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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029780


Objective:To observe alterations of macular outer retinal reflectivity (ORR) and the associations with macular vessel density in patients with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR).Methods:A retrospective cross-sectional study. From August 2021 to March 2022, a total of 63 NPDR patients with 63 eyes (NPDR group) diagnosed by Department of Ophthalmology of Guangdong Provincial People'sHospital were included in the study. There were 39 males with 39 eyes and 24 females with 24 eyes. Age was 60 (52, 68) years. A total of 66 eyes of 66 healthy volunteers matching age and sex were selected as the control group. Among them, 40 men had 40 eyes and 26 women had 26 eyes. Age was 58 (52, 67) years. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCT angiography (OCTA) were performed in all affected eyes. Image J software was used to calculate ORR, including the optical density of ellipsoid zone (EZ), photoreceptor outer segment (OS), photoreceptor inner segment (IS) and outer nuclear layer (ONL) by OCT examination. The sampling sites were horizontal and vertical scanning of the fovea of the macula on 500 μm (nasal 500, temporal 500, superior 500, inferior 500), 1 000 μm (nasal 1 000, temporal 1 000, superior 1 000, inferior 1 000) and 2 000 μm (nasal 2 000, temporal 2 000, superior 2 000, inferior 2 000). The software automatically divided the retina within 6 mm of the macular fovea into the fovea with a diameter of 1 mm, the parafovea with a diameter of 1-3 mm, and the perifovea with a diameter of 3-6 mm by macular OCTA examination. The blood density of superficial capillary plexus and deep capillary plexus in different zones in the macular area were measured by the built-in software of the device. Spearman correlation analysis was used to analyze the correlation between ORR and blood flow density. Results:Compared with the control group, retinal reflectivity of EZ in NPDR group was significantly decreased at other sites except the fovea, retinal reflectivity of OS was significantly decreased at nasal 2 000, temporal 2 000, superior 2 000 and superior 1 000; retinal reflectivity of IS was significantly decreased at superior 1 000, superior 500 and inferior 500. The retinal reflectivity of ONL in macular fovea was significantly decreased, and the differences were statistically significant ( P<0.05). The ORR was positively correlated with blood flow density, and the correlation coefficient in NPDR group was lower than that in control group. The results of multifactor linear regression analysis showed that the superior and temporal ORR were correlated with blood flow density ( P<0.05). Conclusions:Compared with the control group, ORR is reduced and less correlated with vessel density in NPDR patients. ORR is more affected by retinal blood flow density in temporal and superior parts.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Aug; 70(8): 2877-2882
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224565


Purpose: To compare image characteristics of retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) between glaucoma patients and healthy controls using adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO). Methods: This was a cross-sectional pilot study with two groups: a glaucoma group with patients with moderate or severe glaucoma as per the Hodapp–Parrish–Anderson classification system and a control group with healthy individuals. The optic nerve damage in moderate glaucoma was predominantly located in only one hemisphere; the other hemisphere was un- or minimally affected on optical coherence tomography and automated perimetry and is referred to as early glaucoma. The structure of RNFL bundles and gain (%) in RNFL images with mean pixel values between 15 and 35 were analyzed. Imaging was performed one degree away from the optic disc margin at two and four cardinal clock positions in the glaucoma and control groups, respectively. The field of view was 1.3° at 2.3 ? resolution. We studied one eye per participant. Results: There were 11 glaucoma patients and 7 healthy controls. Imaging was successful at 88% of the locations in controls and early glaucoma; the reflectivity differed significantly (0.51 and 0.56, respectively, P < 0.001) but not the structure of RNFL bundles (Cohen’s Kappa 0.11) between them. In patients with moderate and severe glaucoma, imaging was successful only at 46% of the locations; RNFL bundles were not discernible, and RNFL reflectivity did not differ from those with early glaucoma (P < 0.11). Conclusion: The recorded gain (%) of RNFL images obtained using AOSLO could be an objective indicator of early glaucoma

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 27(4): 1265-1283, Oct.-Dec. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142992


Resumo O artigo apresenta os sentidos atribuídos por jovens rurais às vivências da sexualidade. Desde a perspectiva sociológica, seguindo as pistas analíticas da teoria da estruturação, realizamos uma pesquisa de ordem qualitativa, na qual ganha destaque a linguagem como meio de acesso à subjetividade dos depoentes. A investigação foi realizada em Orobó, Pernambuco, Brasil. Participaram 27 jovens estudantes, com idades entre 15 e 29 anos. Concluímos que, na orientação da vida sexual, mais do que os conhecimentos adquiridos no universo acadêmico por onde transitam, prevalecem crenças e valores adquiridos na comunidade rural durante a trajetória de vida desses jovens.

Abstract This article presents the meanings attributed to experiences with sexuality by rural youth. This qualitative study from a sociological perspective follows the analytical lines of structuration theory, highlighting language as a means of accessing the subjectivity of the interviewees. The research was conducted in Orobó, Pernambuco, Brazil and involved 27 students aged 15 to 29. We conclude that in terms of sexual orientation, the beliefs and values acquired in the rural community by these young people prevailed over knowledge they acquired in the academic universe during the trajectory of their lives.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Rural Population , Sexual Behavior , Sexuality , Brazil
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 42(2): 193-202, may.-ago. 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-637067


Los estilos cognitivos son definidos como estrategias habituales y estables que determinan los modos de percibir, recordar, pensar y solucionar problemas. El estilo cognitivo reflexividad-impulsividad hace referencia a la preferencia mostrada por las personas para responder rápidamente versus quien prefiere hacerlo de forma pausada para reducir el número de errores en tareas de resolución de problemas. La relación entre reflexividad-impulsividad y alto nivel de CI no está completamente aclarada. Nuestro objetivo fue conocer qué dimensión del estilo cognitivo reflexividad-impulsividad podemos considerar como característica propia de los alumnos con alto nivel de inteligencia psicométrica. Se evaluó el CI de 50 estudiantes de primaria y secundaria con la escala de inteligencia de Wechsler revisada para niños, así como su estilo cognitivo reflexividad-impulsividad con el test de Emparejamiento de Figuras Familiares. Asimismo, fueron evaluados con las Escalas para la valoración de las características de comportamiento de estudiantes superiores de Renzulli. Los resultados muestran que hay una mayor frecuencia de estudiantes con CI alto (superior a 130 en la escala de Wechsler) que manifiestan un estilo cognitivo reflexivo.

Cognitive styles are a stable attitudes, preferences, or habitual strategies that determine individuals' modes of perceiving, remembering, thinking, and problem solving. The impulsivity-reflectivity cognitive style refers preference for making responses quickly versus pausing to decrease the number of errors in problem-solving situations. Relationships between impulsivity-reflectivity and intelligence are still not clear. The aim of this project was to know what impulsivity-reflectivity dimension can be considered more common in gifted children assessed by a standard IQ test. 50 primary and secondary school children were assessed with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-r), the Renzulli Scale for Rating Behavioural Characteristics of Talented and Gifted Students, and the Matching Familiar Figures Test. Results suggest high IQ students (over 130 in WISC-r) were more likely to show a reflectivity cognitive style.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 10(1): 190-203, abr. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: lil-579928


Recorrendo ao conceito deleuziano de intercessor, o artigo visa a por em cena certa prática da História Oral como dispositivo epistemológico-narrativo de invenção. Os problemas que assediam os oralistas se prendem, hoje, menos a demonstrações de que as fontes orais devam gozar do prestígio associado a procedimentos científicos do que a uma singularização da História Oral enquanto crítica em ato aos cânones hierarquizantes no campo da pesquisa social - âmbito em que as contribuições de Alessandro Portelli se mostram decisivas. O livro Changer de société. Refaire de la sociologie, de Bruno Latour, permite fabricar uma intercessão adicional, pois a análise latouriana potencializa as proposições de Portelli quanto à forma de representatividade imanente à História Oral e ao valor diferencial da relação entrevistador-entrevistado no que tange à reflexividade

This paper, appealing to the concept of intercessor, aims to construct an Oral History as epistemological-narrative device of invention. Today the oralists don’t need to demonstrate the cientificity of Oral History; they need to use Oral History as a critic of hierarchical forms of classifying knowledges, and the contributions of Alessandro Portelli are decisive in that scope. In addition, the Bruno Latour’s book Changer de société. Refaire de la sociologie allows to create a new interception which potencializes Portelli’s contributions in order to rethink representativeness and reflectivity in social research

Humans , Psychology , History
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 22(1)ene.-jun. 2009. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-576629


El pterigión está presente a nivel mundial, pero es más común en climas cálidos y secos, predomina en países comprendidos entre 0º y 30º de latitud norte y sur. Existe evidencia epidemiológica en estudios poblacionales experimentales y observacionales que confirman que la radiación ultravioleta es el desencadenante inicial en la aparición del pterigión y un factor de riesgo significativo en su desarrollo. Los fenómenos físicos y climatológicos que explican la patogenia del pterigión son poco conocidos. La epidemiología del pterigión es una herramienta básica para conocer tanto su incidencia como su prevalencia. A partir de esta revisión nos propusimos reflexionar acerca del pterigión como marcador del grado de insolación del organismo y enfatizar en cuanto a la importancia de protección ante la posible exposición a la radiación ultravioleta en el resultado final de una cirugía de pterigión.

Pterygium is present worldwide but it is more common in dry warm climates and predominates in countries situated 0º and 30º on North and South latitudes. There are epidemiological pieces of evidence in experimental and observational population studies that confirm that ultraviolet radiation is the initial unleashing factor in occurrence of pterygium and a significant risk factor for its development. The physical and climate phenomena accounting for the pathogeny of pterygium are almost unknown. Pterygium epidemiology is a basic tool for identifying its incidence and prevalence. On the basis of this review, we intended to make reflections on pterygium as a marker of degree of insolation of the human body and to emphasize the importance of protection against possible exposure to ultraviolet radiations in the final outcome of pterygium surgery.

Humans , Ocular Physiological Phenomena , Pterygium , Ultraviolet Rays
Rev. adm. pública ; 43(1): 175-205, jan.-fev. 2009.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-510315


Este artigo apresenta a etapa fundamental e as conclusões de investigação previamente realizada. Chegou-se ao entendimento de que, por meio das narrativas (do ator central do caso estudado e de alguns dos seus principais interagentes) era possível aprender sobre as "experiências de articulação" dos mesmos. Mais que isso, as histórias também poderiam apoiar o aprofundamento ainda necessário (na investigação maior) das questões relacionadas a uma das indagações norteadoras da investigação:"quais são os interesses inerentes a esse tipo de articulação?" Ao observar a narrativa como fonte de aprendizado da experiência, foi possível aprender sobre o fenômeno investigado: a "articulação empreendedora de caráter reflexivo". Ao final, também é apresentada, como fruto da congregação das narrativas ao corpus linguístico constituído, uma tipologia dos principais interesses envolvidos nesse fenômeno.

This article presents the basic stage and main conclusions of an inquiry previously carried out. It was understood that through the narratives of the central actor and others (also important to the case) it was possible to learn about their 'articulation experiences'. Moreover, stories could also provide support for a necessary deepening (in a larger investigation) of one of the surveys major questions: 'which interests are inherent to this type of articulation?' On observing the narrative as a source of learning about the experience, it was possible to learn about the investigated phenomenon: the 'entrepreneurial articulation of reflective nature'. The article also presents, as the result of the congregation of narratives with a linguistic corpus, a typology of the main interests involved in this phenomenon.

Research , Narration , Methodology as a Subject