebsiella pneumoniae was the main germ. Patients intubated on admission accounted for 79.07%. The average duration of ventilation was 26.95 days and the average duration of hospitalization was 30.8140 days. Probabilistic antibiotic therapy was performed in 75.76% of patients. Mortality was 76.74%. The mortality factors were duration of mechanical ventilation greater than 15 days and age greater than 50 years.Conclusion:Secondary mortality from VAP remains high. The identification of the two prognostic factors should improve the subsequent management of all new cases.

Humans , Male , Female , Respiration, Artificial , Ventilators, Mechanical , Mortality , Critical Care , Diabetes Mellitus , Klebsiella pneumoniae , Pneumonia , Prognosis , Coma , Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated
Rev. int. sci. méd. (Abidj.) ; 24(2): 115-121, 2022.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1396967


Contexte et objectif : La chirurgie cardiaque est née au XXème siècle. Actuellement elle se pratique à tous les âges, des nouveau-nés aux octogénaires avec la réalisation de milliers d'opérations dans le monde. Les premiers cas de chirurgie du cœur sous circulation extra corporelle (CEC) au Burkina ont eu lieu en 2021 au CHU de Tengandogo. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer la prise en charge de ces patients dans le service d'anesthésie et de réanimation. Méthodes : Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective descriptive et analytique sur une année incluant tous les malades ayant bénéfi cié d'une chirurgie à cœur ouvert au CHU de Tengandogo en 2021. Résultats : Au cours de cette année, 22 malades ont pu bénéfi cier d'une chirurgie du cœur sous CEC. L'âge moyen des patients était de 15,8 ans +/- 7 ans avec des extrêmes de 5 et 30 ans.Les pathologies concernées étaient les cardiopathies congénitales dans 15 cas (68,2%) et les valvulopathies dans 7 cas (31,8%). La circulation extra corporelle a duré en moyenne 89,95 minutes +/- 28,73. Le clampage aortique a duré 55 minutes +/- 20. L'évolution a été favorable chez 21 patients (96,5%) mais défavorable chez un patient portant la mortalité à 4,5%. Conclusion : Les résultats obtenus au cours de cette première année sont encourageants et ouvrent une perspective de développement de cette activité chirurgicale dans notre pays.

Humans , Thoracic Surgery , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation , Critical Care , Anesthesia
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369791


La Parálisis Facial (PF) es una condición infrecuente en pacientes pediátricos, representa un problema clínico relevante y conlleva diversas implicaciones. Tanto el curso natural como el tratamiento y pronóstico no se encuentran bien documentados en la literatura, más aún en sujetos sometidos a cirugía. Se presentan 2 casos de PF sometidos a cirugía reconstructiva, niño de 9 años y niña de 8, ambos casos revisados de forma retrospectiva. Se planteó un bordaje y evaluación kinésica estructurado como tratamiento para estos pacientes. El sistema de graduación facial Sunnybrook (SGFS) fue usado para evaluar resultados funcionales. Durante el seguimiento los sujetos mostraron mejoras continuas con una ganancia promedio de 30 puntos en el SGFS. En nuestra experiencia, la rehabilitación kinésica estructurada con el enfoque presentado, parece ser un coadyuvante efectivo en potenciar el proceso de recuperación de la función muscular y simetría facial en sujetos con PF sometidos a cirugía reconstructiva.

Facial Palsy (FP) is an uncommon condition in pediatric patients, it represents a serious linical problem and carries various implications. Both the natural course, as well as the treatment and prognosis are not well documented in the literature especially in subjects undergoing surgery. Two cases of FP undergoing reconstructive surgery are presented, a 9-year-old boy and an 8-year-old girl, both cases reviewed retrospectively. A structured kinesic approach and valuation was proposed as a treatment for these patients. The Sunnybrook Facial Grading System (SGFS) was applied to evaluate functional outcomes. During follow-up the subjects showed continuous improvement with an average increment of 30 points in the SGFS. In our experience, structured kinesic rehabilitation with the approach presented, seems to be an effective adjunct in enhancing the process of recovery of muscle function and facial symmetry in subjects with FP undergoing reconstructive surgery.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Postoperative Period , Facial Paralysis/rehabilitation , Physical Therapy Modalities , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Recovery of Function
Enferm. univ ; 18(2): 78-90, abr.-jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1375370


RESUMEN Introducción: La neuroprotección farmacológica se utiliza en el período antenatal para ayudar a disminuir el riesgo de parálisis cerebral o disfunciones motoras en el recién nacido (RN). El sulfato de magnesio (MgSO4) es de gran utilidad por los beneficios que proporciona como tocolítico, neuroprotector fetal en prematuros menores a 32 semanas y en el manejo de la preeclampsia. Sin embargo, durante su uso se observaron efectos adversos a dosis dependientes tanto para la madre como para el RN, lo que genera gran importancia para el trabajo del profesional de obstetricia y enfermería. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de reanimación neonatal en prematuros menores de 32 semanas según el uso de neuroprotección con MgSO4. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, realizado en un hospital de Santiago de Chile. Se realizó un muestreo aleatorio simple. Se incluyeron prematuros menores a 32 semanas de edad gestacional con o sin tratamiento de MgSO4 que hayan requerido o no reanimación neonatal. La información fue recogida a partir de fichas clínicas con un instrumento propio. Análisis de los datos por determinación de frecuencias absolutas y relativas de las variables y su comparación directa. Resultados: Del total de los RN que recibieron MgSO4, 61.7 % requirió reanimación neonatal al nacer, de los que no recibieron este neuroprotector, el 52.8 % necesitó reanimación neonatal. Conclusiones: La mayor frecuencia de reanimación neonatal está asociada al uso de la neuroprotección con MgSO4 y ocurre más probablemente en recién nacidos de edad gestacional menor que 32 semanas. Los resultados contribuyen a la toma de decisiones basadas en pruebas.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Diverse drug-related neuroprotections are used during the prenatal period to help reduce the risk of cerebral palsy or motor dysfunctions in the newborn. Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) is useful as a fetal neuroprotector in prematures with less than 32 weeks, as well as in the management of preeclampsia. Nevertheless, some dose-dependent adverse effects both on the mother and the newborn have been reported. This situation is necessarily of concern to the nursing and obstetrics professional. Objective: To determine the frequency of neonatal reanimation en prematures with less than 32 weeks with MgSO4 neuroprotection. Methods: This is a retrospective and observational study conducted in a hospital in Santiago, Chile. Simple random sampling was used. Prematures with less than 32 weeks of gestational age, with or without MgSO4 treatment and who had or had not required neonatal reanimation, were included in the study. Data were collected from clinical records. Absolute and relative frequencies and their direct comparisons were calculated. Results: From the total of newborns who received MgSO4, 61.7% required neonatal reanimation, while from those who did not receive MgSO4, 52.8% required neonatal reanimation. Conclusions: The higher frequency of neonatal reanimation is associated with the received MgSO4 as a neuroprotection with and occurs more likely in neonates with a gestational age less than 32 weeks. The results contribute to evidence-based decision making.

RESUMO Introdução: A neuroproteção farmacológica é utilizada no período pré-natal para ajudar a reduzir o risco de paralisia cerebral ou disfunções motoras no recém-nascido (RN). O sulfato de magnésio (MgSO4) é muito útil devido aos benefícios que proporciona como tocolítico, neuroprotetor fetal em prematuros com menos de 32 semanas e no tratamento da pré-eclâmpsia. Porém, durante seu uso, foram registrados efeitos adversos em doses dependentes tanto para a mãe quanto para o recém-nascido, o que gera grande importância para o trabalho do profissional obstétrico e de enfermagem. Objetivo: Determinar a frequência de reanimação neonatal em prematuros com menos de 32 semanas de acordo com o uso de neuroproteção com MgSO4. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo e observacional realizado em um hospital de Santiago de Chile. Foi realizada uma amostragem aleatória simples. Foram incluídos bebês prematuros com menos de 32 semanas de idade gestacional com ou sem tratamento com MgSO4 que exigia ou não a reanimação neonatal. Coletou-se informação de prontuários clínicos com um instrumento proprietário. Análise dos dados através da determinação das frequências absolutas e relativas das variáveis e sua comparação direta. Resultados: Do total dos RN que receberam MgSO4, 61,7% necessitaram de reanimação neonatal ao nascimento, dos que não receberam esse neuroprotetor, 52,8% necessitaram de reanimação neonatal. Conclusões: A frequência de reanimação neonatal foi maior em recém-nascidos com menos de 32 semanas de idade gestacional que receberam neuroproteção com MgSO4, situação semelhante em cada estrato de idade gestacional.

Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1292750


Introduction : Depuis mars 2020, les premiers cas de pneumonie causée par la maladie à coronavirus 2019 ont été signalés à Tizi-Ouzou. Les informations sur les caractéristiques cliniques et paracliniques des patients infectés nécessitant des soins intensifs sont limitées. L'objectif de ce travail est de décrire les caractéristiques des patients atteints de la maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) nécessitant une prise en charge dans une unité de soins intensifs au centre hospitalo-universitaire de Tizi-Ouzou. Matériels et méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive rétrospective, relevant les données cliniques et paracliniques, la prise en charge et l'évolution des patients. Les données ont été obtenues par examen des dossiers médicaux des patients atteints de Covid-19 admis aux soins intensifs au centre hospitalo-universitaire de Tizi-Ouzou entre le 22 mars et le 15 octobre 2020. Résultats : 119 patients ont été inclus dans l'étude, l'âge moyen était de 64 (34-88) ans, dont 79 (66%) étaient des hommes. La présence d'une comorbidité concernait 77% des patients et parmi ces derniers 63% étaient diabétiques. Tous les patients ont été admis pour insuffisance respiratoire hypoxémique avec un rapport PaO2 / FIO2 moyen de 170 (122-230), dont 97 (81%) avaient bénéficié d'une ventilation mécanique avec intubation orotrachéale. L'insuffisance rénale concernait 47% de nos patients, dont 12% avaient nécessité des séances d'hémodialyses. Le taux de décès était de 78%. Conclusion : L'identification des facteurs de gravité en pratique clinique semble importante à la fois pour mieux sélectionner les patients avant leur admission en réanimation, mais également pour améliorer la qualité de leur prise en charge une fois admis en réanimation.

Disease Management , COVID-19 , Resuscitation , Algeria , Emergency Medical Services
São Paulo med. j ; 138(4): 317-321, July-Aug. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1139705


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the knowledge of intensive care physicians in Turkey about COVID-19 and their attitudes towards the strategies and application methods to be used for COVID-19 cases that need to be followed up in an intensive care unit, and to raise awareness about this issue. DESIGN AND SETTING: The population for this descriptive study comprised clinicians working in a variety of healthcare organizations in Turkey who provide monitoring and treatment within the intensive care process for COVID-19 patients. METHODS: Data were collected online using a survey form on the SurveyMonkey website between April 20 and April 25, 2020. RESULTS: The mean age of the 248 intensive care clinicians participating in the study was 37.2 ± 13.7 years and 49.19% were female. High rates of classical laryngoscope use were observed, especially among clinicians employed in state hospitals. Among all the participants, 54.8% stated that they were undecided about corticosteroid treatment for patients who had been intubated due to COVID-19. CONCLUSIONS: Many medications and methods are used for COVID-19 treatment. All national science committees are attempting to create standard treatment protocols. For intensive care treatment of COVID-19 patients, many factors require management, and clinicians' experience is guiding future processes. We believe that this study will create awareness about this topic and contribute to the creation of standard treatment algorithms and the provision of better and safer healthcare services for this patient group.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Pneumonia, Viral/therapy , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Health Personnel , Coronavirus Infections/therapy , Turkey/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Critical Care , Pandemics , Betacoronavirus , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19
Rev chil anest ; 49(3): 388-396, 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510848


Our country, like the rest of the world, have been facing for a little more than three months, a pandemia caused by a new virus called "SARS-CoV-2", which spread started in Wuhan, China. As this virus has crossed all geographic boundaries, so has done with those related to human wellbeing. We have faced social, economic, epidemiologic, organizational, biologic and clinic challenges. The COVID-19, which is the name the World Health Organization (WHO) gave to the disease caused by this virus, uses to show clinical manifestations similar to those caused by a common flu in the vast majority of cases. Although there is a low percentage of patients who developed a severe clinical profile, that makes necessary an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission. This virus has the particular feature of being highly transmissible from one person to another by direct contact, droplets and aerosols generation. This has led the number of infected all around the world to grow in an exponential manner, which remains a real hazard for the available resources needed for personal and community protection. The natural questions that arise from this landscape are: what must be done if a COVID+ or suspected, presents a cardiac arrest (CA) and need cardiopulmonary reanimation (CPR)? Should RCP be started considering the patient prognosis and the resources shortage? It seems worthy to take the risk of becoming infected? Am I really at risk of becoming infected if I participate in performing the CPR maneuvers? Do I have to perform the RCP maneuvers following (ILCOR) guides that I already know or there are some differences? And what I am supposed to do if the CA occurs while the patient is in the prone position? This revision tries to find some of the answers for those questions, based on current publications and published recommendations so far. Certainly, those are scarce in this field and are subject to changes, at least for some months, while the scientific and medical community achieve the consolidated knowledge about the global clinic behavior of this new disease, COVID-19.

Nuestro país y el mundo lleva poco más de tres meses enfrentando una pandemia causada por un nuevo virus, el llamado SARS-CoV-2, cuya propagación se inició en Wuhan, China. Este virus ha atravesado todas las fronteras geográficas, así como las de aquellas áreas que componen el bienestar del ser humano. Nos hemos visto enfrentados a desafíos sociales, económicos, epidemiológicos, organizacionales, biológicos y clínicos. La enfermedad causada por este virus, llamada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) COVID-19, se caracteriza fundamentalmente por presentarse como un cuadro clínico parecido a la influenza en la gran mayoría de los casos, sin embargo, existe un porcentaje de ellos que cursa de manera grave, requiriendo cuidados críticos. Tiene, además, la particularidad de ser altamente transmisible entre las personas a través del contacto directo, generación de gotitas y aerosoles principalmente, lo cual ha llevado a un aumento exponencial del número de contagiados en el mundo, poniendo en jaque la capacidad de contar con el recurso necesario suficiente para la protección personal y de la comunidad. Surge naturalmente la interrogante: ¿Qué hacemos si un paciente COVID-19 + o sospechoso presenta un paro cardiorrespiratorio (PCR) y hay que iniciar maniobras de reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP)? ¿Debemos reanimarlo considerando su pronóstico y la escasez de recursos? ¿Qué probabilidades tengo de contagiarme si participo de las maniobras? ¿Es "costo/efectivo" arriesgarme al contagio? ¿Debo realizar la RCP de acuerdo a los estándares (ILCOR) hasta aquí conocidos o debo considerar modificaciones en el algoritmo? ¿Qué consideraciones debo tener si el PCR se presenta mientras el paciente está en prono? Esta revisión busca responder en parte algunas de estas inquietudes, basándose en la literatura y recomendaciones que hasta ahora se han comunicado. Ciertamente, esta es escasa y está sujeta a sufrir progresivos y permanentes cambios, al menos por un tiempo, mientras logramos consolidar el conocimiento del comportamiento clínico global del COVID-19.

Humans , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/methods , COVID-19/complications , Heart Arrest/therapy , Risk , Prone Position , COVID-19/prevention & control
Medisan ; 23(2)mar.-abr. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002633


Introducción: Los factores que influyen en que el paciente sobreviva luego de una reanimación cardiopulmonar hasta el alta hospitalaria no han sido descritos con certeza. Objetivo: Identificar los factores relacionados con la supervivencia al alta hospitalaria en pacientes que recibieron reanimación cardiopulmonar en un servicio de emergencias. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico de cohortes, prospectivo, en 76 pacientes que recibieron reanimación cardiopulmonar en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Emergentes del Hospital Provincial Docente Clínico-Quirúrgico Saturnino Lora Torres de Santiago de Cuba, de enero del 2016 a igual mes del 2018. Resultados: En el análisis univariado los factores que de manera independiente se asociaron a la supervivencia fueron el origen cardíaco (76,5 por ciento), el trazado electrocardiográfico de fibrilación ventricular-taquicardia ventricular sin pulso (64,7 por ciento), la no prolongación de la ventilación y la ausencia de sepsis (con 88,2 por ciento cada uno). Conclusiones: Se identificaron la recuperación neurológica y la no necesidad de drogas vasoactivas como los factores que influyeron directamente en la sobrevida hasta el alta hospitalaria

Introduction: The factors influencing in the survival of the patient after a cardiopulmonary reanimation up to the hospital discharge have not been described with accuracy. Objective: To identify the factors related to the survival at discharge in patients who received cardiopulmonary reanimation in an emergency service. Methods: An analytic cohorts prospective study was carried out in 76 patients who received cardiopulmonary reanimation in the Intensive Care Emergent Unit from Saturnino Lora Torres Teaching Clinical-Surgical Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba, from January, 2016 to same month of 2018. Results: In the univariate analysis the associated factors to survival in an independent way were the heart origin (76.5 percent), the pattern of ventricular fibrillation/ ventricular tachicardia without pulse (64.7 percent), the non-continuation of ventilation and the sepsis absence (with 88.2 percent each of them). Conclusions: The neurological recovery and unnecessary use of vasoactive drugs were identified as the directly influencing factors in the survival up to the hospital discharge

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Prognosis , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation , Survivorship , Heart Arrest , Prospective Studies , Intensive Care Units
Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 34(3)jul.-set. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093445


Introducción: La reanimación cardiopulmonar debe practicarse sobre toda persona en parada cardiorrespiratoria. Objetivo: Identificar el nivel de información sobre reanimación cardiopulmonar de médicos y enfermeras en una Policlínica Universitaria. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal en un universo de 64 médicos y enfermeras de la Policlínica Universitaria Rene Vallejo Ortiz, Manzanillo, en el periodo septiembre a noviembre del 2016. Se aplicó un cuestionario confeccionado por los autores, sobre reanimación cardiopulmonar, en base a las recomendaciones de la American Heart Association. Resultados: De un total de 64 trabajadores el 25 por ciento eran licenciadas en enfermería; 26,56 por ciento, médicos especialistas; 34,38 por ciento, médicos residentes y el 14,06 por ciento, médicos generales. La media de años de experiencia fue de 9,64. Tan solo el 20,31 por ciento de los encuestados resultaron en un nivel de información satisfactorio a predominio de los médicos generales, los cuales representaron el 38,46 por ciento del total de profesionales en ese nivel de información. La calificación profesional de los doctores en medicina demostró estar relacionada con niveles insatisfactorios de conocimientos no siendo así con la autopercepción de sentirse apto para llevar a cabo maniobras de RCP efectivas. Conclusiones: El nivel de información sobre RCP fue insatisfactorio en un porcentaje alto de médicos y enfermeras y este se relacionó con la calificación profesional no siendo así con la autopercepción de capacidades cognitivas para realizar maniobras de RCP(AU)

Introduction: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be performed on any person with cardiorespiratory arrest. Objective: To identify the range of information on cardiopulmonary resuscitation of doctors and nurses in a university polyclinic. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in a universe of 64 doctors and nurses from Rene Vallejo Ortiz University Polyclinic, in Manzanillo, from September to November 2016. A questionnaire on cardiopulmonary resuscitation, prepared by the authors, was applied. It was based on the recommendations of the American Heart Association. Results: Sixty four 64 workers formed the sample. 25 percent were bachelors in nursing, 26.56 percent medical specialists, 34.38 percent resident doctors and 14.06 percent general practitioners. The average number of years of experience was 9.64. Only 20.31 percent of the respondents resulted in a satisfactory range of information and general practitioners were the majority, which represented 38.46 percent of the total number of professionals in this level of information. The professional qualification of the doctors in medicine showed to be related to unsatisfactory range of knowledge. However, their self-perception of feeling apt to carry out effective CPR maneuvers is satisfactory. Conclusions: The range of information on CPR was unsatisfactory in a high percentage of doctors and nurses and this was related to the professional qualification, nevertheless the self-perception of cognitive abilities to perform CPR maneuvers is satisfactory(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Clinical Competence , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/methods , Heart Arrest/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Humanidad. med ; 18(2): 326-337, may.-ago. 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-953903


RESUMEN Fundamentación: la intervención de los anestesiólogos durante el preoperatorio de los pacientes con fractura del tercio proximal del fémur no queda reducida a la recopilación de datos científicos de carácter biológico, es una exigencia actual enfrentarse al paciente con una profunda comprensión de su esencia social y desde una posición humanista. Objetivo: determinar las condiciones sociales del sufrimiento de los pacientes con fractura del tercio proximal del fémur durante el preoperatorio. Método: se realizó un estudio de revisión sistemática cualitativa, con la información cualitativa descriptiva a través de la recolección, evaluación, verificación y síntesis de las evidencias existentes. Resultados: si está indicada la intervención quirúrgica, se asegura la prevención de la discapacidad en la población envejecida vulnerable o frágil con alto riesgo quirúrgico. La fragilidad como proceso dinámico produce la transición a mayor fragilidad y su vez conduce a un espiral de resultados adversos de salud con carácter multidimensional y progresivo. Discusión: la ética del cuidado destaca la importancia de valorar el sufrimiento del paciente, la necesidad y sensibilidad para responder de tal forma que se proteja al paciente y sus familiares de la sensación de aislamiento, abandono y discapacidad propios de la enfermedad. El cuidado es una actividad permanente y cotidiana de la vida de las personas, el cuidado por parte de los anestesiólogos incluye profesionalidad a lo cotidiano.

ABSTRACT Background: the intervention of the anesthesiologists during the preoperatory of the patients with fracture of the third proximal of the femur is not reduced to the summary of scientific data of biological character; it is a current demand to face the patient with a deep understanding of its social essence and from a humanist position. Objective: to determine the social conditions of the suffering of the patients with fracture of the third proximal of the femur during the preoperatory. Method: it was carried out a study of qualitative systematic revision, with the descriptive qualitative information through the gathering, evaluation, verification and synthesis of the existent evidences. Results: if it is suitable the surgical intervention.The fragility like dynamic process produces the transition to more fragility and its time it drives to a hairspring ofadverse resultsof health with multidimensional character and progressive. Discusión: the ethics of the care highlights the importance of valuing the patient's suffering, the necessity and sensibility to respond in such a way that is protected to the patient and its relatives of the isolation sensation, abandonment of the illness. The care is a permanent and daily activity of the life of people the care on the part of the anesthesiologists.

Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery ; : 22-2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741558


BACKGROUND: Cross-facial nerve graft is considered the treatment of choice for facial reanimation in patients with unilateral facial palsy caused by central facial nerve damage. In most cases, a traditional parotidectomy skin incision is used to locate the buccal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve. METHODS: In this study, cross-facial nerve graft with the sural nerve was planned for three patients with facial palsy through an intraoral approach. RESULTS: An incision was made on the buccal cheek mucosa, and the dissection was performed to locate the buccal branch of the facial nerve. The parotid papillae and parotid duct were used as anatomic landmarks to locate the buccal branch. CONCLUSIONS: The intraoral approach is more advantageous than the conventional extraoral approach because of clear anatomic marker (parotid papilla), invisible postoperative scar, reduced tissue damage from dissection, and reduced operating time.

Humans , Anatomic Landmarks , Cheek , Cicatrix , Facial Nerve , Facial Paralysis , Mucous Membrane , Skin , Sural Nerve , Transplants
Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery ; : 24-2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741556


Temporalis tendon transfer is a technique for dynamic facial reanimation. Since its inception, nearly 80 years ago, it has undergone a wealth of innovation to produce the modern operation. Temporalis tendon transfer is a relatively minimally invasive technique for the dynamic reanimation of the paralyzed face. This technique can produce significant and appropriate movement of the lateral oral commissure, more closely mimicking the normal side. The aim of this article is to review the technique of temporalis tendon transfer involving transferring of the coronoid process of the mandible with the insertion of the temporalis tendon via intra-oral and transcutaneous approach.

Mandible , Tendon Transfer , Tendons
Rev. chil. cir ; 68(3): 208-213, jun. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-787075


Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el protocolo de reanimación facial y determinar los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico de la parálisis facial. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectiva con todos los pacientes que ingresaron en el Hospital Clínico de la Universidad de Chile (HCUCH) y se sometieron al protocolo de reanimación facial, desde el año 2008 al 2014. Los resultados quirúrgicos se evaluaron según el protocolo de medición directa publicado por Mantkelow. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva para caracterizar la muestra y analítica para determinar el cambio en la excursión de la comisura labial como indicador de movilidad facial. Resultados: Desde el año 2008 hasta la fecha se han intervenido 21 pacientes, de los cuales 6 han completado su protocolo de tratamiento y período de seguimiento. La edad promedio fue de 35 años, el seguimiento promedio alcanzó los 22 meses. La excursión de la comisura labial postoperatoria promedio alcanzó los 12,8 mm, lo que significa una mejoría significativa, con un promedio de 7 mm respecto al preoperatorio. La excursión postoperatoria promedio del labio superior fue de 5,9 mm, lo que también constituye una mejoría significativa respecto al preoperatorio. Conclusiones: Existe una mejoría significativa en la movilidad facial en los pacientes sometidos al protocolo de reanimación facial. Si bien estos cambios pueden parecer pequeños en magnitud, implican un cambio profundo en la calidad de vida. Con el fin de optimizar resultados resulta esencial una terapia de rehabilitación especializada, con terapias individualizadas.

Background: The deformity caused by facial paralysis has important functional and psychological consequences. Aim:To report a face reanimation protocol and the results of surgical treatment of facial paralysis.Materials and methods: Prospective intervention of 25 patients aged 8 to 79 years (13 males) with facial paralysis, between 2008 and 2014. Surgical results were evaluated using measurements according to Mantkelow protocol. Results: Patients were followed for 22 months. Postoperative excursion of the labial commissure reached 12.8 mm, which was 7 mm better than before surgery. The postoperative excursion of the upper lip was 5.9 cm, which also represented an improvement. Conclusions: There is a significant improvement in facial movements in these patients subjected to the face reanimation protocol. Although changes are of low magnitude, they have an impact in their quality.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Facial Expression , Facial Paralysis/surgery , Quality of Life , Prospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Muscles/transplantation
Archives of Plastic Surgery ; : 73-77, 2015.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-103867


The latissimus dorsi flap is popular due to the versatile nature of its applications. When used as a pedicled flap it provides a robust solution when soft tissue coverage is required following breast, thoracic and head and neck surgery. Its utilization as a free flap is extensive due to the muscle's size, constant anatomy, large caliber of the pedicle and the fact it can be used for functional muscle transfers. In facial palsy it provides the surgeon with a long neurovascular pedicle that is invaluable in situations where commonly used facial vessels are not available, in congenital cases or where previous free functional muscle transfers have been attempted, or patients where a one-stage procedure is indicated and a long nerve is required to reach the contra-lateral side. Although some facial palsy surgeons use the trans-axillary approach, an operative guide of raising the flap by this method has not been provided. A clear guide of raising the flap with the patient in the supine position is described in detail and offers the benefits of reducing the risk of potential brachial plexus injury and allows two surgical teams to work synchronously to reduce operative time.

Humans , Brachial Plexus , Breast , Facial Paralysis , Free Tissue Flaps , Head , Neck , Operative Time , Superficial Back Muscles , Supine Position , Surgical Flaps
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-156688


Management of facial paralysis varies according to the cause, the extent and type of paralysis (total vs partial, unilateral vs bilateral) as well as the duration of paralysis. Facial nerve reconstruction including restitution of the facial symmetry and facial expression is a great surgical challenge. Considering the often disappointing results achieved with the currently available techniques, a continued search for alternative donor sites seemed appropriate. Numerous techniques for facial reanimation have been developed over time, with the ultimate goal being the restoration of both function and form. A case of post traumatic facial nerve palsy managed by reanimation with temporalis muscle lengthened by temporalis fascia is discussed.

Enferm. univ ; 11(2): 61-66, Abr.-jun. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1028432


Introducción: El recién nacido presenta después del parto, un periodo especial en el que se encuentra en un estado de alerta, tranquilo, en el que puede interactuar con su madre, reptar sobre su abdomen, desplazarse hasta el pecho e iniciar el amamantamiento de forma espontánea. Objetivo: Identificar las ventajas y desventajas de realizar el contacto piel a piel en la sala de partos. Material y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda de artículos de investigación publicados entre 2009 y 2014, en diversas bases de datos; se identificaron 40 artículos específicos, posteriormente se realizó el análisis de acuerdo a ventajas y desventajas. Resultados: Los beneficios encontrados fueron mayor duración en la lactancia materna, parto humanizado, disminución de la depresión posparto y una mejor termorregulación. Como desventajas se encontraron episodios aparentemente letales en el periodo neonatal (EALN), en donde los neonatos dejaron de respirar. Conclusiones: Se observó un número mayor de ventajas que desventajas en la implementación de esta técnica. Sin embargo, todos los artículos hacen referencia a lo necesario que es el realizar una adecuada valoración y determinar si el recién nacido se encuentra en condiciones de ser reanimado en el vientre de su madre, con el objetivo de evitar eventos adversos futuros.

Introduction: After delivery, the newborn can become alert and tranquil, interact with his/her mother, rest on her abdomen, move towards her breasts, and spontaneously initiate breastfeeding. Objective: To identify advantages and disadvantages of performing the skin to skin contact at the delivery room. Material and methods: A search in diverse databases was performed on research articles published between 2009 and 2014, identifying 40 which then were analyzed according to skin to skin contact advantages and disadvantages. Results: Benefits found were a longer breastfeeding, a humanized delivery, a decrease in post-partum depression, and a better thermoregulation. Among disadvantages were the neonatal apparently lethal episodes in which the newborn ceased to breath. Conclusions: More advantages than disadvantages were observed while implementing this technique. Moreover, all articles make references to the importance of performing and adequate assessment, and determine if the newborn is in conditions to be reanimated on his/her mother´s abdomen.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Postpartum Period , Infant, Newborn , Resuscitation , Mexico
Rev. cientif. cienc. med ; 16(1): 12-16, 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-738061


El paro cardiorrespiratorio es la vía final de una serie de condiciones y enfermedades graves. Motivo por el cual la reanimación cardiopulmonar es importante para la sobrevivencia y secuelas que podría tener en los niños que se encuentran en estado crítico. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar en conocimiento teórico y práctico sobre reanimación pediátrico a los residentes de la especialidad de pediatría del Hospital del Niño Manuel Ascencio Villarroel de Cochabamba. El método de estudio aplicado fue de tipo observacional descriptivo; cuya evaluación fue por tribunal especializado en resucitación cardiopulmonar pediátrico mediante una prueba estructurada y examen práctico con estaciones clínicas en muñecos simuladores. En cuanto los resultados se pudieron evidenciar que existe marcada deficiencia en conocimientos teóricos en las aéreas de resucitación cardiopulmonar básica, acceso vascular, arritmias y administración de medicación, en prevención de paro cardiorrespiratorio se observó buena respuesta en la mayoría de los participantes. En cuanto al grado de residencia los de primer año tuvieron mala respuesta en general, en cambio entre los residentes de segundo y tercer año no existe diferencia significativa. Finalmente se concluye que la mayoría de los residentes no han realizado cursos o capacitaciones sobre el tema; el rendimiento tanto teórico como práctico fue deficiente con marcada diferencia entre los residentes de primer año y superiores. Existe mucha deficiencia en manejo teórico practico de ventilación adecuada con máscara y bolsa, manejo de arritmias y también masaje cardiaco.

The cardiac arrest is the final outcome of a serial number of conditions and illnesses. For which reason cardiopulmonary reanimation is important for the survival and aftermath that it may have on children who are in critical condition. The aim of this work it was to evaluate the theoretical and practical knowledge about pediatric resuscitation in residents from pediatric specialty in the Niño Manuel Ascencio Villarroel Hospital from Cochabamba. A descriptive observational study was applied; whose evaluation it was performed by a specialized court in cardiopulmonary reanimation pediatric through a structural test and practical exam in simulators dolls from clinical stations. In the results it can be show that there is marked deficiency in theoretical knowledge about basic cardiopulmonary reanimation area, vascular access, arrhythmias and drugs administration; but the cardiorespiratory arrest prevention showed good response in most of the participants. Regarding the degree of residence, generally the freshmen had poor response, however residents between second and third year had no significant difference. Finally it was concluded that most of the residents had not realized courses about this topic; the theoretical and practical performance was deficient with marked difference in the freshmen and senior years, but no difference between the second and third year specialty. There is much theoretical and practical deficieney in the practice of adequate ventilation management with mask and bag, arrhythmias management and heart massage.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 13(4): 617-634, dez. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-571740


O artigo tem por objetivo questionar alguns discursos sobre os primórdios da estruturação do sujeito para, posteriormente, construir hipóteses sobre o que estaria em jogo na experiência do neonato prematuro na UTI. Para tal, à condição do organismo biológico e às intervenções médicas oporemos as funções da fala e da linguagem como determinantes do que será constituído como trauma. Além disso,discutiremos como abordar a questão do tempo nos processos de subjetivação levados a cabo pela criança.

The objective of this article is to question certain discourses regarding the beginnings of the structuring of the subject, in order to next construct hypotheses as to what is involved in the experience of newborn babies in an ICU. For this purpose, wewill compare the condition of the biological organism and medical interventions into the functions of speech and language as determinant of what will be constituted as trauma.We will also discuss how to approach the question of time in children’s processes of subjectivation.

L’article vise à mettre en question certains discours sur les origines de lastructuration du sujet pour ensuite construire des hypothèses sur ce qui serait en jeudans l’expérience du nouveau-né prématuré en réanimation néonatale. Á cette fin, onopposera les fonctions de la parole et du langage en tant que déterminants de ce quisera constitué comme traumatisme à l’état de l’organisme biologique et auxinterventions médicales. En outre, on discutera la façon d’aborder la question du tempsdans le processus de subjectivation mené par l’enfant.

El artículo tiene como objetivo cuestionar algunos discursos sobre los albores dela estructuración del sujeto, para posteriormente, construir hipótesis sobre lo que estaría en juego en la experiencia del neonato prematuro en la UTI. Para eso. a lacondición del organismo biológico y a las intervenciones médicas o pondremos las funciones del habla y del lenguaje como determinantes de lo que se constituirá como trauma. Además, discutiremos cómo abordar la cuestión del tiempo en los procesos de subjetivación llevados a cabo por el niño.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Child Development , Infant, Newborn , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Language , Personality Development